Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 65

Találatok száma: 2241


Dead Leaves

Horseback riding on dad, straddling
You watch the first dead leaves fall
Far from stress, that make our forehead wrinkle
When our innocence puts the key under the door
Since you got here did you know my child laugh
Is ringing again somewhere deep in me
Like an old friend, that I was no longer waiting for
Who comes back to party under my roof
In my head cheering, just like the New Year
A rocking chair, my childhood memories
Hello grandma, Happy New Year big nose
So many emotions since you were born
You know more we grow old, and it is sad
Wonder loses its feathers on the way
But you are a spark, who rekindles my fires
And everything within me that had long gone out
My bursts of laughter in the piles of dead leaves
Merbromin on my little knees
The school where i used my bottom
Slush puppie and the raspberry candies at one cent
All these images, a bit damaged
By my shipwrecks and the weight of the years
Relive under my hat, in the head of dad
Just like the maple syrup time after a long winter
if one day your carefree laugh of a child
Is carried away by tears
By death, or the I should have
Make you for a time lose your illusions
Remember that everything passes by so fast in life
The good and the bad that the wind brings us
And within each of us, hides well buried
Our bursts of laughter in the dead leaves

Várlak egy napsütéses napon

Várlak egy napsütéses napon
Esik az eső, de nincs felhő az égen
Lehet hogy egy könnycsepp volt a szemedből
Minden rendben lesz
Csodás gondolat érzem az édes nyári szellőt
Lehet hogy te sóhajtottál oly mélyet
Ne aggódj, majd megtaláljuk a módját
Én várlak, várlak egy napsütéses napon
El fogod űzni a felhőket
Én várlak egy napsütéses napon
Nélküled dolgozom kint az esőben
Egy párnak a fele vagyok egy egykutyás városban
Szükségem van rád, hogy elűzd innen a blues-t
Nélküled egy dobos lány vagyok, aki nem tudja a ritmust
Egy jégkrémes autó egy kihalt utcán
Remélem, úgy jössz, hogy itt is maradsz
Én várlak, várlak egy napsütéses napon
El fogom űzni a felhőket
Én várlak egy napsütéses napon
Kemény idők bébi, és azok jönnek, hogy elmondják mindenkinek
Biztosan, mint a falon lévő óra ketyegése
Biztosan, mint az éjszaka jön a nappal után
Te, mosolygós lány, reggeli fényt hozol szememnek
Felemelkedik a blues, amikor én felkelek
Remélem, úgy jössz, hogy itt is maradsz
Én várlak, várlak egy napsütéses napon
El fogod űzni a felhőket
Én várlak egy napsütéses napon

Monica Bellucci

Shawty is so high and sees love everywhere, ey ​​yeah
Shawty is so high and love everywhere, ey ​​yeah
Shawty is so high and sees love everywhere (no no), ey yeah
Shawty is so high and love everywhere, ey ​​yeah, yeah yeah.
Shawty has a part in the system
Shawty has a part in the system
Shawty calls me
Nokia 8210
She is in line in front of the boiler room
She is in line in front of the boiler room
She wants guest list, ey
She wants guest list, ey
She wants to Skepta Berghain
She wants to Skepta Berghain
She is so alone, wants a part, ey
She is so alone, wants a part, ey
Shawty Baby likes to hear A$AP
Shawty Baby likes to hear A$AP
And she dyes the hair green, ey
And she dyes the hair green, ey
Vintage Yves Saint Laurent
Vintage Yves Saint Laurent
And she always goes to Humana
In her room a katana
She wants to have a Molly in her drink
She wants to have a Molly in her drink
In her shottabag her heart, ey
In her shottabag her heart, ey.
Shawty feels so alone
And that's why she's throwing a part, oh no
Shawty feels so alone
And that's why she throws a part, no no
Never love from home (never love)
Never had love from home (no love), no no, no no, no no
Ey yeah, never love from home (no love)

The one you think I am

In the sunlight of a mystery
I unfurl my sails
and defy weather and time1.
And I am this background,
and I am this landmark
ruffled by the winds.
I listen to the talks
and I flash a smile
to these words I hear.
To the one who buys me,
to the one who sells me.
Here's to the tune of my language
and the names of my trees
and the love of my people,
those who enlightened me2
those [whose names are] etched in marble,
who shed their blood for us.
All those who bestowed
love upon me, and these brothers
who were strangers at first,
those whom I recognized
as soon as they showed up.
(But who might know that?)
To dispell doubts,
would that there was a sky,
whould that there was a song,
an ear to listen to
the secret of a voice,
the words of a child
who would tell over the roofs,
in the streets, on the roads
what happiness looks like,
[this happiness] I write about in the spring.
Would that there was a brother
to dispell doubts.
Would that there was a song,
an ear to listen to
the secret of a voice,
the words of a child
who would tell over the roofs
how unfit I am for you,
how different I am
from what you think I am3.
I changed crowns,
I changed flags
so many times in my life.
Do they even own a land,
do thay have children, do they love,
all those who talk about me?
Do they know where I'm from,
do they know where I'm going,
and what would they have done?
Who I was, who I am,
do you know it, my friend?
But what doesn't kill you
makes you stronger and bolder4.
Pain taught me,
and it's on my back I carry
a star5, a sorrow, a silence, a challenge.
But on my doorstep
I turn this into an opportunity,
I turn this into a gift,
may love take us
even higher.
(But who might know that?)
  • 1. since 'temps' can have both meanings, I assume using the plural implies he defies both
  • 2. I can't really hear what he sings and the transcription seems wrong, but I suppose 'semer' (sow) alludes to the knowledge and wisdom he's been granted by his folks
  • 3. frankly I don't understand what he's alluding to
  • 4. Ah well, now for a bit of social darwinism...
  • 5. ??? possible allusion to the soah ???
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

All I've Ever Known

Basking in the moonlight
It watches me from all sides
All I've ever known in the world
Mist of perfume
The quiet twilight of stone columns
All I've ever known in the world
This is my home
Here are my father, mother, and brother
A melding of power and antiquity
This is my home
The world of my everyday existence and dreams
And enjoyments
Anyone who doubts this
Must, of course, be wrong
Yes, I'm the Crown Prince of Egypt
And the faces of my ancestors are forever carved
Into all these walls
Invincible in the world
All I've ever known
All I've ever known
All I've ever known
Here you've found me
Moses, try to understand
That means, that means all I've ever known,
Ever dreamed of, is a lie
What are you talking about, you're our son
We love you
Why did you choose me?
It wasn't our choice
It was the will of the god's
This is your home, my son
You were a gift from the river, and it's long been known to all
That this is your home
Sure, you know the truth, but just forget it all
When the gods show us mercy,
Need we ask why?

When Everyone Lives On Love

When everyone lives on love
There won't be poverty and misery anymore,
Soldiers shall all become troubadours
But it's likely that we won't live to see it happen.

From the long road of life
Of dreams, of having fought,
Having loved and having lost
All we have left is a embittered demeanour.
When everyone lives on love
There won't be poverty and misery anymore,
Soldiers shall all become troubadours
But it's likely that we won't live to see it happen.

History has always been like this
And, in order to allow a period of love to come,
It's necessary for death to play its game.
What's the point, then, of having so much knowledge?
When everyone lives on love
There won't be poverty and misery anymore,
Soldiers shall all become troubadours
But it's likely that we won't live to see it happen.

Life is a road covered in blood
But we had to be there and walk it
Ploughing the old field
Let's prepare the earth for tomorrow.
When everyone lives on love
There won't be poverty and misery anymore,
Soldiers shall all become troubadours
But it's likely that we won't live to see it happen.


Internetes szerelem

Az interneten ismerkedtünk meg
És elkezdtem ragaszkodni hozzád, lassan-lassan
Az elején elutasító voltam,
De valami megfogott benned
Utolért a szerelem
Te ott, én itt
Csak puszikat küldünk
Egy érintésért, egy csókért
Ezért bármit odaadnék
Lassan-lassan hinni kezdtem benned
És reméltem, hogy jössz, jössz ide mellém
Egy egyszerű érintés, egy egyszerű ölelés
Megváltozna az életem, és a szerelem csak nagyobb lenne
Te ott, én itt
Csak puszikat küldünk
Egy érintésért, egy csókért
Ezért bármit odaadnék
Megírtam neked életem történetét
Egy netes oldalon
Meg az összes gondolatom
Nincs már semmi titkom

To whom should i go?

To whom should i go in my distress?..To whom should i go to in my frustration?
When a tear fall down my face.. When my laugh is loud
When my strength weakens.. And my world is closing down on me
To whom should i go?
To whom should i go when i want to talk about something that bothers me
When something small happens to my daughter or to my son
Or to my dad or if a day is suffocating my mom?
To whom should i extended my hand and pray to ease my concern
To Allah, the lord of the two worlds.

Not Lovers

Unthinkably beautiful eyes,
It hurts a little to remember them.
I know, one must not be jealous of you
But for some reason I think about you.
And only you understand me, hug me.
After all we're not lovers, not friends,
We're just you and me.
Who we are for each other - impossible to understand,
You are the sky, I am the earth under the sky.
After all we're not lovers,
not friends,
We're just you and me.
Who said that time cannot turn back?
I do not believe it.
Unthinkably cold thunderstorm
Soaked my soul and love.
I know, time cannot
come back
And we won't live these nights
During which you understand me, hug me.
After all we're not lovers,
not friends,
We're just you and me.
Who we are for each other - impossible to understand,
You are the sky, I am the earth
under the sky.
After all we're not lovers,
not friends,
We're just you and me.
Who said that time
cannot turn back?
I do not believe it.
In unison hot hearts
are beating,
But why then they
part apart
And promise to meet
someday again.
Who are we for each other?
There is no such word.
After all we're not lovers,
not friends,
We're just you and me.
Who we are for each other - impossible to understand,
You are the sky, I am the earth
under the sky.
After all we're not lovers,
not friends,
We're just you and me.
Who said that time cannot turn back?
I do not believe it.

Let me drink wine

Tra, la, la, la...
Don't tell me not to drink
let me drink this wine,
I say, don't tell me not to drink
that maybe one day
I'd want to do it and might not be able to,
because I lack happiness.
A child got lost,
track to Santa Eulalia,
a child got lost,
my goodness, Candelaria!
made her1 find God
and orbs2 I prayed for her.
  • 1. ''hicirmela'', what's that?
  • 2. Not sure
Just learning.

if you want me

if you want me
only me
ok, I will see
I know what you want
Now I'm here with you
in these circumstances
if you want me
only me
ok, I will see
I know what you want
Now I'm here with you
in these circumstances
but beware not to let me go
because I love you and I want you
but beware not to let me go
because I love you and I want you
your days won't rewind you
not a single step back
you're the one I strongly love
from a heart and soul
but if you want to leave
I won't tell you to stay
I will tell you to go away
you're the one I strongly love
from a heart and soul
but if you want to leave
I won't tell you to stay
I will tell you to go away
but beware not to let me go
because I love you and I want you
your days won't rewind you
not a single step back
don't challenge me with someone else
don't play around
come on
there's a hundred other men waiting in line
don't challenge me with someone else
don't play around
come on
there's a hundred other men waiting in line
but beware not to let me go
because I love you and I want you
your days won't rewind you
not a single step back
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت مكان طالما وضعت الرابط لها


Youth of Samarina

Oh you, young guerillas,
Youth of Samarina
Well, poor kids,
Youth of Samarina
Even though you got dirty.
Well, if you ever go up on the mountains
That are on the way to Samarina
Well, poor kids,
On the way to Samarina,
Even if you get dirty.
Well, do not shoot with your guns
Do not sing songs
Well, poor kids
Do not sing songs
Even if you get dirty.
And if my mother asks you,
As well as my poor sister
Well, poor kids
As well as my poor sister
Even though you got dirty.
Do not tell them I've died
That I'm dead for a while now
Well, poor kids
That I'm dead for a while now
Even though you got dirty.
Well, tell them that I got married
That I married to the deep soil
Well, poor kids
I got married to the deep soil
Even though you got dirty.


She eats bamboo shoots
Burns her life at both ends
Lives in a trailer
Her bicycle hangs on the wall
She’s not afraid of fish
Or sharks in the lagoon
She hides her American dollars
Inside her bathing suit
She eats rice, cookies
She picks coconuts
Wakes up at six in the evening
And goes to sit at Marin’bar
She collects sea-shells
She’s the cutest, the wisest
You won’t forget her face
She’s the cutest on the beach
At Marin’bar
If you like to see her
Just go and sit down
At Marin’bar
At Marin’bar
She’s there every night
Just go and sit down
When she was born there was nothing
No American soldiers
Nowadays she has friends
In every hotel there
At night, she comes home by car
She sleeps in a blanket
Between sister and mother
In her life there is no mystery
She eats rice and fish
She kisses every boy around
Wakes up at six in the evening
And sits down at Marin’bar
She’s the cutest, the wisest
She collects sea-shells
You won’t forget her face
She’s the cutest on the beach
At Marin'bar (refrain)
She eats rice and fish
She kisses every boy around
Wakes up at six in the evening
And sits down at Marin’bar
She’s the cutest, the wisest
She collects sea-shells
You won’t forget her face
She’s the cutest on the beach
At Marin'bar (refrain)
At Marin'bar


Look at me
I am not a good, loyal daughter to my parents
It will be very hard for me to be a gentle bride
I am unwilling
To pretend to be someone I'm not in order to get married
But if I
Go against the morals of my family,*
It would certainly bring grief to them all.
To what family does that girl belong?
Gazing at me
Why is my own shadow so unfamiliar?
No matter how I disguise myself,
I cannot conceal my true self.
When will I be able to see myself singing with my true heart?
When will I be able to see myself singing with my true heart?

Dreamlike holiday is waiting

Anna: I'm also excited, Olaf. Since ancient times it's the first Christmas in Arendelle.
Elsa: And by no means the last
Anna: Elsa, look, here they come!
Anna: These kind folks who we see here,
Surely have no clue about the surprise
And now happiness sheds smile on you,
If our bell jingles merrily
Elsa: Come, dress up today for the celebration!
Olaf: Uh, this is my smartest dress
Elsa: And the meal won't be bad either, it's a dream party/ball,
Where the chime is waiting only for you
Anna: It's a new, dreamlike holiday
Elsa: Because our door is opened
Anna: Yes, it's new, my little heart is trembling
Both: Because the holiday finds us today!
Isn't it a good feeling? Does it affect you too?
Elsa: The sweet Winter mood hugs you
Both: If your soul is already thirsty for the holiday
The bell comes and call you, it's good!
Olaf: Hey, there are Kristoff and Sven! And the Holiday Bell! But why am I so excited about it?
Elsa: Olaf, in Arendelle, the Holiday Bell indicates the beginning of Christmas.
Both: And now the chime asks for silence
In order to be heard by Arendelle!
Elsa: Old problems having passed, (now) we are standing here
Anna: To make up for everything that we couldn't experience!
Both: If the big bell rings, (then) finally dreamlike holiday is waiting for us!
Elsa: Let Christmas begin!

I'd love to be with you

Passing times I hold in my hand
and throw them to the sky,
They burn in the sun, they turn to ash,
I see them dying...
I'd love to be with you
You're all that I wish for
There are no words between us
to say what we feel,
In our looks and simple gestures
we understand because we love each-other
I'd love to be with you
You're all that I wish for
Words are not enough
to say how I love you...
When you're not here, there are cold shadows
hidden around me
I can't let you go again,
I'll keep you forever
I'd want to be with you
to say how I love you
You give me roses in the night
in rays
between flowers and petals,
you glow me with sweet whispers and carress me
I'd love to be with you
You're all that I wish for
Words are not enough
to say how I love you...
I'd love to be with you
You're all that I wish for
Words are not enough
to say how I love you...

Celebrating the Season (Reprise)

OLAF: I can’t wait!
ELSA: For what, Olaf?
O: For your family tradition! What is it? Tell me, tell me, tell me!
ANNA: Do we have any family tradition, Elsa? Do you remmember?
E: Well... If I can remmember:
I know it’s already passed, on this same day
The times when the Bell in Arendelle could be heard
We were so happy with our parents
Celebrating the Season, celebrating the Season
A: But the Christmas Bell was for the Kingdom. What about us?
E: When the gates were closed, we weren’t together anymore... I’m sorry Anna, it’s my fault that we don’t have a family tradition.
A: Wait, Elsa!

It's much too late

My thought is flying again to you
and memories hurt me.
What is good and what is bad?
Is it hard or easy to forget?
It's much too late
for our love.
It's much too late
and I can't forget you.
I've waited too much time,
too much tears have dried up.
It's much too late,
it's much too late for us two.
The pain burning between words
that's been said a long time ago
makes me wonder today
'Is it my fault? Is it yours?'
It's much too late
for our love.
It's much too late
and I can't forget you.
I've waited too much time,
too much tears have dried up.
It's much too late,
it's much too late for us two.
Too much days have passed above us
Will we have the courage to turn back the time?
It's much too late
for our love.
It's much too late
and I can't forget you.
I've waited too much time,
too much tears have dried up.
It's much too late,
it's much too late for us two.
It's much too late...

(Let's make ) an end and start over again

It all seems meaningless,
a big wilderness
my life, if you're not with me
to tell you all that I think
to tell you all that I wish
the words seem now quite a few
Who was the one to blame,
which one of us
me, or you, or us two?
Let's make
an end and start over again
let's get ready
for a new chapter
and let's lock
our sadness.
Today we're going to end,
To make an end and start over again.
If we made a mistake,
I want to forgive
and then forget
all that was
We've wasted to much time
with many questions
with no reason, love!
Let's make
an end and start over again
let's get ready
for a new chapter, a new road
If so many happy times
we've shared in two,
let's share together the blame
for the years, reconciliated,
two words are enough
and a sweet holding of the hand...
If we want, we can forget
about those long silences
and the doubt of yesterday...
Let's make
an end and start over again
let's get ready
for a new chapter
and let's lock
our sadness.
Today we're going to end,
To make an end and start over again.
If we made a mistake,
I want to forgive
and then forget
all that was
We've wasted to much time
with many questions
with no reason, love!
Let's make
an end and start over again
let's get ready
for a new chapter, a new road
a new chapter, a new road
let's get ready
for a new chapter, a new road

The money, the devil's eyes!

Anything today,
either good or bad,
every little thing
has its price.
Even love
can be bought
you can sell, if you want,
even your silence!
Today, the world is
the world of money
and everything is obedient
to their power!
The money, the devil's eyes
makes signs to anyone.
Today they're yours and tomorrow they're not
The money, the devil's eyes
You're not the one of yesterday
if today you have enough money
you've been changed unknowingly
by the money, the devil's eyes!
Anything today,
either good or bad,
every little thing
has its price.
Even love
can be bought
you can sell, if you want,
even your silence!
Today, the world is
the world of money
and everything is obedient
to their power!
The money, the devil's eyes
makes signs to anyone.
Today they're yours and tomorrow they're not
The money, the devil's eyes
You're not the one of yesterday
if today you have enough money
you've been changed unknowingly
by the money, the devil's eyes!
The money, the devil's eyes
makes signs to anyone.
Today they're yours and tomorrow they're not
The money, the devil's eyes
You're not the one of yesterday
if today you have enough money
you've been changed unknowingly
by the money, the devil's eyes!
The money, the devil's eyes!...

Who cares about me?

And if you wander
and if it feels hard
and you know that in life, nothing is easy,
who cares about you?
What remained today of my love?
Just the dream of yesterday
and although I still feel it's tear,
who cares about you?
In this uncaring world,
all that I had,
today, I lost
the bet with happiness
and if maybe tomorrow,
you'll suffer too,
I'll say as you:
'I little care about it!
I don't want, no!'
When the fight for love has ended
and you give up
with your soul hurt by dreams,
who cares about you?
Lonely between four walls,
what has remained
than screaming endless sadnesses?
Who cares about me?...
And if in my love it's too late...
And if in my love it's too late
and I feel so sorry now
that my train is rushing,
who cares about me?
If hope has avoided me,
who can I trust?
Although today, life lied to me,
who cares about me?
In this uncaring world,
all that I had,
today, I lost
the bet with happiness
and if maybe tomorrow,
you'll suffer too,
I'll say as you:
'I little care about it!
I don't want, no!'
If hope has avoided me,
who can I trust?
Although today, life lied to me,
who cares about me?
Lonely between four walls,
what has remained
than screaming endless sadnesses?
Who cares about me, about me, about me?...
Who cares about me?....


Some temptations are too great
Come with me on the way home from the office
Putting false tones over words
Singing a bitter melody
You don't ask me what I did
Why don't you see the traces
Do you hear the falsehood in the words
Screaming a bitter melody
Let me sleep
Until the barrier
Is torn down by hate
The rooms at home are too cramped
Alleys and back streets are too many
So the office's snake plays
Placed in the wrong category
At the office, there is no wrong side
I get more than I can ask for
Catch me if you can
There are no traps I fall in
Let me sleep
Until the barrier
Is torn down by hate
Oh, my dear shame! (you are my deceiver)
I deceive you, go
Let me use him (you are my deceiver)
I deceive you, oooh
You have fenced me in
Packed and caged me in
Hit me so I can go
Lock up and be alright
Some sleep while life is teaching
Some awake first when it cuts them
Listen close to what I'm explaining
Now I must break myself free
Let me sleep
Until the barrier
Is torn down by hate
Oh, my dear shame! (you are my deceiver)
I deceive you, go
Let me use him (you are my deceiver)
I deceive you, oooh
You are my deceiver
Vitorino, go
You are my deceiver
Vitorino, go
Let me sleep
The breath of someone new
Intoxication that never hurts
Like this life now
Let me sleep
Until the barrier
Is torn down by hate
Oh, my dear shame! (you are my deceiver)
I deceive you, go
Let me use him (you are my deceiver)
I deceive you, oooh

Love, give me wings to fly

I have lost as usually happens
when you don't get the game of love
I've made a mistake and that's why I lost,
but maybe I'll find a new start.
Love, give me power to fly
and heal my broken arrow
and from your infinity,
give me one more second
Love, give me wings to fly
to the sky of my dreams
to grow high above them,
Love, give me wings to fly!
To grow high above them,
Love give me wings to fly!
I have lostwhen from all, I've chose
two eyes that smiled to me, but I didn't understood them
I have lost when I believed in words,
but maybe I'll find a new start.
Love, give me power to fly
and heal my broken arrow
and from your infinity,
give me one more second
Love, give me wings to fly
to the sky of my dreams
to grow high above them,
Love, give me wings to fly!
To grow high above them,
Love give me wings to fly!
Love, give me power to fly
and heal my broken arrow
and from your infinity,
give me one more second
Love, give me wings to fly
to the sky of my dreams
to grow high above them,
Love, give me wings to fly!
To grow high above them,
Love give me wings to fly!

I can't forget you

In every moment,
I remember you
and at every hour
that goes over me
takes from my soul
deep bad feelings
I'm lonely, it's night time
and it feels so hard
I can't forget you,
I can't forget the look in your eyes
I can't forget you,
I can't believe that I won't be yours
even if life will change us,
even if I won't see you again
I can't forget what was between us
No, I can't forget you!
In every evening,
I walk alone the street
and I gather tears in my eyes
there's no one to see you
and I think of you
what are you doing now?
Will you remember me
or it all turned to ashes?
I can't forget you,
I can't forget the look in your eyes
I can't forget you,
I can't believe that I won't be yours
even if life will change us,
even if I won't see you again
I can't forget what was between us
No, I can't forget you!
Maybe the time that passed
has calmed us, is maybe enough for us
Should we be like two strangers?
Do we love each-other?
I can't forget you,
I can't forget the look in your eyes
I can't forget you,
I can't believe that I won't be yours
even if life will change us,
even if I won't see you again
I can't forget what was between us
No, I can't forget you!
I can't forget you,
I can't forget the look in your eyes
I can't forget you,
I can't believe that I won't be yours
even if life will change us,
even if I won't see you again
I can't forget what was between us
No, I can't forget you!
No, I can't forget you!

Lilac Princess

Look, there are jewels on the shiny bottom of the night
Look at how the meadow is glowing soft and bright
Look at the silver covered silhouette of the proud birch trees
High above them, the Big Dipper is prepared
The borders of the Milky Way are open
Let's leave this place for a while
Lilac princess
The full moon is white
There are ties binding the both of us
No one knows freedom completely
Here, there are no rules, here, we can let things grow
The things we've only been extinguishing for so long
We only have to answer to one another
Together, let's steal some time
Lilac princess
The full moon is white
We only have to answer to one another
Together, let's steal some time
Lilac princess
The full moon is white
The full moon is white
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

We Welcome the Holiday

So everything's prepared and no one knew
We planned a party as a surprise
The hall will be filled with joyous laughter
And a ringing bell will announce the holiday
The years have passed, it's time to get dressed
I'm so fancy and excited
So we'll celebrate in the castle together, not separately
We hope they'll reward us by dancing
And we'll celebrate for the first time here
Since the gates were opened up
Yes it's today, we'll celebrate here for real
And all of our friends with us
Joy in the castle, joy in our hearts as well
Because the holiday keeps getting closer
And we'll start the party very soon
We wish to invite you in
And now it's time to ring
All around Arendelle
It's finally starting and today it'll happen
And we'll make up today for all that we've missed
With open arms we welcome this holiday

We'll get the holiday (Reprise)

Well, I remember that...
That holiday, a bell rang
And its sound was heard all around Arendelle
How we all were happy this holiday
When the winter arrived
When the winter arrived

Celebrate the Season

ANNA: Wow! Hello!
OLAF: Hello!!!
A: Olaf! Not yet...!
ELSA: Anna’s right. Our surprise party only starts after the Christmas Bell rings.
O: Sorry but waiting is making me crazy! Thank you.
A: I am excited too Olaf! This is the best Christmas Arendelle has ever had.
E: The first of many to come.
A: Elsa! Look! They’re here!
They’re coming, fathers, mothers and sons
They’ll see this party will be awesome
The ballroom will turn special
To Celebrate the Christmas Season
We have to dress to impress
With this matching bow
We’ll toast until the sky darkens
To celebrate the season, you and me
It’s the first Christmas in forever
With the gates wide open
And it’s the first Christmas I remember seeing
And it was worth waiting
Look around, unparalleled day
The joy is really in the air
We’ll guest each and everyone
To celebrate the season, me and you

Play Marriage

I promise, I won't forget you
I promise, I won't lose
My taste for diving
Into your fleeting eyes
For drowning all of my worries
(I will) I'll play marriage
(I will) I'll swim against the current
(I will) I'll steal the sky for you
(I will) And support you
Steps, dreams, arms and embraces
Mouths and kisses
Lives, plans, twists and turns
Skin and scents
Toty Sa'Med
We can enjoy it
And then leave it behind
This morning, this 'go, wait, come'
That holds us up
Within you I want to find an entire wildfire
(I will) I'll play marriage
(I will) I'll swim against the current
(I will) I'll steal the sky for you
(I will) And support you
Steps, dreams, arms and embraces
Mouths and kisses
Lives, plans, twists and turns
Skin and scents
Steps, dreams, arms and embraces
(I will)
Lives, plans, twists and turns
Skin and scents
(I will)
I will, I'll play marriage
Play marriage

Elveszett fiú

Versions: #2
Most nézz meg engem, most ne,
Ne kérdezd hol vagyok
Mert millió mérföldekre vagyok lekezelve,
mint egy tiltott sarok.
Ne mond, hogy a gondolataim nem valósak
Vagy nem láthatsz engem újra.
Itt vagyok, vagy ott vagyok,
Vagy talán a lépcsőn játszok?
A szobámba vagyok a játékaimmal?
Én vagyok az elveszett fiú.
Amikor zsúfolt szobákban sétálok
Úgy érzem mintha ez lenne a sorsom.
Tudom, hogy nem tartozok
ebbe a szobába. Látom az övé,
Látom az övé és vele van.
Megfordulok és elmentem.
Nem hív fel engem, mert nem vagyok otthon,
Az én hollétem most ismeretlen.
Eltűntem az összes örömödből,
Én vagyok az elveszett fiú.
Megvannak a kétségeim
Arról, hogy hol lehetek,
Ez már elgondolkodtató dolog.
Nem hív fel engem, mert nem vagyok otthon,
Az én hollétem most ismeretlen.
Eltűntem az összes örömödből,
Én vagyok az elveszett fiú.

Prince Ali

Outta the way for Prince Ali!
Say 'Hi' to Prince Ali!
Fast will be boasted on the City Bazaar
Make room, thick block, Because the wonderful
Star from the desert is now within reach!
Dodges! What a day! Applause! Bang!
A hero like everyone likes!
Prince Ali Goody like never! Ali Abawa!
Be submissive! Come on, idiot! Go on your knees!
He will cast you under his spell!
Pull on the sunday kaftan!
Because his team breaks the wildest fantasy!
Prince Ali Muscles like never! Ali Abawa!
A Colossus from where does he take the Energy?
His bravery is everywhere know!
His sword is sharp and rapid
But the sharpest in the Land is Prince Ali!
He brings 200 golden camels,
50 peacocks with color guarantee!
His collection is highly recommended!
He has a zoo! Man nowhere can you see such a menagerie!
Prince Ali sexy like never! Ali Abawa!
This strength how it makes me done! Get soft knees!
The Guys isn't bad!
That's why draw rightly your veils!
And jump right into the fight for Prince Ali!
He is bringing snow white Apes from China!
Alis gallantry borders on mania!
He is having slaves, Lackeys and servants!
Thay are living for him, pray for him
How they kneel with discipline in front of Ali!
Prince Ali, brave like never! Ali Ababawa!
With respect probably the most perfect match!
He heard that Jasmine was free and that's why he looks over!
He has the elephants and lamps
and bears and lions, trumpets and more!
The 40 fakirs, the cooks, the bakers, the singing hummingbirds!
Cheers to Prince Ali!

Ring in the Season Bulgarian

Look outside! There's no way
they can know about our plan for Christmas.
Joyful laughter will echo in this winter night
and we'll have a celebration. Splendid!
You're so cute with a lovely new suit.
I haven't been handsomer, have I?
I propose a toast, guests are coming from north and south.
We'll have a celebration here.
It's the first time we'll celebrate.
We're opening the door once again.
Ah, there will be a celebration here for the first time.
And we feel the cheer.
And a wonderful ring (Wonderful ring)
echoes everywhere. (echoes everywhere.)
Christmas magic is sparkling in us.
When dinner begins - come, don't stand!
There's a feast with countless guests.
The moment came again and bells
are ringing boundlessly in Arendelle.
I've been awaiting the magical hour
to warm the hearts after the winter frost.
And everything shines again.
Today we'll have a holiday for us.