Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 66

Találatok száma: 2241


Egy Gyűrű

Három Gyűrű ragyogjon a tünde királyok kezén,
Hét a nemes törpök jussa, kiknek háza cifra kő,
Kilencet halandó ember ujján csillantson a fény,
Egyet hordjon a Sötét Úr,szolganyájat terelő,
Mordor éjfekete földjén, sűrű árnyak mezején.
Egy Gyűrű mind fölött,Egy Gyűrű kegyetlen,
Egy a sőtétbe zár, bilincs az Egyetlen
Mordor éjfekete földjén, sűrű árnyak mezején.

Active Principle

You could even try
But I'm not sure if you would dare enter
A world ruled by the Moon
By the Moon...
She called me out for a dance
Set a date and a place with me
Right in the blind spot where the river bends
She told about the active principle that forms her
A sweet mystery being unveiled
That she takes in her pulse all the seasons
Closing her eyes so she can see
You could even try
But I'm not sure if you would dare enter
A world ruled by the Moon
By the Moon...
She told about the active principle that forms her
A sweet mystery being unveiled
That she takes in her pulse all the seasons
Closing her eyes so she can see
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Thanks anyway

I speak then that I do not know anything
I evaporate, I flee mine
Feelings I hardly know
Blood shots, my bad genes
And for this moment
thanks anyway
I will rethink when I kill time,
Drag my chains
And my cries of child
thanks anyway
thanks anyway
I only knew a fragile sky
Often disappointed, sometimes hostile
From my torments, my hands are full
Blood shots, my bad genes
And for this moment
thanks anyway
I will rethink when I kill time,
Drag my chains,
And my cries of child
thanks anyway
thanks anyway
I will kill time
Lose my chains
thanks anyway
thanks anyway

You are my tomorrow

All the roads are leading me to you, to love you, to dedicate myself to you, to give you my heart and my name, to be one body.
Red roses I'll scatter under your feet, to lead you towards me, to be with me everyday, so i'll give all my love in my heart for you, and to be right beside you in moments of happinness and pain.
You are my tomorrow, you are my whole world,
To your magic i come to love and give in this sacred moment, and you whispered to me your pledge/ oath for our eternal love, like a love song.
You are so happy to see me in my wedding gown,
and i am here to give all my love for you and to be with you in moments of happines and moments of pain.


You're not an actor, not a celeb, not a singer,
Not a model, not fit, you know no one, you're unknown,
It's good that there's only one like you.
You don't open up, you don't wanna listen,
You don't go with it, you don't buy, don't sell, don't respond,
As if it all passes by you.
But despite it all you're different,
You're different, not like anyone else.
And there's only one thing that you do,
That you do best.
You drive my head insane, my heart insane,
My head insane, my heart insane,
I don't know what to do with you...
(Mess, mess, mess,
I want, I want this mess!
Mess, mess, mess,
You do to me, what you do to me...)
You're average, not smart, not dumb,
No less, no more, you're not giving up, not captivating,
All in all you're just another person.
But despite it all you're different,
You're different, not like anyone else.
And there's only one thing that you do,
That you do best.
You drive my head insane, my heart insane,
My head insane, my heart insane,
I don't know what to do with you...
Come on!
Mess, mess, mess,
I want, I want this mess!
Mess, mess, mess,
You do to me, what you do to me...


A little star
found aside
A flower dry
the blue little star
That free in the sun
was growing on fields
But as I took her,
from the grass she sang:
'A delicate flower
that caresses my life
and that always is reminding me:
Forget-me not, forget-me-not, forget-me-not
A delicate flower
that caresses my life
and that always is reminding me:
Forget-me not, forget-me-not, forget-me-not'
She's gathering in the sea
and the wind is blowing
and the sun doesn't want
to show his teeth
The life of the man so sad it would be
if from hundred of flowers didn't exist
A delicate flower
that caresses my life
and that always is reminding me:
Forget-me not, forget-me-not, forget-me-not
A delicate flower
that caresses my life
and that always is reminding me:
Forget-me not, forget-me-not, forget-me-not
Let her bloom,
forest and field,
Why are we struggling
to ruin the Earth
if we can have the power from above,
I'd sow the earth
just with flowers...
With a delicate flower
that caresses my life
and that always is reminding me:
Forget-me not, forget-me-not, forget-me-not
A delicate flower
that caresses my life
and that always is reminding me:
Forget-me not, forget-me-not, forget-me-not

I Pretend I Don't See

Everything is wrong, you were a mistake
I was thinking you were the one but I made a mistake
I was thinking I found love but I made a mistake
It was nice while it lasted, I know you liked it too
But the glass overflowed* when someone else kissed you
Look where you want, I'll pretend I don't see
Hands covering my face, pretending that I don't see
I'll pretend that I don't see
I'll pretend that I don't see
I'll pretend that I don't see who you really are
And I know you aren't the one who looked at me in the eyes
Upside down, everything is upside down
Like it's 4 and a shop is full
I fell asleep on Monday and woke up on Saturday
I have all the the skills for anything, you don't care what I'll say
Because of that I won't see you either
Do whatever you want, I don't think I can take it anymore
Hands covering my face, pretending that I don't see
I'll pretend that I don't see
I'll pretend that I don't see
I'll pretend that I don't see who you really are
And I know you aren't who I saw with my eyes anymore
I'll pretend that I don't see who you really are
And I know you aren't who I saw with my eyes anymore
Don't look at me
I'll pretend that I don't see
I'll pretend that I don't see

It beckons for celebration

A: Do we have a tradition, Elza?
Do you remember such a thing?
E: Well, I remember just that...
It's already an old picture, a big bell rings
This sound resounds with such a brave heart
I do not remember very much else,
Just that it beckons for celebration,
How it beckons for celebration.
A: But the Holiday Bell is the kingdom's (tradition). What is ours?
E: After the closing of the gates, we hadn't been together.
A: Elsa...
E: Forgive me, Anna. We don't have family traditions, because of me.
A: Wait, Elsa...


Once upon a time
A boy and a girl
Unsuitable, so they said
She was shameful
He, the craziest of his class
Minus and plus attracted
In this love film of theirs
His parents wanted a breakup
They saw a memory
Everyone wanted an ending
And, maybe, nobody thought
In our film, at the beginning
Our love was like a debut
The both of us, we happened unforeseen
And, maybe, nobody thought
In our film, at the beginning
Our love was like a debut
The both of us, we happened unforeseen
They asked how, really
A moon and a sun
Met in the same sky
You, a spring flower
Me, the autumn leaves
Our love, a mystery
The years passed like a wind
The clouds stayed above the ground
We remained with the feeling
Like at the beginning
And, maybe, nobody thought
In our film, at the beginning
Our love was like a debut
The both of us, we happened unforeseen
And, maybe, nobody thought
In our film, at the beginning
Our love was like a debut
The both of us, we happened unforeseen
Nobody can break up
Stars from their skies
We had the same fate
We flew above the clouds
I would renounce what is mine, for us
I would take you into a place where there is only sun
You painted mt heart in colors
Come on, let's run away in this big world
And, maybe, nobody thought
In our film, at the beginning
Our love was like a debut
The both of us, we happened unforeseen
And, maybe, nobody thought
In our film, at the beginning
Our love was like a debut
The both of us, we happened unforeseen
And, maybe, nobody thought
In our film, at the beginning
Our love was like a debut
The both of us, we happened unforeseen
And, maybe, nobody thought
In our film, at the beginning
Our love was like a debut
The both of us, we happened unforeseen

The moonlight shines on me

The bright golden color lingers in the roadside trees
While I was gazing at the setting sun I was absorbed by your eyes
Your warmth remained in my arms
In the times that I feel the coldness of the night I embrace your shadow
As the moonlight shines on me my love for you stirs in me
As my feelings rise in the autumn winds I want to convey them to you in words
As the dyeing setting sun shines on me a light is lit in my heart
I wonder if I stretch my hand would it reach the moon that glows white
Since some time ago my feelings for you have changed
The moon is visible in the dusk and the light in my heart wells up
As the moonlight shines on me I set up the seashells
As I look for a shooting star I shall cry your name
The moonlight pours down like sunlight filtering through trees​
The floating clouds in the sky want to conceal the moon
I looked up at the sky and joined my hands
Being unable to say anything I just embraced you
As the moonlight shines on me my love for you stirs in me
As my feelings rise in the autumn winds I want to convey them to you in words
As the dyeing setting sun shines on me a light is lit in my heart
I wonder if I stretch my hand would it reach the moon that glows white

Sehol rádió

Megpróbáltam megtalálni a hazavezető utat
De csak egy zúgó hangot hallottam
ahogy lepattan egy műholdról
Szétzúzva az utolsó magányos amerikai éjt
Ez a sehol rádió
van bárki élő odakint?
Ez a sehol rádió
van bárki élő odakint?
Körbe-körbe, semmi tárcsahang
Csak egy újabb elveszett szám egy aktában
Letáncol egy sötét lyukba
Csak egy olyan világot keresek
ahol némi lélek is van
Ez a sehol rádió
van bárki élő odakint?
Ez a sehol rádió
van bárki élő odakint?
van bárki élő odakint?
Csak egy kis ritmust akarok hallani
Csak egy kis ritmust akarok hallani
Csak egy kis ritmust akarok hallani
Csak egy kis ritmust akarok hallani
Akarok ezer gitárt
Akarok dübörgő dobokat
Akarok egy millió különböző hangot
akik nyelveken szólnak
Ez a sehol rádió
van bárki élő odakint?
Ez a sehol rádió
van bárki élő odakint?
van bárki élő odakint?
Vezettem, át a ködös esőn
Keresve a rejtélyes vonatot 1
Átbunyózva magam a vad kékségen
Hogy kapcsolatba léphessek veled
Ez a sehol rádió
van bárki élő odakint?
Ez a sehol rádió
van bárki élő odakint?
van bárki élő odakint?
Csak egy kis ritmust akarok érezni
Csak egy kis ritmust akarok érezni
Csak a ritmusodat akarom érezni
Csak a ritmusodat akarom érezni
Csak a ritmusodat akarom érezni
Csak a ritmusodat akarom érezni
Csak a ritmusodat akarom érezni
Csak a ritmusodat akarom érezni
  • 1. Utalás a Mystery Train c. számra, amit pl. Elvis Presley is feldolgozott

Love Song

'What's wrong', that sort of question, eh?
It is only after then that you can fall apart
I thought it would be better forever
As for strength, it's a nasty animal
With only a love song I walked alone
I'm not that sort of sweet child
I'll switch to the next train
I spat it out, threw it away and walked away
I listen to that sort of song
What will come of it? I want help
Now and later
Whenever we're too late
With only a love song I asked alone
The world isn't that sweet
I returned down the road while being shaken
I pretended not to know strangers
Ears blocked with my earphones
I don't see it flicker
It disturbing the growing image
Destroying everything
Real things, where where they hidden?
With only a love song, I became alone
The world isn't singing love yet
I got on the last train
I'm not that sort of sweet child
With only a love song I walked alone
I spat it out, threw it away and walked away
Hope this helped! :D

Ring in the Season (Reprise) Slovene

It was long ago
The bell was playing
And was ringing through Arendelle!
This feeling still today keeps moving me!
There announced the celebration!
There announced the celebration!

Everything I need

Balance to the sky
The court is the only thing I know
Only one thing I need
This marble
[Which] smells like incense
[And] this Gordian temple
Is everything I need
That's my home
There is my brother, father, mother,
Every stone, it's all there
There are my things,
My place, my entire world
My ancestors lived there
And now it's my turn
I am the Prince of Egypt*
I'm the son who passes the faith
I'm proud of these [things]
[And] I know that this is everything I need
Everything I need {2x}
This is the home that you know
The river wanted you and saved you
I told you the truth, be happy that you're here
Your fate is a gift from heaven
Be thankful for it
You said 'keep it up!' So I did.

Mi betegek vagyunk

Egy gengszter vagy, én meg egy jó kislány
Az emberek nem ismernek minket
Az emberek nem emlékeznek ránk
Az emberek elfelednek minket
Mi betegek vagyunk
Elveszett, poros
Kifordulunk magunkból
Kiugrik elsőnek
Maga a tett
Megmarad a szerelem egyik formája
A szerelmed mérgező
De valahogy még tart
még tart
Te a kedvenc helyünkön vagy
Itt vagyok a lapok között
Írom a dalt rólunk
Két beteg
Nem mondjuk el senkinek
Mi fáj nekünk
Mi fáj nekünk
Két beteg
Nem mondjuk el senkinek
Nem, nem...
Egy gengszter vagy, én meg egy jó kislány
Az emberek nem ismernek minket
Az emberek nem emlékeznek ránk
Az emberek elfelednek minket
Mi betegek vagyunk
Mi más világban élünk
Nekünk más nem mond meg semmit
Nekünk más nem szab meg semmit
Micsoda élet... Szeretem ezt az életet!
A szerelmed mérgező
De valahogy még tart
Még tart
Te a kedvenc helyünkön vagy
Itt vagyok a lapok között
Írom a dalt rólunk
Két beteg
Nem mondjuk el senkinek
Mi fáj nekünk...


Gelidi occhi mi fissano da dietro, come un bianco trifoglio
Continuo a nascondermi
Mi stai sopraffando
Freddi cuori con niente altro dentro, mi sento morto
Non c'é più nulla da dire
Ho il cuore spezzato
Non dirmi che il mio amore non è abbastanza
Non dirmi che il mio cuore non è abbastanza per stare con te
Non vedi che sto morendo dentro?
Non vedi che sto impazzendo a causa tua? Addio, sto tremando
Occhi pieni di lacrimi mi fissano
In questo modo é ancora più dura
Tristi ricordi dal passato, perchè ho sofferto?
Troppo stanco per tirare avanti, ho perso il mio scopo
Continuo a nascondermi da me stesso
Mi sento così inutile
Non dire adesso che non puoi vivere senza di me
Non dirmelo perchè non hai nemmeno provato a stare con me
Non vedi che dentro soffro immensamente?
Non sai quante volte ho pianto a causa tua, addio
Sto tremando
Non dirmi che il mio amore non è abbastanza
Non dirmi che il mio cuore non è abbastanza per stare con te
Non vedi che sto morendo dentro?
Non vedi che sto impazzendo a causa tua? Addio, sto tremando

Paperman's daughter

Don't bother trying, so you won't be disappointed
Those were the intructions and that's that
I've always done everything
Like I've been told
Still I felt I'm not good enough
Last Tuesday, two o'clock, it rained, I realized
Things might turn for the better
I listed to the rain
Paperman's daughter
My heart is only half-full
Paperman's daughter
A ragged life goes on
I can see from this rainy street
A piece of sky
It is hard to
To confess to yourself
That you are afraid, that you don't know
I'm starting to anticipate
What is it like to venture
When you don't let others to lead
Paperman's daughter
My heart is only half-full
Paperman's daughter
A ragged life goes on
They told me
Things work that way
Don't be mad, it won't change
It is wrong, it is wrong
Paperman's daughter
My heart is only half-full
Paperman's daughter
A ragged life goes on
I can see from this rainy street
I can see from this rainy street
A piece of sky

Story of fishing

A small Gaspesien fisherman
Followed his dad every morning
Fifteen and a half and already has sea legs
Under the glow of an old lantern
Accompanied by the stars
Took off the wind in the sails
Every day his father would tell him
When they pulled up the nets
There are so many fish in the St. Lawrence
That we will have until the end of time
At the end of 40 seasons
The father of reason
Decided to throw the anchor for good
The small Gaspesien fisherman
That was no longer a child
Happily took over for the old man
Like the fishermen from the area
He wanted to expand
Exchanged the old boat for a bigger one
We cannot stop change
The small Gaspesien fisherman
Rolled his hump cheerfully
In the seventies and eighties
And to better run his business
He took his two sons
Just like his dad had with him before
Fishing was booming
It was the time of the great records
They came back every day at low tide
The boat filled with fat cod
Then a blow to the region
Only mist on the horizon
It looked like there were fewer fish
Everywhere we denied the obvious
But the rumor ran in the cove
That one would have overestimated the abundance
Since there are no more cod
And that the catches go down
The scientists shouted: stop there!
It was necessary to impose quotas quickly
Cod will come back soon
Repeated the most optimistic
Even if many were going straight to bankruptcy
Many young people of the town
Discouraged went off in waves
There are no jobs here what do you want us to do?
When we base an economy
All on the same industry
It's like putting your eggs in one basket
We remain surprised when the basket is empty
The small Gaspesian fisherman
Could feel the sadness fill up inside him
When he sees his boys exiled in the distance
Both have dry feet
One in Montreal the other in Quebec
Never again do they smell the oder of kelp
The fish never did return
And his beautiful boat was sold
All thats left is the beautiful landscape
And his memories somewhere at sea

There you go, here is a sailor

There you go! Here's a sailor
He is still far away
But we see from afar
That it is a sailor...
There you go here is a sailor
It is not mine
It is never mine
It's almost the same
The same one that
that said 'I love you,
I love you for life.'
There you go! Here's a sailor
Jesus Christ
A sailor is so cool
when they come back to you
There you go! Here's a sailor
I love sailors
To see this sailor
It reminded me of my sailor
It reminded me that I love a man
A man, my man
Who wears the same uniform
as the man who is coming
There you go! Here's a sailor
Suitcase in hand
He has on his kidneys
A bag for sailors
There you go here's a sailor
He whistle a chorus
That in the morning
Accompanies him on his path
It's almost the same
The same one that
that said 'I love you,
I love you for life.'
There you go! Here's a sailor
Because nothing resembles
Like a sailor
Than another sailor
There you go! Here's a sailor
When he is less far
I will go on his forehead
What direction is he coming from
If only it was my man
Just like my man
Beautiful like a God in uniform
Muscular and a sailor
Nothing I trembled for nothing
To be a sailor,
It is nice a sailor
But it is not mine
Mine, provided mine
Did not take the path
Of this far away country
Where a sailor
never returns
never returns
never returns....

The Gemini

I can be crazy and have humor only I can understand
I can go nuts in Berlin all week long
I can wake up, have a drink and start the next day
No schedules, no plan
A cigarette on your balcony
There's so much more inside of me
There are things you didn't even know existed
I am who you want me to be and I do what I'm supposed to
But there are more versions of me,
Tell me, which one do you want?
Let me introduce you to the Gemini in me
You think you know, but no
Here is the Gemini in me
Can lock myself up for days
Chopin and only cook food
And when I sit in my car I can end up in Paris
And I'm searching for the truth about our real history
I'm going to take a language and philosophy class
There's so much more inside of me
There are things you didn't even know existed
I am who you want me to be and I do what I'm supposed to
But there are more versions of me,
Tell me, which one do you want?
Let me introduce you to the Gemini in me
You think you know, but no
Here is the Gemini in me

La Strada di Mowgli

Cucù (cucù)
Cucù (cucù)
Cucù (cucù)
Cucù (cucù)
Dieci cucchiai d'argento mi stanno inseguendo,
Una vita con un sogno in ripetizione.
Scapperò se mi impegno abbastanza,
Finchè il Re della Giungla chiama il mio bluff
Oh Signore (Oh Signore)
Mi è stato detto (Mi è stato detto)
Di dover prendere la strada non abbandonata (strada abbandonata)
C'è un bivio nella strada
Farò come mi è stato detto
E io non so, non so, non so, no, no
Chi-ii-ii-ii-iii io voglia essere
Cucù (cucù)
Cucù (cucù)
Cucù (cucù, cucù)
Tu dici S-ì a tutto
Ciò ti garantirà una vittoria?
Pensi che tu sarai abbastanza bravo
Nell'amare gli altri e ad essere amato?
Oh Signore (Oh Signore),
Ora posso vedere (ora posso vedere)
Le posate continueranno ad inseguirmi (strada abbandonata)
C'è un bivio nella strada
Farò come mi è stato detto
E io non so, non so, non so, no, no
Chi-ii-ii-ii-iii io voglia essere
Noi siamo i cucchiai metallici e cattivi
Abbiamo scavato il nostro percorso dentro i tuoi sogni
Per svegliare i coltelli dal freddo(?)
E portarti giù nella strada non abbandonata.
(Strada abbandonata)
C'è un bivio nella strada (strada)
Farò come mi è stato detto
E io non so, non so, non so, no, no
Chi-ii-ii-ii-iii io voglia essere

My fragile darling

I have nobody else
No no no to me
If you know my situation
Ask ask me once
If I say I love you
It is very hard hard to me
You don't believe how I suffered
Ask ask me once
Don't do please
If I get angry, it finishes
The world for us
Believe me that becomes very small
My fragile, fragile darling
My dream drowned in water
What will I do now
My fragile, fragile darling
Where can I escape from you
It is not a remedy for love
This my crazy heart
Can't abandon you
I don't look at the end, I don't mind
It is not a remedy for love
This my crazy heart
Can't abandon you

On The Shore of Caspian Sea

Versions: #2
Look what I have seen here
Green gardens, valleys
My heart is chilling here
On The Shore of Caspian Sea
The old, the young are working
A girl competes with a boy
There are lots of conversation
On The Shore of Caspian Sea
Infinite desert, soil is hungry
A naked, famine
Tree stands lonely
On The Shore of Caspian Sea
Soil is yellow, sand is yellow
Its wind is beautiful
Its leaves are applausing
On The Shore of Caspian Sea


Cuando sale el sol
Todo está tan claro
Puedo sentir el amor
En el aire.
Siempre es gratis
Puedo ver tu sonrisa
Brillando hacia mí.
Todo estará bien,
Como una luz, guías el camino
Sólo vivamos el hoy.
Llevamos el amor adentro nuestro
Y sólo debemos dejarlo ser
Tienes un corazón en el que puedo confiar
Y nunca te dejaré ir.
Estaba corriendo en círculos
Cuando vino y me golpeó justo entre los ojos, oh
Me tienes hipnotizado.
Llevamos el amor adentro nuestro
Y sólo debemos dejarlo ser
Tienes un corazón en el que puedo confiar
Y nunca te dejaré ir.
Estaba corriendo en círculos
Cuando vino y me golpeó justo entre los ojos, oh
Me tienes hipnotizado.
No te preocupes
Sobre lo que hice antes
Contigo a mi lado
Ya no lo recuerdo.
Todo lo que sé
Es gracias a ti.
Quiero decírselo al mundo
Ellos también deberían saberlo.
Todo estará bien,
Como una luz, guías el camino
Sólo vivamos el hoy.
Llevamos el amor adentro nuestro
Y sólo debemos dejarlo ser
Tienes un corazón en el que puedo confiar
Y nunca te dejaré ir.
Estaba corriendo en círculos
Cuando vino y me golpeó justo entre los ojos, oh
Me tienes hipnotizado.
Me tienes hipnotizado
Estaba corriendo en círculos
Cuando vino y me golpeó justo entre los ojos, oh
Tu amor me tiene hipnotizado.
Así que ven, bebé
No pares ahora, bebé, no lo hagas
Vamos, bebé
No pares ahora, bebé, no lo hagas
Esparce el amor
Y esparce la alegría.
A cada chica y a cada chico.
Esparciremos el amor
Y esparciremos la alegría
A todos...
Llevamos el amor adentro nuestro
Y sólo debemos dejarlo ser
Tienes un corazón en el que puedo confiar
Y nunca te dejaré ir.
Estaba corriendo en círculos
Cuando vino y me golpeó justo entre los ojos, oh
Tu amor me tiene hipnotizado.
Me tienes hipnotizado
Estaba corriendo en círculos
Cuando vino y me golpeó justo entre los ojos, oh
Tu amor me tiene hipnotizado.


On the road I drive the opposite way
And I walk on the border of the skyscraper's roof
You gamble even with the things you don't have
There's a real daredevil that slumbers inside you for a log time
They say you're like a God
Streptomycin* for males
I wrap youngsters crowd around my little finger
I mistake dates a little, I mix beverages a little
I drink, I smoke, I don't sleep, I feed myself unhealthy
Things that kill me make me feel alive
I drink, I smoke, I don't sleep
I drink, I smoke, I don't sleep
I mix beverages a little
That makes me feel alive
Yes, I'm the queen of russian roulette
Yes, I'm an Achilles' heel for many of them
You gamble even with the things you don't have
There's a real daredevil that slumbers inside you for a log time
They say you're like a God
Streptomycin for males
I wrap youngsters crowd around my little finger
I mistake dates a little, I mix beverages a little
I drink, I smoke, I don't sleep, I feed myself unhealthy
Things that kill me make me feel alive
Glass of whiskey with ice in one hand
And you smoke hundredth cigarette in a row
You'd only like to play a little
All that people see is that you're blacked darkness
Every taxi knows you in this city
You knew to choose such life
I wrap youngsters crowd around my little finger
I mistake dates a little, I mix beverages a little
I drink, I smoke, I don't sleep, I feed myself unhealthy
Things that kill me make me feel alive
I drink, I smoke, I don't sleep
Things that kill me
Make me feel alive
Greetings from Poland. If You see any mistake, just let me know or improve the translation. Thanks! | Pozdrav iz Poljske! Ako vidite neku grešku, javite mi se ili jednostavno ispravite prijevod. Hvala!

At source

And in the village a whisper runs like a wave.
It talks about somebody who carries water.
Wha-a-a! The first beauty of the village
Hasn't been married till.
And at source something flows: either laugh,
Or water out of a bucket and over the top.
Water, water, cold water.
It has spilled not without reason from the bucket.
Water, water, cold water.
It has spilled not without reason from the bucket.
And at nighttime when all huts are sleeping
Something is ringing: either buckets or shooting stars.
Even if you watchman saw something be silent
About somebody that goes for water at night.
And in the village a whisper runs like a wave.
It talks about a wedding at gates.
Wha-a-a! The first beauty of the village
Was carried by not our troika in the fields.

Forgive me

How frightful we walk.
A lot of gestures and words.
Looping inside, we walk through everyone (*),
Trusting predictions of dreams.
In the night twilight, with
the moon together we were silent
I thought about him, about him
Why didn't you, my spirit, recognize
the concealed false.
In the day, when we are together
with him.
Held hands,
looked into the sky.
But something has happened to us,
I think that is the fate!
Forgive me that
I'm not yours
Forgive me that
I'm not with you
Forgive me that
the skies
are crying above the head.
Wind is blowing into my face, but I go
and I am choking
Tears are raining,
I will go through, I've told myself that
a lot of times.
I want to be strong,
like him.
I want him to remember
every moment.
I am not near, I will not
be a shadow no more!
Forgive me that
I'm not yours
Forgive me that
I'm not with you
Forgive me that
the skies
are crying above the head.
Forgive me that
I'm not yours
Forgive me that
I'm not with you
Forgive me that
the skies
are crying above the head.
Forgive me that
I'm not yours
Forgive me that
I'm not with you
Forgive me that
the skies
are crying above the head.

More than a lifetime

If I`d break the spell
I`d run to him in a heartbeat
But somehow I feel like he`s on his way to me
Derek, you and me are one
More than a lifetime
You will be mine
And it seems like you are here
Even though I left
More than a lifetime
You will be mine
Close your eyes and you will see me
As the dawn brings light
You light up my life
All I have is love for her
More than a lifetime
(More than a lifetime)
I will only be yours
(I will only be yours)
I solemnly swear I`ll find you
You`re the one I love
More than I lifetime
A love like mine
With love we`ll hug eachother
More than a lifetime
With a lifetime love
My love awaits you
It's yours

No, No, Kindness Isn't Good

I am a glorious wizard and I've got power
All I ask is just a bit of respect
Soon it would grow and expand
I am willing to break two hearts
I've been nice up until today
And deep inside I wondered
No, no, kindness isn't good for me
If I ever spooked you
Just know that I haven't even started
No, no, kindness isn't good for me
Soon I'll be the king
Witchcraft is my way to go
You're in trouble, it's not so bad...
I'm a wizard, there's no other choice
I've already done all kinds of magic
Only a king in a palace I never was
No, no, kindness isn't good for me
I get mad quite fast
There's a chance to win here
Odette will never be a guest in the palace
Hag will take her place, and all would be happy.
All in all I am sympathetic
But you all think I went crazy
No, no, kindness isn't good for me
For me!
I am evil and I'm good this way
Believe me I'm good this way
No, no, kindness isn't good for me
(One more time!)
Being evil is a matter of character
Being evil is just so good
No, no, kindness isn't good for me

Summer Won't be Nice (Part II)

What shall we do if this match doesn't work out?
We'll force her!
Since the day we were born,
We were already meant to be.
But no one has ever asked us,
All those nudges and hints...
Always winking and irritating.
I shall find my bride alone!
He's so immature!
He's smiling, I'm so excited
My heart dances and no speech comes out.
She isn't just a freckled duckling
It is a swan that is facing me.
You've appeared before me...
The one who my dreams wish for...
It's the love of my life
Love of my life
Love of my life
This summer would be jolly, magical and wonderful
You'll see that...
This summer would be, summer would be
A special summer, special summer
This summer would be different, exceptional and glorious!
You'll see that it would be a summer of
This summer would be
This summer would be
A summer of love...


The light that passes underneath the door
Traces your shadow back inside the vault
Like a forest, the color of jet
You burn beside my bed
If you came up close to me
To set alight the night
Placed at our fingertips
Your voice would let me sleep
Your arms like branches
Wrapped around my hips
Like a silk tree
I will go carve our first names in the bark
Hunt down the wild dogs one by one
To leave only us
A kiss upon your neck
And the cry of the wolves ...
If you came up close to me
To set alight the night
Placed at our fingertips
Your voice would let me sleep
Your arms like branches
Wrapped around my hips
Like a silk tree


It's been hurting too much in my heart
Since you went away
Sometimes I think of getting over you
But I guess that's not a solution
The solution is you coming back
And we loving each other
So, so I think
That there isn't anyone who will love you this way
Princess, please come back to me
Princess, please come back to me
I love you, my love
It's been hurting too much in my heart
Since you went away
Sometimes I think of getting over you
But I guess that's not a solution
The solution is you coming back
So, so I think
That there isn't anyone who will love you this way
Princess, please come back to me
Princess, please come back to me
I love you, my...
Princess, please come back to me
I love you
Princess, please come back to me
I love you, my love
I love you, my love
I love you, my love
I love you, my love
I love you, my...
Princess, please come back to me
I love you, my...
Princess, please come back to me
Princess, please come back to me
Princess, please come back to me
I love you, my love
I love you, my love
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.