Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 12

Találatok száma: 387


Твоя любовь

Я почувствовал это впервые, когда я был моложе
Странная связь со светом,
Я пытался удовлетворить голод
У меня никогда не получалось
У меня никогда не получалось это толком сделать.
Так что я взобрался на гору и построил алтарь,
Осматривался так далеко, насколько мог видеть,
И каждый день я становлюсь старше,
У меня заканчиваются мечты
У меня заканчиваются мечты.
Но твоя любовь!
Твоя любовь.
Единственное, что хоть что-то значит, это твоя любовь!
Твоя любовь это всё, что я могу дать (что я должен дать).
Твоей любви достаточно, чтобы осветить темноту!
Это твоя любовь!
Твоя любовь.
Всё, в чём я когда-либо нуждался, это твоя любовь...
Ты знаешь усилие, которое я прикладывал,
И ты знаешь, чего именно это стоило.
И хотя я был лишён невинности...
Не всё потеряно.
Не всё потеряно!
Но твоя любовь!
Твоя любовь.
Единственное, что хоть что-то значит, это твоя любовь!
Твоя любовь это всё, что я могу дать (что я должен дать).
Твоей любви достаточно, чтобы осветить темноту!
Это твоя любовь!
Твоя любовь.
Всё, в чём я когда-либо нуждался, это твоя любовь...
Ты - надежда, пробуждающая утром (*).
Ты - свет, когда приходит тьма,
Ты - песня, когда моё сердце поёт.
Это твоя любовь!
Ты - глаза для слепого человека.
Ты - ступни для идущих хромых мужчин (**)
Ты - тот самый звук, который исходит от людей, когда они поют (***)
Это твоя любовь!
Но твоя любовь!
Твоя любовь.
Единственное, что хоть что-то значит, это твоя любовь!
Твоя любовь это всё, что я могу дать (что я должен дать).
Твоей любви достаточно, чтобы осветить темноту!
Это твоя любовь!
Твоя любовь.
Всё, в чём я когда-либо нуждался, это твоя любовь...
Но твоя любовь!
(Твоя любовь это всё, в чём я нуждался.)
Единственное, что хоть что-то значит, это твоя любовь!
Твоя любовь это всё, что я могу дать (что я должен дать).
Твоей любви достаточно, чтобы осветить темноту!
(Твоя любовь это всё, в чём я нуждался.)
Это твоя любовь!
Твоя любовь.
Это всё, в чём я когда-либо нуждался...

A legnagyobb szavak

Kiírtam magamból a legnagyobb szavaimat
Úgy ömlöttek ránk mint a jégeső
Esernyőként szolgáltam, de ha jobbá válik az idő
Nem veszed hasznomat
Esernyőként szolgáltál, de ha jobbá válik az idő
Nem veszem hasznodat
Oldalakat és oldalakat írtam, hisz tudod
Kívül ragyog a nap, remélem majd látod, és
Kicsikét rám gondolsz, de távol leszünk egymástól
Egy nap felkelsz, és ugyanúgy felöltözünk
Felveszem a szemüvegem, amit te ajándékoztál nekem
És te újból majd magad a főnököd miatt
És lenne bátorságod otthon maradni lustálkodni
Nem sírnál a vállamon
Kiírtam magamból a legnagyobb szavaimat
Úgy ömlöttek ránk mint a jégeső
Esernyőként szolgáltam, de ha jobbá válik az idő
Nem veszed hasznomat
Esernyőként szolgáltál, de ha jobbá válik az idő
Nem veszem hasznodat


The light that passes underneath the door
Traces your shadow back inside the vault
Like a forest, the color of jet
You burn beside my bed
If you came up close to me
To set alight the night
Placed at our fingertips
Your voice would let me sleep
Your arms like branches
Wrapped around my hips
Like a silk tree
I will go carve our first names in the bark
Hunt down the wild dogs one by one
To leave only us
A kiss upon your neck
And the cry of the wolves ...
If you came up close to me
To set alight the night
Placed at our fingertips
Your voice would let me sleep
Your arms like branches
Wrapped around my hips
Like a silk tree

The girl and the hermit

The girl is very beautiful
and walks with downcast eyes,
the hermit sings the Gloria
for the pebbles and the stones.
The girl has a knife
and sheds tears on it,
the hermit talks to the wolves
hidden in the mountains.
The girl's feet are naked
and covered in nettle sting,
the hermit on his rosary
counts his rediscovered days.
The girl is on the riverbank
and combs her hair
The hermit drinks the water
of sorrow from creeks.
The girl falls asleep
to dream about her first love, the ancient love
The hermit picks up a pebble,
strikes his heart and the heart resounds
but the skies remain silent.
The girl is all white
under the darkening sky
the hermit on her body
picks the flower of the moon.
The girl screams a name,
wakes up suddenly and she looks into his face.
The hermit doesn't answer,
slowly bows his head and hides his face
and the sky darkens.
The girl draws her knife
and stabs herself in the chest.
The hermit picks some ears [of wheat]
and spreads them out on her bed.
The girl goes up in the skies
on the brightest cloud
the hermit lights a fire
and flames illuminate her,
but rain puts out the fire
in the dark, cold night,
the hermit under the skies
screams a prayer.

Andy's song

G, A, F, G, B, A, A, G
Well, but it is a G minor
G, A, F, G, A, E, G, F, E, F, C, F
I'm sorry miss, but I'm in love
You're lucky
I do what I can
I'm in Rochefort to see again a friend of mine
A certain Simon Dame and at two steps from here
I meet a girl and I become mad for her
The girl disappeared, but love has chosen me
I had to pass through two continents
It had at the end to happen this incredible coincidence
To transform my life and give a sense to it.
I had to come back to France.

The Hourglass

The time plays
Takes us along a beach
To whisper about an eternal love
A day without pulse and beat
We confuse night and day
The time serves humbly by our love
A land that breaks the laws of time
A land that tears down the walls of time
Until that day the lie
Became a guest in your house
Without a warning
The clocks chimed
The day became a routine
Golden grains of sand
Ran from your heart
Until it was empty
The time heals
The time unveils
And with time we'll bear love

A wise - woman from Strandzha became famous

A wise - woman from Strandzha (1) became famous,
for knowing how to tell fortunes,
to tell fortunes and prophesy.
Everyone found out, heard
Dobre learned as well,
he also went to the wise - woman.
And he told her:
''Tell my fortune and divine!
And be right about it -
whom I will marry and how many children will I become!''
The wise - woman said to Dobri:
'Why are you lying to me, Dobri le,
when you get home
your wife would be dead,
your wife, Dobre, the children too!
Time will past, short time, not long,
and you will start playing the kaval(2)!
A snake will crawl through the kaval
and bite your face
and you, Dobri le, will die!''


This night is special
I want to give you much more
I love feeling you arrive.
No, it wasn't bad at all
But it can get better
It's fundamental to practice.
I asked you doll tell me what you need
And when I go down slowly you always stop me
I only want to give you love and you don't trust
Because you close up and strangle me.
But I still have an ace up my sleeve
Close your eyes let me run your thong
I know the password to your connection
743 I give satisfaction.
Something here
A little there
If you let me
I'll start warming up to you
Let yourself go
Go, you'll like it
Don't feel ashamed
Because I'll lose my patience.
A date for two
Music for seduction
Low lights, excitation.
With care I prepared
I punctually waited for you
This night everything will go well.
Because I don't know how to tell you how much I like you
And it hurts my heart when you're not here
I get desperate and depressed if you don't kiss me
And if you kiss me I want a little more.
I love the moon that goes through your window
It draws vertical lines on the bed
I want to love you, I want to make you happy
I want to take you to the moon and Paris.
Something here
A little there
If you let me
I'll start warming up to you
Let yourself go
Go, you'll like it
Don't feel ashamed
Because I'll lose my patience.
Your love is killing my head
Your love is killing me with pain
Your love is burning up my head
Your love is killing me with heat.
Something here
A little there
Something here
A little there
Something here
A little there
If you let me
I'll start warming up to you
Let yourself go
Go, you'll like it
Don't feel ashamed
Because I'll lose my patience.
Because I'll lose my patience.

I miss

Versions: #2
I miss your wild passions,
your attacks of craziness when nobody expected it,
the reflection of the moon on your clear glasses,
the impossibility of your love.
But I also miss your arrival,
and the taste of cigarettes that your kiss left for me,
wrapping up and sleeping with the wet covers
when the sun appeared.
What I don't know is what I want,
I do it again and I envenom myself.
Going insane in solitude is my destiny,
forgive me if I depress you with this.
Because I also miss
abandoning myself to the universe of deceit,
going with you traveling and renewing our wardrobe,
and I take charge. Babe I miss you, but not so much.
I miss the paradise of your face
with the slanted eyes,
the displayed smile,
the unkempt mane,
the exaggerated attitude,
the sound of your voice.
What I don't know is what I want,
I do it again and I envenom myself.
Going insane in solitude is my destiny,
forgive me if I depress you with this.
I'm not a coward or brave,
I just feel it differently.
Contradicting myself in my speech is my strong suit,
I'll accept what luck has in store for me.
Because I also miss
abandoning myself to the universe of deceit,
going with you traveling and renewing our wardrobe,
and I take charge. Babe I miss you, but not so much. (x2)
And I don't want to provoke the disenchantment
with so much laughter, with so much crying,
but I'm dying to know what you're thinking
when the rain is getting you wet.
I also miss... miss...
ooh I miss and I take charge, babe I miss you,
but not so much, but not so much.

Bad Signal

Love is that you can't touch,
love is everything in this solitude.
What case is there in denying eachother again,
it comes printed in our own skin.
The water runs, life goes by us,
who knows where, who knows where it'll go.
I'll go with you, just ask for it,
I'll be your coat, your new heart.
I have written the same story (It's always the same),
that you have tattooed (I see in you),
I see in you and in my memory a connection.
Bad signal, comes and goes,
it won't affect (won't affect),
I'll see you the same.
In what is possible I find the best,
for your heart is impossible.
I never said it was going to be easy,
it's very different to read it from a paper.
I have written the same story (It's always the same),
that you have tattooed (I see in you),
I see in you and in my memory a connection.
Bad signal, comes and goes,
it won't affect (won't affect),
I'll see you the same.
If it hurts so much it's because it's real,
keep on going, it'll be what it'll be.


Versions: #2
What I'd give to have you,
I already gave.
I didn't even get to know you,
It's like this.
I waste my time looking at photos on the web.
I'm burning myself little by little,
I already know.
They think I have everything.
I'm always left with nothing.
For how long will I suffer like this?
And I tell the same stories that speak of me.
What I can't do is forget everything,
What I don't want is to stay alone,
But I keep drifting away more every time,
I get away more every time.
I don't have time to show you what I'd give to make you fall in love with me.
I don't have even one chance.
I don't have a chance.
I'm such a stranger to your environment,
I don't fit in.
I'm only background music
to you.
Too little volume for so much pretension.
Many satellites and bad connection.
They think I have everything.
I'm always left with nothing.
For how long will I suffer like this?
And I tell the same stories that speak of me.
What I can't do is forget everything,
What I don't want is to stay alone,
But I keep drifting away more every time,
I get away more every time.
I don't have time to show you what I'd give to make you fall in love with me.
I don't have even one chance.
I don't have a chance.
You think you have everything.
Always left with nothing.
For how long will I suffer like this?
What I can't do is forget everything,
What I don't want is to stay alone,
But I keep drifting away more every time,
I get away more every time.
I don't have time to show you what I'd give to make you fall in love with me.
I don't have even one chance, no, no.
What I can't
Lose everything
What I don't want
Stay alone

Rhythm & Deception

There is nothing to see
on the television,
and the disc I downloaded sounds bad.
The clothes got dirty, the girl left me,
she said she'd call and she didn't call.
I pass life,
I pass the hours,
I don't stop a minute,
or stop looking at you, only for my pain.
Damn my luck.
It brings me death.
If nothing happens, I'll say goodbye,
and you'll never see me again.
And you won't see me.
And you won't see me.
I like the combination of rhythm and deception,
The music gets in me and it's a sensation.
On the dancefloor there's communication, revelation,
from heart to heart.
And you won't see me.
And you won't see me.
There is nothing to see
on the television,
and the disc I downloaded sounds bad.
The clothes got dirty, the girl left me,
she said she'd call and she didn't call.
I pass life,
I pass the hours,
I don't stop a minute,
or stop looking at you, only for my pain.
Damn my luck.
It brings me death.
If nothing happens, I'll say goodbye,
and you'll never see me again.
And you won't see me.
And you won't see me.
The lyrics in the song tell me that I lost.
The bad feelings get confused with the beat.
And that's how I pass time,
And everything will end,
And nobody will remember it.
I dance with rhythm and deception.
I dance with rhythm and deception.
I dance with rhythm and deception.


Versions: #2
When the sunlight illuminated
and you kept looking.
Your heart never revealed itself,
and the silence won it over.
I swear I saw it,
it was there,
it came happening.
It fed your resentment endlessly.
Ghosts in the house
promise to get out but no, no, no,
no, no, no.
I don't understand what is happening,
they tell me yes but no, no, no,
no, no, no.
I don't know how to get out,
where to go,
outside it's raining.
And if I want to hurt you,
forgive me,
if I feel what I feel.
Ghosts in the house
promise to get out but no, no, no,
no, no, no.
I don't understand what is happening,
they tell me yes but no, no, no,
no, no, no.
Memories in my mind
I can't escape.
Indelible words
won't let themselves be erased.
Unconscious messages
want to sink me in but no, no,
no, no, no.
I can't find the explanation.
There is no one else guilty, only me.
Ghosts in the house
promise to get out but no, no, no,
no, no, no.
I don't understand what is happening,
they tell me yes but no, no, no,
no, no, no.
Ghosts in the house
promise to get out but no, no, no,
no, no, no.
I don't understand what is happening,
they tell me yes but no, no, no,
no, no, no.
Memories in my mind
I can't escape.
Indelible words
won't let themselves be erased.
Unconscious messages
want to sink me in but no, no,
no, no, no.

Good Day

Versions: #2
Good day my love!
Good day my love!
Good day,
We'll keep on going.
When the night ended the day surprised us,
the sunlight illuminated your face and moved me.
Close the window, I don't want to go out.
Everything takes meaning
if you're with me.
Now everything is weird,
the night has put us together,
time has frozen,
it has remembered us both.
I beg you, don't go back,
wait until at least you see
life illuminates us,
the night isn't over.
Now yes,
everything is weird.
Time has,
has put us together.
I beg you, don't go back,
wait until at least you see
life illuminates us,
the night isn't over.
I remember that I met you, I fell in love dancing.
All the dancefloor illuminated and I was babbling.
You might have forgotten, something made you laugh,
I loved your smile,
since I saw it.
Now everything is weird,
the night has put us together,
time has frozen,
it has remembered us both.
I beg you, don't go back,
wait until at least you see
life illuminates us,
the night isn't over.
Now yes,
everything is weird.
Time has,
has put us together.
I beg you, don't go back,
wait until at least you see
life illuminates us,
the night isn't over.
Good day my love!
Good day my love!
Good day,
We'll keep on going.
Good day my love!
Good day my love!
Good day,
I like you like this.
Now everything is weird,
the night has put us together,
time has frozen,
it has remembered us both.
I beg you, don't go back,
wait until at least you see
life illuminates us,
the night isn't over.

Lover Friend

On the summit of forgetting,
on the end of your path,
I'll be there, waiting for you,
just come and follow me.
I don't know if I'll love you forever,
that I can't assure,
I only know that loving you is something strong
that I never manage to control.
A light through the space and silence,
is always, isn't seen, I feel it, feel it.
You and me, so much time has passed,
I traveled with you, from temptation to friendship.
On the summit of forgetting,
on the end of your path,
I'll be there, waiting for you,
and without asking for an explanation.
A whole life with you,
as a lover, as a friend,
I don't care how what,
let's just go home, follow me.
What we told eachother isn't forgotten,
everything goes directly to heart.
When I don't see you it's rekindled, oh, oh,
and is heard with repetition.
It's good, it's bad, a lie was worse,
than omitting, than shutting up and I can't stop thinking
that today, when I told you I loved you it was true,
true, but I don't know how long it will last.
On the summit of forgetting,
on the end of your path,
I'll be there, waiting for you,
and without asking for an explanation.
A whole life with you,
as a lover, as a friend,
I don't care how what,
let's just go home, follow me.
Follow me. Follow me.
Let's just go home, follow me.

On This Night

It's best to tell the truth
though it hurts, though it hurts,
what I feel is alive, it's real,
and my hot blood burns me.
I've passed life keeping it quiet,
I don't breathe, I don't laugh, I can't be me,
and at night, hugging the pillow,
I desire your love.
On this night I think of you
and stay awake, I die, oh, oh, oh,
imagining I love you
and pull your hair, oh, oh, oh,
Chain me up, I'm going to be your prisoner,
Can't you see I'm dying of love?
Of love.
Oh, oh, oh...
I'm not going to keep it to myself anymore,
and I take it outside,
I don't care what they might think,
if your boyfriend gets mad, what a pity.
I'm not going to die without even trying
for you to stay with me and letting yourself be loved,
I don't give up and forever pursue
my happiness.
On this night I think of you
and stay awake, I die, oh, oh, oh,
imagining I love you
and pull your hair, oh, oh, oh,
Chain me up, I'm going to be your prisoner,
Can't you see I'm dying of love?
Of love.
Oh, oh, oh...


You're constantly on my mind, can't wait till I see you
I won't sleep to night as long as I kiss your lips
Come, don't be late
Τhe night is going to be ours
Only me and you and one kiss of ours
Gives life to our dreams
I'm waiting to see you, no one will sleep tonight
Under the stars, in your arms you know what I have in mind
I'm waiting to see you, and give your kiss to me
Put on your formal clothes and your perfume, tonight we're going on a date
The sun is rushing to come out but I didn't have enough of you yet
My moon, stay there so I can steal her every kiss
Come, don't be late
The night is going to be ours
Only me and you till morning,
Our bodies will be flames.
I'm waiting to see you, no one will sleep tonight
Under the stars, in your arms you know what I have in mind
I'm waiting to see you, and give your kiss to me
Put on your and your perfume, tonight we're going..

The greatest of my gifts

Versions: #4
I want get you a gift
Something sweet
Something rare
Not a common gift
Of them you’ve lost
Never opened
Left on train
Or never taken
Of them you open and then cry
And are glad and don’t pretend
On that day in the middle of September
I’ll dedicate to you
The greatest of my gifts
I wish give your smile to the moon for that
Who watches it at night may think of you
For remember to you my love is worthy
And doesn’t matter what the folk say for that
You have protected me with your jealousy
That is your smile too, and even if tired, it doesn’t gone away
I have to leave but in my heart I know your presence is ever coming and never going
The greatest of my gifts
The greatest of my gifts
I wish you give me a gift
A dream unsaid
Givin’ it me now
Of them I don’t be able to open
In front of other people
For that the greatest gift
It’s just ours for ever
I wish give your smile to the moon for that
Who watches it at night may think of you
And remember to you my love is worthy
And doesn’t matter what the folk say for that
You have protected me with your jealousy
That is your smile too, and even if tired, it doesn’t gone away
I have to leave but in my heart I know your presence is ever coming...
And if the end will come to stay you’re in a burrow
Don’t for wanting hate me, only for wanting fly
And if denies to you it all that extreme agony
If it denies to you even life breathe mine
And I was careful of don’t love before I met you
And missed my life with them of the others
I now don’t want get me some pain, no more, baby, baby
I wish give your smile to the moon for that
Who watches it at night may think of you
And remember to you my love is worthy
And doesn’t matter what the folk say and then
The love given
Love taken
Love given back
Love as great as time that doesn’t have given up
Love that speaks to me with your eyes in front here
It’s you
It’s you
It’s you
It’s all
The greatest of my gifts


It will rain and I will see* the rain fall
It will rain and I will see people running
It will rain and I will just see the rain
It will rain and it will rain
Looking and looking, Miranda*
Your shoes are no heels
Your ageing is just the innocence
Of those who never apologize
Stop sewing up your stories
With positive points*
Looking and looking, Miranda
Your desire is the inability
Of those who fought one day
To be able to step back
Don’t believe everything’s easy
No need to hide
And if you leave
I’ll tell people about your life
Your problems, your bad feelings
So that you can come back someday
And you’ll come back
Whenever you think everything’s changed
Whenever everything’s left behind
And you feel good again
Looking and looking, Miranda
Looking you get to look
Whatever the looked one is looking at and looking at again
The one who’s looking and looking again at the sea
In case you don’t know yet
This is not about looking
Looking and looking, Miranda
Your throat can’t hold back
Your craziness when winning battles
And they’re mixing up salt and sugar
Don’t laugh at everything and nothing
I won’t bare it
And if you leave
I’ll tell people about your life
Your problems, your bad feelings
So that you can come back someday
And you’ll come back
Whenever you think everything’s changed
Whenever everything’s left behind
And you feel good again
And if you leave and you leave, instead of hiding
And if you leave and you leave, instead of looking
And if you leave and you leave, instead of hiding
And if you leave and you leave, you won’t come back
And if you leave and you leave, instead of hiding
And if you leave and you leave…

Bridge of the sighs

Little bridge hidden
Among folliages and longings
Little bridge laid
Over the wound
Of a ravine
Thoughts sprout again
Your woods
Hold to the heart
To your banisters
Little bridge asleep
And among babblings
Of love
Embraced to memory
Cliffs and stairways
Bridge of the sighs
I want you to keep
In your pleasent silence
My secret
My bridge is a poet
Who waits for me
With its steady wood
Every afternoon
And he sighs and I sigh
He receives me and I leave him
Alone over his wound
His ravine
And the old wives
Are telling
About the unfair distance
Of the lover
His defeated courage
Defeated by the ficus
Of buried roots
In his loved one
My bridge is a poet
Who waits for me
With its steady wood
Every afternoon
And he sighs and I sigh
He receives me and I leave him
Alone over his wound
His ravine
And the old wives
Are telling
About the unfair distance
Of the lover
His defeated courage
Defeated by the ficus
Of buried roots
In his loved one
Little bridge asleep
And among babblings
Of love
Embraced to memory
Cliffs and stairways
Bridge of the sighs
I want you to keep
In your pleasent silence
My secret
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Fine appearance

A little lively sidewalk
With light of moon or sun
Lying like a ribbon
With its ties of glow
Glow of the geraniums
And smiles with blush
Glow of the carnations
And the cheeks in bloom
Perfumed of magnolia,
Sprinkled with morning dew
the little sidewalk smiles
When your foot caress her
And the Cuculi1 laughs
and the window starts shaking
When for that sidewalk
Your fine appearance walks
Fine appearance, gentleman
Gentleman of fine appearance
A bright star
That would smile under a hat
Wouldn't smile
more gorgeous nor more would shine,
And in your walk, walk
shines the sidewalk
when you walking
It takes you to the vestibules
and the enchanted courtyards
It takes you to the small squares
snd the dreamed love
Sidewalk that coos coos
With embroidered taffeta
chapin's2 heel of silk
And starched jerkins
It's a lively little pathway
With light of moon or sun
That I'll Be walking on it singing
to see if I can reach you
Fine appearance, gentleman
Who could preserve you
Fine appearance, gentleman
Gentleman of fine appearance
A bright star
That would smile under a hat
Wouldn't smile
more gorgeous nor more would shine,
And in your walk, walk
shines the sidewalk
when you walking
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Hand in glove

We go hand in glove
foam and velvet,
me with a creak of starch
and you serious and haughty
People stare at us
with envy by the street,
the neighbours mumur
like the friends and the mayor.
They say is no more in style
neither my comb nor your hairclip,
they say is no more in style
neither my locket nor your belt
I know that are in style
your big eyes and my pride,
when you go taking my arm
on daylight and without hurry.
Our cart driver waits for us
in front of the main church,
and slowly we go over the track,
you salute touching the brim
of your best hat,
and I shake my kerchief with grace.
I know is no more in style
that I put in the dinner
jazmins on the buttonhole
Of course is looks like a game
but there's nothing better
than being a sir of those
that my grandparents saw.
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Little by little you go entering into my absence

Little by little you go entering into my absence
drop by drop filling my empty glass
there where I am shadow you don't cease to appear
because so alone in you the things become real
you avert the absurd and you grant me meaning
what I remember of myself is what you are
it arrived to your ears like an invisible sea.

Mézeshetek Sugárút

Kinéztem a hátsó ablakon és
Úgy néz ki több értelme van
Mint amit magunk előtt látok, magunk előtt, igen
Kész vagyok hogy megforduljak
Mielőtt mindketten ütközünk és elégünk
Mert ez lenne a kettőnk halála, a kettőnk halála
Tudod hogyan kell esőben vezetni
És eldöntötted, hogy nem változtatsz
Ugyanazon a keskeny úton ragadtunk
Rossz irányba hazafele
Úgy érzem a szívem ütközéstől ütközésig tartó dugóban ragadt
Nyomás alatt vagyok
Mert nem lehetsz az enyém úgy ahogy szeretném
Menjünk vissza oda ahol így volt
Mikor a Mézeshetek Sugárúton voltunk
Mézeshetek Sugárúton
Baby, őrülten gurulunk
Visszamehetünk oda, ahol ez volt?
Hé, mi történt a pillangókkal?
Azt hiszem, találkoztak a stop táblával
És a szívem most sárga jelzésű, sárga jelzésű
Hé, pont mikor azt hiszem hogy megtaláltam
Nos, akkor kezdtünk el megfordulni
Azt mondod 'Bébi, ne aggódj'
De még mindig rossz irányba megyünk
Tudod hogyan kell esőben vezetni
És eldöntötted, hogy nem változtatsz
Ugyanazon a keskeny úton ragadtunk
Rossz irányba hazafele
Úgy érzem a szívem ütközéstől ütközésig tartó dugóban ragadt
Nyomás alatt vagyok
Mert nem lehetsz az enyém úgy ahogy szeretném
Menjünk vissza oda ahol így volt
Mikor a Mézeshetek Sugárúton voltunk
Mézeshetek Sugárúton
Baby, őrülten gurulunk
Visszamehetünk oda, ahol ez volt?
Azt mondják, csak az őrültek esnek szerelembe
Nos, biztos rólunk beszéltek
És néha úgy érzem, hogy itt már jártam
Lehet nincs igazam, de tudom hogy így van
El fogunk veszni, ha folytatjuk a veszekedést
Édes tudom, igen
Megtaláljuk az utat haza
Úgy érzem a szívem ütközéstől ütközésig tartó dugóban ragadt
Nyomás alatt vagyok
Mert nem lehetsz az enyém úgy ahogy szeretném
Menjünk vissza oda ahol így volt
Mikor a Mézeshetek Sugárúton voltunk
Mézeshetek Sugárúton
Baby, őrülten gurulunk
Visszamehetünk oda, ahol ez volt?
Mikor a Mézeshetek Sugárúton voltunk
Mézeshetek Sugárúton
Baby, őrülten gurulunk
Visszamehetünk oda, ahol ez volt?
Tudod, hogy kell esőben vezetni
És eldöntötted, hogy nem változtatsz
Ugyanazon a keskeny úton ragadtunk
Rossz irányba hazafele
Úgy érzem a szívem... dugóban ragadt
Nyomás alatt... vagyok
Menjünk vissza oda ahol így volt
Mikor a...
Mézeshetek Sugárúton voltunk
Mézeshetek Sugárúton
Mézeshetek Sugárúton
Mézeshetek Sugárúton...
Menjünk vissza... vissza... vissza


Me dijeron que te gusta el guayeteo
Una loca, no le den ma na que esta que explota
Yo me enamore de su Bum Bum
Yo me la lleve pa mi casa sin saber que era una loca
Por culpa de Blass, por culpa del vino
Sin contarle tanto se llama Rosa y se vino
De tanto que jodió, en casa termino
Le dimo tan duro que el condón se rompió
La sandunga se le nota por encima
Y yo que prendo de na, pon la mano en la palanca
Que la transmisión es manual
Tiene muchas ganas de comer
Que dale como es
Que dale como es
Da da dale como es

Too Soon

When I have no reason to go, I party
You don't really know since when I have waited this moment
I feel thrills, go beyond the clouds
To live forever, please, make some arrangements
For the ladies, a big bouquet of flowers
Gentleman, for you the ladies with the flowers
All the glasses up because they play their role
Half empty for the past, a full one for the future
The life is good if it has arguments
A family, friends and a lot of feelings
You know that the money suits everyone
Money are a problem only if they aren't enough
Success... transforms some people
In my movie music is my soundtrack
I live the major sensation, meanwhile
Now it's time to celebrate
If the time would listen to me
I would like to speak with him
Forget me and don't remember me too soon
Allow me to be your mistake on Earth
Life is ephemeral, I take care of my clepsydra
That's why I can't waste something I can't buy
You know you can imagine anything else
Close your eyes and you can see the imagine
What we cherish truely hides inside our hearts
That's why people smile on the minimum wage
Tell me what do you want to do with a stone heart
You will go to the bottom when you hit the water
All the hate is brought up in vane
You know the good wins every time, forever
You can try how much you want, but you won't escape
I keep my soul clean in my treasure box
Sometimes you go up, sometimes you go down
You can't run or escape, life puts you to the test many times
We all know that what's good seems less
Give me a glass to toast and tell me why do we have to stop
If the time would listen to me
I would like to speak with him
Forget me and don't remember me too soon
Allow me to be your mistake on Earth

shine over sea and shore

shine over sea and shore
shine over sea and shore, star in the distance
you that in eastland, lit by the herran
star from betlehem, guides not away but home
the childes and the moors follows you gladly
shining star, shining star
night over jewiland, night over sion
away by westland orinon goes out
moors that sleeps so well, the child that sleeps so sweet
wake up by wonderful chorus of voices
shine so wonderfuly clear, star in east
Translation done by a Swedish/Italian student. Fluent in both English and Swedish, but that are currently studying both Italian and Spanish.

Currently Living in Sweden

Time for waking (singable translation)

Versions: #1#2#3
(Calaf, the unknown prince:)
Tíme for wáking!
Tíme for wáking!
You tóo Princéss are sléepless
Shút in your cóld apártments
Wátching the stár rays
Still trémble with afféction
And wíth endúrance...
But my mýstery‿is búried in mé
My real náme shall stáy unknówn!
No, no! Kíssing your móuth tomórrow‿at dáwn
Í shall disclóse‿it, ónly thén!
Only my kíss is bound to bréak the sílence
That mákes you míne.
(Choir of women)
His real náme shall stáy unknówn...
And all of ús, alás, are dóomed to díe!
(Calaf, the unknown prince:)
Do vánish, dárkness! Stars, do sét alréady!
Stars, do sét alréady! When dáwn comes Í shall wín!
Í shall wín! Í sháll wín!

The Poet of the Court

The raven of the sea came to me
To tell my fortune:
«You'll have no time to escape,
They're already coming for you!
They'll tear your eyes apart,
They'll burn your heart!
You'll have no time to escape,
They're already coming for you!»
«I'm not afraid to die
And you, old raven,
will tear his eyes apart.
I'm not afraid, I've been singing for so long,
But his false heart will burn like mine!»
The crab came from the sea,
His mouth will be able
To steal his soul
As he draws his final breath.
The crab came from the sea,
His mouth will be able
To steal his soul
As he draws his final breath.
And my Lord doesn't know,
That just once won't be enough
For the vulture to devour my body
To silence my heart forever.
And my Lord doesn't know,
That just once is not enough
For the vulture to devour my body
To silence my heart forever.
The raven of the sea came to me
To tell my fortune:
«You'll have no time to escape,
They're already coming for you!
They'll tear your eyes apart,
They'll burn your heart!
You'll have no time to escape,
They're already coming for you!»
«I'm not afraid to die
And you, old raven,
will tear his eyes apart.
I'm not afraid, I've been singing for so long,
But his false heart will burn like mine!»
The crab came from the sea,
His mouth will be able
To steal his soul
As he draws his final breath.
The crab came from the sea,
His mouth will be able
To steal his soul
As he draws his final breath.
And my Lord doesn't know,
That just once won't be enough
For the vulture to devour my body
To silence my heart forever.
And my Lord doesn't know,
That just once is not enough
For the vulture to devour my body
To silence my heart forever.
Winter is coming


Here I am, grieving, I'm crying, because of this sunset
My colours across the afternoon sky, Garrumara Baŋgarrari, Galaŋgarri Galathi
My clouds are rising, Wuḻpunduganawirra Gumbaḻkarra, shapes like people
Reflections on the calm water for me, shimmering on the water
With this sunset
O.h I am, oh I am Loli (ancestors)
O.h I am Galparra, Gurrumulŋa (ancestors)
The wind caresses me, the arms of the northern winds
An my grandmother country, Bangulŋa Randulkuŋa Wuḏutjana Gimiyala
O.h I am, oh I am Loli
O.h I am Galparra, Gurrumulŋa
My mind has gone back, to Bekuḻ, Galupayu, dhärrin and Mayaŋ-ŋaraka
Those two Gumatj women are crying
Dela Daylulu Dhuwanydjika grieving
O.h I am, oh I am Loli
O.h I am Galparra, Gurrumulŋa


Szeress, mert legbelül lassan meghalok
Hívj fel, nem tudod hogy a szívem sír
És nézz a szemembe, megfogod találni a szomorúságot és a magányt
Csak nézz a lelkembe
Oly üresnek érzem, üresnek
(Bárki.... Szomorúság.... Bárki... Szomorúság... Heee yaaa... Érzés...)
Szeress, mert legbelül lassan meghalok
Hívj fel, nem tudod hogy a szívem sír
Szeress, mert legbelül lassan meghalok
Hívj fel, nem tudod hogy a szívem sír
És nézz a szemembe, megfogod találni a szomorúságot és a magányt
Csak nézz a lelkembe
Oly üresnek érzem, üresnek
(Bárki.... Szomorúság.... Bárki... Szomorúság... Heee yaaa... Érzés... Bárki.... Szomorúság.... Bárki... Szomorúság...)
És nézz a szemembe...
És nézz a szemembe...
Szeress! Szeress!

Ments Meg

Mikor veled vagyok
Minden jobbnak tűnik
Most tudom
Ma az egészet látom
Ketten egyek voltunk
Fájdalommal telt mikor elmentél
Jöjj és ments meg
Elvesztem érintésem
Nap nap után
Mer' annyira hiányzol
Jöjj és ments meg
Elvesztem az eszem
Várok és várok
Rád hogy enyém légy
Jöjj és ments meg
Magamtól, magamtól
Jöjj és ments meg
Magamtól, magamtól
Mikor veled vagyok
Minden jobbnak tűnik
Most tudom
Ma az egészet látom
Ketten egyek voltunk
Fájdalommal telt mikor elmentél
Jöjj és ments meg
Elvesztem érintésem
Nap nap után
Mer' annyira hiányzol
Jöjj és ments meg
Elvesztem az eszem
Várok és várok
Rád hogy enyém légy
Jöjj és ments meg
Magamtól, magamtól
Jöjj és ments meg
Magamtól, magamtól