Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 9

Találatok száma: 386


7 Gyűrű

Reggeli a Tiffany's-ban és üvegek buborékokkal
Lányok tetkókkal, kik szeretnek bajba kerülni
Pillák és gyémántok, ATM-ek
Megveszem magamnak a kedvenc dolgaimat
Sok szaron keresztülmentem, szomorú ribancnak kéne lennem
Ki gondolta volna, hogy e helyett inkább vagány lettem?
Inkább bilinccsel kötözzenek meg, mint masnival
Úgy írom a saját csekkjeimet, mint ahogy azt amit éneklek, igen
A csuklóm, ne nézd, a nyakam selymes
Nagy előlegeket teszek, a szájfényem szexi
Tetszik a hajam? Köszi, most vettem
Meglátom, megtetszik, kell, megszerzem (Igen)
Kell, megszerzem, kell, megszerzem
Kell, megszerzem, kell, megszerzem
Tetszik a hajam? Köszi, most vettem
Meglátom, megtetszik, kell, megszerzem (Igen)
Gyűrűt hordok, de nem leszek 'Mrs.'
Ugyanolyan gyémántot vettem mind a 6 ribancomnak
Inkább elkényeztetem a barátaimat a vagyonommal
Azt hiszem, a vásárlási terápia az új függőségem
Akárki is mondta, hogy a pénz nem oldja meg a problémáidat
Annak biztos nem volt elég pénze, hogy megoldja őket
Azt mondják 'Melyik?', azt mondom 'Nem, mind kell'
Boldogság annyiba kerül mint a Red-bottoms*
A mosolyom sugárzó, a bőröm ragyogó
Ahogy fénylik, tudom, hogy láttad
Vettem egy villát csak a ruháimnak
Az övé és az övé, kell, megszerzem
Kell, megszerzem, kell, megszerzem
Kell, megszerzem, kell, megszerzem
Tetszik a hajam? Köszi, most vettem
Meglátom, megtetszik, kell, megszerzem (Igen)
Igen, a blokkjaim úgy néznek ki mint a telefonszámok
Ha ez nem pénz, akkor téves szám
A fekete kártya az üzleti kártyám
Ahogy felvidítja a kedvem
Nem akarok felvágni, de légyszi tedd be a táskába
Mikor meglátod a bőröndöket, meg vannak tömve, mint a seggem
Menjünk a boltból a butikba
Tudjuk le az egészet egy körrel
Nem baj, nálam van az üdítő
Semmi csak háló, mikor forgatunk
Nézd a nyakam, nézd a repülőm
Nincs elég pénzed hogy tiszteletet adj nekem
Nincs fizetésed, mikor én forgatáson vagyok
Ha tetszik, akkor meg fogom szerezni, igen
Kell, megszerzem, kell, megszerzem
Kell, megszerzem, kell, megszerzem
Tetszik a hajam? Köszi, most vettem
Meglátom, megtetszik, kell, megszerzem (Igen)


La-la, la-la, la-la, la
La-la, la-dee-da
Ez a szerelem, amit érzek
Nem olyan, mint egy másik érzés
Nem tudom elmagyarázni
Ez a szerelem, amit adsz nekem
Olyan dolgokat éreztet, amiket nem tudok
Srác, olyan jó érzéseket keltesz
Ez különleges, különleges számomra
Olyan jó
Te vagy az elem, amire szükségem volt
Nem tudlak elengedni téged
Elakad tőled a lélegzetem
Olyan, mintha varázslatot vetnél rám
Ez nevetséges!
Ez nevetséges
Ez nevetséges
Ez nevetséges
Ez nevetséges
Ha elmegyek egy nap nélküled
Tudom, hogy gondolni fogsz rám
Vajon mit csinálhatok
Vajon mire gondolhatok
Magamnak akarlak
Nem akarok senki mást
Srác, tudod, hogy te vagy az édesem, édesem
Csan én látlak
Ott állva, olyan szexin nézel ki, baby
Hé, most olyan érzéseket, érzéseket, érzéseket adsz
Mint szeretni téged, érinteni téged
Csávító vagyok, baby, baby
Olyan, mintha varázslatot vetnél rám
Ez nevetséges!
Ez nevetséges
Ez nevetséges
Ez nevetséges
Ez nevetséges
Szeretlek, te szeretsz
Együtt kell lennünk
Ez nevetséges
Nem tudod, hogy csillag vagy
Nem tudod összetörni a szívem!
Ez nevetséges
Ez nev-
Ez nev-
Ez nev-
Ez nev-
Ez nev-
Ez nev-
Ez nevetséges!


The yearning took possession of me
I wanted to be alone
I wanted nothing more of what everyone else was doing
I just wanted to be by myself
Every goal had disappeared
And all I saw was the fear of the next day
And as sheer compulsion rang out from my soul,
not one thing was clear to me
I am like jetsam1
After its maiden voyage and a steep, brief happiness
And I was there and it was beautiful and not of this world
I am like jetsam
And it was so hard and I cried behind the dike
I'm back, don't know for how long
But I'll give it a try
I am like jetsam
The passion that moved me
lost speed so quickly
Nothing was as as it had been
A shot of another kind
All friends disappeared
Courage was nothing but a deep valley of grief
Nerves were raw in this house of sand,
which was my home
I am like jetsam
After its maiden voyage and a steep, brief happiness
And I was there and it was beautiful and not of this world
I am like jetsam
And it was so hard and I cried behind the dike
I'm back, don't know for how long
But I'll give it a try
I am like jetsam
I am like jetsam
After its maiden voyage and a steep, brief happiness
And I was there and it was beautiful and not of this world
I am like jetsam
And it was so hard and I cried behind the dike
I'm back, don't know for how long
But I'll give it a try
I am like jetsam
  • 1. “Flotsam and jetsam” are often used together or interchangeably to refer to any type of wreckage or debris that washes up on a beach. But maritime law differentiates between the two, with “flotsam” (Treibgut) referring to parts of wreckage or cargo that wash up on shore naturally and “jetsam” (Strandgut) being things that are intentionally thrown overboard and discarded. It's possible that “Strandgut” is used here as a general term to refer to both or either, but I chose to translate it as “jetsam” since the idea of being discarded intentionally seemed to fit the theme of the song better.


A nod, a couple of clacks of jaw to many
and no advice would have helped.
We sensed a trap in a foreign court
and the courtyard was left without it's jesters.
And the speech chair, it would have stood empty
if it weren't for the stingy delusional man.
It said: 'For them, nothing is sacred!'
He talked about us - pink, flaccid and dull.
New generation - it comes like hail
That soon melts all over [1]
It is time to choose, yes, time to see the difference
We will not make corrections to this song
We will not make corrections to this song
We will not make corrections to this song
We will not make corrections to this song

Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Honolulu Beach Bikini

On a Florida beach she went for a walk
And what she wore shouldn't have disturbed nobody
Just a lonely posh old lady
Almost fainted and was very much annoyed
(Eight, nine, ten, well, what was to be seen there?)
It was her Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Honolulu Beach Bikini
It was sharp and it was so modern
Her Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Honolulu Beach Bikini
Was very popular especially with the gents
(One, two, three, well, what was the big scandal?)
The caballeros at the Copacabana
They kept following her around
She ran away and ran scared into the water
She almost drowned in the sea
(Eight, nine, ten, well, what was to be seen there?)
Well, in Venice it was the Viennale season
A photographer thought she was a star
But everybody later read in the paper
That it was her bikini that made her look like one
(Eight, nine, ten, well, what was there to be seen?)
So she put on her bikini
The one she couldn't wear anywhere else
Just all by herself at home
And wore it in her bathtub
Aaaw ....


Your voice on the phone
Told me to come back
My heart forgot it's hatred
And I came near you
It wasn't the first meeting no
Nor the last
My lips said forgive me
My eyelash dropped a tear
And in your eyes a sky of happiness opened up
Heart said to heart
Believe in love
To give way to beautiful thoughts
I want you close
Only you
And everything will always be straightforward
Between the two of us
In every step of my life
I want you to be there too
You too
In every step and in the joy of life
I feel you near
Oh love
Your voice on the phone
Told me to come back
My heart forgot it's hatred
And I came near you
It wasn't the first meeting no
Nor the last
My lips said forgive me
My eyelash dropped a tear
And in your eyes a sky of happiness opened up
Heart said to heart
Believe in love
To give way to beautiful thoughts
I want you close
Only you
And everything will always be straightforward
Between the two of us
In every step of my life
I want you to be there too
You too
In every step and in the joy of life
I feel you near
Oh love

The Rose

The rose, where does it come from?
Out of what blueness and from what cloud
It is the sun and it sighs
It's passion and flight
What have you given me, o rose?
It enchanted me with its scent
And in last night's dream
It also called me to love
Last night's rose
Smiled to me from its petals
And cheeks in the snow
At once reddened
What have you give me, o rose?
It enchanted me with its scent
And in last night's dream
It called me to the same with you

Esőcseppek (Egy angyal sírt)

Amikor esőcseppek estek az égből
Aznap, amikor elhagytál, egy angyal sírt
Ó, sírt, egy angyal sírt
És sírt

You Wouldn't Know How Much

Even if you shall commit to your ideas all the way
Even if I shall open up my closed-heart, I shall surrender to you
You wouldn't know how much
You wouldn't even know how
Even if you shall delve into my room
Even if you shall investigate my writings for nights
You wouldn't know how much
You wouldn't even know how
There was a dove in the covert of the cliff crying for you
You wouldn't know how much
You wouldn't even know how
Even if I shall spread out my heart for you
Even if I shall compare you from sunrise to sunset
You wouldn't know how much
You wouldn't even know how
There was a hidden dove crying for you
You wouldn't know how much
You wouldn't even know how
And when the walls of the came down over my head
I would run to the field
Light on my feet
Amongst the grass I would bend and sing songs of
a deer upon water
If anyone shall see my
Dancing in a field of thorns
Let It know that...
I have not given up
Oh, my Malkuth,
Even if I shall slay the neck of my violin
Even if, blood-soaked,
my song shall erupt
You wouldn't know how much
You wouldn't even know how
There was a dove in the covert of the cliff crying for you
You wouldn't know how much
You wouldn't even know how
And when the walls of the Beth Midrash came down over my head
I would run to the field
Light on my feet
Amongst the grass I would bend and sing songs of
a deer upon water
If anyone shall see my Malkuth
Dancing among clouds
Let It know that...
I have not given up
I shall wait my entire life
Even if you shall commit to your ideas all the way
Even if I shall open up my closed-heart, I shall surrender to you
You wouldn't know how much
You wouldn't even know how

Draw a circle, it's the Earth (Poland)

Hey hey Tato, won't you, like, gimme some Wódka?
Hey hey Mamo, hey hey Mamo
The Żurek, I ate so long ago,
I totally can't forget that taste~
Draw a circle, there's the earth!
Draw a circle, there's the earth!
Draw a circle, there's the earth!
'Cuz I'm Poland~
Cultivate the earth,
Harvest the earth,
Providing for the nation, the earth
'Cuz I'm Poland~
Ah, a splendid world
That can be seen with a paintbrush,
I have, like
400 thousand surnames~
'The Spirytus that's made by distilling it 70 times
That originated from me~ Fer sure, it's the best~'
Draw a circle, there's the earth!
Draw a circle, there's the earth!
Draw a circle, there's the earth!
'Cuz I'm Poland~
Draw a circle, there's a phoenix
Even after being partitioned, I'll revive!
The resurrecting phoenix
'Cuz I'm Poland~
When I turn the pages of the Album,
In a tearfully happy present
I take a Chance and turn the tables,
I'll do something~!
Getting over a harsh history,
There is an important present
Totally right Dziadku, peace is the best
Hey Niemowlę ('For Liet, y'know~')
Hey hey Tato, won'cha gimme some Bigos?
Hey hey Mama, hey hey Mama
The Żurek I ate so long ago,
I can't, like, forget that taste~
During the time of that feeling,
Poland's rule applies~
('It'll always be my Turn!')
Draw a circle, dear friend
Liet's my dear friend
An important, dear friend
My one and only, y'know~
We were in the same house before,
Like, living together~
Even though we got separated,
We're still totally good friends~!
Ah, a sleeping Recipe
Of joy in the world,
Seriously, I'll be relying
On Liet from now on too~

Sensual Inspiration

Between you and I, this feeling has always existed
This sensation that says we both want us
We let off steam alone
Tell me where to go, I'll be there
You know well that you prefer me
And you make me lose control
[Randy & Farruko]
Baby, only you make me like this
You are for me
My sexual inspiration
Baby, only you make me like this
You are for me
My sexual inspiration
I want you to devour me, without conditions
Have you all to myself
Make you delirious
That you desire, when I'm inside you
And don't be afraid of what I make you feel
That you're touching the sky when I make you come
But don't fall in love, don't make illusions either, it's easier this way
When you get hot, just call me if you want to repeat it
I know what you're feeling
And that it's consuming you
And now you don't hold back your desires
And you want me to turn you on in calls
We're both crazy for doing it
[Randy & Farruko]
Baby, only you make me like this
You are for me
My sexual inspiration
Baby, only you make me like this
You are for me
My sexual inspiration
What do I have to do to see you?
So you can understand that I want to eat you
That it's you....that makes me hot
And it's you....that increases my desire
Tell me where to go, I'll be there
You know well that you prefer me
And you make me lose control
Baby, only you make me like this
You are for me
My sexual inspiration
Baby, only you make me like this
You are for me
My sexual inspiration
[Jowell, Randy & Farruko]
Son Jowell & Randy
Farruko (Farru)
Oye ma' Viva La Music
Dayme & El High
Via La Music
Ronald El Killa
Kapital Music
DJ Sogg
Nota Loca
Sexual Inspiration, baby

Köszönöm, Következő

Azt hittem Sean-nal fogom végezni
De nem illettünk össze
Írtam néhány dalt Rickyről
Most csak hallgatom és nevetek
Még majdnem meg is házasodtam
És Petenek hálás vagyok
Bárcsak megköszönhetném Malcolmnak
Mert egy angyal volt
Az egyik megtanította a szerelmet
Az egyik megtanította a türelmet
És az egyik megtanította a fájdalmat
Most olyan csodás vagyok
Szerettem és vesztettem
De én nem ezt látom
Szóval, nézd mim van
Nézd, mit tanítottál nekem
És ezért azt mondom
Köszönöm, következő
Köszönöm, következő
Köszönöm, következő
Annyira hálás vagyok az exemnek
Köszönöm, következő
Köszönöm, következő
Köszönöm, következő
Annyira ...
Több időt töltök a barátaimmal
Nem aggódok semmiért
Plusz találkoztam mással
Sokkal jobb beszélgetéseink vannak
Tudom hogy azt mondják, túl gyorsan lépek tovább
De ez örökké fog tartani
Mert úgy hívják hogy Ari
És jól elvagyok ezzel (Olyan jól elvagyok ezzel)
Ő megtanított szeretni
Megtanította a türelmet
És kezeli a fájdalmat
Ez olyan nagyszerű
Szerettem és veszítettem
De én nem ezt látom
Csak nézd, mit találtam
És nem kellett keresni, és ezért azt mondom
Köszönöm, következő
Köszönöm, következő
Köszönöm, következő
Annyira hálás vagyok az exemnek
Köszönöm, következő
Köszönöm, következő
Köszönöm, következő
Annyira hálás vagyok az exemnek
Köszönöm, következő
Köszönöm, következő
Köszönöm, következő
Egy nap az oltárhoz fogok sétálni
Édesanyám kezét fogva
Meg fogom köszönni az apukámnak
Mert kinőtte ezt a drámát
Egyszer akarom megtenni, de akkor nagyon
Örökké fog tartani
Isten megtiltja hogy valami történjen
Legalább ez a dal egy sláger
Sok szeretetem van
Sok a türelmem
Tanultam a fájdalomból
Csodálatos lettem
Szerettem és veszítettem
De én nem ezt látom
Csak nézd, mit találtam
És nem keresni
És ezért azt mondom, hogy
Köszönöm, következő
Köszönöm, következő
Köszönöm, következő
Annyira hálás vagyok az exemnek
Köszönöm, következő
Köszönöm, következő
Köszönöm, következő
Annyira hálás vagyok az exemnek


In her hair I found a strange laughter
True became false and false became true
There, where the black ravens awake
In the black Ravenhair
The shining of her eyes
It sank swishing into the sea
I must shadow it, in crying sorrow
Because the sun no longer shines
No longer
Her song tones now in the sea's valley
Forever and ever on
Her song tones now in the sea's valley
Forever and ever on
The song waves to the false lips
Scraping it off from my skin
The wind remains silent in the cliffs
Also from horror, he makes no sound
Now I wish to enter the water too
But no cooling brings the sea
I can see the beach from far off
But the ravens are no more
No more
(Ravens wait on the, on the cliffs
Like black tears in, in sand
Ravens wait on the, on the cliffs
Like black tears in, in sand)
Her song tones now in the sea's valley
Forever and ever on
Her song tones now in the sea's valley
Forever and ever on
A song struck me dead
A song tones now in the sea's valley
Forever and ever on
Whose song sang to me -Oooho
Her song tones now in the sea's valley
Forever and ever on
Whose song sang to me
In the light
I wish to giver her a kiss
Last greeting to the dead lips
In the deep I find her
In the dark Halls of Souls
Still life in the legs
Sixteen small ventral fins
Far away on the beach, the ravens remain silent
Onto the beach, I come no longer
No longer
(Ravens wait on the, on the cliffs
Like black tears in, in sand
Ravens wait on the, on the cliffs
Like black tears in, in sand)
Her song tones now in the sea's valley
Forever and ever on
Her song tones now in the sea's valley
Forever and ever on
A song struck me dead
A song tones now in the sea's valley
Forever and ever on
Whose song sang to me -Oooho
Her song tones now in the sea's valley
Forever and ever on
Whose song sang to me
In the light
Her song tones now in the sea's valley
Forever and ever on
Her song tones now in the sea's valley
Forever and ever on
Her song tones now in the sea's valley
Forever and ever on
Her song tones now in the sea's valley
Someone whispers there 'murder'

show me your love

your heart’s an ocean, it’s on and off
it’s unpredictable and difficult
you come and go all day, go down and up
you know you make me confused
when i approach, the waves wash me away
i can’t do it no matter what
i think it’s love that’s flipping my heart around
you make me crazy everyday
your eyes looking at me and your hands
what else do you want? why are you still hiding?
down to your smallest gestures
no matter how much i look, i can’t see it
you can’t know
what kind of relationship has this strange mood?
tell me now, oh, girl
if you’re thinking the same way
baby, show me your love, your love, your love
oh, show me your love, your love, your love
you know i'm in love, in love with you
oh, show me now, i want your love
i’d rather build a fortress
but if i can’t, just hold me in your arms
why does my heart keep wavering?
you disappear in front of my eyes
why, why, why, why? i’m ready
show me, don’t turn away
oh, in the ocean that is you
i open the hidden boxes
why do you just smile whenever i meet your eyes?
my head’s pounding all day
i think it’s love that’s flipping my heart around
you make me crazy everyday
your eyes looking at me and your hands
what else do you want? why am i still hiding?
down to your smallest gestures
no matter how much i look, i can’t see it
you can’t know
what kind of relationship has this strange mood?
tell me now, oh, girl
if you’re thinking the same way
baby, show me your love, your love, your love
oh, show me your love, your love, your love
you know i'm in love, in love with you
oh, show me now, i want your love
whatever you want isn’t just a game
you’re saving your love to give it to everyone else
when you face me with those eyes and smile brightly
you’re more beautiful
than anyone else in this world
you’re blinding, prettier than before
tell me now, oh, girl
the truth is you like me too
baby, show me your love, your love, your love
oh, show me your love, your love, your love
i know you're in love, in love with me
oh, show me now, i want your love

naturally curly

they say they met you by fate
with your curly orange hair
wearing tomboyish clothes
they say they met me by the cafeteria
all the girls ask you where you got your hair curled
i tell them it’s natural
all the boys try to touch it as if it’s a lion’s mane
i just watch because i don’t know what to do
naturally curly naturally curly, follow me
naturally curly, what can i do?
naturally curly naturally curly, follow me
naturally curly, it’s magical
we didn't become friends right away
because of doubt and misunderstanding
but why do my eyes keep going to you?
your curly orange hair is so charming
all the girls snap at you but don’t let it bother you
i think your curly hair is nice
all the boys tease you but don’t get too upset
i like it the way it is
naturally curly naturally curly, i like it
naturally curly, you’re cute when you’re angry
naturally curly naturally curly, i like it
naturally curly, it’s so charming
it’s hard to deal with others, i want you to stop listening to them
i’ve had enough of it, it’s too hard
i’m concerned, i understand
your curly hair is nice
woah, woah
woah, woah
woah, woah
woah, woah
naturally curly naturally curly, follow me
naturally curly, what can i do?
naturally curly naturally curly, follow me
naturally curly, it’s so charming


when morning comes
i wanna be by your side, yeah
there's no space between us
we’re already one
us two, we’re okay
tell me when morning comes
i feel you getting warmer
when you say you love me, yeah
the warm spring approaches
this eternal winter will never end in this lingering time
i can feel the temperature, better than yesterday
my heart races as time accelerates
why do the moments i see you pass so quickly?
i hope the hands on the clock stop
when i’m with you
all day’s a party
when i look into your eyes
time passes like an arrow
we cross the dark night
i can feel the morning sunshine
baby don’t kill my vibe
don’t stop this mood, yeah
continue onto the next day, yeah
i’ll love you ’til the dawn
oh, woah (hey)
i’ll love you ’til the dawn
oh, woah, yeah
i’ll love you ’til the dawn
the dawn is dyed in beige
take it one step at a time lady
there’s no need to concentrate any more
when we’re drunk on this feeling everyday
i feel us becoming one all day
i wanna be with you for a long time, everyday
fall in and drown, why does this feel like a dream?
it’s a mystery
things change as i get to know you, it’s dope
i fall into this deep, dark sea
in the moment i’m out of sight
i become a ray of light shining on you, that’s me
the black darkness swallows you up
but i’m always by your side
don’t leave, i’ll protect you, don’t go away
even if you can’t find me, i’ll always stay here
when i look into your eyes
time passes like an arrow
we cross the dark night
i can feel the morning sunshine
baby don’t kill my vibe
don’t stop this mood, yeah
continue onto the next day, yeah
i’ll love you ’til the dawn
oh, woah (hey)
i’ll love you ’til the dawn
oh, woah, yeah
i’ll love you ’til the dawn
yeah, yeah, yeah
time leaves your side so quickly
the meaningless parts of your life
are piecing together
i’ll love you ’til the dawn
oh, woah (hey)
love you ’til the dawn
i’ll love you ’til the dawn
oh, woah, yeah
baby, don’t kill my vibe
i’ll love you ’til the dawn
i’ll love you ’til the dawn
i’ll love you ’til the dawn

another level

don’t miss this, this is your chance
so watch me and wake up
you’ve never felt anything like this
it’s extraordinary so come on
watch, all of this is for you
you can trust me
protect us, we’re special
you can just hold me
i hate the same old love
everything’s melted
from your eyes, nose, lips
to your heart
we’ll fly to the top of the sky
if it’s shocking, don’t act surprised and stay calm
i’ll show you what guys like me are about
i’ll take you where no one else ever has
i’ll take you and love you
this is a brand new feeling
take my hand, i got you
now yes, do it
go to the hook
feeling good, baby
stay until the end
i’ll show you
i’m on another level
i'll show you my style
i’m on another level
watch closely
this feeling is my color
it’s exciting, my class
i’m on another level
tick, tock, tick, tock, i’ll stop time, baby
i don’t stop
i chase what i want until the end
don’t fix your broken walls
you can’t get away from me
i’ll keep your biggest secrets
just lean on me
protect us, we’re special
you can just feel it
listen to this song
until its end
i’ll teach you everything
what is this new love?
we’ll go to the ends of the universe
if you’re nervous, don’t act surprised and concentrate
i’ll show you what guys like me are about
i’ll take you where no one else ever has
i’ll take you and love you
this is a brand new feeling
take my hand, i got you
now yes, do it
go to the hook
feeling good, baby
stay until the end
i’ll show you
i’m on another level
i'll show you my style
i’m on another level
watch closely
this feeling is my color
it’s exciting, my class
i’m on another level
tick, tock, tick, tock, i’ll stop time, baby
it isn’t something you have to hide
don’t try to adapt, just look into my eyes
i’ll just give you my song and my dance
i’ll give you my kiss
go to the hook
feeling good, baby
stay until the end
i’ll show you
i’m on another level
i'll show you my style
i’m on another level
watch closely
this feeling is my color
it’s exciting, my class
i’m on another level
tick, tock, tick, tock, i’ll stop time, baby
i'll show you my style
i’m on another level
watch closely
this feeling is my color
it’s exciting, my class
i’m on another level
tick, tock, tick, tock, i’ll stop time, baby

hoping that you'd love me

i try so hard to hide my feelings from you
it’s all in vain, just be honest with me
why is there someone else at your side?
what’s behind and in front of you aren’t different
i think about it a hundred times a day
i scold myself for my racing heart caused by you
i clearly understand it won’t happen
but i’m still by your side when i close my eyes
i’m lonely when i can feel your empty space
it hurts so much to think i’m not yours
i know as much as you that it sounds crazy
but i’m hoping that you’d love me just a bit more
i’m hoping that you’d love me
i’m hoping that i’d feel those things
i’m hoping that you’d lean on me
no one else, i’m hoping that you’d be by my side
this is the first time i’ve ever felt this
am i like everyone else?
do these feelings come to everyone
at least once in their lives?
i need someone to tell me, i need an answer, not a question
you’re the only one who can answer my question
but you’re looking somewhere completely different
i’m at a crossroads, staring off into space
why don’t you know how i feel?
when can we tear down the wall between us?
i pray each day that you’ll open up a bit more
that your feelings for me will change
i’m hoping that you’d love me
i’m hoping that i’d feel those things
i’m hoping that you’d lean on me
no one else, i’m hoping that you’d be by my side
baby, baby
i’m worried i’ll lose you if i’m a step ahead
waiting, waiting
i can’t keep cool, i’m hoping you’ll approach first
every day until i go to sleep
every night i’m hoping that you’d be by my side
i’m hoping that you’d love me
i’m hoping that you’d love me (hoping that you’d love me)
i’m hoping that i’d feel those things
i’m hoping that you’d lean on me (lean on me now)
no one else, i’m hoping that you’d be by my side

don't stop me now

you’re a magnet pulling me in
you hold onto me like gravity
i’m captivated, dragged in by your scent
i’m going crazy
i break when i look at you
my heart breaks in that moment too
it’s not easy when it’s ignited
it bursts into flames, bang
oh, i can't stop thinking 'bout you, girl
yeah, each night is the same
if it’s not you, everything’s trivial
they fall short to my expectations of you
i can’t stop, can’t give up
you always come to mind
i can’t help it, you wash over me like a wave
i gotta run, oh, i gotta run, run
don't stop me now
eh, oh, eh, oh, i'm chasing you, you, you
don't stop me now
eh, oh, eh, oh, oh
you’re the rain that covers me
it’s too late, i can’t reverse it
the wind blows, oh, i can’t handle it all day
it keeps making me crazy
this feeling is a rollercoaster
i can’t control the descent
i don’t regret it but i can’t restore it
now i’ll go to you
one, two, three, now i’m ready for the battle
if i think i’m falling behind, i’ll run faster
i can’t reach anyone else but you
then we take it to the next level
i can’t stop, can’t give up
you always come to mind
i can’t help it, you wash over me like a wave
i gotta run, oh, i gotta run, run
don't stop me now
eh, oh, eh, oh, i'm chasing you, you, you
don't stop me now
eh, oh, eh, oh, oh
time is running out
the space between us narrows
wait, run your distance, we can’t go back again
i dream when i close my eyes, up all night, you don’t stop me now
i can’t stop, can’t give up
you always come to mind
i can’t help it, you wash over me like a wave
i gotta run, oh, i gotta run, run
don't stop me now
eh, oh, eh, oh, i'm chasing you, you, you
don't stop me now
eh, oh, eh, oh, oh
don't stop me now

knock knock

when i walk you home late at night, i think
my chest grows warm, it’s embarrassing
oh, babe, baby, why?
why can’t i be this young forever?
i want to be yours, yeah, it has to be you
i beg and insist that it has to be you
it has to be you and it has to be me, girl
a few million people but it’s still me
baby, i’m so crazy
i fell into the universe that is you, yeah
baby, i’m so crazy
if i can’t avoid it, i’ll hesitate
i’ll come and knock
knock knock knock knock knock
until my gaze convinces you
knock knock knock, i’ll knock and knock
i’ll tell you i’m getting more nervous, ay
i can’t explain how i feel, i’ll hold you, baby
knock, knock knock knock knock knock
knock knock knock knock
i knock on the door of your heart, yeah
i can’t stop, you’re attracted to me
baby show your love, yeah, i’m not tricking you
look into my eyes, see only me
so i ask for you
to give me some time
i can manage it
just give me some time
okay, i’m at 100
i'm sincere but it’s ironic
you think i’m joking
but i'm not
i really like you (like you)
really like you (like you)
i hope i’m with you
until the end of the world
baby i’m so crazy
i fell into the universe that is you, yeah
baby i’m so crazy
if i can’t avoid it, i’ll hesitate
i’ll come and knock
knock knock knock knock knock
until my gaze convinces you
knock knock knock, i’ll knock and knock
i’ll tell you i’m getting more nervous ay
i can’t explain how i feel, i’ll hold you baby
knock, knock knock knock knock knock
knock knock knock knock
knock, knock knock knock knock (yeah)
if my gaze can convince you (trust me, baby)
i’ll show you everything, i can’t stop (i can't stop)
oh, the other guys are so obvious, i’ll stay by your side, yeah
knock knock knock knock, knock

come close

i’m aching, my head’s pounding
my face flushes
it’s not actually a cold
this is what happens when i remember you
i wish you were here
to help me undo my buttons
if i can reach out to your small hand
i’ll be breathless from happiness
only you, only you, only you
my friends say i’ve changed
only you, only you, only you
my life has changed since i met you
my days of smiling have increased
i look forward to each and every day
come close to my side
promise you won’t go anywhere oh
i want to be close to you
i want to see your smiling face
i forget any pain
i feel like i’m in the sky
i want to be close to you
i sometimes find you in silence
when we sweetly kiss
i become immune to everything
i want to be close to you
talk to you when i miss you
i’m in front of your door, i ring the doorbell
i’m here to hug you and give you a gift
don’t worry about opening the door, i don’t care if you’re not wearing makeup
i wanna take a walk around the neighborhood with you, my sweetheart
i’ll post the photos we take together
if i’m ever too busy, baby
only you, only you, only you
my friends say i’ve changed
only you, only you, only you
my life has changed since i met you
my days of smiling have increased
i look forward to each and every day
come close to my side
promise you won’t go anywhere oh
i want to be close to you
i want to see your smiling face
i forget any pain
i feel like i’m in the sky
i want to be close to you
i sometimes find you in silence
when we sweetly kiss
i become immune to everything
i fly above the clouds everyday
because of you
i lay in bed
your gaze makes my heart flutter
i’ve opened the new beginning that is you
it’s only luck
hold my heart in your hands
this path we walk is so beautiful
i want to be close to you
i want to see your smiling face
i forget any pain
i feel like i’m in the sky
i want to be close to you
i sometimes find you in silence
when we sweetly kiss
i become immune to everything
i want to be close to you

can't take my eyes off

i’m spacing out all day, yeah, yeah
i’m good sometimes but now i’m down, oh, no
why can’t i contact you? i’m suffocating, yeah, yeah
stop picking up to hang up
i wanna eat ice cream
and watch a film
wanna hold your hand on the weekends, hot place
i wanna leave for somewhere else
why am i falling for you?
i’m thinking of you all day
baby, i can’t take my eyes off anything about you, yeah
i’m in a relationship with my phone, i can’t take my eyes off it
i can’t take my eyes off it
i’m still locked in your feed
mama said if i studied this hard, i’d be going to seoul university
but i want more than that
be your boyfriend, yo
i wanna walk by your side
in the world van gogh and claude monet saw
alright, in the moments when i’m with you
i wanna eat something good
wanna watch us two together
i wanna fill my phone gallery
with pictures of us, yeah
wanna fill it up
i wanna fill up your days with me
why am i falling for you?
i’m thinking of you all day
baby, i can’t take my eyes off anything about you, yeah
i’m in a relationship with my phone, i can’t take my eyes off it
i’ve fallen for you, oh
i confess and you agree
i can’t take my eyes off you
can't take my eyes off
i’m floundering because i fell for you, girl
i wanna be wherever you are
you hold the hand
my phone used to be in, girl
i can’t take my eyes off you
i can’t take my eyes off you
you fell for me too
it’s fine even if we can’t sleep because of each other
i can’t take my eyes off you, yeah, yeah
i can’t take my eyes off you, yeah, yeah
i can’t take my eyes off you, eh, eh, eh, eh
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
you can't either
i can't either
you can’t take your eyes off me
i hope you’re in a relationship with your phone too


the moment our eyes met was ready, action (oh, yeah)
you immediately aimed at my heart (you target me)
you approach so close i can touch, oh, wait, girl (ooh)
hey i’m in danger, i can’t take my eyes off you (hot thang)
oh, your eyes, nose, lips
all the way to your perfectly beautiful smile
baby, step by step
our distance is narrowing until i’m in front in you
your actions are calculated
there’s no other variables
i see nothing but you, alright
oh, you got me now, baby
all week long
i’m thinking of you all day
oh my, oh my
l-o-v-e y-o-u
i can’t help it when i see you
alright, alright
this has become a game
i never thought this would happen
never thought i’d fall in love, what do i do?
la la la la la
you’re every direction
i’m locked in
never thought i’d fall in love, it’s serious
la la la la la, checkmate
i’m getting curious, i wanna know who you are
my once-cold heart is on fire (on fire)
you approach without warning, wait, girl (ooh)
hey i keep my eyes on you, i only see you (hot thang)
oh, your eyes, nose, lips
from head to toe
baby, step by step
no one can refuse you
you pick it up and put it down, black & white
you just keep taking the lead
i see nothing but you (alright)
oh, you got me now, baby
all week long
i’m thinking of you all day
oh my, oh my
l-o-v-e y-o-u
i can’t help it when i see you
alright, alright
this has become a game
i never thought this would happen
never thought i’d fall in love, what do i do?
la la la la la
you’re every direction
i’m locked in
never thought i’d fall in love, it’s serious
la la la la la, checkmate
give me that, give me that, give me that (give me that)
give me that, your, your love
losing my, losing my, losing my (losing my)
i'm losing my game for you
give me that, give me that, give me that (give me that)
give me that, your, your love
love me now, love me now, love me now (love me now)
i give you my everything
la la la la la la la
la la la la la la la la la la la
oh my, oh my
l-o-v-e y-o-u
i can’t help it when i see you
alright, alright
this has become a game
i never thought this would happen
never thought i’d fall in love, what do i do?
la la la la la
you’re every direction
i’m locked in
never thought i’d fall in love, it’s serious
la la la la la, checkmate

without u

i’m not moving my feet, oh
you know i’m still here, oh
i’m watching you get further away, baby
please stop just once more, yeah
oh, ah
i can feel it, baby
oh, ah
your feelings have changed
a day’s more like a year
i don’t know how many days it’s been
this is how i spend my days now, my baby
how about yours? woah
baby, without you
i can’t be happy without you
baby, without you
i can’t do anything
baby, without you, baby
baby, without you, baby
baby, without you, baby
i can’t do anything without you
i was in love
but i wasn’t enough
i can’t let you go like this, no way
it’s selfish but i can’t help it
i’ll be better, i’m sorry, please trust me again
i know it’s repetitive and you’re still suffering
but i want to erase those past memories
it’s selfish but please don’t erase me
oh, ah
i can’t imagine, baby
oh, ah
anything without you
i can’t live another day like this
i search for you all night long
my days are still like this, my baby
how about yours? woah
baby, without you
i can’t be happy without you
baby, without you
i can’t do anything
baby, without you, baby
baby, without you, baby
baby, without you, baby
i can’t do anything without you
in stopped time, yeah
i’m still living, oh, yeah
please come back
to my world, baby
baby, without you
i’m still waiting for you
baby, without you
i can’t do anything
baby, without you, baby
baby, without you, baby
baby, without you, baby
i can’t do anything without you

It's like we are made for each other

She is blonde with Nordic cool
I am dark like the belly of a whale
Black and white
As similar as yin and yang
Like night and day
Still I get the feeling that it's like we are made for each other
It's like we are made for each other
She is up and I am down
She is blind, but I, I see
Black and white
As similar as yin and yang
Like night and day
Still I get the feeling that it's like we are made for each other
It's like we are made for each other
Two is a nasty number
All too easy to split up in two
If you get to perish, you still want to be two
It's like we are made for each other
It's like we are made for each other
It's like we are made for each other
It's like we are made for each other

Rio Grande (The One Who Dances With Wolves)

There by the river Rio Grande
I had a date with my dear
I go late, but still
It can testify a flock of vultures
This is how ended my Mary
And my shiny guns
Will shoot out for the last time
The story of the biggest love
At that time I grazed a herd of cattle
When the flow of the river took an ox
A bunch of Scots was laughing from the shore
Everyone was playing the bagpipes
Mary was a very beautiful girl
She wanted to love me more and more
The night was amazing and bright
The fairies were howling to the moon with wolves
There by the river Rio Grande...
When her old dad was dying
He said he would give her his trousers
Mary was very sad about it
She said she would never take them off
They were made of the real snake skin
And I was the first cowboy who was worth it
All of you can imagine
I didn't feel* only love, when I made love with her
There by the river Rio Grande...


In the middle of my path there'll always be a stone
I'll plant my home in a city of stone
Itamarandiba, race stone, lifeless stone turning without life
How it's lifeless and almost without the glow of the folks who live in the valley
On the way to that city you'll pass by Turmalina
You'll dream of Pedra Azul, you'll live in Diamantina
Itamarandiba, race stone, lifeless stone turning without life
How it's lifeless and almost without the glow of the folks who live in the valley
On the way to that city the women are mulatto
The men are happy, as though they were kids

Your Love is Too Big for Me

Look at you, things change, who would have thought?
Sometimes yes, sometimes no, sometimes who knows what
And if life surprises us for each error,
There we go again falling, damn temptation.
And look at you, you are doing so well, how you smile, it's even nice too see what your world looks like when you're with her.
Poor me, I was such a fool, I was so stupid,
I let you go and I hurt you
You are right, I left you with wounds, you said 'goodbye' and take my life with you ...
Why are leaving and I fall in a abyss without exit? Why are you going away and my world crashes down?
and you are my world! Why are my body, my soul, my skin left to pieces? I can't get used without you, I don't know (I don't know)
Look at you, after you would have given your life for me, it's me now who begs for you to come back here. And I know it's too late, and it's not about forgiveness.
I never offered enough, your love was too big for me
And look at you, you are doing so well, how you smile, it's even nice too see what your world looks like when you're with her.
Poor me, I was such a fool, I was so stupid,
I let you go and I hurt you (x2)
Why are leaving and I fall in a abyss without exit? Why are you going away and my world crashes down?
and you are my world! Why are my body, my soul, my skin left to pieces? I can't get used without you, I don't know (I don't know) (x2)

Mind Brand (JubyPhonic Ver.)

Hold on a second ma’am without a care
The clothes you wear don’t give a damn
Sleeping up and down the block
They got you knocked up by a man
Thinking you’re the mother mary
Pure but very dumb and can’t
Kick the dick from out your mouth
But do you even understand?
Hold on a moment sir without a heart
What kind of shit you tryin’ to sell?
Talking up a simple girl
You picked her cherry very well
Promising the sun and moon
The story that you always tell
Now you’re out the door?!
I hope you cherry pick your way to hell
“When’s it coming? Can’t recall
Oh mirror mirror on the wall”
Sex and bitter cynicism
Laughing, watch it start to fall
Picture perfect pandering
Pathetic, made you miserable
Though I shouldn’t care
I couldn’t wait to finally see them all in hell
(I’ll drag them as we crawl)
Ah, doing it right, feeling that high, taking what’s mine and I feel just fine
You took it all away so now this hero cries in pain
Holding you tight, fighting all night, telling me why but I can’t rewrite
The memories I made of you and me, won’t go away
Covered in cuts from head toe
A kinky kind of crazy, not enough
Can you feel it too?
The kind of pain made out of real love
See the needy, greedy me
we bleed to feed so easily?
Idiocracy she breathes
We needs to teach her everything!
Don’t ya know, it’s time to go?
So hurry up or fall behind!
Don’t know what they’re talkin’ bout?
Well strap on in, enjoy the ride!
Can’t see what’s ahead at all?
I guess we’re gonna travel blind!
Though I shouldn’t care at all
I’m just a drop of water in the sea
(And that’s a part of life)
Ah, changing my face, bearing that pain, joy that I made and you threw away
The heroine alone and weeping all throughout the night
Feeling okay, talking all day, repeating that play but they just won't fade
The memories we made of you and me, l couldn't fight
Poker face but the lies you buried deep were found
Run away but there will be blood to go around
Try to hide but the scars will open up again
Didn't like but it's gonna hurt you in the end
Take it in stride, meeting your eyes, planning all night, Remember those times?
Wallowing away in things I know I just can’t change
Laughing at jokes, getting so close, didn’t we know that time goes so slow?
The memories are fading, I’ll say goodbye to everything
W̶e̶l̶c̶o̶m̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶M̶i̶n̶d̶ ̶F̶×̶×̶k̶
W̶e̶l̶c̶o̶m̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶M̶i̶n̶d̶ ̶F̶×̶×̶k̶ ( ̶M̶i̶n̶d̶ ̶F̶×̶×̶k̶ )
W̶e̶l̶c̶o̶m̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶M̶i̶n̶d̶ ̶F̶×̶×̶k̶
W̶e̶l̶c̶o̶m̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶M̶i̶n̶d̶ ̶F̶×̶×̶k̶ (the ̶M̶i̶n̶d̶ ̶F̶×̶×̶k̶ )


Speaking of belief, but youre cought by the nature
Feeling the sorrow of the shekhina*, from your sorrow cant move
How will you sell them happiness, when youre one of the saddest people in town
How much a opened heart is important, You say but you will never give away your heart
A tool that holds the blessing is the peace, And no peace with yourself
Dont make the bible an axe, a dagger and a sword of your bible
With light one as a severe one, getting tired, making effort
Your settled Mishna**, clear, leavened bread in the rooms.
How he is marching calmly, with pride
Getting drunk, getting dizzy from the mob's voices
They call him a saint, bless you saint
In the lap of the fool will rest anger, rage of adders is your rage
Fool is passing his life without deed, you are sinking in your lazyness
How will you remember where you came from if you dont know where you're going to
Im a small mosquito from above, you say, what ever
But inside your heart a demon from a forest rules
How he is marching between a light to crazyness
Lame comfortably on the mob's head
They call him a saint, bless you saint
Hey saint, have a rest, stop
Until when will you twist, until when when will you beat around the bush
After all you know that nothing will help
Through this pain you need to pass
No one is pushing me, Stop falling asleep***
My nights are not coming anymore to demand their insults
How can I run away from you, where will i got?
Saint in his death is still alive, Me, in my life im already dead
Hey saint, between kse and asor****
What will you tell yourself, what will you sell to yourself
After all you know that nothing will help
Through this pain you need to pass

Know, My Beloved Son

They will tell you that you were torn from My heart
And from My table you were banished forever
They will remind you of things that you've hidden
Until your entire body will tremble from shame
They will stand well over all your mistakes
Your foolishness, your fond of the bad side
They will nag you that you had it in your hands
And now you have no way back
And you will listen to them
And you will believe them
They will prove to you that My mercy does have its boundaries
Which you've crossed with the haste of your feet
No shout, no sigh, no trick
Shall bring back My face to you
They will tell you about a divine voice that whispers
Return, ye backsliding children
Everyone except for you
They will offer you
Once you've been captured in the net
Now flap around in it as you please
Don't listen to them
Don't believe them
Know, My beloved son
That you were not torn from My heart
You will forever be
A lovely charming boy to Me
The truth is not absent from their words
For you do need to make amends
Things you could've chosen differently
And couldn't find the courage to regret
Nevertheless, My love, keep away from your heart
Any frightful thought or dread
Under every pricking truth hides
The honest truth
Don't listen to them
Don't believe them
Know, My beloved son
That you were not torn from My heart
You will forever be
A lovely charming boy to Me
True that I love the justice
But above that
I love the mercy

The Panties

Hey, what do you got
inside your panties,
is it flea or tick?
I wonder what it is.
But what is there?
Ah, it itches like hell,
it makes you scratch,
it drives you crazy.
Why, why
the itch torments you?
You stick your finger in there
to relieve it.
Yolanda’s hair
inside her panties
has to be trimmed
with pruning shears.
So you knew why
Take off your panties
So you knew why
Have a wash in the bidet 1
If you pull out your finger
from your panties
you get a lot of hair
altogether ruffled
What does it matter
if it looks bad?
It has left a dust stain
in the bottom.
She hid quickly
her panties
in colour of chestnut,
quite not something to show.
And thank goodness
you used to say: cleanness
reigns in my house!
Come on, go wash yourself!
So you knew why
Take off your panties
So you knew why
Have a wash in the bidet
All the neighbourhood
already knows
that you didn’t wash
your shat butt.
And I tell you:
have you no shame?
You’ll get a scabies,
go run and hide.
So you knew why
Take off your panties
So you knew why
Have a wash in the bidet
Take off your panties
Have a wash in the bidet