Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 3

Találatok száma: 105


Love Is Magic

I didn't start it
But it happened
Like the first time
Baby this is me (is me)
It was just a look
It beat perfect
Lies like the sea
How awkward
I tried to change you a little
But now I know
That I shouldn't have
I tried to show you the crazy
That I'm for you
Since that day
Ooh ooh
Don't leave me anymore
In this situation
I want to be with you
To understand
And love is fast (yeah)
Sometimes it's tragic (yeah)
It's magic
It could be said
That I was groundless
And what you gave me
Was a lesson
I believe to have
That which you want
But after you have it
Then don't despair
I tried to change you a little
But know I know
That I shouldn't have
I tried to show you the crazy
That I'm for you
Since that day
Ooh ooh
Don't leave me in this situation anymore
I want to be with you
To understand
And love is fast (yeah)
Sadist (ooh)
Sometimes it's tragic (yeah)
It's magic
I feel crazy for you
I miss you
I wish so much that you were here
And you gave me the proper value
Because I believe that life is nothing without love
No, I know that I'm not perfect
Or anything like that but I respect
What goes on in your head
I thank you, I adore you, I love you
I love you, I worship you, I feel you, I wish for you
Don't leave me in this position anymore
Nothing is in vain everything has its explanation
And I know mine
When I see you, I speak, I touch
Shivers in the spine,
And now everything will be good
I want to see your face when you hear this sound
Ah and I'm going to try to be more soft-hearted
I'm going to call you so we go see the sunset
And love is fast
Sometimes it's tragic
It's magic
It's fast
It's magic

Под раздробленным небом

пролился дождь
разрезав1 тишину
заставил меня забыть
дуновение ночи
очистило меня изнутри
окутало тьмой
помогло исчезнуть
я оставил печаль
где-то вдали,
по ту сторону
я больше не боялся
чувствовал силу2
я больше не чувствовал
что разлетаюсь на куски3
потом явилась ты4
ожидая меня
стоя в кругу
держащихся за руки
знамения призыва
стали намного сильнее
и я осознал
что больше не вернусь
что ж, теперь ты моя5
ты - часть моего смирения
но я останусь собой6
буду верен себе
лишь на ещё одну жизнь
весь мой шеф
их больше нет
и всё же мне не легче 7
я не смирился8
всё случилось слишком рано
так что ты должна знать
что теперь ты моя
ты - часть моего смирения
но я останусь собой
буду верен себе
что ж, теперь ты моя
ты - часть моего смирения
но я останусь собой
буду верен себе
  • 1. дословно - разбив
  • 2. дословно - чувствовал себя сильнее
  • 3. самое сложное место всего перевода. возможно, наоборот, лирический герой разбивается, потому что так надо, кто знает...
  • 4. пол в лирике никак не определён, но мне представляется какая-то Она
  • 5. дословно - ты принадлежишь мне
  • 6. дословно - останусь тем, кто я есть
  • 7. дословно - нет облегчения
  • 8. дословно - нет принятия

R n´B soul

The mother and daughter are standing in front of the pizzeria
Tralalalala they spin with the purse.
Daughter is twenty and mom twice as much,
Karol choose which one and for how much.
I'll advise, split mom to two twenties,
Then we can share brotherly.
Surely you ask what's wrong with my voice,
I wasn't happy for a long time, but I am again.
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
Both mother and daughter, that is what attracts me,
Like a medal in building a snowman,
But we have only one protection,
Karol suggested drawing lots for the mother.
I bet the tail and it's the head again,
So I'm just left with the young one again.
Mommy, please tell your daughter
That I don't have a rubber and to not be angry.
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
What are you saying gypsy shauve ... wait, not right now ...
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
What are you saying gypsy shauve michigens ...
I was still a little boy, it worked by itself
And then a guy from the neighbors sweared at me.
You fucking idiot, you ate me down there!
That's how a guy from the neighbors sweared at me.
Then we met again after the Sunday's Mass,
If we didn't get into fight, I wouldn't get lice.
Cheers! Thanks, it's true, i feel sick,
The guy from the neighbors gave me a present.
I had a band at school and we were just snots.
The class teacher took tape from me and sent me to Honor of Work.
They told me you are a dick, there will be a mess for sure.
Fortunately, his Tesla chewed Emgeton tapes.
We got old as paintings by world-famous artists,
Like a picture of Bača Ondra standing behind a sheep.
Realism, line drawing, Bača is curing a sheep.
We fuck into art, nobody can compete with us.
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
What are you saying gypsy shauve michigens ...
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
What are you saying gypsy shauve michigens ...
Oh oh oh
And you, shut your trap.
What? Me?
Sorry, I'm just a host, can you...
... R n'B Soul
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
What are you saying gypsy shauve michigens ...
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul

Dinoknight Force Ryusoulger

Use that flashing sword
On the battle road
You won't abandon this world you want to protect
You are resolved, so follow that path
These emblems of righteousness are proof that you are heroes
Now, make your souls as one!
You will never run no matter what happens
Dynamic! Make the earth resound
With your steely power
Use that flashing sword
On the battle road
The more people strive for a dream, the stronger it gets
Go and resolutely overcome your limits with a bang!
Work for justice and cut down the darkness
Dinoknight Force Ryusoulger
You won't grab ahold of that future you want to follow
A straightforward fanfare is here to have got your back
The tenderness of nobility is the essence of life
Now, let your Ryusouls bloom
You will never lose no matter what happens
Remarkably determine your resolve
By passing over!
Giga! A soul is grabbing
Change a mode with a flip
Whosoever has a more painful heart, the stronger it gets
Go master the infinite with a stunning upward mobility!
Help the weak and cut down evil
Dinoknight Force Ryusoulger
O Beloved planet Earth
May you last forever!
Be a shield for your homeland
Be the sword of hope
The more people strive for a dream, the stronger it gets
Go and resolutely overcome your limits with a bang!
Work for justice and cut down the darkness
Dinoknight Force Ryusoulger
Ryusoulger! Win the war!

Al-Fatiha, Pearl of the Quran

In the name of the One All Kindness and Compassion
All praises and gratitude for the One Master of all dimensions & worlds
All Kindness and Compassion
Supreme and only Judge
In You we confide and seek guidance.
Guide us on the Right Path,
the way to absolute joy & contentment in Your Presence,
not the way of those who suffer and get lost.
Amen, so be it
Please note that this is a rendering, not accurate translation
Please see comments

Sorrow has Rules

Sorrow has rules dictating that
you've been upset with yourself for a long time
so sit down with yourself and complain
and pray and ask about yourself
From time to time check up on
your heart in case it's in trouble1
Remove people who betrayed you from it
They're no longer needed
no longer needed
And don't cling to the newcomers
or even love people who left
And name all those who bother you
and make up with them until you're both satisfied
I am very skeptical about the rest
Now you'll filter and pick
Separating the people you love
from the ones you'll leave
Don't be superficial about picking people
Look closely inside them to see clearly
That's because a person who wounds
sometimes plays the role of the wounded
Open a wide parentheses
for those you'll forget and those you'll sell
and those you'll formally bid farewell
hopefully you won't close the parentheses
  • 1. alternate translation: if it has a heart attack

Mo Light

The bird fluttered, went up, came back, and slowed down
But it looks like it returned to another branch to check up on us
The queue moved and the traffic moved, check the post and share
Assure my family that we're fine and send a picture from the country
The bird fluttered, went up, came back, and slowed down
But it looks like it returned to another branch to check up on us
The queue moved and the traffic moved, check the post and share
Assure my family that we're fine, and like
A little one is enough for us
We’re good we’re good we alright, they’ve seen us alive
We’re good we’re good
We just need more light…
We just need more light…
I went to find out who and to report him, he turned out to know my jailer
and I found that people, brother, don't know the first from the second
This is really from the Nazareth
I know you must have heard about it
As a matter of fact they’re really classist
Making money off the passion
They made solution hard to find
Exodus: why we ask what’s happening?
Semite people we are rising
and I see more people realize this
I don’t mind that you blind to fact that you killing me,
but if you lie when you’re seeing it,
more lights in the sky reflect in our eyes when we move more mellow like Jello we shivering
there is no home for this foolish smile in this conscious zoo, no promise, no gamble, got nothing to lose, If I could buy my home I’ll do too
We’re good we’re good we alright, they’ve seen us alive
We’re good we’re good
We just need more light…
We just need more light…
And we aren't really far, in a world that now has three dimensions
We didn't even start to talk, about things we aren't hiding
Life is a tape that is rewound, an uncountable seashell necklace
and we are still on time, meeting the land of right


Versions: #1
Sometimes you have to write periods instead of commas
If you want to back away, you should keep going forward,
Because nothing was built from wishes
You only need bravery, as little as a poppy seed
Let's sail together now, adventurous hearts
We will realise one day that life is hard,
But live for the fact that once more
Imagined dawns will turn into real mornings
No matter they curse me, and call me a fool
I'd rather die as a fool tomorrow
Than regret anything I did sincerely
And I won't have to be ashamed of who I have become
No matter they curse me, and call me a fool
I'd rather die as a fool tomorrow
Than regret anything I did sincerely
And I won't have to be ashamed of who I have become
There's going to be clouds and there's going to be nightmares
But you don't have to be afraid now, I'm standing here always
In snoozing twilight, with crimson wings
Happiness in sadness, with wishes and hopes.
Sit down next to me, silently on the veranda
Listen, the wind is calling the crowns of trees to dance
That's it, luxury is needed no more
As this is how the dawn turns into a real morning
No matter they curse me, and call me a fool
I'd rather die as a fool tomorrow
Than regret anything I did sincerely
And I won't have to be ashamed of who I have become
No matter they curse me, and call me a fool
I'd rather die as a fool tomorrow
Than regret anything I did sincerely
And I won't have to be ashamed of who I have become

Viszlát lélek

Egész átkozott este vártam
Forgott velem a világ, rémült voltam
Egy pusztítás a rohadt minta
Hogy történhetett meg ez ismét?
Újabb nap, újabb pihentetés
(Újabb nap, újabb pihentetés)
Mondd el az utolsó búcsúid
Mert nem működünk
Mindünket hátrahagytatok
Azóta már nem vagyok ugyanolyan
Senki sem állíthatja meg az esőt
Szóval itt nyugszol, olyan ismerős halott szempát
Hideg és kábult, hé, üdv a gyászos életemben
Nyomasztó, gúnyos, sose leszek már újra a régi
Már majdnem bűnösnek érződik, nem emlékszem semmire
(Nem emlészem semmire)
Mondd el az utolsó búcsúid
Mert nem működünk
Mindünket hátrahagytatok
Azóta már nem vagyok ugyanolyan
Senki sem állíthatja meg az esőt
Feltettél egy pokoli vitát
Aztán elmostad az árral
Azóta semmit se érzek
Senki sem állíthatja meg az esőt
Drága magányos lélek
Emlékezz rám
Amíg ismert vagy
Semmiben sem tudok hinni
Elbaszom az agyam az emlékekkel
Éreztem, hogy az utolsó lélegzeted veszed
Imádkoztam, hogy engem vigyenek el inkább
De ami halott, az halott, felejtsd el
Mondd el az utolsó búcsúid
Mert nem működünk
Mindünket hátrahagytatok
Azóta már nem vagyok ugyanolyan
Senki sem állíthatja meg az esőt
Senki sem állíthatja meg az esőt
Senki sem állíthatja meg az esőt
Senki sem vethet véget a fájdalmamnak
Senki sem állíthatja meg az esőt
Mert nem működünk
Senki sem állíthatja meg az esőt
Mindünket hátrahagytatok
Azóta már nem vagyok ugyanolyan

Poor soul without luck

I admit that sometimes I was wicked
A witch that is not joking they called me
But now as you may see, the change is mine
On my way to repentance*, I am going on the right path
Isn't it? Yes!
It also happens that I know some magic, me
A talent that I've had for a long time
Which afterwards, don't laugh, I've always used it
For all those with a cursed soul
Souls without luck, it's hard, I know
This girl wants to be slim, the other guy wants a girl
Should I help them? Obviously!
Only souls without luck, it's sad, indeed it is
At my cauldron they come dozens and they shout:
'We want spells, Ursula'
Should I help them? Yes, of course!
But I think once it happened that the payment came late
And I had to rib them in hot coal
Complains there are, like everywhere else, but in the end I am a saint
For souls without luck
The men don't want only blabbering
A girl who gossips they don't desire
Preferably, on Earth you should not say a single word
And after all, the blabber** what is it good for?
Come on, not conversation is the one who impresses people
Actually, they try to avoid as much as they can
They only seek for silence, the quiet girl is the one they love
If you shut your mouth, you will easily win your man
So, souls without luck, don't stay anymore, choose now
I am very busy and I can't wait as much as you want
The price is small, it's your voice.
Poor soul without luck, it's sad, indeed
If you want to cross the bridge, you must pay the toll
Come on take a deep breath and sign on the agreement
Flotsam, Jetsam, I've got her now
The boss has won
A poor soul without luck

Two souls -toward the truth-

I have always dreamed about a nearly-shattering hope,
And both of our respective gentleness crossing over, passing through the time
I accidentally look up to the sky, drawing your smile up there
Since that day, we are looking at different worlds
My feelings are overflowing -- and your memories know that
Believing each other is a simple thing to do
I will just go down into the unknown, hidden by the light and darkness
Two of our feelings sparkle, 'I want to protect you'
With holding close the bond that I feel in my heart,
Now is the time for us to stand up and tear our sadness to pieces!
Two souls go...toward the truth!
I'm looking for your smile. This feeling will strongly lead us to the truth
'If I fight against this thirst, I might be able to protect something'
Clinging to that thought is my eternal shackles going astray
Neverending regret is reflected upon these eyes of mine
Yet the only thing they can capture in this darkness is only the light you're emitting
Sure, I want to convey my feeling to you
I believe that that time will come someday
Craving this destiny led by this soul,
My promise to you echoes in my heart even now
While picking up the fragments of light,
I will offer this injured body of mine to you only
Two souls go...toward the truth! 
Only my memories with you shone with warm courage in this cold world even today
We are spinning our respective justice from our neverending pain
Entrusting our everything to the result that's waiting for us after we fight our way through
With holding close the bond that I feel in my heart,
Now is the time for us to stand up and tear our sadness to pieces!
Two souls go...toward the truth!
I'm looking for your smile. This feeling will strongly lead us to the truth
While picking up the fragments of light,
I will offer this injured body of mine to you only
Two souls go...toward the truth! 
Only my memories with you shone with warm courage in this cold world even today


Umbabarauma goal man
Umbabarauma goal man
Play ball play ball ball player
Play ball I want to play ball ball player
Jump, jump, fall, get up, go up and get down
Run, kick, find a hole, thrill and give thanks
See how the whole city empties out
On this beautiful afternoon to watch you play
Play ball ball player
Play ball corocondo
Slum Street Soccer Slum Street Soccer
Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer...
'This is the story of Umbabarauma
An African point man
A point man whose mind is made up

Pitiful People

In the past, I was a bad woman
I was called a witch, naturally
But nowadays
I've had a change of heart
I've become a good woman
Believe it!
What's more I can use a little magic
This talent I have made use of
Although I'm embarrassed
I am helping
Depressed and worrying people
It makes me cry!
Unhappy souls
One wants to be thinner
One wants to be in love
By all means
You are welcome
Unhappy souls
Incessantly they visit me
They cling to me while crying
I help them up, of course
But it happens once in a while
That I am not able to receive my price
So I punish them while crying
Although sometimes I get complaints
But I am tender to the good girls
For the benefit of the pathetic people
The human men
Absolutely hate idle chatter
They prefer it when you
Stay silent and nod your head
Walk behind the man, get it?
After all, conversation is useless
It is hateful to the gentlemen
Keep quiet without talking at all
If you want a lover
Come on, you troubled person
Come on now! What will you do!
I am out of time
Don't be slow
The price is cheap: That voice!
Unhappy soul
If you want to cross a bridge
There's a toll
Come on, decisively
Sign it!
Finally luck has come our way
I'm getting it, aren't I?
This girl's soul
Beluga Sevruga
Sturgeon of the Caspian Sea
Rising wind
Give me this girl's voice

Mentsd meg a lelkem

Megkaptad, amit akartál, nem igaz?
Nem tudom, a te szíved hol van, de az enyém csupa horzsolás
Kezdettől fogva tudtad, hogy én leszek a vesztes
A vér a szőnyegen, nem a te véred
Megpróbáltam lemosni a sebeket és véraláfutásokat a bőröm alól
De mintha kő lennék, úgy belém vagy vésve
Nem tudsz megmenteni
Szerelemnek hívod, de mégis gyűlölsz
Istenem, próbálom, de nem tudok nemet mondani
Te vagy a fájdalom és rá a gyógyszer
Csak megízlelem és újra elkábulok
Nem tudsz megmenteni
Istenem, próbálom, de nem tudok nemet mondani
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Semmit sem tehetek, hogy megmentsem a lelkemet
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Mint egy lepke a gyertyalángnak, ez vagyok én neked
Sosem voltam ilyen törékeny, vagy megviselt
Tele vagyok srapnel szilánkokkal, beborítanak
És azt kívánom, bárcsak tudnálak gyűlölni
Megpróbálom lemosni a sebeket és véraláfutásokat a bőröm alól
De mintha kő lennék, úgy belém vagy vésve
Nem tudsz megmenteni
Szerelemnek hívod, de mégis gyűlölsz
Istenem, próbálom, de nem tudok nemet mondani
Te vagy a fájdalom és rá a gyógyszer
Csak megízlelem és újra elkábulok
Nem tudsz megmenteni
Istenem, próbálom, de nem tudok nemet mondani
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Semmit sem tehetek, hogy megmentsem a lelkemet
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Olyan szorosan körém tekerted a láncaidat
Csak annyit adsz, amennyi életben tart
Megpróbálok elmenekülni, de minden alkalommal fáj
Istenem, próbálom, de nem tudok nemet mondani
(Ó Istenem)
Istenem, próbálom, de nem tudok nemet mondani
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Semmit sem tehetek, hogy megmentsem a lelkemet
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Megkaptad, amit akartál, nem igaz?

Forever Love

I’m watching you, but I can’t reach you
so I’ll just say what I feel
what I couldn’t tell you
the day that you cried
my love, I’ll tell you now
the first thing I wanna tell you,
don’t suffer anymore
when you fall
I’ll be the first person to hold your hand
the second thing I wanna tell you,
don’t cry alone
I’ll protect your brilliant smile
I’ll be forever in your heart
I need to let you go
I’m crying in silence
erasing what I feel
in a night filled with memories
I have to tell you goodbye
words I don’t wanna say
the first thing I wanna tell you,
don’t suffer anymore
when you fall
I’ll be the first person to hold your hand
the second thing I wanna tell you,
don’t cry alone
I’ll protect your brilliant smile
I’ll be forever in your heart
it can be hard saying goodbye
while we weren’t together
I was determined
but the words keep struggling to get out
and now I can finally say it while looking at your lips
the last thing I wanna tel you,
I was happy
because I was able to be by your side as if it were a gift
I love you, words that I wasn’t able to tell you
I miss you
even though I’m saying goodbye
I won’t go far
I’ll be forever in your heart

Tell me what you miss

Tell me what you miss
And I'll get it for you.
You if you're okay
I'll love you,
What do you miss, tell me
so you can be well
We haven't even started
And the night is ahead.
You're walking around in my head
And in my dreams all of a sudden
What's going on and I need
To see you again.
Something changes when I look at you.
Your eyes are shouting loudly
Between us we live miracles.
Tell me what you miss
And I'll get it for you.
You if you're okay
I'll love you,
What do you miss, tell me
so you can be well
We haven't even started
And the night is ahead (x2)
Something changes in my heart
And I see it all magically
Just the two of us I sign it
It's going to be fun.
Something changes when I look at you.
Your eyes are shouting loudly
Between us we live miracles.
Tell me what you miss
And I'll get it for you.
You if you're okay
I'll love you,
What do you miss, tell me
so you can be well
We haven't even started
And the night is ahead

-bright silver wind-x-CHOIR JAIL-x-Absolute soul- MIX

I shall keep overcoming thousands of voices and ten thousands of dreams
Oh tailwind, blow on me with all your might
I looked up at the stars in the sky as on the ground below lied the husks of dreams
Sounds of pounding footsteps lead the regretful soul all the way to the sole path of glory
Oh wind, fan the flames in this heart
The torch lights burn brightly as let out a cry of triumph to the sky
Advance​ {advance​}, halt {halt}, what can be gained from this?
Only by surviving can one demonstrate righteousness
Thousands of troops and ten thousands convictions surge towards the battlefront
until they die down at the furthest ends of the sky
I'll transform both my lamentations and my fury into strength
Becoming a bright silver wind
Ah, I feel so many wishes carried by the wind...
Thousands of troops and ten thousands convictions surge towards the battlefront
until they die down at the furthest ends of the sky
I'll transform both my lamentations and my fury into strength
Becoming a bright silver wind
Oh dormant forests and seasons
May the flowers blooming in full glory wither and bud again
Open me up...
With such anguish I cannot see anything
Open me up...
With such anguish I cannot see anything
Let me burn...
The passion beyond the burning is not a sin, is it?
Purify the darkness with flames
We have kept on living in a sealed off past
The future grows distant inside the motionless time
Within the this reality of conflict we had one day wished
for the power to trust each other that surpasses even destiny
We will get strong no matter what, you and I as a pair
This light will reflect our bond that is deeper than
Wanting to protect you makes my soul rush to your side
So entrust it all to me, even the pain
Because {because} the two of us {two of us} can keep becoming strong
I shall become your shield, a shield that is only yours
Standing back to back, placing our in trust miracles and in our encounter
No one will come between us {we are unstoppable}
We will gaze down from the distant peak of our limits with our Absolute Soul
What did we learn as a result of our errors?
Being sick of atonement​ after those sleepless nights
Against my shivering back I now feel your warmth
and wings that I certainly think I can completely trust
I found you standing with dignity under the sorrowful sky
Those eyes cast a shadow and showed me your hidden tears
I swear that I will keep protecting you
I will walk alongside for eternity
So entrust it all to me and I'll embrace you tightly
Because {because} the two of us {two of us} have a path we can pass through​
I live for your sake and for your sake alone
With only my back feel the future and the miracles awaiting us
No one can imitate us or get in our way
Our limits are a thing of the past wit our Absolute Soul
I will no longer let us be separated, I will no longer let go of you
I would surely illuminate this world of darkness
Becoming a light only for you to see
I shall become your shield, a shield that is only yours
Standing back to back, placing our in trust miracles and in our encounter
No one will come between us {we are unstoppable}
We will gaze down from the distant peak of our limits with our Absolute Soul
I live for your sake and for your sake alone
With only my back feel the future and the miracles awaiting us
No one can imitate us or get in our way
Our limits are a thing of the past wit our Absolute Soul

Heart, Mind and Soul

When I said that I wanted to love
Like people in old movies
You were embarrassed
And laughed
You always tell me
That I’m the one
But, isn’t today
Oh why… Why does my heart feel troubled?
My heart, mind and soul
Oh why… are you looking at me with such fair eyes?
I’m unable to speak
I can’t talk the way
They do in old movies
But, isn’t today
Still special?
Oh why… Why do I try to change the words?
My true love to you
Oh why… are you looking at me with such fair eyes?
I’m unable to think
Love always comes
To an end
But our destiny
Will not fade away
Don’ t ask me why
(Don’ t ask me why?)
Why?(Why?) Why?(Why?) Why?
Oh why… Why does my heart feel troubled?
My heart, mind and soul
Oh why… I will make tonight be magical
Each time you blink
I will make
A wish come true
Two (shining people)
Heart, mind and soul

Örökös túlélő

[Verse 1]
Hét hosszú éven át harcoltam a figyelmedért,
manipulált a félelem és a félrevezetés.
Az undorító láncaidba zárva, azt ígérted a mennyekbe emelsz,
de a fájdalmon kívül semmit sem kaptam, ez volt a szándékod?
Hihetetlenül frusztráló, hogy azt gondolod sosem fogom megcsinálni,
de nézd ki áll itt előtted,
igen, én vagyok az.
Mit teszel?
Azt hitted, hogy romokban látsz majd?
Mindazok után amin keresztülmentem.
Egy örökös túlélő vagyok, átjutottam a tűzön is,
kezdetben nem volt semmim, nem volt mit vesztenem.
Egy örökös túlélő vagyok, átjutottam a tűzön is,
kezdetben nem volt semmim, nem volt mit vesztenem.
Oh-oh, oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh
[Verse 2]
Látni fogom a hibádat, engedd csak ki
és ha játszani akarsz, hát vágjunk bele.
Hihetetlenül frusztráló, hogy azt gondolod sosem fogom megcsinálni,
de nézd ki áll itt előtted,
igen, én vagyok az.
Mit teszel?
Azt hitted, hogy romokban látsz majd?
Mindazok után amin keresztülmentem.
Egy örökös túlélő vagyok, átjutottam a tűzön is,
kezdetben nem volt semmim, nem volt mit vesztenem.
Egy örökös túlélő vagyok, átjutottam a tűzön is,
kezdetben nem volt semmim, nem volt mit vesztenem.
Oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh-oh, oh-oh
Oh, oh (Ooh)
Oh, oh (Ooh)
Hihetetlenül frusztráló, hogy azt gondolod sosem fogom megcsinálni,
de nézd ki áll itt előtted.
Egy örökös túlélő vagyok, átjutottam a tűzön is, (Ooh)
kezdetben nem volt semmim, nem volt mit vesztenem. (Ooh)
Egy örökös túlélő vagyok, átjutottam a tűzön is, (Ooh)
kezdetben nem volt semmim, nem volt mit vesztenem. (Ooh)
Oh-oh, oh-oh
Oh yeah, oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh
Oh yeah, oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh
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EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.


hard to breath in a closed dream
it's in my head like a circle
red granite is
in my chest
this is all rain
1 verse:
grey ashes penetrate
in my heart like a blade
you leave a chance to choose
offering only lies
your pride is your shrine
but inside you is a desert
and again from the sky pours rain
washing away all the lies from our faces
2 verse:
and hide no resentment
rage and pain are in my chest
there is no answer to questions
just a closed door
you would've saved me with just a look
but it's full only with venom
and again from the sky pours rain
washing away all the lies from our faces
and again from the sky pours rain
washing away all the lies from our faces
and there was no chance
all was in vain
yet I loved so much
that I've broken my own heart


The blowing wind becomes faint
My blackened burnt lips are becoming frozen together
When a sadness that makes me unable to speak approaches
The invisible pain pierces through me in the dark
My sky inside of me that I can’t love anymore
Even if I hope that you stay a little longer if I beg
Because I can’t just leave like this even though I try to find my scattered pieces
I must not be able to, because my light is becoming clouded
My sky inside of me that makes me unable to love you anymore
Even if I hope that you stay a little longer if I beg
Even though I want to one of your memories forever
You’re forgetting now
Your breath that is steadily getting further away to a place I cannot reach
In the end you make my soul that has left for heaven cry

Get Myself With You

I gotta get up
Some different feeling
This time is different
A pleasant mental breakdown
I think I have it
I've waited for the second chance
I gotta get up babe
I'm going to see you babe
Ooh-Ah where are you?
Come out c'mon right now, c'mon
Ooh-Ah where are you?
Come out, c'mon
Let's meet up now
I was so sorry
You must have hated me a lot
I regretted everyday
I can't sleep lately
Won’t you be ma lady
Would you be my Baby
We go back to the beggining
I feel something good, c'mon
I feel good, something is different
Get myself with you
with you, with you
I like your dream with you, with you
I was young
I was so twisted
I was in so hurry
I missed my step all the time
Thanks to you, I can find my place eh eh
This time, I eh
Won't lose you baby
Ooh-Ah where are you?
Come out c'mon right now, c'mon
Ooh-Ah where are you?
Come out, c'mon
Let's meet up now
I was so sorry
You must have hated me a lot
I regretted everyday
I can't sleep lately
Won’t you be ma lady
Would you be my Baby
We go back to the beggining
I feel something good, c'mon
I feel good, something is different
Get my self with you
with you, with you
I like your dream with you, with you
The shade that cover us
Is already a passed episode
You and my tough past
With this wind, pass
To the place we first met, yeah
Let me go first and wait for you, yeah
Oh, you know I’m waiting on
hanging on to you
Next to you like now
My shoulders for you
Let me offer them for you anytime, oh
I feel something good, c'mon
I feel good, something is different
Get myself with you
with you, with you
I like your dream with you, with you
I feel something good
I feel good

Sweet soul revue

This morning for the first time when I looked at the mirror
I found out of something
I fell in love with you
I fell in love with you
Where will I go hiring a private detective?
Well, I'll go to meet you
Baby, the city is always a parade
Baby, that's why come with me
The world is full
Of sweet and catchy things
I want to hold you happily
We rub our cheeks
Look out!, a revue begins
Look out!, don't be late
Look out!, a revue begins
Look out!, don't forget
Maybe today looking at me
I hope you find out
And say you're in love with me
You're in love with me
On the TV they pass an old and seen movie
It looks like a musical revue
Baby, the city is always a parade
Baby, it is listened
The world is full
Of happy and lucky things
I want to kiss you happily
We rub our cheeks
Look out!, a revue begins
Look out!, don't be late
Look out!, a revue begins
Look out!, don't forget
I hope the world is full
Of sweet and catchy things
God, don't rain on my parade
Even if the world doesn't have happy and lucky things
If I'm with you I'm happy
We rub our cheeks
We rub our cheeks
Look out!, a revue begins
Look out!, don't be late
Look out!, a revue begins
Look out!, don't forget
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


A glorious mind
As strong as steel
With a will made of stone
And the heart withing
So vulnerable and free
At a barren and desolate place
Where lonely creatures fell down
The strong ember of my fate burned
A lonely creature in distress
You'll have
My soul-heart
I feel your sorrow and your pain
I'm your light and your comfort
On the dark coast of the night
Take care of my soul heart
It'll protect you from the pain of violence
Show me the strong light of your soul
Sailing towards the coast of life
Away from whoever you were
Towards who you'll be
I'll be with you there
Cry no more
Look at me now, I'm right here
I'll pour my love onto you
That's my oath
Take care of my soul heart
It knows your sorrow and your pain
I'm your light and your comfort
On the dark coast of the night
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.


You are the sultan that I love
And for your sake I'll go crazy.
So what if you're magnificent,
By my side be indecent.
Oh, oh Süleyman
Oh, oh Süleyman
Forget your harem and you'll see,
That with me you'll find everything.
I keep telling you, forget Hurrem and come into the garden of Eden!
Oh, oh Süleyman
Oh, oh Süleyman
I'll be a proper Easterner,
Get up, sit down, whatever you say.
I'll make you imam bayıldı, kebap,
You'll always be by my side
Oh, oh Süleyman
Oh, oh Süleyman
But as I see you on TV,
I feel my soul leave me.
You're first to command,
But also first on AGB*
Oh, oh Süleyman
Oh, oh Süleyman


Can you see the soul smiling?
My feet are quickening their pace
As if I really had wings behind my back
But there is no one chasing after me
Look - my wet soul is drooped
Although there is no stick or knife above it
The body's marble melted into soft wax
And the computer brain flew off to the devil
Soul, where is your place?
I have a stitch in my right side
I stooped with bated breath
Something broke again all of a sudden
Blazed up, went out and caught fire again
A voice coming from far above
A new pain where wings should be
Faces of the stars are laved with downpours
And I nearly grasped the comet's tail

Save Our Souls

(K*Rings Brothers in town
Save our souls tonight)
The State's sucking us dry, we're already broke
Got no cash at hand and none in the bank
Got a thousand smartphones, but none of 'em work
(Yo, break it down!)
Save our souls
Sing S.O.S.!
Meanwhile people are so blind, caught in the net
Gettin' love once the party's over, but, I'm afraid, no sex
Save our souls, sing S.O.S.!
(Come on everybody)
Save our souls
Sing S.O.S.!
(So break it down, down, down
Save our souls tonight)

If I Am

I am more, far more
Than this body which they want to hurt
Internally, beyond the mind
Which is limited to understand
If I am a human, if I am a human
If I am, if I am
And something new comes
Shamelessly, it remakes inside of me
Like it burns and hurts
At the end of all
That reborn in a sound
If I am a human
If I am, if I am
I live and I won't stop
Let me dance
I face this life
I live and I won't stop
Let me dance
I face this life
You can come with no fear
The atmosphere here is so good
Don't stop
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
You can come with no fear
The atmosphere here is so good
Don't stop
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
I am more, far more
Than this body which they want to hurt
Internally, beyond the mind
Which is limited to understand
If I am a human, if I am a human
If I am, if I am
I live and I won't stop
Let me dance
I face this life
I live and I won't stop
Let me dance
I face this life
You can come with no fear
The atmosphere here is so good
Don't stop
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
You can come with no fear
The atmosphere here is so good
Don't stop
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
We are afro-light-skinned
Is this a problem?
Beyond what you see
Beyond what you see
I love when they don't hurt me
Beyond what you see
Beyond what you see
The condition of my body
It doesn't matter
Beyond what you see
Beyond what you see
Live or die
What do you prefer?
Beyond what you see
Beyond what you see
Don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
Don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
Don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
Don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
You can come with no fear
(Just come, baby)
The atmosphere here is so good
Don't stop
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
You can come with no fear
The atmosphere here is so good
Don't stop
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
You can come with no fear
(Come, cause the atmosphere is so good)
The atmosphere here is so good
Don't stop
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
You can come with no fear
(Come, cause the atmosphere is so good)
The atmosphere here is so good
Don't stop
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!

resolution of soul

I can do anything if it's for the sake of helping the people precious to me
I would give away this body and pray while my eyes as closed
In the sky the Southern Cross shines
Illuminating the dark ahead of us both
Your kiss awakens me from my slumber
and fills me all the way to my soul
Even if I were to lose my life since there are things that I want to protect
I swear I will face and conquer every storm blocking my path
I shall go through it thousands of times so that both our eyes could meet and we would find a ray of shining hope
I will wholeheartedly advance onward and carry the burden of fate on my shoulders
Solely keeping on living would one day turn my true dream from an unseen thing into reality
As my cheek moistens countless tears light the darkness
turning into stars in the night sky that I would see even in the afterlife
Believing in the promise I carved this sight into my eyes
Even if I were to lose my life I since there are things that I want to protect
I think I could even choose to part from my loved ones
I shall go through it thousands of times so that the dream we both put together and our promises to the stars will become reality
and reach each other through the power of our love
Even if I were to lose my life since there are things that I want to protect
I swear I will face and conquer every storm blocking my path
I shall go through it thousands of times so that both our eyes could meet and we would find a ray of shining hope

Sword & Soul

Feel the moment
Right now, reality is leaking through my hands
I attempt to cry but refuse to surrender
As the endless skies have become blue,
We prayed a wish to them
We only wanted to love each other, even if it wasn't real
We loved each other madly, unable to release the other
Getting stronger to to be able to carry your tears,
I challenge the frontiers and smash everything that brings you despair
I dash to you through the gloomy darkness with the speed of light
I don't want to apart from you any longer
With a vow engraved on the blade
And the tip glowing bright,
My sword shall guide me to a promising tomorrow
When I fly up to the sky, will you follow me?
O wind, please carry my frail wings
Reality is crushing our memories dear to us,
But as your gentle whisper reaches me, I do not hesitate
I have no fear, since I'm determined to change our fate
I lighten the torch of hope, whose fire warms my heart
Faster than light I soar up to the skies
In order to reach for your hand, separated from mine once again
My soul ignores the pain
As I grasp for the strength
To break your cage that is tougher than steel
Feel the moment, overtake the instant
Is there hope or only despair? The dice has already been cast
In my hands I hold my sword and soul
Having faith in my determination right here and now
As I promise you a new beginning
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to


В чистоте


Come out Sultana to the window
to see the sun and the moon
to see the Turk you'll marry
I don't want him, I won't marry him
I was born a Romea,
I'll die a Romea
I won't marry the Turk man
Take him as your husband,
my dear Sultana
he has a boat
and will take you out
in Salonica