Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 14

Találatok száma: 606


Perfect Symmetry

Every time the phone rings
I think it's you
Every night of insomnia
I think of writing you
To say
That your silence strike me
I do not like being
A calendar from last year
To say that your crime tires me
And it does not pay to get into the dance
After the music stopped
The music stopped (stopped!)
Every time the phone rings
I think it's you
Every night of insomnia
I think of writing you
Write a definitive letter
Do not give any alternative
For those who read
Call you a card out of the pack
Discard, shuffle you
And make you come back
To the time when nothing divided us
There was a reason for everything
And everything was a reason for more
It was perfect symmetry
We were two halves alike
To the time when nothing divided us
There was a reason for everything
And everything was a reason for more
It was perfect symmetry
We were two halves alike
Your biggest flaw is perhaps perfection
Your virtues may have no solution
Then get on the phone or an airplane
Let go of the scheduled appointments
Forgive what can be forgiven
Forget what has no forgiveness
And let's go back that place
Let's go back
To the time when nothing divided us
There was a reason for everything
And everything was a reason for more
It was perfect symmetry
We were two halves alike
To the time when nothing divided us
There was a reason for everything
And everything was a reason for more
It was perfect symmetry
We were two halves alike
Let's go back
Let's go back
Let's go back
Let's go back
To the time when nothing divided us
There was a reason for everything
And everything was a reason for more
It was perfect symmetry
We were two halves alike


Nem keresel engem, sokáig egyedül harcolsz,
Vigyázol, nehogy nyomjaidra leljek.
A vereséged könnyen elrejtheted mindenki elől,
De valamely régi kedvesed megismerne téged.
Nem kereslek téged, tudom, hogy meneküljek el előled,
Ügyelek arra, hogy ne gondoljak ránk.
A vereségemet senki se veszi észre,
Csak téged hallottalak oly hangosan.
De el fognak jönni a napok, amikor mégis a levegőben foglak egy pillanatra érezni,
És tudom, hogy halkan sírsz, hogy az életünk nélkülünk múlik el.
Mint egy őserő, egy életen át a szemünk előtt,
S most látom, neked, s nekem, mink volt egykoron
Egy világ két világgá esett szét
Most puszta, s érintetlen


Mine, even if you go other way
and fate doesn't help us
Never forget it, you are still mine
Mine, even if you spend the night with another one
and make a waste on joy,
never forget that you are still mine
Mine, because you will never stop saying my name
And when you sleep, you will dream about me
Even you will say that you are mine
Mine, even if you have tomorrow other bonds
Nobody will cry on your arms
Never forget that you are still mine
Mine, because you'll never stop saying my name

Passion Always Ends Like This

I went out
Like a madman, giving love all around
I was wrong
As I lost myself in each step given
Is what remained inside me
Passion always ends like this
Without you
This road will never
Reach its ending
I lack the sweetness of your kiss
Don't kill a heart in its chest
No other love
Will be able
To mend it
Oh, my love
Take a dive into
My eyes
And you'll see
That despite the wrong turns
I loved you
And I still have many dreams
To give you
Oh, my love
I don't know if happiness
Can wait
A man
That lost his road and only wants to come back
To the arms of a lover
He never could forget
Without you
This road will never
Reach its ending
I lack the sweetness of your kiss
Don't kill a heart in its chest
No other love
Will be able
To mend it
Oh, my love
Take a dive into
My eyes
And you'll see
That despite the wrong turns
I loved you
And I still have many dreams
To give you
Oh, my love
I don't know if happiness
Can wait
A man
That lost his road and only wants to come back
To the arms of a lover
He never could forget
Oh, my love...
Oh, my love...
Oh, my love...
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Satin All Over

This whisky night feels so soft
Your silhouette comes through the light
Living in peace
This whisky night feels so soft
Your silhouette comes through the light
Living in peace
The dumped heel, unpaired
The lipstick on your cigarette
You wearing satin all over
Invisible, you stroll around
Far from me, I notice you
Being your own woman, secretly
Far from me, I notice you
Being your own woman, secretly
This whisky night feels so soft
Your silhouette comes through the light
Living in peace
This whisky night feels so soft
Your silhouette comes through the light
Living peace
The dumped heel, unpaired
The lipstick on your cigarette
You wearing satin all over
Invisible, you stroll around
Far from me, I notice you
Being your own woman, secretly
Far from me, I notice you
Being your own woman, secretly
Living peace
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.


Touching the three great oceans,
It lies, spreading its cities about,
Covered by grid of meridians,
Invincible, wide and proud.
But in an hour, when the last grenade
Already primed in your hand
And in a brief moment a need to remember, before it's late
All, what we've left in a distant land,
What you remember, is not a big country, with no end,
The one you travelled and new so good,
You do remember, the one and only Motherland,
The way you saw it in your childhood.
A piece of land, adjacent to the three birch trees,
A distant road behind the forest,
A little river with a creaky ferriage,
A sandy river bank with low osier-bed.
That's where we were lucky to be born,
Where for the rest of our life, till death we found
The handful of earth, that is good for
To see the signs in it, of the land around.
Yes, you can survive the heat, thunderstorm, disease,
Yes, you can starve and freeze,
Go to die... But this three birch trees
Can not be given to anyone, while you alive and breathe.

Open Letter

To a woman from the town Vichuga
I must inform you, 'tis my sad lot,
That didn't reach the addressee
The letter, that in mailbox you dropped
Sometime ago, so shamelessly.
The letter your husband didn't get,
He wasn't wounded by vulgar lines,
He didn't tremble, nor gone mad,
He didn't cursed all, from good old times.
When he led his fighters against the foes
Into attack near the ruined station,
The stupid harshness of your words
Luckily, didn't torment him, I'd like to mention.
When he was walking hard and swayed,
While tightened with rag his bloody wound,
The letter from you was still on it's way,
Luckily, it was too soon.
When on the stones he fell that eve
And death has cut short his final breath,
He still didn't received,
Luckily, your written mess.
I can inform you, that right there,
We wrapped him in the soldier's cape,
At night near the city square
We buried him without delay.
A poplar, like a sign by the grave
A tin star is standing there...
And I forgot, that you, by the way,
Perhaps, completely do not care.
The letter was brought, before the sun was out...
And because the addressee was dead,
We read it between ourselves aloud-
So you have to forgive us soldiers for that.
Perhaps, your memory is short
Then on behalf of the whole regiment,
By common wish we thought
To remind you the content..
You wrote, that almost a year has gone,
Since you've met your new man.
And old one, even if he will return,
You, anyway don't give a damn.
That troubless life you live,
You live well and by the way, you took a chance,
And now, you have no need to receive
The lieutenant's small allowance.
That he shouldn't wait for letters from you
And didn't bother you again...
Precisely, 'didn't bother' you...
You chose the words that brings more pain.
And that was all. And nothing else
We patiently read it, there were no sound,
All those words, that just for him
In hour of need, in your soul you've found.
'Husband'. 'The allowance''Don't bother'...
So, where did you lose your soul?
After all, he was a soldier, a brother!
And we're with him for you were dying , after all.
I do not wish to judge you from above,
Not everyone wins with separation fight,
Not all are capable of eternal love,-
Unfortunately, everything can happen in life.
But how could you, I do not understand,
The cause of death without fear to become,
So indifferently, all of a sudden, a plague you've sent
In an envelope to us at the front.
Well, let's say, he is not loved, your man,
Let's say, you don't need him, it's the end,
Let's say, you will live with another, madam
God help him, be it a husband or a friend.
But the soldier is not to blame
Because he doesn't have the leave,
That third year in row he remains,
In harm's way, while defending you from enemies.
So, why couldn't you write at all
Let's say the bitter words, but fair,
If you couldn't find them in your soul-
Then you should've borrow them anywhere.
Luckily, we have in our motherland,
Enough of woman with pure soul and mind,
They would've honor you , and then
They would've wrote for you these lines.
They would've found for you the words,
To ease some strangers woes,
We bow before them our heads to earth,
For their great soul we bow.
Not to you, but to other woman,
Taken away from us by war,
We want to write about you to them,
And let them know, what we're blame you for,
That here, at the front, their men,
Sometime fighting inside their soul, alone,
With anxious trepidation waiting for them
Before the fight, the letters from home.
We've read yours, it didn't do us any good
Now, the bitterness torment us in secret:
What if you're not alone, who could?
What if someone else will get it?
To court of our distant wives
We'll send you, you've slendered them
And planted doubts in our lives
You gave us a reason for a moment.
Let them occused you, mam,
That soul of bird you hid,
That you as a wife and woman
Were posing since you were married.
And your ex husband, he is killed, whence
All is good. Live now with the one you've got.
Alas, the dead one will not offend
In the letter, with long unnecessary word.
Live without fear of guilt, forevermore,
He will not write, he won't reply
And when he returns to city from the war,
He won't meet you with another walking by.
Only for one more thing, to forgive him
You have to, because, madam,
Perhaps, for a month more will bring
For you the letters, your local postman.
There is nothing can be done-
The bullet faster than a letter flyes.
The letters will in September come,
But he was killed, already in July.
Every line is about you in them,
For you, it's not pleasant of course-
Then on behalf of the whole regiment
I'm taking back his words.
So, from us, at the end, do except
Our content, as a farewell.
You don't deserve our respect
Comrades of arms of the deceased
On behalf of the officers of the regiment
K. Simonov

Nights that don't lead to a dawn

(I have been through) nights that don't lead to a dawn for this love
Nights that I've been depressed cause you are not here.
I fall in love with you deeply, I lose my senses from your kisses.
When you touch me, I start blabbing unintentionally
I will (always) be crazy in love with you, I will show you the stars up close.
You listen to the rythm of my heart.
(I have been through) nights that don't lead to a dawn for this love,
Nights that I've been depressed cause you are not here.
At nights that don't lead to a dawn I feel like Love
Is knocking on my door, greeting me with a 'I love you'.
Dance with me tonight, come and break my heart.
Hold my hand and I will follow you anywhere.
I will spend the whole night in your arms, getting drunk from your kisses,
Only if you smile at me.

Fugue Nº 1

We make up anything
Not to suffer
And laugh at nothing
Not to cry
We make up anything
Not to suffer
And laugh at nothing
Not to cry
We even think of living in the Moon
Wanting to leave, bag and baggage
We live in a building with elevators
Wanting to live either in the sky or at Arpoador
And we laugh at nothing
Not to cry
And we laugh at nothing
Not to cry
We dream, drink and cry to forget
Tear down letters not to suffer
We go out on a trip, to take a walk
We want to work, so we won't remember
We don't want to face the beast
That dwells inside us
We don't want to face the beast
That dwells inside us
We make up anything
To be happy
We fall in love with an actor
Or with an actress
We make up anything
To be happy
We fall in love with an actor
Or with an actress
And we laugh at nothing
Not to cry
And we laugh at nothing
Not to cry
We even think of living in the Moon
Wanting to leave, bag and baggage
We live in a building with elevators
Wanting to live either in the sky or at Arpoador
And we laugh at nothing
Not to cry
And we laugh at nothing
Not to cry
We don't want to face the beast
That dwells inside us
We don't want to face the beast
That dwells inside us
We make up anything
To be happy
We fall in love with an actor
Or with an actress
We make up anything
To be happy
We fall in love with an actor
Or with an actress
And we laugh at nothing
Not to cry
And we laugh at nothing
Not to cry
And we laugh at nothing
Not to cry
And we laugh at nothing
Not to cry
Not to cry
Not to cry
Not to cry
Not to cry
Not to cry
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

tsol m'i

ti dnouf
ti dnouf ev'i
reh dnouf ev'i
reh dnouf ev'i
reh dnouf ev'i
reh dnouf ev'i
tsol m'i
i'm lost
sorry, do you know where i must go?
not me
i found her
i found her
i don't know where i'm going
i'm lost
i'm lost
i found her
i found her
tsol m'i
i found her
i found her
i found her
i found her
tsol m'i
i'm lost
tsol m'i
i'm lost, yeah
i'm, i'm
i'm lost, yeah
i'm lost, yeah
i'm lost, yeah
i'm lost yeah,
i'm, i'm i'm

Again november month

Give it a favor (condolences)
To my broken pride
Give it a smile
You will forget it with time
I woke up, my face cries again
I woke up again, with photographs in my hands
Its novermberAgain
Like a part of me is left with you, with every breathe every second is for you my love

Pulp Fiction

You have one last chance, no more
I'm not threatening, that's the last warning
Always the same thing, you stolid!
There is no more concession for you in me!
Before strong winds blowing
Before winter showing its harsh face
don't dwell on it! lets break up!
somehow or other!
I don't know where your mind is?
I couldn't hold the rope once, I can't hold it again!
Get out of my life!
Lets finish this pulp fiction
I love you so much, blah blah
Your life is a lie!
I don't need you,
You can take it or leave it, get this!
We will get used to it by time!
I gave up, I'm withdrawing!

K P Beat

I've started the car
I didn't forget to put gas in it
The whole world is waiting for me
Today isn't like Monday
It's great, ah ah yeah ah
And how much I would like for things to always be this way!
I'm leaving, yeah, I'm not staying another moment
Tonight will be different
And you'll come with me, too, because that's right
Right, right, come on, sing with me now
Let the speakers be heard, eh, eh
Turn the music up, eh eh eh
Tonight, I don't care about anything, I say
I want to dance nonstop, nonstop, only on the beat, beat
The telephone's ringing again, the season has begun
Of fun, of partying
Crowd, let the girls come
We're preparing as we should
Jeans, makeup, clothes
I'm leaving, yeah, I'm not staying another moment
Tonight will be different
And you'll come with me, too, because that's right
Right, right, come on, sing with me now
Let the speakers be heard, eh, eh
Turn the music up, eh eh eh
Tonight, I don't care about anything, I say
I want to dance nonstop, nonstop, only on the beat, beat
You know or maybe you don't know what I want
It doesn't matter now
I want to take you with me
Na na na na na na na
I want you to listen to the music with me
I'm not chill, I don't want peace anymore
I'm leaving, yeah, I'm not staying another moment
Tonight will be different
And you'll come with me, too, because that's right
Right, right, come on, sing with me now
Let the speakers be heard, eh, eh
Turn the music up, eh eh eh
Tonight, I don't care about anything, I say
I want to dance nonstop, nonstop, only on the beat, beat
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Simon Says

Yo, Simon says
Hurry up, so many flat hoops on the street
The moment I stop, I'm gonna aim and shoot for you
Hands up, turn around
Hands up, shake it up
Running out of breath but I keep running
Why are you just scooping things out standing there
Why do you look so scared? Do you want this?
Cast a spell, I'm God, bewitching you all like wow
NCT we all so sexy
NCT noise you can’t break me
Who can talk against me, who
Bless me achoo
Simon says be cool
Don’t be such a fool
Simon says we’re real vibe killer
(Killer killer killer)
Simon says we’re real vibe killer
(Killer killer killer)
You’re all mine mine mine mine mine
You’re all mine mine mine mine mine
Don’t need those kind of words words words words
We don’t pay no mind mind mind mind mind
Through the jammed cars
I’m the siren that opens up the roads
Piercing through the traffic in your heart
All night
Faster than anyone else
They’re all behind me
I won’t hold back, everything’s up to me
The mood is getting high high high high
All the sounds that try to stop us, bye bye bye bye
Don’t mind them, let’s party all night
Don’t care what anyone says
Cast a spell, I’m God
Bewitching you all like wow
NCT we all so sexy
NCT noise you can’t break me
Who can talk against me, who
Bless me achoo
Simon says be cool
Don’t be such a fool
Simon says we’re real vibe killer
(Killer killer killer)
You think you know it all
Simon says we’re real vibe killer
(Killer killer killer)
You’re all mine mine mine mine mine
You’re all mine mine mine mine mine
Don’t need those kind of words words words words
We don’t pay no mind mind mind mind mind
Don’t be afraid
The only one stopping you is you
Don’t misunderstand
Today, we break the rules
Open your eyes and wake up
Fall deep inside
The moment you find your true self
Between reality and dreams
Simon says we’re real vibe killer (a real vibe killer)
Simon says we’re real vibe killer (a real vibe killer)
You’re all mine mine mine mine mine
You’re all mine mine mine mine mine
Don’t need those kind of words words words words
We don’t pay no mind mind mind mind mind
We don’t pay no attention

Nights Now

Night, just like getting wet in chilly beaches
Alone, and beautiful
A lost breeze (breath)
On my skin
Just like a song that never gets old
At the most unpredictable
Draws you after itself
Did they say it's hard?
How easy it is to say
It sounds hard
To give up the fight against autumn in your absence
In the face of a dream
I touched your voice
Nights, now
Are blowing fire!
Night, just like getting wet in chilly beaches
Alone, and beautiful
A lost breeze (breath)
On my skin
Just like a song that never gets old
At the most unpredictable
Draws you after itself
Night, just like getting wet in chilly beaches

Love keeps existing

You and I feel never sorrow and pain in a world that would be ideal
Where that world is, that is our secret
Maybe I am not that strong or smart
But somehow I feel very strong inside
Love keeps existing
I feel familiar everywhere
When you are close to me
The moon conjures the sun*
We'll push through it, because I immediately knew
Love keeps existing
First I was fearful
Love, I see now, has never been so beautiful and intense
Life is an amazing party with you
They don't realise how you and I enjoye every moment
It is true
Love keeps existing
I feel familiar everywhere
When you are close to me
The moon conjures the sun*
We'll push through it, because I immediately knew
Love keeps existing
Really, love keeps existing

Song of the simple things

One says goodbye, imperceptibly, to small things
The same way as a tree
In autumn, runs out of leaves
In the end, the sadness it's the slow death of the simple things
Those simple things that stay hurting your heart
One always comes back
To the old places where one loved the life
And then one understands
How absent the beloved things are
For that, boy, don't leave now, dreaming with the return
For love is simple
And the simple things get devoured by the time
Delay yourself here, in the big light of this midday
Where you will find, with the bread, the table set in the sun
For that, boy, don't go leave now
Dreaming with the return
For love is simple
And the simple things get devoured by the time
One always comes back
To the old places where one loved the life
Delay yourself here, in the big light of this midday
Where you will find, with the bread, the table set in the sun
For that, boy, don't go leave now
Dreaming with the return
For love is simple
And the simple things get devoured by the time
One always comes back
To the old places where one loved the life

Love Finds a Way

The perfect world we know
we don't need to face it ourselves
Let them, we can too
'I might not be the strongest
But in my heart
Love finds a way
Where I'm going, I'm safe if you're here
Darkness becomes bright
Anyhow with you, 'I found the way
I used to be afraid, now I am aware
Love is not wrong and never dies
The world is perfect in your eyes
And if they feel too
I'm happy with you
Love finds a way
Where I go, we will always be together
Darkness becomes bright
Anyhow with you, 'I found the way
Love has a way

She likes me this way

She likes me this way
She likes me this way
There's land in sight
Hey, train driver, speed up
Because winter is not my season
Even autumn makes me sleepy
Alarm clock only in the spring
And I never sleep in summer
I wake up late and I miss the time
The world outside
They say I'm a strange case
The blackest sheep in the herd
And she likes me this way
She's perfect for me
She likes me this way
From the beginning to the end
I'm a rare bird
I'm an expensive fruit
I escaped from that cage
I'm not captive
And so I did
I went, went to be happy
Being happy is a work that lasts the whole year.
And I change everything for a kiss
When I see you
Take my gold, my ivory,
My sun, a Berlin ball
This path is only mine
And eyes on the sky
And what I have is so little, but all I have is yours
Let's go...
And she likes me this way
She's perfect for me
She likes me this way
From the beginning to the end
And she likes me this way
She's perfect for me
She likes me this way
From the beginning, beginning to the end

I Wanna Shout

Versions: #2
Sometimes sunshine, sometimes cold, sometimes hot,sometimes warm
Sometimes my heart was like stone sometimes broken
Sometimes my wound is hot cannot understand fresh pain
Sometimes you wanna shout you can't cuz' you have hoarse voice
Always boogeymans something like that in your dreams
To divorce is easy for single cuz' they're silly and runaway
I wish there might be peg-slingshots instead of guns
The spring weathers may come before than gulls
Every morning say to the mirror 'Where I am?'
And said by myself I'm a passenger who is on the way
I met new bodies on every stop and I feel bad
When the train moves you were on the stop i was on the train
Maybe on the other stop or in the other city
or on the other bed or in the coffin
Sometimes solution on beating sometimes on the dancer boy
Sometimes solution on run away or on clinker
Have the gulls gone by leaving the sea?
See how the songs are angry
She loves or not, the leafs are tired
Let's smile they say you got rid of yourself from her
They don't understand me
I wanna shout behind of you,they let me do it!
The situation is different just go if you came for seeing someone
The life is faithful for someone the situation is not that for the others
If you respect, stay but if not the solution is running away
Obviously, the glass doesn't like to be spilled over
Writing those things is really hard it's like breaking walls
Sometimes look at the past similar with throwing all the future to the bin
To light dreams up in silence like lighting tobacco up
To leave is like jumping of a cliff
Have the gulls gone by leaving the sea?
See how the songs are angry
She loves or not, the leafs are tired
Let's smile they say you got rid of yourself from her
They don't understand me
I wanna shout behind of you,they let me do it!
The wounds are thief in my heart
Tomorrows are stealing the yesterdays
The wounds are thief in my heart
Tomorrows are stealing the yesterdays

In the dugout

Logs burn bright in my cramped little stove
On the wood, flowing tar, like a tear
The accordion sings to me here,
In my dugout, of your eyes and smile
Beyond Moscow, in fields full of snow,
On each bush the leaves whispered of you,
And I want now for you to hear
All this longing in my living voice
You are now far away, far away,
And between us lies snow beyond snow
To reach you is not easy to do,
To reach death – only four little steps
Sing, accordion, to spite the wind
Call the happiness that’s lost its way
In my bitter cold dugout, I’m warm
From a love that will never burn low

So Mountainous*

I need a black woman
To love me and give me her love
I need a black woman
To love me and give me her love
I don’t care whether she is ugly or
Big-nosed, has a large mouth,
Is lame, or makes like the ones Leonor makes
All that matters is that …
All that matters is that …
(All that matters is what, man?)
All that matters is that
She have good intentions towards me.
All that matters is that …
All that matters is that …
(All that matters is what, what?)
All that matters is that
She have a very pure heart
Dear, light a candle
But hurry up, be quick
I feel an animal pricking me
It’s biting me hard
Right here above my knee
Maybe it’s a scorpion
I’m in despair, my God, mmm!
What a bite this insect has
It feels like a needle
It could be some kind of vampire
That wants to suck out my blood
Or some damned witch
Light the candle
-I don’t know where it is
It’s on the table
-I’m approaching it now
Light the candle
I don’t know where it is
It’s on the table
I’m approaching it now

bird, birdie

Versions: #3
what makes me sing, bottomless sky, iris-colour,
if i'm happy i sing,if i'm sad, i still sing,
what makes me sing, roses breath, poppy-colour,
maybe godparents wanted me to sing, so i sing.
bird, birdie, bird-pearl and...
bird, birdie, bird-pearl and...
my song, this sun this people, this sky gave birth to,
when i sing, my childhood makes me warm from afar.
when i sing, i see my future old age,
without asking, in heart enters hidden sorrow.
bird, birdie, bird-pearl and...
bird, birdie, bird-pearl and...
my song, mounains taugt me, birds whistle,
i think, i started tanking with this songs,
like they say, if swan sings at the end of its life,
let me die singing, what else should i dream of other than this.

I am Already in Love

I want a spring,
Only from me, for you.
A gift of white blossoms.
I just want a story, only true for you.
I tell, you understand.
Wish we get lost in love.
I lie down on your skin, your heart.
Kiss while we chat like birds.
When I wander your name.
One day, I blushed.
You were in front of me,
Like I was naked.
I was already in love.
We couldn’t get along.
You was broken.
I loved, I can’t abandon you.
I am already in love.
Your eyes must always smile, your lips must always kiss.
Every part of you must think of me.
I am a jealous, selfish lover, your heart must know.
If you dont accept me like this, then don’t love me.
Wish we get lost in love.
I lie down on your skin, your heart.
Kiss while we chat like birds.
When I wander your name.
One day, I blushed.
You were in front of me,
Like I was naked.
I was already in love.
We couldn’t get along.
You was broken.
I loved, I can’t abandon you.
I am already in love. (x2)

Fifth season

Lets dont break up this summer
I'm not ready for being alone
You know i will feel colder in winter too
Dont let it happen this injustice
Lets dont break up this summer
I'm not ready for being alone
you know i will feel colder in winter too
dont let it happen this injustice
let the pruning yellow autumm leafs on us
while we are going to forward
And I should do a love crown to my heart's queen
From the flowers that bloom when spring come
Like we haven't seen each other in years
Hug me everytime
Can I stay a little longer
In your heart, if you let me
If there was a fifth season
It sure would be your namesake
A song that plays in heaven
Your voice whispering my name
Lets dont break up this summer
I'm not ready for being alone
you know i will feel colder in winter too
dont let it happen this injustice
let the pruning yellow autumm leafs on us
while we are going to forward
And I should do a love crown to my heart's queen
From the flowers that bloom when spring come
Like we haven't seen each other in years
Hug me everytime
Can I stay a little longer
In your heart, if you let me
If there was a fifth season
It sure would be your namesake
A song that plays in heaven
Your voice whispering my name
Like we haven't seen each other in years
Hug me everytime
Can I stay a little longer
In your heart, if you let me
If there was a fifth season
It sure would be your namesake
A song that plays in heaven
Your voice whispering my name


I left a small dream in my heart that I loved
I want to understand you who has left me so easily
I will never love anyone again
I'm stuck in the grief I get used to
I'll see you again someday
Before our last memories are cleared in sorrow
Any promise of waiting for you
Too hard to comfort my heart
I have to send you
I try to forget it on the beach without saying anything
Many of you drawn in my white dreams
I will stop breathing till the end of my life forever
I left a small dream in my heart that I loved
I want to understand you who has left me so easily
I will never love anyone again
I'm stuck in the grief I get used to

Love will find a way

We don't get to know the world
that just likes you
It may be in the stars
and closer than we think.
Were to find our wings?
Souls go through the mud
I hope I'm powerful enough,
world, mine and yours
with passion to create in our two hearts
Go on, love will find a way
Where you go
I want to follow you
I'm home,
were you feel safe
Darkness in us changes into light
Sun is shining in the rocks,
I'm yours, the fear is away
Love will find a way
I was so afraid
of my own eyes and wounds
Now I have my own world
and here your eyes are.
The most beautiful world
you could give to me.
Hope is kinder than feathers
The ones who like us believe in it
Go on, love will find a way
Where you go
I want to follow you
I'm home were you feel safe
Darkness in us changes into light
Sun is shining in the mountains,
I'm yours, the fear is away
Love will find a way
Keep going,
love will find a way

Separation writings

I kept your letter because your hands touched it
Apparent you loved for lifetime
You didn't keep your promise
I love you but you love someone else
How much fate loves writing about separation x2
Tell me the truth, he really left
My mind became right
My heart had high expectations x2
I was too much for your love?
My love that I know won’t leave me half way
I love you but you love someone else
How much fate loves writing about separation x2
Tell me the truth, he really left
My mind became right
My heart had high expectations x2

Valami beindított

- Szeretlek,
- Mutasd meg
Valamit megindítottál bennem
Te tudtad hogy szeretni foglak
Újabban, mióta szétváltak útjaink
Igazán vágyom rád, hiányollak
Mindent megadnék neked
Mindent megadnék neked
Mindent megadnék neked
Mindent megadnék neked
Mindent megadnék neked
Mindent megadnék neked
Mindent megadnék neked
Mindent megadnék neked
Térj vissza, szívem összetört
Hibás vagyok azért amit tettem veled
Újabban, mióta válásunk meggyötört
Rádöbbentem nem tudok élni nélküled.
Most segítened kell
Most segítened kell
Most segítened kell
Most segítened kell
Most segítened kell
Most segítened kell
Most segítened kell
Most segítened kell
Most segítened kell

Amikor a szerelem költészetté válik

A szerelmemről énekelek neked
Ez az éjszaka költészetté válik
A hangom lesz majd
A múlt utáni vágyódás könnye
Soha nem foglak megkérdezni
Miért hagytál el
Minden jobb nekem annál, amit csinálsz
Szeretlek és kiabálni szeretnék
De a lélek hangja halkan énekel, tudod
Szeretlek és kiabálni szeretnék
De ma este nem tudok beszélni, mert zokogok
Éneklem a bennem lévő szomorúságot
Az éjszaka dallammá lesz
Még mindig sírok érted
Még ha ez ostobaság is
Nem kérdezlek, miért
Nem vagy már az enyém
Minden jobb nekem annál, amit csinálsz
Szeretlek és kiabálni szeretnék
De a lélek hangja halkan énekel, tudod
Szeretlek és kiabálni szeretnék
De ma este nem tudok beszélni, mert zokogok
Szeretlek szeretlek


You cry… for you have loved
The one who you couldn't have…
Your old ones did everything
Just to get you married young.
You are bursting in tears,
And, while looking at me,
With your teary eyes,
You kiss me.
Chorus: (2x)
Tears… they will keep falling
From our eyes, until then.
Has the day come,
For us to be separated?
Dry out, o tear,
From our eyes.
You said that you'll go
Leave me in fire.
Which will burn,
As long as I'm alive.
You'll just hear from them,
When I have died.
Chorus. (2x)

The simple things

One says goodbye
unmoved by the simple things.
The same as a tree
that in autumn stays without leaves.
In the end the sadness means the slow death of the simple things,
those simple things that remain painful in one’s heart.
One always returns to those old places where he enjoyed life,
and then one understands how absent are the beloved things.
That’s why, girl, don’t leave dreaming of the return,
because love is simple and simple things are devoured by time.
Spend some time hear, in the sunlight of this half day,
where with a loaf in the sunlight you’ll find the table full of food.
That’s why, girl, don’t leave dreaming of the return,
because love is simple and simple things are devoured by time.
One always returns to those old places where he enjoyed life...
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

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