Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 15

Találatok száma: 876


Love Is Magic

I didn't start it
But it happened
Like the first time
Baby this is me (is me)
It was just a look
It beat perfect
Lies like the sea
How awkward
I tried to change you a little
But now I know
That I shouldn't have
I tried to show you the crazy
That I'm for you
Since that day
Ooh ooh
Don't leave me anymore
In this situation
I want to be with you
To understand
And love is fast (yeah)
Sometimes it's tragic (yeah)
It's magic
It could be said
That I was groundless
And what you gave me
Was a lesson
I believe to have
That which you want
But after you have it
Then don't despair
I tried to change you a little
But know I know
That I shouldn't have
I tried to show you the crazy
That I'm for you
Since that day
Ooh ooh
Don't leave me in this situation anymore
I want to be with you
To understand
And love is fast (yeah)
Sadist (ooh)
Sometimes it's tragic (yeah)
It's magic
I feel crazy for you
I miss you
I wish so much that you were here
And you gave me the proper value
Because I believe that life is nothing without love
No, I know that I'm not perfect
Or anything like that but I respect
What goes on in your head
I thank you, I adore you, I love you
I love you, I worship you, I feel you, I wish for you
Don't leave me in this position anymore
Nothing is in vain everything has its explanation
And I know mine
When I see you, I speak, I touch
Shivers in the spine,
And now everything will be good
I want to see your face when you hear this sound
Ah and I'm going to try to be more soft-hearted
I'm going to call you so we go see the sunset
And love is fast
Sometimes it's tragic
It's magic
It's fast
It's magic

Под раздробленным небом

пролился дождь
разрезав1 тишину
заставил меня забыть
дуновение ночи
очистило меня изнутри
окутало тьмой
помогло исчезнуть
я оставил печаль
где-то вдали,
по ту сторону
я больше не боялся
чувствовал силу2
я больше не чувствовал
что разлетаюсь на куски3
потом явилась ты4
ожидая меня
стоя в кругу
держащихся за руки
знамения призыва
стали намного сильнее
и я осознал
что больше не вернусь
что ж, теперь ты моя5
ты - часть моего смирения
но я останусь собой6
буду верен себе
лишь на ещё одну жизнь
весь мой шеф
их больше нет
и всё же мне не легче 7
я не смирился8
всё случилось слишком рано
так что ты должна знать
что теперь ты моя
ты - часть моего смирения
но я останусь собой
буду верен себе
что ж, теперь ты моя
ты - часть моего смирения
но я останусь собой
буду верен себе
  • 1. дословно - разбив
  • 2. дословно - чувствовал себя сильнее
  • 3. самое сложное место всего перевода. возможно, наоборот, лирический герой разбивается, потому что так надо, кто знает...
  • 4. пол в лирике никак не определён, но мне представляется какая-то Она
  • 5. дословно - ты принадлежишь мне
  • 6. дословно - останусь тем, кто я есть
  • 7. дословно - нет облегчения
  • 8. дословно - нет принятия

It's me

If a lilac flash shines on you
don't be afraid, it's not me
If an unknown peace dresses you blue
don't be surprised, it's not me
If from the sky the moon dragon descends
Tell them to call me, for God's sake
Cause your good angel, your Ogum Mege
Your Alar Dede, is me
If a lilac flash shines on you
don't be afraid, it's not me
Cause your good angel, your Ogum Mege
Your Alar Dede, is me

Broken Love

Once the winter weather passes through our minds
A little warmth inside us start to show It's kind
Even if I try to think of the better times
It just hurts me more but I feel so alive
Where’s my love
It used to be so alive
You were really all that I got
When the time
ended for you and I
It made a little void in my mind
I don’t want your love
All we did was fuck
Everytime I think of you
It’s just killing me
Why’d you have to leave
Why’d you have to be
I don’t want your
broken love
No more
Broken love
I’m so broken
Still breaking
all this love
I was stolen
Then woken
by all the memories
Like a fire
I burned down your phone
Now I'm gonna leave after burnt a lot of nights
Stay up all night


The night has come already and
Where I'm supposed to leave, I stop again
I'm looking at the sunset that you liked
If somewhere is just like me
You turn back coldly
I can't catch you, you're so far away
Now only more regrets have gathered
I can't climb over the wall, I'm right here
I'm still standing in the same place
I’m not going
The heart loses more places and leaves
Again going
The same day every day
Repeats itself again
I'm getting more used to it, hold me down
Now you're saying all these things
It's like waiting
I deny that you're not here
I can't catch you now, you're so far away
I can't let go of you, I stop here
I'm used to wait
I just fill my longing every day
I'm still standing in the same place
I’m not going
The heart loses more places and leaves
Again going
I can't go back, I'm right here
The green line drawn by the wandering footstep
I see you hovering around again yeah
I'm used to the memories, I erase you again
I'm still standing in the same place
I’m not going
The heart loses more places and leaves
Again going
I'm still standing in the same place
Again going

Soyuz (Union)

[Verse 1]
You're hidden in the dark, in a dream
where millions of stars
want to kill you, to strip you bare
to enter you where they cannot.
[Verse 2]
The light eats away at your eyes
Hiding the tears on your face
But who are you, o hidden one?
I don't know. Nobody knows.
Radio Soyuz, broadcasting the blues,
Radio Soyuz, Radio Soyuz.
[Verse 3]
You walk in nylon stockings,
along the ring road, down the sidewalk.
You don't smell the fear,
unlike me- the sick of heart.
[Verse 4]
The sirens I hear
interrupt my monotonous thoughts,
my reminiscences of other days.
Tickling our fancies.
Radio Soyuz, broadcasting the blues,
Radio Soyuz, Radio Soyuz.

And if in addition there's no one

Versions: #2
Abderrahmane, Martin, David
And if heaven was empty
So many processions, so many tilted heads
So many hoods, so much fear desired
So many demagogues, Temples, Synagogues
So many hurried hands, eager prayers
So many Angelus
That resonates
And if in addition
There's no one
Abderrahmane, Martin, David
And if heaven was empty
There are so many torpors
Analgesic musics
So many painkillers in these pretty canticles
There are so many questions and so many mysteries
So many compassions and so many revolvers
So many Angelus
That resonates
And if in addition
There's no one
Baruch Hashem, Inch Allah
Are Krishna, Hallelujah
Abderrahmane, Martin, David
And if heaven was empty
If all these tracer bullets
All these handguns
All these ignorant women
These orphaned children
If these lives that capsize
Those wet eyes
It was just the pleasure
To take out
And the Angelus
That resonates
And if in addition
There's no one
And the Angelus
That resonates
And if in addition
There's no one
And the Angelus

Desert of memories

When the dusts come from the deserts of memories
It makes me re narrate that story
When the dusts come from the deserts of memories
It makes me re narrate that story
Kathajodi river is the witness of that story
The arrogant queen of a king's dream
I asked for gem of dew
I got nothing but fog of tears
Today that story is flowing through my nip
I search for you through words
But to no vain
You told many tales without saying a word
Knowingly I couldn't hear them
I was playing hide n seek
with selfish dreams
I've lied the whole world that
I loved you
But it is only my heart that
knows the truth
Today that story is flowing through my nip
I couldn't finish the story to this day
When the dusts come from the deserts of memories
It makes me re narrate that story
Kathajodi river is the witness of that story
The arrogant queen of a king's dream
I asked for gem of dew
I got nothing but fog of tears
Today that story is flowing through my nip
I search for you through words
But to no vain

I’m obligated

I asked him “why is your love a solution for us?”
His heart said he had found a solution for us.
He said I did not believe him, until he told me to take an oath on us.
From that moment on, the oath was obligated to me.
I’m obligated to have you sleep in my heart and wake up in my eyes.
Oh dear one to my heart, where are you?
I’ll forget the world for you.
I’m obligated.
The invitation of my heart is open.
And my soul calls you it’s soul.
From my hoarse throat, I’m calling answer me.
I miss you, come to me.
And also so that I don’t go crazy.
I ask about you even though you never ask about me.
Oh dear one to my heart, where are you?
I’ll forget the world for you.
I’m obligated.


Ó, ez olyan gyönyörűnek néz ki
Feküdjünk le és számoljuk a csillagokat az ezüst hold alatt
Nincs semmi, ami miatt aggódnod kéne, vagy bármi, ami zavarna
Mert most csak én és te vagyunk itt ma este
Hirtelen rémülten felébredek tágra nyílt szemekkel
Azt kívánom, bárcsak itt lennél, de ez csak egy álom volt
Egy jámbor ábránd
A tervem darabjaira hullik
Egy ágy, most dolgoznom kell, de a fejem segítségért kiált
Mikor behunyom a szemem, a történetünkben a hősöd vagyok
Örökké az ingujjamon fogom hordani a szived
Mert mikor ábrándozom, mindig csak rólad fantáziálok
Fogd meg a kezem, és vigyél kart kartbaöltve
És hagyjuk hátra minden félelmünket
Felettünk az ég, tele ékszerekkel, amik csak neked ragyognak
A gyémánt legszebb őre
Tudom, hogy hangosan álmodozom, bárcsak megértenéd,
Milyen szép is vagy a Hold fényében
Egy jámbor ábránd
A tervem darabjaira hullik
Egy ágy, most dolgoznom kell, de a fejem segítségért kiált
Mikor behunyom a szemem, a történetünkben a hősöd vagyok
Örökké az ingujjamon fogom hordani a szived
Mert mikor ábrándozom, mindig csak rólad fantáziálok
Minden édes ábrándomban együtt vagyunk
És azon gondolkozom, tudja-e egyáltalán, hogy létezem?
Egy jámbor ábránd
A tervem darabjaira hullik
Egy ágy, most dolgoznom kell, de a fejem segítségért kiált
Mikor behunyom a szemem, a történetünkben a hősöd vagyok
Örökké az ingujjamon fogom hordani a szived
Mert mikor ábrándozom, mindig csak rólad fantáziálok

Dirty Dancing

Push your body to mine
I want to feel your body next to me
Because I'm cold alone
But you make me warm, only you make me naughty
Come and borrow me your mouth
I want to feel your lips on mine
And I will pick you up
All my faults are gone, and I will never let you fall
And we play Dirty Dancing
And we dance in the dark
Dirty Dancing and we feel ourselves young again
Pull me in, pull me out, it's time to shut the door
Because there's nothing better than what the two of us will do tonight
When you touch,
Just know what to do with me
Because bewtween the sheets you're like a garden
You're an artwork for me
And we play Dirty Dancing
And we dance in the dark
Dirty Dancing and we feel ourselves young again
Pull me in, pull me out, it's time to shut the door
Because there's nothing better than what the two of us will do tonight
Me and you have the time of our lives
Every part of your body
Every curve made just for me
And we play Dirty Dancing
And we dance in the dark
Dirty Dancing and we feel ourselves young again
Pull me in, pull me out, it's time to shut the door
Because there's nothing better than what the two of us will do tonight
Dirty Dancing and we dance in the dark
Dirty Dancing and we feel ourselves young again
Pull me in, pull me out, it's time to shut the door
Because there's nothing better than what the two of us will do tonight

Are You Scared?

Can't you trust me anymore?
Have I caused you to much sadness?
I just don't want to leave you
I know I made a mistake
Then you touch me
Tell me, are you scared
That I am going to catch you?
Do you want to come, do you want to go,
Do you want to sit or do you want to stand?
Are you scared?
Tell me, are you scared
That I am going to catch you?
Do you want to come, do you want to go,
Do you want to sit or do you want to stand?
Are you scared?
It seems to me that you don't want to forget
I can see how you long back
But I will hold you and never leave you
So baby, give me just another chance
To touch you
Tell me, are you scared
That I am going to catch you?
Do you want to come, do you want to go,
Do you want to sit or do you want to stand?
Are you scared?
Tell me, are you scared
That I am going to catch you?
Do you want to come, do you want to go,
Do you want to sit or do you want to stand?
Are you scared?
And i can see you stand in front of me
In my dream you're coming back to me again
And even if I know you must leave,
Our love will never perish
Tell me, are you scared
That I am going to catch you?
Do you want to come, do you want to go,
Do you want to sit or do you want to stand?
Are you scared?
Tell me, are you scared
That I am going to catch you?
Do you want to come, do you want to go,
Do you want to sit or do you want to stand?
Are you scared?
Do you want to come, do you want to go,
Do you want to sit or do you want to stand?
Are you scared?

Dusk (He's coming)

The postman is no longer passing,
my phone does not ring,
deserted and endless road
now that he does not love me
But in the dusk
the north winds cry
and thousands of mouths
'Coming', 'coming',
'He's coming' they tell me
I did not get news from none of friends,
I did not hear from you
If I send you my bitter tear
it will be lost with you too
But in the dusk
the north winds cry
and thousands of mouths
'Coming', 'coming',
'He's coming' they tell me

It's All I Have

I would build a castle with my bare hands
I would be a Superman for you
Then I come behind you, just let me trust you and give you my love and hold you tight
It's all I have (have)
To give to you
It's all I have (have)
To share with you
You say it's just what you're looking for in a man
It's all I have
To give to you
It's all I have
To give to you
Remember what I said to you
You deserve more than what I can give to you
Then I come behind you, you want to build up a future
Together with someone who can hold you tight
It's all I have (have)
To give to you
It's all I have (have)
To share with you
You say it's just what you're looking for in a man
It's all I have
To give to you
It's all I have
To give to you
I would give my everything
To you
You're just looking for someone
To hold you
It's all I have
To give to you
It's all I have
To share with you
It's all I have
To give to you
It's all I have
To share with you
You say it's just what you're looking for in a man
It's all I have
To give to you
It's all I have
To give to you
It's all I have
To give to you

Purple Illusion

Even if I keep on looking for the path in the future
Will I find the answer? I don´t know
It has been an eternity
And I pray for reaching you
I closed my book and started walking
To get back my dream that I had long forgotten
Those eyes that look through a slit
See everything in purple from your heart
The meaning of that moment when cherry tree petals fall
I chase your back 5cm per second
In the sly I drew this melody
Hoping one day it comes true
The sound of steps
I hope you reach me, no matter where
I want to keep this illusion
Dance as beautifully as that cherry tree blossom
Those eyes that look through a slit
Make it purple and I´ll show you the rest of the dream
The meaning of that moment when cherry tree petals fall
I chase your back 5cm per second
I closed my book and started walking
To get back my dream that I had long forgotten
My arm still cannot reach you but
I have the strong and naïve feeling that I am close
Shaking, my hand gets closer to your shadow
At 5 cm per second
Those eyes that look through a slit
See everything in purple from your heart
The meaning of that moment when cherry tree petals fall
I chase your back 5cm per second

R n´B soul

The mother and daughter are standing in front of the pizzeria
Tralalalala they spin with the purse.
Daughter is twenty and mom twice as much,
Karol choose which one and for how much.
I'll advise, split mom to two twenties,
Then we can share brotherly.
Surely you ask what's wrong with my voice,
I wasn't happy for a long time, but I am again.
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
Both mother and daughter, that is what attracts me,
Like a medal in building a snowman,
But we have only one protection,
Karol suggested drawing lots for the mother.
I bet the tail and it's the head again,
So I'm just left with the young one again.
Mommy, please tell your daughter
That I don't have a rubber and to not be angry.
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
What are you saying gypsy shauve ... wait, not right now ...
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
What are you saying gypsy shauve michigens ...
I was still a little boy, it worked by itself
And then a guy from the neighbors sweared at me.
You fucking idiot, you ate me down there!
That's how a guy from the neighbors sweared at me.
Then we met again after the Sunday's Mass,
If we didn't get into fight, I wouldn't get lice.
Cheers! Thanks, it's true, i feel sick,
The guy from the neighbors gave me a present.
I had a band at school and we were just snots.
The class teacher took tape from me and sent me to Honor of Work.
They told me you are a dick, there will be a mess for sure.
Fortunately, his Tesla chewed Emgeton tapes.
We got old as paintings by world-famous artists,
Like a picture of Bača Ondra standing behind a sheep.
Realism, line drawing, Bača is curing a sheep.
We fuck into art, nobody can compete with us.
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
What are you saying gypsy shauve michigens ...
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
What are you saying gypsy shauve michigens ...
Oh oh oh
And you, shut your trap.
What? Me?
Sorry, I'm just a host, can you...
... R n'B Soul
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
What are you saying gypsy shauve michigens ...
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul
Oh oh oh R n'B Soul

I'm The Diva You Want To Imitate

You want to glow like me
You want to smell like me
But you don't have a way of that
To be succesful, honey, you've got to do it right
I told you I'm top
That I'm powerful
Pay attention at what I'm gonna tell you
I'm the diva you want to imitate
You want to glow like me
You want to smell like me
But you don't have a way of that
To be succesful, honey, you've got to do it right
I told you I'm top
That I'm powerful
Pay attention at what I'm gonna tell you
I'm the diva you want to imitate
I'm the diva you want to imitate
I'm the diva you want to imitate
I'm the diva you want to imitate
I'm the diva you want to imitate
I'm the diva
You want to imitate

This Is How We Roll

This is how we roll, whoa whoa whoa whoa
I have it, you have it, we're born with it
I feel it, you hear it, do what you we want, lose it
Jump up, jump down, feel the rhythm of your heart
The rhythm in your heart
This is how we roll, our glasses remain full
Everyone thinks we're pinching the cat in the dark
We live only once, bury the sadness
Forget about tomorrow, let's think about now
Because this is how we roll, whoa whoa whoa whoa
She knows it, you know it, we take the rules and break it
Our life, our springs, with everything forgotten by now
Jump up, jump down, followthe rhythm of your heart
The rhythm in your heart
This is how we roll, our glasses remain full
Everyone thinks we're pinching the cat in the dark
We live only once, bury the sadness
Forget about tomorrow, let's think about now
This is how we roll, our glasses remain full
Everyone thinks we're pinching the cat in the dark
We live only once, bury the sadness
Forget about tomorrow, let's think about now
Because this is how we roll, whoa whoa whoa whoa
This is how we roll (this is how we roll, this is how we roll, roll, roll)
We live only once, bury the sadness
Forget about tomorrow, let's think about now
This is how we roll, our glasses remain full
Everyone thinks we're pinching the cat in the dark
We live only once, bury the sadness
Forget about tomorrow, let's think about now
Because this is how we roll
whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa
Because this is how we roll

A sajátomnak hívlak

Megkaptuk egymást
ebben a kicsi világban
és eggyé váltunk
eltűntem benned
te voktál a legszebb dolog,
amit valaha láttam
Nem tudtam levegőt venni
nem találtam szavakat,
amikor azon az estén hozzám csatoltad a szíved és a lelked,
és ahogy a szemeid néztek,
és sosem akartál máshova nézni többé
És azt mondtad, hajts keresztül a szívem és reménykedj, hogy belehalsz
remélem, sosem kell majd kitalálom, mit mondasz
annyira egymásnak teremtettek minket
és megígértem neked,
hogy a sajátomnak hívlak
A sajátomnak hívlak
Meg akarom ízlelni az ajkaid
magam köré akarlak hajtogatni
egész idáig úton voltam, úton feléd
és beléd akarok mászni, hogy soha ne felejts el
És ott fogunk élni, ott, ahol senki se jár
még a szakadékben is abban reménykedünk,
hogy az enymáséi leszünk
egészen odáig
És azt mondtad, hajts keresztül a szívem és reménykedj, hogy belehalsz
remélem, sosem kell majd kitalálom, mit mondasz
annyira egymásnak teremtettek minket
és megígértem neked,
hogy a sajátomnak hívlak
A sajátomnak hívlak
Emlékszel, karmolunk
Olyan gyorsan megtesszük
Elvesszük, érezzük, csókolózunk
Ezt tesszük
És azt mondtad, hajts keresztül a szívem és reménykedj, hogy belehalsz
remélem, sosem kell majd kitalálom, mit mondasz
annyira egymásnak teremtettek minket
és megígértem neked,
hogy a sajátomnak hívlak
A sajátomnak hívlak
És azt mondtad, hajts keresztül a szívem és reménykedj, hogy belehalsz
remélem, sosem kell majd kitalálom, mit mondasz
annyira egymásnak teremtettek minket
és megígértem neked,
hogy a sajátomnak hívlak
A sajátomnak hívlak
A sajátomnak hívlak
A sajátomnak hívlak
A sajátomnak hívlak
A sajátomnak hívlak


Megtaláltak, mégis elveszett vagyok
Már korábban is voltam itt
És ez megint lejátszódik előttem
És tudom, hogy fog véget érni ma este
De tudod, hogy nincsenek szavak
Most tilos mindenféle beszéd
Fogj meg és húzz közelebb magadhoz
Inkább most, mint kicsit később ma este
A telihold az, ami így megragad odakint?
A csendes éjszaka az, ami úgy hullik rám, mint a csókok?
Inkább feküdjünk le
Veled együtt akarok feküdni a csillagok alatt
A folyamatos remény az, ami körüljár minket?
A város zaja az, ami hiányzik nekünk ma este?
Inkább feküdjünk le
Veled együtt akarok feküdni a csillagok alatt
A semmiből tűnik fel
Most előjön valahonnan
A különbségen múlik
ez egy 'sosem akarlak elengedni'-érzés
A telihold az, ami így megragad odakint?
A csendes éjszaka az, ami úgy hullik rám, mint a csókok?
Inkább feküdjünk le
Veled együtt akarok feküdni a csillagok alatt
A folyamatos remény az, ami körüljár minket?
A város zaja az, ami hiányzik nekünk ma este?
Inkább feküdjünk le
Veled együtt akarok feküdni a csillagok alatt
És nincs is igazán értelme
Nem tudom, hol kezdjem, hogy is érzek irántad
A szerelmünk csak egy pillanat, ami majd véget ér
Egy szempillantás alatt, miközben veled beszélek?
A telihold az, ami így megragad odakint?
A csendes éjszaka az, ami úgy hullik rám, mint a csókok?
Inkább feküdjünk le
Veled együtt akarok feküdni a csillagok alatt
A folyamatos remény az, ami körüljár minket?
A város zaja az, ami hiányzik nekünk ma este?
Inkább feküdjünk le
Veled együtt akarok feküdni a csillagok alatt


Oh, it's so nice outside
Come, let's lay down and count the stars under the silver moon
And you don't have anything to worry about, not a thing which bothers
Because it's only me and you tonight
I suddenly wake up frightened with widely open eyes
I wish you were here but it was just a dream
Such a pious daydream
My plans melt away piece to piece
A place to sleep I have to work but my head is screaming for help
When I close my eyes, in our stories I am your hero
Forever I carry your heart on my sleeve,
Because when I daydream, I always fantasize about you only
And then you take my hand and carry it folded
And we leave all our fears behind
There's a space above full of jewels which shine for you only
The diamond's most beautiful guard
I know I'm dreaming aloud, if only you could understand
How beautiful you look in the light of the moon
Such a pious daydream
My plans melt away piece to piece
A place to sleep I have to work but my head is screaming for help
When I close my eyes, in our stories I am your hero
Forever I carry your heart on my sleeve,
Because when I daydream, I always fantasize about you only
In every dear daydream we are always together
I wonder if she herself knows that I even exist
Such a pious daydream
My plans melt away piece to piece
A place to sleep I have to work but my head is screaming for help
When I close my eyes, in our stories I am your hero
Forever I carry your heart on my sleeve,
Because when I daydream, I always fantasize about you only

Dinoknight Force Ryusoulger

Use that flashing sword
On the battle road
You won't abandon this world you want to protect
You are resolved, so follow that path
These emblems of righteousness are proof that you are heroes
Now, make your souls as one!
You will never run no matter what happens
Dynamic! Make the earth resound
With your steely power
Use that flashing sword
On the battle road
The more people strive for a dream, the stronger it gets
Go and resolutely overcome your limits with a bang!
Work for justice and cut down the darkness
Dinoknight Force Ryusoulger
You won't grab ahold of that future you want to follow
A straightforward fanfare is here to have got your back
The tenderness of nobility is the essence of life
Now, let your Ryusouls bloom
You will never lose no matter what happens
Remarkably determine your resolve
By passing over!
Giga! A soul is grabbing
Change a mode with a flip
Whosoever has a more painful heart, the stronger it gets
Go master the infinite with a stunning upward mobility!
Help the weak and cut down evil
Dinoknight Force Ryusoulger
O Beloved planet Earth
May you last forever!
Be a shield for your homeland
Be the sword of hope
The more people strive for a dream, the stronger it gets
Go and resolutely overcome your limits with a bang!
Work for justice and cut down the darkness
Dinoknight Force Ryusoulger
Ryusoulger! Win the war!

Kuusou Mesorogiwi

Consentes dii / Juno / Jupiter / Minerva / Apolló / Mars / Ceres
Merkúr / Diána / Bacchus / Vulcanus / Plútó / Veszta / Vénusz
Előmászok álmom mélyéről...
Pislogva kinyitom a szemem, hogy lássam,
Az Álmok Istene gyengéden mosolyog amint
Kiosztja a lelkek szerepét, nem hezitál
A láncok amelyek oly' erősen szorítják a 'sorsot',
Összekuszálódnak, majd' eltörnek
Nézd, az Isten megáldott minket a lehetőséggel,
A saját fantasy programunkkal...
Nézd, az Isten megáldott minket a lehetőséggel,
A saját fantasy programunkkal...
És most egy két há',
Eggyé válunk és harcolunk!
És most egy két há',
Ma este elmenekülünk a halál elől!
Elérjük az áldást, ami után sóvárogsz,
Kézen fogva te és én harcolunk, hogy meg nyerjük ezt a TÚLÉLŐ JÁTÉKOT
És most egy két há',
A láncaink összekapcsolódnak
És most egy két há',
Szabadítsuk meg magunkat a fájdalomtól
Imádkozz az áldásért, nincsen második esély
Kinyújtom a kezem hogy harcoljak - és meg fogjuk nyerni ezt az ELTÖRLŐ JÁTÉKOT
Ez olyan mint egy sötét fantasy...
A bámészkodók megsajnálnak
De nekünk ez nem kell, közelebb vagyunk az élethez és halálhoz
Egy apró kert, olyan közel hogy nem is látom
Itt van, ahol elvégzed az ígéreted
Úgy hiszem...

You have managed to forget

When you feel forgotten emotions again
The joy shines with the sun
Your heart is happy and you start again
You have managed to forget
When you relive moments of the past
And you don't feel bitter when remembering
With your smile you can dispel sadness
You have managed to forget
You feel free again
You can give your love to another and conquer
The happiness of yesterday again
When you are alone, you can avoid
The memories that made you cry
Look only to the future and you will always find
That you have managed to forget
You feel free again
You can give your love to another and conquer
The happiness of yesterday again
You have managed to forget
You have managed to forget
You feel free again
You can give your love to another and conquer
The happiness of yesterday again
You have managed to forget


Why don't you love me anymore if I'm the same one
that you wanted so much in love?
Could it be that in time you have lost
the love you felt for me?
They are things of life, today I had to lose
I have to abandon the one that was mine yesterday
Maybe with time you can understand
That as I loved you, no one is going to love you
I feel alone without your love
I only have a great pain inside of me
Inside of me
I'm alone without being able to be the one you loved
Today I only live in yesterday
In yesterday
Why don't you love me like you used to?
I'm just your friend now, not your lover
Have you found another love
Someone who pampers you better than me?
They are things of life, today I had to lose
I have to abandon the one that was mine yesterday
Maybe with time you can understand
That as I loved you, no one is going to love you
I feel alone without your love
I only have a great pain inside of me
Inside of me
I'm alone without being able to be the one you loved
Today I only live in yesterday
In yesterday
I feel alone without your love
I only have a great pain inside of me
Inside of me
I'm alone without being able to be the one you loved
Today I only live in yesterday
In yesterday

At full speedy

If you want to forget, you must ride on my train
If you are looking for happiness, you will find it on my train
The trip is joyful and I invite you all
For a few moments you will forget your pain
Don't think about it too much, we are waiting for you
Hurry, get on my train that's already leaving
Full speed ahead you're going to have fun
At full speed we are going to dance
Full speed ahead you're going to have fun
At full speed we are going to dance
Forget about crying if you want to ride on my train
You are going to have a good time, I assure you, you will return
The trip is joyful and I invite you all
For a few moments you will forget your pain
Don't think about it too much, we are waiting for you
Hurry, get on my train that's already leaving
Full speed ahead you're going to have fun
At full speed we are going to dance
Full speed ahead you're going to have fun
At full speed we are going to dance
Get on the train that is already leaving
If you hurry, you will reach it
With its rhythm it will make you dance at full speed
If you are looking for happiness, you will find it on my train
You are going to have a good time, I assure you, you will return
This trip is going to end but you will always remember it
And very soon you will be dancing at full speed again

What's it?

I fell in love with you without wanting to, my love
I don't know how to explain what happened
Maybe it was your smile, your warmth
But I know that you have awakened so much love
What's it? What's it?
What have you done to me?
What's it? What's it?
I can not live without you
What's it? What's it?
You are everything to me and more
Today I can't find the words to make
Your heart understand my love
Every day I realize more and more
That the love that I feel for you will grow
What's it? What's it?
What have you done to me?
What's it? What's it?
I can not live without you
What's it? What's it?
What have you done to me?
What's it? What's it?
I can not live without you
I fell in love with you without wanting to, my love
I don't know how to explain what happened
Maybe it was your smile, your warmth
But I know that you have awakened so much love
What's it? What's it?
What have you done to me?
What's it? What's it?
I can not live without you
What's it? What's it?
You are everything to me and more
Today I can't find the words to make
Your heart understand my love
Every day I realize more and more
That the love that I feel for you will grow
What's it? What's it?
What have you done to me?
What's it? What's it?
I can not live without you
What's it? What's it?
What have you done to me?
What's it? What's it?
I can not live without you

Love me more

I only ask you, love, give me your days
I don't need things that have no value
Your heart, I thought, is all that I long
To be sure that your soul only feels for me
Love me more, than everything you've ever wanted
Love me more, you will always have me with you
You won't find anyone who loves you like me
Love me more, even more than your own life
Love me more, I feel lost without your love
Love me more, there is no one who loves you like me
I think of loving you again, that you are always mine
There are not enough hours to be with you
If you want to be with me, give me your life
I want to be by your side at every sunrise
Love me more than everything you've ever wanted
Love me more, you will always have me with you
You won't find anyone who loves you like me
Love me more, even more than your own life
Love me more, I feel lost without your love
Love me more, there is no one who loves you like me
Love me more than everything you've ever wanted
Love me more, you will always have me with you
You won't find anyone who loves you like me
Love me more, even more than your own life
Love me more, I feel lost without your love
Love me more, there is no one who loves you like me
Love me more
Love me more
Love me more
Love me more


Yeah, gyerünk Yeah, let's go
A bámulás, ami abbamaradt, várj A gaze that stopped, wait
Csapda, ami átsöröpört rajtam (az én csapdám) Snare that sweeped over me (my snare)
Az ésszerűségnek már vége Rationality is already out
A lépéseim össze vannak gabalyodva My steps are tangled (steps)
Belerészegedve a szemeid nézésébe Drunk on the look of your eyes
Érzések befolyásolása Swaying emotions
Nem lehet,nem lehet No way No way
A megtévesztés pillanata The moment of delusion
Annyira rossz vagyok, annyira mérges vagyok I’m so bad I’m so mad
Az éjszaka, ami felkavar The night that shakes me up
The trembling becomes more violent without sound
Can't even get away now
It's dangerous, my body is stiff
Stuck in my throat
It's embedde faraway deep inside, can't get away woah
Can't ever be avoided
Kígyó, kígyó marás Snake Snake bite
Kígyó, kígyó marás Snake Snake bite
Ez a heg, ami összeköt minket (te vagy)This scar connects us together (you are)
Mélyen belefúródik, egy szörnyű vágás (te vagy) It digs in deeply, it's a terrible cut (you are)
Kígyó, kígyó marás Snake Snake bite
Kígyó, kígyó marás Snake Snake bite
A vésés pillanatában keződik (te vagy)It starts the moment it gets engraved (you are)
Beleestem egy mocsárban, melyből nem tudok szabadulni I've fallen into a swamp that I can't get out of
Bűnös játék, Bűnös vigyor Wicked play Wicked grin
Bűnös tett Bűnös te Wicked deed Wicked you
Nagyban reagálva akár a legkisebb légzés hangokra Reacting largely to even the smallest breathing sounds
Közelíts meg lassan Approach me slowly
Sose köss fel Never lock me up
Már tudom I already know it
Vigyél el mindenki tudta nélkül Take me away without anyone knowing
Nincs visszaút There's no going back
Beleestem egy labirintusba I've fallen into a maze
Nem lehet, nem lehet No way no way
Nincs kiút There's no exit
Annyira rossz vagyok, annyira mérges vagyok I'm so bad I'm so mad
Az éjszaka elnyel The night swallows me
Mélyen beleástam Digged far in,
Te elbűvöltél You bewitch me
Mégmélyebben beleesek Falling in even deeper
A méreg le lett nyelve The poison is swallowed,
Mostmár nincs hová hátrálni There's no place to retreat to anymore
Egyértelmű nyomok hagyása Leave behind traces clearly
Kígyó, kígyó marás Snake Snake bite
Kígyó, kígyó marás Snake Snake bite
Ez a heg, ami összeköt minket (te vagy) This scar connects us together (you are)
Mélyen belefúródik, egy szörnyű vágás (te vagy) It digs in deeply, it's a terrible cut (you are)
Kígyó, kígyó marás Snake Snake bite
Kígyó, kígyó marás Snake Snake bite
A vésés pillanatában keződik (te vagy) It starts the moment it gets engraved (you are)
Beleestem egy mocsárban, melyből nem tudok szabadulni I've fallen into a swamp that I can't get out of
Woo woo Woo woo
Veszélyesebb lesz minél mélyebbre esek bele It gets dangerous the more I fall in
Kicsinként, egy részemé váltál Little by little, you become part of me
Az érzelmek amik átszivárogtak szétterülnek The emotions that seeped through spreads out
Már nem tudom kontrollálni I can't control it anymore
Kígyó, kígyó marás Snake Snake bite
Kígyó, kígyó marás Snake Snake bite
Ez a heg az idő múltával egyre mélyebb lesz (te vagy)This scar gets deeper as time passes (you are)
Folyton belém jössz (te vagy) You keep coming into me (you are)
Kígyó, kígyó marás Snake Snake bite
Kígyó, kígyó marás Snake Snake bite
Terjeszd át a testemen Spread it through my body (you are)
Mélyen belém van vésve, hogy ne tudjak szabadulni It's carved deeply in me so that I can't get away

I will fight

I'm alone here in my bed
Waiting for a hope
That you will return some day
To share my pillow
Drowning in crying
And wishing you in silence
Every moment I am afraid
That I am losing your love
I want you by my side, my love
Your absence is my pain
My eyes sleep to see you
I will fight not to lose you
I will fight against my luck
I will fight even if you are far from me
I will fight not to lose you
I will fight to the death
I will fight 'cause I don't know how to live without you
I need you like the water
You want in a desert
I'm thirsty for your caresses
Your words and your kisses
I want you by my side, my love
Your absence is my pain
My eyes sleep to see you
I will fight not to lose you
I will fight against my luck
I will fight even if you are far from me
I will fight not to lose you
I will fight to the death
I will fight 'cause I don't know how to live without you
I will fight not to lose you
I will fight against my luck
I will fight even if you are far from me
I will fight not to lose you
I will fight to the death
I will fight 'cause I don't know how to live without you


Come, lay next to me
So tight to my stomach
I will whisper in your ears
What you really feel inside me
Is still by me
Only me, your heart and you
I want to get close to you, come, lay here
I must tell you, I want to have you forever
Do you feel my heartbeat?
It knocks like a hammer,
Which builds love
In the shape of you
Do you feel my heartbeat?
This is the sound of a melody
Like how I see you
My symphony of love for you
Just give me a chance
Ah then we'd make such a beautiful balance
If you could feel what I feel now
If you feel next to me, you will also say that
Do you feel my heartbeat?
It knocks like a hammer,
Which builds love in your shape
Do you feel my heartbeat?
This is the sound of a melody
Like how I see you
My symphony of love for you
In the shape of you
In the shape of you
In the shape of you
In the shape of you
Do you feel my heartbeat?
It knocks like a hammer,
Which builds love
In your shape
Do you feel my heartbeat?
This is the sound of a melody
Like how I see you
My symphony of love for you
For you only
For you only


There's nothing what cuts like the words spoken in the moment which makes you sad
I wish I could fix everything every day, get every moment better
When the old feeling of pain is hanging in the air again
It breaks me again, every sore, every tear
Every time time time when I misunderstood you
Because this cis consuming me (consuming me)
It's shearing me (shearing me)
I'm begging, forgive me
It breaks through me every time, every tear
Every sore sore sore which falls on your chest
I will do the right thing and heal you
Please, forgive me
I wish I could always keep my mouth shut when we fight
Because I'm in love with you so much, I regret everything I said when we argue
I wish I could bring everything back to the begin
It breaks me again, every sore, every tear
Every time time time when I misunderstood you
Because this cis consuming me (consuming me)
It's shearing me (shearing me)
I'm begging, forgive me
It breaks through me every time, every tear
Every sore sore sore which falls on your chest
I will do the right thing and heal you
Please, forgive me
Because it's heavy, here inside me, heavy, here inside me
Because it's heavy, here inside me, heavy, here inside me
Because it breaks my heart, Yes, it's heavy, here inside me, heavy, here inside me
Because it breaks my heart, Yes, it's heavy, here inside me, heavy, here inside me
Because it breaks my heart
It breaks me again, every sore, every tear
Every time time time when I misunderstood you
Because this cis consuming me (consuming me)
It's shearing me (shearing me)
I'm begging, forgive me
It breaks through me every time, every tear
Every sore sore sore which falls on your chest
I will do the right thing and heal you
Please, forgive me