Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 16

Találatok száma: 876



Today you have to forget
What can I do
You are not for me what I dreamed
You were just my friend
An adventure of my loneliness
I will look for whoever really loves me
It's too late if you want to keep me
Your time has stopped on my clock
I appreciate the kisses
The caresses that you brought to my skin
And the good times of yesterday
Forget, forget about me
Keep in mind that you were everything to me
I only keep memories of the love that one day I gave you
But now forget about me
Forget, forget about me
I no longer want in my life to suffer again
I have so many reasons that have made me stay away from you
So now forget about me
It's too late if you want to keep me
Your time has stopped on my clock
I appreciate the kisses
The caresses that you brought to my skin
And the good times of yesterday
Forget, forget about me
I no longer want in my life to suffer again
I have so many reasons that have made me stay away from you
So now forget about me
Forget, forget about me
Keep in mind that you were everything to me
I only keep memories of the love that one day I gave you
But now forget about me

All my love

My love only amounts to this
Hi, my joy
Even in my deep despairs
You always make me smile by my side
It makes me momentarily forget about everything
Turn on a song we know and take one step
We hold hands and our feet move two step
Before I know it
You make today’s me look forward to tomorrow’s you
Baby it’s alright
Oh it’s okay
Because it’s only you who knows all my lies
O ah I’m more thankful
When I often see you tired with your head down
Me, who doesn’t know what to do
What can I possibly do?
I’m sincerely sorry
My love only amounts to this
But thank you for staying by my side my baby
Even if my love only amounts to this
I’ll be your spring during any winter
My heart can only say these words
Like a meteor shower
Be a light in the dark sky
I can do everything for you
I only have a big heart that wants to give you everything
Me, who has become pathetic
I’m a fool who only receives
At some point, I started hating myself
I’m even more apologetic towards you
Baby it’s alright
Oh it’s okay
Because it’s only you who knows all my lies
O ah I’m more thankful
When I often see you tired with your head down
Me, who doesn’t know what to do
What can I possibly do?
I’m sincerely sorry
My love only amounts to this
But thank you for staying by my side my baby
Even if my love only amounts to this
I’ll be your spring during any winter
My heart can only say these words
Although it’s just this song and lyrics,
Which contain my feelings that I wrote down with difficulty
For you, for you, for you, for you
I sing this song for you tonight
So that I can get closer to your love
My love only amounts to this
But my heart won’t change it’s only for you baby
Even if my love only amounts to this
I’ll be your umbrella when it rains
I’ll protect you throughout all your days


Itt állsz előttem
Mit mondhatnék
Hogy ennyire szerelmes lehetk beléd?
Azok után, amin már túlvagyunk
Erősebbek lettünk
De továbbra is azon gondolkozom,
Működni fog ez köztünk?
Minden, amit megérintenek az ajkaid,
Minden, amiről a szíved ki tud mondani,
Számomra mindez
Arannyá, arannyá, arannyá, arannyá válik
Sosem túl késő,
Ezt mondtad
Nekünk kell rájönnünk,
Hogy mit akar a szívünk
Aztán rájöttem
Hogy én csak por vagyok,
Mert nélküled
Elhalványul a fényem
Minden, amit megérintenek az ajkaid,
Minden, amiről a szíved ki tud mondani,
Számomra mindez
Arannyá, arannyá, arannyá, arannyá válik
Minden, amit megérintenek az ajkaid,
Minden, amiről a szíved ki tud mondani,
Számomra mindez
Arannyá, arannyá, arannyá, arannyá válik
Itt megállok
Aranyat kaptam tőled
Megtaláltam a kincsem
Arany arany arany arany vagy
A szerelmed megfizethetetlen
Nem lehet megvenni, sem bérbe venni
Úgy vigyázom rá, mint az aranyra, aranyra, aranyra, aranyra
Minden, amire ráteszed a kezed
Minden, ami a testedhez ér
Minden, amit megérintenek az ajkaid,
Minden, amiről a szíved ki tud mondani,
Számomra mindez
Arannyá, arannyá, arannyá, arannyá válik
Itt megállok
Aranyat kaptam tőled
Megtaláltam a kincsem
Arany arany arany arany vagy


You stand here in front of me
What can I say
Is it possible,
That I can love you so much
Everything, what we're already through,
Made us stronger,
But I keep wondering,
if our thing would work
Everything your lips touch,
Everything your heart can speak,
Turn to
Gold gold gold gold for me
It's never too late,
That's what you said
We must find,
What our hearts want
And then I realized,
I am dust only,
Because without you
My light fades
Everything, what your lips touch,
Everything, what your heart can speak,
Turn to
Gold gold gold gold for me
Everything, what your lips touch,
Everything, what your heart can speak,
Turn to
Gold gold gold gold for me
I stop here
I have got gold
I have found treasure
You are
Gold gold gold gold
For me
Your love is priceless
Never to buy or to rent
I look after it like gold gold gold gold
Everywhere you tkae your hand
Everything you touch
Everything, what your lips touch,
Everything, what your heart can speak,
Turn to
Gold gold gold gold for me
I stop here
I have got gold
I have found treasure
You are
Gold gold gold gold
For me


The flow of time
and the last light
I’m holding these in one hand
I am enduring only thanks to these things
The world’s hypocrisy
the eyes looking out from inside that frame
Fight as one
Head down
Guard up
Ready set Go
Fire inside two eyes
my heart is that of a lion
I’m a diamond in the rough
You’re brittle iron
I completed you, who was wandering aimlessly
Once more I
Reload the clip, Reload the clip
There is only one crown without owner
In this night that fills all of me
This is the Revolution
Revolution of the mind
Everyone’s illusion,
this confused sense –
Let’s burn it oh oh oh oh
Come and join, Come and join the Revolution
Enemies closing in,
think faster
I found my ring
Cuz in this dense memory
in which I am trapped
No no stopping til I get my freedom
The rules that keep me locked in
Throw them away high
Keep going til the day I die yeah
Til the I die yeah
There is only one crown without owner
In this night that fills all of me
This is the Revolution
Revolution of the mind
Everyone‘s illusion
this confused sense
Let’s burn it oh oh oh oh
Come and join, Come and join the Revolution
This is the Revolution
Revolution of the mind
Everyone‘s illusion
this confused sense
Let’s burn it oh oh oh oh
Come and join, Come and join the Revolution
This is the Revolution
Revolution of the mind
Everyone‘s illusion
this confused sense
Let’s burn it oh oh oh oh
Come and join, Come and join the Revolution
As I am about to catch it, it gets fainter
Your and my ring that is losing its light
Everybody stand united
We leave this darkness behind
You and I, who are shining brightly
Everybody stand united


I can’t sleep Georgia
I shoot arrows in the night Georgia
I’m waiting for Georgia
I think Georgia
Fire is like snow Georgia
The night is my neighbour Georgia
I hear every sound without exception Georgia
I see the smoke rising and seeping away Georgia
I creep along in the shadows Georgia
I run here’s the street the suburbs Georgia
Here’s a city that’s the same
and that’s new to me Georgia
I rush along here comes the wind Georgia
and the cold silence and fear Georgia
I’m leaving Georgia
I’m running away Georgia
the clouds are low they’ll tumble down Georgia
I’m opening my arms Georgia
I can’t close my eyes Georgia
I call Georgia
I call out to you Georgia
Will you come Georgia
soon Georgia
Georgia Georgia Georgia
I can’t sleep Georgia
I’m waiting for you Georgia

Ruhába öltözve

Minden nőnek van valamije, amit titokban akar tartani
Meg szeretne házasodni, de ezt a dolgot nem akarja hordani
És a férfiak a Marsról, a nők pedig a Venusról származnak
Ezért nem veszi észre senki
Ha szeretnéd,
gyere, megmutatom, miben különbözünk
Mi a legkirályabb dolog, amit csinálhatsz?
Mi lehet jobb, jobb egy csóknál?
Mi az, amire vadászunk
És amire sóvárgunk,
A legkiráklyabb dolog, amit ruhába öltözve megtehetsz?
Egyik férfi sem akar egész nap az ajkaidon csüggni
Ez megijeszt?
Mert egy szívdobbanás alatt lecserélhet
És a férfiak a Marsról, a nők pedig a Venusról származnak
Ezért nem veszi észre senki
Itt van egy terv:
Megmutatom neked, hogy vadászhatsz le egy férfit
Mi a legkirályabb dolog, amit csinálhatsz?
Mi lehet jobb, jobb egy csóknál?
Mi az, amire vadászunk
És amire sóvárgunk,
A legkiráklyabb dolog, amit ruhába öltözve megtehetsz?
Mindenki csodálkozik rajta, mégse tudja senki
Olyan ez, mint egy nagy mágnes, ami egymás felé húz minket
Ha hallanád, mi folyik a fejemben,
Talán sosem kéne találgatnod
Mi a legkirályabb dolog, amit csinálhatsz?
Mi lehet jobb, jobb egy csóknál?
Mi az, amire vadászunk
És amire sóvárgunk,
A legkiráklyabb dolog, amit ruhába öltözve megtehetsz?


I know that you deserve
A Steel Man
Like Clark Kent
Who will just
Carry the world on his shoulders
Someone who can fly and say to you
I will knock out your feet under you
You are you are my Lois Lane
I am your Superman
Your heart is safe by me
I am your Superman
I fight for you my Lois Lane
I am your Superman
I'm coming to save you, can you believe me?
I am your Superman
Call me how you want
Even Superman
I know exactly what I want to be
The plaster for your
Pain and fears
Who can guard over
Your heart
A real man who can say to you
I will knock out your feet under you
You are you are my Lois Lane
I am your Superman
Your heart is safe by me
I am your Superman
I fight for you my Lois Lane
I am your Superman
I'm coming to save you, can you believe me?
I am your Superman
Call me how you want
Even Superman
I am never afraid
Of the darkness
There is nothing
What you should be scared of
Sleep calmly
Because I love you
I will knock out your feet under you
You are you are my Lois Lane
I am your Superman
Your heart is safe by me
I am your Superman
I fight for you my Lois Lane
I am your Superman
I'm coming to save you, can you believe me?
I am your Superman
Call me how you want
Even Superman

I Remember

Versions: #1
There were the two of us
in our children fairy tale
now our silences
flood our moments
Affected bodies
without caress, without a look
what to say
The two of us had
our own god of love
Words and images
suddenly became winters
Grand plans
reduced to a trickle
what to say
I remember
how at nights in your embrace you hold me
and you whispered sweet that you love me
I remember
I remember
how I awoke from the beating of your heart
and how my breath met yours
I remember
But we cannot
like prisoners to live
Two candles melted
that remained fused
is this love
and no one does a thing
what to say


Oh you learned yet again yesterday
That someone had died in your house.
That was Andrew-the-junkie -
Another number is crossed out.
You pass by, staring down
What number day? It seems to be every [day]
A neighbor boy from your yard
Is running into the basement -
You don't care!
And you feel no guilt,
You seem to be not involved
But I consider indifference, complicity!
Close your eyes and turn your back
You don't need this pain
Why do you need others' life?
Your son and daughter are doing well at school anyway
Close your eyes, shut the door
And you're all in concrete armor
But rememebr that this beast
Passes straight through your cordons
You didn't expect that
You'd receive a call from the ambulance that day
Cause you had a home, a job and a family -
And a son heating up a spoon!
You lost at that very moment
When you turned your back once,
And when the neighbor's trouble
Became yours - you were horrified
They feel no guilt,
They're not involved
But you consider indifference, complicity!
Close your eyes and turn your back
You don't need this pain
Why do you need others' life?
Your son and daughter are doing well at school anyway
Close your eyes, shut the door
And you're all in concrete armor
But rememebr that this beast
Passes straight through your cordons
Close your eyes and turn your back!


A vágyakozás könnyei úgy égetnek,
Miközben rólad álmodom
Jobb lesz ez valamikor?
Mert nélküled az élet zavaros
Ezért behunyom a szemem, és arról álmodom, hogy az enyém leszel
A felhőnkön körözünk
Tarts meg, gyógyítsd meg a sebeim
A felhőnkön körözünk
Tarts meg, gyógyítsd meg a sebeim
Emlékezz arra, amikor még az enyém voltál
Amikor az életünk még tökéletes volt, beleillett az álomországba
Néha egy kicsit álmodozz rólam,
Arról, hogy egymáséi leszünk az álomországban
A felhőnkön körözünk
Tarts meg, gyógyítsd meg a sebeim
A felhőnkön körözünk
Tarts meg, gyógyítsd meg a sebeim
Látod már, mit akarok neked mutatni,
Amikor a tökéletességről
Álmodunk az otthonunkban?
A felhőnkön körözünk
Tarts meg, gyógyítsd meg a sebeim
A felhőnkön körözünk
Tarts meg, gyógyítsd meg a sebeim
A felhőnkön körözünk
Tarts meg, gyógyítsd meg a sebeim
A felhőnkön körözünk
Tarts meg, gyógyítsd meg a sebeim
A vágyakozás könnyei úgy égetnek

Al-Fatiha, Pearl of the Quran

In the name of the One All Kindness and Compassion
All praises and gratitude for the One Master of all dimensions & worlds
All Kindness and Compassion
Supreme and only Judge
In You we confide and seek guidance.
Guide us on the Right Path,
the way to absolute joy & contentment in Your Presence,
not the way of those who suffer and get lost.
Amen, so be it
Please note that this is a rendering, not accurate translation
Please see comments


A vágyakozás könnyei úgy égetnek,
Miközben rólad álmodom
Jobb lesz ez valamikor?
Mert nélküled az élet zavaros
Ezért behunyom a szemem, és arról álmodom, hogy az enyém leszel
A felhőnkön körözünk
Tarts meg, gyógyítsd meg a sebeim
A felhőnkön körözünk
Tarts meg, gyógyítsd meg a sebeim
Emlékezz arra, amikor még az enyém voltál
Amikor az életünk még tökéletes volt, beleillett az álomországba
Néha egy kicsit álmodozz rólam,
Arról, hogy egymáséi leszünk az álomországban
A felhőnkön körözünk
Tarts meg, gyógyítsd meg a sebeim
A felhőnkön körözünk
Tarts meg, gyógyítsd meg a sebeim
Látod már, mit akarok neked mutatni,
Amikor a tökéletességről
Álmodunk az otthonunkban?
A felhőnkön körözünk
Tarts meg, gyógyítsd meg a sebeim
A felhőnkön körözünk
Tarts meg, gyógyítsd meg a sebeim
A felhőnkön körözünk
Tarts meg, gyógyítsd meg a sebeim
A felhőnkön körözünk
Tarts meg, gyógyítsd meg a sebeim
A vágyakozás könnyei úgy égetnek

Disco Willy

I bought two red boots
Disco, disco, disco willy
And a green-yellowish tie
Disco, disco, disco willy
A striped shirt, a Pierre Cardin scarf
And a printed suit with no revers
Disco, disco, disco willy
Disco, disco, disco willy
Fish doesn't live on land
Fish doesn't live on land
Neither does a young communist 1 (live) with freaks
Neither does a young communist with...
Disco, disco, disco willy
Disco, disco, disco willy
I shaved your armpit hair
Disco, disco, disco willy
You bought me the record of Paschalis 2
Disco, disco, disco willy
We took the funicular to go up to Lycabettus 3
Fish doesn't live on land
Fish doesn't live on land
Neither does a communist (live) with freaks
Neither does a communist with...
Disco, disco, disco willy
Disco, disco, disco willy


They call me DAWN
My looks, an added bonus
Let 'em try and taunt me
If you don't know DAWN, google it
You've got a problem, here's my middle finger
Feed 'em mosquitos with F killer
Now's the time, scream like you mean it
Curious about my life, go hit that 'Follow'
Can't leave things unfinished
All-nighters 'til the morning
You can't shake me, strong mentality
I may look weak but I'm psycho
Psycho like Psy bro
Called me up again, oh boy
Attaboy, golden boy DAWN let big bucks pour in
Hey fellas D A W N
Oh my god, how fun, I wanna play more
Bubble Pop Senorita always by my side
Dancing because you can't help it, how dope
Dreaming dreams however I want, how sweet
Bum Badabum Boom dadada
Give 'em neighbors goosebumps badada
Split the beat, crack a smile, got you hooked
If not, we cool, bud
Hold up Baby, come hang out Baby, crazy fun Baby
We gon’ party baby
They put you on hold, but mine are always on standby
Don't be startled, let's hang
Can't leave things unfinished
All-nighters 'til the morning
You can't shake me, strong mentality
I may look weak but I'm psycho
I'm feeling the vibe
You're the first to hear this song, you're #1
Wild-eyed, trying to survive in this jungle
Thumbs up high
Hey fellas D A W N
Oh my god, how fun, I wanna play more
Bubble Pop Senorita always by my side
Dancing because you can't help it, how dope
Dreaming dreams however I want, how sweet
Hey DAWN What’s going on?
Hey DAWN What’s going on?
Hey DAWN What’s going on?
This shit easy like kindergarten
Don't you worry it's Jessi
You know, that's why I'm that nuna
That's why I don't ask
That's why I ain't listening to you, huh
My sixth sense, mad perceptive, birds of a feather, flock together
You're a Groupie
Bubble pop Bubble pop Bubble pop pop
HyunA told me make your booty drop
Jaesuk Oppa be ike ‘Come on Jessi’
But I keep going anyway
What it is what it what it really do
Pull up in that – always in that new-new
I rep P NATION this & everyday thing
They always like, ‘Slay Queen’
Hey fellas D A W N

Forever yours

I never told you I would be forever yours
In contrary I told you it wasn't me
The one you will be able to hang out with
I apologize but I can't stay here anymore
It's not like I am searching to find something else
And it's not that I don't want you, baby, anymore
I don't know what makes me run away
And now wherever it guides me I will run further
So cheers,
Cheers to whatever we had lived until yesterday
To all of our great moments
Curse at me if you want to
Just don't cry
And say, say you have never met me at all
These were the greatest moments
That will always stay alive
Cheers to whatever we had lived until yesterday
To all of our great moments
Curse at me if you want to
Just don't cry
And say, say you have never met me at all
These were the greatest moments
That will always stay alive
In my thoughts you will always be, my little one
I wish I could resist
The destiny that wants me to be alone
But I'm late and now I have to hurry up
Cheers to whatever we had lived until yesterday
To all of our great moments
Curse at me if you want to
Just don't cry
And say, say you have never met me at all
These were the greatest moments
That will always stay alive
Say that you have never seen me before
Say that you have never seen me before
So cheers,
Cheers to whatever we had lived until yesterday
To all of our great moments
Curse at me if you want to
Just don't cry
And say, say you have never met me at all
These were the greatest moments
That will always stay alive
Cheers to whatever we had lived until yesterday
To all of our great moments
Curse at me if you want to
Just don't cry
And say, say you have never met me at all
These were the greatest moments
That will always stay alive

I'm waiting for your call

You've been looking at and I've been looking at you all this time
You're speaking to me with your eyes and I talk to you
Something is happening inside of us, something dreaming
You and I are like hypnotized
94 32
6 9 8 1
I'm waiting for your call
To get in your arms
I'm waiting for your call
So you can be mine
So I can be yours
Get ready
There's something magical between us
Something like a magnetic field
Ask me whatever you want now
I won't deny it
Call me late at night, I won't sleep
94 32
6 9 8
  • 1. Her number


Versions: #1
I'm little confused
When I think about you
I feel like my head is going to crack
Full of fantasy
Curious mystery
Please give me a hint
I’m following your every little move
It’s not a mistake, naturally yeah
I’ve become addicted to your scent that’s
already been deeply permeated through my body
I can’t do anything without you
You probably think that I’m a fool yeah
My heart can’t beat without you
From head to toe
I love you all
I love you
I love you
I love you
An instant spark spreads, flame
Never get away from my frame
My emotions have inflated 100%
Full of you, come on in my arms
Come on in come on in, come to me you
Just look at me, like the hot sun
You’re turning me upside down
Don't turn around! Hold my hand
I can't go outside, you're driving me crazy
Like a restless beast
Sing to you under the moonlight
Can you hear me, where u at? My boo
I can’t do anything without you
You probably think that I’m a fool yeah
My heart can’t beat without you
From head to toe
I love you all
I love you
I love you
I love you
Oh my god
Everyday up and down
You are the one who soaked me
You’re driving me crazy
every night
I failed to control myself
I can’t do anything without you
You probably think that I’m a fool yeah
My heart can’t beat without you
From head to toe
We goin’ hard hotter and hotter
We make it pop to burn it
Put your hands up In the air Say
Let’s make love Hey
Let’s make love Hey
I love you all
I love you
I love you
I love you

When You smile

In the softness of one night you dazzle me as you smile
Closing my eyes on your side gives me the impression
Of trying
To make tomorrow disappear here
When you smile
When you smile
When you smile
In your nest, stunned, dozing off,
Matching desires
We’d tell each other simple things
Subtle passes
Amused at the exercise for its own sake
You watch me get carried away
There’s something that doesn’t work
You see us get carried away
And suddenly you stop
In your nest, stunned, dozing off,
Matching desires
We’d give each other aliases
Subtle passes
Amused at the exercise for its own sake
You watch me get carried away
There’s something that doesn’t work
You see us get carried away
And suddenly you come loose
In the softness of one night you stun me as you smile
Closing the eyes on your side gives me the impression
Of trying
To make tomorrow disappear here
When you smile
When you smile
When you smile

Thrice to death

Well look how, your soul that was a light,
that was an angel warm,
I took it and threw it into darkness,
well look how, our love,
that was my whole life,
I took it and broke it into thousands pieces.
Forgive me and don't send me ''Thrice to death'',
forgive me and don't send me ''Thrice to death'',
no, not now, that for you I am reborn,
no, not now, that for you I am reborn,
forgive me and don't send me ''Thrice to death''.
Well look and don't ask why,
because I betrayed you,
me that I've made thousand dreams for us,
well look, you that I loved so much,
I cracked like glass
and with poison I watered your two lips.
Forgive me and don't send me ''Thrice to death'',
forgive me and don't send me ''Thrice to death'',
no, not now, that for you I am reborn,
no, not now, that for you I am reborn,
forgive me and don't send me ''Thrice to death''.
Forgive me and don't send me ''Thrice to death'',
forgive me and don't send me ''Thrice to death'',
no, not now, that for you I am reborn,
no, not now, that for you I am reborn,
forgive me and don't send me ''Thrice to death''.

Tear After Tear

Pain after pain I thrashed and I said
I'm going now away from everyone
Lie after lie my heart broke
and to another hug doesn't fit.
If only my body was paper
and my blood ink
to write on it why
I'm dead
Sorrow after sorrow my life got empty
the laughter flew away
Tear after tear (like) sea my soul
resembles a shipwreck to the deep
If only my body was paper
and my blood ink
to write on it why
I'm dead

You know (how)

What am I saying to you and to whom am I saying it,
you put on a fire to me and I burn,
I'm going through a trial,
for you to be in power.
What am I saying to you and to whom am I saying it,
I mourn the life I've lost,
I can't even look back
but you'll see tomorrow where I'll be.
Put on a fire into my life, put on a fire
put on a fire into my body, put on a fire,
burn me once and for all, burn me for someone else,
put on a fire into my life, you know how,
put on a fire into my body, you know how.
Why bother telling you to understand me
even if you want you won't catch me,
sadly, my dear*, for you,
now I've made peace with myself.
What am I saying to you and to whom am I saying it,
I mourn the life I've lost,
I can't even look back
but tomorrow you'll see where I'll be.
Put on a fire into my life, put on a fire,
put on a fire into my body, put on a fire,
burn me once and for all, burn me for someone else,
put on a fire into my life, you know how,
put on a fire into my body, you know how. (x2)
Put on a fire into my life, you know how,
put on a fire into my body, you know how,
burn me once and for all, burn me for someone else,
put on a fire into my life, you know how.

Good Morning

I woke up randomly this morning
There’s a cool breeze
Leaving my sluggish body behind
When should I go out? When I feel so good today
Instead of staying in bed
I’d like to be in the warm sunshine today
I’d like to enter the picture
that I imagined when I closed my eyes
It's like a feeling on it
Don’t think about anything
Close your eyes and feel this song
Don’t worry about anything, either
While you listen to this song that’ll brighten your morning
A night that I’m overwhelmed with work
A night overflowing with big pictures
Should I scroll through my DMs?
Nope, there’s too much celebrity drama lately
Was looking for a snare and fell asleep momentarily
What kind of dream did I have?
Only been a few years since I quit
I won’t go even if you sweet-talk me
I’m not going on Show Me the Money 8, if any fans were wondering
I’m very sorry
I’ve gotten so invested in working on my album
Sorry for leaving you alone, Moti
My album will be out in July or August
These days I’m saying good morning as I leave work
I hope my song can reach
those who are on their way to work
Don’t think about anything
Close your eyes and feel this song
Don’t worry about anything, either
While you listen to this song that’ll brighten your morning
It’s a good morning, greet it, say hi
First time stretching my arms and legs in awhile
Where should I go today?
Should I lie down in the sun
that’s spreading through my eyes?
Should I just close my eyes?
Don’t think about anything
Close your eyes and feel this song
Don’t worry about anything, either
While you listen to this song that’ll brighten your morning
Don’t think about anything
Close your eyes and feel this song
Don’t worry about anything, either
While you listen to this song that’ll brighten your morning


If there is beauty, she must live in her.
She dances there and I tremble with delight.
A miraculous bird as it flows to heaven's gates
and I already know that I have two hell in my eyes.
My hungry gaze rushes blindly under her dress.
How can I now praying to Notre Dame?
Whoever throws the first stone at her will commit a sin
and will bear his guilt to the end the life.
Satan, let me stroke her hair once
because my madness is Esmeralda.
Has the devil himself embodied in this beautiful shape?
My eternal God is there, and my thoughts are with her.
Satanic power, which plays on lust in my heart,
drives me away from the gates of heaven towards evil.
Does she know she carries Eve's sin?
And why do I want her so much?
She, who is only joke or moment,
cannot carry the human cross to the end on her shoulders.
Oh, Notre Dame!
You allow me to open the door
to the garden once, which is Esmeralda.
So much beauty in her that something grabs me.
I love the first time, is it possible?
Her every innocent move is game on the senses.
her dress like a rainbow has seven colors.
My Dulcinea, let me have an unfaithful dream.
May the holy vows unite us until the doomsday.
Where is the man who wants to look away?
Even if it should be changed into a pillar of salt by her fault.
O Fleur-de-Lys, how thin a thread is faithfulness.
Today I'm gonna pick a flower called Esmeralda.
My hungry gaze rushes blindly under her dress.
How can I now praying to Notre Dame?
Whoever throws the first stone at her will commit a sin
and will bear his guilt to the end the life.
Satan, let me stroke her hair once
because my madness is Esmeralda.

I Will Make War For You

I can not hold off my hands from your body
It's physically impossible to let you go
You look so seductive
So unavoidably beautiful for me
Noone will take you from me, I will never allow it
Oh... You know I will fight for you
Oh... More than any other guy
Oh... With or without words I will fight for you
I will never give up, because I can do it
I remain your Love Soldier, I will make war for you
I think I know what your eyes want to say
It's obvious for me that you also want me
We will be happy, it's so comfortable next to you
Nothing will keep me away from you, nothing can ever withhold me
Oh... You know I will fight for you
Oh... More than any other guy
Oh... With or without words I will fight for you
I will never give up, because I can do it
I remain your Love Soldier, I will make war for you
I will make war for you
I will make war for you
I will make war for you
Oh... You know I will fight for you
Oh... More than any other guy
Oh... With or without words I will fight for you
I will never give up, because I can do it
I remain your Love Soldier, I will make war for you


I capture you, capture you silently
(Keep the tension)
I capture you, capture you who is cornered at the end
(Check your king)
When the darkness covers
This is the night when everything changes
Just by looking from far way
(I ain't never satisfied)
Placed in a position of heavy breathing
Gathered at the constellation full of temptation
Look at those surprised eyes
Royal Royal Catch that Royal
Move your two feet, two feet
Like you are possessed, here and there
Until the dreadful bottomless pit
I throw myself, Stay
You can't turn back anymore
Because of the thrill that hit your heart
Overlapped with the moment when the darkness cleared away
The splendid Moonlight
You will see yourself
Under the spell where you entrust your fate
I capture you, capture you silently
I capture you, capture you, and capture you
At the tip of my hand, you are checkmate
Yeah, now show me your move, uh
If you can't catch me now, you are going to be caught right away
No matter what words threaten me,
With my unpredictable answer,
I'm going to overturn this round and move on to the next step
Cold words that locked me up countless times
I'll dig into the moment of its collapse
So close your surprised mouth
Liar Liar Watch out Liar
You should run away, hurry, hurry
Because I'm gonna build up my hunch
Beyond the dawn
I throw myself, Chase
You can't turn back anymore
Because of the thrill that hit your heart
Overlapped with the moment when the darkness cleared away
The splendid Moonlight
You will see yourself
Under the spell where you entrust your fate
I capture you, capture you silently
I capture you, capture you, and capture you
At the tip of my hand, you are checkmate
The rougher, the more beautiful
The timer that is driven to the end of the senses
When it aims sharply at you
The bell rings magnificently
I've been waiting for it
To be stuck at your heart who is cornered
Presenting the Holic to Knight,
Without trick to avert its eyes
You will see how I will raise high the Holy Grain that is trapped in black and white
I captured you, capture you who is cornered at the end
I capture you, capture you, and capture you
I already came, as if I'm going to catch you (Come in closer)
There's no turning back now
(Winner takes it all, I told you)
The night is going to be rewritten
(Ain't no turning back)
Beyond the end of a trembling hand (Yes my turn)
The game starts once again

247 (Japanese ver.)

I'm careful when I fall asleep
That nobody visits my dreams
I'm scared of being found out
That I only dream of you
Why, oh why don't you know?
Lonely me
Hey, why, oh why
I only want you to notice me
247 I search for you
The place I reach after wandering and drifting
Held tightly in my two hands
Are a fantasy of you
No matter what words I try to choose
If it's not you I can't be fulfilled
Memories from 247
They'll continue till the end of the universe
From Monday to Sunday
Walking and looking for you
My footsteps tell a tale yeh
Directionless and lonely
I'm right here
Looking only at you
A moonlit night
Clad in light, I think of you and dance
It might have been a mistake to hold up hopes
That courage might have been too
247 247 247 247
247 I search for you
The place I reach after wandering and drifting
Held tightly in my two hands
Are a fantasy of you
No matter what words I try to choose
If it's not you I can't be fulfilled
Memories from 247
They'll continue till the end of the universe
247 if we manage to meet
Would you call my name
A 13th month with only us
I wonder if you remember it
No matter what words I try to choose
If it's not you I can't be fulfilled
Memories from 247
I'll continue till the end

Chilli (Japanese ver.)

Dress up fashionably and come over
With an overcoat on too
It's brighter outside than expected
I'll be there to meet you so come over
Overlapped in a corner
It gets warmer
Feels as if it's summer
Why don't we turn it up
If it's Chill Chilli
Call that guy over, he must be lonely
The voice I'm getting tired of hearing
It's not coming through
It's gonna get even colder, right
Surely it'll still be warmer than
The blizzard blowing
In the next coming winter
Even with a blanket it's cold cold heaters turned on on
Hands and legs are freezing O e oh
My friends I call call they don't come over
Feels like I'm gonna melt alone
On such a day
Nobody's coming?
'Cause outside's so chilly
Doesn't stop us from breathin'
White breath
Watch me and my team
All year round we just chillin'
All eyes on us
Saucin' on 'em like chilli
Oh so chilli
Oh so chilli
All eyes on us
Drip drip my chilli sauce
Drip drip my chilli sauce
I don't want no other sauce
F-feeling so chilli, the wind's strong too
Sweet like chocolate
Wanna be like Willy
Wanna spend the winter indulgently
Woo, if in my chilly hands I had a
Hot pack that would be great (Right that would be great)
Yeah, what about a chilly heart then? I don't know
Even with a blanket it's cold cold heaters turned on on
Hands and legs are freezing O e oh
My friends I call call they don't come over
Feels like I'm gonna melt alone
On such a day
Nobody's coming?
'Cause outside's so chilly
Doesn't stop us from breathin'
White breath
Watch me and my team
All year round we just chillin'
All eyes on us
Saucin' on 'em like chilli
Oh so chilli
Oh so chilli
All eyes on us
Drip drip my chilli sauce
Let's show them what we got, tingling
Let's show them what we got, tingling
Drip drip our chilli sauce
A world frozen still


Your laughs became pale again
Who made you feel bad?
Go, but if you wanted to come back again, come back without any thinking
Go but never forget that I'm awaiting for you
Oh crazy! You have no idea...
...that you don't love me but I'm impatient about you
I know well that you will come back again
So what are these decieves and disloyalties for?
I know well you can't stand
You have a lot of memories with me as much as a world
I know well that you will come back again
So what are these decieves and disloyalties for?
I know well you can't stand
You have a lot of memories with me as much as a world
People say you are my mistake
(Even if you are my sin) you are my most beautiful sin
Why are you cold with me?
You are the reason of my sigh and tear
You are in every sadness of my look
But I wish you come back soon
I know well that you will come back again
So what are these decieves and disloyalties for?
I know well you can't stand
You have a lot of memories with me as much as a world
I know well that you will come back again
So what are these decieves and disloyalties for?
I know well you can't stand
You have a lot of memories with me as much as a world


Secretly laughing, secretly crying
While hiding my state
The day that seems too much for me passes by
Today, too, the words can't be said
And can only be reflected in one's heart
It's hard, it's hard, it's hard
Whenever it's hard (for you)
You can get a hug from me
I am the same
No matter how much you hide it
You know you can't hide it forever
So we can smile together
Don't be sorry, don't worry
Don't be scared, now don't cry
To me you are very precious
You can tell me today was tough
I am here, you suffered a lot
I love you
I will hug you
Whenever it's hard (for you)
You can get a hug from me
I am the same
No matter how much you hide it
You know you can't hide it forever
So we can smile together
Don't be sorry, don't worry
Don't be scared, now don't cry
To me you are very precious
You can tell me today was tough
I am here, you suffered a lot
I love you
I will hug you

At the palace of your heart

When I came at the palace of your heart
I was a gypsy girl
Your eyes were charcoal black
I got on fire
And by the end of the night
I had drunk the communion wine of the sky
I had become a queen
With a crown on my head 1
But the fire I have in my blood
And the zills in my fingers
They awoke your jealousy
The one that infects kisses
While your heart was get closed up
In a cell without locker
I thought 'How am I supposed to get away from you?'
And I cried
Don't tell any more 'I want you, I want you'
This kind of love is slavery
I'm dying, I'm dying like a bird
I yearn freedom
Open up this door for me
Unlock this locker
(My) eyes and heart
Are blind because of the darkness
I'm singing to you in pain, in pain
Don't think of me again
Just turn the key
Of my golden prison
When I fly here I bleed
Rushing to leave you
I got out and started wandering in the streets
But all of your kisses
Were sending me the mailmen
How did all these thorns get in here
All this loneliness upon the shoulders
And I said 'all beautiful things
Exist only in love'
I just want you to love me, I don't want
Fly further away
I learn like the birds
Close to the branches
Open up this door for me
Unlock this locker
Only your breath
Warms up my heart
I'm begging you in distress, in distress
And don't think about it again
Just turn the key
Of my golden prison
Say you love and I will melt
Open up this door for me
Unlock this locker
Only your breath
Warms up my heart
I'm begging you in distress, in distress
And don't think about it again
Just turn the key
Of my golden prison
You say 'my love' and I melt
  • 1. Lit. on my hair

Love Soldier

So many letters, so much ink, thins binds us together, this sinks us
You stand in front of me and say
Your mood is up and your heart is empty, I must fill it or move on
I stand in front of you and say
Look into my eyes and believe me
I'm your Love Soldier
Armed from the bottom to the top, with your heart here in my hand I fight
Your Love Soldier
Always here for you to hold you
Your Love Soldier
Armed from the bottom to the top, with your heart here in my hand I fight
Your Love Soldier
Who will never leave you and who is always going to be right to you
Because I'm your Love Soldier
Who never fight's for goods or anger, but only for you
So many tears, so much sadness, I feel your pain I learned
If only I could bring back yesterday
Here I kneel in front of you, I ask for forgiveness one more time
The time has come, I was wrong
Look into my eyes and believe me
I'm your Love Soldier
Armed from the bottom to the top, with your heart here in my hand I fight
Your Love Soldier
Always here for you to hold you
Your Love Soldier
Armed from the bottom to the top, with your heart here in my hand I fight
Your Love Soldier
Who will never leave you and who is always going to be right to you
Because I'm your Love Soldier
Who never fight's for goods or anger, but only for you
You're the one who I Will have
You know I know you're tired of the fighting
I don't give, what everyone says
I will fight until I get you
I'm your Love Soldier
Armed from the bottom to the top, with your heart here in my hand I fight
I'm your Love Soldier
Armed from the bottom to the top, with your heart here in my hand I fight
Your Love Soldier
Always here for you to hold you
Your Love Soldier
Armed from the bottom to the top, with your heart here in my hand I fight
Your Love Soldier
Who will never leave you and who is always going to be right to you
Because I'm your Love Soldier
Who never fight's for goods or anger, but only for you