Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 20

Találatok száma: 876


Υοur favorite

Just so you know, there's nothing left
Of the dessert you made me.
And I'm covered in chocolate.
And the biscuit is bothering me.
I've been thinking about something since yesterday.
I've been thinking about something since yesterday.
You may not think it's important.
I want to learn how to make your favorite ice cream.
Just so you know, there's nothing left
You may not think it's important.
I want to learn how to make your favorite ice cream.

My voice is running away from me

I'd love to sing but my voice is running away from me
I'd love to sing but my voice is running away from me
My voice who i 'm
And ' I ' lost me
I is made of you and me
I'd love to sing but my voice is running away from me
I'd love to sing but my voice is running away from me
My voice who i 'm
And ' I ' lost me
I is made of you and me

-bright silver wind-x-CHOIR JAIL-x-Absolute soul- MIX

I shall keep overcoming thousands of voices and ten thousands of dreams
Oh tailwind, blow on me with all your might
I looked up at the stars in the sky as on the ground below lied the husks of dreams
Sounds of pounding footsteps lead the regretful soul all the way to the sole path of glory
Oh wind, fan the flames in this heart
The torch lights burn brightly as let out a cry of triumph to the sky
Advance​ {advance​}, halt {halt}, what can be gained from this?
Only by surviving can one demonstrate righteousness
Thousands of troops and ten thousands convictions surge towards the battlefront
until they die down at the furthest ends of the sky
I'll transform both my lamentations and my fury into strength
Becoming a bright silver wind
Ah, I feel so many wishes carried by the wind...
Thousands of troops and ten thousands convictions surge towards the battlefront
until they die down at the furthest ends of the sky
I'll transform both my lamentations and my fury into strength
Becoming a bright silver wind
Oh dormant forests and seasons
May the flowers blooming in full glory wither and bud again
Open me up...
With such anguish I cannot see anything
Open me up...
With such anguish I cannot see anything
Let me burn...
The passion beyond the burning is not a sin, is it?
Purify the darkness with flames
We have kept on living in a sealed off past
The future grows distant inside the motionless time
Within the this reality of conflict we had one day wished
for the power to trust each other that surpasses even destiny
We will get strong no matter what, you and I as a pair
This light will reflect our bond that is deeper than
Wanting to protect you makes my soul rush to your side
So entrust it all to me, even the pain
Because {because} the two of us {two of us} can keep becoming strong
I shall become your shield, a shield that is only yours
Standing back to back, placing our in trust miracles and in our encounter
No one will come between us {we are unstoppable}
We will gaze down from the distant peak of our limits with our Absolute Soul
What did we learn as a result of our errors?
Being sick of atonement​ after those sleepless nights
Against my shivering back I now feel your warmth
and wings that I certainly think I can completely trust
I found you standing with dignity under the sorrowful sky
Those eyes cast a shadow and showed me your hidden tears
I swear that I will keep protecting you
I will walk alongside for eternity
So entrust it all to me and I'll embrace you tightly
Because {because} the two of us {two of us} have a path we can pass through​
I live for your sake and for your sake alone
With only my back feel the future and the miracles awaiting us
No one can imitate us or get in our way
Our limits are a thing of the past wit our Absolute Soul
I will no longer let us be separated, I will no longer let go of you
I would surely illuminate this world of darkness
Becoming a light only for you to see
I shall become your shield, a shield that is only yours
Standing back to back, placing our in trust miracles and in our encounter
No one will come between us {we are unstoppable}
We will gaze down from the distant peak of our limits with our Absolute Soul
I live for your sake and for your sake alone
With only my back feel the future and the miracles awaiting us
No one can imitate us or get in our way
Our limits are a thing of the past wit our Absolute Soul


That terrible guy with the nº 1 shirt is my opponent
Like a flamingo he suddenly stands in one foot
Before his superstar presence
The bench sign is an intentional walk
But I can't escape
If I were a man, I'd escape from here
But I'm a woman, I can't do it
Before the timid sign I swing my neck
I'll just throw my victorious magic ball
It's winning or losing
The stadium is in silence
It's the moment of the century
The hot game is the love feeling
My chest palpitates, I feel dizzy
I'm gonna lose, I'm gonna lose
I'm a pink southpaw
I'm a pink southpaw
Whirling, whirling
My magic ball is a hurricane
That terrible guy with the nº 1 shirt is laughing
He laughs saying 'Throw it, girl'
Goodbye to the sexy girl for a moment
Until I finish with a great opponent
It will have to wait
Suddenly he stomps his feet. Suspense
It's the thrilling moment
If I get tangled in his hot look
A white spark bursts, my heart is on fire
I'm burning, I'm burning
I'm a pink southpaw
I'm a pink southpaw
Whirling, whirling
My magic ball is a hurricane
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Heart, Mind and Soul

When I said that I wanted to love
Like people in old movies
You were embarrassed
And laughed
You always tell me
That I’m the one
But, isn’t today
Oh why… Why does my heart feel troubled?
My heart, mind and soul
Oh why… are you looking at me with such fair eyes?
I’m unable to speak
I can’t talk the way
They do in old movies
But, isn’t today
Still special?
Oh why… Why do I try to change the words?
My true love to you
Oh why… are you looking at me with such fair eyes?
I’m unable to think
Love always comes
To an end
But our destiny
Will not fade away
Don’ t ask me why
(Don’ t ask me why?)
Why?(Why?) Why?(Why?) Why?
Oh why… Why does my heart feel troubled?
My heart, mind and soul
Oh why… I will make tonight be magical
Each time you blink
I will make
A wish come true
Two (shining people)
Heart, mind and soul

Illusion Song

I melted into sighs with ten fingers in anachronism
I stirred in luxury said that girl crying after freedom
'Oh sounds of insects, don't stop', a cry as response from the egde of the window
At the end of the moon a dancing silhouette is already fading in this fleeting world
The scent, the invitation, taken away again
Sad and fun was the string melody
The color of the leaves is gently stroking an illusional tone
So that even a withered flower of love shall bloom
I'm stealing in barefooted on the black and white carpet every night for those blue eyes
I dressed up mysteriously in the light the man said
'I'll entrust you with my sounds', tear-stained by the wind of thousand years
Engraving fingers, a bow is especially furious
Lightly laughing with this world's absurdity
Embraced by the footsteps of winter
Even so, meetings and partings won't stop
The string of love of the whole story is an eternal dream
'Your sound, tomorrow for sure' I murmur a prayer outside the window
A single leaf on my fingertip--
Only with the falling petals I forgot my tears
The cricket cries to the moon, to the snow
As if I could hear you somehow
Play a song for spring, for the flower of love
Suspend it, entangle the string of love
Metting and parting meet at your back
How sad, how sad and lovely the string melody is
Put some clothes on the withered flower
Maybe it will carry a lovely fruit
Let me sleep to your warmth

Love Letter

You know there's a lot I could say
Tell you about what we are and what we could be
But today I'm going to show you, make you understand
What I can give you
Let me write you a love letter
Show you how a kiss is a trademark
Leave you speechless because you feel the value
Of what I can give you
I can't deny it
How could I deny it?
You're the addressee
Of this love I send
It fills the void
Of not being able to be there
Only the necessary
I send to the address I know by heart
In this love letter
In this love letter
I'm going to stick in the stamp in your heart
I want to see it so much and have this feeling again
Wait for me in a dream because for some reason
It's there I'll be
I can't deny it
How could I deny it?
You're the addressee
Of this love I send
It fills the void
Of not being able to be there
Only the necessary
I send to the address I know by heart
In this love letter
In this love letter
Whether it's in the letter or in the destination
I know you'll reach me
'With love I say goodbye to you'
Let me write you a love letter
Show you how a kiss can be a trademark
You're the addressee
Of this love I send
It fills the void
Of not being able to be there
Only the necessary
I send to the address I know by heart
In this love letter
In this love letter
You're the addressee
Of this love I send
It fills the void
Of not being able to be there
Only the necessary
I send to the address I know by heart
In this love letter
In this love letter.

Your smile is in my heart

I've got your smile in my heart
It's my small lucky flower
When you smile, heaven is in my life
Your smile is like the morning star
It's my friend, it's my pal
And I say thanks, one hundred times thanks
When a rose flowers
It's because you smile passing by
You are sun and fresh water, and honey
Smile to me, my love, smile to me
Everything shines through you
My way is blue under the grey sky
When you smile
I've got your smile in my heart
It's my small lucky flower
My love flower, my cockade
On a fine day you smile and life answers you
Everything scatters into songs
I listen to them and I tell you
Thanks, thanks

I'm About to Cry

Is love still laughing by your side?
Can you still not drink coffee?
Oh baby, it seems like, today as well, I'm about to accidentally call someone else by your name
It's like I'm being rained on and washed away, this courage of mine, I'm about to cry
I wonder if it would've been easy if I'd been able to imitate shouting my love until I become hoarse
The song that I liked in the past now just sounds sad, I'm about to cry
I need to sleep soon..
Is love still making you shine?
'I'm a fool' I understand that
Oh baby, however without you saying it I can't quite grasp it
It's like I'm being blown by the wind and washed away, this courage of mine, I'm about to cry
I wonder if it would've been easy if I'd been able to imitate shouting my love until I become hoarse
The song that I liked in the past now just sounds sad, I'm about to cry
How am I supposed to fall asleep?
Is the spoiled person next to you doing better than I did?
Is the laughing person next to you able to make you laugh better than I could?
It's like I'm being rained on and washed away, this courage of mine, I'm about to cry
Whether love or a lie, either is fine, I wonder if it would've been easy if we were able to be awkward
The song that I liked in the past now just sounds sad, I'm about to cry
I need to sleep soon

Engedj be

A szívem mélyén, sötétség
Berontottál oda
Egy nap majd kialszik újra, de
Kérlek, keltsd fel a világom
Nem lehet véletlen egybeesés
Nem siethetsz
Édes suttogás
Az éjjeli égen túl, engedj be
A hold felkel, végül én leszek te
Mi, oly' különböző mi
A szívem megtelik a te színeiddel
A lány a fiú lánya
Szél fújdogál a szívem mélyében
Egy virágszirom szálldogál
Talán újra hideg van, de
Melengesd a szívem
Te, ahogy kopogsz, hezitálok
Amikor felkelek ebből az álomból éjszaka
Én leszek te, vagy te leszel én?
Túl sokáig vártam már
A hold felkel, végül én leszek te
Mi, oly' különböző mi
A szívem megtelik a te színeiddel
A lány a fiú lánya
Lassan úgy kinézni, mint te, hozzád szokni
Csak is a te lányod vagyok
A hold felkel, végül én leszek te
Mi, oly' különböző mi
Amikor meglátlak, a szívem megrezzen
A lány a fiú lánya
A fiú a lány fiúja
A lány a fiúé


Már kora reggel, deja vu
Idegen, mégis egy szokásos nap
Bújjak el? Fussak?
Rázd fel a fekete kalap tartalmát
Mindig ugyanaz lesz kihúzva belőle
Egy nyúl vagy egy galamb
Teljesen ugyanaz
Minden nap egy villanás a szívemben
Egy szivárvány, mely régen ragyogott
A világ színek nélkül unalmas
Megváltoztatnád egy csettintéssel?
Piros, narancs, sárga, zöld, élénkebben, hogy lesz jó?
Ó, igen
Mondd, ó, igen
Tölts be teljesen, sok színnel
Ó, igen
Mondd, ó, mindenem
Egész nap mosolygok
Míg a szívem dobog
Tölts meg mindenféle színnel, piros, narancs, sárga, zöld
Valamivel, ami kiemel
Meglepő változások
Egész nap mosolygok
Míg a szívem dobog
Boldog befejezés, ugyanaz a vég megint
Én nélküled, mihez kezdjek?
Üres színpadok
Elég lesz, állj
Kifutópályán akarok sétálni
Elegáns, de különleges
Megmutatom neked önmagam
Ez a szívem
Minden nap egy villanás a szívemben
Egy szivárvány, mely régen ragyogott
Ugyanaz a régi fekete-fehér film, unalmas
Megváltoztatnád egy csettintéssel?
Piros, narancs, sárga, zöld, élénkebben, hogy lesz jó?
Ó, igen
Mondd, ó, igen
Tölts be teljesen, sok színnel
Ó, igen
Mondd, ó, mindenem
Egész nap mosolygok
Míg a szívem dobog
Jó reggelt
Másmilyen napban reménykedem mikor felkelek
Nem akarok elgyengülni a fény nélkül
Ó, igen
Mondd, hogy a ma
Így legyen, betöltve több színnel
Ugyanaz a szín
Mondd, legyen különleges szín
A szívem megőrül
Tölts meg mindenféle színnel, piros, narancs, sárga, zöld
Valamivel, ami kiemel
Meglepő változások
Egész nap mosolygok
Mert rám mosolyogsz

Splendor in the grass

When I took a sleep
Listening to the murmur of the brook
I had a lotus flower in my pillow
Now I woke up
The yearning feelings made me
Meet him in my dreams
'Are you fine?' he asked
While he was waving his hand
Now, hide my tears in the wind
If you go alone and far
To my favourite meadow
I went very far without knowing it
Searching for real wild strawberries
Without hilding a basket all the while
I put them in my pocket
If I wait counding with the fingers
For the time when he retruns
The afterglow comes without noticing
The bank dyes
Suddenly I want to cry in the wind
The name my echo calls
Is your favourite meadow
Suddenly I want to cry in the wind
The name my echo calls
Is your favourite meadow
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

We came to celebrate

We came to celebrate
To rid ourselves of the heart ache
and if lots of cash is spent
it’s worth it, it’s no bother
The lad in the corner
has gousto for a zembekia
from your sweet bouzouki,
our friend and fellow whiner*
Lay down some slow melodies
and a sweet douzeni**
for a soul to hear you
one that understands

Oh My Love

Oh my love, don't you know that you are the one who calms my heart
Oh my love, if only you knew, that you could make all my desires come true
Oh my love, come to my side, I'm restless, I'm not calm
Oh my love, don't leave me alone, with you I am always in the season of spring
Don't worry my darling, I'll take care of you (I'll support you/ I've got your back)
If you are next to me, I have no more sorrow
Your presence by my side is like a dream to me
Let me say it more directly (clearly), your love is pure love.
Oh my love, don't you know that you are the one who calms my heart
Oh my love, if only you knew, that you could make all my desires come true
Oh my love, come to my side, I'm restless, I'm not calm
Oh my love, don't leave me alone, with you I am always in the season of spring
Is it possible, do we have someone in this world that could be like you?
Is it possible that love can make someone crazy?
From this minute onward I will never leave you all alone
In this world, besides reaching you, I have no other desire.
Oh my love, don't you know that you are the one who calms my heart
Oh my love, if only you knew, that you could make all my desires come true
Oh my love, come to my side, I'm restless, I'm not calm
Oh my love, don't leave me alone, with you I am always in the season of spring


I’m breathless, you’ve taken my breath away
It’s like a dream, I can’t snap out of it
I’m breathless, not enough oxygen
Pretty girl, what have you done to me?
Yabbabba look at me
Nabbabba, look at me
Yabbabba look at me
You’re the top of the top
When you look at me, feels like there’s no gravity
Strength leaves my body
I can’t help it
I start to space out
Explain to me so I can understand
When I see you, I keep wishing
Until you fall for me
Because I’m ready to try 100 times
You seem colder than I thought
I can’t believe it, I’m dizzy again
I’m breathless, you’ve taken my breath away
It’s like a dream, I can’t snap out of it
I’m breathless, not enough oxygen
Pretty girl, what have you done to me?
Yabbabba look at me
Nabbabba, look at me
Yabbabba look at me
You’re the best for me
What’s your personality like? Where are you from?
So many things I’m curious about
It’s hard to talk to you like picking stars from the sky
You’re the top of the top
When you come to me, my breath jumps
My breath grows quicker, it gets really bad
Like I’m under a spell
Every moment is overwhelming
with heart flutters
I can’t see anything but you
I can’t see anything but you
Don’t feel pressured,
this is just how I feel
The more I see you, the harder you seem
But I’ve prepared for this, hey
I’m breathless, you’ve taken my breath away
It’s like a dream, I can’t snap out of it
I’m breathless, not enough oxygen
Pretty girl, what have you done to me?
Yabbabba look at me
Nabbabba, look at me
Yabbabba look at me
You’re the top of the top
It’s the middle of summer but it’s cold
When you look at me
It’s really serious
Now just open your heart for me
I’m breathless, you’ve taken my breath away
You’re like oxygen to me
It’s not easy but I’ll reach you one by one
(Though it’s not easy)
I’m breathless, not enough oxygen
Pretty girl,
always look at me
I’ll take care of you
(What did you do to me)
Yabbabba look at me
Nabbabba, look at me
Yabbabba look at me
You’re the top of the top

Örökös túlélő

[Verse 1]
Hét hosszú éven át harcoltam a figyelmedért,
manipulált a félelem és a félrevezetés.
Az undorító láncaidba zárva, azt ígérted a mennyekbe emelsz,
de a fájdalmon kívül semmit sem kaptam, ez volt a szándékod?
Hihetetlenül frusztráló, hogy azt gondolod sosem fogom megcsinálni,
de nézd ki áll itt előtted,
igen, én vagyok az.
Mit teszel?
Azt hitted, hogy romokban látsz majd?
Mindazok után amin keresztülmentem.
Egy örökös túlélő vagyok, átjutottam a tűzön is,
kezdetben nem volt semmim, nem volt mit vesztenem.
Egy örökös túlélő vagyok, átjutottam a tűzön is,
kezdetben nem volt semmim, nem volt mit vesztenem.
Oh-oh, oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh
[Verse 2]
Látni fogom a hibádat, engedd csak ki
és ha játszani akarsz, hát vágjunk bele.
Hihetetlenül frusztráló, hogy azt gondolod sosem fogom megcsinálni,
de nézd ki áll itt előtted,
igen, én vagyok az.
Mit teszel?
Azt hitted, hogy romokban látsz majd?
Mindazok után amin keresztülmentem.
Egy örökös túlélő vagyok, átjutottam a tűzön is,
kezdetben nem volt semmim, nem volt mit vesztenem.
Egy örökös túlélő vagyok, átjutottam a tűzön is,
kezdetben nem volt semmim, nem volt mit vesztenem.
Oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh-oh, oh-oh
Oh, oh (Ooh)
Oh, oh (Ooh)
Hihetetlenül frusztráló, hogy azt gondolod sosem fogom megcsinálni,
de nézd ki áll itt előtted.
Egy örökös túlélő vagyok, átjutottam a tűzön is, (Ooh)
kezdetben nem volt semmim, nem volt mit vesztenem. (Ooh)
Egy örökös túlélő vagyok, átjutottam a tűzön is, (Ooh)
kezdetben nem volt semmim, nem volt mit vesztenem. (Ooh)
Oh-oh, oh-oh
Oh yeah, oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh
Oh yeah, oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.

EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.

Tell me where were you

You came like this suddenly
you want everything to turn like before
you forget easily, you return here again
you that deleted so
many dreams for us
My first time to break the silence
even if you said that I was in pieces
my heart what is supposed to say
Tell me where were you when I was in pain
and I was destroyed
tough nights I was calling
you were nowhere
Tell me where were you when I asked
solution in drinks
without you, you ask if I could be
but now I can
open wounds, you know it's your fault
don't tell me about love
now leave don't burn me
I escaped from logic
I needed you but
you were disappeared
My first time to break the silence
even if you said that I was in pieces
my heart what is supposed to say
Tell me where were you when I was in pain
and I was destroyed
tough nights I was calling
you were nowhere
Tell me where were you when I asked
solution in drinks
without you, you ask if I could be
but now I can

Kisses everywhere

For you
I hid my unhappy eyes
Quick, take me in your arms
Like the first time
Like a magical gift
How to love each other without shouting
Like a wild animal
A caged animal
Give me kisses
Kisses everywhere
Give me kisses
Kisses everywhere
Give me kisses
Kisses everywhere
Give me
Kisses everywhere
Give me kisses
Kisses everywhere
Give me kisses
Kisses everywhere
For you
I hid my unhappy eyes
Quick, take me in your arms
Like the first time
Like a magical gift
How to love each other without shouting
Like a wild animal
A caged animal
Give me kisses

If you came

Out with friends, I don't go anymore
alone in the nights I drink and die
in my empty room, I turn
in the thought you'll come I hope
If you came close to me, everything would change
if your two hands hugged me
only then id live my love
you would have given an end to my tear
I don't want another person to see
I know I'm ruining my life
alcohol and abuses ruined my life
come just for s little in my lif3e to take them off
If you came close to me, everything would change
if your two hands hugged me
only then i'd live my love
you would have given an end to my tear


And the dead leaves in the wind
Between the blades of the Moulin Rouge
Always wander over time
Like the chanteuses in Pigalle
I will sing a love song
A vaguely retro atmosphere
Although with an upturned nose
Comedian or extravagant I will be
Tragicomic acrobat
Poised on the city
Love song
A moment of time
A corner in time
Love song
Stray sentiment
A violent shiver
I will sing once more
To the moon that has always spied on me
Rhapsody that is tinged with blue
On the smile a subtle irony
An incredulous lyric
Easy song
Love song
It awakens inside
The desire for a moment
Love song
Stray sentiment
A violent shiver
Love song
A moment of time
A corner in time
A souvenir
A souvenir
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

Falling In Love

Even when I smile, tears come
Whenever I think of you
Because you overflow in my heart
I can’t help it now
I know, your pretty eyes
Are telling me
Baby, I should’ve recognized you earlier
The way you talk, your face,
I love it all
Baby you falling in love
Now open your heart
Baby you falling in love
I’ve waited for today
You’re like destiny to me
I love you, my love
Sometimes, I get nervous
Whenever you smile
Because this might all go away
Because this might be a dream
You know that this isn’t something
That will just pass by
Baby, is this fortune really mine?
Your touch, your smile,
I love it all
Baby you falling in love
Now open your heart
Baby you falling in love
I’ve waited for today
You’re like destiny to me
Hold my hand, lean on my heart
I will only love you
Until the day we close our eyes
Never say goodbye
Baby you falling in love
Please accept me now
Baby you falling in love
I love only you
You’re like destiny to me
Hold my hand, lean on my heart
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.


Anyone can see
that the sky is
always the same sky
Anyone can see that
the faraway sea is the same sea
But in my eyes,
the sky and sea
are all tears
After I said goodbye
and learned about the pain
I’m only me when you call
my name
is only love when you’re here
My time
has stopped on the day you left
Please give me back my tomorrow
Will I be able to hear
the sounds of
your footsteps returning?
If I go to see you,
will it be a tough and useless walk?
Even if the season here
changes to
spring, summer, fall and winter
I hope our love
never changes
I’m only me when you call
my name
is only love when you’re here
My time
has stopped on the day you left
Please give me back my tomorrow
How could you be so fine?
In front of our first break up?
Everything I did with you was the first
So how can I forget you and love someone else?
I’m only me when you call
my name
is only love when you’re here
My time
has stopped on the day you left
Please give me back my tomorrow
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Monologue (Missing You)

I think of you just when I thought I was over you
The way you talk, your face expressions, I remember it
I try to not think of you
But when I try to stay away,
your memories torture me again
Today, I miss your nagging,
our little fights,
even your complaints
Even after more time passes,
even if my heart tears apart I can’t forget you
Even if my heart gets hurt
I think of you just when I thought I erased you
Because you used to only care for me
I realize after we broke up
I miss you to death,
what do I do?
Today, I miss your nagging,
our little fights,
even your complaints
Even after more time passes,
even if my heart tears apart I can’t forget you
Even if my heart gets hurt
It’s still not too late
For us to love
Please come back
I love you
Words I shouted to you with tears
Say it to me
I love you, the words you saved
Because I miss you like crazy
I talk to myself all day like I’m crazy
Telling you to come back
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Nostalgic Autumn

In this season without you,
loneliness gets longer
I touch up on my clothes
and walk down the street
But now it’s
the cold autumn
I'm afraid I will crush the leaves with my feet
just like my heart
I carefully walked
But why are tears flowing?
I think I’m feeling lonely in the fall
I keep thinking of you
Like the falling leaves
Tears fall as well
The words, I only have you
I wanted to tell you in person
But I’m still alone
Waiting for you
After a long time,
the memories fade
I write a message, don’t be any more late,
please come back
Then I erase it then I write it
then I erase it again
I hope winter is pushed back,
I hope the fall gets extended
I hope the air won’t get too cold
because you used to say
you don’t like the cold
I think I’m feeling lonely in the fall
I keep thinking of you
Like the falling leaves
Tears fall as well
The words, I only have you
I wanted to tell you in person
But I’m still alone
Waiting for you
If only I could hear your voice
saying you’d come back some day
I could do things
that aren’t easy,
things that I can’t forget
I think I love you,
I keep thinking of you
You pass by me like the wind
Where did you go?
Saying let’s fall in love
I wanted to say it while holding you
So I’m alone again today
Waiting for you
What can I fill up
my empty heart?
I think I’m feeling lonely in the fall
ho ho
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

It's Raining

On rainy days
I still think of you, how about you?
I remember waiting for the morning together
How about you?
We pretended not to be hurt
With words that shouldn’t have been said
Scratching each other and hurting each other
After breaking up like that
After all this time passed How are you?
Are you alright?
Do you still hate me?
When words that can’t reach you overflow
and rain falls
I think of you again
and I live
in those times again
How about you?
Rain is falling outside,
it keeps bringing you to me
Are you listening to the rain right now?
Rain is falling outside,
it keeps bringing you to me
Are you thinking of you right now as well?
We held each other in our hearts
With words that shouldn’t have been said
Only giving cruel pain to each other
After breaking up like that
After all this time passed How are you?
Are you alright?
Do you still hate me?
When words that can’t reach you overflow
and rain falls
I think of you again
and I live
in those times again
How about you?
Rain is falling outside,
it keeps bringing you to me
Are you listening to the rain right now?
Rain is falling outside,
it keeps bringing you to me
Are you thinking of you right now as well?
Rain is falling outside,
it keeps bringing you to me
Are you listening to the rain right now?
Rain is falling outside,
it keeps bringing you to me
Are you thinking of you right now as well?
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

As If To See (Pretend To Be Okay)

When was it that you started to turn away from my heart?
Why didn’t you tell me?
My heart was too busy in love
So I didn’t know anything
I need to forget you, no I can’t forget you
I cry because of these lingering feelings
Your short words, saying let’s break up
I couldn’t say anything after that
Should I pretend to be okay and laugh as if to show you?
Should I start dating other people as if to show you?
Like a fool, I’m just holding onto you
So how can I fall in love with someone else?
You looked into my eyes, you always held my hand
As you talked to me, every day
You promised that I’d be your last
So this painful breakup is not right
Should I pretend to be okay and laugh as if to show you?
Should I start dating other people as if to show you?
Like a fool, I’m just holding onto you
So how can I fall in love with someone else?
If I could go back in time to when I first met you
Should I just pass by or should I fall in love again?
How can you laugh and be alright without me?
How can you love without me?
I only wished for our happiness
I’m only waiting for you
Just like yesterday
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Prepare the Mattress for the Two of Us

Dark is the road of my journey
until I get to meet you
come show yourself midway to me
my hand to you I’ll offer
Prepare the mattress for the two of us
for you and me
and let us fall in each other’s arms
to resurrect it all again
I hugged you and you hugged me too
you took me and I took you
I disappeared into your eyes
your destiny and your fate
In the familiar neighborhoods
lonely I stroll now begging
and what I tossed away with you
I go around collecting


hard to breath in a closed dream
it's in my head like a circle
red granite is
in my chest
this is all rain
1 verse:
grey ashes penetrate
in my heart like a blade
you leave a chance to choose
offering only lies
your pride is your shrine
but inside you is a desert
and again from the sky pours rain
washing away all the lies from our faces
2 verse:
and hide no resentment
rage and pain are in my chest
there is no answer to questions
just a closed door
you would've saved me with just a look
but it's full only with venom
and again from the sky pours rain
washing away all the lies from our faces
and again from the sky pours rain
washing away all the lies from our faces
and there was no chance
all was in vain
yet I loved so much
that I've broken my own heart

Good luck

Since we're separating works from words
And everyone is taking what they must
We'll say goodbye while overcoming the hurdles and whatever waves try to knock us off our boards
Good luck, since you basically only want luck
Because your mistakes are countless
Good luck, and I hope there aren't any more obstacles in your path
Because you're playing with life and love as your two aces
Since you chose this road, don't ask me who's winning and who's losing
Don't wait for me to tell you how I'm repenting
This goodbye is only bringing good for me.
Good luck, since you basically only want luck
Because your mistakes are countless
Good luck, and I hope there aren't any more obstacles in your path
Because you're playing with life and love as your two aces
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου

Stay with her

You can't help it but look at her
Once you see how beautiful she is
Once you feel that avoiding her
Is also the key to her
She's there to take or to leave
It's black or it's white
You can riddle, you can guess
But there's lightning in your heart
Stay with her
And find love in eachother
So wrap your arms around her
And never leave her alone again
Stay with her
She'll bring you there safely
Where you give yourself
Stay with here
You can't do anything but home
That she'll look right through you
Once you feel that redeeming her
Also turns out to be the key to her
She doesn't want to fight or lose
She wants to live for real
Doesn't want to share, doens't want to choose
She wants you to fight for her
Stay with her
And find love in eachother
So wrap your arms around her
And never leave her alone again
Stay with her
She'll bring you there safely
Where you give yourself
Stay with here
She climbs to your heart
And spins your dreams
When you cry to the moon
She'll cry with you
Stay with her
Stay with her
And find love in eachother
So wrap your arms around her
And never leave her alone again
Stay with her
She'll bring you there safely
Where you give yourself
Stay with here
Where you give yourself
Stay with here

We don't wear underwear

[on the radio]
- and now the news with Bob Depressed
- unemployment, insecurity, global warming, inequalities and pointless debate about the name of our chocolate croissant1. French morale reached an all-time low this year.
We all long for freedom
We all long for freedom
But nowadays it's not easy
Social pressure, peer pressure
It's not easy to feel relaxed
But we're gonna change all that!
To really blossom
you must not be afraid of gossips
You need to smash the clichés
and forget about the past.
It's not that difficult.
Here is our secret:
[McFly & Carlito]
We don't wear underwear.
It sways and it wobbles.
We don't wear underwear.
Less textile, more style.
It sure sways and wobbles
both for guys and girls.
It's not a bother at all.
They can't see it,
nobody's judging you.
If you feel good outside, you feel good inside.
It happened by mistake,
because I'm not a morning person.
I went to work
with nothing under my pants.
Wen I came to the bus stop
it suddenly dawned on me.
[McFly & Carlito]
Less is more,
that's my style2
No need for tricks
to be a classy guy.
Less is more,
that's my style.
No need for tricks,
you know the drill3
[McFly & Carlito]
We don't wear underwear.
It sways and it wobbles.
We don't wear underwear.
Less textile, more style.
We don't wear underwear.
(ha ha ha we're brazenly bra-less4)
We don't wear underwear.
(ha ha ha less cotton, more sensation)
[McFly & Carlito]
Going to the bathroom
(you save time)
Performing5 love
(you save time)
Dressing in the morning
(same thing)
In this recipe for happiness,
one single requirement:
don't be afraid
to overuse soap.
One shover a day
is the bare minimum,
be you a lady
or a young man.
[McFly & Carlito]
Girdle, garter, petticoat, body,
babydoll, tank top, pantyhose, shorty,
jockstrap, thong, sport bra, panty,
it's all over.
We've known this secret for a long time
You made fun of us
Now you understand this feeling
So let's get together and don't wear
Don't wear, don't wear, don't wear ...
We don't wear underwear
We don't wear underwear
No llevamos ropa interior
Ich trage keine unterwäsche
Men elebsouch el slibéte
Watashitachi wa shitagi o kinai
My sovsem bez trusov6
Naangal jathi podhéllai
A gente nunca usa cueca
  • 1. there was a buzz last year about the different ways people call this popular pastry in various regions of France
  • 2. 'my little extra thing is that I have one thing less'.
    'mon petit plus' is like 'my special gift'
  • 3. 'you know the chorus'
  • 4. 'we contravene to the [custom of wearing a] bra'
  • 5. 'effectuer' makes no real sense applied to 'amour'
  • 6. 'Мы совсем без трусов' Regular smile

Small announcement

'I'm seeking a sun girl to warm up my suburbs
A Provence girl for my escalators
I'm seeking a helping hand in the sleeping crowd
I'm seeking a flower girl near Saint-Germain
A boat girl to go out with on the Seine
If you want the sea at the bottom of the RER1
I left the sun at the other part of day
I have no more than the night to find my love
I left the sun at the other part of day
I have no more than the night to fall in love
'I'm seeking a friend perhaps at the end of my country
With eyes like the sky and hair like leaves
But the sky is leaden and the summer is somewhere else
Write words to me that are impossible to say
Words of running water and words of forest
I'm seeking a flower girl in the town that cries
'I'm seeking a hawthorn girl in the maze of planets
In the years of prayer, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps
I'm seeking a love of light and I have a headache
  • 1. Presumably the Réseau Express Régional, a Parisian public transit system
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.
