Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 19

Találatok száma: 876


What Are You Dreaming

What is there to feel happy about?
I have neither family, country, friend, wine or confidant
What can I hope from this time I am living in?
Can it give me what it cannot give itself?
Expect nothing from time, you are only its passenger
So long as your soul is imprisoned in your body
If it is a joyful time, the joy will not lust
And if it is a time of misfortune, it too shall pass
How many times have they told you I was truly dead?
But as soon as I shook, the shrouds disappear
No man can achieve all his hopes
As no wind blows according to the ship's desire
It is the tragedy of lovers, blinded in their infatuation
Ignorant of the fact, love is ephemeral
Their eyes and souls soon tire
Deceived by false appearances
Go! May the wary camels carry you far from me
There is no distance that can touch me now
I died at your lovely soiree,
which of your souls could replace the one I lost
How many times have they told you I was truly dead?
But as soon as I shook, the shrouds disappear
No man can achieve all his hopes
As no wind blows according to the ship's desire
Just try to understand this
You, whom I address from afar
Nothing can escape its own limitations
Thanks to you, no neighbor can keep his honor
After feeding on your grass,
his animal's milk run dry
Whoever spends time with you will only reap fatigue
And receive nothing but hatred but jealousy from you
How many times have they told you I was truly dead?
But as soon as I shook, the shrouds disappear
No man can achieve all his hopes
As no wind blows according to the ship's desire

Háború Hangja

[1. versszak]
Mikor már azt hiszed, megmenekültél
Mikor épp bezártad az ajtód
Úgy jön, mint egy villámcsapás
És az ég megszakad
A hátadnál, mint egy töltött fegyver
De a harc épp csak elkezdődött
Nyugodj meg, lélegezz, lélegezz
Nem futhatsz el
Nem bújhatsz el
Tartsd vissza a lélegzeted
Csukd be a szemed
Fordítsd füledet az ég felé
Már nem vagy itt biztonságban többé
Ez a háború hangja
[2. versszak]
Mikor már azt hiszed, meg volt a leszámolás
A csata már újra elkezdődött
Olyan fürgén jön, mint egy lavina
Eljön, hogy ellopja, amit épp csak visszaszereztél
A hátadnál, mint egy töltött fegyver
De a harc épp csak elkezdődött
Nyugodj meg, lélegezz, lélegezz
Nem futhatsz el
Nem bújhatsz el
Tartsd vissza a lélegzeted
Csukd be a szemed
Fordítsd füledet az ég felé
Már nem vagy itt biztonságban többé
Ez a háború hangja

Bye Bye My Cowboy

Bye bye my cowboy, bye bye my cowboy
It's so hard to fall so low when you've been so high
You make love like a god and you do it when I want it
Nothing in your head everything in your eyes a great body fiery skin
It's difficult to get out there and find a man to touch me
Bye bye my cowboy, bye bye my rodeo
It's so hard to fall so low when you've been so high
Yet you know that it's not my fault if
When you come closer to me my temperature rises but!
Your look* there are others
Be careful you're getting angry
I no longer laugh I've had enough of having to play both sides
Nothing works anymore the game's over it's time to call it a day
It's difficult to stop but it's got to be now or never
Bye bye my cowboy, bye bye my rodeo
It's so hard to fall so low when you've been so high
Bye bye my cowboy, bye bye my rodeo
It's so hard to fall so low when you've been so high
Bye bye my hero, bye bye my gigolo
The women burn you burn you quite a lot
Be careful to fall into water
Oh! oh! Oh! oh! Oh! oh! Oh! oh!
Bye bye my cowboy, bye bye my rodeo
It's so hard to fall so low when you've been so high
Bye bye my cowboy, bye bye my rodeo
It's so hard to fall so low when you've been so high

Hat láb mélyen

De miért aggódsz
A holnapi háborúink miatt
A levegőben leszünk
Hat láb mélyen
Közben bosszantasz engem
Kis ribi vagy a magasztosságod alatt
Na na na na na
Szerencsés vagy, hogy a nővéreiddel élsz
Nézd a boldogságos arcodat
Na na na na na
De miért aggódsz
A kis háborúink miatt
A levegőben leszünk
Hat láb mélyen
Manipulatív érzésekkel csapod be
De csak magadnak hazudsz
Na na na na na
A követői erkölcsöddel
Csak akkor lesz részed örömben ha megállapodsz
Na na na na na
De miért aggódsz
A kis háborúink miatt
A levegőben leszünk
Hat láb mélyen
Az idő múlik
És mielőtt zsákutcába érnénk
Mielőtt áthaladnánk azt
Hadd tanuljunk meg bölcsek lenni
Ismerem a gyengeségét
A bántó szavaimnak
Ezt akarom
Az idő rövid
Visszautasítás nélkül
A félelmem bátorít
Ahhoz hogy felemésszen a méreg
Egy utolsó kifogás
És a falak bezárulnak
Ezt akarom
Tükörbe néztél de
Túl sokat takarsz ahhoz, hogy meglásd magad
Na na na na na
A tükrödben te egy senki vagy
Csak egy kis picsa tükröződése
Na na na na na
De miért aggódsz
A kis háborúink miatt
A levegőben leszünk
Hat láb mélyen
De miért aggódsz
A kis háborúink miatt
A levegőben leszünk
Hat láb mélyen
Na na na na na


The glistening stars
The brightly lit buildings
We're shining brightly
In our own rooms, In our own stars
Some lights, ambitious
Some lights, rebellious
Everyone's shining lights
Each and every one is precious
This dark night (Don't be lonely)
Like stars (We shine)
Don't disappear
Because you're an important existence
Let us shine
The reason the night's expression can be this beautiful
Is possibly because of us, not those stars or shining lights.
You got me
I dream when I see you
I got you
Inside those pitch dark nights
The light that we saw in one another
Were saying the same things
The shining star that shines brighter in the darkest of nights
The shining star that shines brighter in the darkest of nights
The deeper the night is, the brighter the star shines.
The history/past of one individual
One star of one individual
7 billion worlds lit by 7 billion lights
7 billion lives
The city's night scenery
Possibly is a another's city's night.
All of our own dreams, let us shine
You shine the brightest above everyone else
The reason the night's expression can be this beautiful
Is possibly because us, not because of that darkness or shining stars.
You got me
I dream when I see you
I got you
Inside those pitch dark nights
The light that we saw in one another,
Were saying the same things.
The shining star that shines brighter in the darkest of nights
The shining star that shines brighter in the darkest of nights
The deeper the nighter is, the brighter the star shines.
The city's lights, this city's stars
Reminds me of the night sky I looked up when I was young
In this place right here, bounded by
The stars and lights called “people”
We shinin'

kasou (花葬) [Flower Burial]

Petals scatter about, a drop of deep red
Rotate, waning moon, show this eternal love
With eyes open, my body starts to decay
I lose it in the radiance, leaving behind only my mind
Without waiting for spring
My beloved, you gently grow colder
As you break in my arms, it's calling from the abyss of a dream
Like always
The melody of a sleepless spirit, on a night bloomed out of season
A flower that floats in the darkness is the only parting gift
my body returns to the earth
there is sky up in the air
my body is in your sky and your life is in my cosmos
we never come close to each other
but here we exist as it is...
Coming along to the end, a reborn pain
In the swallowed up dirt, the promise we made
A dead world
Petals scatter about, the drop is deep red
Rotate, waning moon, show this eternal love
Tonight I'm still just half-asleep
But soon my eyes will close
The melody of a sleepless spirit, on a night bloomed out of season
A flower that floats in the darkness is the only parting gift
Petals scatter about, the drop is deep red
Rotate, waning moon, show this eternal love

Remember Maria

Tomorrow, at midnight, the entire earth
will sing for you, Ave Maria.
I am alone on my knees on the stone
and I come to tell you to remember.
Remember me in a white dress
when love was close to me.
And I said yes, Maria des Anges,
yes, forever, Mary, remember?
And I loved him so much—
more than my life—
but one day,
he left.
At the foot of the cross tonight, Maria,
me—I come to confess to you my sorrow.
I am but a child but I love him.
On my knees, I pray to you: give him to me.
I am but a child but I love him.
On my knees, I pray to you: give him to me.

A Hang

Nos, tudom mikor a közelben vagy, mert ismerem a hangját
Ismerem a hangját a szívednek
Nos, tudom mikor a közelben vagy, mert ismerem a hangját
Ismerem a hangját a szívednek
Nem tudom elhinni, hogy elfelejtettem a neved
Ó bébi, miért nem jössz el újra?*
Azt mondta 'Van egy gondom a cipőiddel és dallamaiddal
De talán beköltözök' és
'Azt hittem, heteró vagy, de most eltűnődtem'
Annyira beképzelt vagy
Azt mondtam 'szeretlek'
Miért baj, ha hazudok neked?
Nem bánom, de örülök, hogy túl vagyunk rajta
Szóval ne mondd nekem, hogy te 'csak nem érted'
Mert tudom, hogy igen
Nos, tudom mikor a közelben vagy, mert ismerem a hangját
Ismerem a hangját a szívednek
Nos, tudom mikor a közelben vagy, mert ismerem a hangját
Ismerem a hangját a szívednek
Ez nem a viszonzásról szól, csakis rólam
Egy talpnyaló, látnoki, szókratészi leendő narkós
Annyira bőr van, amit látni lehet
Egy egyszerű epikuroszi filozófia
És még azt mondod, olyan klisés vagyok
Sehogy sem látom a különbséget
És elhagytunk dolgokat, hogy megvédjük a mentális egészségem
De felhívsz, mikor unatkozol és magaddal játszol
Annyira beképzelt vagy
Azt mondtam 'szeretlek'
Miért baj, ha hazudok neked?
Nem bánom, de örülök, hogy túl vagyunk rajta
Szóval ne mondd nekem, hogy te 'csak nem érted'
Mert tudom, hogy igen
Nos, tudom mikor a közelben vagy, mert ismerem a hangját
Ismerem a hangját a szívednek
Nos, tudom mikor a közelben vagy, mert ismerem a hangját
Ismerem a hangját a szívednek
Nos, tudom mikor a közelben vagy, mert ismerem a hangját
Ismerem a hangját a szívednek
Nos, tudom mikor a közelben vagy, mert ismerem a hangját
Ismerem a hangját a szívednek
Nos, tudom mikor a közelben vagy, mert ismerem a hangját
Ismerem a hangját a szívednek
Nos, tudom mikor a közelben vagy, mert ismerem a hangját
Ismerem a hangját a szívednek
Nos, tudom mikor a közelben vagy, mert ismerem a hangját
Ismerem a hangját a szívednek
Nos, tudom mikor a közelben vagy, mert ismerem a hangját
Ismerem a hangját a szívednek

Growing Old

Now that we don’t see each other
It’s no more like back then
Business or rap but I believed we were buddies
I’m not really the same
I have to teleport myself
Time opens windows but closes certain doors
Too bad for the resentments
Time passes with one’s codes
Fewer friends at heart more dollars in the safe
Race against time or drown alcohol
Finish at the end of the world or finish at the end of the rope
We grow up in the pictures we are no longer fashionable
I left a few photos of when I was young at the morgue
We used to go play furious four on mopeds
But we made fun of anyone who talked about getting serious in the future
And I wonder
How many of us don’t have limits
And how many of us never want to grow up
How many of us still chase after street cred
My ego is wounded
How many of us don’t have limits
And how many of us never want to grow up
How many of us still run after street cred
My ego is wounded
We’ll give account in the end
We’ll give account in the end
My heart girded with dynamite time imposes its tyranny
Keep your eyes wide open we won’t be here for long like the pyramids
Petrol jerry can
my existence is broken by time
And my teenage years in a wu tang killabeez environment
Whoever you believe
Whatever you believe
From the beginning parents have guided
And you can no longer really rap for kids when you’re forty
It’s not a man living but it’s his childhood dreams dying
Me, I’m too old to shoot clips in a foyer
I’m not in the mood, I break down in less than an hour
I don’t give ear either to cool trends or to rumors
I’m dying time catapults me
I feel like I’m getting old, without having been an adult
There’s a lot on my mind even though you see me fool about
Me, I love to learn but I hate to be lectured
Avoid the annoying topics and subjects
Damn, I’m so old-fashioned, I use PES controls even for FIFA
Tell my brother that I’d like to hit the nail on the head
And that he didn’t screw up my life, no, no he surely saved me
Now that you’re far from your cell, from a questionable life
Know that you’ve always been far from the best of the two of us
Within the groans and the shouts
Within the fears and the noise
Hein! All that is affected and destroyed
Achieving your dreams can do some damage
I’m like all men, I no longer desire what I already have
And already, I have a few classics
It’s becoming a dangerous mission *
I’m a fussy painting** about to become a has been
Time has caught up with me and I’m already old-fashioned
And I can’t rap like Niska or dress like S Pri Noir
There’s only music in life my nigga
In spite of your distance you’ll still be my brother
Too bad
Things are going too fast because this life is just a training
Too Zairese I’ll be late for my burial
Before, I used to hide my worries from my parents
And now nothing has changed I hide my worries from my kids
Your following no longer reminds you that
All the fault we can find with our childhood friends is that they’re the same age as us
And for the eternal youths that have become souls in sorrow
And for all the teenagers getting close to their forties
The passing time has made us unequal like many of my niggas
My ego is wounded
How many of us don’t have limits
And how many of us don’t want to grow up
How many of us still chase after street cred
My ego is wounded
How many of us don’t have limits
And how many of us don’t want to grow up
How many of us still chase after street cred
My ego is wounded
We’ll give account in the end
My ego is wounded
We’ll give account in the end
My ego is wounded
We’ll give account in the end
We’ll give account in the end
My ego is wounded
How many of us don’t have limits
And how many of us don’t want to grow up
How many of us still chase after street cred
My ego is wounded
How many of us don’t have limits
And how many of us don’t want to grow up
How many of us still chase after street cred
My ego is wounded

I'm Afraid to Love a Memory

A fountain, a stone wall,
a little ivy climbing on a roof—
in this room, I made the promise
to love you for the first and the last time.
After the strife and the years of forgetting you,
all of my travels brought me back here.
Here I am—I already regret it,
and I'm afraid of this door that will open to reveal you.
I'm afraid to love a memory.
I'm afraid of you—I’m afraid of myself.
I'm afraid we have nothing to say to each other—
or too many things to say at once.
I should not have come back.
I had a vision of you in my head.
I'm afraid of loving a memory
and here you are before me.
I'm waiting for you to speak to me.
your voice is just the same—
the same eyes—you barely change.
I'm afraid in front of the two of us.
I'm afraid to love a memory.
I'm afraid of you—I’m afraid of myself.
But you only have to say one word
and I will be in your arms.
I want to love a memory.
I want to love you as before.
You did the right thing to come back.
I waited for those words from you.
You can love a memory
to the point of making it live again.
This evening, I'm ready to die
since you—you love me too.
Tonight I'm ready to die.
I just loved a memory.

The Do Re Mi Song

Come, let's begin our practice
Let's begin with something simple
In English you begin with A B C
The beginning of a song is do re mi, do re mi
Do re mi the beginning is those three sounds
Do re mi, do re mi, do re me fa so ra shi*
'Come everyone, let's sing the do re mi song'
Do is the do from donuts**
Re is the re from lemon
Mi is the mi from everyone
Fa is the fa from fight
So is the so from blue sky
Ra is the ra from trumpet
Shi is happiness
Come, let's sing
La la la
Do is the do from donuts
Re is the re from lemon
Mi is the mi from everyone
Fa is the fa from fight
So is the so from blue sky
Ra is the ra from trumpet
Shi is happiness
Come, let's sing
La la la
Do re mi fa so ra shi do
Do shi ra so fa mi re
Do mi mi mi so so
Re fa fa ra shi shi
Do mi mi mi so so
Re fa fa ra shi shi
So do ra fa mi do re
So do ra shi do re do
No matter when
Make a line
Everyone having fun
Do your best
Look up at the sky
La la La la la la
Song of happiness
Come, let's sing
No matter when
Make a line
Everyone having fun
Do your best
Look up at the sky
La la La la la la
Song of happiness
Come, let's sing
The do re mi song
Do shi ra so fa mi re do do

The person Juanita we know

The person Juanita we know
Is a woman with beautiful eyes
Neatly placed teeth and a beautiful smile
Her gentle and lovely touch
Hey, that's not the words
There's a kid listening
Her hair that gets blown by the wind
Gives off a subtle fragrance
If I weren't this terrible of a person
I'd be happily together with her

I Am The Voice

I am the lasting voice
Damaging your hearing asking for my rights
I am the one they threatening
And my respond is: go fuck yourselves
I am the wrong melody
I am the one who his difference is killing you
I am the one who is being accused of having a value
And my issue is that I said the truth
I am the cheerful
I am the annoying
It's hard to drug me
And I can't recognize myself if I am
I am the cheerful
I am the annoying
It's hard to drug me
And I can't recognize myself if I am
I can't recognize
My life is outside the cell, on Mars, I don't care
I am bound to die a martyr
I have a different game
You people fearing for their food
Let me, the mad who is trying to make it right
Let me dream, it clears and warmth me
My life span gets longer
And when you hear me
Let me be
I am the sane and the opposite
I am the cheerful
I am the annoying
It's hard to drug me
And I can't recognize myself if I am
I am the cheerful
I am the annoying
It's hard to drug me
And I can't recognize myself if I am
I can't recognize

Stop smiling

Stop smiling.
When you smile we see
just how stupid you are
to believe that humanity is good
and that you believe that life
is sometimes long.
Stop smiling.
We all have secrets
hidden within.
Unfulfilled dreams which
drive us mad.
Regrets which resurface
and sully our cheeks.
You didn't choose your mother.
You didn't choose your father.
You couldn't even choose
the face you were given.
You didn't choose your name and even if you're going around in circles
you're still laughing.
You say that you love life,
you even thank life
when it sends you lemons.
You say it's for the best.
You believe that we're here
on this beautiful earth
because we must
learn to be happy.
Stop smiling.
When I see you, you
almost make me want to believe.
Almost make me want to try to see in the dark.
Me, who so rarely takes
solace in love and hope.
Stop smiling.
I'm the one who doubts everything in spite of himself,
who washes away their sins
at night in the rain,
he who is drowning, alone in a sea of denial.
You didn't choose your mother.
You didn't choose your father.
You couldn't even choose
the face you were given.
You didn't choose your name and even if you're going around in circles
you're still laughing.
You say that you love life,
you even thank life
when it sends you lemons.
You say it's for the best.
You believe that we're here
on this beautiful earth
because we must
learn to be happy.
Stop smiling
because I think you're making me a jealous man.
I don't know how you stay on your feet
while I'm crawling on my knees tonight.
Stop smiling.
With your big eyes which
grab life between their teeth.
I too want to look towards infinity
without the impression that I'm living on credit.
You didn't choose your mother.
You didn't choose your father.
You couldn't even choose
the face you were given.
You didn't choose your name and even if you're going around in circles
you're still laughing.
You say that you love life,
you even thank life
when it sends you lemons.
You say it's for the best.
You believe that we're here
on this beautiful earth
because we must
learn to be happy.
You didn't choose your mother.
You didn't choose your father.
You couldn't even choose
the face you were given.
You didn't choose your name and even if you're going around in circles
you're still laughing.
Yeah, keep laughing.
Yeah, keep laughing,
Go on, do it again
Stop smiling.


Umbabarauma goal man
Umbabarauma goal man
Play ball play ball ball player
Play ball I want to play ball ball player
Jump, jump, fall, get up, go up and get down
Run, kick, find a hole, thrill and give thanks
See how the whole city empties out
On this beautiful afternoon to watch you play
Play ball ball player
Play ball corocondo
Slum Street Soccer Slum Street Soccer
Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer...
'This is the story of Umbabarauma
An African point man
A point man whose mind is made up


When shall I see you, my precious
And I hear you calling
I drank the pure love
I wish you had drank as I did
I pass by for no reason
Just because there is a chance to see you or anybody close to you
I drank the pure love, the pure love
I wish you had drank as I did

Arm in Arm

Happy as two sparrows on the same branch—
happy as lovers at a Sunday dance—
happy as two schoolboys on a day of vacation—
Every day that God makes, our joys begin anew
and when we are in love, our love smells good
like a sheet dried in winds of lavender—
tasty as fruit sampled in the winds of the harvest—
and as long as it lasts, that’s how long we will stroll
Your arm in my arm, on our bare arms—
your arm in my arm, cheek to cheek—
we could not ask for more.
Happy as two sparrows on the same branch—
happy as lovers at a Sunday dance—
happy as two schoolboys on a day of vacation—
Every day that God makes, our joys begin anew
and when we love each other, our love smells good
like a sheet dried in winds of lavender—
good as fruit crushed in the winds of the harvest.
When we reach one hundred years old, we will both feel like twenty
Your arm in my arm, aching all over—
your arm in my arm, cheek to cheek—
we could not ask for more.

Pitiful People

In the past, I was a bad woman
I was called a witch, naturally
But nowadays
I've had a change of heart
I've become a good woman
Believe it!
What's more I can use a little magic
This talent I have made use of
Although I'm embarrassed
I am helping
Depressed and worrying people
It makes me cry!
Unhappy souls
One wants to be thinner
One wants to be in love
By all means
You are welcome
Unhappy souls
Incessantly they visit me
They cling to me while crying
I help them up, of course
But it happens once in a while
That I am not able to receive my price
So I punish them while crying
Although sometimes I get complaints
But I am tender to the good girls
For the benefit of the pathetic people
The human men
Absolutely hate idle chatter
They prefer it when you
Stay silent and nod your head
Walk behind the man, get it?
After all, conversation is useless
It is hateful to the gentlemen
Keep quiet without talking at all
If you want a lover
Come on, you troubled person
Come on now! What will you do!
I am out of time
Don't be slow
The price is cheap: That voice!
Unhappy soul
If you want to cross a bridge
There's a toll
Come on, decisively
Sign it!
Finally luck has come our way
I'm getting it, aren't I?
This girl's soul
Beluga Sevruga
Sturgeon of the Caspian Sea
Rising wind
Give me this girl's voice

Southern Cross Dreaming

Ah, the ocean blue shines wonderfully
My doubts fade away
We split a while ago
You bring back our dreams
Forgive me for that time
I cried without saying anything
'I won't meet that person ever again'
After a broken promise
You murmur casually
That you're someone who loves from the heart
I can't believe you with words
Loneliness started crying
The Southern Cross of the lovers dreams
I'm looking right now
I felt for a long time that we passed each other
Now you hold me like this
Even if you have a reason for talking
You are shy, you bite your lips
I'm amazed with an unexpected call
On a break you invite me
An invitation seems coercive for me
With a new lovely scene
I can't be compensated quickly
With only that you hurt my heart
At the sunset, from the beach
The sea breeze blowing
Brings me a smell a bit dangerous
With a new lovely scene
I can't be compensated quickly
With only that you hurt my heart
At the sunset, from the beach
The sea breeze blowing
Brings me a smell a bit dangerous
With a new lovely scene
I can't be compensated quickly
With only that you hurt my heart
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Into Your Eyes

'Why fight it, when you know you can't win?' 1
But, the clouds carry away the light load of my sadness.
I'll try to live by the light of the hot sun.
And nothing is stronger than its rays.
In your eyes, the universe is limitless.
And for me, this story of life is over.
Chained as if by magnetic force,
looking into your eyes, I whisper. 2
I try to touch destiny, trying not to breathe.
And come what may, I ask my soul just to be with me.
I would give everything for you to fly. And, all I want
is that the sun's rays power your flight.
In your eyes, the universe is limitless.
And for me, this story of life is over.
Chained as if by magnetic force,
looking into your eyes, I whisper.
Into your eyes.
In your eyes, the universe is limitless.
And for me, this story of life is over.
Chained as if by magnetic force,
looking into your eyes, I whisper.
Into your eyes.
  • 1. English saying to try to get the Russian meaning across. Literally, the Russian is 'I won't even try to taste it. It tastes so bland.'
  • 2. Literally: 'I whisper in your eyes'

Fantasy Rumba

Rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba
Rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba
Rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba
Rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba
Wandering around looks just like the rumba
Staggering around in a mess, like the rumba
It may be shaky but I'm still living the rumba
From the side it looks like a dance, rumba
If it's alright would you like to dance with me?
No way, you can't dance
But it's lonely by myself, let's dance the rumba
Get away from me, do a one-man rumba
Who decided my worth?
Tigers and leopards lurk in our minds
They don't know that the beasts are lurking
So they undervalue us
Now, when they run about
We are going to dance the rumba
Smiling lightly along with you
Will that day ever come?
I don't know
Rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba
Rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba
Rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba
Rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba
Midnight report-selling lecture, rumba
If you watch you too can dance the rumba
That looks expensive, how much is it, rumba?
If you buy it in a set, it's a discount, rumba
If that is so, shall I buy one in a set?
No way, I don't want to share a set with you
If you lose, it's a raging life rumba
It's a feet-stamping life rumba
Rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba
Rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba
Rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba
Rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba
Rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba
Rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba
Rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba
Rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba, rumba
Who decided my worth?
Stars and flowers hide within our hearts
They don't know that we shine
So they give us a cheap price and laugh
They don't know about our sharp teeth and nails
So they put us on sale
Tear them apart!
Now, when they run about
Let us dance a true rumba
Smiling lightly along with you
For a day like that to come
I'm still believing, rumba
If there is a value for humans
Who decides those things?
Shall I decide my own worth?
I can't even decide
Your worth
I just don't know

There, where the light is born (the sky)

Remember me
the winter afternoons, the summer days
under a warm sun
under a long torrential rain
I don’t cry anymore, only the rain outside the window
and it means all was forgotten long ago
and in the autumn sky, barely tarnished,
lonely worlds melt, dragged by the foliage
It hurts no more, a slight sadness in the heart
I’m calm, I won´t come back to you
I need a a sky without barriers nor shackles
only when reaching the clouds all will become easy
And there, where the light is born
there is no anxiety nor discouragement
and there are pure snow clouds
I’ll remember you
and, flying, I’ll look for happiness
there is nothing but the sky, after all,
and my love…
I’ll say ‘Thanks’ for those fleeing days
I’ll be strong. Only remember me.
With autumnal mood, I’ll take of quietly to the sky
In the flow of the brighest feelings, I’ll look for my own happiness.
And there, where the light is born
there is no anxiety nor discouragement
and there are pure snow clouds
I’ll remember you
and, flying, I’ll look for happiness
there is nothing but the sky, after all,
and my love…
Remember me
And there, where the light is born
there is no anxiety nor discouragement
and there are pure snow clouds
I’ll remember you
and, flying, I’ll look for happiness
there is nothing but the sky, after all,
and my love…
Remember me
the winter afternoons, the summer days
under a warm sun
under a long torrential rain

Morning of hope.

A quiet afternoon fell on the grass
a choir of stars sounded in silence
my dear, I wish, so you know,
How dear are you, how much I need you
I awoke from my girlish dreams
and saw how they became real
and I don´t fear at all these strong words
I live with you as in a tale
I know you are a present from destiny, in a world of separation
Morning of hope, bright hopes, I meet with you
Morning of hope, our hopes, you meet with me
wherever to be, I wish to be with you
I’m grateful to my destiny
I ask it for just a thing:
give us more sunny days
so, after all, we are fine together
Our roads haven’t crossed in vain
we are born for each other, you and me.

Just like the colourings of your eyes.

Your stare was carved into two pieces
with some bitter freshly painted tears.
And you told me at the crack of dawn 'get me out of here'.
And you chose some drunk words over silence.
Like it or not, the years go by
just like the colourings of your eyes.
And you are now afraid.
Like it or not, the years go by
just like the colourings of your eyes.
You should always remember this advice of mine.
The romances that left you devoid [of company]
have helped you leave with a simple 'goodbye'.
And yet, one night, you forgot one door open
and a matchbox with your name written upon it.
Οι μεταφράσεις μου μέχρι ένα εφικτό σημείο είναι δικές μου. Δέχομαι βελτιώσεις μόνο αν θεωρώ ότι κάποια μετάφρασή μου έχει παράδοθεί ελλιπής ή εντελώς εσφαλμένη.
My translations are mine up to a considerable extent. I accept improvements only if I consider that any translation of mine has been delivered inaccurate or completely wrong.


Yes I do
I'm stunned in the gravel
The smoke in my eyes is hmmm
I did not know who was deleted
I did not know who was deleted
Mine Mine I'm resting on you
Mine Mine I'm resting on you
I did not know who was deleted
I did not know who was deleted
Miner mine is mine for you
Miner mine is mine for you
Miner mine is mine for you
Miner mine is mine for you
I do not know who deleted it
I do not know who deleted it
You will see for yourself
You'll do it for me
I am covered
We do not flirt about it
I did not know who was deleted
I did not know who was deleted

To your body's palaces

Since I was a child they kept telling me
you don't live into a fairytale
princesses and princes
don't live in the same house.
But I never listened to
what others said
scumbag they called me
and stubborn.
To god you send me
and from hell you take me
when I look at you
(in fear) of loosing you how scared I am.
To god you send me
my mind you con
into your hidden paths
to your body's palaces
into your hidden paths
to your body's palaces.
And now that I grew up
I found the meaning
colour was given to my life
and got imagination.
Even if it was never written
from the world's books
the fairytale became
a true story.
To god you send me
and from hell you take me
when I look at you
(in fear) of loosing you how scared I am.
To god you send me
my mind you con
into your hidden paths
to your body's palaces
into you hidden paths
to your body's palaces.

The Night We Let Go

My love,
My love,
My love,
My love,
It was the sweetest night of our night and we let go
for each other,
The night we let each other
Because we are Hossein the depositor of our hearts
For years, lost
Because we are Hinaa farewell farewell to us
For years, lost
Peace, be upon you
I handed over to you and gave you a gift
It was as if I was not between your hands
It was as if I were sitting between your hands
And you, with your tenderness, have fallen for me
I felt my love I was lost without you
For a few seconds I would not hold your hands
Madit Adia hugged Adik
And tears returned Obeida
I will be back, from your feast day
You are the one who sees me in my eyes
Peace, be upon you
I handed over to you and condemned you and scolded me
As if it is not between your hands, as if it were not enough
Between your hands
And you, with your tenderness, have fallen for me
I love you, Omri
A word from you you heard it
I forgot all my words
And with tears I returned to Obeida
Tani Eidak
You are the one who sees me in my eyes
Peace, be upon you
As if I were sitting between your hands as if I were not
Between your hands
And you in your tenderness to me

How can I stay away from you

How can I stay away from you
How to start from the beginning
You took a heart close to you
And the other one was left behind
How can I stay away from you
I'm looking for you in my dreams
To come and stand in front of you
Drink, get drunk, cry, laugh
To learn how to live away from you
How can I stay away from you
It's so dangerous
My whole life is yours
As usual with one kiss of yours
How can I stay away from you
I've got so many things to tell you
To come and stand in front of you
I have no courage left
And I'm still trying
To learn how to live away from you

Mentsd meg a lelkem

Megkaptad, amit akartál, nem igaz?
Nem tudom, a te szíved hol van, de az enyém csupa horzsolás
Kezdettől fogva tudtad, hogy én leszek a vesztes
A vér a szőnyegen, nem a te véred
Megpróbáltam lemosni a sebeket és véraláfutásokat a bőröm alól
De mintha kő lennék, úgy belém vagy vésve
Nem tudsz megmenteni
Szerelemnek hívod, de mégis gyűlölsz
Istenem, próbálom, de nem tudok nemet mondani
Te vagy a fájdalom és rá a gyógyszer
Csak megízlelem és újra elkábulok
Nem tudsz megmenteni
Istenem, próbálom, de nem tudok nemet mondani
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Semmit sem tehetek, hogy megmentsem a lelkemet
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Mint egy lepke a gyertyalángnak, ez vagyok én neked
Sosem voltam ilyen törékeny, vagy megviselt
Tele vagyok srapnel szilánkokkal, beborítanak
És azt kívánom, bárcsak tudnálak gyűlölni
Megpróbálom lemosni a sebeket és véraláfutásokat a bőröm alól
De mintha kő lennék, úgy belém vagy vésve
Nem tudsz megmenteni
Szerelemnek hívod, de mégis gyűlölsz
Istenem, próbálom, de nem tudok nemet mondani
Te vagy a fájdalom és rá a gyógyszer
Csak megízlelem és újra elkábulok
Nem tudsz megmenteni
Istenem, próbálom, de nem tudok nemet mondani
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Semmit sem tehetek, hogy megmentsem a lelkemet
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Olyan szorosan körém tekerted a láncaidat
Csak annyit adsz, amennyi életben tart
Megpróbálok elmenekülni, de minden alkalommal fáj
Istenem, próbálom, de nem tudok nemet mondani
(Ó Istenem)
Istenem, próbálom, de nem tudok nemet mondani
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Semmit sem tehetek, hogy megmentsem a lelkemet
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Ó Istenem, na, na, na, na, na, igen
Megkaptad, amit akartál, nem igaz?

Forever Love

I’m watching you, but I can’t reach you
so I’ll just say what I feel
what I couldn’t tell you
the day that you cried
my love, I’ll tell you now
the first thing I wanna tell you,
don’t suffer anymore
when you fall
I’ll be the first person to hold your hand
the second thing I wanna tell you,
don’t cry alone
I’ll protect your brilliant smile
I’ll be forever in your heart
I need to let you go
I’m crying in silence
erasing what I feel
in a night filled with memories
I have to tell you goodbye
words I don’t wanna say
the first thing I wanna tell you,
don’t suffer anymore
when you fall
I’ll be the first person to hold your hand
the second thing I wanna tell you,
don’t cry alone
I’ll protect your brilliant smile
I’ll be forever in your heart
it can be hard saying goodbye
while we weren’t together
I was determined
but the words keep struggling to get out
and now I can finally say it while looking at your lips
the last thing I wanna tel you,
I was happy
because I was able to be by your side as if it were a gift
I love you, words that I wasn’t able to tell you
I miss you
even though I’m saying goodbye
I won’t go far
I’ll be forever in your heart

Tell me what you miss

Tell me what you miss
And I'll get it for you.
You if you're okay
I'll love you,
What do you miss, tell me
so you can be well
We haven't even started
And the night is ahead.
You're walking around in my head
And in my dreams all of a sudden
What's going on and I need
To see you again.
Something changes when I look at you.
Your eyes are shouting loudly
Between us we live miracles.
Tell me what you miss
And I'll get it for you.
You if you're okay
I'll love you,
What do you miss, tell me
so you can be well
We haven't even started
And the night is ahead (x2)
Something changes in my heart
And I see it all magically
Just the two of us I sign it
It's going to be fun.
Something changes when I look at you.
Your eyes are shouting loudly
Between us we live miracles.
Tell me what you miss
And I'll get it for you.
You if you're okay
I'll love you,
What do you miss, tell me
so you can be well
We haven't even started
And the night is ahead

All Night

Why am I looking at my cellular phone again?
Acting like I don't care
I'm so ridiculous,waiting for you to call tonight
It's getting late
But it doesn't mean anything,don't sleep
You keep flickering before me,countlessly
Things I couldn't tell you
I'll tell you all night
So press the button,sending right now
I can't wait,I can't wait,I can't wait
Your voice tickles me
Making my heart feel cosy
When I close my eyes,I can draw you out,I like it
As if you are sleep,you soung languid
Slightly making me tingle
What I wanna hear all night
Is just your voice
I just don't know if I am right
When I said i wasn't interested
It was a lie
I was actually looking for you,like a habit
My hands remember your phone number
When we said let's talk all night
When we thought about it but couldn't be productive
You called me and told me to get up
So we were talking then I live it up,I live it up
Already,time to pick it up,pick it up woo
Once again,good morning
Something no one knows
I'll only tell you
Before it's too late,sending
I can't wait,I can't wait,I can't wait
Your voice tickles me
Making my heart feel cosy
When I close my eyes,I can draw you out,I like it
As if you're sleepy,you soung languid
Slightly making me tingle
What I wanna hear all night
Is just your voice
Call me when you have time
Call me when you are going somewhere
Call me before you sleep
Call me when you get up
My call logos full with you
But still I wanna hear your voice and talk to you
Did something happen today?
So what did you do?
That's why you did that?
Then you suddenly stopped talking
And I hear your breathing,you fell asleep like you're whispering
Such a good night
You made my heart pound
Then you fell asleep
Into a soft dream,fing up the night sky
Following you far far away
The dawn stars start to whisper
When I fall asleep,what I wanna hear
Is the sound of you breathing
One last time
Hurry and call me
All night,calling with you
Oh all night,all night calling you
Let's call in let's call in
Lets call in let's call in
What I wanna hear all night
Is just your voice