Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 10

Találatok száma: 625


The one for you

I've chosen to be the one for you
I've thought about you being the one for me
And I'm not gonna keep it on a leash
I'd like to construct
A story like ours
A standard in the universe
I've said everything in this verse
With a simple verse in verse
I wonder, even if we don't have
Even the littlest chance anymore
And our hearts don't beat in sync anymore
Why, when our eyes meet
We clear our throats to a semitone
You can't look at me
So beautiful
Oh, don't hesitate
When I'm at home with you
Oh, you can't look at me
So beautiful
Oh, you can't do it anymore, you can't do it anymore
I've chosen to be the one for you
I've thought about you being the one for me
And I'm not gonna keep it on a leash
I'd like to construct
A story like ours
A standard in the universe
I've said everything in this verse
With a simple verse in verse
I've chosen to be the one for you
I've chosen to be the one for you
I wonder, even if we didn't exchange
Such intense gazes anymore
And I've never felt like this before
Why, when we're hand in hand
I feel like I've known you my entire life?
You can't look at me
So beautiful
Oh, don't hesitate
When I'm at home with you
Oh, you can't look at me
So beautiful
Oh, you can't do it anymore, you can't do it anymore
I've chosen to be the one for you
I've thought about you being the one for me
And I'm not gonna keep it on a leash
I'd like to construct
A story like ours
A standard in the universe
I've said everything in this verse
With a simple verse in verse
I've chosen to be the one for you
I've chosen to be the one for you
You can't look at me
So beautiful
Oh, don't hesitate
When I'm at home with you
Oh, you can't look at me
So beautiful
Oh, you can't do it anymore, you can't do it anymore
I've chosen to be the one for you
I've thought about you being the one for me
And I'm not gonna keep it on a leash
I'd like to construct
A story like ours
A standard in the universe
I've said everything in this verse
With a simple verse in verse
I've chosen to be the one for you
I've chosen to be the one for you

Thick fog

Versions: #1
Thick fog, thick fog
A blindfold of dense fog
Only two steps away
O’er the fog there is a war
With the battles raging out
Without us, that’s not our fault
By the fog, our wings and we are grounded
We’re just airborne true servicemen of war
Thick fog, thick fog
On days of long ago
Far away, far away
O’er the fog there is our home
In a dugout of frontline
Dreams of childhood come once more
Looks like all of us grew up too early
We’re just airborne true servicemen of war
New fog, new fog
Has shrouded all the ground
Far away, far away
O’er the fog there is our love
It might take our brides their lives
To await us from far shores
Some of us will never come from mission
We’re just airborne true servicemen of war

Come To The Forest My love

Hear that, my love, the cuckoo is singing,
come out and listen to it!
The cuckoo is singing full of sorrowm,
i'm dying to see you.
It sung last year too
until you gave your lips to me.
Do you emember how it was
when we spent the time in the forest?
We loved eachoter like two little doves,
we werent afraid of no one.
You slept well hidden
so my wife and your man could not see.
Come to the forest, my love,
give me your lips,
The years will go by, they wont wait for us,
our youth will fade too.
Let's not feel sorry when we'll be old
that we did not take advantage of our youth!

Green Leaf, Burning Wood

Green leaf, burning wood, (biss)
i slept with my buttons undone
so i can dream about my girl
I've had such a bad dream,
my girl married someone else
and left me in pain.
I did not wait for morning to come, (biss)
i got up and left,
thinking about what i dreamed.
I went in the village to my girl,
to see if she's married
and forgot about us.
When i reached her house
and i whistled at her fence
she turned on the lamp,
my heart was full of joy.
When she jumped into my arms
I came back to life,
When i kissed her
i forgot the bad dream. (biss)

Good Evening, Woman

Good, evening woman,
do well and come a little earlier today, (biss)
cuz i must go see my girlfriend! (biss)
Boy, dont go,
i'll bath you with sweet milk, (biss)
and i'll give you my sweet lips. (biss)
Nope, my mother washed me (biss)
with water from a lake (biss)
so i can come and go where i like. (biss)
So i can come and go where i like,
to all the beautiful girls from the village.


As you set out for Ithaca
Do hope for your road to be long,
Full of adventure, full of discovery.
Do not fear Laistrygonians, Cyclops, nor angry Poseidon:
You shall not encounter the likes of them on your way,
So long as you keep your thoughts raised high,
So long as your spirit and your body
Be touched by rare excitations.
Laistrygonians, Cyclops, wild Poseidon—
You shan’t encounter them
Unless you carry them inside your soul,
Unless your soul erects them in front of you.
Do hope that your road be long.
That there be many summer mornings
When you enter with pleasure and with joy
Into ports which you've never before beheld.
Do stop at Phoenician trading posts
And acquire fine things
Pearls and coral, amber and ebony,
And all manner of sensual perfumes --
As many sensual perfumes as possible.
Do visit many Egyptian cities
To study and learn from scholars.
Do keep Ithaca always in your mind.
For arrival there is your destiny.
Do not, however, hasten your journey.
Better that it last years,
Then, in old age, dock at the island,
Wealthy from all you've acquired,
Not than expecting that Ithaka will provide riches.
What Ithaca gave you was the marvelous journey.
Without her you wouldn't have set out.
She has nothing left now to give you.
And if you find her poor,
It isn't that Ithaca deceived you.
Wise as you will have become through experience,
You will have come to comprehend what these Ithacas mean.


It's been a while since I live naked in the loneliness
I choke my pain in uncountable hatred drinks
I remain in your world like a stranger
Unnoticed,worst than an enemy
Coincidentally you entered my life
You became match and fire my soul
I take the responsibility exclusively
Coincidentally you played with me
Now I look at the world with an another point of view
I get lost
I am judged for your mistakes that I paid for
At heaven's stairs that we walked
We both ended up in he same hell
It's been a while since I live just to hope
I am left out
in a world like a drop of water,smoke...
From cigarettes and dreams
and different
Coincidentally you entered my life
You became match and fire my soul
I take the responsibility exclusively
Coincidentally you played with me
Now I look at the world with an another point of view
I get lost
I am judged for your mistakes that I paid for
At heaven's stairs that we walked
We both ended up in he same hell

Train station for two

Long way ahead, wind chases
Meanders through the walking paths
Leading somewhere, that long road
but nowhere does it end, nowhere
You wait for me, the clock has stopped
There, on the train station with the washed stones
Where does it lead, that long road
if it never ends in it's way?
Barely, barely, you wave with your hand
I send off the night, on a train station for two
Leaves, leaves, the cold wind brings
I greet the day, alone with my cigarette
The train stops, the cigarette burns,
The ashes fall on the washed stones
I leave alone from the nameless station
and the train is waiting there for us two
Barely, barely, you wave with your hand
I send off the night, on a train station for two
Leaves, leaves, the cold wind brings
I greet the day, alone with my cigarette
Barely, barely, you wave your hand,
I send off the night, on a train station for two
Leaves, leaves, the cold wind brings
Bring back the love
On the station
For two

What is this World? (in che jahanist)

What kind of world is this?
What kind of heaven is this?
What kind of world is this, where drinking wine is forbidden?
What kind of heaven is this, in which eating wheat* is wrong?
Oh friend, this is not the fair way
Oh friend, this is not the fair way, this is unjust
Tell the truth, tell the truth, the truth
Where is your ideal paradise?
By the way, is every man Jack** a god over there as well?
Tell the truth, tell the truth, the truth
Where is your ideal paradise?
They tell everyone to be mindful
At the gateway of heaven there's no one
Who upon your arrival on judgement day
Asks you: 'Concerning love,
Were you a follower of Zoroastrianism or Christianity?'
Our hell is awaiting your arrival
Tell the truth, tell the truth, the truth, there also
Tell the truth, tell the truth, the truth, there also
The same issues still exist?
Tell the truth, tell the truth, the truth
Where is your ideal paradise?
Stop repeating yourself Homay***
Don't be ridiculous, don't complain with God
As soon as you set your foot out of this door
With shackles and chains you'll be taken to heaven
Indeed, where exactly is heaven?
Indeed, where exactly is heaven?
Shame on you Homay, shame on you
This heavy head of yours is separate from the body
This heavy head of yours is separate from the body
No, no, no, no, I will repent again,
You are right


I don't remember which day it was,
We just met by chance.
We were dreaming of the planet of happiness,
Floating on a white cloud.
That's how we met, in a hurry,
In an original setting,
Without alleys and lost benches,
Without carnival masks.
Love, why have we lost our way,
Love, you simple magic bird?
Love, why you left us through the time,
Leaving behind an endless void, love?
Spring and days have passed,
So many nights and joys.
I see the time, that puts on your cheek
So much nostalgia.
Just the thought sometimes carries me
There, to the place where we looked to each other.
From all I can remember,
That's all I know: I loved you.
Chorus (x2):
Love, why have we lost our way,
Love, you simple magic bird?
Love, why you left us through the time,
Leaving behind an endless void, love?


Első osztályú közlegény (1) voltam, Vietkong (2) felderítésen (3)
Ez '65 dzsungelharcaiban történt
A fegyverem beragadt, elvágták a visszavonulásom útját és egyedül maradtam,
És hallottam az ellenséged a közelben mozgolódni
Hallottam, ahogy roppan egy ág és megragadtam az üres fegyverem
Rémültem ásni kezdtem miközben számoltam életem hátralévő perceit
Aztán egy hatalmas tengerészgyalogos, egy barátságos szemű óriás
A hátam mögött termett és azt mondta: Várj!
Mikor közelebb jött, azt mondta:
'Ne izgulj, fiam, itt vagyok,
Ha a Vietkong belénk akar kötni (4), kettőt kell kicseleznie,
'Nagyon köszi' mondtam.
Bemutatkoztam és megkérdeztem a nevét
Azt mondta 'A fiúk csak Álcának hívnak.'
Whoa (5) Álca,
A dolgok nem egészen azok, amiknek látszanak
Whoa Álca,
Szörnyen boldog voltam, hogy láthattam ezt a hatalmas tengerészgyalogost.
Meg akartam kérdezni, honnan jött,
Amikor meghallottuk a golyók fütyülését
A bozóton át
Azt láttam, hogy ennek a hatalmas tengerészgyalogosnak tűz gyúl a szemeiben,
És furcsa, de hirtelen elfeledtem a félelmeim.
Nos, egész este harcoltunk, vállt vállnak vetve, tartottuk az állásunkat
És azon csodálkoztam, hogyan hibázhatják el a golyók ezt az embert
Mert úgy látszott, mintha csak keresztülhatolnának rajta
Mintha ott sem lenne
És reggel kihasználtuk az alkalmat és elmenekültünk.
A folyóparthoz közel zárult ránk a csapda
Azt gondoltam itt a vég, és minket kicsináltak (6)
Amikor egy golyó a nevemmel zümmögött a bozóton keresztül
És a hatalmas tengerészgyalogos csak úgy, kézzel agyonütötte
Mintha csak egy légy lett volna.
Whoa Álca,
A dolgok nem egészen azok, amiknek látszanak
Whoa Álca,
Ő egy szörnyen furcsa tengerészgyalogos volt.
És tudtam, hogy valami nincs rendben vele
Mert amikor megfordultam épp egy hatalmas pálmafát
húzott ki a földből
És csapta agyon vele a vietkongokat innen a túlvilágra (8)
Mikor kivezetett a veszélyből
Megláttam a táborom és viszlát-ott intettem
Csak rám kacsintott a dzsungelből és eltűnt
Mikor visszatértem a főhadiszállásra (9), elmeséltem az éjszakát
És a csatát, amit egy Álcának hívott tengerészgyalogossal vívtunk.
Mikor kiejtettem a nevét, egy katona nyelt egyet
És egy felcser megfogta a karom
Egy jobbra eső, zöld sátorhoz vezetett
Azt mondta: 'Talán az igazat mondod, fiú,
De Álca itt van,
És itt is volt mióta tegnap este meghalt.
Valójában, egész héten itt volt.'
'De, mielőtt eltávozott, azt mondta 'Semper Fi' (10),
És azt is mondta, hogy az egyetlen kívánsága,
Egy zárótűzben rekedt fiatal tengerészgyalogos megmentése.
Szóval, fiam, itt a dögcédulája
Tudom, hogy nálad akarná tudni.'
És mindketten imát mondtunk egy óriás tengerészgyalogosért, akit Álcának hívtak.
Whoa Álca,
A dolgok nem egészen azok, amiknek látszanak
Whoa Álca,
Ő egy rettentő nagy tengerészgyalogos volt.
Szóval legközelebb, mikor a dzsungelben harcolsz
És a közelben érzed a jelenlétét
Vagy hangot hallasz, ami csak a fejedben fog szólni (11)
Légy hálás, hogy nem vagy egyedül
És társaságot kaptál
Egy óriás tengerészgyalogosban, akit Álcának hívtak.
Whoa Álca,
A dolgok nem egészen azok, amiknek látszanak
Whoa Álca,
Ő egy rettentő nagy tengerészgyalogos volt.
Whoa Álca,
A dolgok nem egészen azok, amiknek látszanak
Whoa Álca,
Ő egy rettentő nagy tengerészgyalogos volt.

Winter Child

You know me
I miss you
But you're not going to come
For so long
I've been waiting for you
A hero of hope
But there is no point
My logic is running
Miles away
Patience is incited
To fall upon
The flame
You are a child of winter
Without having an embrace
The years have passed
But this child didn't forget me
You are a child of winter
Without having an embrace
The years have passed
You hid yourself in the cold
For your heart not to feel
You know me
I try it
But you don't want to see me
And in my head
I'm doing myself harm
A hero of hope
You are a child of winter
Without having an embrace
The years have passed
You hid yourself in the cold
For your heart not to feel
Again in the bedsheets
I will leave a shadow
For the rain to cover
All that is hidden with a glance
Lest you
Uncover me
But like a coat
Again you change me
You are a child of winter
Without having an embrace
The years have passed
But this child didn't forget me
You are a child of winter
Without having an embrace
The years have passed
You hid yourself in the cold
For your heart not to feel
You are a child of winter...

Smoke of a cigarette

Smoke of a cigarette1
Is shooting up and fading,
The smoke is light blue,
And phantom, as pleasure
Or dream.
How far away all this left -
Love, spring and youth,
I roam lonely -
And the soul is full of longing.
The happiness inexorably
Passes by,
You'll never come back to me,
I know,
Like smoke of a cigarette,
Like the blue smoke,
Like nonreturnable dream,
Your image is fading in the mist.
  • 1. 'папироса' - an obsolete type of а cigarette

The bad always pulls me back

Refrain: (Horus)
I can't make progress, the bad always pulls me back
Nobody is checking on us today
I'm not gonna go yet, the bad will pull me back anyway
You aren't what you used to be either
Verse 1: (Carp-E)
I've made a mistake but I can't blame others anymore
If you would only know what it's like when nobody is supporting you
Nothing mattered to me, that's how I've lost friends
But I would do anything to be able to live my dream
I vowed so many times to overcome my weakness
I held on to my fighting spirit and the notion of having only one life
Then I woke up to realize that I'll have to face myself
Except that I didn't know back then, that I'm not ready for it
I had to make sacrifices for every step I made
Sometimes I say, one more year and it's enough...
I convinced myself that every day is a gift
I got up and said, maybe I'm not dead just yet
Sometimes I'm scared, because what if there's no way out of the hole?
If my happiness tries to break free, but is it banging for nothing?
You would ask for a new life, I promise I won't even look up
I don't need a 100 chances, it's enough for me to live once
Refrain: (Horus)
I can't make progress, the bad always pulls me back
Nobody is checking on us today
I'm not gonna go yet, the bad will pull me back anyway
You aren't what you used to be either (2x)
Verse 2: (Horus)
I look into the mirror, it's not even me who's in there
A washed-out face is looking at me in surprise
I meet it's gaze in fright, in my wake everything is sorrow
The wounds are torn up, but something is worse than the pain
I could be pure but tell me, what's the use?
Why the fuck should I be good, if everyone would screw me over?
There are so many things I should confess, it's hopeless
I caused so much suffering that there's no chance
It won't go unpunished, I'll have to answer for my deeds
When life catches you in the act, it'll take revenge for those whom you despised
The tears are no use, it's all the same to me, just don't be scared
I would stay but the deep always pulls me back (Hey)
I blew it so bad, I know this is a piss-poor excuse
But I don't need a degree to be able to repent
I blew it so bad, now why would I be angry at all?
Believe me, I would drop dead if I could!
Refrain: (Horus)
I can't make progress, the bad always pulls me back
Nobody is checking on us today
I'm not gonna go yet, the bad will pull me back anyway
You aren't what you used to be either (2x)
Verse 3: (Shady)
I grew tired of all the attacks and I don't get it why the heck
Should I get a beating for giving up what was real for my dream
If I fail, I fail, I can only thank myself for it
Those who gloat on others failures' live long, while the good die early
I grew tired of it too that in some places they welcome me as a star
Even though I don't get payed by the millions, no women growel at my feet
I don't have a normal relationship, because who can live with this stuff
I'm on the road during the weekends and she has no idea where I am
I'll become tired of this too, sometimes I would give it up and forget
Sometimes I hate to do it, but if I would stop I would want it
It's a cliché but somtimes only you keep me going
And the innumerable letters, messages, I thank You for that!
Now I'm sitting here tired and I can see the first ray of light
Peeking into the car after another gig
I have no strength now, I feel no matter what I write
One day I'll turn my back on this day and leave everything
Refrain: (Horus)
I can't make progress, the bad always pulls me back
Nobody is checking on us today
I'm not gonna go yet, the bad will pull me back anyway
You aren't what you used to be either (2x)

Sometime it happens...

Sometime it happens,
Today is one of those days:
The leaves are still trembling -
But the bird has flown away.
These are the life's finer points.
You wish you could beg her to stay.
A thin veil of cigarette smoke
Still hangs in the room that's now empty.

No longer awaiting...

No longer awaiting,
Standing, hugging a pillow,
She was feeling so sleepy.
The bed was undone.
The bright light of the moon.
The glowing white of the nightgown.
Then he knocked on the door - and she
Blushed from the fright.

Well, yeah!

I grab my guitar and go as if I'm nuts
from four winds, they call me to go
Through the houses, through the souls, I enter singing,
some are asking me what's on my mind?
If my soul is vagabond to me,
why wouldn't I be?
If I can look at what's beautiful,
why wouldn't I love?
Why would-I stop?
I go my way
doesn't seem hard for me to be
always around train stations, at crossroads
Got brothers in Sun and sing around the ghosts
In an unknown pillow, don't know who's,
I sleep for a night and then go wandering.
If I'm useful,
only a child
can say with his first 'Ah!',
It's warmer inside the mother,
or in PJs.
In the sun of ice
I bloom on the window,
with a caress
you lose me because I'm melting
I'm going my way


To day, I listen to the voice of the wind
it tells me that you're gonna leave
I won't cry on it's wing,
but I know that I will regret...
Goodbye, I'm telling you,
my love, have a good trip...
As long as I live,
only you are gonna be my hope
Goodbye, I'm telling you,
my love, now!
A star is gonna come with you
always on your way...
I want you to come again in my life
with the first ray of the sun
Only the wind will ease me
with it's melody...

Baby jól vagyok

Ma reggel alig láttam, amikor felébredtem,
de te tisztán, mint egy szellem álltál előttem.
Megkérdezhettem volna, hogy mi változott és hogy vagy,
de akár egy szobor, ledermedtem.
Megkérdezhettem volna, hogy mi változott és hogy vagy,
de tisztán, mint egy szellem álltál előttem.
Megesküdhettem volna rá, hogy láttalak,
megesküdhettem volna rá.
Megesküdhettem volna rá, hogy láttalak,
megesküdhettem volna rá.
Baby, baby jól vagyok.
(Megesküdhettem volna rá, hogy a lángokból zuhantál, a hamuból, a tűzből)
Felemelkedek és újra aláhullok majd.
(És te felemelkedsz)
Baby, baby jól vagyok.
(Megesküdhettem volna rá, hogy a lángokból zuhantál, a hamuból, a tűzből)
Felemelkedek és újra aláhullok majd.
(És te felemelkedsz)
Oly sok mindent mondhattam volna, bár elmondtam volna őket,
de akár egy szobor, ledermedtem.
Egy pillanatra voltál csak itt, aztán a következőben már vége is volt,
de tisztán, mint egy szellem álltál előttem.
Megesküdhettem volna rá, hogy láttalak,
megesküdhettem volna rá.
Megesküdhettem volna rá, hogy láttalak,
megesküdhettem volna rá.
Baby, baby jól vagyok.
(Megesküdhettem volna rá, hogy a lángokból zuhantál, a hamuból, a tűzből)
Felemelkedek és újra aláhullok majd.
(És te felemelkedsz)
Baby, baby jól vagyok.
(Megesküdhettem volna rá, hogy a lángokból zuhantál, a hamuból, a tűzből)
Felemelkedek és újra aláhullok majd.
(És te felemelkedsz)
Tanqueray és pezsgő,
most ezek táplálják a lelkem.
Az esős napok elmossák
azokat a dolgokat, amiket elmondtunk.
Mi buktattuk meg magunkat,
de az emberek csak hibáznak,
Mi buktattuk meg magunkat,
ne késztess, hogy imádkozzak.
Jól vagyok.
Jól vagyok.
Baby, baby jól vagyok.
(Megesküdhettem volna rá, hogy a lángokból zuhantál, a hamuból, a tűzből)
Felemelkedek és újra aláhullok majd.
(És te felemelkedsz)
Baby, baby jól vagyok.
(Megesküdhettem volna rá, hogy a lángokból zuhantál, a hamuból, a tűzből)
Felemelkedek és újra aláhullok majd.
(És te felemelkedsz)
Baby, baby jól vagyok.

I gathered roses in my though

I gathered roses in my though
for maybe you'd come by the night
to collar them on around your neck
as the silence goes down
I gathered roses in my though
so they'd tell you
that I could never love as I love
since I know you...
As long as I live,
my heart
is gonna keep you
the light...
They're not poems
they're not harmonies
There are no words in the language
They're neither violins
nor treasures
to sing you...
As long as I live,
my heart
is gonna keep you
the light...
As long as I live,
my heart
is gonna keep you
the light...


Dear name, how would it be if I'd search,
Nowhere on earth I know that I can't find
and the sea and the sky, Maria...
The earth is in bloom
this word has melted us together
As my voice says 'Maria'
I'd want to fly to you
to tell my love in song, Maria...
There's no fairytale that's more beautiful in the world
as it was and your name will be...
with so much shine, Maria...
Maria, Maria...
Maria, Maria...
There's no fairytale that's more beautiful in the world
as it was and your name will be...
with so much shine, Maria...
On earth, no fairytale will be...

No love is like ours

Remember, remember, remember...
No love is like ours
the fairytale that we're living seems like a wonder...
No love is more beautiful
it's a pity, dear, why won't we guard it.
If other's eyes seem more beautiful
or some day, for the first time,
you feel that your heart is in doubt,
remember my word:
No love is like ours
you know it just like me, otherwise it would be sad
No love is more beautiful
but as the word's flying, I wrote you a twist...
No love is like ours
you know it just like me, otherwise it would be sad
No love is more beautiful
but as the word's flying, I wrote you a twist...

To Prince Tristan

On your blue soul
the stars perch for the night.
One must be quiet with you,
oh, you my temple,
my prayers affright you

We are Greeks

Let's go dance in the moonlight
Even if it's not possible since we've become monks
We are Greeks, we'll find a way
We'll find a way to liven this place up
Night, people, a little company, let's go
We embrace and we sing:
We're not going to die, we're not going to die
You kid us, we'll kid you
We are Greeks, we'll find a way
We'll find a way to liven this place up
And whoever doesn't have stock in the sun
Will be running for a lifetime because of foreign guilts
We are Greeks, we'll find a way
We'll find a way to liven this place up
Night, people, a little company, let's go
We embrace and we sing:
We're not going to die, we're not going to die
You kid us, we'll kid you
We are Greeks, we'll find a way
We'll find a way to liven this place up
Night, people, a little company, let's go
We embrace and we sing:
We're not going to die, we're not going to die
You kid us, we'll kid you
We are Greeks, we'll find a way
We'll find a way to liven this place up

I gathered fall after fall

La, la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
la-la-la-la-la, la-la
I gathered fall after fall
and now, the longing is urging me
sneaking in my little heart
to change autumn into spring
Well, I do and I'm good with it
I don't let the autumn stalking me
for my longing is a heart of a flower
and my heart is vigilant
People say, they always say
but what the says is not right
I set the sun and the moon
here in your chest pocket ...
I gathered fall after fall
and now, the longing is urging me
to give them all one evening
for a day of spring
La, la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
la-la-la-la-la, la-la
La, la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
la-la-la-la-la, la-la
I gathered thoughts after thoughts
and wrote thousands and thousands of lines
their fruit of beauty
I give for an hour of youth
To take my neat dreams
forgotten somewhere
forever from my window
to catch the stars with my hand
Counting my blooming years
I stop 20 lei
and I give the others for a cigarette
and I start to walk the road of love
I gathered fall after fall
and now, the longing is urging me
sneaking in my little heart
to change autumn into spring
La, la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
la-la-la-la-la, la-la
La, la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
la-la-la-la-la, la-la

In Istanbul, In The Prison's Courtyard

In Istanbul, in the prison courtyard,
on a sunny winter day, after the rain,
the clouds, the red tiles, the walls and my face
while moving on the ground and in puddles,
I, thought of the world, my homeland and you,
while I carry:
all the braveness, lowness,
strongness, weakness of my soul...

Life Line

I'm sitting lonely on a train station's platform
stil waiting for someone
waiting every night
and I'll always wait
and I'll always wait
When the train's gonna come
from faraway, from the light
surely one day
you'll come back,
because once, you swore,
on a tearful hankerchief
When I'm gonna shout for you
you'll hear me
you'll hear me
In my moonless night
I'm living in my dream too
in which you're the Good Fairy
and I'm Prince Charming
and I'm Prince Charming
When the train's gonna come
from faraway, from the light
surely one day
you'll come back,
because once, you swore,
on a tearful hankerchief
When I'm gonna shout for you
you'll hear me
you'll hear me
And for today, and for tomorrow
I gathered blues and joys
all that I kept is for you
You have to come!
You have to come!

The girl from Vranje

The girl from Vranje
I was loved by one girl from Vranje*
She has my youth with her
Her name isn't Sophka* , nor it is Kostana*
Her name is Lela,Jelena, the most beautiful
Empty,empty, everything is deserted for me
My Jelena isn't here
Come, come, Lela, Jelena
You've carried away my youth
Who knows where is my girl from Vranje
The most beautiful, Jelena
I would give everything, just to find out
Who has taken away my Lela
Empty,empty, everything is deserted for me
My Jelena isn't here
Come, come, Lela, Jelena
You've carried away my youth

Tell me who you are

Sometimes, we're searching
for the road in the clouds that wasn't stepped,
rushing through the gardens
and we're not stopping anymore...
Searching through the gardens
for flowers of dream and light
and we don't know that next to us
flowers are dying without rain
Tell me who you are
and where do you come from
from the flowers, from the twillight
or from the sunrise?
Tell me who you are
and if you'd come back again
tomorrow as a brand new day
Tell me who you are,
bird of dream
with snowy wings
and deep-sea eyes
Tell me who you are
and if you'd come back again
tomorrow as a brand new day
There are loves on Earth
that become memories
but there are for a lifetime
neverending dream
Searching through the gardens
for flowers of dream and light
and we don't know that next to us
flowers are dying without rain
Tell me who you are
and where do you come from
from the flowers, from the twillight
or from the sunrise?
Tell me who you are
and if you'd come back again
tomorrow as a brand new day
Tell me who you are,
bird of dream
with snowy wings
and deep-sea eyes
Tell me who you are
and if you'd come back again
tomorrow as a brand new day
(Tell me who you are, tell me...
Tell me who you are, tell me...)
Tell me who you are
and where do you come from
from the flowers, from the twillight
or from the sunrise?
Tell me who you are
and if you'd come back again
tomorrow as a brand new day
Tell me who you are,
bird of dream
with snowy wings
and deep-sea eyes
Tell me who you are
and if you'd come back again
tomorrow as a brand new day


He was a little bohemian, poet and magician
and I know that he didn't accept to have a boss
Daddy would take us wandering from a place to another
we were three circus boys looking for luck.
My mother didn't ressemble him
wanted a house, no matter how small...
Your road is quite long, usually said
and however you run, poverty will follow you
For us, wherever would be the same as hard
I want to have my corner some day...
The waggon would take us wandering from a village to another
and I remember how much I needed a little rest
I see my dad in my thought how he was applauded
looked so young and smiled trurly.
I grew walking the string as elegant as I could
and usually I was a juggler and acrobat
Daddy would take us wandering from a place to another
we were three circus boys looking for luck.

This Is Istanbul

Versions: #1
Is there a creature with no porkies?1
Is the road you're on two-by-twice?
Why is it that your inside feels chilly
Is it the hill you took snowy?
What if I turn on my heels?
What if I swear off?
What if I sell the
Sazan sarmalı short?
This place's called Istanbul
It sleeps with one eye open
Should you don't go to bed with it,
It entwines itself around you
This place's called Istanbul
It shades off into a fairy tale at nights
Should you won't go to bed with it,
It entwines itself around you
Is there a creature with no porkies?
Is the road you're on two-by-twice?
Why is it that your inside feels chilly
Is the hill you took snowy?
What if I turn on my heels?
What if I swear off?
What if I sell the
Sazan sarmalı short?
This place's called Istanbul
It shades off into a fairy tale at nights
Should you won't go to bed with it,
It entwines itself around you
This place's called Istanbul
It shades off into a fairy tale at nights
Should you don't go to bed with it,
It entwines itself around you
Brave, beautiful
Cro- wded
Near the knuckle
This place's called Istanbul
It shades off into a fairy tale at nights
Should you won't go to bed with it,
It entwines itself around you
This place's called Istanbul
At nights uuuuu
Should you don't go to bed with it,
It entwines itself around you
This is Istanbul

I want to tell you

You left without saying a word
You left thinking that I don't love you
Let you tear and suffering in the wind
Now I want to talk to you from my soul.
I want to tell you in every moment 'I love you'
How much I want to tell you and I don't dare...
I want to tell you how much I want to kiss you
and how happy I am because you came my way
I want to tell you in every moment 'I love you'
How much I want to tell you and I don't dare...
I want to tell you that love ain't no simple game
it finds inside the soul the happiest and the most mysterious place
You left without waiting me to answer you
You left and said no 'goodbye'
You thought that maybe I'm hiding you a secret
but I can't let love leave!...
Chorus (x2)