A keresés eredménye oldal 50
Találatok száma: 2532
Az a pillanat
Aranyhaj: Egyszerűen csak hagytam elmenni
Miért nem kockáztattam?
Miért nem mondtam ki nyíltan
Amit éreztem, hagytam hinni
Most már sohasem ért meg
Miért voltam olyan lehangolt?
Hitelen messze volt, miért nem mondtam ki a szót
Csak egyetlen szót
Ha az a pillanat visszatérne
Ha még egyszer láthatnám
Akkor megmutatnám neki, hogy érzek
Most már sosem fog megtörténni
Eugén: Ha sosem nyaggattam volna
Talán még mindig boldog és szabad lennék
Bármit megtennék érte, de most
Azt hiszem ezzel vége
Aranyhaj: Ha az a pillanat visszatérne
Eugén: Ha vissza tudnám forgatni az időt
Eugén & Aranyhaj: Ha lenne egy második esélyünk
Csodálatos lenne
Aranyhaj: Igen, a pillanat ott volt
De elengedtem
Eugén: Ha az a pillanat visszatérne
Translation came immediately, corrections are always welcomed.
Hirtelen jött fordítás, javításokat szívesen veszek
Teljesen szabadon (Reprise)
Eugén: Még ha ez az út zord lesz, követni fogjuk
Aranyhaj: És a végállomásnál végre megértjük a sorsunk
Eugén: És ha minden leereszt, nekem itt leszel te
Aranyhaj: Neked itt leszek én
Eugén & Aranyhaj: És te meg én hamarosan megoldjuk a rejtélyt
Teljesen szabadok vagyunk
Aranyhaj: És megyünk tovább, egymás mellett állunk
Eugén & Aranyhaj: Teljesen szabadok vagyunk
Eugén: Mert minden hirtelen könnyebb, ha itt vagy velem
Eugén & Aranyhaj: Teljesen szabadok vagyunk
Aranyhaj: Még ha úgy tűnik lakatlan
Eugén: Kisegítesz innen
Eugén & Aranyhaj: Teljesen szabadok vagyunk
Aranyhaj: Valami új vár
Eugén: Érzem, vár
Aranyhaj: És mindketten ott vagyunk
Teljesen szabadon
Eugén: Teljesen szabadon
Eugén & Aranyhaj: Teljesen szabadon
Translation came immediately, corrections are always welcomed.
Hirtelen jött fordítás, javításokat szívesen veszek
A Holdon állva
Hiányolni akarlak, magányosan, mint a sivatagi homok
Ragyogni, mint egy csillag, idegenként egy messzi földön
A zsebek megkötik kezeit, lábai pont odaragadtak, ahol épp áll
A rés egyre nő munkája és férfiúi vágyai közt
Egyik kéz a pulzust tapintja, a másik a kormányt tekeri
Egyfelől ez az ő átka, másfelől ez a valóság
Fényesen ragyogok, mint a széles nagyvilág
Ha a Holdról nézed, igazából bármelyik lány lehetne
A kezeid meg vannak kötve, de a szíved szabad
Ha sikerül elvágnod a kötelet, kérlek keress meg
Meg akarom mutatni, szerető, fogd meg a kezem
Elérheted a beteljesülést monogám férfiként is
Szeretni akarlak, de nem tudom, hogy hol állok
A szíved, az út, és a férfias igényeid közt
Egyik kéz a pulzust tapintja, a másik tekeri a kormányt
Egyfelől ez az ő átka, másfelől ez a valóság
Fényesen ragyogok, mint a széles nagyvilág
Ha a Holdról nézed, igazából bármelyik lány lehetne
A kezeid meg vannak kötve, de a szíved szabad
Ha sikerül elvágnod a kötelet, kérlek keress meg
Ha megbízol benne
Cikinek fog-e tűnni?
Amikor azt mondod, nem lehetséges
Csak elmenekülsz
Attól, ami visszafogott téged
A dologtól, ami lábaidat a földhöz láncolja
Fényesen ragyogok, mint a széles nagyvilág
Ha a Holdról nézed, igazából bármelyik lány lehetne
A kezeid meg vannak kötve, de a szíved szabad
Ha sikerül elvágnod a kötelet, kérlek keress meg
Ha sikerül elvágnod a kötelet, kérlek keress meg
There's Not Such a Cool Genie
If on a dark night in the bazaar
Some gang falls on you
My master, in a flash you'll wallop them
You'll have more than enough genie to spare
Use my magic and you'll win by K.O.
I'm dynamite at the point of exploding
And you'll see, What a flash!
You must only rub this lamp
Who's calling?
My master and my lord, want something special?
I recommend our peacock
There's not such a cool genie
I am your maître d′ here
An obliging guy
Repeat to me, order, I hear bad
There's not such a cool genie
Yes, yes, five-star service
You'll eat better than the shah
Any delicacy
Cous cous, what more?
Maybe a little of baklavab
How about a schichekebab
And fruits at the end?
Here's the menu, you write it
There's not such a cool genie
Have you seen something like this?
Now you try
Now you'll learn
Another trick more
Watch out that I burn!
And take it now
When I say, 'Abracadabra,' bon voyage
I make them disappear
You've given yourself a nervous breakdown, you've been left flabbergasted
For your problems I'm the solution
I was the first of my class
I am a genie super enrolled
What you order it'll be done, I serve you
Whisper to and I'll listen to you, let it go
I know that the list is more that a million
You rub well and then tell me it, eh oh
My master and my lord, what can I do for you?
I'm here now, how are you my love?
There's not a genie so, there's not a genie so
There's not a genie so, there's not a genie so
There's not a genie so awesome!
Guggolva járkáltunk.
De most kiállunk magunkért!
Egy erős szellő fúj át a vidéken.
Váróterem az orvosnál, végre eljött az idő.
Dr. Read kisasszony hív, készen állok.
Azt mondom: nem érzem jól magam, le tudnál csekkolni?
Feküdjön csak le az ágyra, meglátom, mit tehetek.
Lefekszek, hozzám közelít.
A gyengéd hangja beindít.
Tudni akarja, hogy magánbeteg vagyok-e,
de csak a testére koncentrálok, nem figyelek oda.
Fölém hajol, hogy mindent jól lássak.
Az orra elvarázsol.
Olyan gyönyörű, szerintem kedvelem.
Megfogja a kezem és elfog egy érzés.
Egy bizsergés, egy szenvedély.
Egy titokzatos erő.
Egy érzés, mi súlytalanná tesz, a vágy oly hatalmas!
Amint félénken a csillagokért nyúlok, észreveszem, hogy eljött az idő!
Feláll a farkam!
Mikor egy nő megérint:
Rossz öltöző:
Úszószemüveg a medencében:
Mikor a szaunában fekszek:
A szerelmem meglökött:
Àlmomban az éjszakát Megan Fox-szal töltöttem el:
Dupla Merev-Time!
Végre Nyár, Nap, eljött a miniszoknya-szafari ideje!
A tónál lazulok és rendesen be vagyok állva.
De aztán meglátom azt a lányt, ő is észrevesz.
Felém közeledik, azonnal lehasalok.
Tiltott gondolatok járják át a fantáziámat.
Az ellenállás felesleges, úgyse sikerül!
Nem pucér, nem, ezt csak beképzeled magadnak!
Gondolj a Merkelre, attól kisebb lesz!
Rám mosolyog és azt mondja: 'Én ismerlek téged!'
Visszamosolygok és azt mondom: 'Nem ismerlek!'
Fail, ezt elcsesztem!
Itt már csak a valóság segíthet, így hát kikiáltom!
Egy bizsergés, egy szenvedély.
Egy titokzatos erő.
Egy érzés, mi súlytalanná tesz, a vágy olyan hatalmas!
Amint félénken a csillagokért nyúlók, észreveszem, hogy eljött az idő!
Feláll a farkam!
Mikor egy nő megszólít:
A nyakamat vakarják:
Dr. Nyár a Bravóban:
A vonat pontosan érkezik!
Szexi sportklipek:
A barátnőd dögös:
A barátnőd szexi sportklipekben szerepel:
Dupla Merev-Time!
Mi tévők legyünk, mit csinálhatnák?
A merevedés egyfolytában az utunkba áll.
Már nem bírom tovább, muszáj levágnom!
A merevedés is tud hasznos lenni!
Ó, igen? És mégis hogyan?
A szatyrok cipelésére:
Ha zenélni akarsz:
A Himalája megmászására:
A nők imponálására!
Tűzifa aprításra:
Epikus lézerfaszharc:
Dupla Merev-Time!
With You
Where the water is cold and clear,
I once saw you,
where I was together with you,
I will stay forever.
My heart is lost
where I was with you
and only the memory
remains forever there.
I want to be with you,
Once again with you,
I want to be with you,
Forever with you,
I want to go with you,
Forever with you,
So deep into the abyss,
Forever and here.
And in my dreams
your beauty is thousandfold,
Will you appear to me?
Will I go with you?
And the tears ran down,
I tasted their salt
And your lips were burning
I covered them gently.
I want to be with you,
Once again with you,
I want to be with you,
Forever with you,
I want to go with you,
Forever with you,
So deep into the abyss,
Forever and here. [x4]
Hello captain
I've come again
Don't wait no more, I've done my turn
I've become distanced from my childhood
I've forgotten
A sadness surrounded me today
The day and the night engulfed in me
Is it a fairy tale or a dream, I don't know
My hands wrote your name
A sadness surrounded me today
The day and the night engulfed in me
Those who lived it would know, my friends
My hands wrote your name
I thought about the distances today
Because I didn't know where you were
The picture in between the clouds
Of us that was undone
A sadness surrounded me today
The day and the night engulfed in me
Is it a fairy tale or a dream, I don't know
My hands wrote your name
A sadness surrounded me today again
The day and the night engulfed in me
Those who lived it would know, my friends
My hands wrote your name
You only look for me when it rains
You only startle when it's cold
You know that your power is to ask forgiveness
You know that from deep inside I have the reason
The truth is
There's nothing to talk anymore
And I won't search for you
And if there's always temptation in the winter
Then let the summer come
Today I've left my phone to not to call you
To not to call you, to not to call you
Today I've left my phone to not to call you
To not to call you, to forget you like that
A missed call, easy to forget
You can keep on, keep on begging me
You can keep on, keep on lying to me
I am not going to keep on, keep on believing in you
Close the door, go out through the exit
And although, the truth is I never waited for you
I've been alone and I'm fine alone
I don't need anyone
Today I've left my phone to not to call you
To not to call you, to not to call you
Today I've left my phone to not to call you
To not to call you, to forget you like that
Oh, oh, oh
To not to call you
Oh, oh, oh
You only call me when it rains
You only startle when it's cold
You know that your power is to ask forgiveness
You know that from deep inside I have the reason
Today I've left my phone to not to call you ( to not to call you, no)
To not to call you( to not to call you, no)
To not to call you( to not to call you, no oh, oh)
Today I've left my phone (today I've left, oh)
To not to call you( to not to call you, no)
To not to call you, to forget you like that (to forget you like that, oh, woah)
Oh, oh, oh
To not to call you
Oh, oh, oh
Ah... ah...
Everything I've believed isn't true
For my whole life I've been outlawed and alone
A swindler, a rogue, a crook, I've never fit in anywhere
I thought true love would be unreachable
I was wrong, totally wrong
Because I unexpectedly found my biggest fortune of all
I lived my dreams, seized the moment
I stayed on her side and never looked back
I found security, but I was wrong
Everything I've believed isn't true
Who I am, what I want
Everything I knew seems unpredictable now
Hardly still true, far off
Not clear anymore
I'm like a stranger in the proper skin
Were my hopes really just built on sand?
Nothing is like before anymore, nothing is familiar anymore
And my entire world is collapsing, just who am I, who am I supposed to be?
Because everything I've believed isn't true
Every dream, every hope
Love and trust are suddenly not there anymore
And I'm staying all alone
And that's how it will always be
Nothing's clear
It seems my entire life suddenly doesn't make sense
Because I'm someone else? I wonder who I am
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
You Love Me So Much That You're Wounding Me
I can hear you through the fiber cement:
You could at least close the door...
I don't know what to do!
If it were not because I can hear you moaning
And you make me, once again, all wet...
Your profile cuts into my vision,
Framed by the door:
I know that the moment has already arrived
For me to be your valet stand!
I can hear you through the fiber cement,
Murmuring obscene phrases...
I don't know what to do!
If it were not because once you're finished, you'll come
With your head down, laughing, to make me your accomplice...
Your profile cuts into my vision,
Framed by the door:
I know that the moment has already arrived
For me to be your valet stand!
Your profile cuts into my vision,
Framed by the door:
I know that the moment has already arrived
For me to be your valet stand!
The Sky Burns
The shadows disintegrate
The night comes to an end
Your mouth burns
one time in my heart
I'll hold you one more time
so tight in my arms
My secret love
My eternal pain
But when I go away from you today,
it won't be forever
And the sun washes
her red blood into the sea
Our loneliness
is not for eternity
And there'll be nothing left to separates us
when the sky burns
Your tears illuminate
the water of the sea
In the waves' games,
it's your face I see
But when I go away from you today,
it won't be forever
And the sun washes
her red blood into the sea
Our loneliness
is not for eternity
And there'll be nothing left to separates us
when the sky burns [x3]
We stand for each other
Cassandra: We're never alone
Because the destiny can never separate us
Eugene: We'll find
The goal of our journey together
Rapunzel: We've accomplished so much until now
And it will keep being this way
Cassandra, Eugene & Rapunzel: Nothing at all can ever happen to us
Because we stand for each other
Cassandra: Whether we lose, or maybe triumph
Now we're going to end our path
Eugene: Even if it's hard and sometimes dangerous
The page can still be turned
Rapunzel: This goodbye is hard, but nothing can stop us anymore here
And there's no time left to waste
Cassandra: Surely this will be a dangerous game
Cassandra & Rapunzel: But we'll go after our goal united
Cassandra, Eugene & Rapunzel: And if we go, then we'll go with style
Because we fight together
And no one will ever separate us
We're never alone
Because we trust and know each other
When we look back, we'll do it for pride
It will keep being this way
Nothing at all can ever happen to us
Because we stand for each other
Nothing at all can ever happen to us
Cassandra: Because we stand
Eugene: Yes,we stand
Rapunzel: Yes, we stand
Cassandra, Eugene & Rapunzel: For each other
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
When the world will change
hate will stop
and love will come
I want to live and see
the other people living
along with me
When justice will shine
and pain will lose
its throne on earth
When the birds of peace
will be fly above the boarders of the world
When the coming century
will stand in front
of the sun
Then a white day
will be a hug made of light
for us
Yes, there is sorrow
children don't laugh
(yes, children don't laugh)
My Lord, let love become
a prayer in our hearts
(When the world will change)
the world will change
(hate will stop)
hate will stop
(and love will come)
will come
(I want)
I want,I want,I want
(us two to be)
together, together
(for a)
Lovely lovely lovely lovely
(When )
(justice will shine)
justice will shine
(and pain will lose)
and pain will lose
(its throne on earth)
yeah yeah yeah
a white day
will be a hug made of light
for us
for us
for us
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.
Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το Lyricstranslate.com
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.
Black Angel
Come here to me, embrace me softly
With your wings you bring me the night
The blue moon and your face
Kiss me again, I just want you
Black angel, kiss my hot heart
Black angel, drink from my pain
Black angel, it pulls me toward you
Half full of hate, half full of greed
Black angel, warm me, I'm so cold
Black angel, come to me, I'm calling you
In your wings, hold me tight tonight
You know well that I can't be without you
You are the illusion of my lust
The black heart in my chest
We've been banished to the darkness
I've lit a light for you there
Black angel, kiss my hot heart
Black angel, drink from my pain
Black angel, it pulls me toward you
Half full of hate, half full of greed
Black angel, warm me, I'm so cold
Black angel, come to me, I'm calling you
In your wings, hold me tight tonight
You know well that I can't be without you
Black angel, warm me, I'm so cold
Black angel, come to me, I'm calling you
In your wings, hold me tight tonight
You know well that I can't be without you [x2]
Without a Home
So many a battle beaten
So many maidens kissed
Traveled half the world
The sails always hoisted
I've grasped at happiness
Saw Godfather Death
Whistled the freedom song
Could never stand still
I was at home everywhere
And yet without a home
The longing unfulfilled
My dreams were huge
I'm back in your circle
I was gone for much too long
But now I'm here again
Take my hand
Turn around in circles
Forget your worries
Drown your mind
Take my hands
Turn around in circles
Forget your worries
Come take my hand
Have climbed many a mountain
Maybe I've lost the trail
I may never arrive
Born as a wanderer
I was at home everywhere
And yet without a home
The longing unfulfilled
My dreams were huge
I'm back in your circle
I was gone for much too long
But now I'm here again
Take my hand
Turn around in circles
Forget your worries
Drown your mind
Take my hands
Turn around in circles
Forget your worries
Come take my hand [x2]
Versions: #2
The twilight, it settles in
when your shadow touches me,
but I don’t want to be so weak
that your breath tempts me
Your curse cannot tempt me
You can’t pull me into your spell
I won’t howl with the wolves
No, I won’t be a nobody
I won’t dance into your chains
And I won’t be your slave
You’re pretending you want to rescue me
I scream into the night
Ice cold is the rubble
in which you imprison yourself
You recognize neither friend nor foe,
the twilight has long since united them
I won’t dance into your chains
And I won’t be your slave
You’re pretending you want to rescue me
I scream into the night
Gyógyító varázslat
Virág, sugározz és izz
Engedd ragyogni fényedet
Tekerd vissza az időt
Hozd vissza, mi egyszer az enyém volt
Gyógyítsd meg, amit megsebeztek
Változtasd meg a Sors tervét
Mentsd meg, ami elveszett
Hozd vissza, mi egyszer az enyém volt
Mi egyszer az enyém volt
A háttérben várva
Úgy sejtem mi mindannyian egy szereppel születtünk
Néhányan sztárok vagyunk, és néhányan az útban állunk
Tudom, a dicsőségért lennék
De ezt a történetem sosem hozza
És még mindig várakozom
Amikor megvan a szenvedély és ösztön
Azt várod a pillanat középpontjától, hogy megérkezzen
Lángoló szívvel mutatkozom be
Készen állva, hogy elképesztő dolgokat érjek el
De itt hagytak a háttérben várva
Hallom a végszavamat, és még mindig ott várok
Tudom, mit kell tenni, és még mindig ott várva állok
Mindig valaki más énekel
Míg engem itt hagytak a háttérben várva
És tehát folyamatosan folytattam
Az esélyeim jöttek és aztán pislantottam és elmentek
Mindig szemet hunytak felettem igazságtalanul
Amíg úgy tettem, hogy alig csíp
De ez csíp, igen, csíp
És nem fogok egy könnyet sem elrejteni, csak folytatom a várakozást
Ha senki sem lelkesít, nos, tudok tovább várni
Kit érdekel, milyen hangosan cseng a csend
Megtalálsz a háttérben várva
Látom a fényt
Mind azokon a napokon az ablakból néztem
Mind azok az évek, kintről befelé nézve
Mindvégig soha nem is tudva
Hogy egyáltalán milyen vak voltam
Most itt vagyok, pislogva a csillagfényre
Most itt vagyok, hirtelen meglátom
Itt állva egészen tiszta
Ott vagyok, ahová szándékoztak
És végre látom a fényt
És ez olyan, mintha a köd felszállna
És végre látom a fényt
És ez olyan, mintha az ég új lenne
És ez meleg és valós és fényes
És a világ valahogyan elmozdult
Egyszerre minden másnak tűnik
Most, hogy látlak téged
Eugén (Flynn):
Mind az összes nap kergettem egy álmot
Mind az összes évben homályban éltem
Mindvégig igazán sosem látva
A dolgokat, ahogy léteztek
Most itt van, ragyog a csillagfényben
Most itt van, hirtelen rájövök
Ha itt van Ő, ez kristály tiszta
Ott vagyok, ahová szándékoztam elmenni
Aranyhaj & Eugén (Flynn):
És végre látom a fényt
Eugén (Flynn):
És ez olyan, mintha a köd felszállna
Aranyhaj & Eugén (Flynn):
És végre látom a fényt
És ez olyan, mintha az ég új lenne
Aranyhaj & Eugén (Flynn):
És ez meleg és valós és fényes
És a világ valahogyan elmozdult
Egyszerre minden más
Most, hogy látlak téged, most, hogy látlak téged
You'll look so prud of me (Reprise)
Don't worry, father. I will find a solution somehow.
I promise
You'll look so proud of me
If the solution is to come
I will face it, even if it amounts a serious fight
Nothing else matters
I would swear to it
Everything will be okay, no doubt about it
Nothing will scare me away, I'll bravely crumble those
Who stand in my way
That's... how... it'll be!
You Lie So well
Versions: #3
That you will stay with me a whole lifetime
That with you goodbye winter only spring
That the waves are made from magic and not salty water
I believe everything from you but you give me nothing
You give me nothing
That if I follow your path I’ll get to heaven
You lie to my face and I become blind
I swallow your words and you play a game
And the world shines on my face when you say later
When you say later
When you say feel I feel like your everything
When you say life I’ll be with you
You take my hand and I cry inside
Even though they’re lies you make me feel alive
Even though the air is fake, I feel like I’m breathing
You lie so well
That everything you give me
Tastes like the truth
And I’m already loving you
You lie so well
That I’ve come to imagine
That you fill your skin with my love
And although everything is from paper
You lie so well
It will be so
It was all in the white world
People have long been repeated
It was, is and will be again!
But for everyone, for all lovers
The song begins anew
It was, is and will be again
It will be so, it will be so,
It will be so, it will be so,
It was, is and will be again!
Love has its own laws
The heart of the mind does not listen
It was, is and will be again!
Even in the worst of times
People believe only in the best
It was, is and will be again!
It will be so, it will be so,
It will be so, it will be so,
It was, is and will be again!
It will be so, it will be so,
It will be so, it will be so,
It was, is and will be again!
Let forever crown us
The arrows are sharp without interruption
It was, is and will be again!
How old is love like the sun
True warms us and shines for us
It was, is and will be again!
It will be so, it will be so,
It will be so, it will be so,
It was, is and will be again!
It will be so, it will be so,
It will be so, it will be so,
It was, is and will be again!
I get it
Cassandra: There's worse on the way... Are you sure you are up for it?
Rapunzel: Yes. Why wouldn't I up for it?
Come on!
Sitting on a grave big throne
I fell it's an easy job
I couldn't prepare for it
No problem, it fits me like a glove
I feel it filled with calm I get it!
I get it!
Just wait!
Nigel: Princess Rapunzel! I introduce you to your loyal subjects.
Farmer: (??) my sheep has just stood beside his
Barber: Besides this awful ruckus my scissors cut by
Subject: The town has filled with cats and this is harmful
Peasant girl: Their hunger is already annoying!
Rapunzel: Okay!
Any animal can stand anywhere, the pasture is big
You'll get an up front earpugs, believe it, it's excellent
Every starveling cats are our guests for a bite of snack
The town will be clean today
Please, hold the line on.
Cassandra: I don't say, she started it good
She did it nicely, quickly
There's no doubt, she arranged it
However there's still a long queue
I say it with trust that she get this
She get this!
And done!
Rapunzel: Did we get to the end?
Nigel: Well... Not quite... princess!...
Farmer: Every animal has graved together which was who's?
Barber: I can't hear the costumer it's not so blissful
Peasant girl: The idea was terrible, on this wise there are more rats
Some of them is biting!
Nigel: It's done for today!
Rapunzel: This now is a total drama, it's not a question, I ruined it...
Too much weight has fallen to me, from this there's not a little trouble
I was realaxed, I thought I get this
But it's stressful
It hurts so much!
I'm not ready, I feel it
The throne doesn't wait for me yet.
You'll look so proud of me
What a streak of bad luck
So your doubt is legitimate, I believe it
Possibly it's cause and effect
Perhaps you should rely on me
Things will be the way you expect it to be
And there's nothing scaring me off anymore
I would reveal
The valor in me
I'd be the one who fight for you
Through hundreds of dangers
After I return
The sight would put you in a state of shock
As you suddenly realize that you haven't really know me
I know I made lots of mistakes
These don't support my chance of success
What closes the series (of bad luck) today?
Is there anything that can ease all this?
I feel already I would do anything
In order to change thing
You'll look so proud at me
Than at last have faith in me
I feel it will happen and this only is what's driving me
Instead of many other things
I will return
After overcoming all the touble
And both of your eyes get filled with tears as your child has became a hero
You'll be touched to tears that your little son has become a big hero!
If only
Rapunzel: Not other just a magical word
Why have I stayed speechless?
Why haven't I give him an answer
When his heart choses me?
I hurted him, I feel it well
Only one sweet word
This hot-tempered girl has quiesced
And I regret my mistake
Oh, if only we were together like back than
I would say the word he's waiting for
I would not let him away anymore
However he's already far away
Eugene: I didn't pay much attention
I hurted her and it's aching
I hurried that and it's a shame
But it doesn't wait for me
Rapunzel: Oh, if only he asked again!
Eugene: I would be patient, I wouldn't say a word
Rapunzel & Eugene: We would find each other like back then
It was fine when we were together
Rapunzel: Oh, if only you were here
But it's too late, it hurts
Eugene: All for nothing, it's too late
The Calm Before the Storm
No bird in the sky
The land is frozen
in emptiness and silence
Forever and ever banished
And the sun shines
And the rain runs
And nothing ends
And nothing begins
But the time is ripe
To destroy the ban
Then the world will
belong to us again
Do you feel the calm,
the calm before the storm?
Nothing is forever
Nothing lost for eternity
Do you feel the calm,
the calm before the storm?
The time is ripe
for our magic to be born anew
No human laughter
No soft prayer
Not sleeping, not waking
Blown by the wind
But the time is ripe
To destroy the ban
Then the world will
belong to us again
Do you feel the calm,
the calm before the storm?
Nothing is forever
Nothing lost for eternity
Do you feel the calm,
the calm before the storm?
The time is ripe
for our magic to be born anew [x2]
Wonderful birthday
Tomorrow is finally my boyfriend's birthday, I'll cook for him
i clean my room and go shopping
What I'll do for him? His favorite dish is macaroni au gratin
I gotta practice tonight
It's the first time I do gratin. Can I do it seriously?
With a beer in a hand, I try to boil the macaroni
With a little red face, I fry the onions
Though I'm not used to it, it's fun
I can't do it, I got drunk and sleepy
I'm not used to home cooking, it doesn't come out as expected
That way yesterday unintentionally I achieved to sleep
Surely I'll be better
My boyfriend came a little late and he was hungry
Let's eat immediately, happy birthday
He has the habit of stretching with the suit
Without a reason it doesn't match him, but I admire him today
He laughs saying 'Seriously?'
I wonder if he liked my proud gratin
Sorry that it's a little burnt, be patient
It was my fault. Is it possible to do it in one night?
This is what I call my love loaded cooking
I hope your favorite gratin is tasty
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Descent Into Hell
I like having guests
and invite them to join me
At my feast, you shall
be the Brother Lustig
I welcome you
at the gate to the underworld
Come with me on the journey
Just as you please
Now or never
All or nothing
I know, my friend
You'll do what you promised
Now or never
Write it with blood
And you will see
that it does wonders
Riding on hellhounds
until golden sparks spray
Gliding through dark worlds
until we burn up
And all the kettles are burning
the fire's hot embers
And you will indeed recognize
how good it is to sin.
Now or never
All or nothing
I know, my friend
You'll do what you promised
Now or never
Write it with blood
And you will see
that it does wonders
Do you want to ride with me?
Do you want to go with me?
I want only your soul,
you'll well understand that
I'll show you hell,
the gateway to the underworld
I know for sure
that you'll like it there
Now or never
All or nothing
I know, my friend
You'll do what you promised
Now or never
Write it with blood
And you will see
that it does wonders
Veled az oldalamon
Cassandra: Most, most jobban, mint valaha
Össze kell tartanuk, egységben lennünk
Eugén: Most, most vagy soha
Szóval nézzünk szembe a jövővel tiszta ésszel
Aranyhaj: Valahogy elértük, hogy eddig jussunk
Egyik legizgalmasabb út volt
Cassandra, Eugén & Aranyhaj: Nincs semmi sem, amit ne tudnék megtenni
Nem veled az oldalamon
Cassandra: Talán holnap rálelünk a bánatunkra
A történetünknek itt vége szakad
Eugén: Talán elkerülhetetlen, hogy külön legyünk
Ki tudja, hogy hol kötődik össze az utunk
Aranyhaj: Hogy is kívánjam, hogy itt maradjunk örökre ezen az úton
De talán semmi oka nincs tettetni
Cassandra: Ha arra rendeltek, hogy a saját különböző utunkat járjuk
Cassandra & Aranyhaj: Tegyük a legédesebbé a legtöbb utolsó napot
Cassandra, Eugén & Aranyhaj: Miért ne menjünk egy pompás helyre?
Mert most, most jobban, mint valaha
Még mindig itt vagyunk együtt, egységben
Most, most vagy soha
Szóval álljuk egyként, oszthatatlanul
Majd, ha visszanézünk erre a pillanatra
Menjünk biztosra, hogy büszkeségből remegünk
Nincs semmi, amit ne tudnék megtenni
Nem veled az oldalamon
Mi lenne a világon amit megtennék
Cassandra: Nélküled
Eugén: Nélküled
Aranyhaj: Nélküled
Cassandra, Eugén & Aranyhaj: Az oldalamon
Mutual love
Versions: #2
I went under the stars and sang into your ear
I exposed my soul so you could understand that I need you
What we have is a story of infinite dreams
That become a reality with just a slow kiss on the lips
Uuuuuhh uhhhhh
It's like a reward to my senses
Uuuuuhh uhhhhh
This feeling
My heart races, it's on fire, it rises up when I'm with you
I face the pain of today's world all by myself if you're not with me
My heart is hopeless, it loves you, hands itself over and feels alive
There's nothing more beautiful than feeling love
Mutual love.... Mutual love
A touch from you is like a downpour of rain
It does me so much good that in the morning, it awakens my universe
Uuuuuhh uhhhhh
It's like a reward to my senses
Uuuuuhh uhhhhh
This feeling
My heart races, it's on fire, it rises up when I'm with you
I face the pain of today's world all by myself if you're not with me
My heart is hopeless, it loves you, hands itself over and feels alive
There's nothing more beautiful than feeling love
Mutual love.... Mutual love
In the cold of the night, I'll be your coat
The lighthouse that always guides your path
My heart races, it's on fire, it rises up when I'm with you
I face the pain of today's world all by myself if you're not with me
My heart is hopeless, it loves you, hands itself over and feels alive
There's nothing more beautiful than feeling love
Mutual love.... Mutual love
Conviction and happiness
Give me the strength not to betray the time
That always makes you step back
I remember the clear sky when I was a child
And something shining on the horizon
Now I'm here in the same skin
Maybe I've gotten stronger, but I don't think so
After all those who started dreaming as children
Never give weight to defeats
How can I not turn around
Even though I'm traveling against the wind
I trip and get back up
Because walking barefoot is the conviction to happiness
Stop hiding your wrinkles and let's live serenely
Without falling into excess
I've come to understand that's the conviction to happiness
A full-length movie smooths us like the wind
And we're ready to face the reality
Take my hand, let's cross that courtyard
With its unchanging beauty
Waiting for you at the airport
You had never gone away before
Distance does nothing but teach
To never stop dreaming
How can I not turn around
Even though I'm traveling against the wind
I trip and get back up
Because walking barefoot is the conviction to happiness
Stop hiding your wrinkles and let's live serenely
Without falling into excess
I've come to understand that's the conviction to happiness
How can I not turn around
Even though I'm traveling against the wind
I trip and get back up
Because walking barefoot is the conviction to happiness
Stop hiding your wrinkles and let's live serenely
Without falling into excess
I've come to understand that's the conviction to happiness
It's the conviction to happiness
It's the conviction to happiness
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
Italian Christmas
Feel the warmth of the city
Feel the madness singing
See this sun over me
It brings back the cheerfulness I've lost with you
Free to live like this
Still walking south
I find how this sea can enchant
How I can sail my longing for you
An Italian Christmas where love lives
Underneath a starry sky my skin gets heated by the sunlight
An Italian Christmas for those who love love
For those who live dreaming of summer and winter in the sunlight
We'll keep dancing together
As long as our cheerfulness is intact
Look how this face changes
When I see your smile
When I sing for you
An Italian Christmas where love lives
Underneath a starry sky my skin gets heated by the sunlight
An Italian Christmas for those who love love
For those who live dreaming of summer and winter in the sunlight
Dancing, dancing...
Dancing, dancing...
Dancing, dancing...
Dancing, dancing...
Dancing, dancing...
Dancing, dancing...
Dancing, dancing...
An Italian Christmas where love lives
Underneath a starry sky my skin gets heated by the sunlight
An Italian Christmas for those who love love
For those who live dreaming of summer and winter in the sunlight
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.