Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 51

Találatok száma: 2532



I've sliced an apple,
I rode through the cold night,
A little poison in the red part
So I offer my goods for sale.
Her hair black hair like ebony,
She was so beautiful and full of pride,
Now her red mouth is for me,
Her skin like snow in the soft light.
Her hair black hair like ebony,
She was so beautiful and full of pride,
Now her red mouth is for me,
Her skin like snow in the soft light.
Then you fell asleep slowly,
The sweet dreams of a distant harbor,
I just thought about how beautiful you are,
I kissed your white mouth.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who's the most beautiful here in the land,
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who wants to be the next in the land.
Her hair black hair like ebony,
She was so beautiful and full of pride,
Now her red mouth is for me,
Her skin like snow in the soft light.
Her hair black hair like ebony,
She was so beautiful and full of pride,
Now her red mouth is for me,
Her skin like snow in the soft light.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who's the most beautiful here in the land,
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who wants to be the next in the land.
Like a sad, beautiful angel
Like a fairy in a white dress,
So I've you bedded for myself
In the river of the last eternity.
Her hair black hair like ebony,
She was so beautiful and full of pride,
Now her red mouth is for me,
Her skin like snow in the soft light. [x2]

Freed myself

I already freed myself from your fake love
I am going to celebrate
That my time in your prison
Has ended
Today I will stop believing you
Something new happened inside of me
It makes me live
The chain broke
I do not have more complication
The path lit up
I'm leaving, I'm leaving, I'm leaving
I'm looking for the best
You do not deserve my attention
Since I made the decision
I'm leaving
I'm going to the street
For you to shut up
Now has an owner
My heart
Anywhere I go
The light does not go out
Today I walk freely in it's direction
Because I freed myself from you
I freed myself from you
Because I freed myself from you
I freed myself from you
You dropped the mask and the disguise
And now I can see what's behind
I'm leaving here
This time I did not lose the war
From the floor I throw you out and I leave you there
Far from me
The chain broke
I do not have more complication
The path lit up
I'm leaving, I'm leaving, I'm leaving
I'm looking for the best
You do not deserve my attention
Since I made the decision
I'm leaving
I'm going to the street
For you to shut up
Now has an owner
My heart
Anywhere I go
The light does not go out
Today I walk freely in it's direction
Because I freed myself from you
I freed myself from you
Because I freed myself from you
I freed myself from you
Ta tara tara tara
Ta tara tara tara
Ta tara tara tara
Ta tara tara tara
I already freed myself from your fake love
I am going to celebrate
That my time in your prison
Has ended
I'm going to the street
For you to shut up
Now has an owner
My heart
Anywhere I go
The light does not go out
Today I walk freely in it's direction
Because I freed myself from you
I freed myself from you

Alas station

Not Yet… (The Station “SorrY”)
translation by Dmytro Zelenskyy 2016-01-09
Let’s open the novel -
the last page of the stage where it is,
and there you may set
the bookmark made of lucky train ticket.
That is – we arrived …. to the station
with sad name – “SorrY”
And now we have transfer
to route of remarkable “50-ties”
Oh, no need those cheers!
Please command loud orchestra “Off!”
Is there any reason
for a party with standing ovation?
It was long ago,
when we were at “Village of Love”
And now we have often
to be at crossroads “Separation”.
Recall how we crafted
our fates and lives just recently,
and dramas felt fine
with some friends and some enemies by sides.
This days at the station
with strange and sad name of “SorrY”
we build no illusions,
have built for ourselves decent houses.
“Oh, sorry, but you
cannot stay for too long at this place,” -
the switchman directs,
pushing us forward to cataclysms.
Hear siren farewell
in the night from the great express trains -
“Vladimir Vysotsky”
and “Yuri Iosiphych Visbor”.
Don’t push the hard break,
no hysteria – “Final? – Not yet!”
Watch green traffic light,
that’s the color of hope, growth and balance.
Don’t listen to people,
who says “Our cinema dead”.
There will be more movies,
but roles for us are not majors.
For now we streamline
through the bores in rumors and claims
on weak shaky bridges
of lies and the insinuations*.
Straight-lined to reach
station named for common misfortune -“SorrY”,
where we will take new
line for cherished, precious “50-ties”.

The bloke of Votanikos

A bloke at Votanikos
He tells what he wants without fear
In places of entertainment and bars
And in Perdikiaris' place
He's smoking, getting high
With his girl in the opium den
And Angelo
Flames his shisha
He's a bloke, he's a devotee
At Votanikos he's the boldest
And the other blokes are afraid of him
But he doesn't give a damn
He's smoking, getting high
Getting stoned, always for free
Because he's retired
From the Madrasa


Még mindig sok van hátra, biztos tudod kezelni?
Persze! Természetesen tudom!
Királyi döntéshozatal
Hé, én erre születtem
Igen, biztos, kicsikét csalok
De nincs annyi minden benne
Szóba hozva, készen állok, mert
Csak nézz
Aranyhaj hercegnő, hadd mutassam be neked...
A legszerényebb alattvalóidat
Nem engedi, hogy a bárányom az övé mellett legeljen verekedés nélkül
Hogyan vágjak hajat ezzel az éjjel-nappal hegedülő sráccal
Mostanában a fél városban macskák és kiscicák szaladgálnak
Mindent felfalva, amit látnak
Jól van.
A legelő egy nyilvános hely, elrendelem, hogy osszátok meg
A füldugók csodákat tesznek, egy királyi párt érdemelsz
Ezután írásba lesz foglalva, minden macskát és kiscicát megetetünk
Itt, a kastély terén
Emberek, a sor itt kezdődik
Van érzéke a uralkodáshoz
Eddig biztosan tartja
De a nép még mindig panaszkodik
Tehát még ne durrantsunk konfettit
Mindamellett azt hiszem a lányunknak
No para
Ez volt az utolsó?
Nos, nem egészen.
Amióta a legelő közös, nem tudjuk melyik bárány kié (Hopsz)
Nem hallom a vevőimet és elrontom a frizurájukat (Bocsi)
Most a macskák csendben vannak, de a patkányok lázadást futnak
Fel és le a sugárúton
Nincsen több értekezés
Istenek, micsoda katasztrófa
És mindenki tudott róla
Egy dolgom volt, mit el kellett volna sajátítanom
És teljesen szertefújtam
Annyira átkozottul biztos voltam benne, hogy
De ez nem az
Még nem
Ki gondolta volna, hogy milyen távol állok ezektől?

Dances With Wolves

You never belonged in this landscape
Where only concrete trees grow
Wind in your hair and wilderness in your eyes
A restlessness in your steps
I'd keep you if I could
But something inside you would die
Like a hawk without wind would be nothing
Something you must set free
The thing you love
You can't keep it anyways
You'd no longer hear if I shouted after you
You went to dance with the wolves
And from afar I hear you howling at the moon
Is it just the wind?
You went to dance with the wolves
You went to dance with the wolves
Our children have your tangled hair
And the same wilderness in their eyes
I know you choose your path, my cub
And I can't watch over your sleep anymore
I'd keep you if I could
But something inside you would die
Like a hawk without wind would be nothing
Something you must set free
The thing you love
You can't keep it anyways
You'd no longer hear if I shouted after you
You went to dance with the wolves
And from afar I hear you howling at the moon
Is it just the wind?
You went to dance with the wolves
You went to dance with the wolves
You left many times
You always returned
Now our furs have turned grey
I know that this time you're leaving for good
See the wilderness once again
You'd no longer hear if I shouted after you
You went to dance with the wolves
And from afar I hear you howling at the moon
Is it just the wind?
You went to dance with the wolves
You went to dance with the wolves

Thoughts in Liguria

If one lives in a duck pond,
and is completely satisfied.
one soon believes the pool is an ocean.
Then the water lily is a virgin forest,
and man himself is humanity,
and for every question one has an answer.
And everything beyond the horizon,
feels scary and wrong,
like an unnatural, incomprehensible game.
Then you close your eyes and ferment
of complacency,
And stupidity soon becomes a religion.
Then one sits in Stockholm,
in Lund and Göteborg,
three fly shits on the edge of the world,
and judge and reject,
in restaurants and in kitchens,
and determine what has and has no value.
When one knows more about China,
Peru and the United States
than those losers know who live there every day.
One doesn't need to ask
themselves how it is,
and one needs to either read or travel.
It is if one in Cairo
desires meatballs with onion
which taste like mom has made them.
Or like at a cafe
in Paris, order herring
and if they hesitate, point your forehead at them.
Like holding soccer in font of
a lousy pyramid,
and a schottische before Beethoven's mystique.
Then you become someone like a German
in northern Italy,
and then you get all the love you deserve.
'Yes, love is beautiful
it is people who are ugly.'
like Wennerberg says when he is speaking.
Should one blame the system
or perhaps one's self?
Who decides what one thinks one should do?
But that which only closes one's eyes
is not really blind
even if it was the devil so comfortabe.
And if the welfare state
gives a constant quandary
you may perhaps go and look at yourself in the mirror.
From my cliff in Liguria
I see farmers who go
and turn their scythes down in the valley.
They work with their bodies
under The Sun's white ball,
for the old ones, the women and children.
In my cottage I am everything
out in the world nothing.
Which value do I want to give myself?
Will I ever understand
the earth we come from
may I see a crumb of humility!

Cherished Treasure

you are my only cherished treasure
that i can't fully understand
the loveliness that you've created
is a glimpse of your magnificence
you are the one i look for
my heart awaits for you - my happiness
in the beauty of the morning
you are the one i'm longing for
repeat *
you are the one i look for
i feel your presence
when i look at someone else
of all the things you've made
i still prefer to gaze upon your face


His life is defined
by the glamour of the women's world,
by the beautiful appearance and reality,
by the game and big money.
He's so strange,
so mysterious.
He never talks too much
and always knows what he wants.
He's a gigolo,
a man of the world.
It's his lifestyle
that the women like.
A gigolo,
a man of the world,
the very special kind
that the women like.
He wants all or nothing
if he surrenders
so she fully
succumbs to his charm
He never goes too far
if she falls for him
The very special kind
that the women like.
He's a gigolo,
a man of the world.
It's his lifestyle
that the women like.
A gigolo,
a man of the world,
the very special kind
that the women like.
He's a gigolo [x2]
A gigolo
He's a gigolo,
a man of the world.
It's his lifestyle
that the women like.
A gigolo,
a man of the world,
the very special kind
that the women like.

Never Again

Between the graves in the evening light,
on a stone, I wait there for you.
And like a veil, the time
that we lost hangs over what I have left.
Never again doubt or freeze
Never again lose everything
Never again be broken
Never again, alone forever
A thousand thoughts are spinning within me
Hear your voice and know you're here
Feel your mouth and kiss it softly
Won't let you go till the morning awakens
Never again doubt or freeze
Never again lose everything
Never again be broken
Never again, alone forever
Never again
Never again
Never again
Never again doubt or freeze
Never again lose everything
Never again be broken
Never again, alone forever [x2]

Brothers in Spirit

Limitless, all rules overboard
We forget the time, drive from place to place
There's nothing that holds us captive
Free from everything, we're the kings of the world
We're brothers in spirit for eternity
We'll fly so far, so far
Brothers in spirit, forever and here
Because we're like pitch and sulfur,1
we are.
We go our own way, off the rails
You're not like me and I'm not like you
We're invincible when we're together
Against the rest of the world and as free as the wind
We're brothers in spirit for eternity
We'll fly so far, so far
Brothers in spirit, forever and here
Because we're like pitch and sulfur,
we are.
And the night belongs to us
Come, pour me a drink
What comes now
will be the good old stories of tomorrow
We're brothers in spirit for eternity
We'll fly so far, so far
Brothers in spirit, forever and here
Because we're like pitch and sulfur,
we are.
  • 1. 'wie Pech und Schwefel' is an idiomatic expression similar to 'thick as thieves,' it means they are very close friends. I left this as a literal translation because it suits the band well.

Következő megálló: akárhol

Eugén: Elmegyünk az úton és átsétálunk a magaslaton
Aranyhaj: Azt hiszem, épp csak fel fogjuk fedezni, hol fekszik a sorsunk
Eugén: Ki törődik, milyen sötét lesz, hiszen itt vagy nekem te
Aranyhaj: Itt vagyok neked
Eugén & Aranyhaj: Szóval menjünk, hogy lássuk, hogy ez az egész dolog merre tart
Következő megálló: akárhol
Aranyhaj: És én ott vagyok, ahol kell lennem veled a közelemben
Eugén & Aranyhaj: Következő megálló: akárhol
Eugén: Szembe nézve minden veszéllyel elválaszthatatlanul kapcsolva
Eugén & Aranyhaj: Következő megálló: akárhol
Aranyhaj: Bár lehet, hogy kemény lesz számunkra
Eugén: Elegen vagyunk hozzá
Eugén & Aranyhaj: Következő megálló: akárhol
Aranyhaj: És a világ vár
Eugén: Érzem, hogy vár
Aranyhaj: Új kalandokkal, hogy megosszuk
Eugén: Mindenhol
Eugén & Aranyhaj: Mindenhol

Minden, amit eddig hittem, tudtam

Azt hittem egy kivetett vagyok, azt hittem egyedül állok
Egy gazember, egy tolvaj, egy joker, egy hellyel sem, mit otthonomnak hívhatok
Azt hittem, senki sem tudna szeretni, és honnan tudhattam volna
Tévedtem, ó, nagyot tévedtem
Aztán azt hittem, megtaláltam, az álmot, amit meg tudok osztani
Azt hittem olyan szerencsés voltam, majdnem nem is volt korrekt
Azt hittem, tudom a célomat, azt hittem, hogy tudom hova
Tartozom, de tévedtem
Minden, amit eddig hittem, tudtam
Ahol voltam, ahová megyek
Minden, amire számítottam valótlanná vált
Gondolhattam volna, tudnom kellett volna
Most már azt teszem
Minden, amiért elindultam, minden, amit terveztem
Minden kedves emlékem homokból épült vár volt
Most, hogy ez mind szétmállik, segíts megérteni
Ha semmi sem volt bennem valós, akkor kinek is kéne valójában lennem
És minden, amit eddig hittem, tudtam
Minden remény, minden érzelem
Szerelem és bizalom és boldogság és beszövés átment rajtam
És mi maradt, csakis én
Még egyszer, tudnom kellett volna
Most már azt teszem
Gondolom az életem semmit sem ért, gondolom egy csaló voltam
Gondolom most más vagyok, azon tűnődöm, ki vagyok

Maiden's Tears

How few of bald-shaved're in this building,
How few of them're in other homes.
How few of bald-shaved're out of prison,
So many more are doing time.
I'll tell you of the dreams,
I'll tell you what it's like,
I'll tell you where pain is,
I'll tell you what is high...
All maiden's tears're just a bluff,
They'll only last until the spring.
The spring will pass, and separation pain will too,
And like a dream your childish dreams will melt like snow in spring.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

Hadd tegyelek büszkévé

Talán elrontottam dolgokat
És talán van okod rá, hogy kételkedj bennem
Talán, de nem kevésbé
Ha csak egyszer meg tudnál bennem bízni
Most csak egyszer hadd váltsam be a reményeket számodra
Úgy, ahogy tőlem azt várod
Hadd tegyelek büszkévé
Hadd mutassam a bennem rejlő legjobbat
Hadd adjak neked okot, hogy elhidd,
Hogy magasra tudok állni
És amikor visszatérek
És több leszek, mit álmodtál volna, hogy leszek
Talán akkor majd rájössz, hogy soha sem ismertél engemet egyáltalán
Persze, sokat hibáztam
Tudom, hogy csalódást okoztam számodra
Még, bár, bármi is lesz
Meg fogom javítani, csak nézz
Csak várj még, kárpótlom neked
Ha ez az utolsó dolog is, amit teszek
Büszkévé teszlek
Elérem, hogy higgy bennem
Bizonyítani fogom hogy, ahogy eddig csináltam
Az már rég elmúlt
Megmentem a napot
És diadalmasan térek ide vissza
Mert arra a meglepett nézésre vágyom, amikor meglátod a fiadat emelkedni végre
A büszkeséget szemeidben, amikor meglátod a fiadat emelkedni végre!

Hadd tegyelek büszkévé (Reprise)

A mélyére fogok ennek hatolni.

Büszkévé teszlek
Megszerzem a válaszokat és szabaddá teszlek
Ne aggódj, bármit kell tennem
Megtalálom a módját
És megesküszöm most
Hogy, nem számít mi jön rám
Bárki aki utamban áll, vagy állt
Meg-... fi-... zet

Fordított varázslat

Hervadás és hanyatlás
Vess véget e sorsnak
Törd össze e földi láncokat
És ereszd a szellemet szabadjára
A szellemet szabadjára

Tedd magad szabaddá

Bezárva egy toronyba
Falak mögött tartva
Óvva egy világtól, amit alig ismerek
Így bánnak veled
És mi a legrosszabb ebben?
Kit hibáztatnak? Csak téged, egyedül téged
Sokkal több van benned, mit mások láthatnák
És most a választás a tiéd
Élet vár az ajtón túl
Szóval lépd át, eljött az idő
És csakis te teheted magad szabaddá
Senki sem mondhatja meg neked mit tégy, vagy ki légy
Senkinek nincs joga, hogy maradj, vagy menj
Szóval használd az ajándékodat, amit kaptál
Alakítsd sajátoddá a világot
Nézz magadba és találd meg a kulcsot
És tedd magad szabaddá
Megkötve saját aggodalmaiddal
Csapdában tartva a hibáiddal
Kényszerítve egy szerep játszására, mit sosem választottál
Miért is ne tedd próbára a határokat?
Megvan rá, minden ami kell
Engedd ki és kövesd merre tart
Nem hagyunk mostantól senkit tininek nézni
Tudod, hogy erős vagy
Tudtad ezt mindig is
Szóval ragadd meg a napot, ereszd ki a hajad
Találsz egy utat, hogy szabaddá tedd magad
Most már csak rajtad áll, hogy mit csinálsz, vagy kivé válsz
Neked kell eldöntened, hogy milyen messze és milyen bőre mész
Szóval nézz a látóhatárra
Nyisd ki szárnyaid
Szállj el, hogy megtaláld a sorsod
És szabaddá tedd magad


Magda Lemonnier kivág szavakat az újságokból
mindenféle méretű szavakat
és kis dobozkákba teszi
Egy piros tároló
a dühösen-vadaknak.
Egy zöld szelence
a szerelmes szavaknak.
Egy azúrkék dobozka
a semlegeseknek.
Egy sárga pikszis
a elkedvetlenedeteknek.
És végül egy átlátszó skatulya
szavaknak, melyek mágikusan hatnak.
Néha, Magda kinyitja mindet
szájukkal az asztalra fordítja,
hogy a szavak keveredjenek ahogyan szeretnének.
Aztán a szavak megmondják
Mi történik és bejelentik mi jön még.

I'd go anywhere reprise

Eugene: Don't forget, wherever you go, I won't leave your side.
Rapunzel: I know well that with you, life can't flow away.
Eugene: Black night doesn't count, 'cause you will always
Rapunzel: have me!
Both: With you, my heart lifts at the sky!
Let's go anywhere!
Rapunzel: I can imagine my life with you in it
Both: Let's go anywhere!
Eugene: Do not fear, I won't quail, I'll protect your step
Both: Let's go anywhere!
Rapunzel: Let crazy big danger come
Eugene: we can easily win!
Both: Let's go whatever awaits!
Rapunzel: Cause the life is calling!
Eugene: Your heart is conqueering
Rapunzel: And a new track calls!
Whatever awaits!
Eugene: Whatever awaits!
Both: Whatever awaits!

Time Heals All Wounds

Give me my courage back
My strength, so I can go
Burnt child shies away from the fire
But if not now, then when?
Throw the old coat in the dust
The old days are long gone
And I breathe the fresh wind,
it blows my lungs free
Because time heals all wounds
And after the ebb tide comes the tide
I didn't find what I was looking for,
But in the ashes there are still embers, still embers
You take me as I am,
You act against reason
You banish every doubt within me
You hold my heart in your hand
You've brought my rudderless ship
back on course
Because time heals all wounds
And after the ebb tide comes the tide
I didn't find what I was looking for,
But in the ashes there are still embers, still embers,
still embers
Because time heals all wounds
And after the ebb tide comes the tide
I didn't find what I was looking for,
But in the ashes there are still embers, still embers

The Devil's Bride

A handful of stars
Your eyes are rays
Lights in the night
My longing is torture
And the pale moon
bestows his light on us
Shadows dance, ghostlike,
in the darkness, just for you
Risen and awakened
Spit out into the night
I've been looking for you for so long
And I know you belong to me
I have entrusted myself to you
Everyone knows you're the devil's bride,
the devil's bride
Forgotten is the pain
Don't know anymore what I know
I'm pressing against your mouth
So naked and so hot
The desire burns me
Rain falls in my heart
But the radiance of your eyes
has brightened my night
Risen and awakened
Spit out into the night
I've been looking for you for so long
And I know you belong to me
I've entrusted myself to you
Everyone knows you're the devil's bride,
the devil's bride
When dawn breaks, I'm lost,
restless when the day disappears
I almost go under,
I don't see your eyes.
I've been looking for you for so long
And I know you belong to me
I've entrusted myself to you
Everyone knows you're the devil's bride
I've been looking for you for so long
And I know you belong to me
I've entrusted myself to you
Everyone knows you're the devil's bride,
the devil's bride


Versions: #2
О о о, когда твоя рука касается моей
О о о, когда ты устраиваешься у меня на плече
Я не люблю ходить рядом с тобой, наши руки то и дело соприкасаются
И каждый раз я хочу удержать её, но не могу
Я не люблю сидеть рядом с тобой, Ты облокотишься на меня и уснёшь
Пока ты будешь спать, мы будем грезить о разных вещах
Когда я рядом с тобой, мне сложно прятать свои чувства
Я больше не могу быть тебе просто хорошим другом
О о о, когда твоя рука касается моей
О о о, когда ты устраиваешься у меня на плече
Я не люблю, когда ты плачешь передо мной, ведь моё сердце разрывается от боли
Я готов сделать всё для тебя, но я не 'тот' человек
Я хочу побыть вот так с тобой рядом ещё чуточку дольше
Но я больше не могу смотреть тебе в глаза и скрывать свои чувства.
Когда я рядом с тобой, мне сложно прятать свои чувства
Я больше не могу быть тебе просто хорошим другом
О о о, когда твоя рука касается моей
О о о, когда ты устраиваешься у меня на плече
Я приду к тебе, я признаюсь тебе сейчас, я хочу держать тебя за руку
Я приду к тебе, я признаюсь тебе сейчас, я хочу мечтать о том же, о чём и ты
Когда я рядом с тобой, мне сложно прятать свои чувства
Я больше не могу быть тебе просто хорошим другом
О о о, когда твоя рука касается моей
О о о, когда ты устраиваешься у меня на плече
О о о, когда твоя рука касается моей
О о о, когда ты устраиваешься у меня на плече

I saw a dream

I saw a dream, then I chase it
I play, the guitar is in my hands
Against the wind, I sail the sail
Don't cross my path, ıt's futile
seas'd be deep
the waves'd be surpassed
the hurricanes'd never blow out
I'm more than these
I saw a dream, then I chase it
I play, the guitar is in my hands
Against the wind, I sail the sail
Don't cross my path, ıt's futile
I wish you are stone, not the rain
Make it rain above the hills
I wish you won't stop day and night
I'm more than these
I saw a dream, then I chase it
I play, the guitar is in my hands
Against the wind, I sail the sail
Don't cross my path, ıt's futile

Just dance all Summer long

I don't want to stand in a traffic jam anymore
due to our fear of the future
From school, to work
From the bar, out into the countryside
Course of life experienced second-hand
Everything according to the building plans
(Writing) graffiti on the walls
but secretly saving to build our own place
Everyone mimics each other
in the office and around the world
Forge networks, build nests
Shadows driving in a carousel
spin in neon light in accord with their great master
but even great catastrophes are experienced by small souls
Next guy, please
Next girl, please
I sit in our park, while I type the lines
Turn off the computer
cancel your meetings
turn your phone off
now, get on your bike and go into the city
Head in the driving wind
Hands on the wheel
Everyone wears what was trendy in their childhood
(but) We're much too old to be cool
Go out into the Summer, it will be cold soon enough
who knows what will happen,
when it becomes Winter again
I throw myself into the waves
Watch where the wind takes me
In order to be stranded on our island without a plan
I just want to dance the whole Summer
Who knows what's going to happen,
how cold Winter will be
I throw myself into the waves
Watch where the wind takes me
In order to be stranded on our island without a plan
I just want to dance for an entire Summer
I don't want to stand in traffic jams for the career ladder
Poison flows through the ranks and kills the spirit for life
Applying for positions, outsiders
It happens very quickly
Before it breaks your head,
allow yourselves to be hired
One after another
Into the office and away from the window
Shovel coal,
Feed on chalk
Shadows live like ghosts,
spin in neon light in accord with their great master
but even great catastrophes are experienced by small souls
Next guy, please
Next girl, please
I sit in our public swimming pool, while I type the lines
Rip yourself away from your work,
take the kids to your parents' house
Maritime law starts at the edge of your fishbowl[1],
Sunlight and strong tide
Beer by bottle,
French fries made of old fat
This is what life feels like
Beyond workdesk and sleeping in your bed
We pretend the gray asphalt is a meadow
Go out into the Summer, it will be cold soon enough
who knows what will happen,
when it becomes Winter again
I throw myself into the waves
Watch where the wind takes me
In order to be stranded on our island without a plan
I just want to dance the whole Summer
Who knows what's going to happen,
how cold Winter will be
I throw myself into the waves
Watch where the wind takes me
In order to be stranded on our island without a plan
I just want to dance for an entire Summer
Head in the driving wind
Hands on the wheel
Everyone wears what was trendy in their childhood
(but) We're much too old to be cool
Go out into the Summer, it will be cold soon enough
who knows what will happen,
when it becomes Winter again
I throw myself into the waves
Watch where the wind takes me
In order to be stranded on our island without a plan
I just want to dance the whole Summer
Who knows what's going to happen,
Whether it will ever be winter again
I throw myself into the waves
Watch where the wind takes me
In order to be stranded on our island without a plan
I just want to dance for an entire Summer


The restless waves sing its lament all night
Loneliness accompanies me in this vigil
Agitated I pace, and stubbornly keep watch
This ocean I will traverse
The glow of the lighthouse blazes through the fog
That steadfast, enduring love
Suddenly I understand, struck to the bone
And boldly scream out the sobs
By the light of the moon and stars, traveling, pursuing, day and night
So be it if all is fruitless
No longer are my sights aimless
The brine has washed away my fury
The glow of the lighthouse blazes through the fog
That ever-standing, ever-lasting love
Suddenly I understand, struck to the bone
And wantonly scream out the sobs
The one whom I loved, where are you?
Perhaps you've already left, this journey half-traveled
Already left, disappeared
Still I have the lighthouse, its dazzling glare
That is my final deliverance
That is my final refuge
I tried to convey the emotions in the original lyrics while maintaining the correct meanings, without translating word for word.

Listen (Esmaee اسمعي)

My woe, what happened to me?
Loved you
Ever since I saw your eyes
Loved you
& you stole me from me
Loved you
Loved you
I Ioved you
Listen, listen
My heart beats
are telling you to come
are telling you
How much do I love you,
& go crazy for you,
& die for you,
for your eyes?
Stay with me
Stay with me
Stay with me
I'm your own maniac (would go crazy for you)
It's not allowed for you to run away
I love you with millis (millimeters)
For me, stay
I'm in deep love with you,
melted by your eyes.
My heart is your own maniac
I can't cheat on you

I'm determined

Versions: #2
Did I upset you?
(if so) then what was it about?
why do you hide your eyes from me?
what's up with you? there's something wrong about you
tell me anything, darling.Don't make it harder on me.
I'm determined, not leaving till you talk
I can't leave you to pain.why are you quiet, darling?
did I annoy You?did I say something that should haven't been said?
I'm not leaving & not letting you go
till I understand What's going on
tell me, darling honestly.leave your feelings to me
let me know the reason behind the tear in your eyes
we're (facing each other) eye to eye, but I feel a distance between us
we're losing things that are valuable to us
If you want to gently blame me, do it, why thinking too much ?
this's the right time before the sorrows grow
darling, why do you surrender me to this confusion?
If the mistake is mine then forgive me.

The people of Israel lives

Sometimes it’s hard and I need comfort,
The fear spreads, filling the soul,
It’s not easy to deal with,
And it looks like there is no way out,
I’m looking for a shoulder to lean on.
Suddenly there is a gust of hope,
I have the power of a nation within me,
From my brothers comes my strength,
Holding their hands and singing:
The people of Israel lives!
I put up both my hands,
Look ahead - enough with the despair!
We are all brothers and I’m with you for sure.
The people of Israel lives!
In the news we are hearing threats,
Israel’s a small country, surrounded by enemies,
Many people are without a livelihood,
But what will tomorrow bring?
I’m feeling lost and alone...

Perform Magic

The rivers shimmer phosphorous green
No birds fly in the sky anymore
You barely dare to go outside
No more drops of clear water
Floods are rising over the shore
And it even affects the good ones
Maybe I'm too biased,
but I would never have gone that far.
If I could perform magic,
and I was here at home,
If I could perform magic,
I wouldn't need hell anymore.
Greed has driven you far,
as if everything belongs to you.
You forgot to love enough
and have almost destroyed everything already.
Maybe I'm too biased,
but I would never have gone that far.
If I could perform magic,
and I was here at home,
If I could perform magic,
I wouldn't need hell anymore.
You yourselves have fixed it up here
even worse than in hell.
Now it really only helps to pray
I would've never thought that myself
If I could perform magic,
and I was here at home,
If I could perform magic,
I wouldn't need hell anymore. [x3]

We never prepare for so much love

I've been thinking about the things which we never did
And I've been thinking about the kisses which we didn't give ourselves anymore
Because you leave without me
Without me
Here imagining the things which I would like
I remember the times when you told me
'Stay, stay, don't go'
And I approached, I stayed
Looking at you
The full moon appeared
And he hid in the stars
So much, so much love
We never prepare for so much love
Looking at you
The whole world felt it
And it began in an instant
So much, so much love
We never prepare for so much love
I invented a way so that you come back
That you forget the things which hurt you sometimes
Remember that I've always been by your side
And they didn't allow us to persists
Because I solved it with him
That you and me, we were going to live
In the magical world
Something romantic
I will stay with you
He told me and I waited for you
Looking at you
The full moon appeared
And he hid in the stars
So much, so much love
We never prepare for so much love
Looking at you
The whole world felt it
And it began in an instant
So much, so much love
We never prepare for so much love
Looking at you
I realize that dying
It's easier than living without you
But the kisses remain
And in those memories I wait for you
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

I Love You So Much

(I love you.)
Tell me that your love does not die.
It is like the golden sun that dies nevermore.
Tell me that you never betray me.
My dream of love forever is you.
Beloved, I love you so much.
I have no one in the world dearer than you.
I love you, you are my great love.
The life of my heart is only you.
(Beloved, I love you so much.)
(I have no one in the world dearer than you.)
I love you, you are my great love.
The life of my heart is only you.
(Beloved, I love you so much.)