Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 20



Azt kell mondjam, hogy te egy jó srác vagy,
De tudjuk mindketten: ezek hazug szavak.
Rémálom volt veled barátkozni,
Ideje tehát most elköszönni.
Nem mondhatom: viszlát!
Mert akkor belőlem hamburgert csinálsz.
Elmondom a suliban, hogy veszett vagy,
Csak az lesz a dolguk, hogy kirúgjanak.
Remélem karanténba helyeznek,
vagy bezárnak, míg tizennyolc leszel.
Mert akkor soha nem kell attól félnem,
Hogy hirtelen leharapod a fülem.
Légyszi, ne harapd le!
Nem mondhatom: viszlát!
Az arcom túl felismerhetetlen lenne.
Ha a házadat áthelyeztetném innen,
Északnyugatra lennél költözni kénytelen.
Feladhatnálak autólopás miatt,
Mehetnél dolgozni bányásznak.
(F)eladhatnálak ládában Katarba,
Vagy kebab gyanánt egy koszos pub-ba.
(Amúgy nem igazi hús)
Rávehetném őket, hogy az úton hagyjanak,
Egy cirkusznak Dél-Amerikában eladjanak.
Ott ragadhatnál egy piactéren (örökké),
Küldenélek inkább Valahová esküvőre - menyasszonyként.
Nem mondhatom: viszlát!
Mert semmi értelme, hogy letagadjam.
Nem akarok veled barátkozni,
Szóval csináld csak, amit meg akartál tenni...

Viszlát! (Goodbye)

Azt kell mondjam, hogy te egy jó srác vagy,
De tudjuk mindketten: ezek hazug szavak.
Rémálom volt veled barátkozni,
Ideje tehát most elköszönni.
Nem mondhatom: viszlát!
Mert akkor belőlem hamburgert csinálsz.
Elmondom a suliban, hogy veszett vagy,
Csak az lesz a dolguk, hogy kirúgjanak.
Remélem karanténba helyeznek,
vagy bezárnak, míg tizennyolc leszel.
Mert akkor soha nem kell attól félnem,
Hogy hirtelen leharapod a fülem.
Légyszi, ne harapd le!
Nem mondhatom: viszlát!
Az arcom túl felismerhetetlen lenne.
Ha a házadat áthelyeztetném innen,
Északnyugatra lennél költözni kénytelen.
Feladhatnálak autólopás miatt,
Mehetnél dolgozni bányásznak.
(F)eladhatnálak ládában Katarba,
Vagy kebab gyanánt egy koszos pub-ba.
(Amúgy nem igazi hús)
Rávehetném őket, hogy az úton hagyjanak,
Egy cirkusznak Dél-Amerikában eladjanak.
Ott ragadhatnál egy piactéren (örökké),
Küldenélek inkább Valahová esküvőre - menyasszonyként.
Nem mondhatom: viszlát!
Mert semmi értelme, hogy letagadjam.
Nem akarok veled barátkozni,
Szóval csináld csak, amit meg akartál tenni...


Tésztácska, tésztácska,
Incsi-fincsi tésztácska.
Formálhatsz, megsüthetsz,
Ó, mily csuda móka ez.
Lehetek reggeli,
vagy tízórai.
Vacsorád is lehetek,
vagy épp az ebéded.
Tésztácska, tésztácska,
Incsi-fincsi tésztácska.
Formálhatsz, megsüthetsz,
Ó, mily csuda móka ez.

A nap

Zoknik és koszos trikók,
Pedig oly bűvös csoda napom volt.
De lám az álom köddé vált,
Eszébe sem jutok már tán?
A régi múlt, a boldogság,
De már eszébe sem jut a nagy nap...

Start Thinking

Do not despair with life,
I was suffering from stupidity,
My ultimate dream was some intelligence.
Thinking was the pinnacle of the impossible.
Like a turtle, in understanding and analysis.
The matter has changed after today,
No laziness, lethargy, stop! Knowledge will last.
Start thinking without fail.
Reap the fruits of your abundant efforts.
Think, decide, occupy your big mind.
Get ready for genius, for knowledge the appetite is opened.
Think, think, think
You decide.

The Baddest Kid In Prison

I cheated on the test
And the dreams all vanished
A prisoner in my school
I wasted my life
I took the road of the darkness
And wore the clothes of strife
I forgot all my manners
And I wasted my life
I used to love peace
Then I knew vengeance
I cheated and stole
And I wasted my life
They think that prison
Is the penalty for the crime
Prison is cruel
It showed me tragedies
I know my faults
And I wasted my life

My Little Ones

I remember when you were still little, my little ones
I was a giant who helped you stand up if you fell down
And life was a single, funny ride, my little ones
We always laughed as the world went around
I was a hero who let you go
I was a hero who made you understand
And now you're no longer so little, my little ones
You know so much more than I can imagine
And I'm a dad, though, not a hero, my little ones
To be, to be a dad, it's good enough for me

My Little Ones

I remember when you were still little,
My little ones.
I was the giant, who picked you up, when you fell down.
And life was just one funny riddle,
My little ones.
We laughed everyday as the world went around.
I was the hero,
Who taught you how to talk.
I was the hero,
Who taught you how to walk.
And now you're no longer so little,
My little ones,
You'll see so much more than I ever will see.
And though I'm just Dad, not a hero,
My little ones,
Being just Dad's good enough for me.

What He Thinks About Us

I feel like...
I feel like...!
Ever since I was a young fish, I was silent all the time.
Never spilled out what's been sitting inside, but now I'm ready.
I kept my feelings deep inside, but now the world will know
Exactly what I feel about every boy and girl.
Boy or girl!
He's gonna say everything he thinks
He's gonna start expressing his opinion
He's gonna say everything he thinks
To every boy or girl
Masami's popular and funny,
But she is only loved because she's insanely rich.
We only love you because you're insanely rich!
Jamie's extremely impolite,
Because she's half-cow, half-caveman.
Half-cow, half-caveman!
Carrie thinks she's special,
But she's just another bummed out ghost.
Just another bummed out ghost!
Joe, your jokes aren't funny,
And you sing like a dog getting shots!

What He Thinks About Us

I'm feeling,
I'm feeling!
I remember when I was little I was always silent
And I never said anything until now, I can't go on like this.
I shared everything, but only in my mind, I'm fed up with it.
I'll state my opinion, so listen up.
So listen up!
What will he say now?
Will it be best for us?
What will he say now?
It's bound to be something new.
Everyone likes Masami,
Because she has a pile of money
Because she has a pile of money!
Jamie has herself some horns,
Is she a cow or a goat?
A cow or a goat?!
Carrie thinks that she's a hit,
But it's just a pathetic emo look.
Just a pathetic emo look!
Joe are you really unaware,
that you sing like a dog with rabies?!

Because We're Men

Ms. Simian: It's just a part of life
Gumball: Are you saying we're grown-ups now?
Ms. Simian: Apparently so
Gumball: Did you hear that? The shooting star worked
Ms. Simian: Now get back to class
Gumball&Darwin: Alright ms. Simian
Gumball: Wait a minute we don't have to listen anymore because we're men!
We're gonna test drive a car
And say we need a little time to think about it
Because we're men
We're gonna pay more for the movies
And chop down trees, and eat a lot of meat
Because we're men
And we can have our own kids
But we're gonna wait until we
Meet the right person because it's an important decision
But in the meantime, we can barbecue
Buy power tools
Get tattoos
Buy our own sho-o-oes
Gumball: Wait no we can't we don't have any money *aaah*
Let's get jobs!

Set me free

Until today, I led a nice life
No problems, no pain
I have a wife and a child,
And the days are all infinitely alike.
But there's something in the deepest part of me
That only wants its voice to be heard
And I believe, my friends, that the moment has come
From before you, to strip myself bare...
I want to sing, I want to dance
I want to touch the sky, I want to fly away
To sing to the world so that it gives me faith
And lets me finally be myself!
To sing and to dance,
Tonight, believe me, I will give it my all!
So play with me at the Sun King,
Follow me to Wonderland!
I will dance hip hop and the slide up
Twist, rock, waltz and java
Tango, pelado and the cha-cha-cha!
So break my chains and set me free!
Like petals in the wind, like a rose at spring,
Like a thief and his money, like fish in the current,
Like a puppet without movement, like a people without a tyrant,
Like all these utterly completely mind-blowing things!
Set me free!

So Wonderful To Be

Up till now, my life's been fine
I'm doing I admit it
A great woman, a child also
And every day I have always be the same
But something in me knows very well
That I want to be only free
And now is right time
To offer you my plan...
I wanna just sing and dance too
Get to where you maybe don't come
It is a dream that I have, it's lightess
Makes me better being!
Just keep singing
I calmly endure whole day
My singing is a gift that I want to give you
So sing and dance forever
So hip-hop and tea, cholesterol is gone
And you're both dance rock and roll
Or tango, fandango, manero, perej
I want to fly like a bird, but continued to singing
As in bird wings of and swan songs
Or shod boot or unwashed underpants
Like a puppet without strings, or conquer the castle
And life can be wonderdul, wonderful to be!
So wonderful to be!!

Refund the world

Darwin: He bought a pice of junk, and it becomes
Gumball: Even little Jimmy, as a customer has rights
Darwin: In the box, he must live now
Gumball: It seems to that it wad a scam
Both: Even though he has a valid receipt

Goodbye, Martial Arts

Gumball: Dreams can be wonderdul, and also have them
Darwin: I find in them what I seek, I increasingly asking
Gumball: We are still the children, or time came?
Darwin: Grow up, give a change to mediocrity
Gumball: There isn't way back
Darwin: No 'hi-ya'
Gumball: So now you can't sing
Both: And dreams with us forever says goodbye
Only in the heart we can have this dream

Yeah a Lady

She's so beautiful, she shines like the day
When you see her glance, it's like a dream
Calmly will move the mountain or flares up the blaze
But she can calmly break a few hearts
She's a lady
Yeah a lady
She looks like an angel from the above sent
She's a lady
Yeah a lady
I'm crazy into that cat
From her everybody have virus named love
Perhaps that the lady will be only mine
That lady will be only mine
Yeah that lady will be only mine