Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 16

Találatok száma: 577


Come Fly With Me (The Adventure)

Versions: #2
Don't hang your head
Even though you're sad
The world isn't that bad
It's just what you see in it
Just look around
I'll show you the way
You're not on your own
Life doesn't amount to anything
It's what you make of it
Everything will be different from now
It's time to awake
Come along with me
This is your chance
Grab it at once
Come fly with me
Over land and sea
For the adventure lies beyond the horizon
Whomever, whatever you may be
This is the moment
It's now or never, fly away and don't look back
There's more beyond that border than you'll ever imagine
There's a story you've never heard of waiting in every corner
Live your life as a movie
Throw your fears overboard
a day isn't that long
Do what you have to do
And just don't be afraid
Come fly with me
Over land and sea
For the adventure lies beyond the horizon
Whomever, whatever you may be
This is the moment
It's now or never, fly away and don't look back
There's more beyond that border than you'll ever imagine
Just choose who you are
Do you act the villain or a hero
Are you a beautiful princess or are you just yourself
Come fly with me
Over land and sea
For the adventure lies beyond the horizon
Whomever, whatever you may be
This is the moment
It's now or never, fly away and don't look back
There's more beyond that border than you'll ever imagine
Spread your wings to a horizon lined with gold
Please alert me when spelling, print or other inconsistencies are spotted. Thank you!

I eat up the mess on the dish completely ...

I eat up the mess on the dish completely.
Look, people, how bravely I protest!
Though I hiccup, but I'll become hard like a Rescuer,
And was taken for this idea to a detoxification centre.
There began to play the music for everybody,
And old and young accustomed to keep order -
Dance generally gymnastics,
But I - fell with momentum like lumberjacks:
Play tango - I dance squating.
A fish-day was declared - what are we sad about?
Whiting with butter into the throat - and we keep silence like fish.
Become cheerful: whiting salmon - fraternized,
There will come a bird-day - we shall fly,
We fall down - so spirits on the injury.

I believe in the heart's truth

When I close my eyes, I feel you, I hear you
I know you miss me too
I whisper my longing and remember your words
Back to me, I'll get you soon
You can never forget
I only believe in the heart's truth
When I get you back to me
I'll thank only my heart and
I can believe in its truth
When you encounter love
It can bring you together
It can last forever too
When I got your love, I swore
I can't give it away
You can never forget
I only believe in the heart's truth
When I get you back to me
I'll thank only my heart and
I can believe in its truth
I feel, with only you
I get new strength in my life
Again you can't forget
My heart, only you
it loves only you

A beautiful day

Versions: #2
There was love, maybe it'll reform
It'll make it, even though it once failed
Tomorrow will have something in store that I saw coming
I wake up and I might recover at some point
And I wish, sometimes even believe
That the solace I saw coming will come
You were gone when I turned back around
I could only spot your shadow
He shook my hand firmly and adviced me to get up
You were gone when I turned back around, you were gone
My feet get stronger, they hold me up
I throw away my evenings but morning forgives
And I'll get up even though I'm falling
I'll get up though I'm falling
You were gone when I turned back around
I could only spot your shadow
He shook my hand firmly
And adviced me to get up
You were gone when I turned back around
I could barely reach your shadow
He escorted you without any explanation
He told me to not follow
You were gone when I turned back around, you were gone
I wake up and I might recover at some point
And I wish, sometimes even believe
That the solace I saw coming will come
Because a day is beautiful

Virgo shrine

I come with you (Really?)
I decided it for a long time (Where?)
From now on we'll go on a trip
If you invite me
Closing my eyes gently (great)
I nod lightly (and then)
Depending on the map of the constellation
We'll go together searching for happiness
Come on, let's ride on a falling star of the Milky Way railroad
The universe of stars are shining on the night sky
Acrossing Pegasus, I went round Taurus
I played with Cancer, and now I'm with you, Leo
I'm going immediately (For real?)
No. I won't regret (With who?)
With who taught me that believing is love
With you, my sweet dear
Dressing a wedding dress (white)
And carrying roses in my arms (full)
Like a pair of lovers in a Shoujo manga
Stars shine in our eyes
Come on, let's ride on a falling star of the Milky Way railroad
From among the stars scattered all over this world
I fell in love with Capricornus, I dumped Scorpio
My first love was Pisces, now I'm crazy for you, Leo
Come on, let's ride on a falling star of the Milky Way railroad
Every night the stars live shining
Only the heartbeat of a love life is a prayer of Virgo
I'm crazy for you young Leo, crazy for you
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Not about you

Versions: #2
This isn't a song about you
Even though one might think so
Nor a song about the times
When we were in other people's courtyard
Kissing against the wall
Couldn't even wait until we got home
This isn't a song about you
Even if you heard a rumour
Nor a song about burning love
A flame that was just lit
One that not even the oceans of the world
Managed to put out
This isn't a song about longing
Nor is it about real life
This isn't a song about love
Nor about terrible sorrow
Not about you
This isn't a song about you
And you shouldn't think so
Nor about how I'm missing
You, won't tell anyone
A beautiful story about us
We never existed after all
This isn't a song about longing
Nor is it about real life
This isn't a song about love
Nor about terrible sorrow
Not about you
This isn't a song about you
This isn't a song about you
This isn't a song about longing
Nor is it about real life
This isn't a song about love
Nor about terrible sorrow
No, not a song about longing
Nor about real life
This isn't a song about love
Nor about terrible sorrow
Not about you
Not about you
Not about you
Not about you

When We Kissed at the Disco

Versions: #2
I saw you for the first time in a new light
It was the summer of our confirmation camp
You had visited a hairdresser in Salo1
You got a cool permanent nest2
I came on to you with coke bottle glasses3
There were no lasers4 back then
Chernobyl created a safety hazard5
But it was a wonderful time
When we fell in love, it was intense
We closed our eyes to the thrill of the time
Your little brother got a Commodore6
We listened to that thrumming every night
Gorbatchev7 visited Manu8
Finland was a door to the world for him.
Bon Jovi drove girls crazy when we kissed at the disco
The depression came and we fought about everything
Money can press down love
We used to thank mom for some crisp bread
When we had no money at all
In the end, my career cost me my family
You can't have everything in life
But the whole 80's you endured me
And it was a wonderful time
When we fell in love, it was intense
We closed our eyes to the thrill of the time
Your little brother got a Commodore
We listened to that thrumming every night
Gorbatchev visited Manu
Finland was a door to the world for him.
Bon Jovi drove girls crazy when we kissed at the disco
We saw each other again at the Lohja Beach Jam9
in 2008
Exactly 15 years had passed
I was still crazy about you
We had both grown up
Yet there was some magic in your eyes
The whole 80's you endured me
And it was a wonderful time
When we fell in love, it was intense
We closed our eyes to the thrill of the time
Your little brother got a Commodore
We listened to that thrumming every night
Gorbatchev visited Manu
Finland was a door to the world for him.
Bon Jovi drove girls crazy when we kissed at the disco
  • 1. A town in south-western Finland
  • 2. A perm hairstyle resembling a bird's nest
  • 3. Eyeglasses with very thick lenses in the frame - named after the thick bottoms of Coca-Cola contour bottles.
  • 4. Night club laser lights
  • 5. The Chernobyl nuclear accident in April 1986.
  • 6. The Commodore 64 home computer.
  • 7. Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet president at the time.
  • 8. Mauno Koivisto, the Finnish president at the time.
  • 9.

Rock'n'roll widow

You're a rock and roller for the sake of being liked
Your motives are impure
With beautiful blonde groupies
Who always serve you, you walk
Being a nitpicker in the songs
You act like a superstar
But something is different
You're cool cool cool cool cool cool
And meanwhile you procrastinate
Rock'n'roll widow
Rock'n'roll widow
Cut it out
I'm not your mama
You're a rock and roller worried about the attention
You carry a golden ring on your right hand
Shouting is an ecstasy
If I get on, I won't come home until the morning
If somebody asks me
My husband died a long time ago
He was a good guy
He was cool cool cool cool cool cool
If I remember, I wanna cry
Rock'n'roll widow
Rock'n'roll widow
Cut it out
You're not the only man
Rock'n'roll widow
Rock'n'roll widow
Rock'n'roll widow
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Draw a circle, it's the world (Austria)

Everyone, today's piece will be sung by me.
You over there! Be quiet!'
Draw a circle, it's the world
Draw a circle, it's the world
Draw a circle, it's the world
I am Austria
Draw a circle, it's the world
Gaze intently, it's the world
Or could it be the world?
I am Austria
Aaah, with just a paintbrush,
The wonderful earth can be seen
Splendid art and music,
I love them
'In Vienna, from many musicians,
Many famous pieces of music were born.
I too will now perform on the piano.
Sit down properly and listen.'
The heart is warmed
By the sweet harmony
Even if my vital regions have been occupied,
'If I can't bring the orchestra along,
My heart will feel troubled.'
'If you were to come to my home,
Please definitely stop by a cafe konditorei.
Along with melange or mokka, please choose the cake that you like.
Even though you say it's delicious, overeating is bad.'
'A question for me? Please go ahead.
... Eh? Will there be pasta?
I have already said that there will be no such things as pasta for meals!
You idiot!'
The earth's countries
Play music in the world
A part of that
Is Austria
Aaah, with just a paintbrush,
The wonderful earth can be seen
The balls that continue until the break of dawn,
The walzer of love
Aaah, throughout the earth,
Recipes of happiness sleep
Let's gather everyone again and play music

A Station in the Wind for the Abandoned

I can see the life withdrawing from your face
A station of a town drifting in the wind1
People shackled to net fences
Under the dust, important like the antiquity
You too are travelling near the ceiling
Where the dust can't reach2
Close your eyes so that nobody can see
Our loneliness
I can't hear your words
Or see the form of your lost halo3
You have split your spirit into parts
Hidden them from yourself, to false images4
You too are travelling near the ceiling
Where the dust can't reach2
Close your eyes so that nobody can see
Our loneliness
Close your eyes so that nobody can see
Our loneliness
You are travelling near the ceiling
Where the dust can't reach2
Close your eyes so that nobody can see
Our loneliness
Close your eyes so that nobody can see
Our loneliness
Close your eyes
  • 1. This sentence is unclear and could also be translated in several other ways such as 'A station in the wind, a flooding town.' The word 'lainehtiva' can translate to either something travelling on the waves of something or something that is flooding.
  • Literally 'Away from the feet of the dust', implying that the dust can't 'stomp' you under its feet
  • 3. The Finnish lyrics might be wrong here as it's sounds like 'Näe muotoa' ([Or] see the form) rather than 'Näen muotoa' (I see the form)
  • 4. 'lumekuva' is hard to translate. 'lume' means something that tricks the eye or cheats you while 'kuva' is a generic word for a picture or an image.

A felhők és a szellem

Én, ki szellemmé váltam, holnap indulok látni téged,
A messzeségbe, s hogy azután mihez kezdek
Azt biztosan nem árulhatom el neked
Én, ki szellemmé váltam, elindultam, hogy lássam
Hogy végződik ez a nyár
A hat tatami méretű földgömbön, a buszmegállóban, egy fa halvány árnyékában
Az éjszaka hűtötte a kezed, miközben a fénycsapda* mellett rugdostad a köveket
A város tompa fényei remegtek
Anélkül, hogy bármit is látnék
Anélkül, hogy bármit is mondanék
Anélkül, hogy bármit is észrevennél
Még így is értettem
Veled ülve, a buszmegállóból feltekintve az ég
Oly kék, csupán ezt tudom biztosan
A felhők oly messze vannak, nemde
Valóban hihetetlen, milyen magasan járnak a felhők éjjel
Tudod ezért, így már minden rendben van
Én, ki szellemmé váltam,
Elindultam, hogy az akkori tájat láthassam
A távoli város tengerpartjára, a vásári bódékhoz a gyerekkoromból
A sétálástól fáradt lábaimmal, az ott lévő padra
Leülök, egy buszra várva,
De vajon ezután mihez kezdek majd
Miért is kezdtem el sétálni egyáltalán
Anélkül, hogy bármit is tudnék
Anélkül, hogy bármit is hallhatnék
Még ha egy nap el is felejted
Én akkor is látni foglak
A nyár árnyékában ülni és a viharfelhőket
Bámulni is fájdalmas valahogy
Az ég oly magas, nemde
Ha örökké így csak mehetnék a messzeségbe, az jó lenne de,
Többé már nem alszom, csak éjjel*
Veled ülve, a buszmegállóból feltekintve az ég
Oly kék, csupán ezt tudom biztosan
A felhők oly messze vannak, nemde
Éjjel a felhők magasan járnak, ez valóban furcsa
Ezért hát, így hát
Számodra is, már minden rendben van
Én, ki szellemmé váltam, holnap indulok,
Meglátni téged a messzeségben, s azután vajon mihez kezdjek
Számodra úgyis biztos láthatatlan leszek

The Woman Textile Worker of December

If only I write down my obscure address
the blue sea pictures postcard would return.
Our past summer
We still didn't meet and talk about it
That promise turned into stars.
How much will I pray to come true?
When will we meet if I wait?
My heart needs you
I'm even wandering beyond the universe.
You resembled someone when I passed by
Suddenly I left my body with you.
I'm too busy at the town
Being lonely is sad
I dance with a snow powder, now it's December.
Is love a forgetful thing?
Is the gentle gesture also a lie?
My mind coldly grows numb
I can't be the person who is embracing you.
In the mirror, my thin neck back
Even if the evidence of love disappears
How much will I pray to come true?
When will we meet if I wait?
My heart needs you
I'm even wandering beyond the universe.
If I come in the next summer
believe that I will meet you
On that beach
believe that I will meet you...

My Camels

Camel, my camel,
On this short stay, short stay
What to do, do?...
What to do, do?...
A vision of many shrub-like legs
Standing tall and high-browed
So upright, so straight, quivering
Bucking, robust and stalky
My camels are everywhere
On this short stay, short stay
What to do, do?...
What to do, do?...
Calm and round-eyed
Here is a heavenly view
Overwhelming mortal grandeur
So beats the heart of a lion

My Mother, She Stays So Far Away

Versions: #2
The faint image of her brilliance is shining
Remembering my mother's lasting devotion
Her son will come, she would say carrying the milk
Yes it seems she is looking on from far away
My mother, she stays so far away
She was to me most cherished, my life's blood
The expansive skies without any clouds
The power of my mother's prayers are seen
On the dry dung-burning stove is tepid tea
I sigh and look in the distance for you
My mother, she stays so far away
She was to me most cherished, my life's blood
The blue tinged mountains rise and cry
Your loving son's heart is very pure
You have an good man, he is your son
I wish you could be with me to lessen the grief
My mother, she stays so far away
She was to me most cherished, my life's blood

Until 6AM

I think about you daily
I think about where you are and what are you doing there
I can't sleep without you
I stay awake until 3AM, 5AM, 6AM
Your plane could land by now
I'll be meeting you at the airport
The flight is delayed, I'm waiting for you
I'll wait til 3AM, 5AM, 6AM
Hey baby
There has been too many days
Without making out
What are we fighting for
We both know how to make this up
So baby
Baby when I look at you
And you slowly start to undress
I start thinking about all the things
We'll do until 3AM, 5AM, 6AM
Erin & Antti:
Baby when I look at you
And you ask me to make out in your bed
I start thinking about all the things
We'll do until 3AM, 5AM, 6AM
Hey baby
There has been too many days
Without making out
What are we fighting for
We both know how to make this up
So baby
We have work in the morning
So actually in half an hour
So baby baby baby baby
We are in a hurry hurry hurry hurry
We still have time
Hey baby
There has been too many days
Without making out
What are we fighting for
We both know how to make this up
So baby
Baby when I look at you
And you slowly start to undress
I start thinking about all the things
We'll do until 3AM, 5AM, 6AM
Baby when I look at you
And you ask me to make out in your bed
I start thinking about all the things
We'll do until 3AM, 5AM, 6AM
Hey baby
There has been too many days
Without making out
What are we fighting for
We both know how to make this up
So baby

Winnie the Pooh

I have to go, I've got to go away
To see my friend
He's round and fuzzy, that's probably why I admire him
Winnie, Winnie the Pooh, Winnie
It's a joy to hunt for honey
Winnie, Winnie the Pooh, Winnie
Rolling and turns upside down, even climbs a tree
You can't deny the fun
Winnie the Pooh brought us adventure once again
And if I'm left alone and can't see anyone
It's awesome when there's always one you can trust
Winnie, Winnie the Pooh, Winnie
Wherever you go, yay, I'm gonna go there too
Winnie, Winnie the Pooh, Winnie
Winnie, let's get running, you're the best
My sweet Winnie the Pooh
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.

The Little Boy Plays With Fire (Playing With The Bad Boys)

In the name of Ra!
Mu, Nut, Khnum, Ptah
Nephthys, Nekhbet, Sobek, Sekhmet
Sokar, Selket, Reshpoe, Wadjet
Anubis, Anuket, Sjesmu, Mesekhenet
Hemsut, Tefnut, Heket, Mafdet
Mut, Nut, Ptah
Hemsut, Tefnut, Sokar, Selket
Sjesmu, Reshpoe, Sobek, Wadjet
Heket, Mafdet, Nephthys, Nekhbet
You have friends at high positions
They are mighty, forget about the empty roar
Look at us, pay attention, make notes
You have no idea of real power
The little boy plays with fire
Little boy plays with fire (Oh, how beautiful)
Shall burn his hands
Look, that's what you get from it
The little boy plays with fire
(In the name of Ra!)
The little boy plays with fire (Mut, Nut, Khnum, Ptah)
The little boy plays with fire (Hemsut, Tefnut, Sokar, Selket)
Believe these
See real magic now
There the power upsets**
That stick, say, how boring it is
The little boy plays with fire
In the name of Ra
Mut, Nut, Khnum, Ptah
Sobek, Sekhmet, Sokar, Selket
Anubis, Anuket, Hemsut, Tefnut, Mesekhenet, Mafdet
The little boy plays with fire (x2)
Moses, our advice is:
Bow deep for Isis now
Or this will become your crisis hour
Do you even have talent?
Are you competent?
Or if you are very obedient***
You'll become our assistant
But kneel first, give us honour (Bow)
Because the superior commands it
The little boy plays with
Little boy plays with (x8)
Little boy plays with fire


You took me under that bridge where nobody walks at night
You smelled like cigarettes when you let me under your shirt
But don't tell me if you've been there before
I don't want to know of someone else showed that place to you
But how do I close this thought when I hear more of you all the time
I know that this is stupid, but I can't help it, I'm becoming paranoid
When somebody walks past and she recognizes you
Have you been with her too
All the skeletons in your closet
Come out, they won't let me sleep
When I go to rummage them
Unknown number in your phone
Why can't you talk when I'm in the same room
Have you been with her too
I don't want to ask, dear
I know that there has been many
They don't matter now, now is now, that's what I want to hear from you
But even if you said it hundred times, my imagination torments me
I know that this is stupid, I can't help it when I star to look at your phone
Someone's picture pops up
And I can't think anything but
Have you been with her too
All the skeletons in your closet
Come out, they won't let me sleep
When I go to rummage them
Unknown number in your phone
Why can't you talk when I'm in the same room
Have you been with her too
Have you been with her too
All the skeletons in your closet
Come out, they won't let me sleep
All the skeletons in your closet
Come out, they won't let me sleep
When I go to rummage them
Unknown number in your phone
Why can't you talk when I'm in the same room
Have you been with her too

In A Hidden Hall

It is my one vow
if I can let go of your hand
I'll be watching from afar
What once was
beautiful voices in a hidden hall
would you hypnotise me?
She turned around to me
and said
turn back
turn back
Like an army of a thousand voices
she turned around to me
and said
turn back
turn back

In Last Years November

I've been told repeatedly
Some things that should affect my choices
But which I don't want to hear
Or even if I hear, I don't want to believe
Why has even this had to be poisoned?
I no longer really get along with others
I'm not better, just more right
I hear the insults that haven't been said yet
Somehow I'm stuck in last years November
Who has such pure motives
That I dare to take a hold of them
When everyone has so much to say
One says this happened
Another claims that they don't remember
Some have things to hide
I no longer really get along with others
I'm not better, just more right
I hear the insults that haven't been said yet
Somehow I'm stuck in last years November
I no longer really get along with others
I'm not better, just more right
I hear the insults that haven't been said yet
Somehow I'm stuck in last years November

The new adventures with Winnie the Pooh

Join all,
Join to accompany me
And meet now my best friend!
He is round and pleasant,
So cuddly and cute!
The Pooh bear, Winnie the Pooh bear!
He watches the bees out
Because he loves honey so much!
The Pooh bear always looks for more!
Rumpel die bumbel, he is already sitting on the honey tree.
There is something for everyone –
Tension and so much fun,
Gladness and friends and more.
And when you are alone, then look at him –
He would be glad, he is your friend!
The Pooh bear, Winnie the Pooh bear!
And wherever you go,
Oh, please, always take us with you!
The Pooh bear, we love you so much!
No bear is like you because you are Winnie the Pooh bear.
Eniisi Lisika.


You don't remember me from school
I wasn't exactly popular
How did that guy become like that?
I wasn't in the group
where they admired cigs
I wasn't athletic
not even cute
come and dominate
They do it like big boys do
and won't rebel against
I don't follow others, I just become myself
so I'm a loser 'cause that's my thing
You don't need no play with me
if you think I'm strange
You just can't make me fake
'though you could get in the group by doing that
You're welcome, just keep your swag
As I'm driving faster than others, like Mika Häkkinen 1*)
Don't call me normal
I want to be a loser
Na-na-naa-na na-na-na-na
Rapper guys wear Metallica shirts and talk about big
We are like in the US
but Yeezys only squeeze a little
I believe it is pretty hard
when you lose yourself
if you aren't quite up to date
Learn the buzzwords, wear expensively, get the followers,
be more selfconfident, merge with the mass, be like youngsters
I always lose, baby I'm a loser
You don't need no play with me
if you think I'm strange
You just can't make me fake
'though you could get in the group
You're welcome, just keep your swag
When I'm driving faster than others, like Mika Häkkinen 1*)
Don't call me normal
I want to be a loser
Na-na-naa-na na-na-na-na
You're welcome, just keep your swag
When I'm driving faster than others, like Mika Häkkinen 1*)
Don't call me normal
I want to be a loser
I'm not a professional translator. Kind suggestions are always welcome!

19 years old innocence

For your surename I dyed my cheeks
If I imagine the evening, I blush
A love scar was carved in my fingers
I softly wrapped it with a white handkerchief
I can't tell anybody about
My 19 years old innocence
For you I put up my hair
I also bloomed beautiful
I felt a sign of love in my lips
This morning I saw my lipstick shining
I can't show anybody
My 19 years old innocence
Even if the storm blows on this flower
Let's make this love of two bloom without fall
Now in me nothing is seen
I only have nothing but a dream
I can't show anybody
My 19 years old innocence
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Drift ice

A year and then two
After three years, love is heavy
Without being thrown away nor abandoned
It passes through anywhere in the stream
The outside of the glass window grows dark in the snow
People look like migratory birds
Cold, you're cold
Just the way you are now, you're frozen
The firestove burns bright red
While a flower fastened in the hair​ feels both hands
Without dying nor living
I look haggard
The foghorns mingle with the noise of the wind
They only sing a desperate enka song
Cold, you're cold
Just the way you are now, you're frozen
Winter becomes intense
If it is the case that love is pale happiness
Even if you embrace me and go away
You wait aimlessly for the spring
The night gets late, the crying sea gets frozen
My entire chest creaks like in a sound
Cold, you're cold
Just the way you are now, you're frozen
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Bla! Bla! Bla!

Tombolunk arra, amit hallunk!! Bla! Bla! Bla! Ba!
Csináld, gyerünk!!! Ja! Ja! Ja! Jah!
Ne törődj semmivel!!!
Bla! Bla! Bla! Ba!!! Regular smile

Junior High School Third Grader

I knew the sadness of the farewell season
For the first time in my life
Sticking badges the calendar
Is coming very soon
I have to sing Hotaru no Hikari
I have to sing it tear-packed
Because he's going to graduate
We teachers and students have to cry
I'm a junior high school third grader too
Since tomorrow that sweet voice
and that very lovely face
I don't seem to meet them again
until the spring arrival
I have to sing Hotaru no Hikari
I have to sing it tear-packed
Because he's going to graduate
I have to say goodbye to him
I'm a junior high school third grader too
I have to sing Hotaru no Hikari
I have to sing it tear-packed
Because he's going to graduate
I have to say goodbye to him
I'm a junior high school third grader too
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Valaki azt mondta …

Versions: #3
Azt mondják az életünk nem ér valami sokat,
eltűnik egy perc alatt, mint a hervadó rózsa.
Azt mondják, az elhamvadó idő gazember,
aki a bánatunkból kabátokat készít.
De valaki azt mondta …
hogy még mindig szeretsz!
Ez a valaki azt mondta, hogy még mindig szeretsz,
lehetséges ez?
Azt mondják, a sors gúnyolódik velünk,
hogy semmit sem ad, de mindent megígér.
Olyan, mintha a boldogság karnyújtásnyira lenne,
kinyújtjuk a kezünket, és bolondot csinálunk magunkból.
Valaki azt mondta …
de ki is? Hogy még mindig szeretsz.
Nem emlékszem, késő este volt,
a hangját még hallom, de a vonásait nem látom:
„Szereti Önt, de ez titok. Ne mondja el, hogy elmondtam!”.
Látod, valaki azt mondta …
hogy még mindig szeretsz, tényleg azt mondta …
hogy még mindig szeretsz, hát lehetséges ez?

The fires of persecution

In their wars will the skies ignite
As will my yearning heart
ground fires ignite the grave of stars
Like the fires of gods of night,
surges appear into the calm waters
the shores ignite in flames
the shimmer of the burning castles of misty islands
make my blood boil
It makes
me yearn
It helps
me remember
It is only known by night
How beautifully can silence chime
sing the skies so empty
from far comes that sound
It is only known by night
The words for the songs of the mourning
The verses ignite the flames of yearning
The fire's like signals from gods
The shores of heaven
burn like persecution
Like snowlanterns
Over the graves of old
Like did the graves of the death kings from the old times
The shine dies down
Like my heart, it disappears
Disappear, disappear behind the shores
descends into depths
into my extinguishing flames
Disappears, disappears far away from it's shine
Fading away, the flames become silent
disappear into the grieving shadows.
Disappear, disappear behind the shores
descends into depths
into my extinguishing flames
Disappears, disappears far away from it's shine
Fading away, the flames become silent
disappear into the grieving shadows.
Jon Of Finland

Depresszióval élni

Felveszem az új szoknyámat
Futni kezdek, 1, 2, bárhova mehetek
Még ha nincs is kijelölve az utam
Nincs szükségem bonyolult tweetekre
A saját szavaimat fogom használni
Még azokon a reggeleken is, mikor minden reménytelen
Mutogattam az emberekre, akik megbotlottak
És kövekkel dobáltam őket
Az az egy szó, még most is
Újra és újra téged üt
A mai érzéseim kitisztultak,
Leírom hát őket, nehogy elfelejtsem
Ah, kezd eltűnni az érzés
A homályt, mely mindennapjaim része,
Kiszínezem a kedvenc dalaimmal, de
Sehol, sehol, sehol sem találom
A tegnapi lelkesedésemet
Egyszerűen hozzászoktam a kedvességhez,
És elnyomtam az embereket
Téged, és azt a fájdalmat
Tudod, én valóban azt hittem, hogy megértettem
Itt vagy, s én boldog vagyok
Ebben a pillanatban boldog vagyok
Az indok, nos, igazából nincs is semmiféle
Egyszerűen csak boldog vagyok
A depresszió és az öröm közepett
Tudod, én,
Én még nem éltem eleget

The Witch of the Black Windstorm

When a chest of a foolish human shatters,
The pain will radially spread into the darkness.
When dawn fades, it escorts
To its way to the forgotten region.
That'll be unforgivable
Everyday my shameful eyes that looked down
To this conurbation from a high cliff
Bridged by the crypt that strikes
When I tossed it into the sea
If you get reborned
On this world
Let's meet once again
The sun's warm sunlight will no longer be able to reach
The dark sea floor
A small light at the altar
Fell down and collapsed on the coral carpet
The name that revived to the present age
Is the witch of the black windstorm
While I was reincarnated for revenge,
A foolish human tossed me away into the sea
It can't be forgiven
I will send down the snow with a lament
And become the Black Beast.
I tore the clouds with a elegant claw
To destroy hated mankind
I don't know why,
But when did you got
Blazed from this chest?
Let's freeze everything, including my fleeting feelings
With a sorrowful blizzard
If my ephemeral love perishes by the world,
Then human beings shall be momentary subjugated

Tokyo tower

I want to be stuck at the top of Tokyo tower with you.
I want to be stuck at the top of Tokyo tower with you.
When I turn 20 let's hold hands.
When I turn 30 let's raise a cow.
Let's cross a rainbow! one day.
I want to be stuck at the top of Tokyo tower with you.
I want to be stuck at the top of Tokyo tower with you.
Even if we're 100 let's hold hands.
If we are reborn let's become stars.
Let's ride the tides with a whale someday.
I want to be stuck at the top of Tokyo tower with you.
I want to be stuck at the top of Tokyo tower with you.
I want to be stuck at the top of Tokyo tower with you.
I want to be stuck at the top of Tokyo tower with you.

Silver Salvation

When the savage soul received a blessing kiss
Tranquility was torn and anomalies began
Your flustered heart slides through an illusion to hell
(In my own greed)
Have your eyes been violated?
(My throbbing heart)
Is your will truly the real justice?
If so, shout your words
Even if my fists are already broken
My soul will still surpass its limits
When I push my broken body
It will bloom into the color of roses
By a scarlet life
Who'll be dyed in silver
Your heart gets accumulated when noises of despair
Unexpectedly reaches your head
Your lips will tempt me due to your betrayals and corruptions
(The moon reflected)
Is your body fully completed?
(A peaceful body)
If you have the intentions to fight,
Will you rise your fist?
It was said the short-lived flowers I'm next to
They won't be scattered by the wind
Flap your wings and elevate higher than a bird
When it comes down to a structured a world like this
Sky that scythed down
Dye yourself silver
(In my own greed)
Have your eyes been violated?
(My throbbing heart)
Is your will truly the real justice?
If so, shout your words
Even if my fists are already broken
My soul will still surpass its limits
It was said the short-lived flowers I'm next to
They won't be scattered by the wind
Flap your wings and elevate higher than a bird
When it comes down to a structured world like this
Sky that scythed down
Dye yourself silver
The savage moon falls
Within dissolved illusions in the night