Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 17

Találatok száma: 1102


God gave you to me

God gave you to me
God gave you to me,
Your gentle lips
Are sweeter than wine,
But I don't drink wine.
That you aren't my love anymore,
I don't hide from anyone.
God gave you to me, another took you away....
My happiness, my love,
Someone else carried off.
But it used to be, it used to be just you and me,
Like two mayflowers, like two white doves.
But it used to be, it used to be just you and me,
Like two mayflowers, like two white doves.
Long, unfaithful autumn nights
I am leaving to you,
But I am never, my one and only,
Forgetting you.
God gave you to me, another took you away....
My happiness, my love,
Someone else carried off.
But it used to be, it used to be just you and me,
Like two mayflowers, like two white doves.
But it used to be, it used to be just you and me,
Like two mayflowers, like two white doves.
For your lips, my one and only,
I am left thirsty.
From my weary face
The smile has disappeared.
God gave you to me, another took you away....
My happiness, my love,
Someone else carried off.
But it used to be, it used to be just you and me,
Like two mayflowers, like two white doves.
But it used to be, it used to be just you and me,
Like two mayflowers, like two white doves.

Welcome to us

Welcome to us, the greatest son
of Arabic descent and homeland!
Welcome to us old nobleman,
Hashimovic, Kurejshevic.
Who will raise the weak to their feet,
and save from slavery many nations.
Welcome tu us, enlightener,
intercessor and savior.
People hang out for your love
to serve humanity together.
Everything loves you, pride of nature,
old and young, small, big.
when Suri Israfil blows
on you our souls will rely.
You will alleviate the suffering of the unfortunate,
You will extend your hands to the sinner.

My republic

Where the most beautiful sunrise awakens
There live good people, honourable and proud,
Where the shine of our sun is being born
There is my homeland - proud (strong) and defiant.
Now let's all pray for it
We have no other land.
In my heart there's only one home
My republic is great in heart
In my heart the most beautiful star shines
My republic, Republic of Srpska
Where our forefathers from the past
had written their names in every glorious step,
Where the shine of our sun is being born
There's my homeland - stout and defiant.
Now let's all pray for it
We have no other land.
In my heart there's only one home
My republic is great in heart
In my heart the most beautiful star shines
My republic, Republika Srpska

A múltad része

Úgy ahogyan én, volt-e már bárki?
Hagyták-e ok nélkül egymagában járni?
S ki segít most rajtam, hogy ne legyen ennyi fájdalom,
Ha a szerencsével a szerelemben sosem találkozhatom...?
Tán, ahová most mész, örök boldogság vár Téged,
Tán örökké fog szeretni, ki most együtt lehet Véled,
Menj hát, de tudd, a múltadban én mindig ott leszek,
Hogy nem vagy itt velem, tán megbocsátják ott fönn az Istenek...,
De mondd, megbocsáthat-e magának az, ki tudja, hogy vétkezett?
Volt-e már bárki úgy, ahogy most én vagyok,
Büntetve csak azért, mert érző szívében a szerelem lakott?
S hogy is lehetne most hirtelen mindent elfeledni?
Hogy is éljek úgy tovább, ha tudom, Te már sosem fogsz szeretni?

majdnem a tiéd

csak énekelni akarok
csak élni akarok és énekelni
itt a nyár, mint a cigaretta
úgy ég a város
és minden párás,
semmi szél, nem tudom, hol lennék most
új hely nyitott
tuti, hogy mindenki ott van
megyek én is
kicsit nézem, ahogy kínálja magát
átmegyek az embertömegen
megyek, nem tudom, hova
körülöttem a nők olyanok, mint a hiénák
hej, az összes többi
és te nézel, mintha leselkednél,
közeledsz hozzám*, szégyen nélkül,
atyám, teljesen őrült vagy
de egyet tudj, én ma este nem vagyok ilyen
majdnem a tiéd, majdnem a tiéd
tudom, mi a szándékod
állj le lassan, én nem egy szám vagyok
ami alatt elcsábítanál
majdnem a tiéd, majdnem a tiéd
veszíteni fogsz ebben a játékban
ma este is maradok
majdnem a tiéd
csak énekelni akarok
csak élni akarok és énekelni
mindenki azt mondja, hibátlan vagy,
mintha csak festettek volna
de én jól ismerem az ilyeneket
aki eltapossa a felhőket
egy éj, aztán száz probléma
ez egy elbaszott téma, gyerünk, sétálj el
mert ma csak repülnék, és csörögnék
(gyerünk, testvér)
nem akarok melletted lenni, elmehetsz,
nem ne nézz rám többé
csak énekelni akarok
csak élni akarok és énekelni
csak énekelni akarok
csak élni akarok és énekelni
ez az este rólam szól

Grdović the fishermen

My grandfather was a fisherman
my father was a fishermen
all from the Grdović family are fishermen
They used to tell me stories
who fished for small fish
had no luck in love
I fell in love tonight
I caught a big fish
if the sea had faith
I would drink a keg of beer
If only I could
win the jackpot
I would buy you, baby
a nice sweater
and for the whole place
I would make a party
I would also buy a donkey
to carry you to the altar


meglátod a képeken,
hogyan szórakoztam
most lesz az új partner
csók és bosszú
öt percre megállt az idő
kicsit gondolkodni akartam
azon, amit mondtál
de gázosan megbuktál*
több szabadságot akarnál
időnként kiruccannál
azt gondolod, egy szünet mindkettőnknek jót tenne
megbüntetnek a vágyaid,
mikor valóra válnak
meglátod a képeken,
hogyan szórakoztam
most lesz az új partner
csók és bosszú
meglátod a képeken,
pénteken, majd szombaton
dühödten jössz majd
a címemre
hát ezt hívják szünetnek
lehúztam a gondolataimat
és velük téged a vécén
nagyon sokat engedtél meg magadnak
eléggé elengedted magad
több szabadságot akarnál
időnként kiruccannál
azt gondolod, egy szünet mindkettőnknek jót tenne
megbüntetnek a vágyaid,
mikor valóra válnak
meglátod a képeken,
hogyan szórakoztam
most lesz az új partner
csók és bosszú
meglátod a képeken,
pénteken, majd szombaton
dühödten jössz majd
a címemre
hát ezt hívják szünetnek
meglátod a képeken,
hogyan szórakoztam
most lesz az új partner
csók és bosszú
meglátod a képeken,
pénteken, majd szombaton
dühödten jössz majd
a címemre
hát ezt hívják szünetnek

repülj, madár, szabadon

régóta te vagy
a szomorú álmom*
nem szeretsz,
jól tudom
csak te, én hibám
hiányzol a véghez
viszlát, jó utat
ne, ne habozz
ha el szeretnél repülni,
repülj, madár, szabadon
hogy örökre kisatírozzalak
egy perc is elég
megint jóképű férfiak
ostromolnak majd
amint elterjed a hír,
hogy szétválnak útjaink
régóta te vagy
a szomorú álmom
a szerelmet mintha
grammonként mérnéd nekem
mikor éjjel valaki másnak
kínálsz ölelést
másnak adom magam,
menj, ne várj
ref. 3x

Carry on

I see the pain I'm trying to hide
I guess I just laughed at it
Your heart has grown stronger
I know it's a wound that secretly pressed down
The petty grievances are actually okay
I'll spend a day with you
The past days are just passing by
And don’t don’t don’t
Don’t doubt you, I believe in you
Just go go go Carry on
Don’t don’t don’t
Don’t be swayed like now
Just go go go Carry on
Just Carry on
Just Carry on
All the time I endure
Someday it will be your comfort
Even if there are many days that cannot be counted
Even if I take a big sigh
Even today, we endure
And don’t don’t don’t
Don’t doubt you, I bеlieve in you
Just go go go Carry on
Don’t don’t don’t
Don’t be swayеd like now
Just go go go Carry on
Don't get low low low
Carry on
Carry on Carry on
Carry on
And don’t don’t don’t
Don’t doubt you, the answer is you
Just go go go Carry on
Don’t don’t don’t
Don’t be swayed, even if it hurts
Just go go go Carry on

Gasoline and Matches

My destiny is to die charred,
My girlfriend must have sworn to do so.
She invented a new game:
She sprinkles me with gasoline and set me on fire,
And I burn, I burn of love.
Enough with the matches,
Don't mess with fire!
But she doesn't listen to me
And she doesn't want to understand my love.
This is my torment,
Maybe she likes me charred.
Of course, she's a little crazy,
But I fell in love with her.
With that cursed game
She has fun with matches, to set me on fire,
And I burn, I burn of love.
Stop with the matches,
It's a little daring game!
I don't want to end up roasted,
'Cause I already have the fire here, in my heart.
This is my torment,
Maybe she likes me charred.
Of course, she's a little crazy,
But I fell in love with her.
With that cursed game
She has fun with matches, to set me on fire,
And I burn, I burn of love!


Versions: #1
You often whispered to me 'I'll wait for you'
Do you remember? Are you still waiting?
But how can I check?
I just don't know...
I'm torn apart, I'm losing my heart,
I'm squeezing a lucky ticket to there,
Where I was hurrying so much from...
Perhaps, (I) stumbled...
Well, what should I change?
I am so sorry, my love,
I definitely know, (that I) won't forget you
I am so sorry and at sunrise
I'll fly Moscow-Vladivostok
I am so sorry, my love,
I definitely know, (that I) won't forget you
I am so sorry and at sunrise
I'll fly Moscow-Vladivostok
It pulls me somewhere...
What lies here..?
I don't know, it still hurts inside...
But I won't go back!
I already don't cry!
I don't hide the heart for the luck
And I will keep my old ticket to you...
Why did I say goodbye to you?
You know, I didn't put up...
Well, what should I change?
I am so sorry, my love,
I definitely know, (that I) won't forget you
I am so sorry and at sunrise
I'll fly Moscow-Vladivostok
I am so sorry, my love,
I definitely know, (that I) won't forget you
I am so sorry and at sunrise
I'll fly Moscow-Vladivostok

Break my world

The glass cups are still on the table
The same sadness is still with me
My soul is still in pain because of you
I'm still drinking, but I know it's pointless
Break my word slowly
Like a flowing river of sadness
You've left just like that
Like a storm
Tell me why you're leaving
Tell me, don't lie
Kill me with the truth
Just don't regret it
Tell me why you're leaving
Tell me, don't lie
Kill me with the truth
Just don't regret it
Everything with you was like a dream
You were everything in my life
Every true love comes to an end
It's your fault we have come to an end
Break my world slowly
Like a flowing river of sadness
You've left just like that
Like a storm
Tell me why you're leaving
Tell me, don't lie
Kill me with the truth
Just don't regret it
Tell me why you're leaving
Tell me, don't lie
Kill me with the truth
Just don't regret it

Banja Luka

The wind took me away from the place
in my heart I keep the beauties of homeland
Šeher, Kastel, Megdan, Vrbas
every day in my mind
Banja Luka*, my port
love and eternal wound
Banja Luka, my port
love and eternal wound
Is Banja Luka the same as before?
Do you remember me or not?
Does Vrbas** keep our secret
that you were my first love
Is Banja Luka the same as before?
Do you remember me or not?
Does Vrbas keep our secret
that you were my first love
The years went by in the glow of the big city
another country, foreign people, I hope to return
Šeher, Kastel, Megdan, Vrbas
every day in my mind
Banja Luka, my port
love and eternal wound
Banja Luka, my port
love and eternal wound
Is Banja Luka the same as before?
Do you remember me or not?
Does Vrbas keep our secret
that you were my first love
Is Banja Luka the same as before?
Do you remember me or not?
Does Vrbas keep our secret
that you were my first love
Is Banja Luka the same as before?
Do you remember me or not?
Does Vrbas keep our secret
that you were my first love
Is Banja Luka the same as before?
Do you remember me or not?
Does Vrbas keep our secret
that you were my first love


My honey, how are the things?
Time is working for us.
I was just thinking, why would we get wet in rain
When we could stay at your place?
It's raining, where would we go now?
Dark clouds above the city.
It's what it is - let's hide from the storm.
The heart beats like a military drum,
It's a dangerous sign
I'm in a crisis and whenever you're near
I black out.
Now, maybe, a record would be a good idea
Some music of the times gone by
Chubby Checker or some other similar ladykiller
Ever since I have known you
Old pictures have a new frame
Ever since I know you
Some ordinary things sound odd to me
I was alone
Like nobody else in the world, as far as I know
I was alone,
But that was long ago, as long ago as yesterday
Ladies' choice...
Tonight we could have gone
To a restaurant or a bar
Wherever we would have been
We would have been drinking
That's a problem, that's the exact thing
Why would I hide it? I'm bad when I drink,
I get into an argument and then I fight,
So it's better if the two of us stay here.
Ever since I have known you
Old pictures have a new frame
Ever since I know you
Some ordinary things sound odd to me
I was alone
Like nobody else in the world, as far as I know
I was alone,
But that was long ago, as long ago as yesterday
Comradettes' choice...

For the Graveyard Shift

Versions: #1
Do you see where I am now, at what age?
Strange birds, you know, soar through my dreams.
For I am still too young to think of passing,
And already too old to count the stars.
Do you hear the silence, that sound? Time is passing by,
It's buzzing and threatening us through the night, shivering like a cobra.
Don't you start with serious matters right now,
Come, cuddle up to me and be a good girl...
And then pour me another one, for the scapegoats,
For the jugglers,
Don't worry, I can handle a lot of it.
Pour another one, for those tired welders,
For the proletarians
Tonight it's on the graveyard shift...
Soon the day will down, another holiday,
They're all blue like dreams to you,
They're all the same to you,
You rarely wake up at six, only if you have to
When you have to take a trip or an exam...
And then pour me another one, for the scapegoats,
For the jugglers,
Don't worry, I can handle a lot of it.
Pour another one, for those tired welders,
For the proletarians
Tonight it's on the graveyard shift...
Sometimes I too search for the Golden Fleece,
Perhaps I'll dream of smoke, fire and steel.
It's not your fault, really, I love you so much.
Now give me a large goodnight kiss...
And then pour me another one, for the scapegoats,
For the jugglers,
Don't worry, I can handle a lot of it.
Pour another one, for those tired welders,
For the proletarians
Tonight it's on the graveyard shift...


I am again too fast on the Highway
and I feel the wind
Because that's the only way it feels like I'm free
And I see, that the sun mirrors in the Chopard (Swiss Luxury Watch)
Blacks windows because I am a now a star
Yes, I drive
I am again too fast on the Highway
It's crazy what happened, it wasn't like that a few years ago
Even if sometimes it is too much, I don't take the foot from the gas
Glove box is full with one hundred thousands dollars
All of this has no value since they say, Mom is sick
My dreams turned real over time
My ex-boyfriend writes me that he is sorry today
Yes, I knows, you would love to be there
I believe, I prefer to stay alone
I am again too fast on the Highway
and I feel the wind
Because that's the only way it feels like I'm free
And I see, that the sun mirrors in the Chopard (Swiss Luxury Watch)
Blacks windows because I am a now a star
Yes, I drive
I am again too fast on the Highway
They hate me and I love it, without envy, no success
Now, they want to banish me even though the walls are full
My brothers looks from above, I swear, I make you proud
Don't tell me about realness, this heart is made of gold
All believe, this Hype is over
My first albums went direct to first place
So many numbers on the tax bill
I think you see: I'm rich now
I am again too fast on the Highway
and I feel the wind
Because that's the only way it feels like I'm free
And I see, that the sun mirrors in the Chopard (Swiss Luxury Watch)
Blacks windows because I am a now a star
Yes, I drive
I am again too fast on the Highway
(I am again too fast on the Highway
(And I feel the wind)
(Because that's the only way it feels like I'm free)

Throw Me to the Bottom of the Sea

I let you stay for the last time, friend
I can sleep with you again tonight
Very close to your movements, heartbeats and breaths
I would like to be able to tell you so much of the truth, no
Take me far from here
Throw me to the bottom of the sea
To come to an end
Since I met you
I can't forget you
Nor forgive
Throw me to the bottom of the sea
When I pretend to stop thinking about you for a moment
They come back, your eyes reach me, shy and black
I feel you, wound that hurts, since so long ago
I would like to be able to tell you so much of the truth, no
Take me far from here
Throw me to the bottom of the sea
To come to an end
Since I met you
I can't forget you
Nor forgive
Throw me to the bottom of the sea
Take me far from here (far, far)
Throw me to the bottom of the sea
To come to an end (come to an end)
Since I met you
I can't forget you (I can't forget you)
Nor forgive
Throw me to the bottom of the sea
(Throw me to the bottom of the sea)

I Follow My Star

Ships go across the sea
Wind cradles clouds on the sky
Longing is stronger than love
Heart always needs the distances
Storms are coming, rains keep on
Old age is preparing a trap for youth
And all the time from the beginning
There is a wanderer drowsing in every head
And so I follow my star
I ran away after it
It is all I see now
I told you nicely
I follow my star
I ran away after it
I might come back
I told nicely
You have no idea, you grow, exist
And then the time comes
It's time to go, heart makes you to
And hand instantly unties the dock lines
Other fruits should be tastes
New lands discovered
Your long wandering begins
And so you spend beautiful dreams
And so I follow my star
I ran away after it
It is all I see now
I told you nicely
I follow my star
I ran away after it
I might come back
I told nicely

Republic of Srpska

I feel proud, Republic of Srpska.
While I sing to you my heart is grand.
My arms would fain embrace everything
All the way from Trebinje to Banja Luka
And the old haiduks' mountain Romanija,
Where the most beautiful three-coloured flag is waved!
Zelengora, Mrkonjić, Srbinje
And Prijedor, Pale and Ljubinje.
Kneževo and Serbian Sarajevo,
Bijeljina, Zvornik and Kalinovik.
And then Bileća, Gacko and Nevesinje,
The Orthodox churches and sanctities.
Saint archdeacon Stefan is protecting
The Serbian land, the proud people.
May he fulfill our age-old wish
That the Drina river won't divide us.

Dears kiss does

Dears run across fields
With them are winged does
I would go towards happiness
But I have no strength in my wings
Chorus 2x
Sad are the green pastures
Sad are the springs
Dears are kissing does
But where are you know?
Dears seek does
Morning caresses them
I want us to be in love
But I have no strength in my wings
Chorus 2x
Dears run across fields
With them are winged does
I would go towards happiness
But I have no strength in my wings
Chorus 2x

Real dream

I wrote to her, and sent the letters using post doves in the sky
I dreamed of meeting, opened door into my heart.
She had come
It's just her sight and her gaze said me all
And I was waiting and so dreaming, that's my goal !
I dreamed of her-about this lady that I love so long
I wrote of her, but didn't know what for I bless her so strong
She's just a dream of mine. My bright sleep.My dream.
And where do I look for her I don't know, it's wrong
And where do I look for her I don't know, it's wrong
I called to her and long time listened prolonged buzzes in handset
She silents but my heart is jumping out my chest.
She had come
And she had come into my home with gentle steps
And I was waiting and so dreaming, it is best !
I dreamed of her-about this lady that I love so long
I wrote of her, but didn't know what for I bless her so strong
She's just a dream of mine. My bright sleep.My dream.
And where do I look for her I don't know, it's wrong
And where do I look for her I don't know, it's wrong
When dawn comes and this dream comes away, probably
And just her eyes still live in my memory
Cold wind will bring all memories suddenly
That you are not my sleep, but you are real dream !
I dreamed of her-about this lady that I love so long
I wrote of her, but didn't know what for I bless her so strong
She's just a dream of mine. My bright sleep.My dream.
And where do I look for her I don't know, it's wrong
And where do I look for her I don't know, it's wrong
And where do I look for her I don't know, it's wrong

Jerry arrived to Zemun

Jerry(1) arrived to Zemun(2)
From Zemun, scary, scary
[Oh, how come, Jerry got confused]
Jerry reached all the way to Nis(3)
And from Nis Gega(4) is in charge
[Oh, how come, Jerry got confused]
Jerry reached all the way to Raska(5)
And from Raska, everything went downhill
[Oh, how come, Jerry got confused]
Serb went through Thessaloniki(6)
Dinar is greater than krone(7)
[Oh, how come, Jerry got confused]
Wilhelm(8) laid down in the middle of a puddle
And he's yelling like a donky
[Oh, how come, Jerry got confused]


White bedsheets, deck, white yachts,
White snow, everyting is white around you
But soul is black, you make me lose my breath, those
Women around you would want all of you
Drunk, I know to call you when the night is young
And in small hours, when I sleep on my own
I'm waiting for you to come, but I'm wrong again, because you're cheating on me again, and I
Wait for the dawns in tears, drunk and awake,
I blindly believe, everyone says that I'm crazy
It can't get worse than this,
Now I have nowhere to go,
I gave you everything, but you led me to the edge
Of the abyss from pains
I want to hurt you, I want to hurt you
To make you jealous only once
So that you can see what you're doing to me
Do you see what you are doing to me?
Easy women and expensive suits,
Red eyes, like brothel walls
You live without me like I don't exist
And I live without you like I don't have a life
Drunk, I know to call you when the night is young
And in small hours, when I sleep on my own
I'm waiting for you to come, but I'm wrong again, because youre cheating on me again, and I
Wait for the dawns in tears, drunk and awake,
I blindly believe, everyone says that I'm crazy
It can't get worse than this,
Now I have nowhere to go,
I gave you everything, but you led me to the edge
Of the abyss from pains
I want to hurt you, I want to hurt you
To make you jealous only once
So that you can see what you're doing to me
Do you see what you are doing to me?

Spell (Magic)

I don't know how much I drank
My smile is already not sober
And you pour me more on purpose
Acting like you know nothing, you know nothing
It's dangerous what my imagination is doing
This corset became more tight
Heart is pounding like samba
Listen (ram pam pam pam, ram pam pam pam pam pam)
What kind of spell did you cast on me
So I can't refuse your lips
What heart wants, heart gets
Just take me away (yeah)
Just love me (yeah)
With you tonight I suffer from insomnia
Because the down breaks early, the smell of salt is stronger
What kind of spell did you cast on me
Just take we away (yeah)
Just love me ( is this love or euphoria)
I don't know what it is,
But the magic turns me on
Our bottle is empty again
Feeling the groove
You play with me easily
I'm not aware of that
Still not aware of that
It's dangerous what my imagination is doing
This corset became more tight
Heart is pounding like samba
Listen (ram pam pam pam, ram pam pam pam pam pam)
What kind of spell did you cast on me
So I can't refuse your lips
What heart wants, heart gets
Just take me away (yeah)
Just love me (yeah)
With you tonight I suffer from insomnia
Because the down breaks early, the smell of salt is stronger
What kind of spell did you cast on me
Just take we away (yeah)
Just love me ( ist this love or euphoria)
I don't know what it is,
But the magic turns me on

You cad

I tell myself: 'Why are you so crazy'
On the floor, awake in tears
This love like a revolver
Takes the breath away million times
But I love you, you cad
But I love you, you cad
Oh, even when you're hers
Alcohol is in the blood
And your parfume on the skin
Oh, I'm still waiting on you
With you I'm falling to the bottom
And you put me on the throne a long time ago
Give me yourself just tonight, not ever again
Save my life one last time, you killer
But I love you, you cad
But I love you, you cad
You're a close relative to sin
Your heart is blind and touch is black
But that evil is sacred for me
Even when you stab my soul like a thorn.
But I love you, you cad
Oh, even when you're hers
Alcohol is in the blood
And your parfume on the skin
Oh, I'm still waiting on you
With you I'm falling to the bottom
And you put me on the throne a long time ago
Give me yourself just tonight, not ever again
Save my life one last time, you killer.
But I love you, you cad
You are trash like I am
I am trash like you are
You are my blood type
But I love you, you cad
I see you every night
The bad is good with you
Because we're the same, aren't we?

Long live Bosnia

Hero and hero go side by side
Bosnian men go side by side
They bow to their Allah
And sing a song
Long live Alija
And Bosnian army
Long live, long live Bosnia
Bosnia, my lovely homeland
Heavenly force is protecting you
They bow to their Allah
And sing a song
Long live Alija
And Bosnian army
Long live, long live Bosnia

For Free

Is it more expensive to play or break off
I can hardly describe it


A szívem lángol,
csendben, így senki sem hallja a fájdalmat.
Mint a csend, ami hangosabb egy kiáltó tömegnél,
amikor én kiáltok, senki sem hallja a hangot.
Próbálj nem a szemembe nézni,
megdicsérni az álruhámat,
a részemet, amit nem rejtek el.
Mondd, hogy szereted a jobbik felemet.
Megmutatom a gyönyörű hazugságaimat,
sosem a csúnya sírásomat,
úgyhogy nem kell aggódnod,
amikor búcsú nélkül mész el.
Nem, nem kell a segítséged,
már így is keresztül mentem a poklon,
visszatértem és megtaláltam az Ördögöt az elmémben,
úgyhogy mondd, hogy szereted a jobbik felemet.
A szívem megáll,
mint egy álló mutató egy összetört órán.
Az idő nem számít, amikor nem érzek semmit,
amikor zuhanok, hang nélkül fogom tenni.
Próbálj nem a szemembe nézni,
megdicsérni az álruhámat,
a részemet, amit nem rejtek el,
Mondd, hogy szereted a jobbik felemet.
Megmutatom a gyönyörű hazugságaimat,
sosem a csúnya sírásomat,
úgyhogy nem kell aggódnod,
amikor búcsú nélkül mész el.
Nem, nem kell a segítséged,
már így is keresztül mentem a poklon,
visszatértem és megtaláltam az Ördögöt az elmémben,
úgyhogy mondd, hogy szereted a jobbik felemet.
Úgyhogy mondd, hogy szereted a jobbik felemet.
Mondd, hogy szereted a jobbik felemet.
Oh, oly hideg,
a fejem a földön pihen,
amíg a szél átsuttog a padlólapok repedései alatt
és hidegrázást küld a testemen keresztül.
Most itt az ideje, hogy behunyd a szemed,
a rosszabbik felem felemelkedik,
hogy megmentsen egy darabka poklot.
Úgyhogy mondd, hogy szereted a jobbik felem.
Úgyhogy mondd, hogy szereted a jobbik felem.

Lautari, step forward

Today i wanna drink
I wanna spend my money on all of them,
Lautari1, step forward
I want them to sing in my ear!
Lautari, step forward
I want them to sing in my ear!
I will have fun with everybody
I'm lucky and i have a long life!
Lautari with money on their forehead2
I want them to sing in my ear!
I will waste my money on them all,
I only want to have fun!
Lautari, step forward
I want them to sing in my ear!
I will have fun with everybody
I'm lucky and i have a long life!
God gave me good luck
I can even walk on fire,
God, give me good health
Cuz it has more value than anything else!
Lautari, step forward
I want them to sing in my ear!
I will have fun with everybody
I'm lucky and i have a long life!
  • 1. Musicians, for more detailed info check this
  • 2. Sometimes is the custom to sprey some wine on the bills and stick them to the singers forhead.Part of party shenanigans done for entertainment.

The Path

In this life there are many paths
And you can follow whichever your heart desires.
But there's a path which is cunning
it takes you straight downhill.
But there's a path which is deceptive
it takes you straight downhill.
The path you might take one night
leads you forever from the straight and narrow
Your heart will end in tatters
your body clothed in rags.
Your heart will end in tatters
your body clothed in rags.
On that path even God forgets to see you
you come and leave and no one sheds a tear.
In fact you're just another piece of litter
on life's deceptive path.
In fact you're just another piece of litter
on life's deceptive path.

Piña Colada

(Ooh, I'm asking you singing, from the bottom of your heart
Tell me what makes you happy, my love)
Tonight I had a dream (ah yeah?)
I found myself in an airport (and who cares?)
In one hand the suitcase (interesting)
And in the other the passport (wow)
The debts on my neck
were greeting from afar (hasta la vista)
There was also Pepe Mujica (1
who was telling me “go slowly” (Señorita)
I'm behind the times
I want a family, a villa, two Grammys (yeah, whatever)
I advance blindly, heavy legs
I don't know what I want, but I want to get there
Ooh, I'm asking you singing, from the bottom of your heart
Tell me what makes you happy, my love
For me, in life, to be happy
A lover and a good balance in the bank is enough for me
But if I remain poor, well then, patience
A medium-power car is enough for me
With a super loud stereo, for this beautiful CD
But before asking me anythiny,
Just bring me a piña colada
Just bring me a piña colada
Bring me right now a piña colada
But the most frequent error
is not living in the present
Between depression and paranoia
Bend your head, the executioner is arriving
We are too much, too creative
Some are sad, many are suckers, few are bad
We all are obsessed with little jackets
Parents a little distracted, smartphones
Locked in the toilets for 20 years, with Mickey Mouses2
that chase the Minnies with hand-blenders
We ignore the words of the smallest [kids]
But what do you want that they understand, they're just kids?
For me, in life, to be happy
A lover and a good balance in the bank is enough for me
But if I remain poor, well then, patience
A medium-power car is enough for me
With a super loud stereo, for this beautiful CD
But before asking me anythiny,
Just bring me a piña colada
Just bring me a piña colada
Bring me right now a piña colada
I wanted to bring you a piña colada
But I am drunk because I drank it
Summer starts, winter is over
However I don't have a euro and I take the sun at home
I'm alone in the middle of the water like a refugee
Answer the intercom,
C'mon I need the piece, I mean one for the hood of my car
Come upstairs, don't open the door to my mother,
I'll leave you coffee in mocha, but I still have things to do
Don't tell me summer is beautiful, with the holidays you all take
I see mom make skins with the potato peeler
I'll continue to laugh at you below my mustache
Because one needs to live and laugh at the annoyances
Ooh, I'm asking you singing, from the bottom of your heart
Tell me what makes you happy, my love
For me, in life, to be happy
A lover and a good balance in the bank is enough for me
But if I remain poor, well then, patience
A medium-power car is enough for me
With a super loud stereo, for this beautiful CD
But before asking me anythiny,
Just bring me a piña colada
Just bring me a piña colada
Bring me right now a piña colada
  • 1.
  • 2. Mickey Mouse himself, but also an Italian editorial magazine about Disney

Love can never be the last

There is no warmth, you are not here
And the day last like two, in sorrow,
When from my dreams you disappear
Waking up I’ll burn tomorrow.
So quiet in the ray the string,
My soul doesn’t remember or play,
Alone I’ll spend this evening
Without you, I don’t accept my fate.
Sorry for all the tears, that were burning,
When, after quarrels, we were embraced by destiny,
Sorry for the flowers, that didn’t bloom in spring
And for the hurtful love, please, do not punish me,
Lead me through the church, as you would through the life
Where memory brings back lovers to their youth
I don't know who, but what he said was so right:
“Love can never be the last for you”.
The way my heart hurts in my mind
Nobody will feel the way I feel,
And only a happy moment in time
The wound of sorrow will heal.
So quiet in the ray the string,
My soul doesn’t remember or play,
Alone I’ll spend this evening
Without you, I don’t accept my fate.
Sorry for all the tears, that were burning,
When, after quarrels, we were embraced by destiny,
Sorry for the flowers, that didn’t bloom in spring
And for the hurtful love, please, do not punish me,
Lead me through the church, as you would through the life
Where memory brings back lovers to their youth
I don't know who, but what he said was so right:
“Love can never be the last for you”.
Sorry for all the tears, that were burning,
When, after quarrels, we were embraced by destiny,
Sorry for the flowers, that didn’t bloom in spring
And for the hurtful love, please, do not punish me,
Lead me through the church, as you would through the life
Where memory brings back lovers to their youth
I don't know who, but what he said was so right:
“Love can never be the last for you”.