Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 47


None of the millions

Oh oh oh...
I’m a free maverick
A thinker, an exotic person
I’m not Superman, but rather Don Quixote
For adapted thinking
I’ll never get a medal
If I wanted to be comfortable for assholes
I would have been born a chair
I’m uncomfortable and loud
I’ll write it in my skin
I’m not one of the millions
I’m uncomfortable and loud
I say what nobody dares to
I have no regrets
I’m not one of the millions
Oh oh oh...
I like to think for myself
Not like conformists
Not like those who regurgitate talking points
Pied pipers and fascists
I run on your paths
Cross country through this world
Not on paths of thought
But rather as I like it
I’m uncomfortable and loud
I’ll write it in my skin
I’m not one of the millions
I’m uncomfortable and loud
I say what nobody dares to
I have no regrets
I’m not one of the millions
I shit on law and order
Traditions and morality
I dance on the world’s nose 1
I don’t care what’s proper
I shit on law and order
Traditions and morality
I dance on the world’s nose
I don’t care what’s proper
I’m uncomfortable and loud
I’ll write it in my skin
I’m not one of the millions
I’m uncomfortable and loud
I say what nobody dares to
I have no regrets
I’m not one of the millions
Oh oh oh...
  • 1. a German idiom, basically meaning to do whatever you want right in front of the person who doesn’t want you to.

I Want a Billion

[Verse 1: KOHH]
I wanna be a billionaire
A million is not enough at all
I want to increase the number of zeroes at the bank
I want to live in a mellow mantion
And fill it with pictures like in an art gallery
Buy off the Mona Lisa from the Louvre
Paint a fake mustache on it with a ball-pen
And pee in Marcel Duchamp's fountain
Speaking of art, anything's ok
Dada Dada Dada Dada
No matter if there is or isn't any meaning the end is in a tombstone
Money, women, and my friends and colleagues
I'm more of a Picasso than Escobar
Pablow without a T 1
With the years passing I turn more into a child
Not thinking but feeling is the easy way to win
I want a billion, yeah yeah
I want a billion, yeah yeah
I want a billion
I wanna be a billionaire, yeah yeah
I wanna be a billionaire
I want a billion
I wanna be a billionaire, yeah yeah
I want a billion
[Verse 2: Taka]
Just hold in the view and don’t move
Let me win you over
Take another risk and let loose
I’ll give you what I told ya
Gonna take you higher now
Show you things you dream about
Just hold in the view and don’t move
Let it take you over
All the places around the whole world
Anything you want
Cars and mansions not for me
I want it all for you
I want a billion, yeah yeah
I want a billion, yeah yeah
I want a billion
I wanna be a billionaire, yeah yeah
I wanna be a billionaire
I want a billion
I wanna be a billionaire, yeah yeah
I want a billion
[Verse 3: Taka]
We can never lose this
As long as you’re right here with me
We can never lose this
Cause we’re right where we’re suppose to be
Follow me I’ll take the lead
I wanna be a billionaire
I wanna be a billionaire
I want a billion, yeah yeah
I want a billion, yeah yeah
I want a billion
I wanna be a billionaire, yeah yeah
I wanna be a billionaire
I want a billion
I wanna be a billionaire, yeah yeah
I want a billion
I wanna be a billionaire
  • 1. T-pablow is a Japanese rapper. He wants to distinguish Pablo Picasso from t-pablow. - Thanks to HelloTalk user shunya.


Even with million dollars
Even with 1 million I didn't change
My hand is counting them
Hand hand, hand hand
My hand is counting them
Million dollar
Even without million dollar
I look like billion dollars
Hustle up, hustle up
I'm making money
I'm keeping them on bags
So much money they think they are contraband
I never bow down, I keep my head up always
The doubts I had
I sent them in banks
I got million dollars
I look like billion dollar
My hand is counting them
Hand hand, hand hand
My hand is counting them
Million dollar
Even without million dollars
Yaa yaa
Jealosy killed them
Jealosy killed them ooo
Even with trillions
I did what I wanted
The crown is mine
With my team
You are spectators
Even with million dollars
Even with 1 million I didn't change
My hand is counting them
Hand hand, hand hand
My hand is counting them
Million dollar
Even without million dollar
I look like billion dollars
My hand is counting them
Hand hand, hand hand
My hand is counting them
Million dollar

One in a Million - On a Miraculous Night

This moment of Rendezvous, is like the hands of a clock
Such a Feeling
It’s like I’m dreaming
I’ll find the shoes that look good on you
And then I’ll be the reason they look good on you
Even if it’s against our fate
I want a future where I can walk with you
Out of a hundred billion stars
I met you like a miracle
Just as much as I pray/wish to the sky
My mind overflows with thoughts of you
Any wall you face, and your tears of helplessness
Now, let’s exchange the KISS that can change all that
Before our clock hands-
-overlap again
You’re driving me insane again
Like an unraveling magic, you’ve got me into you
Such a Feeling
It’s like I’m dreaming
I’ll find the shoes you’re looking for
I’ll search for it, then I’ll come to you
Even if the entire world become my enemy
I’ve decided to walk with you
Out of a hundred billion stars
I met you like a miracle
Just as much as I pray/wish to the sky
My mind overflows with thoughts of you
Any wall you face, and your tears of helplessness
Now, let’s exchange the KISS that can change all that
Before our clock hands-
-overlap again
My beloved only one
Let’s promise to eternity here
Out of a hundred billion stars
I met you like a miracle
Just as much as I pray/wish to the sky
My mind overflows with thoughts of you
Any wall you face, and your tears of helplessness
Now, let’s exchange the KISS that can change all that
Before our clock hands-
-overlap again
Out of a hundred billion stars
I met you like a miracle
Just as much as I pray/wish to the sky
My mind overflows with thoughts of you
Love is falling, just like snow
One in a Million, on a miraculous night
The hands of our clock will never stack again
Let’s do this Kiss so that we’ll never be apart

A Million Bucks

A million bucks
La la la la la...
How do I look?
Like a million bucks
I'm fully made
A million bucks
Signing the check
A million bucks, a million bucks, a million bucks
No no no
I came in, I saw it, I got it
I told everyone
No no no
I put it on, I wore it, I overdid it
And they all said, honey
Such a unique taste, so umami
Such a crazy style, so umami
Check out the receipt, so umami
Umami, umami...
How do I look?
Like a million bucks
I'm fully made
A million bucks
Signing the check
A million bucks, a million bucks, a million bucks
Woah woah woah
I show up with a net
All rainbow colors
On the outside, I'm
Woah woah woah
Standing out so quietly
And they all said, honey
Such a unique taste, so umami
Such a crazy style, so umami
Check out the receipt, so umami
Umami, umami...
How do I look?
Like a million bucks
I'm fully made
A million bucks
Signing the check
A million bucks, a million bucks, a million bucks
The way you look
My whole jaw dropped, my whole body shakes
You never buy a single piece, it's all matching sets
All flashes are on you, every picture's fresh
Man, you're on fire.
A million bucks, all on me,
Me and you together seems awesome to me.
A million bucks, I want it all
When you're by my side, you don't need to ask
How you look.
Like a million bucks
I'm fully made
A million bucks
Signing the check
A million bucks, a million bucks, a million bucks


Néha a kábel szeret megtörni
Néha a fény megpróbál elhajlani
Néha felgyűrnek minekt a falra
Néha a világ szeret téged kúszni látni
Nem döntheted el hogy elég-e
Nem döntheted el hogy elég-e
Hatmillió élet szerelmet keres
Nem döntheted el hogy elég-e
A vég mindenkinek ugyanaz
Elégnek kéne lenni hogy egyek legyünk
Figyeld ahogy szétesek csakis érted
Figyeld ahogy szétesek míg örömet akarok szerezni neked
Nem döntheted el hogy elég-e
Nem döntheted el hogy elég-e
Hatmillió élet szerelmet keres
Nem döntheted el hogy elég-e
Nem döntheted el hogy elég-e
Nem döntheted el hogy elég-e
Hatmillió élet szerelmet keres
Nem döntheted el hogy elég-e
Figyeld ahogy szétesek míg örömet akarok szerezni neked
Csakis ezt akarom tenni
Figyeld ahogy szétesek míg örömet akarok szerezni neked
Csakis ezt akarom tenni

If I Had Millions

If I had millions,
tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, boom,
all day long in bidi, bidi, boom,
ah, if I were made of gold.
I would not work much,
tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, boom,
if I had some mini-millions—
tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, bon.
I would build a house in the middle of the city,
very high with countless rooms,
with a tile roof and real parquet wood floors.
One staircase meant for going up,
another meant for going down,
and a third again
just to augment the décor.
I would find myself there
very comfortable as a wealthy woman,
trying to raise her status,
rising and climbing in theory by the weight of my jewels.
Tasting the cuisine, supervising everything,
scolding the maids,
and proud as a peacock running the house,
beating my own drum.
If I had millions,
tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, boom,
all day long in bidi, bidi, boom,
ah, if I were made of gold.
I would not work much,
tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, tire, boom.
Mighty God, you who are eternal,
you might make a small effort on my behalf.
What would it change in the heights of Heaven
if I were finally made of gold?

Én is azt teszem majd (100 milliárdszor)

Teremtés Istene
Ott volt az elején
az idő kezdete előtt
Viszonyítási alap nélkül
Szóltál a sötétséghez
És létrehoztad a fény csodáját
És ahogy beszélsz
Százmilliárd galaxis születik
Leheleted gőzében a bolygók formálódnak
Ha a csillagok azért teremtettek, hogy dicsérjenek, én is azt teszem majd
Látom a szíved mindenben, amit létrehoztál
Minden égő csillag
kegyelmed jelzőtüze
Ha a teremtés dicséreteid énekli, én is azt teszem majd
Ígéret Istene
Te nem szólsz hiába,
egy szótag sem üres vagy semmitmondó
Mert ha egyszer megszólaltál
Az egész természet és tudomány
követik a hangod
És ahogy beszélsz
Százmilliárd élőlény szívj be a lélegzeted
Fejlődnek arra törekedve, amit mondtál
Ha ez felfedi a természeted, én is megteszem majd
Látom a szíved mindenben, amit mondasz,
Minden festett égbolt
Kegyelmed vászna
Ha a teremtés még mindig engedelmeskedik neked, én is azt teszem majd
én is azt teszem majd
én is azt teszem majd
Ha csillagok dicséretre teremtettek, én is azt teszem majd
Ha a hegyek hódolattal hajolnak meg, én is azt teszem majd
Ha az óceánok nagyságod üvöltik, én is azt teszem majd
Mert ha minden azért létezik, hogy magasba emeljen, én is azt teszem majd
Ha a szél odamegy, ahová küldöd, én is azt teszem majd
Ha a sziklák csenben kiáltanak, én is azt teszem majd
Ha az összes dicséretünk nem lenne elegendő,
akkor újra énekelünk, százmilliárdszor
Megmentő Isten
megtaláltad a szívem
a bukásaim és a büszkeségem közepette
Egy hegyen, amit Te alkottál
A világ fénye
elhagyta a sötétséget,
hogy meghaljon
És amikor beszélsz,
Százmilliárd bukás eltűnik
ahol életed vesztetted hogy én megtalálhassam az enyém
Ha a sírt magad mögött hagytad, én is azt teszem majd
Látom a szíved mindenben, amit tettél
Minden rész egy mestermű része, amit szeretetnek hívnak
Ha te boldogan megadtad magad, én is azt teszem
Látom a szived
Nyolcmilliárd különböző módon
Minden egyes drágaság
egy gyermek, akiért te meghaltál, hogy megmenthesd
Ha Te az életed adtad hogy szerethesd őket, én is azt teszem majd
Mint ahogy újra megtennéd százmilliárdszor
De semmi sem mérhető a te vágyadhoz
Te vagy az Egyetlen, aki egyet sem hagy hátra

Millió fény

Azon töprengek
Hogy rontottuk el
Kicsit túl sok minden van a fejemben
Például, hogy hiányzol
Minden elsuhanó fény
Semmi nem tud kiemelni a sötétből
Amíg meg nem talállak
És minden nap
Ugyanolyan gyorsan folyik el
De valamit mindig elmosnak
Nem tudom
Hogy rontottuk el
Kicsit túl sok minden van a fejemben
Például, hogy hiányzol
Millió fény mögötted
Egy kicsit túlzottan a sötétben vagyok
Itt nélküled
Senki sem támaszkodik rám
Senki sem ölel át
Arra megyek amit egyedül választok
Olyan szabadon gurulok
Semmi sem állít meg
Veled és velem töltöm meg a fejem
Nem tudom
Hogy rontottuk el
Kicsit túl sok minden van a fejemben
Például, hogy hiányzol
Millió fény mögötted
Egy kicsit túlzottan a sötétben vagyok
Amikor nem látlak
Nem lehet megmondani merre halad a jövő
De mielőtt elmenne
Te és én, tudod, hogy meg kell próbálnunk
Mielőtt elszáll az esély
Édes, ez a mi időnk
Nem akarom elveszíteni
És kint a hidegben
Nézem, ahogy eltelik az életed
Ne mondd el
Hogy rontottuk el
Kicsit túl sok minden van a fejemben
Például, hogy hiányzol
Millió fény mögötted
Egy kicsit túlzottan a sötétben vagyok
Itt nélküled
Millió fény
Egy kicsit túlzottan elvesztem a sötétben
Amíg meg nem talállak


This path that we've been walking, what shape does it take?
My present moment, your present moment, where will they cross
Go beyond this fleeting life, to where you are
Inside a cage, free to do as I like
What if a storm comes tomorrow and the memories of you are taken away
And as a test I try chasing after them, heave-ho! sora hora
I realized that the cage that was supposed to protect had actually imprisoned
Relatively it's not different but it was absolutely different
Are you gonna do it? Are you gonna do it?
You don't want to do it but don't have a choice but to do it
I wonder why, why is it
You don't know why but are you still gonna do it?
Like sticking out, like spilling over
Like almost running out, like drowning
Like too much to handle, to the me about to give up hope
Give me a bedpan and an IV
The sky decides the ocean's color
That round sun decides the sky's color
Grow tired of crying and look up, see
What decides the color of my tears are my massive clinical records
This path that we've been walking, what shape does it take?
My present moment, your present moment, where will they cross
Go beyond this fleeting life, to where you are
Inside a cage, free to do as I like
What are you trying to let out from that posture?
Are you trying to use the Theory of Relativity?
The train at Platform 3 is leaving soon
Are you using your secret technique here?
A train will soon be at Platform 4
Why is this head struggling so much
Are you gonna do it? Are you gonna do it?
You don't want to do it but don't have a choice but to do it
I wonder why, why is it
You don't know why but are you still gonna do it?
E=MC2 E/M=C2
Isn't that right? This is right, isn't it?
Give me a hint between A and B
This path that we've been walking, what shape does it take?
My present moment, your present moment, where will they cross
Go beyond meaning, to where you are
Inside a cage, free to do as I like


Versions: #2
The wind has risen, we should try to live on
Waiting for it to calm is unbearable
If I sacrifice myself then I might be seen by you
I'm standing on the edge of shining days
Your obscure face, shadow
I am wishing that they are well put together
Those surprises and worries that can't be helped
I'm cramming these things into this modern song
When the wind blows, I'm alone again
By your side, I'm just alone
Like singing in the void
Inside the birth canal, I'm alone again
The beautiful pathos of nature
And your voice, without lies, that I can hear
Even if reality is cruel
It's good if you try to push it all in your mouth and taste it
An oath of eternity, a gentle prayer
If these are seen as something boring or a joke
How can these things become meaningless
In the time when you have someone very important
When the wind blows, I'm alone again
By your side, I'm just alone
Like singing in the void
In your arms, I'm alone again
Alone, I'm alone again
By your side, I'm just alone
Like singing in the void
In your arms, I'm alone again
When the wind blows, I'm alone again
In an instant, I'm alone again
Before we know it, that love story
In your arms, I'm alone again
When the wind blows, I'm alone again
By your side, I'm just alone
Like singing in the void
In your arms, I'm alone again


I like you babe
You’re asking why I like you
Baby wait a sec
All ten of my fingers
Aren’t enough to count
Just like you babe
Is this not enough?
What’s the use of saying it, lady?
You’re the Creator’s masterpiece
Like Magellen said
I went around the earth trying to find you
On the other hand, why do you like me?
Don’t run away or else
Milli, what do you mean milli, you’re billi, um trillion
Want me to tell you every single one?
There’s hundreds on the outside but millions on the inside
Reasons why I like you, baby
Will you stay with me till the sun rises twice?
I wanna tell you all of them
The reason I like you, got millions millions millions
The reason I like you (oh yeah yeah yeah)
The reason I like you, got millions millions millions
The reason I like you (oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)
I like you babe
You’re asking why I like you
Baby wait a sec
Even if I spend two days with no rest
It won’t be enough
Just like you babe
Is this not enough?
How much do I like you?
I’ll assign numbers to all the colors of the world
I don’t know difficult math but I can add and multiply love, babe
As if the nose-tingling spring has come, flowers bloom
You fly into my heart like a butterfly
Your wings flapping make my heart flutter
There’s hundreds on the outside but millions on the inside
Reasons why I like you, baby
Will you stay with me till the sun rises twice?
I wanna tell you all of them
The reason I like you, got millions millions millions
The reason I like you (oh yeah yeah yeah)
The reason I like you, got millions millions millions
The reason I like you (oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)
(One) I want you, my heart wants you
(Two) You’re pretty even when you whine
(Three) I don’t like thriller movies
But if I’m with you, even if I watch ten of them, I’m ok
(Four) For me, you do so much for me
(Five) Five star, your s-line body
(Six) Sixth sense, your hidden charms
The reason I like you, got millions millions millions
The reason I like you (oh yeah yeah yeah)
The reason I like you, got millions millions millions
The reason I like you (oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)
The reason I like you, got millions
(Whenever you want to hear it, just say the word
I’ll sing you this song)
The reason I like you, got millions
(Whenever you wanna know, just say the word
I’ll tell you all of them)
The reason I like you, got millions