Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 137

Találatok száma: 99628


Aan het vers

Tussen waanzin en bezonnenheid
waakzaam en ook verloren,
ondragelijke weelde en armoedigheid,
moet ik u toebehoren.
Soms sta ik in dit evenwicht
als een pijl trillend opgericht,
dan is het als in sommige dromen,
dat men schreeuwen moet,
maar geen geluid wil komen.


Gyagyás rádió

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Magányosan ücsörögtem és kijelződ bámultam,
Serdülőkori estéim egyetlen barátja.
És amit tudnom kellett,
Mindazt a rádiómban hallottam.
Te hoztad el nekünk a régi idők csillagait,
A Világok harcán át - a marsi megszállásig.
Megnevettettél - megríkattál,
Úgy éreztük, szárnyalni tudnánk!
Ne légy hát háttérzaj,
Háttérzene tiniknek.
Fel sem fogjuk, vagy csak nem érdekel,
De háborgunk, ha nem szólsz,
Időd lejárt, bűvöleted elmúlt,
De nem ütött még utolsó órád,
Csakis a gyagyás rádiót hallgatjuk,
A gügye rádiót,
A gyagyás rádiót.
Csakis a gyagyás rádiót hallgatjuk,
A blabla rádiót.
Mizu, rádió?
Rádió - van aki még mindig szeret.
Bámuljuk a műsorokat, benne a sztárokat
A tv-ben egész álló nap.
Már alig használjuk a fülünket,
Hogy halljuk, mennyit változott a zene az évek során.
Reméljük, soha nem hagysz el, öreg barátom.
Kellesz nekünk, mint minden jó dolog,
Szóval maradj itt, hiányoznál,
Ha belefáradnánk a sok látnivalóba.
Időd lejárt, bűvöleted elmúlt,
De nem ütött még utolsó órád,
Csakis a gyagyás rádiót hallgatjuk,
A gügye rádiót,
A gyagyás rádiót.
Csakis a gyagyás rádiót hallgatjuk,
A gügye rádiót,
A gyagyás rádiót.
Csakis a gyagyás rádiót hallgatjuk,
A blabla rádiót.
Mizu, rádió?
Van aki még mindig szeret.
Gyagyás rádió.
Gyagyás rádió.
Gyagyás rádió.
Időd lejárt, bűvöleted elmúlt,
De nem ütött még utolsó órád,



Zo kalm als op een vlot van helderheid
en rust, gelegen op mijn rug
dreef ik de ochtend in, het ochtendlicht,
land, lucht en water waren één en zonder dat
er van hun eigenheid maar iets verloren ging.



    Voor mijn moeder en dochtertje
Zij luistren beiden naar haar oud verhaal,
wondere dingen komen aangevlogen,
zichtbaar in hun verwijde ogen,
als bloemen, drijvend in een schaal.
Er is een zachte spanning in hun wezen,
zij zijn verloren en verzonken in elkaar
– het witte en het blonde haar –
geloof het maar, geloof het maar,
alles wat zij vertelt is waar
en nooit zal je iets mooiers lezen.



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
[1. verze]
Elveszed az összes fényt
De utána tűzijátékot adsz nekem
Éjjel-nappal azon gondolkodom, elmegyek
De te mindig megtalálod a szavakat
[Refrén előtti]
Ragályos vagy, bébi
Imádom amikor szeretsz, utálsz
Ahogyan mostanában uralod a testem
Az esőt felgyújtod
Bárcsak magasabban lennének a mélypontok
Bárcsak megállhatnék, hogy megmentsem magam
Oh, maradnék, kimennék az ajtón
Oh, ne, elszakadtam, bébi
Nem tudok betelni, nem bírom tovább
Oh, ne, elszakadtam, bébi
Felszárítod a könnyeim és öntöd
Szeretsz és háborúzol
Nem tudok betelni, nem bírom tovább
Oh, ne, elszakadtam, bébi
[2. verze]
Mindig el akarok futni
De utána a karjaidba kúszom
Olyan, mintha minden nap drámáznánk
De tudod, ez a kedvenc részem
[Refrén előtti]
Ragályos vagy, bébi
Imádom amikor szeretsz, utálsz
Ahogyan mostanában uralod a testem
Az esőt felgyújtod
Bárcsak magasabban lennének a mélypontok
Bárcsak megállhatnék, hogy megmentsem magam
Oh, maradnék, kimennék az ajtón
Oh, ne, elszakadtam, bébi
Nem tudok betelni, nem bírom tovább
Oh, ne, elszakadtam, bébi
Felszárítod a könnyeim és öntöd
Szeretsz és háborúzol
Nem tudok betelni, nem bírom tovább
Oh, ne, elszakadtam, bébi
[Refrén utáni]
(Szakadt, bébi, elszakadtam, elszakadtam)
(Szakadt, szakadt, bébi, elszakadtam, elszakadtam)
Kiszakítva a könyvünk oldalaiból
Egy gyönyörű tragédia
Szétszakadtam a menny és a pokol között
Mert amikor veled vagyok, bébi
Nem tudom, hol lehetnék máshol!
Oh, maradnék, kimennék az ajtón
Oh, ne, elszakadtam, bébi
Nem tudok betelni, nem bírom tovább
Oh, ne, elszakadtam, bébi
Felszárítod a könnyeim és öntöd
Szeretsz és háborúzol
Nem tudok betelni, nem bírom tovább
Oh, ne, elszakadtam, bébi



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
(Csavard fel)
Valaki mentse meg a lelked
Mert bűnözöl ebben a városban, én tudom
Túl sok galiba
Ezen szeretők miatt elveszted az irányítást
Olyan vagy nekem, mint egy drog
Egy luxus, a cukrom és aranyom
Szeretném a jó életet
Minden jó éjszaka, egy dögös ember vagy
Mert nem is tudod
Meg tudlak tapsoltatni
Azt mondtam, meg tudlak tapsoltatni
Valaki mentse meg a lelked
Mert bűnözöl ebben a városban, én tudom
Túl sok galiba
Ezen szeretők miatt elveszted az irányítást
Olyan vagy nekem, mint egy drog
Egy luxus, a cukrom és aranyom
A szexed és a vonzalmad akarom
Amikor szorosan fognak téged
Mert nem is tudod
Meg tudlak tapsoltatni
Azt mondtam, meg tudlak tapsoltatni
Minden éjjel, mikor a csillagok kigyúlnak
Én lennék az egyetlen élő lélek?
El kell hinned, hogy le tudnál engem fogni
Mert valami jó kell most nekem
Ordíthatnánk, amíg a nap felkel
És amikor felkelünk, mi lennénk az egyetlen hang
Ülj a térdeimre és mondj el egy imát, James Brown
Hogy meg tudlak tapsoltatni
Hogy meg tudlak tapsoltatni
(Csavard fel)
Hogy meg tudlak tapsoltatni
A húsom a legrosszabbad és a legjobbad keresi
Sose tagadd
Olyan vagyok, mint egy idegen, adj veszélyt
Minden rosszad és jód
Titkod a Broadwaytől az autópályáig
Bűntettek őrzője vagy
Ne félj az elítéléstől
A harag szőlőszemei csak megédesíthetik a borod
De nem is tudod
Meg tudlak tapsoltatni
Azt mondtam, meg tudlak tapsoltatni
Minden éjjel, mikor a csillagok kigyúlnak
Én lennék az egyetlen élő lélek?
El kell hinned, hogy le tudnál engem fogni
Mert valami jó kell most nekem
Ordíthatnánk, amíg a nap felkel
És amikor felkelünk, mi lennénk az egyetlen hang
Ülj a térdeimre és mondj el egy imát, James Brown
Hogy meg tudlak tapsoltatni
Hogy meg tudlak tapsoltatni
Hogy meg tudlak tapsoltatni
(Yeah, oh, yeah)
Hogy meg tudlak tapsoltatni
(Yeah, oh)
Szóval kérhetek egy tapsot?


Melletted állva

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Játssz le lassan
Nyomd ezt a funkot és mutass nekem csodákat
(Mutasd meg a testednek)
Ahogyan balra és jobbra mozgunk, ez valami, amit mi irányítunk
(Már tudod)
Tudod, hogy egész éjjel erre bulizunk
Ordítva, tanúsítom ezt a szerelmet
Egész éjjel erre gyülekezünk
Ordítva, tanúsítom, hogy
Ki fogjuk állni az idő próbáját
Nem tudják letagadni a szerelmünk
Nem tudnak minket elválasztani
Ki fogjuk állni az idő próbáját
Megígérem, itt leszek
Melletted állva
Melletted állva a tűzben, oh
Tudod, hogy mélyebb, mint az eső
Mélyebb, mint a fájdalom
Amikor mély, mint a DNS
Valami, amit nem tudnak elvenni, ayy
Melletted állva
Melletted állva (Melletted)
Melletted állva
Arannyá változtatja a tested, mint a nap és a hold
(Már tudod)
Tudod, hogy egész éjjel erre bulizunk
Ordítva, tanúsítom ezt a szerelmet
Egész éjjel erre gyülekezünk (Egész éjjel)
Ordítva, tanúsítom, hogy
Ki fogjuk állni az idő próbáját
Nem tudják letagadni a szerelmünk
Nem tudnak minket elválasztani
Ki fogjuk állni az idő próbáját
Megígérem, itt leszek
Melletted állva (Melletted)
Melletted állva a tűzben, oh (Melletted)
Tudod, hogy mélyebb, mint az eső
Mélyebb, mint a fájdalom
Amikor mély, mint a DNS
Valami, amit nem tudnak elvenni, ayy
Melletted állva
(Melletted állva)
Melletted állva
(Melletted állva, melletted állva)
Melletted állva, oh
(Melletted állva, melletted állva)
(Melletted állva, melletted állva)
Melletted állva
(Melletted állva)
Basszus és dobok
Melletted állva


A Place for Me (Reprise)

I want to be able to live with you
I want to fight to be by your side
I want to wake up and meet your gaze
Where there is sun
Where there is air
Where we can dance together
When I looked at you
I found
A place for me
I don't know how or why
But I already feel something growing
Write this down:
My place is with you



It's nothing, you may just be different from me
But even when I follow your gaze, I still get lost
Even if I force a smile and grab your hand again
It seems this cold is unshakeable
It nestles into my day
but it's just a habit, not a feeling
Because I'll stay the very same
Even when tomorrow finds me after the passing of today
Don't resist or deny, we let it come down on us as it is
And decide to let go of each other even if we try to cling to what's left
We will pass, like we're flowing
Because even if it hurts, in the end it will only be a brief moment
And I will wane entirely
Walk your own road now
And I'll walk mine too
Don't let my tearful steps
Block you any longer
Don't worry, I'm fine
You know me
'Cause if you leave it behind
Time will cover everything
I wanted your happiness to be me
I never dared to think I would become your pain
The thing I'd find out only when the day turned to night:
I guess I was the only one of us who really felt excited
Don't resist or deny, we let it come down on us as it is
And decide to let go of each other even if we try to cling to what's left
We will pass, like we're flowing
Because even if it hurts, in the end it will only be a brief moment
And I will wane entirely


There Lies My Heart (Reprise)

What would I do to be with you?
Everything I have I would give for you
Everything I have for one laugh, one day with you...
And hand in hand
Running in the sand
Here in the sunlight, here, in your land
Not in the sea
Not there, oh, no...
Here lies my heart
I don't know how or when yet
But I know for sure: I will see him again...
One day the tide will turn
He belongs to me
Here lies my heart!


To the Sun king

Hail oh king of imaginary fire, serene god
Ascender of the souls, send to us your pure light
Dissolving the poisonous mist
And lead us to glory
Let the whole world hush
The ether, the earth, the sea
The winds, the mountains and the valleys
Because it's time for the long haired sun to appear
Father of the snow-lashed dawn
The crimson horse-chariot of yours that you make it run with winged feet
And you are happy, you with your long golden hair
In the neverending dome of the sky
A multi-twisted ray you weave
Source of light for everyone that beholds you
All across the earth you roam
Sending us rivers of immortal fire
For your sake
the company of the brilliant stars dances over
the kingly Olympus
It chants an everlasting song
with Phoebus' golden lyre
Oh! Immortal
Provider of the light
Oh! Golden you
Come to us


Where are you

You love the kind of mornings with absolutely nothing inside
Just a jealous boy from a parade
You're just cleaning up after him like you really have nowhere to go
But you're calling from behind your barricade
He will help, he will run around, he will interfere fantastically
With a whip that came out of heaven
Once upon a time a lover, a perfectly empty character
Now it is losing what little influence it had
What other way does this simpleton have
If it were his, he would give you Bosnia
Slow mind, quick mouth, and that rusty chest
Which matches with your rusty hair
If you need something, he will get it for you
You don't have to mention it, he thought of it on his own
In the long run, it is seriously damaging
Because neither you nor he know how to stop
Where are you, if only I could know
Don't say that to Sana, love goes on, you stop
I read on some façade
How people are connected, maybe even obligated
To satisfy two different hungers
I know that you have had enough, that these are human affairs
And that the problem here is really not small
But something shines in you that makes my heart beat
With an irresistible rhythm
Don't grimace, look, even a dog
Realized that life goes on
Both in light and in darkness he swallows you, he lures you
Into those loving rubber jaws
And now you have to say that it is good for something
When he practically helped you with everything
And what is he to you and what are you to him
And how much more is there to give
Where are you, if only I could know
I see armed children, someone threatening, someone sobbing
Someone washes his face in a waterfall of hot lava
They sing in the rain, then their voice is higher
For at least three octaves
I dream of disasters, verses, psalms, stanzas
Time stands still, the clock moves
Tick-tock-tick he never worked even a day
And probably never will
I remember that day, your hair ironed
And a yellow tailored coat
What a cry, what a memory, what, in one word, a pity
To go through these things twice
When I want something, I give it my all
As long as I have you, I have a chance
No love gives such stimuli
Or something that will end this war
I miss you, if only you could know


Uchū Shikan-kōhosei (ROMAJI)

jikan tokashiteikuyo
nazo to kibou no hoshi made
kagirinai yume hime
kodoku no hitomi kagayaku
tsukiru koto no nai amaku nigai kioku o tadotteiru
asai nemuri no ato harukana tabi tobitatsu
nidoto aenai kamo shirenaikedo
hohoemi mise 'sugu ni modorusa I Love you'
kun azuketekita midori no hoshi shizuka ni touzakaru
aoi kou hoho ni ukete me tojiru
nidoto aenai kamo shirenaikedo
hoshi o hitotsu 'motte kaerou kimi ni'
uchuu no kanata yori
himitsu no utaguchi zusamou
tokimeki o tsutaete
ai wa hoshizora o kakeru
jikan tokashiteikuyo
kagirinai yume hime
uchuu no kanata yori
tokimeki o tsutaete


She Doesn't Forget

Who knows and recognizes the shortcuts of the
African jungle?
Who knows how to avoid the dangerous proximity
of the ivory hunters and other hostile enemies?
Who recognizes their own tracks and those of others?
Who honors the memory of every one of them?
Who sends out those signals that we humans don't
know how to listen for or decipher?
Those signals that alert, or give aid, or threaten,
or greet at a distance of more than 20 kilometers?
It is she, the principal elephant. The eldest, the most
wise. The one who walks at the head of the herd.


Space Cadet

Time melts away
Until the star of mystery and hope
Hides limitless dreams
Lonely eyes shine
Following endless sweet and bitter memories
After a light sleep, we take off on a faraway journey
Even though we will never meet again
You smile and say, 'I will be back, I love you'
The green star you entrusted to me is quietly moving away
I close my eyes as the pale light hits my cheeks
Even though we will never meet again
'Let's bring back a star for you”
From beyond the universe
Let me sing a secret song
Convey my excitement
Love Soars through the starry sky
Time melts away
Hides endless dreams
From beyond the universe
Conveys excitement


Bohemian Song

Down by my legs the city groans,
Colorful flames flutter and gleam,
Noises join up in a uniform hum,
While dawn's long recess comes,
While dawn's long recess comes.
Moon, my little friend slides by my window,
Sparrows, doves come inside to me,
Gardens charmingly shine in summer, and in winter
Rooves shine like snowcapped mountains,
Rooves shine like snowcapped mountains.
On the seventh story is my abode,
In the little, narrow attic room.
Though in it I fell cozy,
Like when I was a lone shepherd on a hill.
With the clouds, that fly away, there
I soar away into the world and it's freedom,
Joy shines in the depths of my soul,
Wonderful vistas, that conjure in my soul,
Wonderful vistas, that conjure in my soul.
On the seventh story is my abode,
In the little, narrow attic room.
Though in it I fell cozy,
Like when I was a lone shepherd on a hill.
On the seventh story is my abode,
In the little, narrow attic room.
On the seventh story is my abode,
In the little, narrow attic room.


Love Corrida

I don't remember what happened
I'm clutching a hammer in my right hand
The morning light is bright
It shines on the lying man
Sailing through the sea of karma in the boat of earthly desires Conquer
La la la ego collapse
I just had a dream
While wiping the blood stains on the floor
Remembering my childhood
A man distorted by bruises
What a quiet day compared to
Sailing the sea of karma in the boat of earthly desires
I just had a dream of the collapse of reason
The desire to conquer The water of the lake is full
Flowing down to the waterfall of destruction
For the sake of falling tears
The one I love is in my hands
Sailing the sea of karma in the boat of earthly desires
I just had a dream of the collapse of order
A deep roar in my heart
I hear the voice of blood
Calling chaos
Brahmanic Macrocosm
Conquering the sea of karma on the boat of earthly desires
La la la love bullfight of ego collapse


You Never Say No

We can be young and stupid tonight
So baby, just take my hand
I'll be able to show you everything
So lie on your back, because tonight I'm going to be naughty
And you never say no, no, no
To lie, lie with me
So lie on your back, because tonight I'm going to be naughty
And you never say no, no, no
And you never say no, no, no
So lie on your back, because tonight I'm going to be naughty
And you make me so weak
And you make me so happy
And theres' no one else that I would rather have
Because you never say no, no, no
And you never say no, no, no
So lie on your back, because tonight I'm going to be naughty.
And you never say no, no, no
And you never say
And you never say no, no, no
And you never say no, no, no
And you never say no, no, no
And you never say no, no, no
And you never say no, no, no



Swim as a fish
At the bottom of the sea
You lie again
Ah, it's a cold lie
Ah, it's a cold lie
Hear the sound of an unfamiliar wind
Someday you'll travel
In this gently wrapped room
Someday you'll travel again
Hear the sound of an unfamiliar wind
Someday you'll travel
In this gently wrapped room
Someday you'll travel again
Hear the sound of an unfamiliar wind
Someday you'll travel
In this gently wrapped room
Someday again
You'll swim as a fish
At the bottom of the sea
You lie again
Ah, it's a cold lie
Ah, it's a cold lie



Have hope that flowers can grow in the most polluted air
Have hope that great selfies can be taken in the filthiest streets
Just pack a guitar in your bag
And marvel at what comes after
Even if you fail, don’t make suffering into a habit
Love will bring you back, give it a kiss and set off again
May your hearts be cleansed as you speed through the rain
If you’re always calculating the costs
You’ll always remain fearful
So just stand here and keep singing, then go make your way in the new world
You deserve another chance to hope, no matter how dark your memories may be
The sky will brighten up again like summer, dim as it may be
Lives may be transient
But hope always revisits
Here’s a suit for you, go on a date and forget about it all
Keep being romantic
Fret, only if you have another thousand years to live
May you get everything you wish for when the snow falls
Can you still go all out?
Can you still live your life?
So just stand here and keep singing, then go make your way in the new world and stay there
You deserve another chance to hope, no matter how dark your memories may be
The sky will brighten up again like summer, dim as it may be
Lives may be transient
But hope always revisits
Here’s a suit for you, go on a date and forget about it all
Keep being romantic
The future is all that has yet to be, but in time they’ll come and greet you
Under the sun
You deserve another chance to hope, no matter how dark your memories may be
The sky will brighten up again like summer, dim as it may be
Lives may be transient
But hope always revisits
May we all be blessed and happy, let’s forget about it all
Keep being romantic
Even when you’re tired


Summer solstice

I saw through myself a long time ago
That's me breathing new air
I still remember the face of that man who bared his fangs in my dream
Oh, that reminds me
How many years have passed since I was left behind that summer
Strong as a bug, beautiful as a fruit
There you were, a hundred years ago
Summer light with sadness
I tried to bind them together, but the light disappeared
The sky today looks like the back of a crocodile
One person in front of me, looking awfully lonely.
A crow cawing, walking in a gray shirt.
Yes, I remember
How many years have passed since I was left behind that summer
Delicate as an animal, beautiful as a blade
It's the world of the past where that man was
Yeah, I noticed it here again
Yeah, it was too late
A memory that is too tender
It sticks with me. I can't get rid of it
I feel the frustration of the wind that suddenly gets stronger
I lean my body against the melting wall and spit up blood



When I wake up, from the kneaded sky
I hear the sound of clear rain falling
There's some kind of devil in the trees
It's peeking out at me
I look away
In faraway lands, suicide bombers
And still the world moves on
This one.
Seems like something we're tired of hearing
No one remembers the bloody scene
No one remembers it
At least you don't
I'm so attached to your innocent smile
The swell starts softly and quietly
We keep staring at it
Swimming in the sky with reverence
Like the news of the year
The planes are passing over us
The swell starts softly and quietly
We keep staring at it


Carriage Driver, Carriage Driver, Here Is Me, Your Lodger

(Zeynep Atagür)
Coachman, coachman
Here is me, your lodger
Coachman, drive the car
(Erol Köker)
To where?
(Zeynep Atagür)
To Beyoglu (A discrict in Istanbul)
Getgoing, Getgoing, Getgoing, Getgoing!
Getgoing, Getgoing, Getgoing, Getgoing!
Getgoing, Getgoing, Getgoing, Getgoing!
Getgoing, Getgoing, Getgoing, Getgoing!
Lets get in the car too,
And let go to Beyoglu
Lets get in the car too,
And let go to Beyoglu
Coachman, drive the car
(Erol Köker)
To where?
(Zeynep Atagür)
To Uskudar (A dicrict in Istanbul)
Getgoing, Getgoing, Getgoing, Getgoing!
Getgoing, Getgoing, Getgoing, Getgoing!
Getgoing, Getgoing, Getgoing, Getgoing!
Getgoing, Getgoing, Getgoing, Getgoing!
Is this the way to have fun
Oh, man, exchange the liras too
Is this the way to have fun
Oh, man, exchange the liras too
Coachman, drive the car
(Erol Köker)
To where?
(Zeynep Atagür)
To Sirkeci (A discrict in Istanbul)
Getgoing, Getgoing, Getgoing, Getgoing!
Getgoing, Getgoing, Getgoing, Getgoing!
Getgoing, Getgoing, Getgoing, Getgoing!
Getgoing, Getgoing, Getgoing, Getgoing!


And you didn't come

And you didn't come
And I was waiting
Locked inside the house of love
And you didn't come
And it's dawn already
Even though you told me you'd come at midnight
There are roads that keep us apart
And it's late for me to enter your life
I close my eyes not to cry
But through the tear I see you
And you didn't come
And I was waiting
A shadow that waits for your shadow
And you didn't come
And I was dying
To have your name only on my lips
And you didn't come
And I was waiting


The Meaning of Meeting

Ha-ah, ha-ah, ha-aaah
Ha-ah, ha-ah, ha
How many times have we walked in the morning sun
We listen to each others' longing for one another
I see one person, you, in a crowd of people
Will you empty out a drawer and keep our memories safe
I could never have imagined that I could get so lucky
Please understand why I'm so cautious
I am thankful that you've come this far with me
Your answer to every word I utter
You were with me through thick and thin
I've gotten more courage than I could еver need
Walking in lockstep, a beautiful spеctacle, it all makes my heart pound
You've always believed, I've always believed, that the sky would clear up again
Ha-ah, ha-ah, ha-aaah
Ha-ah, ha-ah, ha-aaah
Ha-ah, ha-ah, ha-aaah
You've always believed, I've always believed, that the sky would clear up again
I could never have imagined that I could get so lucky
Please understand why I'm so cautious
I am thankful that you've come this far with me
Your answer to every word I utter
You were with me through thick and thin
I've gotten more courage than I could ever need
Walking in lockstep, a beautiful spectacle, it all makes my heart pound
You've always believed, I've always believed, that the sky would clear up again
Until we become a better us
Like a shadow, you were never translucent
I could share my joy with you like a friend
You were with me through thick and thin
I've gotten more courage than I could ever need
Walking in lockstep, a beautiful spectacle, it all makes my heart pound
You've always believed, I've always believed, that the sky would clear up again
Ha-ah, ha-ah, ha-aaah (Woah-woah-woah-woah)
Ha-ah, ha-ah, ha-aaah (Yeah-yeah-yeah)
Ha-ah, ha-ah, ha-aaah (Ooh, oh-oh)
The meaning of us


Black Rooster

Listen to my tale, brunette
In my very dreams I only see you here
You turn into an obsession to me
Marvelous loving
It is marvelous to be enamored
Listen to my tale, brunette
Finding you was a dream to me
In my struggle through life
I have lost the sense of the simple things
It is grand to be enamored
If you could smile at least
It would be a heaven to me
Even imaginary, it is marvelous to be enamored
Beautiful brunette, listen to this song
This song, story of my life
Depicts the course of my steps
Marvelous loving
It is marvelous to be enamored
Helo me forget the suffering I have lived in the buyers' slavery
Please help me
Help me feel and enjoy this day
Like a rooster crowing when the dawn of hope comes
Give me your love
Give me heart
When we will fight in the jungles of Africa
Cape Verde
São Tomé
Or in Brazil
Black wood
Beauty of my land


Don't Cry

I lock myself in an empty room,
Thank you for helping me think clearly.
Because I love you, I won't be a burden to you,
I don't need someone to soothe me gently.
Don't worry, I'll recover quickly,
And find someone to stroll with.
Don't cry, I don't want to pretend I'm pitiful and innocent,
Even if I block your way, I can't stop you from chasing me.
Don't cry, I should smile and bless you more,
I wish you find the right happiness.
Will you care if I were to disappear?
Don't be vague

Putkimies ei aikaa laske

Putkimies ei aikaa laske
Ainakaan näin kotona
Mua tarvitaan aina
Aukaisemaan tukkeutuneen!
Elämä kun vuotaa
Mä laulan biisejä
Tyhjentäen röörejä, soi mun tyylinen laulu


Welcome to the Bay (Swedish)

Hello, hello, how nice to meet you
Here you'll be healed
And not be-
Why don't we talk about my bay?
My bay is known to be the wettest
I think it counts
As something completely unique
If sorrow seeps from you
You will find a harbor in me
Your pain, yes, I will swallow it, my friend
'Cause sometimes melancholy can overflow
You don't need to feel like that again
Hello, hello, see the tears flow
Down from my eyes
It's hard to do what I do
But it's easy as it is worth the effort
To help all the fragile people
Until they die- Next verse!
When something plagues you
Then you can ask me
So I'll absorb your sadness until everything's okay
You get to feel rest and peace
And have a calm and tranquil, happy last day
I want to help
So feel at home
Until the problem is solved
You'll find the goodness in me
So tell me what's troubling you


For a While

The final maglev train
Bears the weight of unspoken farewells in the air.
However, we are like strangers,
Standing separately on the platform, devoid of any connection.
Now, what words can I offer?
I'm just a wanderer between the both of you,
Stating that determination is for you,
Yet, I require your consent to linger.
I just want to cry for a while and split the memories between us,
When I'm done, I'll go home and wipe my own tears.
I just want to cry for a while, if you don't object,
I won't care for you anymore

Alfonsina and the sea

On the soft sand that the sea licks
Her little footprint won't come back again
A path of only sorrow and silence made it
To the deep water,
A path of only mute sorrows made it
To the foam
God knows what anguish accompanied you
What old pains your voice kept quiet
For you to lay down rocked by the singing
Of the sea shells
The song that in bottom of the dark sea sings
The sea shell
You go, Alfonsina, with your solitude
What new poems did go looking for?
An old voice made of wind and salt
Breaks your soul and takes it
And you go there as if you were in a dream
Asleep, Alfonsina, dressed in sea...
Five little mermaids will take you
Down paths of seaweed and coral
And fluorescent sea horses will keep
Watch next to you
And the water's inhabitants are going to play
Next to you soon
Take down the lamp a little more
Let me sleep, nurse, in peace
And if he calls don't tell him I am home
Tell him Alfonsina is not coming back...
And if he calls don't ever tell him I am home,
Say I'm gone...
You go, Alfonsina, with your solitude
What new poems did go looking for?
An old voice made of wind and salt
Breaks your soul and takes it
And you go there as if you were in a dream
Asleep, Alfonsina, dressed in sea...


Summer Lullaby

Summer heat
Life instantly seems beautiful
Fish are aplenty
Hmm, the cotton field is ripening
Your mama is pretty
And your daddy will protect you
Hmm, my dear little son, don’t cry
Mama is cradling you
One morning
Your world will turn into song
The song will give you wings
And you’ll disappear in the clouds
And until that moment
Not a single bad dream will cross your sleep
Hmm, sleep, my dear son, sleep
Yea, yea, mama is cradling you, hmm
Summer heat
Summer heat
Life instantly seems beautiful
Fish are aplenty
Hmm, the cotton field, field, field is ripening
Your mama is pretty
And your daddy will protect you
Hmm, my dear little son, don’t cry
Mama is cradling you
One morning
Your world will turn into song
The song will give you wings
And you’ll disappear in the clouds
And until that moment
Not a single bad dream will cross your sleep
Hmm, sleep, my dear son, sleep
Yea, yea, mama is cradling you, hmm