Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 32

Találatok száma: 100455


Little Traveler

Under the evening sun sinking into the desert
I think about your wind-clad form.
To the stars that have begun their twinkling, I make a wish,
'Cast your magic once more.'
Where have you disappeared to?
Surely somewhere in this sky …
Water for the trees that shatter the stars.
Love to the rose that shatters my feelings.
If you are smiling right now,
I need nothing, nothing more.
Under the evening sun sinking into the desert
I think about the words you left me with.
To the stars that fall silent, I make a wish,
'Don't let the magic wear off ever again.'
Can you see me?
Surely while the tears I've shed are still …
Water for the trees that shatter the stars.
Love to the rose that shatters my feelings.
For if you are smiling right now,
I need nothing more.
Now then, take in a breath,
aim for that place,
and let it resound!
I will look at the sky again,
I will look at the sky where you are,
even if 'what is essential
is invisible to the eye'.1
  • 1. This quote is from the story.


The Works of Bartolomeo

La la la la la,
la la la la la,
la la-la la-la,
I'll tell you the story of Mr. Bartolomeo,
he has a boring job that no longer interesses him.
He dreams of a moment of gly,
perhaps you too dream it?
1,111 holes all in a row
in the piece of iron like so (how boring!).
1,112 holes in a row
in this piece of iron like so.
To think that my dream is
1,113 holes all in a row
in this piece of iron like so
but my day will come,
the world will be moved,
it will read (it will read)
the works of Bartolomeo.
Who will stop me (who will stop me)
who will get in my way (who will get in my way)
of flying where I'll want.
Who will stop me (who will stop me)
when I'll live
the words that I'll write?
1,114 holes all in a row
in this piece of iron like so (how boring!),
1,100 etc. etc. and days and days
all like that but my destiny is always there
and I don't despair.
But my day will come,
the world will be moved,
it will read (it will read)
the works of Bartolomeo.
Who will stop me (who will stop me)
who will get in my way (who will get in my way)
of flying where I'll want.
Who will stop me (who will stop me)
when I'll live
the words that I'll write?
Who will stop me?
Who will stop me?
Who will stop me?...


Fly With Us

Look at the clouds of the sky (look in the sky),
white castles of a fantastic king,
of a world that
he can dream about (whoa-oh).
It's so easy to dream (you'll dream)
but with eyes open to fly up there,
you fly too
with us.
It's so beautiful
to fly a sky with me,
you try it too,
fly with us.
Fly with us!
Then you're leaving wings to the wind (and you'll fly with it),
I say that it's then always more
natural with it,
ever like me, come on!
And it shines over there (shines over there),
fly up here, you fly too (you fly too).
If you are from earth,
you feel lighter.
You try too, fly with us,
now with us,
with us, hey!
You try too, fly with us!


Look In The Sky

I know it's futile
to speak about tomorrow to those who don't believe.
I know it's futile
to show the light to those who don't want to see.
But if you want, all will change
even if for you the night is black.
Look in the sky, the sun returns,
look in the sky, the sun already returns.
I know the night here
seems at points as long as hell
but if then you'll notice,
it in the end only lasts several hours.
You believe me, all will change,
if you want, the dawn will come.
Look in the sky, the sun returns,
look in the sky, the sun already returns.
Look in the sky, the sun returns,
look in the sky, the sun already returns.
Look in the sky, the sun returns,
look in the sky, the sun returns,
look in the sky, the sun returns,
look in the sky...


Everything I Have

Everything I have,
I know I owe it to you
and everything I'll do,
it will be for you.
You who were
always next to me,
you who never ask
why you never have it.
Everything I am,
darling, I know I owe it to you.
Return and then you'll see
you'll be the one who'll have me.
Everything I have
is what you gave to me.
A girl such as you are,
why did you ever really want me?
And everything I have
I know I owe it to you.
Everything I have,
I know I owe it to you,
everything I have,
I know I owe it to you...


Beneath That Tree

Beneath that tree,
with cherry blossoms in full bloom
At the promised time, let us meet again
I, who dream of spring,
offer this love song
I know you will come back to me once more
[*Written only] [Beneath That Tree] [Lyrics: Hideyuki] [Composition: m.t.] [Art: Oriko] [Video: Various contributors]
The season for going off to chase dreams has arrived
as a balmy breeze blows
With sorrow, unease and tears,
a reluctant farewell—
the colors of spring
You're my only love,
and my heart still belongs to you—
I will never forget the vow we made
This breeze
caressing my cheek,
are you feeling it too?
Beneath that tree,
with cherry blossoms in full bloom
At the promised time, let us meet again
I, who dream of spring, offer this love song
I know you will come back to me once more
The town has been painted in the tones of the era,
and I let a sorrowful breeze embrace me
As hopes and dreams dim in memory, people
return at last to love
The time I shall see you again draws near,
and I sing with a smile on my face
Because, when the blossoms are at their most splendid,
I will be reunited with you
Beneath that tree,
with cherry blossoms in full bloom
At the promised time, let us meet again
I, who dream of spring, offer this love song
I know you will come back to me once more
Beneath that tree,
with cherry blossoms in full bloom
Let us talk together of the future and our dreams
I, who look up at the blossoms, offer this love song
and I shall never stop singing it
Beneath that tree,
with cherry blossoms in full bloom
Let us share a kiss
I sing on and on of my dream, that my words might reach you
Please, never lose hope
Beneath that tree,
with cherry blossoms in full bloom
At the promised time, let us meet again
I, who dream of spring, offer this love song
I know you will come back to me once more
Beneath that tree,
with cherry blossoms in full bloom
Let us talk together of the future and our dreams
I, who look up at the blossoms, offer this love song
and together, we will sing on and on
I know you will come back to me once more


That's Why I Want You

I want you alone,
love, I want you alone
and nothing matters to me, you know,
other than you.
I don't want what
others want,
it's enough for me
to remain with you.
I love you alone,
I want always and only you
because with you I'll live happy.
Nothing never ever
in the world will give me
the joy that you give me.
That's why I want you,
I want you alone, love.
Nothing never ever
in the world will give me
the joy that you give me.
That's why I want you,
I want you alone, love,


When She Returns

When she returns,
she'll tell you something about me,
she'll tell you that I no longer know how to smile,
that she should have believed me, seeing me cry.
When she returns,
if she is no longer against me,
if she realizes that I'd never have thought
of loving someone else more than her.
What will she say? What will she do if she seeks me out?
Will she again hold out her hands?
In her arms, will I forget
if she returns, if she returns?
If she realizes that I'd never have thought
of loving someone else more than her.
What will she say? What will she do if she seeks me out?
Will she again hold out her hands?
In her arms, will I forget
if she returns, if she returns?
But if to me
she doesn't return,
she won't know
the truth.


From Y to Y

You turned your back and walked away1
Without exchanging a single word with me
Inside my trembling heart, I was crying like a child,
“Don’t go! Don’t go!”
I turned my back and walked away
I had to go before I started to cry
I pretended I hated being too happy,
Put on a brave face, and let go of my ideal future
And the wish I would never get back
My small studio apartment feels a bit too big
Like it’s widening the gaps in my heart
Each minute and second feels a bit too long
If only I were spending them with you
Won’t this world even allow me to have wishes?
Even a single lie
Can bring you to tears
I’ve accumulated too many sins to count
Like having touched your hand
And trying to go through life by your side
It seems like picking up the present means letting go of the past
Memory and time are finite
The existence of me, just standing there
Will surely fade from your memory
Can’t we ever go back to how things were?
Is this the beginning or the end?
The night I spend sleeping in this too-big bed hasn’t ended yet
I’m still dreaming all on my own
A dream of searching through your memories
I’ve accumulated too many sins to count
Like having touched your hand
And trying to go through life by your side
Just let me stay quietly in your memory
And I’ll make it up to you with the pain of my loneliness
I hope we can meet again with our feelings unchanged
And join hands
But until that time comes,
“See you.”
  • 1. Translation by EJ Translations (do not remove this notice and do not reproduce without attribution and link to original)



Try to dive into the BEAT!
Can you, can you?
Can you see the heat of BEAT?
Can you, can you?
Try to dive into the BEAT!
Can you, can you?
Can you see the heat of BEAT?
hello, we're making a new beat
if you forget all about your boring life
you'll become so engrossed you'll even forget to sleep
have a look, here it is
a repeating magic
there's meaning in what your eyes don't see
only embodiments are not reality
follow only what's real
on nights you can't sleep
it'll stimulate your tear glands
the shapeless magic
so then let's go
we haven't decided where we're headed
the beat ups the heat and gets faster
a beat that
only you can see
la la la la
to the end of the dimensions1
we go beyond the future
we'll get there some day
beyond the
furthest reaches
la la la la la …
  • 1. (or) to the limit of time



Fearing that I'm not loved by you
who are more precious to me than anyone,
I fled in a single leap
to a planet ten thousand years ahead.
I gently try opening my eyelids.
A sea like a black sky lies before me.
It flows to a horizon
a hundred million years ahead.
Before my senses freeze
from the temperature of the vacuum I inhaled,
give my body its share of love
of love …
Give me love right now
Give love to me
Please give me love
Give me love …
So I wouldn't be swallowed up by darkness
on the planet where no light shines,
I watched, alone,
the evening glow ten thousand years ahead.
Surely I'll do nothing but ever drift along
with this space dust.
Please, before I thus vanish and disappear,
please …
Give me love right now
Give love to me
Please give me love
Give me love …
Give me love…
Give me love


Blue Screen

You want to turn off the lights
Forget about all the science
Execute the power to fuse with your shadow
Automatic ideas
Twist your head up
You can't untangle reality from your feet
Elastic responses
They say 'It's no big deal'
But you can't tell where the question came from
Leave your problems behind
Leave them in your liver
There's no other lesson than to understand that everything got messed up
Am I in the right?
While the others have a different story?
What to do with all these pieces?
To await a miracle
In my imagination, I see a blue screen
I see a blue screen
In my imagination, I see
In my imagination, I see
In my imagination, I see a blue screen


I'm Trying

Why do you keep wanting to make it right?
Don't you see that everything is wrong
I run I run, but it's all a circle
But still, I try
Why do you keep wanting to make it right?
This love is not a weakness
I've searched for her for so long, and now that I've found her
I'm leaving...
Everything around me is bad
I play with karma as if I'm playing a game of tag
I've loved and wounded all the girls before
Where should I even take out my dress shirt
I found the one, but she won't give me the chance
The wheel goes round, I've earned my punishment
I'm hurt, I've loved before
I was the right one at the wrong moment
She had me at a standstill
Although we had
Destined souls
You know it hurts
But I get it
You've got unfinished business
From the past
I don't wish for anything more
Then for the time to pass and also for us
To have a beginning
I leave, leave, leave
I don't want, I need
If I stay, I couldn't possibly endure it
I'd consume my entire self and it's toxic
'And I know you don't want this, she said'
If we're not written together, you should know that you'll forever remain my legal drug
It's wrong
Shall we let time decide for us?
The wait is killing me
But I knew it wouldn't be simple
But I knew it would be impossible
I created false hope for myself
That you'd make it possible
Never say never
If not in this life
Perhaps in another life


A date at 6 p.m.

On the fourth bank
In the same class1,
But we are always silent,
You and me.
It is the final class2 for the day.
I found courage today
To ask you
To go out with me at 6 o'clock
I have a date, date at six o'clock!
The night is noisy.
For me you are the only one in our class3,
My shiny dream!
How is pulsing like crazy
My heart! Today the world is new
It seems one love
Makes wonder with me.
The fourth bank
Connects us every class4,
Although we are still silent,
You and me.
It is the final class for the day.
I found courage today
To ask you
To go out with me at 6 o'clock
I have a date, date at six o'clock!
The night is noisy.
For me you are the only one in our class,
My shiny dream!
How is pulsing like crazy
My heart! Today the world is new
It seems one love
Makes wonder with me.
I have a date, date at six o'clock!
The night is noisy.
For me you are the only one in our class,
My shiny dream!
Today at six o'clock!
The night is noisy.
For me you are the only one in our class,
My shiny dream!
Today at six o'clock!
Today at six o'clock!
I have a date, date at six o'clock!
  • 1. A school class
  • 2. A series of lessons covering a single subject.
  • 3. A school class
  • 4. ]A series of lessons covering a single subject.



Our helicopter flies, and the rats run
Gray rats, light-blue helicopter
Bird cherry on the streets, and in a cage they're carrying
Tsar Emelya1, and who can now discern
Where is the devil, where is the inkwell, where is the lighthouse's light
Where is Great October2, where is Tender May3
The clouds are as full of astronomers as dirt
And that's why everyone knows just where heaven is.
Mist, mist, and everyone is pinned to the ground
On vegetable garden beds under a budgetary estimate
Stučka's4 сhildren have sunshine in their arteries
At absolute zero, but each one believes and hopes
For cartoon happiness in a peaceful country
Where everyone gets peace and love for free
Where everyone is insured by divine price
State insurance or angel — just prepare your signature
And night without end, without patronymic, without
Awakening, only the snow glitters. A demon
Flies under the moon in chilly heights, fearing only the Name
And obeying the order, take! under the Psalter of words like lashes
He rushes to be on time for matins in Jerusalem
To be on time for matins in Jerusalem
Weekends in Prostokvashino5 ended very well
The fighters took everyone hostage
A politically-correct 'pedo' is awake, are not all rights respected?
And through the jails mens' shackles ring out
The Black Tower's needle over the round city
Micky and Mallory6 were completely right
The supermarket has a slogan with an illustration of Christ
The Indians don't hope for a miracle, only firewater
Rome reveres the law, but the barbarians are always right
And belted with explosives, they jeer humanism
And someone's never going to finish watching 'Santa Barbara'7
Leaving by the corridor of octahedral prisms
Where flies writhe in every glass
Those who didn't manage to become a ray of light
How cold the wind on the whole small earth
How the dials on the dashboard tremble, they're waiting for the order to take off
And night without end, without patronymic, without
Awakening, only the snow glitters. A demon
Flies under the moon in chilly heights, fearing only the Name
And obeying the order, take! under the Psalter of words like lashes
He rushes to be on time for matins in Jerusalem
To be on time for matins in Jerusalem



In Kilkelly, October 1840: 'Peter, my dear son,
your friend and classmate Pat was so kind to write you, God stay with him.
Your brothers search for work in England, our house is now empty and silenced,
and harvest of potatoes is infested with mold, let's hope that a third of them will remain.
And your sister Bridget and Patrick O'Donnel want to marry themselves in December,
and mother worries about when you'll return home, you shouldn't supposedly have left.'
In Kilkelly, February 1850: 'Peter, my dear son,
say hello to your wife Mary with children and God may bless you all.
Michael has some problems in England, he'll never change,
and peat is so wet from the rains, we have nothing to make fire from.
Bridget is happy and already has five children, and the sixth should have your name,
and mother kisses you and asks, where you work, you shouldn't toil that much.'
In Kilkelly, September 1850: 'Peter, my son, greetings,
sorrowful, now I send you the saddest of all messages.
Before a week, in Sunday, your mother passed away, in night, the death has walked over our threshold.
Don't worry, she died silently and in the sleep, remember her in your prayers.
We burried her at cemetery in Kilkelly, Bridget, your brothers and I,
the evening before she left, she had said me that she was dreaming about you.'
In Kilkelly, March 1860: 'Son, I feel so lonely.
Thank you for sending the pictures of children, they are beautiful and we like them.
It's already thirty years after you moved away behind the ocean, I'm already close to 80 years.
From money, that you send, I live finely, but I don't know how to thank you.
And your brother Michael builds his house and has a first gray hair.
You write, that you are preparing to visit us, I'm happy, that I'll see you again.'
In Kilkelly, October six years later: 'Brother, today I write you,
God has called our father to himself, everything reminds him.
Last days, he spend with his grandchildren by Bridget, he really liked to live with them there.
He had no pain, only remembered of you, when then he couldn't stand up anymore.
We have burried him next to your mother, now he surely has already met her.
It would be fine, if you come to your home, Bridget sends a kiss.'


Too Bad

I saw the signs, but I ignored them all, yeah
Way too blinded by Euphoria
I couldn't see I had the shorter straw
Red flags wave high
Guess I must be colorblind, yeah
People tried to warn me 'bout you, but I wouldn't leave you
Told me you and him were only friends and I believed you
Thinking it was all inside my head until I opened up the thread
I saw the pictures in the text, I couldn't breathe
You told me that you could see this
Here forever, I guess that's a lie
'Cause the same lips telling me that
I saw kissing him back
I said too bad if you feeling lost, I'm not around
Too bad if you wanna talk, I'm not in town, yeah
Too bad if you think you want a second chance
I'm not your back up plan, no, I'm not your second man
I said too bad if you feeling lost, I'm not around
Too bad if you wanna talk, I'm not in town, yeah
I said too bad if you think you want a second chance
I am not your back up plan, no, I'm not your second man, nah
Gave you my heart, I thought it was safe
You broke it apart and then you threw it away
And I just hate that there's a piece I'll never get back
You'll have it forever, I'll accept that
Sixteen missed calls, heard that you lookin'
You had a clean shot, point blank, saw it and took it
We had a Fall Out Boy, how you cock it and pull it
Told my dad about you, funny he said I dodged a bullet
You told me that you could see this
Here forever, I guess that's a lie
Cause the same lips telling me that
I saw kissing him back
I said too bad if you feeling lost, I'm not around
Too bad if you wanna talk, I'm not in town, yeah
Too bad if you think you want a second chance
I'm not your back up plan, no, I'm not your second man
I said too bad if you feeling lost, I'm not around
Too bad if you wanna talk, I'm not in town, yeah
I said too bad if you think you want a second chance
I am not your back up plan, no, I'm not your second man, nah


Spring, summer, autumn, winter

Born to a city without seasons
Grew up in a hill without wind
I leaved a house without dreams
To meet people without love
I thought it'd be nice to be good for others
I ran from west to east
And the kindness I finally found
It withered away so easily
I've got no time to look at the spring view
I've got no strenght to survive the summer
I cover myself in autumn leaves
And let my bones bare for the winter
Everything ends today
Everything changes today
Everything will be washed away today
Everything starts today
Born to a city without seasons
Grew up in a hill without wind
I leaved a house without dreams
To meet people without love
Peeking at the one next to me
Making sure I'm on the right path
I got lazy once again
The laughs will continue for a while
It's a dirty place, but
If you have the time, please come by
It's ok if it's just for a minute
But come by at least once
Everything ends today
Everything changes today
Everything will be washed away today
Everything starts today


Blessed be the hybrid path

Blessed be the *hybrid path. Let no one dare tell us how it should be. Holy cause in February, so soon -*flyover with an icon on a broom over domains of the prince of *MRRd. To destroy our enemies at a minimum, *Hitler's cap in the museum, horns and burning pentacles to glow, the illuminated scarlet Kremlin - we are an Orthodox land and God is with, isn’t it so? Our God is fierce and merciless, for this people appreciate with zest, protecting the elites from slaughter. He extracts oil from the darkest sites, and the boilers boil days and nights, filled with holy water. The water is holy, the cauldrons are boiling, our god throws soldiers, cereals, and pasta into the cauldrons. The soldier goes into the smoky air and remains young forever, whose name is legions. Who said there is no goal? For now, it is a secret for young and old, for our own benefit it stood. Long time ago, we signed an agreement, let Ukraine be free and independent, the paper absorbed the blood for good. Talking about this is banned. We have a lot of furry friends

I'm grateful

Even if I'm suffering because of you
But I'm grateful, really grateful
Even if I'm missing you and upset
But I'm grateful, really grateful
You made me graceless to all the world
You left me all alone
Hot as fire and cold as ice
Tell me, how to understand your personality!
Tipsy, tipsy - I'm attached to you
A girlie in love with you
Tipsy, tipsy - I'm attached to you
I didn't betray you
Even if you played that long with my heart
But I do agree - so for what this showing off?
Hiding your eyes from me
You're the lucky one, you're the heart-breaker
Waiting for you to come back
You're the wind in cold seasons
Even didn't tell and make me happy
Tell me, how to understand your personality!


The Brigades of the Tiger: Made in USA

1929. For ten years now, liquor prohibition has been imposed in the U.S. by the Volstead Act – a measure more harmful than beneficial, as it has only encouraged the gigantic development of banditry based on the manufacture and sale of illegal rum.
Thanks to it and the corruption it generates, Al Capone was able to build a real empire from which he taunts the federal authorities.
Moonshine distilleries have sprung up everywhere like mushrooms, flooding the American territory with hooch of all kinds.
But there is a sophisticated clientele willing to pay any price for quality merchandise – each bottle of real French cognac or champagne is worth a fortune on the other side of the pond.
And so, many adventurers try their luck in France to export to the U.S. – an anarchic situation on which King Al Capone decided to crack down.


You Are The Melody Of My Life [You Are The Music In Me]

Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na, yeah
You are the melody of my life
When someone says, once upon a time
You want to listen, keep your ears tuned
In a dream you hear a song
And you see a shadow, maybe great happiness
Yes, time and time again, a special sound
Like an echo in my mind
It's the secret that only I know
And if I'm dragged in
Mmh, I gotta go
Music tells me
We're going in the same direction
And you are the melody of my life
Yes, I get carried away
And that is because I know
You are the melody of my life
Na-na-na-na, oh yeah, na-na-na-na-na, yeah, na-na-na-na
You ae the melody of my life
It's af if we've met before
inexplicable, yeah incomprehensible
And suddenly I sang a lot of words
I couldn't (because I)
Let you go (see you)
You know what makes me happy
I've never tried that before
It is a secret that only I know
A door is opening
And you're singing my song
Music tells me
We're going in the same direction
And you are the melody of my life
Yes, I get carried away
It's because I know
You are the melody of my life
You and I become [?]
And we dare to say it just the way it is
I just know
It comes from the inside
Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na
You ae the melody of my life
Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na
You ae the melody of my life
(Music tells me)
Music tells me
We're going in the same direction
You are the melody of my life
Yes, I get carried away
It's because I know
You are the melody of my life
Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na
You ae the melody of my life



Here in Mong Kok
I spotted these four handsome young men
Looking like real erudites
Maybe superstars from an angle
Girls and nerds flocked to get a photo
The crowd besieged the Ladies' Market
These four silly billies
Are they crazy or in a cult?
Kept yelling 'So firm' (So firm!)
I'm just gonna walk away
I still remember Tommy's waltz dance with her that night
(Shut your mouth!)
Gather in, put on the live stream
Bed Gor's gonna give it to you straight
LeungSiu is not how he used to be
Tommy! Tommy! Tommy! Tommy!
Don't waste your life in a room alone
Sing at the top of your lungs with Chicken Wing
And we're
Just for fun!
Yo, yo, yo, yo, hello yo
Welcome to Bed Gor's chat show
Sign up here every Monday 9pm
Nothing much to do after dinner anyway
Yo Operation Red String is now a go!!!
I placed my bets with Tommy's numbers, this match better go the way I wanted
Lost all my money by midnight, the rooftop felt so cold
Bro don't jump, gambling is just for fun
YOLO the money and gamble for fun
Bed Gor, what do I do I'm so angry
Phone in Fuck Your and become a Fuck Pillar
I DM'd Chicken Wing saying I need to let off some steam
He said the stream is off, told me to run it off instead
Tommy said Tomfaki's Tommyz can't hold his liquor for his life
Before long Tommy was drunk like a skunk on his way to the ER
LeungSiu said that's enough and showed his peepee
If you're still not a member, well I can see you're a 0 Know
We forged our way in these trying times, our faith can make up our loss, we carry on
In defeat, we wiped our tears away, what matters is we carried ourselves with grace
Gather in, put on the live stream
Bed Gor's gonna give it to you straight
LeungSiu is not how he used to be
Tommy! Tommy! Tommy! Tommy!
Don't waste your life in a room alone
Sing at the top of your lungs with Chicken Wing
And we're
Just for fun!


Gucci slippers

[Intro] Abi
Bitch, Abi has come
Bitch, I know you know me
I'm coming out of the Gucci store
[Chorus] Show off, Abi, show off, Abi
Gucci slippers on my feet, show off, Abi
Gucci with crystal snakes, show off, Abi
Show off, Abi, show off, Abi
[Verse 1] Show off, Abi, Gucci slippers on my feet
Lord, what talent you have, Abi, show off (Talent)
Philipp Plein hoodie on me
Gucci belt, the jeans hold it in
Lord, how much sorrow comes to me
Italian style, but I'm a gypsy
Bitches die for me, they can't resist
Don't you see how criminally I'm dressed
Leave me, I'm busy
I see a rocker and I beat him
[Chorus] Show off, Abi, show off, Abi
Gucci slippers on my feet, show off, Abi
Gucci with crystal snakes, show off, Abi
Show off, Abi, show off, Abi
[Verse 2] I've dropped out of school
I've made you sick
At my seventeen years, Abi has everything you want
Show off, Abi, Baby Abi is hers
I have a bitch next to me, you'd think it's Emy Alupei
Bitch, you think you're Jesus, bitch, you're beaten with nails
You know dad is Satan, and Abi is his child
I smell Dior, baby, I feel like I'm dying
Take it easy, or I'll kill you
Your woman saw me in the city, she instantly loved me
She saw me, she left you, you couldn't find another bitch
I took your bitch out in the city
I went out in Gucci slippers
After a date, I gave her the slippers
[Chorus] Show off, Abi, show off, Abi
Gucci slippers on my feet, show off, Abi
Gucci with crystal snakes, show off, Abi
Show off, Abi, show off, Abi


The Brigades of the Tiger: The Brutus Network

1925. It has already been more than two years since Benito Mussolini, at the head of his blackshirts, took power in Italy following his march on Rome.
Since then, the fascist regime has increased its dictatorial influence every day.
From 1924, a wave of repressions triggered by the blackshirts tore apart the ranks of the opposition, and Mussolini did not even back down from the outright assassination of deputy Matteotti, secretary of the Socialist Party.
The persecution becomes such that, to escape the deportation camps, many opponents leave the peninsula clandestinely, but they are hunted down by the Duce's secret services who strive to eliminate the nuclei of resistance which are forming almost everywhere in Europe.


At the Bus Stop

With frozen fingers
In the lack of hot water
With stucked thoughts
In your absence as usual
I remember your usual gaze
But it's not usual, brown eyes, like November
You said you don't know me
But I remember your drunkenness, even now
In darkness (Yeah), all alone (Alone)
I don't need anyone but there's one (One)
That's exactly (Yeah) how I spend my days (Days)
I got lost somewhere at the stop without you
I will leave thoughts, lock up at home
I won't wait for you, I have no hope
I have been stuck lately, days like weeks
24/7, you can't even imagine what it's like (I)
Counting minutes
Somewhere at the last stop
I know, my bus won't come
Waiting for you, don't know why
You won't come today either, right?
You won't come ever
I remember the smell
I remember the gaze
I remember the best days I spent with you
And I have your digits
But I don't dial
Ask why?
'Cause she doesn't want to
Feelings, desires
I dream of her attention
I dedicated a song to her
Now counting 13 1
How will this end?
What to expect from her?
I will say in advance, nothing
I won't fall for her love shit
  • 1. There's something about the number “13” but it is not clear. It seems to represent something important for both of em cause it's repeated in the album, in the number of songs on the album, in the songs on the album


I am a Superhero!

I am a superhero!
Because I like (being one)!
I'm coming, that's for sure!
Three somersaults, I am there!
When a evil monster attacks you,
Sneaks into your dreameries,
Breaks the toy traintrack,
Acts mean as a dog!
Or if the teacher scolds,
And you really didn't do anything.
One, two, three!
Summon me,
And I will help you immediately!
I am a superhero!
Because I like (being one)!
I'm coming, that's for sure!
Three somersaults, I am there!


They moved

They moved, moved to foreign lands
You crazy, crazy, crazy of mine,
Mice and snakes ate the meat of our bodies,
You girl, you beauty, friend of mine
I am an orphan, I am a captive,
You handsome, handsome one of mine,
I am wounded, I am forlorn,
You friend, friend of mine
They moved, moved to foreign lands
You crazy, crazy, crazy of mine
My heart aches and is set on fire
You girl, beauty, my companion


Too much

Will you still love me
When I’m not what I promised to be?
Will you still love me
When I’m no longer just a mystery?
Can you just promise me that you’ll stay here?
Can you just promise me that you’ll stay?
This is becoming too much
Too much, too much for me.
If you say it’s becoming too much
Too much, too much for you.
Can’t the two of us just exist
Just us two without the world around us?
Can’t the two of us just exist
Just us two without the world around us?
I will still love you
When you can’t keep your eyes open anymore
I will still love you
For me you were the last straw
This is becoming too much
Too much, too much for me.
And if you say it’s becoming too much
Too much, too much for you.
When you say it’s becoming too much
Too much, too much to carry (I know it’s happening quickly)
And when you say it’s becoming too much
Then I will be, then I will be here
Can’t the two of us just exist
Just us two without the world around us?
Can’t the two of us just exist
Just us two without the world around us?



I feel tenderness in you
And quietly in you I stay,
With no reason to shout
And smoothly I merge into you,
But I just don't see the point
To think of you,
To breathe for you
And right to you I pledge
Asking for words that you've said to others -
No, I don't want to
You wear your ego gloriously
What are you mentally cooking?
Your mess is now mine -
What are you fighting for?
You were watching, wanting, giving, saying, doing, heavily betraying
And again I shout
I love
I'm not denying
Again I'm spelling
Sunk in a cloud we're drifting,
Suddenly begging for love
Do you feel that moment, filled with a lot of forgiveness?
Compromises, truths - but is it enough for us?
I don't wanna be hurting anymore
Hurting, hurting
I feel tenderness in you
And quietly in you I stay
I will no longer run, ask, wander, beg
How much longer will I have to talk?
There is no rain to wash this away
What I want to say and show -
To not fall apart
Things are revealed, nothing remains hidden in the beat
Communication, without much reaction
Pure simulation
There were days of simple, strong dreams
The beautiful moments went away
And we supposedly believed in freedom in mind
It turned out to be just noise
I feel tenderness in you
And quietly in you I stay,
With no reason to shout
I feel something in you
And quietly in you I stayed,
With no reason to shout


Take everything from me

All that I am, all that you are
All that we used to be passes through my eyes
Why do you make me feel like there's nothing left in me?
Why do you make me love like you'll be by my side forever?
Take everything from me - break my heart in two!
Take everything from me, but nothing will stop me
To breathe again and be myself again
And to see again what I used to be before… before you
I gave it all for you, you gave it all for me
But all or nothing - you're leaving me again
Why do you make me feel like there's nothing left in me?
Why do you make me love like you'll be by my side forever?
Take everything from me - break my heart in two!
Take everything from me, but nothing will stop me
To breathe again and be myself again
And to see again what I used to be before
It may hurt a lot - I will live through the pain
And you may not be by my side - I will live through this as well!
Take everything from me - break my heart in two!
Take everything from me, but nothing will stop me!
Take everything from me - break my heart in two!
Take everything from me, but nothing will stop me
To breathe again and be myself again
And to see again what I used to be before… before you


Make up your mind

Why is it that one of us is sitting at home in despair
I’m tearing my hair out I have to get away
I can’t just sit here and wait
Wait for nothing
I’m twenty five
I don’t have time to play games
You need to think a little more, you need to find out what you want
Is it me you want?
Is it yes or no?
Will you stay, will you go?
Are you off or on?
You have to make up your mind soon
Why is it that for you everything is so unclear
While I can see us growing old together, senile and a little strange
I can’t sit here and fight
Fight for the two of us
You have to be part of the team, play ball, and you need to do it now
And if you need to think a little more, I need to find out what I want
Is it me you want?
Is it yes or no?
Will you stay, will you go?
Are you off or on?
You have to make up your mind!
Is it me you want?
Is it yes or no?
Will you stay, will you go?
Are you off or on?
You have to make up your mind soon
Do you expect me to wait forever?
Do you expect me to wait forever?
Do you expect me to wait forever?
Do you expect me to wait forever?
Do you expect me to wait forever?
Do you expect me to wait forever?