Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 31

Találatok száma: 100455


The Brigades of the Tiger: The Princes of the Night

Montparnasse, 1925. Without being able to explain why, painters from all over the world have chosen this district of Paris.
For several years, they have been arriving from everywhere to meet, work, and live together in the sections and workshops of this suburb.
A unique concentration of artists, which became famous under the name of the School of Paris.
A fashionable neighborhood, too, which attracts partygoers and night owls—a surprising mix of bohemia, madness, luxury, and poverty.
A hectic, excessive nightlife—art here pays a heavy price for the alcohol and drugs, which ravage this unstable community where neither past nor future counts, but only the intensity of the present moment.


పుష్ప పుష్ప

పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప
పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప
పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప
పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప
పుష్ప… పుష్ప
పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప
పుష్ప పుష్ప రాజ్
పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప
పుష్ప పుష్ప రాజ్…
నువ్వు గడ్డం అట్టా సవరిస్తుంటే
దేశం దద్దరిల్లే
పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప
పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప…
నువ్వు భుజమే ఎత్తి నడిచొస్తుంటే
భూమే బద్దలయ్యే
పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప
పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప…
నువ్వు నిలవాలంటే ఆకాశం
ఎత్తే పెంచాలే
పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప
పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప…
నిన్ను కొలవాలంటే సంద్రం ఇంకా
లోతే తవ్వాలే
పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప
పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప…
హే… గువ్వపిట్ట లాగ వానకు తడిసి
బిక్కుమంటు రెక్కలు ముడిసి
వణుకుతు వుంటే నీదే తప్పవదా
పెద్ద గద్దలాగమబ్బులపైన
హద్దు దాటి ఎగిరావంటే
వర్షమైనా తలనే వంచి
కాళ్ళ కింద కురిసెయ్‍దా…
పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప
పుష్ప పుష్ప రాజ్
పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప
పుష్ప పుష్ప రాజ్||2||
ఎన్నో వచ్చిన పుష్పాకి
పాపం కొన్ని రావంటా
(వణుకే రాదు, ఓటమి రాదు
వెనకడుగు, ఆగడము
అస్సలు రానే రాదు)…
అన్నీ ఉన్న పుష్పాకి
పాపం కొన్ని లేవంటా
(భయమే లేదు, బెంగే లేదు
బెదురు ఎదురు తిరిగే లేదు
తగ్గేదే లేదు)…
ఎయ్, దండమెడితే దేవుడికే
సలాము కొడితే గురువులకే
కాళ్ళు మొక్కితే అమ్మకే రా…
తల దించినావా బానిసవి
ఎత్తినావా బాద్‍షావి
తలపొగరే నీ కిరీటమైతే
భూతలమంతా నీదేరా…
పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప
పుష్ప పుష్ప రాజ్
పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప
పుష్ప పుష్ప రాజ్||2||
ఆడు కాలుమీద కాలేసి కూసున్నాడంటే
బండరాయి కూడా బంగారు సింహాసనమంటా
వేరే సింహాసనమేదైనా వట్టి బండరాయంటా
ఆడు సేతిలోన సెయ్యేసి మాటిచ్చాడంటే
తుఫాకిలోంచి తూటా దూసుకెళ్ళినట్టే
ఆ తూటాలాగే మాట కూడా ఎనక్కి రానట్టే
హే, వాడు నీకు గొప్పే కాదు
వీడు నీకు ఎక్కువ కాదు
నీకు నువ్వే బాసులా ఉండు
హే, ఎవడో విలువ ఇచ్చేదేంది
ఎవడో నిను గుర్తించేదేంది
ఒంటి నిండా తిమ్మిరి ఉంటె
నీ పేరే నీ బ్రాండు
పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప
పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప
పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప
పుష్ప పుష్ప రాజ్
పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప పుష్ప
పుష్ప పుష్ప రాజ్||4||
అస్సలు తగ్గేదెలే…..


The Avenger

The sand was scorching,1 the sun was burning
when he came to town,
a relaxed gait, a big Colt revolver
He was thought to be a killer
No one bothered to ask him
why he had come to these parts
For it was surely suicide
if you talked too much,
if you talked
When killing is your job,
feelings don't weigh on you much2
Last night, one life
was taken by Wild Bill's3 Colt
He is our terror, around here
his skill is well-known
if he's in the mood
he's quick to shoot
Quick to shoot
The strange man at the bar
gives a cold stare
The people stand back, a double whisky
is all he orders and drinks
Wild Bill also notices the man,
exchanges a cold stare
The drink is left half-empty,
Bill just sits in his place
Sits in his place
The men start to sweat4
Bill has just grabbed his Colt
when a bullet strikes his chest,
the stranger smiles.
He raises the Colt to his lips,
softly blows into the barrel,
The job is done, he has revenge,
still looking at the dying man,
looking at the dying man
Everything would be better now,
the stranger knew it
Vengeance leads to new vengeance,
the final day will come
Bill has now met his match5
the path of the stranger goes on,
but a Colt or a noose
will take his life,
will take his life
  • 1. lit. 'glowing'. I assume the sand is just hot, not radioactive
  • 2. lit. 'weigh on the mind'
  • 3. The villain in this song is Hurja-Bill, 'Hurja' meaning 'savage' or 'wild'. This is the name used in Finnish for the famous Wild Bill Hickok, who was killed in similar circumstances, though he was not an outlaw.
  • 4. lit. 'sweat rises to the men's surface'
  • 5. lit. 'found his victor'


Pink Elephants

Pink elephants
Walking in the parade
Marching (Hipidi Hopidi)
They're here, they're there,
All pink elephants!
Dancing elephants
One, two three
On the head (Klipidi klopidi)
A wave, a bless,
Elephants on parade.
What to do, what to do
What kind of shape!
I don't flinch from worms,
Germs don't bother me,
But elephants in many colors
It's just too much!
I'm not an easily impressed
From every nonsense that occurs
But when here it's losing control
It's easy to be scared
God bless!
Banish them,
Banish them,
And it's not a joke at all-
Elephants on parade!
Pink elephants
Pink elephants
Pink elephants


Enough is enough for me

A stop for the pain and a stop for the sadness
An end to the silence too
My tongue is sharp as a razor
My core is soft
A voice calls: straighten your stature
And the bud will erupt
A voice calls: be as whole
After all you're strong
Enough is enough for me only in my two hands
I will find the track
Enough is enough for me even if it's not advised
Just don't say a word
Enough is enough for me only in my two hands
I will bear the error
Enough is enough for me it's over and done
I'm not vulnerable anymore
I will break a lock and a gate
A bridge throughout it
Even a lonely wolf in the forest
Clears it's way
A voice calls
The time has come
And you're already experienced
A voice calls
When it's the time to go
To the the road of adventure
Enough is enough for me...



Click to see the original lyrics (Italian)
Mert ahhoz, hogy jól legyek
El kell érnem a mélypontot
Hazug lennék, ha azt mondanám, mindent kézben tartok
De minél többet nevetek, annál ridegebb leszek
Arra kérsz, maradjak távol a drogoktól
Adjam neked a legjobb csókomat
Kell egy szerelemkoktél
Kell egy szerelemkoktél
Pegazus szárnyait
Hogy értsd meg, amikor leesek
Azt gondoltam,
Gyengédebb lenne
A gép előtt csinálni
Ha szeretsz, csináld így
Vigyázz magadra, hiányozni fogsz
Együtt meghalni
A lézerek között
Akartalak, akartalak, akartalak
Mert ahhoz, hogy jól legyek
Ki kell adnom magamból mindent
Én az a srác vagyok, aki együtt akar élni vagy fogni a kezedet az udvaron
Ha hideg van, odaadom a kabátomat
Ha valami bánt, faszfej leszek
Pegazus szárnyait
Hogy értsd meg, amikor leesek
Azt gondoltam,
Gyengédebb lenne
A gép előtt csinálni
Ha szeretsz, csináld így
Vigyázz magadra, hiányozni fogsz
Együtt meghalni
A lézerek között
Akartalak, akartalak, akartalak
Nem ismerlek, de
Vigyél az aranytoronyhoz
Kelet-Berlin és a tenger között
Én vagyok a legerősebb
Hogy bántsam magamat ahhoz, hogy jól érezzem magam
Tudod, milyen sokba fog ez nekem kerülni
Hallani a barátokat egy másik furgon tetejéről
Pegazus szárnyait
Hogy értsd meg, amikor leesek
Azt gondoltam,
Gyengédebb lenne
A gép előtt csinálni
Ha szeretsz, csináld így
Vigyázz magadra, hiányozni fogsz
Együtt meghalni
A lézerek között
Én akartalak téged (akartalak), én akartalak téged (akartalak), akartalak (akartalak)
Mert ahhoz, hogy jól legyek
El kell érnem a mélypontot



Midsummer night dream those fields are,
A dream of one imagination that knows of only sadness,
A dream woven of all the memories,
A dream that lives alone, silent and quiet.
Greenfields are that wonderful dream.
Is there a hope for a new day,
Miraculously to reality turning this dream,
Do those words whispered by us back then,
Do not mean anything, nothing at all now to us.
Greenfields were everything to us.
Without a single word then you left,
Why? Where did she go? Then everybody asked,
How can i tell them that you despised everything,
How to endure mockery and ridicule,
And everything that is left those fields are.
Everything i still have and everything i love.
On them i cry, on them awaiting a day,
On them i am dreaming my ran over dream.
Greenfields are my new world.
A new world, a new world
Greenfields are my world.


The Brigades of the Tiger: The Ghosts of Christmas

1927. A political-criminal case shakes the world: the Sacco and Vanzetti case.
In all countries, men of good mobilize to try to save Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, two Italian anarchist workers who immigrated to the United States, from the hot seat. They are sentenced to death, without clear evidence, for the murder of a cash escort.
Demonstrations, petitions, pressing interventions from the highest international personalities, nothing works – President Coolidge and Boston court judge Webster Thayer remain inflexible.
On August 22, 1927, Sacco and Vanzetti are executed.
From New York to Tokyo, from Stockholm to Buenos Aires, cries of indignation arise – bloody riots break out everywhere.
In France, the anarchist movement, somewhat dormant since the war, regains activity – bombs start to explode here and there.


In the end

And in the end I will tell
And finally
And finally I will say: “don’t smoke marijuana”
We're riding calmly, I'm on my own two feet
And this is noise
The area has long been smoky
I breathe this smoke
This is dirt district lifestyle
This bitch is our groove
Me, I'm always somewhere in sight
You can ask questions
But they won't find me here
Somewhere here, among the blocks
We are rolled into a circle
Gray panels are with us (And finally)
That old sound
This is ours, among the fallen areas
We are promoting the topic
And for everyone who gives a fuck
Our path is always clear
It smears me so much
We drown only for our own (And finally)
And not a word about papers
This is ours, among the fallen areas
We are promoting the topic
And for everyone who gives a fuck
Our path is always clear
It smears me so much
We drown only for our own (And finally)
And not a word about papers
The same old sound
For those who rock
In these sleeping areas
Rocked at night
Everything's fine here
Believe me, citizen boss
We survive as best we can
Losing my consciousness, smoke (And finally)
This gray smoke flies out
In dreams of staying forever young, smoke
Forever Young Forever drunk
You did what you could (And finally)
But I never crawled out of the hole
Yes, only your eyes give you away
Fear is lost in these areas
There's no way forward
This is our life, brother
That's right, this is Minsk 22 (And finally)
Fierce underground
This is ours, among the fallen areas
We are promoting the topic
And for everyone who gives a fuck
Our path is always clear
It smears me so much
We drown only for our own (And finally)
And not a word about papers
This is ours, among the fallen areas
We are promoting the topic
And for everyone who gives a fuck
Our path is always clear
It smears me so much
We drown only for our own
And not a word about papers
And in the end I will tell


Intro - V2 (Turkish)

We are crystal stones
We create solutions
We always
Put an end to the incident
Because, in the world,
These are our names

Vivos plango, mortuos voco

Through the pits and mountains
You march like giants!
You dive down the seas
And rise up to the skies,
And you spit fire,
And vomit brimstone,-
And for you there is no God on earth,
o the Living!
Some of you like lords,
the others - as slaves.
All of you, sons of cruel fate:
A vengeance-flooded spirit
And Cain's sign** on your heads,
And that same and gruesome fate
To suffer in deception and in lies
And to perish, cursing the blue skies above.
Vivos plango!
Ruthless sons of vengeful days,
Heroes of misfortune!
On all paths, in all directions,
With black death of violence
You march, furious and fearsome,
Condemned to punishment of fate.
Where your shadow falls,
Fair flowers dry and die.
Under your leaden foot
The patient stone is moaning.
The poisonous air of your mouths
Makes ghosts raise from their graves.
In this earth's horrifying hell
You sprout with seed immortal,
And you bloom deceitful blossoms,
And bring fruits of horrid poison
In the stench of lies and snares.
Vivos plango!
You step upon thrones
And trample altars.
Your laws have brought an end
To virtue and to sin alike.
Crowns on bastards' heads,
And kings left in the dust.
And in tribunals with pride
The murderers condemn the righteous.
And sons now cry no more
As they condemn their mother unto death.
Unneeded and in vain
Man's humiliated suffering.
Even the sun that's leaning westward
Is now merely evil lies and fraud.
Embers sparking at the bottom of the hill,
A rider flew by on horseback, -
A scythe heard clank in the darkness, -
Vivos plango!
Sparks blink within great squares,
Heated fires burning.
Grey crowds have gathered,
To give you glory,
o Lords!
The altars are prepared already,
And the elders sing you praise
And, kneeling in the dust on streets,
In rush they stutter prayers for you,
Promising in slavish ecstasy,
To kiss your boot soles.
And the tyrants now rejoice,
and so do their executioners.
Meanwhile earth now shines in crimson,
Amidst the flows of blood and fires.
And greatest harvest feasts erupt
Among the crowd of slaves and whores
In midnight's twilight tango,
Vivos plango!
And we, and we, who suffer,
The millions in grey!
In great cities, or a village,
With concern and with great fear,
Some suppressed in slavery,
Others in rebellious waiting
On their knees!
And from dew-ridden basements
(and we, and we shall be there)
Through that black and lifeless night,
Someone in madness screeches,
Someone curses fate,
Someone has to die.
In the abyss of soul-draining sorrow,
Like a droplet, a life has disappeared
Behind an iron-fastened window. -
Vivos plango!
Now I enter silence,
A silence blessed and great,
Where in the funeral veil's soft linen*
Night shall comfort all our sorrows.
I enter freedom, vast and broad,
Which will greet me like a dearest guest.
Through the twilight's hazy grey,
I go to see my friends and brothers.
But in the distance, tower bells are tolling still
And the sunset burns now in the west,-
And again my chest in heavy sorrows,
In my heart bitterness and hatred.
Not all is dead in darkness.
My heart spilled over in warm blood
And never learned to obey coercion:
Mortuos voco!
I call you all from graveyards,
From roadside pits and moats,
From clay, from dirt and fields of sand,
And from all death's places.
Rise, fearsome millions of skeletons,
Glorious platoons and legions, -
And you, who with the cold and famines
Found your end in snowstorm symphonies,
And you, who for freedom, unrestricted thought,
Were martyred and now break apart.
Rise, you who were humiliated,
Ruined, incapacitated,
With complaints and with cries,
With prayers and with curses,
With a gang of drunken murderers,
Who in the blinking lantern light
Were spitting, dancing on your graves.
Mortuos voco!
But the graveyards' obscure hills are quiet,
No one rises from the damp abyss.
In peace they sleep, the naked heads of their remains,-
No one shall describe their dreams,
As no one will describe the suffering's
Meaning, nor ending, nor beginning,
And mystery will protect it all,
Like that haunting, quiet night.
And the living shall walk through that gruesome being
With a sorrow, eternal and profound.
All, all must walk that path,
But no one shall return.
Nor will I return to the day of sun
From that pitch black night.
Just on the roadside, through the weeded soil
Perhaps someone will extend his arm
And say: let's walk together to the depth,
That great and holy silence,
Where neither tears, nor joy appear on faces.
Mortuos voco!
And now I enter silence,
A great and blessed silence.
I walk across the tall and narrow bridge
Towards the warm and pleasant night,
Where millions of stars are dancing,
Flocks of flocks and legions.
And on the sudden twist along my route
Now brilliant rays are falling.
The night is good, the night is like a mother,
She's sensitive, she warns you, she is generous,-
She comforts you, fulfills you,
When you return to its embrace.
And I returned in my exhaustion,
And to keep wandering I wish no more
Along the sharp and heated paths -
The flame-ridden rays of sun.
And she is saying: stay here, my son,
I know your sorrow well.
And I stay too. With patience borne
Life's heavy burden
has now grown up as a leaning head of grain.
Mortuos voco!


My Daughter

Forgive me, daughter
You grew up in front of my eyes but I couldn't see, oh
Forgive me, daughter
I love you so much but I just couldn't show my love for you
Ruin me, daughter
One word from you is enough for you to ruin me, I couldn't tell you this
Come on give up, daughter
You never grew in the eyes of me
Will the man you marry protect you as much as I do?
Is the sadness I feel inside of me a problem when you are so happy?
If you get into trouble, can you promise me?
Just call me, your father is ready to help you, daughter
My beautiful daughter
You grew up in front of my eyes but I couldn't see
Forgive me, daughter
I love you so much but I just couldn't show my love for you
Will the man you marry protect you as much as I do?
Is the sadness I feel inside of me a problem when you are so happy?
If you get into trouble, can you promise me?
Just call me, your father is ready to help you, daughter
Will the man you marry protect you as much as I do?
Is the sadness I feel inside of me a problem when you are so happy?
If you get into trouble, can you promise me?
Just call me, your father is ready to help you, daughter
Just call me, your father is ready to die for you, daughter


Once I'll get the crown of king

I'm the king of tomorrow
So everyone beware
(Well that's one silly king
Not even a hair of mane)
No greater king
Has ever been seen
I'll practice arrogance
And roaring
(That doesn't really excite (me))
Once I'll get the crown of king
(There's still long way to that and if you think)
No-one orders me around (When I said about that, I)
No-one hustles and bustles (I don't hustle and bustle, I)
No-one yells too
No-one commands me (Listen!)
I get to do absolutely everything
(Not in any circumstance)
Once I'll get the spot of king
(We have to make an agreement at last)
I don't need a little bird to advise me now
(If this is the faith of monarchy, I'll take off
I'll leave the country, this bird's journey'd be away from Africa)
(This cub goes to break the traditions)
Once I'll get the crown of king
To the left at once
To the right at once
When I order, at once
Power to the lion (Not yet)
Now every created one of the earth, sing like this
It gets the choir to resound mouth to mouth
Simba is indeed our king
Once I'll get the crown of king
Once I'll get the crown of king
Once I'll get the crown (You'll get the crown!)
Of the King


The Brigades of the Tiger: The Flygirl

The world is changing.
Still in its infancy a few years ago, aviation suddenly took off in triumphant fashion.
It’s the time of great air adventures.
A new breed of heroes is being born: conquerors of the skies.
Air crossings are multiplying from city to city, from country to country, from continent to continent, abolishing borders and reducing the dimensions of our planet.
All nations participate in general emulation – from the oldest and most traditional ones like Great Britain, to the youngest and most revolutionary ones, like the Soviet Union, which France, after much hesitation, has just decided to recognize as a state.


Eat Me

I want you to cut my tender meat
and eat it
Eat me wholly
Pop me like a balloon
and serve me on a stylish platter
Enjoy your day!


Expect me

When it came to hunting,
Mufasa always used to be very strict
But, when I become a king, I will let you
Eat whatever you set your eyes on,
Because hyenas are
Never fully nourished
Do you mean you're going to challenge Mufasa?
Mufasa's days are over and
Our enemy has been put an end.
I don't want to live that old life,
We do deserve much more
I will change the fate of the lions
So, that the hyenas will also benefit.
I'll reveal my vision and plans
And sometimes I will consider you as well.
It's time to knock him down from the throne
And let the swindlers' way be wide
I waited too much, my time has come
I fight the old king, I will change his laws
I have nothing in common with him,
Rest assured, I'm totally different
Do you understand? I'm your king
I'll rip the sworn enemy of yours
Expect me!
Ex-pect me!
Expect me!
We will win the war, rest assured!
Expect me!


Frida Kahlo

We're watching the same movie but it's only me who understands it
Side characters are flying away in the headwind
Thousands of Diego Riveras in the world
But only one, only one, only one Frida Kahlo
Only one Frida Kahlo
Only one Frida Kahlo
Everybody's taste is different
For some it's the fake hoopla for 5 minutes of fame
The square shaped cultural sphere is wearing out
We're climbing the social ladder with a guitar on our back
The loss of pedigree is eating you from inside
We're laughing at you from outside
Yourself, you're lying to yourself
Pe-tő-fi1, do you think he's proud of you?
We're watching the same movie but it's only me who understands it
Side characters are flying away in the headwind
Thousands of Diego Riveras in the world
But only one, only one, only one Frida Kahlo
Only one Frida Kahlo
I'm in the song cause that's the only thing I'm good at
Life's chocolate icing
I'm unwrapping, licking, chewing it
Like I'm strangling your jeans' buttons
Like a servant I'm kneeling down if you ask me to
Next day they're talking about me at Bambi
We've been neglected, you know, that's why
I'm always a privy for Hungarians
I'm watching tv, the ridiculous media
Who how and when, why, for what and whom?
Excuse me? They're ironing the diving fins too?
That's how he becomes a celebrity
Dating sites, reality shows, your pride endures it
I will not be a mentor in X-factor for fuck's sake
Yourself, you're lying to yourself
Pe-tő-fi, do you think he's proud of you?
We're watching the same movie but it's only me who understands it
Side characters are flying away in the headwind
Thousands of Diego Riveras in the world
But only one, only one, only one Frida Kahlo
Only one Frida Kahlo
Only one Frida Kahlo
We're watching the same movie but it's only me who understands it
Side characters are flying away in the headwind
Thousands of Diego Riveras in the world
But only one, only one, only one Frida Kahlo
  • 1. Hungarian poet. The band uses this as a reference for today's political situation in Hungary. In March 2024 a movie about Petőfi's life came out in cinemas. The movie was made for propaganda by the government.


Lola gets - Lola takes

What Lola gets
Lola takes
And a little man is a slave's shoulder
probably already 1
What interests
Only her
Is before Lola, a man
So powerless
She burns like
she were a flame
With a laugh, your heart
Gets thrown away again by her
You see the means of women
Lola knew
Never could she be defeated
By a man
Just throw way the useless hopes
You'll never get Lola anyway
She burns like
she were a flame
With a laugh, your heart
Gets thrown away by her again
You see the means of women
Lola knew
Never could she be defeated
By a man
Just throw way the useless hopes
You'll never get Lola anyway
  • 1. This line seems to be an idiom of sorts, I'm not really sure



Hey, do you still remember
what I said, what it felt like to touch me,
the same scene we gazed at?
As you move away,
how does where I am look to you,
all alone under a dark sky?
The hands of the clock have been unnoticeably quiet.
Without knowing where I am, where shall I go?
If I were to say that I'll head
to wherever my wandering eyes lead …
Reach out your hand right now
before I disappear.
If you could grab hold of me once more,
I'll never let you go again.
I still remember
what you said, what it felt like to touch you.
We've walked a level path.
The light that used to be here died away, short lived.
Without knowing the answer, where shall I go?
If I were to fall
to the depths of this corrupted darkness …
I wonder, can I erase
my wounded body,
leaving only a future clung to
by meaningless words?
The way everything here and everywhere
that has existed all this time
now vanishes away,
please don't stop me wishing.
Please come here.
Let's keep believing
that this place is yours too.
Once you realize, then time which has stopped
might begin moving.
So then open the lock and reach out your hand
before I disappear.
If you could grab hold of me once more,
I'll never let you go again.


night birds

The darkness, at all times, embraces me
with a gentle voice that wishes for things to stay the same.
My skyrocketing heartbeat awakens life
as I gazed at the reason for these sentiments I've ended up feeling.
Despite wanting these unilluminated feelings to be known,
the moon's weakness won't reach!
If I could run off in search of you,
the sky is awfully bright.
If only I could change such things like my way of life, I'd see you right away.
If I could run off in search of you,
where would I arrive at?
I want to try and take the first step of abandoning my own whereabouts!
The light, at all times, denies me
with a strong force that refuses to let go while rejecting me.
Despite wanting these swelling feelings to reach,
the sun always gets in the way!
Wanting you to call my name,
I try wishing upon the sky.
If I didn't care about such things like reason, could I have been by your side?
Wanting you to call my name,
I hid a single drop of tears.
Because if I could love my own whereabouts, I would surely be smiling.
If I could run off in search of you,
the sky is awfully bright.
If only I could change such things like my way of life, I'd see you right away.
If I could run off in search of you,
where would I arrive at?
I want to try and take the first step of abandoning my own whereabouts!


Anarchy in Versailles

But sometimes there's a mess
So shut your mouth, you asshole
Polish cocaine
Polish cocaine
This fucking establishment, that no one understands
The politicians have blood on their hands
This fucking establishment, that no one understands
The politicians have blood on their hands
Polish cocaine
Polish cocaine
But sometimes there's a mess
So shut your mouth, you asshole
This fucking establishment, that no one understands
The politicians have blood on their hands
Polish cocaine
Polish cocaine
But sometimes there's a mess
So shut your mouth, you asshole
This fucking establishment, that no one understands
The politicians have blood on their hands


baby kiss me (i like the way you kiss me)

(You only hear 'baby kiss me', it's because I miss you
I need your lips)
I love your way, yes, I love it when you say
That you love when I'm laughing
You hold me tight in your hand, our lips
hold long
With you I feel so drunk
And the clouds pass us by
Street melodies for the two of us
Your energy gets me high
And when it tears me apart, look at me,
I'm healed
You only hear 'Baby, kiss me' 'cause I miss you
I need your lips (lips, lips, lips)
Maybe I'm being dramatic, It might be that I like you
Love your sweet ways
All you hear is 'Baby, kiss me' 'cause I miss you
I need your lips (lips, lips, lips)
Maybe I'm being dramatic,
Might be that I like you
Love your sweet ways
I realize my heart is racing again
Babe, it's not a joke, I think
Can't explain it, baby, I want more
Your skin distorts my mind
'Cause when you touch me again, I'm just somewhere else
Your lips touch elegant, yes, melt like diamonds
You taste sweet and arrogant, mixed with cherry, yet zesty
Almost sets my feelings on fire, yes
And the clouds pass us by
Street melodies for the two of us
Your energy gets me high
And when it tears me apart, look at me,
I'm healed
You only hear 'Baby, kiss me' 'cause I miss you
I need your lips (lips, lips, lips)
Maybe I'm being dramatic, Might be that I like you
Love your sweet ways
You only hear 'Baby, kiss me' 'cause I miss you
I need your lips (lips, lips, lips)
Maybe I'm being dramatic, Might be that I like you
Love your sweet ways
You only hear 'Baby, kiss me' 'cause I miss you
I need your lips (lips, lips, lips)
Maybe I'm being dramatic, Might be that I like you
Love your sweet ways


Autumn Sky Soda

Uuu ah!
Uuu ah! Yeah uuu ah! Yeah
Uuu ah! Yeah uuu ah!
Anything is fine
That's fine
It's your call
The light reflecting off
my light blue shadow
I want to pounce on ya'
I'll live my life in this way today too
Carbonation going flat
Ah, a bland soda
Sitting along a rusty breakwater, hugging my knees,
We watch the sunset
Ah, am I smiling right now?
Uuu ah! Yeah uuu ah! Yeah
Uuu ah! Yeah uuu ah!
Anything is fine
That's fine
Ya' know, the future is right over there
The light reflecting off my light blue shadow
is a store in Funabashi
I want to cup a feel
I'll live my life in this way today too
This 'THE END', a shabby apartment
Ah, you're smiling
We made a nihilistic beat
The sunset is still here
Ah, drinking sodas under the autumn sky with you
Uuu ah! Yeah uuu ah! Yeah
Uuu ah! Yeah uuu ah!
Hey, we will live today too
Ah, a bland soda
Sitting along a rusty breakwater
Hugging my knees
We watch the sunset
Ah, am I smiling right now?
Uuu ah! Yeah uuu ah! Yeah
Uuu ah! Yeah uuu ah! Yeah
Uuu ah! Yeah uuu ah! Yeah
Uuu ah! Yeah uuu ah!


I exorcise you, culteranist demon...

-I exorcise you, culteranist demon1,
so you leave this miserable young man,
that can barely talk properly, how remarkable!,
and is already bragging about being a Theban Amphion2.
By the lyre of sovereign Apollo,
I exorcise you, unforgivable culteranist,
so you give him freedom to speak
in his native language, Spanish.
-Why twist my mind so barbarously?
What cultured nonsense and snobbish tobacco
characterize all this dull front?3
-Speak Christian4, dog. -I am Polish.
-Hold him, he's trying to leave! -Do not tie me, stop it,
let me go. -Here's Apollo. -Here's Bacchus so let's draw a new scene.
The creation of the world now begins towards a second future,
a warm breeze, brilliant stars, limitless life.
The song now echoing inside my head
will surely be the beginning of spinning together a new world with you.
The imperfect world you traced
clad itself in sure heat and light.
I sensed with certainty the meaning
of why I am beside you.
The creation of the world now begins towards a second future,
a warm breeze, brilliant stars, limitless life.
The melody does not stop resounding in my head.
Surely there is no end to the world I am spinning together with you.
So then our imperfect world
clad itself in sure heat and light,
despair and hope, anger and tears,
enveloping all …


The most beautiful time someone told me I love you

The most beautiful time that someone told me “I love you”
It was a guy who said it
The most beautiful time that someone told me “I love you”
It was a guy who said it.
He didn’t look at me
Gravely and languidly
With blind eyes
And loving biceps
He didn’t have the look
Of those with nothing in their hearts
Like all these little casanovas
Who make grand gestures..
He looked at me simply
With eyes that truly see
No smile and no wink
No cinema and no serenade
He said it to me like that
Like it’s true
He told me that of his own accord
With a crying smile
As our hearts were not aligned
I felt like a fool that day
Not knowing how to respond
The most beautiful time someone told me “I love you”
It was a guy who said it.
The most beautiful time someone told me “I love you”
It was a guy who said it.
When he looked at me
He looked into my eyes
And the more he looked at me
The more my heartbeat echoed
My heart like a hammer
My head a question why
I was uncomfortable in my skin
However it wasn’t a big deal
He didn’t make me feel bad
Like a guy with a girl
I pretended I hadn’t heard anything
I pretended I didn’t understand
And I blurted out a few words
Some things that sounded slightly wrong
I love you too
And everyone here, all our friends
I felt like a fool that day
Not being like him,
Being like me
The most beautiful time someone told me “I love you”
It was a guy who said it.
The most beautiful time someone told me “I love you”
It was a guy who said it.
He smiled softly
Just before leaving
Him and I we had
More to say
We met again one day
We said nothing at all
To each their own love
It’s not mine, that’s all
To love girls or boys
To love is to love in all ways
The most beautiful time someone told me “I love you”
It was a guy who said it.
The most beautiful time someone told me “I love you”
It was a guy who said it


Be strong

We must resist, must not give up
We must not give in, it's time to fight
Despondency is an enemy's ally
We must move forward, it's our purpose of life
Never ever be afraid, these are the final instants
One more effort, we'll be the strongest
Never ever be afraid, this is the final phase
One more effort, we'll be the strongest
Every evening, at 8:00 PM, brainwashing session
They slowly put souls and hearts to sleep
They want us to be that way, deep in a sofa
Glued to the TV, to not get up from it
Don't let yourselves be pushed around, we cannot be quiet anymore
They want to make us fall into one-size-fits-all thinking*
We're coming, be strong, we need to stand together now
We'll win tomorrow, future is ours
Never ever be afraid, these are the final instants
One more effort, we'll be the strongest
Never ever be afraid, this is the final phase
One more effort, we'll be the strongest
Against the sceptics, the disillusioned cynics
Unhappy are those who made their own cowardice
A personality trait, hiding their spinelessness
We'll fight for what we love
Don't be fooled, they want to kill hope
To see us discouraged, we'll never give up
We're coming, be strong, we need to stand together now
We'll win tomorrow, future is ours
Never ever be afraid, this is the final phase
One more effort, we'll be the strongest


Tomorrow, Tomorrow

When evening falls
and the silence is greater,
there's in the air something
that speaks to me about you.
Tomorrow, tomorrow,
I feel inside
a voice that says
that you'll return to remain forever with me.
Tomorrow, tomorrow
but what is this tomorrrow, tomorrow?
It's a day invented to make me
hope this way.
When dawn returns,
a hope is born
and I await the evening
in the expectation of you.
Tomorrow, tomorrow,
I feel inside
a voice that says
that you'll return to remain forever with me,
with me.
Tomorrow, tomorrow,
I feel inside
a voice that says
that you'll return to remain forever with me,
with me.


Those Who Love One Another Like Us

The fever of the moon upon my face
as if I had drunk a bit.
I look at the people, it seems that everyone,
that everyone knows about me, about me, about you.
Those who love one another like us know
that one day or another it happens to you
to love enough to die
and not realize if the world exists.
Those who love one another like us know
that to love is to give your life,
all of your life in a moment
even if after, afterwards you no longer live
but at least this is to live.
Those who love one another like us know.
Those who love one another like us know
that to love is to give your life,
all of your life in a moment
even if after, afterwards you no longer live
but at least this is to live,
is to live,
is to live!


How Small the World Is

How small the world is, we meet every now and then.
Wait a minute but look, you're also in New York.
But this room is unfortunately too big now,
your gaze and mine never meet.
The white air of the mountains is a gift to me one morning
at the exit of the Prado, you're also in Madrid.
But this room is unfortunately too big now,
your gaze and mine never meet, absolutely never.
Have you ever thought about the sadness it gives,
even to the two of us, even to the two of us?
The open suitcase is on a bed that is,
that is awaiting another label
and we decide that now we'll wait.
One evening in Florence, one rainy evening,
we find ourselves embracing, you knew it too.
And this room is, is everything now,
your gaze and mine never break off,
your gaze and mine never break off,
your gaze and mine never break off,
absolutely never.


Birth in Heaven

Over there lies a gentle world of dancing light
It's an unending dream
A dream near yet far
Over there is a right world with no pain
It's an unwaking dream
Whatever the voice
Whatever the words
Would we hear it?
It's an unending dream
An unchanging dream
Even a voice such as this
Even words such as these
Travel through space
To what lies beyond
Whatever the landscape
Whatever is in one's mind
To a world
where time is forgotten
Now then, let me hear
With your words
So then, respond
This song will now go to where the dream leads
Surely to that place
Whatever the voice
Whatever the words
Will they get there?


Autumn Concert

Look at the dead leaves
carried off by the wind,
I feel a shudder
in my heart.
In the all-gray sky
is reflected my torment,
life will no longer have
In the dim air
arise more sadly
the first notes
of a destiny that will come.
The beginning of a concert
that says to this heart
autumn has returned,
love, no.
In the dim air
arise more sadly
the first notes
of a destiny that will come.
The beginning of a concert
that says to this heart
autumn has returned,
love, no.