Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 60

Találatok száma: 100455



Better off with despair, I only wished for nothingness.
Promises and bonds, memories and time...
Only that can quench a parching life,
gently enveloping the creaking heart.
The wall that divides the world and self
is a cage that imprisons in the shape of man.
Then one day, from the loneliness, we reach out our hands,
gently wounding each other.
At this vanishing world, I merely continued to gaze.
The spat-out malice is ripped up by the sky.
An everyday that lasts forever, I dream.
Holding onto this hurting heart, I wandered.
For instance, if I were in solitude, the one to be hurt
would only be my lonely self.
Then one day, from the loneliness, I reach out my hand,
shaking from a sweet nostalgia.
people's memories.
This sky will disappear...
until that day comes,
let's keep living on.
The crossing of the world and self
is a channel to convey words.
Then one day, from the loneliness, I extend both arms,
embracing a rusting world.



In the mist of the groves
Harsh songs playing
You're barely there
When they fell there
The Gracious Boys of Mothers
Run, side by side,
directly into the fire
At the foot of the big oak tree
Soft, gentle wool
white lamps have
The sun shines above
the Handsome Homeland
Blueish sky and white ground
The evening star glitters silver
Blueish sky and white ground
That's how I see this handsome homeland
Blueish sky and white ground
As the fire burns, blazing the ancient
Blueish sky and white ground
So echo, the gallant golden song!
It's quiet under the oak tree
You got shot from the fire
Now the crane arrive
And the woodpecker forges in the oak tree
After awhile, it doesn't bother
No burning pain anymore
Oh dear birthland
Soft, gentle wool
white lamps have
The sun shines above
the Handsome Homeland
Blueish sky and white ground
The evening star glitters silver
Blueish sky and white ground
That's how I see this handsome homeland
Blueish sky and white ground
As the fire burns, blazing the ancient
Blueish sky and white ground
So echo, the gallant golden song!
Need to move forward, not saving any firepower
The ground flies in front of me
But you can't give up!


broken heart

With every drop of tears
In my weakness
With every kneel and prayer
You did not leave me
Jesus, you are there
I lift my hands
To the merciful God
To us, the true
Oh, my offering
Is a broken heart
Humbling myself in Your presence
Reign over us
With every question in life
Problems hard to understand
I will hold onto your word
That you will not forsake me
Jesus, you are there
I lift my hands
To the merciful God
To us, the true
Oh, my offering
Is a broken heart
Humbling myself in Your presence
I lift my hands
To the merciful God
To us, the true
Oh, my offering
Is a broken heart
Humbling myself in Your presence
Examine my heart
Examine my life
I desire Your will
Examine my heart
Examine my life
I desire You
Examine my heart
Examine my life
I desire Your will
Examine my heart
Examine my life
I desire You
I lift my hands
To the merciful God
To us, the true
Oh, my offering
Is a broken heart
Humbling myself in Your presence
I lift my hands
To the merciful God
To us, the true
Oh, my offering
Is a broken heart
Humbling myself in Your presence
Oh, my offering
Is a broken heart
Humbling myself in Your presence
Reign over us



Happy were the Trojan halls
Ere the great citadel fell
Joyful hymnals one recalls
Golden strings the hands impel

How to get rid of fear

I imagine a night next to you
I imagine, I eat you with my eyes
I also imagine saying it
But how can I ever reveal this delicate feeling?
I learn one night my words
I learn, I eat my weakness
I also learn your ways
And how can I ever reveal this delicate feeling?
How can I ever reveal this delicate feeling?
What should I do, do?
How to get rid of fear?
What should I do, do?
How to get rid of fear?
I wait one night for my courage
I wait, I eat my life
I also wait for your hint
So that I can reveal this delicate feeling
What should I do, do?
How to get rid of fear?
What should I do, do?
How to get rid of fear?
I also think about your feelings
And how can I ever harness that beautiful soul
I see my dreams,
My head full of pictures of you
Maybe today
I will fulfill my dreams
But how should I do, do?
How to get rid of fear?
What should I do, do?
How to get rid of fear?
What should I do, do?
How to get rid of fear?
What should I do, do?
How to get rid of fear?
What should I do, do?
How to get rid of fear?
What should I do, do?
How to get rid of fear?
Now I imagine saying it


C'mon, C'mon

When I see unrest on your face
It awakens sorrow in my heart
Why are you quiet? Are you angry with me,
Or are you thinking of another woman?
C'mon, c'mon, tell me what's on your mind
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, speak up
C'mon, c'mon, tell me what's bothering you
C'mon, c'mon, it's not the end of the world
C'mon, c'mon, tell me what's bothering you
C'mon, c'mon, (c'mon, c'mon), it's not the end of the world
I won't follow you like a shadow
I just want to understand you
I love you so much, that's why I'm afraid
That you're thinking of another woman
C'mon, c'mon, tell me what's on your mind
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, speak up
C'mon, c'mon, tell me what's bothering you
C'mon, c'mon, it's not the end of the world
C'mon, c'mon, tell me what's bothering you
C'mon, c'mon, (c'mon, c'mon), it's not the end of the world
C'mon, c'mon, tell me what's on your mind
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, speak up
C'mon, c'mon, tell me what's bothering you
C'mon, c'mon, it's not the end of the world
C'mon, c'mon, tell me what's bothering you
C'mon, c'mon, (c'mon, c'mon), it's not the end of the world


I'm His, and You're Hers

I was destined to see you
Just for a second, for a moment
And what can I do, honey
When I'm his, and you're hers?
Winter passes, summer goes by
Our two hearts keep a secret
And what can I do now that
We have the same luck, you and I?
I was destined to love you
And for nobody to know
Would it feel the same
If we were always together?
Winter passes, summer goes by
Our two hearts keep a secret
And what can I do now that
We have the same luck, you and I?
We were destined for tears
One for me, two for you
And as I cry, I try to hide it
Me from him, you from her
Winter passes, summer goes by
Our two hearts keep a secret
And what can I do now that
We have the same luck, you and I?


Kaliforniai napsütés

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Gyerünk nyugatra, fiacskám,
Minden jel erre utal!
Ott van San Diego, Frisco, meg LA!
Hagyd a csudába az a hideg,
Rideg nőt!
Melegedj fel a
Kaliforniai napsütésben!
Gyerünk nyugatra, fiacskám!
Légy filmsztár,
Vagy bármi!
Ne légy olyan hülye,
Gyújts fényt elméd
Eldugott zugaiban
És tegyen kissé bohóvá a
Kaliforniai napsütés!
Változtatni kell
Eddigi életemen!
A nőm csak a bolondját járatja velem,
De most már világos,
Hogy a játékszere nemsokára
Köddé válik,
Mert ott leszek majd a
Kaliforniai napsütésben.
Azt mondják,
Hogy a kaliforniai csajok nagyon dögösek.
Ők aztán igazán tudják,
Hogy izgassanak fel.
Szóval, egyikőtök készüljön,
Mert az enyém lesz!
Sietek a
Kaliforniai napsütésbe!
Változtatni kell
Eddigi életemen!
A nőm csak a bolondját járatja velem,
De most már világos,
Hogy a játszótársa nemsokára
Köddé válik,
Mert ott leszek majd a
Kaliforniai napsütésben.
Kicsim, ott leszek majd a
Kaliforniai napsütésben!


Another Bridge To Burn

I've had to burn most every bridge I've crossed
It seems like everything I've loved I'd lost
When I met you I've thought my luck had turned
But our love's just another bridge to burn.
So, I'll soon light the fire and move on
Oh, I've already been here much too long
I'm so hurt and you're so unconcerned
But our love's just another bridge to burn.
Sometimes one must love enough for two
And that's the way it's been with me and you
I'll see your face no matter where I'll turn
But that will be another bridge to burn.
So, I'll soon light the fire and move on
Oh, I've already been here much too long
I'm so hurt and you're so unconcerned
But our love's just another bridge to burn.
Our love's just another bridge to burn...


Burning Memories

Tonight I'm burning old love letters
Photographs and memories of you
Hoping somehow I'll feel better
And that when the smoke is gone I won't want you.
Burning mem'ries
Teardrops fall while I am
Burning mem'ries
Burning all the memories of you that I can't lose.
My heart to you no longer matters
And I can't live alone with memories
Into the fire those dreams that you've shattered
And when the smoke is gone then I'll be free.
Burning mem'ries
Teardrops fall while I am
Burning mem'ries
Burning all the memories of you that I can't lose...



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
A partikon egyedül, halálos sziluettben
Szereti a kokaint, de a kokain nem szereti őt viszont
Amikor feldúlt, Maury-hoz beszél és mélyeket lélegzik
Ő, a 90-es évek szupermodellje
Már rég, gimiben, amikor még jó keresztény lány volt

A Zongora Tud Valamit, Amit Én Nem

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Nem vágom le szakállamat és nem változtatom meg hajamat
Tarka virágokként nő, de nem nő sehova
A hajam, a hajam
Ha házamat olyanra építhetném, mint a trójai ló
A saját szobromat tenném a polcra
Természetesen, természetesen, természetesen
Ő a füst
Aki díszes piruetteket táncol
Hattyúként bukik a mélybe
Tragikus cigarettámról
Ő a gőz
Ami az ablaküvegen nevet
A véget-nem-érő ringó köd
Ó, az a folyton mosolygó labirintus
Ó, az a folyton mosolygó labirintus
Egy balett
Már minden hiányzik
De több dalt vesztettem az áradásokban
Nem tudom bizonyítani, hogy ennek van értelme, de
Igazán remélem
Velem született kíváncsiságom
Olyasmi, mint az idős varjaké
Mint az idős varjaké
És ó, a zongora tud
A zongora tud valamit
Amit én nem
Nem vágom le szakállamat és nem változtatom meg hajamat
Tarka virágokként nő, de nem nő sehova
A hajam, a hajam
Ha házamat olyanra építhetném, mint a trójai ló
A saját szobromat tenném a polcra


Harci dal

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Semmi sem folytogat jobban
Mint a mindennapos események
Az elkülönülés az oxigén maszk
Amit a gyerekek a túlélés miatt belélegeznek
De én nem vagyok egy olyan isten szolgája
Aki nem is létezik
És nem vagyok egy olyan világ szolgája
Aki semmivel sem foglalkozik
És amikor épp jók vagyunk
Akkor csak csukd le a szemed
Hogy amikor épp rosszak vagyunk
Megsebezhessük a kis lelked
Küzdj küzdj küzd küzdj
Küzdj küzdj küzd küzdj
Sosem leszel híres rocksztár
Ünnepelt áldozata a hírnevednek
Csak elvágják az ereink mint az akciós kuponokat
És azt mondják hogy ma a halál van leárazva
És amikor épp jók vagyunk
Akkor csak csukd le a szemed
Hogy amikor épp rosszak vagyunk
Megsebezhessük a kis lelked
De én nem vagyok egy olyan isten szolgája
Aki nem is létezik
És nem vagyok egy olyan világ szolgája
Aki semmivel sem foglalkozik
Egy ember halála tragédia
Egy ember halála tragédia
Egy ember halála tragédia
De milliók halála csak egy statisztika
De én nem vagyok egy olyan isten szolgája
Aki nem is létezik
És nem vagyok egy olyan világ szolgája
Aki semmivel sem foglalkozik
De én nem vagyok egy olyan isten szolgája
Aki nem is létezik
És nem vagyok egy olyan világ szolgája
Aki semmivel sem foglalkozik
Küzdj küzdj küzd küzdj
Küzdj küzdj küzd küzdj



As though I am trapped in a sealed tunnel
a suffocating feeling of frustration
I walk endlessly in a hamster's wheel
Without kowing even what it is without wanting to know what it is
The sound of the wind blowing through the window
Except for me everything appears all right
Will the sky be blue out there?
Will if be full of light out there?
At least once I want to live for myself
At least once I want to be happy
The sound of the wind blowing through the window
Except for me everything appears all right
Beyond the mold of reason
Throw off tthe bridle and fly away
At least once I would like to live for myself
I want to laugh genuinely
Get out of the prison in your mind
(Break the mold and get out)
Get out of the rut of the past
(Throw off the yoke of the past)
Get rid of everything as though it never was there
(Get rid of it)
Get rid of everything, fly and flutter freely
(Fly to the sky up there)
Beyond the mold of reason
Throw off tthe bridle and fly away
At least once I would like to live for myself
I want to laugh genuinely



[Chorus] Not just now but always
My crew is always victorious
Strong character always
We were always like diamonds
Turkish Top 10, Şahika
We always had troubles
How do you know?
That's why the cycle always
Ya-not just now but always
My crew is always victorious
Strong character always
We were always like diamonds
Turkish Top 10, Şahika
We always had troubles
How do you know?
That's why the cycle always
[Verse 1] Try and try to reach the motto that I have acquired
You didn't even see the need for comparison anymore
You couldn't sell this soul for three or five prices
I came, I saw, I conquered, sad market
We fucked up our pants
I traveled to Berlin, Zurich, Munich, Vienna
Shall we see each other at the summits sometime?
The whole world remains aside
Again the years burn and go to waste
Rising like suns from the darkness
When it sets in like the nights, oh
You remained in the shadow of my victory
I think we won again
Forgive me, these things are great
A big difference keeps coming between us
Don't make us put your crook back again
Music shifts to me 24/7
Full milking, left chicas, manitas
I can't do it, no wonder, no, no
Our word is true, it always remains
[Chorus] Not just now but always
My crew is always victorious
Strong character always
We were always like diamonds
Turkish Top 10, Şahika
We always had troubles
How do you know?
That's why the cycle always
Ya-not just now but always
My crew is always victorious
Strong character always
We were always like diamonds
Turkish Top 10, Şahika
We always had troubles
How do you know?
That's why the cycle always
[Bridge] My gang is always victorious, yeah
They're amazed and say, 'Genius!', yeah
Babies are left uncouth, yeah
It would be poetic if I shit in your mouth, yeah, yeah
[Verse 2] It's like a party 24/7
Psychopath, Disco Partisan
Parmigiano in my lahmacun
Ko-Koal is a brand, profit is commercial
They said: 'You're bad, it's quite wonderful'
O-o-we are so good that it's a violation of rights
Crazy beauty, be a fan of me etc.
Come to my backstage and hug me
I hit a goal as it came, I never stopped
You are mad, the orços are restless, stop
It took away my tiredness after the concert journey, baby beautiful
(Ezhel, Ezhel, Ezhel!)
My throne is strong, attack or hit
[Chorus] Not just now but always
My crew is always victorious
Strong character always
We were always like diamonds
Turkish Top 10, Şahika
We always had troubles
How do you know?
That's why the cycle always
Ya-not just now but always
My crew is always victorious
Strong character always
We were always like diamonds
Turkish Top 10, Şahika
We always had troubles
How do you know?
That's why the cycle always


All My Seasons

You were there
on perfect days
without any difficulties
in all my seasons
Both at the first snow
and when the cherry blossoms bloom
You will be at my side
It can be perfect
When a cold wind blows
I'll cover you warmly
As cold as the wind becomes
I will be closer to you
When the sun is burning
I will be your shade
So that you can rest
I'll fill
your seasons
At a sudden glance
a rising sky
a cloud drifting far away
is like you
When you extend your hand
The wind brushing though your fingers
is like your breath
I can't stop smiling
When a cold wind blows
I'll cover you warmly
As cold as the wind becomes
I will be closer to you
When the sun is burning
I will be your shade
So that you can rest
I'll fill
your seasons
More than the spring breeze which whipped me alone
A winter together with you seems much warmer
Like a flower which grew toward the sun, I see
my heart in only one place even if the season changes
When a cold wind blows
I'll cover you warmly
As cold as the wind becomes
I will be closer to you
When the sun is burning
I will be your shade
So that you can rest
I'll fill
your seasons


Sea Foam

The dream faintly in the distance
is disappearing with the wind
Feeling as though my fingertips would reach it
I awake from a long dream
I had a foolish love.
The shine of your eyes, your everything
the days you and I dreamed
are disappearing like sea foam
Our love, our memories
aren't fading for me
The days which were insignificant times for us
are now missed and painful
I'm gently reminded.
You who hugged me from behind
in the heat of your warmth
dissolved my anxiety completely.
Our love, our memories
aren't fading for me
The days which were insignificant times for us
are now missed and painful
Tears fall once again.
Take them with you.
The days which were insignificant times for us
are now missed and painful



Turning to the night sky while waiting for you
a dreamlike memory that swells in longing
I can't hide my feeling toward you
As the sun sets in the distance our yesterday is longed for.
How can I forget? Our kisses
With my head bowed I only looked away
Our past is infinitely far away
Will I be able to return forever?
The many paths we took together and like that
your unforgettable scent
are everything to me
How can I forget? Our kisses
With my head bowed I only looked away
Our past is infinitely far away
Will I be able to return forever?
Passionate you were everything to me, our yesterday
How can I forget? Our kisses
With my head bowed I only looked away
Our past is infinitely far away
Will I be able to return forever?


Don't cry, my butterfly

Hush, don't cry, it's enough
A butterfly is going to fly today, let it go
Hard times pass
This wind loves you
A storm can't be silent
Believe me, it worths everything..
There's no bad destiny
Pain ends
Don't think that the spring flowers hinder love..
Don't cry, my butterfly,
I'll always love you.
I can be your sun of love,
Fly, let me see it.



You are the one
In a corner of my heart you,
a bunch of flowers blooming in pain,
In a word, that so called terrible love
named you
traps me in the darkness
The closer you get to me
The more I fall in love
Once you were placed in my heart
the relentless whisper of the soul is
bringing to me all
the painful times which
can't come back now
You are the one
I swallow my unforgettable longing
which is in an inescapable
deep place
and my pain which can't be hidden
with tears
The closer you get to me
The more I fall in love
Once you were placed in my heart
the relentless whisper of the soul is
bringing to me all
the painful times which
can't come back now
Once you were placed in my heart
the relentless whisper of the soul is
suffocating and unbearable
and bringing me the memories, everything, all, everything


Step by Step

Our love then
our memories once
were all that kept you and me alive.
Our breakup now
destroys everything for me
How can you be hurting me
who loved only you like this?
Even if I am alive, it's not living
A day without you is meaningless
How much must I hurt and hurt
Will I forget the time I loved you?
Even if I am reborn and meet you again
I will want to be with you
Step by step
I am on my way to see you
Right now as for me
I must be regretting letting you go
Only you, who were the only one who saw it, knew
I didn't know any fool but you
who loved me
Even if you run very far from me
Even if I close my eyes and bear it
you're still warm to me


If Heaven Had Feelings

As the wind rises, the flowers fall
Who'll be there to paint your portrait?
Woe to my moonlit silhouette and tear-stained robes!
In the end, the flowing river had to carry away our love
Alone, I looked back, only to see time racing on
And the many friends and foes we made in this life
If only I could live out my life with you!
The incessant rain delicately weaves my sorrows
As I casually glance back at the cold morning showers
I wonder where you're resting
If Heaven had feelings, He'd be merciless
Despite our love, we must still ultimately part ways
The sign of your reincarnation
Will manifest on my face
Till the day I can no longer breathe
Woe to my moonlit silhouette and tear-stained robes!
In the end, the flowing river had to carry away our love
Alone, I looked back, only to see time racing on
And the many friends and foes we made in this life
If only I could live out my life with you!
The incessant rain delicately weaves my sorrows
As I casually glance back at the cold morning showers
I wonder where you're resting
If Heaven had feelings, He'd be merciless
Despite our love, we must still ultimately part ways
The sign of your reincarnation will manifest on my face
Till the day I can no longer breathe
If Heaven had feelings, He'd be merciless
But I'll still wait for you in this mortal world
I'll dye my silver hair with my yearning for you
You'll never be far off, no matter where I might be
If Heaven had feelings, He'd be merciless
Despite our love, we must still ultimately part ways
The sign of your reincarnation will manifest on my face
Till the day I can no longer breathe
If Heaven had feelings, He'd be merciless
But I'll still wait for you in this mortal world
I'll dye my silver hair with my yearning for you
You'll never be far off, no matter where I might be


Peace on Earth

We don’t want any more war
We don’t want any more blood
Stop nuclear arms
Stop the rush to nothingness
In front of every brotherly peoples
Who will vouch for it
Let’s declare Peace on Earth
The strength of France, it’s the spirit of the Enlightenment (1)
This little spark in the heart of the whole world
Which always enlightens angry peoples
In search of justice and freedom
We don’t want any more war
We don’t want any more blood
Stop nuclear arms
Stop the rush to nothingness
In front of every brotherly peoples
Who will vouch for it
Let’s declare Peace on Earth
Because one day, they reached the Universal
In what they wrote, sought, carved or painted
The strength of France, are Cézanne and Ravel
Are Voltaire and Pasteur, are Verlaine and Rodin
We don’t want any more war
We don’t want any more blood
Stop nuclear arms
Stop the rush to nothingness
In front of every brotherly people
Who will vouch for it
Let’s declare Peace on Earth
The strength of France, it’s in its poets
Who carve the future in the month of May of words
Cover their eyes with ashes, slit their open throat
You won’t stifle the song of renewal
We don’t want any more war
We don’t want any more blood
Stop nuclear arms
Stop the rush to nothingness
In front of every brotherly peoples
Who will vouch for it
Let’s declare Peace on Earth
The strength of France, it will be immense
Defying forever and the space and the time
The day when I’ll hear continue my ballad
In the reality of the crowd singing
We don’t want any more war
We don’t want any more blood
Stop nuclear arms
Stop the rush to nothingness
In front of every brotherly people
Who will vouch for it
Let’s declare Peace on Earth


Sleeping Sail

Don't awake from this dream
With each misstep, my heart melts
For when your fingertips touch me
My entire body grows warm
Love is a cross
I am born from your heart
Mysteriously, mysteriously
I am born from your heart
Please forever
Don't let me be alone
Please forever
Don't awake from this dream
Our hearts intertwine
Draw your face closer to mine
Embracing you more with each passing moment
Until I can barely breathe
Love is a mystery
Your heart is a sleeping sail
Mysteriously, mysteriously
Please return to my sea
Please forever
Don't let me be alone
Please forever
Don't awake from this dream
Please forever
Don't let me be alone
Please forever
Don't awake from this dream



The music you wrote
Is not able to be used at this time (A-ah)
Please rewrite it again
I don't understand!
I don't understand any of this!
Nobody's listening anyway
Music's all just fashion
Players leaving the field after devouring dead sounds one night
There's no message behind it anyway
It's all for making Something-Toks to sell your name
Just for all that vanity, it's the worst, good night
Whatever I do, however I look at it
There's already a traffic jam filled with these gurus
But still, here, there, everywhere, the loners
And the monkeys of this super cool Gen Z, they want to consume content
Are you waiting for the punchline?
I don't care much for the meaning or anything
I don't pay attention to the lyrics or whatever either,
Just give me something catchy
Let's just all laugh together
Is it about the numbers than the artistry?
Awful price to pay for virality
Then what do we do? Was that how it was supposed to go?
The mind going in circles and slowly dying away
Bullshit! Say bye bye to viral melodies
Have some doubt, lies are everywhere
Don't disguise yourself, fantasies and ideals are fine
What happened to the things you wanted to sing about?
Being awkward is alright, there are no lies
Before you fill it up with money and disguised tunes
Don't give in, awaken your heartbeats
What happened to the message that you wanted to share?
I don't understand any of this!
The music you wrote
Is not able to be used at this time
Please listen to more pop and hit songs
And try again
Oh god, all these trendy 'artists'
Trying to be smartasses
This guy, that guy, that guy over there, that other guy,
I don't understand!
Whatever I do, however I look at it
There's already a traffic jam filled with these gurus
But still, here, there, everywhere, the loners
And the monkeys of this super cool Gen Z, they want to consume content
Are you waiting for the punchline?
I don't care much for the meaning or anything.
I don't pay attention to the lyrics or whatever either
Just give me something that'll get lots of views
Let's just all lose the bad vibes
It's about the numbers than the artistry, isn't it?
Awful price to pay for virality
Then what do we do? Was that how it was supposed to go?
The mind going in circles and slowly dying away
Bullshit! Say bye bye to viral melodies
Have some doubt, lies are everywhere
Don't disguise yourself, fantasies and ideals are fine
What happened to the things you wanted to sing about?
No way I'm okay with ending it like this,
I'm sure what we truly want isn't the money
Don't give in, awaken your heartbeats
There must have been something you really wanted to sing about
Bullshit! Say bye bye to viral melodies
Have some doubt, lies are everywhere
Don't disguise yourself, fantasies and ideals are fine
What happened to the things you wanted to sing about?
Being awkward is alright, there are no lies
Before you fill it up with money and disguised tunes
Don't give up, awaken your heartbeats
What happened to the message that I wanted to share?
I don't understand any of this!
I don't fucking understand any of this!
I don't understand any of this!



I can understand Russian
I'm coming for you like the Russian mafia
It's snowing here in Moscow
I'll be your woman, you'll be my lover
Rakia is Serbian vodka
One, two, three, four
We'll split everything in half
All the accounts, houses, cars
Don't sign a prenup, please
Can't you see that I love you?
Buy a Sputnik so we can take a ride
Carpets from Astrakhana
Sell some oil in Siberia
Sell some oil in Siberia
Uranium, diamonds
Uranium, diamonds


Bitter pill

Words, like candles that went out, words
Talk to me less about happiness
For tomorrow everything will be different
The door, when I close the door after you
I am happy out of spite
For I’d like everything to stay the same
Why don’t you stop
And stay with me?
And when I lie to you
Know that I am still crazy over you
And when you leave, do not close the door behind you
Don’t let it hurt me1
For I am still crazy about you
And when you leave, do not close the door behind you
Because you are like a drug2
At first, you heal me a little
And then you ruin it all
The sweetest bitter pill
It’s neither better nor worse for me
Nor is it easy for me, but I hide
Because why would you know everything, ask me
Why don’t you stop
And stay with me?
The sweetest bitter pill
Bitter pill
Because you are like a drug
At first, you heal me a little
And then you ruin it all
The sweetest bitter pill
  • 1. don’t let it be painful for me
  • 2. medicine


Fly High

Fly high, so fly high, so fly high! Go! To the sky!
So fly high, so fly high, so fly high! Go! To the sky!
Now we're flying!
My heart burns up. The engine turns up
Reveal your hidden dreams and trust me only
Taking your hand I can make your dream come true
This thrilling feeling follows the light in the sky
I'm not going to miss it. i going to have everything.
Just enjoy the moment.
Even if I'm breathless, if I stop I'm sure I will regret it.
Don't be afraid of a terrible failure.
Everyone has to move on. (Whee)
Fly high, so fly high, so fly high! Go! To the sky!
So fly high, so fly high, so fly high! Go! To the sky!
Smiling makes me happy and pain passes after a short time
I'm going to create that great love which will never stop some day
Sometimes when you falter and sometimes when you hate yourself and hide
Be yourself and grab my hand. Hey! Fly to your dream.
Now open your eyes, get up the world, look up at the sky
Fly far away with your dreams in your hands
Protecting you I can make your dream come true
Even if I'm breathless, if I stop I'm sure I will regret it.
Don't be afraid of a terrible failure.
Everyone has to move on. (Whee)
Fly high, so fly high, so fly high! Go! To the sky!
So fly high, so fly high, so fly high! Go! To the sky!
Smiling makes me happy and pain passes after a short time
I'm going to create that great love which will never stop some day
Sometimes when you falter and sometimes when you hate yourself and hide
Be yourself and grab my hand. Hey! Fly to your dream.
Because my eyes and smile are shining
When I'm tired and exhausted I'll smile again (Whee!)
Without hesitation without a pause
Spread your dreams, you! so cool (Whee!)
Fly high, so fly high, so fly high! Go! To the sky!
So fly high, so fly high, so fly high! Go! To the sky!
Smiling makes me happy and pain passes after a short time
I'm going to create that great love which will never stop some day
Sometimes when you falter and sometimes when you hate yourself and hide
Be yourself and grab my hand. Hey! Fly to your dream.
Now we're flying!
My heart burns up. The engine turns up
Reveal your hidden dreams and trust me only
Taking your hand I can make your dream come true


Close your eyes

Like a dream everything disappears
Like the wind it spreads everywhere
Pain also speads
When the dawn breaks with the darkness
Close your eyes the night slowly passes
easily and without a hitch
Close your eyes and lay everything aside for a while
Like a peaceful shower
Sometimes both the tears that can't be avoided
and the struggles of a rough life
I'm sure will pass by
like the many days we cried under our breath
Close your eyes the night slowly passes
easily and without a hitch
Close your eyes and lay everything aside for a while
Like a peaceful shower
Shout in a soft voice



Is it a dream?
I am searching for myself
Where am I?
It's like a path which isn't a path
Like a wind which doesn't blow
My day is always the same
Silence, Life is the Silence
No one can hear me
Following that dim light
as I walk somewhere
will there be the answer I'm searching for?
Am I the only one?
What am I still waiting for?
No one will teach me
The tomorrow that I need
Silence, Life is the Silence
No one can hear me
Following that dim light
as I walk somewhere
Will there be the answer I'm searching for?
Where is it?
Where is it?
Where is it?


Hopeless Love

Let time stand still
This road is long
Let my heart run to you
Timeless, in an emptiness
My heart cries in blind wells
Nobody hears its sound
I assumed that the light of my love would never reach you
See me, hide me in your heart
In your broad loneliness whenever you're lost,
In an emptiness...


Marseille it's...

Marseille it's the beach, football, guitar in the heat
I see the gadjis zoning out and doing Fazer crutches
The cops make you dance the moonwalk with tasers
We are bored all night, we talk, we shoot until late
Marseille it's the beach, football, guitar in the heat
I see the gadjis zoning out and doing Fazer crutches
The cops make you dance the moonwalk with tasers
We are bored all night, we talk, we shoot until late
Oh but what is that?
I come from far away, yeah, they have to know that
It's Marseille, big guy, they know it
OM tracksuit, dirty Asics
Cap, glasses, yeah that's cross' zone
It avoids the kepis, barrette in the pocket
Jail, spip', job interview
Avoids bullshits, the mother is getting older
It's scrambling to make 5-5
Looking for brave men to come zing-zing
To the district people are going crazy, crazy
We're between us you can put down the gun, gun
I've seen good guys become bums
And bums become bosses
You want to know why I don't do the star?
Money doesn't really appeal to me
It's Ju-Ju-Jul Sopra M'baba
Represent the guys from down there
The freed brothers and yes baba
You wanna test us, go there
Marseille it's the beach, football, guitar in the heat
I see the gadjis zoning out and doing Fazer crutches
The cops make you dance the moonwalk with tasers
We are bored all night, we talk, we shoot until late
Marseille it's the beach, football, guitar in the heat
I see the gadjis zoning out and doing Fazer crutches
The cops make you dance the moonwalk with tasers
We are bored all night, we talk, we shoot until late
Marseille, Marseille, the crazy life
Myley, couscous at loco
Rami, poker at the local
Alzheimer's at the comico
A postcard seen from the helicopter
A besastly guard seen from our curtains
Don't say too many jokes when you're a bigot
Don't dirty the Anigo's club
We want the million of Jean Pierre Foucault
We speak strange for Parisians
You say t-shirt, we say knitting
We are told we don't have the same dictionary
The collar up like Cantona
Prada fell out of the container
We don't get confused with the katana
There are all continents at Continent
It's true that the city lives in slow motion
But we think quickly about the big money
Marseille it's the beach, football, guitar in the heat
I see the gadjis zoning out and doing Fazer crutches
The cops make you dance the moonwalk with tasers
We are bored all night, we talk, we shoot until late
Marseille it's the beach, football, guitar in the heat
I see the gadjis zoning out and doing Fazer crutches
The cops make you dance the moonwalk with tasers
We are bored all night, we talk, we shoot until late
All crowded into the gari
We are burnt considering our faces
1.3 Marseille they locate me
I went blonde, I know girls like me
It wants to tackle your go' when you're in line at the drive-thru at Mcdo
It wants the Rolex, the Hublot with the gold hidden in the backpack
It runs in TDM or in Zip
Refuels for free at BP or Gip'
There's only reality in my music
Sopra' Ju-Jul still a classic
Always a classic, always in the music
Describing to you the good mother
Between trafficking and public school
Young people no longer have any points of reference
A need for money that pushes you to crime
That bring you to the police
The parents give up, the enemy responds
Another young person being buried
There is something positive, there are active young people, far from the penitentiary
There are some Ju-Jul, some Soprababa
At the top of the charts for brothers
Marseille it's the beach, football, guitar in the heat
I see the gadjis zoning out and doing Fazer crutches
The cops make you dance the moonwalk with tasers
We are bored all night, we talk, we shoot until late
Marseille it's the beach, football, guitar in the heat
I see the gadjis zoning out and doing Fazer crutches
The cops make you dance the moonwalk with tasers
We are bored all night, we talk, we shoot until late