Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 44

Találatok száma: 1477



Give me your hand, Ralitsa,
you'll be happy with me.
On the white roads we will wander,
night and day. Night and day.
We were born - so we'll love each other.
We were born - so we'll fly.
We were born to attract each other,
night and day. Night and day.
I want to drink from your nectar.
I want!
I want to be inside you.
I want!
I want to touch your hair.
I want!
Night and day. Night and day.
With honey we'll smear our mouths,
in the juice of words we'll sleep.
And with gently entagled bodies,
we'll work, we'll work.

In the path of life

Reign this country
Reign this country
Reign this country
Reign this Earth!
Time has arrived (oh)
It dawns
The time has come
Ruler of the earth!
Time has arrived
Time has arrived
Rule the earth
Rule the earth
Rule it with love
Rule it with love
Rule it with love
Rule it with love
Rule it with love
Here comes a lion, father
Here comes a lion, father
Here comes a lion, father
Until we have
Our path
At the top of the mountain
In the path of life

I see something you don't see

Every time we don't want to see something, it's still there...
I see something, you don't want to see, because it's not that funny.
I see something, you don't want to see -
Because you're blind - and rather going shopping and relaxing
'I don't read anything, I buy myself a dress now!' 'Okay...'
The World becomes nastier and whose fault is it?
I'm surrounded by state power and intrigues.
Who's already rich, reaps even more
And the people around me don't become sated.
The state of shadows, the bank of villains, the concern of greed
Who calls the names and sins of these gentlemanly sirs?
The Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Soros & members of the consortium
Who hoard on the shit mountain of the devil's dollar.
The masterminds and grey eminences
JP Morgan's, Goldman Sach's and their toadies,
Arms dealers, speculators, military
Intelligence, spies and even more.
The evil lords' elitist clubs,
A fate of an individual doesn't bother them
There are to many eaters anyway,
Without the many people, the few are better off.
The cold-blooded creatures build walls around our freedom
Year by year - without haste - stone by stone...
And we're to dumb to understand,
To idle and to lazy to inform,
Buy pockets, shoes, chocolate, soccer-cards,
While Satan's dragon riders wait for us.
Hey, you...! Hey, you...!
Clean out your ears and hear how they lie!
Open your eyes and see, how they deceive!
Speak up and say, what you see!
The truth is sadly often very mean.
The puppeteers sit somewhere else -
A lusty circle, oh yes, it is able to.
The devil poops on the pile there,
They can simply buy the world's parts.
Are never in refugee hostels or at the food bank
In big castles is dined to blether,
In luxury ghettos they reside in silkshirts
No-go ares are unknown to them.
I see something, you don't see,
Because you're the good one,
Who still believes in the good thing,
Even when her most beloved thing is robbed.
You vision is so naive
And your faith in god, it is so deep.
But I tell you, my love, your god is dead -
'Where is he? Why doesn't he say something, although I prayed so much?!'
'Aha. Where is he? Oh well.'
Your god is on vacation, on the Canaries
And in the Pacific, where the nuclear tests were.
He doesn't care, he is just made of air
And he scrams, when the whole world deflagrates.
Your ignorance holds a big threat,
Because what you don't know, will evermore
Remain elite knowledge and a secret
And they catch us like flies in adhesive traps.
We have to reveal, show and expose
Chase them out of the fox's burrow and rumple them
The felons against love and human rights -
But in the German, the servant roots deeply.
Go out and open your eyes so wide!
Use your brain and understand, what goes on there...
Strike off, you have to be quick.
Look closely and read between the lines!
Don't wait, my dear, you have to hasten
The time never works for the good ones...
It's not the eleventh hour, it's five past one
And when you look for conscience - there isn't any.
Greedy man, geriatric murders,
Sing of death and the evil old way,
Carry away half of the world while falling,
Wake up and act and don't desert yourself.
Hey, you!
Everything, what the nation ever wanted
And everything it was supposed to get,
Was never bestowed to it.
We have to fight - keep that in mind!!
Who can dance the tango of denial better....
The elite - or the the dumb toadies? (Repeated 4x)
Hey you! Wake up...!

Bark boat

Look, there goes a boat of bark
with hope on the great water
It is filled with dreams
And no one can take it
It goes, it goes
It never comes back
It goes, it goes
It never comes back
There is a workman at the steering wheel
And a student has become captain
By the canon stands a farmer
and the nights black fairy
It goes, it goes
It never comes back
It goes, it goes
It never comes back
Now there is a teacher in the boat
and a soldier and a poet
and at the very last a little girl
who also wants to come along
She goes, she goes
She is coming back soon
She goes, she goes
She is coming back soon
Now the boat is filled with sailors
But they won't go out in battle
No, they will look for the country
where dreams can live.
They go, they go
They go on the sea of hope
They go, they go
They are soon coming back.

If You're with Me

I want to believe you, just to be nearby,
our love will be in your lipstick.
I’m studying wet, wet asphalt with my eyes,
I can’t live without you, but you know it.
If you’re with me in this world, then without doubt
every second of life is meaningful.
If you’re with me in this world, then without doubt
every second of life is meaningful.
it seems as if I lose the beacons of cities,
it’s just the love in the muddy fog.
I want to push the whole world by hands
so that now we wouldn’t be silent.
If you’re with me in this world, then without doubt
every second of life is meaningful.
If you’re with me in this world, then without doubt
every second of life is meaningful.
If you’re with me in this world, then without doubt
every second of life is meaningful.
If you’re with me in this world, then without doubt
every second of life is meaningful.
If you’re with me in this world, then without doubt
every second of life is meaningful.
If you’re with me in this world, then without doubt
every second of life is meaningful.
This work (if otherwise isn’t stated below) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Don’t forget to press the green 'Thanks!' button if my translation was helpful (no registration’s required).

Covered truck

Truck in the night
Covered truck
Like a released balloon
Illusions, hopes
And blood stained
Straps tied-down
No more desire
In this loathed world
Nothing to say
Drive in the darkness
Hit by dreams
On the waysides
Of desperation
Truck in the darkness
Drives away this evening
And will not come back
In the back seat
Of black leatherette
A child breathes
A fair-eyed girl
With frail limbs
Sleeps in a cloth
Like an angel feather
In a flannel blanket
Fallen from heavens
And in the rhythm of axles
The awful din
Of the iron truck
Truck in the night
What do you know about him
About what he leaves once again
Sad settings
The rest has been crushed
When the world is sick
What is left to him
Is the shape that sleeps
In a blanket
On the rugged seat
She's the only figure
The only landscape
Standing like a mirage
The face of the angel
That sleeps in her flannel blanket
Fallen from heavens
And in the rhythm of axles
The awful din
Of the iron truck
All that is left to him
When the world is sick
Is the shape that sleeps
Truck in the night
Armored truck
For so many years
So many low blows
Without lights and masts
Lanterns torn
Truck rolls away
From a loathed world
History will tell
What should be remembered
On an acacia tree trunk
Tires howling
Windows bursting
Crushed truck
And in his notebook
Three more lines
Three crossed-off words
The three words of a drowned man
Whose body is recovered
During a moonless night
One hand through
The brown curls
On the angel's forehead
In her flannel blanket
Fallen from heavens
And in the rhythm of axles
The awful din
Of the iron truck
Truck in the night
Smashed truck
Iridescent windows
Strewing the ground
In a sunken lane
Crushing the hand
From which the soul escapes
Still breathing
As if bewitched
Stroking the body
And the grey nape
Of the crushed adult neck
Where the bones are smashed
In the covered truck
Front burst open
Through which the wind edges
And dries up
The child's forehead
Moistened with tears
In the covered truck
Front burst open
Through which wind edges
And dries up
The child's forehead
Moistened with tears
Sanctified truck
Picked up off the ground
Straight towards the sky
The rest erased
The tree opened
In the middle
Passenger compartment open
On the green carpet
Of painless moss
The fair-haired angel
Looks at her father
Who keeps driving
Truck in the night

Love, give me wings to fly

I have lost as usually happens
when you don't get the game of love
I've made a mistake and that's why I lost,
but maybe I'll find a new start.
Love, give me power to fly
and heal my broken arrow
and from your infinity,
give me one more second
Love, give me wings to fly
to the sky of my dreams
to grow high above them,
Love, give me wings to fly!
To grow high above them,
Love give me wings to fly!
I have lostwhen from all, I've chose
two eyes that smiled to me, but I didn't understood them
I have lost when I believed in words,
but maybe I'll find a new start.
Love, give me power to fly
and heal my broken arrow
and from your infinity,
give me one more second
Love, give me wings to fly
to the sky of my dreams
to grow high above them,
Love, give me wings to fly!
To grow high above them,
Love give me wings to fly!
Love, give me power to fly
and heal my broken arrow
and from your infinity,
give me one more second
Love, give me wings to fly
to the sky of my dreams
to grow high above them,
Love, give me wings to fly!
To grow high above them,
Love give me wings to fly!

The Frosty Breath Of Sudden Windy Snowstorm...

The frosty breath of sudden windy snowstorm
Stays fresh through night, but gale wind settled down.
The mossy snow bed shimmers like white gown,
The mourning firs in snowdrifts try to stay warm.
The midnight sky is low and black as coal, -
Just in its depth, with Milky Way creations,
It mystic bottom shows through gaping hole
And flames with cold of distant constellations.
The sky is sometimes darkened by cloud bands...
But night turns cold. And tired whirlwind slips low,
Like hissing serpent glides above the deep snow
And burns it with dry fire's twisted strands.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Ding Dong

Ding Dong - Ding Dong
Ding Dong - Ding Dong
I sit with Renate
in my boudoir.
With a Bottle sparkling wine
cause it tastes better for two
The record player tootles
Mark Knopfler gentle fiddles
Finally its so far
as it rings on the door
Ding Dong - Ding Dong
Who is staying infront of the door
Maybe its the Postillion
and brings millions to me
Ding Dong - Ding Dong
Who is staying infront of the door
That are the neighbours
drunken with a box of beer
Never open the door don't let someone in!
Never open the door don't be at home!
Is the door first open then it's too late
cause you never know who stands outside!
Renate left
after a big dispute
The neighbours are in coma
in your bedroom
They have puked
a frog's stuck in your throat
You clean up the house
there it's ringing again
Ding Dong - Ding Dong
Who is staying infront of the door
Maybe it's Renate
and want come back to me
Ding Dong - Ding Dong
Who is staying infront of the door
Its Renate's Husband
His height is 7 feet 8!
Never open the door don't let someone in!
Never open the door never be at home!
Remove the doorknob so long it still works!
Is the door open then is it too late
Her spouse Emil he's called
closes your eyes
cause he's a Master
in Karate and Kung-Fu
After seven weeks you come out
of the hospital
the Christ child is staying infront of your door
at home it looks sad
The furniture are impounded
you just still have a Piano
No electricity and no heater
as it rings on the door
Ding Dong - Ding Dong
Who is staying infront of the door?
Maybe it is Santa Clause
and is bringing presents for you!
Ding Dong - Ding Dong
Who is staying infront of the door?
It is the bailiff
and also takes the Piano!
Never open the door don't let someone in!
Never open the door never be at home!
Remove the doorknob so long it still works!
Is the door open then is it too late
Its over you're exhausted
there is no way back!
If everything's falling apart
then only 'the' knit will help you
You are dangling at the Elderberry
the sould goes up
And like a wonder
you're staying infront of the Pearly Gates
Ding Dong - Ding Dong
is no one here?
I search for my cloud
And where is my Piano?
Ding Dong - Ding Dong
is no one here?
There you hear a voice
through the Pearly Gates
Never open the door don't let someone in!
Never open the door never be at home!
Seal the doorknob so long it still works
cause you don't know who stands infront of the door
Never open the thing or it give concrete!
Never open the thing or it give concrete!
Never open the door don't be a Athlet
cause you don't know who stands infront of the door!

You'll Always Be In My Heart

You'll always be in my heart
Whether you're near or far
And as I sing this song
I know you will never forget me
You'll always be in my heart
In joy and sadness
I'll emotionally remember
That someday I had your love
You'll always be in my heart
I'll remember your name
And in my loneliness
I'll pray for it in my prayers
And if you never come back
To put an end in my grieving
Then I'll keep your face
Always in my heart
You'll always be in my heart
I'll remember your name
And in my loneliness
I'll pray for it in my prayers
And if you never come back
To put an end in my grieving
Then I'll keep your face
Always in my heart
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Luv Me

Shorty, run away with me
We'll smoke some weed
I'm not like Goofy
You're not like these groupies
Shorty, run away with me
We'll smoke some weed
I'm not like Goofy
You're not like these groupies
Shorty, get lost with me
You don't see how different we are
It's gonna be alright, I promise
Let me take you to the dark side
I already know who you are
I was waiting for you to come
You know their life
But you'll be leaving tonight
Shorty, run away with me
We'll smoke some weed
I'm not like Goofy
You're not like these groupies
Shorty, run away with me
We'll smoke some weed
I'm not like Goofy
You're not like these groupies
This bitch got my name tattooed on her
She says she'd kill for her man
This bitch got my name tattooed on her
She says she'd kill for her man
She doesn't know she's lost it all with a poor, poor guy
Kaydy Cain Catstro, cool guy who walks weird
I've got bitches who are witches and give evil looks,
But you stay quite 'cause you're mine
And nobody's gonna touch you as long as I live
This bitch got my name tattooed on her
She says she'd kill for her man
She doesn't know she's lost it all with a poor, poor guy
Shorty, run away with me
We'll smoke some weed
I'm not like Goofy
You're not like these groupies

I'm Rebellious

I'm rebellious because that's what the world wanted
Because I was never treated with love
And people were not friendly with me
I'm rebellious because, always without a reason
I was denied all that I dreamed
And I was only given incomprehension
I wanted to be like a child
Full of hope and happy
And I wanted to give all that there is in me
All in return for a friendship
And dream, and live
And forget grief
And sing and smile
And feel nothing but love
I'm rebellious because that's what the world wanted
Because I was never treated with love
And people were not friendly with me
I'm rebellious because, always without a reason
I was denied all that I dreamed
And I was only given incomprehension
I wanted to be like a child
Full of hope and happy
And I wanted to give all that there is in me
All in return for a friendship
And dream, and live
And forget grief
And sing and smile
And feel nothing but love
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Кръв, сълзи, прах

Помниш ли, приятелю мой,
Когато бях вкочанен и мъртъв вътрешно?
Частица от нищото в този свят,
Докато не я чух да казва:
Три адски нощи
Магия за безсмъртие
Освети небесата
Пробий тъмнината
Можеш ли да повярваш, приятелю мой?
Аз бях празен и разбит вътрешно.
Тя дойде, за да ме спаси от бурята,
Когато я чух да казва:
Три адски нощи
Магия за безсмъртие
Освети небесата
Пробий тъмнината
Три адски нощи
Магия за безсмъртие
Освети небесата
Пробий тъмнината
Вземи моите кръв,
Времето принадлежи на теб и мен,
Няма друго място,
На което бих искал да бъда.
Високи планини,
Тъмна река тече,
Вятърът ще духа,
А нашият огън ще гори
Три адски нощи
Магия за безсмъртие
Освети небесата
Пробий тъмнината


В чистоте

Принятые решения

Сумасшедшие глупости
Ежедневные заботы
Укладывание и колыбельная
Призраки стыда
Злые намерения,
Которые легко избежать,
Товарищ по несчастью
Заботливый спутник

Dwoje fajnych ludzi

Teraz, kiedy już zdałem twój test,
Jak mógłbym udowodnić, że cię nigdy nie zawiodę.
Jeśli dokuczyłem ci - przepraszam -
Nie miałem nigdy takiego zamiaru.
Teraz, kiedy pocałowałem twoją pierś,
Jak mógłbym udowodnić, że cię nigdy nie zasmucę.
Ale nawet jeśli by się stało, wierz mi, że te łzy już nigdy nie powrócą.
Kocham cię tak, że gwiazdy mogą zblednąć
a góry rozpaść się w pył.
Ja kocham cię, dopóki moje ciało nie zamieni w starca mnie.
Kocham cię, a piosenka którą śpiewam to jedyny sposób aby ci to wytłumaczyć.
La la la la la la
Wiesz, że nic od ciebie nie chcę oprócz starych dobrych czasów.
Gwiazdki z nieba nie dam ci, ale mogę ofiarować owo la-la-la
La la la la la la
Czyż mógłbym cię okłamać? Już nie będę ci dokuczał
I zatroszczę się o wszystko, czego tylko chcesz.
Spełnię każde twe żądanie, kochanie.
Kocham cię tak, że czas nie liczy się
A bałwany śnieżne śpią razem z morskimi.
Naprawdę, pragnę tylko tego, abyś ty pragnęła mnie.
Kocham cię, a piosenka, którą teraz śpiewam
Jest sposobem na wyjaśnienie tego ci.
(Kobieta:) Teraz, gdy odkryłam twe serce na nowo.
Zostanę z tobą i nigdy nie zostawię cię samego.
Gdziekolwiek mnie zapragniesz,
Tam przybędę by cię mieć i tulić.
A gdy chmury powrócą, nie opuszczaj moich ramion
Nigdy nie wylądujemy, unoszeni dzięki sile uczucia
I szybując dzięki sile miłości.
Kocham cię tak,
Że nie dbam o zmienność czasu i o góry w pył obracające się.
Ja cię kocham, aż tacy sami powrócimy na ziemię
Kocham cię, zaś ta piosenka, którą właśnie śpiewam
Jest sposobem aby ci to wytłumaczyć.
Dwoje fajnych ludzi powinnom kochać się.
Dwoje fajnych ludzi powinno sobie pomagać.
Dwoje fajnych ludzi powinnom kochać się.
Dwoje fajnych ludzi powinno sobie pomagać.
Copyright: Tomasz Piwowarek.

Свиш, свиш

Они знают, что есть что
Но на самом деле не знают
Они просто ходят напыщенные
Что за хрень?
Не страдает от бессоницы
Не нуждается во мнениях
Моллюска или овцы
Не смей подходить ко мне
Нет, не сегодня
Ты рассчитан
У меня есть твой номер
Потому что ты шут
А я убийственная королева на лучших местах
И ты целуй кольцо
Просто верь
Так что сохраняй спокойствие, сладкая, я задержусь тут
Больше, чем на минуту, привыкай к этому
Забавно, что ты всё ещё произносишь моё имя
Потому что я побеждаю
Уложу вас всех, типа
Свиш, свиш, сука
Ещё один в корзине
Ты не можешь к этому прикасаться
Ещё одна в гробу
Твоя игра всем надоела
Тебе пора выйти на пенсию
Ты такая милая, как
Купон с истёкшим сроком действия
И карма не врёт
Она сохраняет выручку
Так что сохраняй спокойствие, сладкая, я задержусь тут
Больше, чем на минуту, привыкай к этому
Забавно, что ты всё ещё произносишь моё имя
Потому что я побеждаю
Уложу вас всех, типа
Свиш, свиш, сука
Ещё один в корзине
Ты не можешь к этому прикасаться
Ещё одна в гробу
Свиш, свиш, сука
Ещё один в корзине
Ты не можешь к этому прикасаться
Ещё одна в гробу
Они знают, что есть что
Но на самом деле не знают
Кэти Перри
Они знают, что есть что
Янг Мани
Но на самом деле не знают
Они знают, что есть почто
Но на самом деле не знают
Они просто ходят напыщенные
Хахаха, йоу
Что за хрень?
[Nicki Minaj]
Розовые шлёпки от Феррагамо
Дурацкие рэперские претензии только добавляют мне чеков
Моя жизнь как кино, я всегда на съёмках
Я и мои друзья, нет, не Оффсет
Свиш свиш, оуу, я их огорчила
Но мои стрелки заставят их танцевать дабстеп
Свиш свиш, оуу, мои хейтеры одержимы
Ведь я получаю миллионы, а они — меньше
Не пытайся вернуться по следам, я уже тебя презираю
Вся твоя наигранная показная любовь
Даже не может тебя замаскировать
Убежала? Когда? Ники загорает
Свет мой зеркальце, скажи, что прекраснейшая из всех сучек на земле?
Чёрт, мужик, это сучка меня стэнит
Муа, муа, щедрая королева поцелует фаната
Иди в жопу, я проеду мимо
Я скажу моему ----- Биггзу, да, это он
Звезда это звезда, да-ха, да-ха!
Они никогда не подумали, что бог свиша может зайти так далеко
Беру свой сутенёрский кубок,это сутенёрская тема, детка
Я зажигаю лишь с королевами (Куинс), так что я записываю хиты с Кэти
Свиш, свиш, сука
Ещё один в корзине
Ты не можешь к этому прикасаться
Ещё одна в гробу
Они знают, что есть что
Они знают?
Но на самом деле не знают
Они знают, что есть что
Но на самом деле не знают
Они знают, что есть что
Но на самом деле не знают
Они просто ходят напыщенные
Что за...


The light that passes underneath the door
Traces your shadow back inside the vault
Like a forest, the color of jet
You burn beside my bed
If you came up close to me
To set alight the night
Placed at our fingertips
Your voice would let me sleep
Your arms like branches
Wrapped around my hips
Like a silk tree
I will go carve our first names in the bark
Hunt down the wild dogs one by one
To leave only us
A kiss upon your neck
And the cry of the wolves ...
If you came up close to me
To set alight the night
Placed at our fingertips
Your voice would let me sleep
Your arms like branches
Wrapped around my hips
Like a silk tree

Hanging from a dream

Hanging from a dream
High in the sky, I try to live
The world in the distance
Seems small, seen from here
I don’t care what people say of me
That I don’t have my feet on the floor
They don’t know that I fly instead of sleeping
There are no limits to my wishes here
Nothing can be forbidden
I’m sailing free through my thoughts
Don’t take me off of here
There is room for my longings here
Everything can come true
Don’t make me go to the floor
I just want to remain
Hanging from a dream
Floating in the air without fear to fall
The world is small
And all my anxieties don’t fit into it
I don’t care what people say of me
That I don’t have my feet on the floor
Hanging from my dream, I manage to live
There are no limits to my wishes here
Nothing can be forbidden
I’m sailing free through my thoughts
Don’t take me off of here
There is room to my longings here
Everything can come true
Don’t make me go to the floor
I just want to remain
Hanging from a dream
Hanging from a dream
Hanging from a dream

You've been frozen already

It's beyond endurance that in snow and ice your ice-hook is still working,
but you have to see that you're not else than a soaked, frostbitten shadow.
So cut there now, it's good like that!
Our hearts beat together,
because of that is our work intensive,
perhaps you don't even see that you have been frozen into ice!
Ice! Snow!
The ice and the snow are coming!
Ice! Snow!
The ice and the snow are coming!
It raises you! It brings you down!
It helps you! It harms you!
Everyone who had a dash at it, came off badly...
Wonderful ice! Horrible ice!
You have been dominating our souls for a long while!
It's beyond endurance that in snow and ice your ice-hook is still working,
but you have to see that you're not else than a soaked, frostbitten shadow.
Cut there now, it's good like that!
Our hearts beat together,
and they're waging a losing battle,
perhaps you don't even see that you have been frozen into ice!
Come on, Sven!

The Song of Sunshine

How long, I wonder, has it been since we last met?
The letter I sent to you was returned to me this morning
Like the awakened green leaves wavering by the window
Beyond the long winter I realized by now that you were gone
No matter what I say, it's not just enough
You loved me, you held me tight
Like you are the warmth of the sunshine
In our last photograph where the flowers are ablaze
I could not keep my promise 'I'll send it to you'
And yet when it comes to how simple and kind I'd been
I just wanted to show you them all bundled up
Even if we each fall in love with someone else
Please don't you forget everything you have left
And you will find someone there for you
Even if we can't meet again under the sky, I will live on
You loved me, you held me tight
From the bottom of your heart
Like you are the warmth of the sunshine
You loved me, you held me tight
Like you are the warmth of the sunshine

Your Silence Shall Be To Your Husband

You remember the light that fell upon the street
But you do not remember the street
On the way, another summer ended and soon
Cracks on the sidewalk will turn to a wet sea
When your steps will soak up the drops
The clouds are the first to cry
And love there's only within rooms
Out in the sun, the lies open up
You love his hand that caresses you silently
But it is him whom you don't love
And if he is the pain, then he is also the comfort
And meanwhile it grows, except there is no soil here
So you should return home
And your desire shall be to your husband
And love there's only within rooms
Out in the sun, the lies open up
You watch over his heart so it would not stray from yours
But you do not watch over him
All of your questions you lay there where you stand
Will he answer, it does not matter
You already know
When the street is full of alleys
The weak are the first to make mistakes
And love there's only within rooms
Out in the sun, the lies open up
So you should talk to yourself
And your silence shall be to your husband
And regret comes in the morn
In the dark, your secrets are safe

Free Like Wind

I am free like wind
Just like your warmth cannot last
You pushed aside my hands
Go then! and don't turn back
Forever floating in search of freedom
The vicissitudes of life to bear alone
I gave you tenderness but you refused it
I offered you my hands in sincere love
I gave you freedom and lasting memories
I gave you everything but can't stay for long
I am free like wind

Get Down

Bitches from uptown bitches from downtown
They wanna get down they wanna come around
They wanna get down with me they wanna get down with me
They wanna get down with my homies they wanna ride with me
Verse of MIDWAY
Shake that booty (pretty mama) show your beaty (pretty mama)
Its your duty (mama) keep it moving (mama)
Let my homies see tour ass on the dance floor
Nobody's gonna dance today they just wanna see more
Just wanna see more 2x
Wanna feel yourself a star jump into my 6-4
And now its time to go
This time for shure
So if you are mine then I will be yours
Everything's so simple (everything's so simple), a crossroads (intersection)
Get in my car and watch your boss.
If there is little time or no desire, full pockets will change your consciousness
If you want to come closer, squat down
Do what everyone expects, hear
If you want to speak quietly, rise higher and fly thousands of thousands
Chorus 2x
Verse of V.KON
I help many people without much desire
If only the Gods don't erase my consciousness
If only I'll remember all my friends to the grave
If the world is ruled by the 21st road*
Verse of MIDWAY
Look at my wrist look at my chain
You'd better step aside while I do the damn thing
While I do the damn thing you'd better know I aint playing
Cause if you call me bitch I will do what I think is fair
Go through once, interrupt two, rubbing three
Bitch raise your eyes I'll not stand on ceremony with you
Because you dunno what's inside of me
I like fighting, fire, emotions clearly?
I hope you understand, where to stand dangerously
Let me slow down I am the king for shure
If you want to come closer, squat down
Do what everyone expects, hear
If you want to speak quietly, rise higher and fly thousands of thousands
Tibor from QS-FB

Let's rise

You, my brother
From the same suffering
You see, everything is possible
Let's prove that being proud
To honour our fathers
Makes us invincible
For the right to respect
That they instilled in us
Let's each brandish our values
To become someone
With their dignity
Let's fight up until the final hour
Let's rise
Honour and greatness,
All these tainted words,
They are tattooed on our hearts for ever
For our sisters,
For our mothers,
Their cries,
Their anger
There is no hero, there is only a rumour
For a new day that will soon dawn
Our skin colours, like our ideals
Will be the greatest gifts for our children
Let's rise

The night is in the air

I interrupt your sleepy words
The darkness gifted you to me
Winds are scattering the silence around
Again you are calling me to come into this silence
The night is in the air
Good night, good night
A hand is blooming in your hair
And you are all made of desire
Everything around is waiting
Everything around announced us
The night is in the air
Good night, good night
The bird is coming back to the dream
All words are flying apart
With my silence, I'm calling you to the dream
With my desire, I'm calling you for the night
I take you with me for the night
Good night, good night
The darkness uncovered the air
And the squirrels in our whispers
For us a stone opened itself
Sleep/dream is pouring out of it for the night
Sleep/dream is pouring out of it for the night
Good night, good night

The Jazzoline Machine

Come on, faster
to see the girls react
when the dude's in the car.
Cut it out, dude
can't you see i'm busy?
And scream just a little quieter.
He's right
Can't you buy a Porsche
to let a cloud of dust when it's passing?
And just be chic
leaving us wooed
as in Beverly Hills 90210
Dude, I don't need no speed
to make me a flow and wind in my hair
Got a machine forever
Why would I need a Porsche, man?!
My machine goes with jazzoline
Consumes clarinet and no gas at all!
Come on, faster
let's change speeds
and run just like the ones in Formula 1.
Cut it out, dude
can't you see I'm busy?!
And why you're yelling like crazy?!
He's right
why can't you go faster?
Can't you see the Trabant outrunning us?
Get yourself a Buick
leaving us wooed
as in Beverly Hills 90210
Dude, I don't need no speed
to make me a flow and wind in my hair
Got a machine forever
Fuck Buick, man!
My machine goes with jazzoline
Consumes clarinet and no gas at all!
My machine goes with jazzoline
Consumes clarinet and no gas at all!
Come on, Darling
Come into my car
I'm gonna take you very very very far
It's not a car,
it's a machine
A special one with jazzoline
Oh, yeah!...
You've listened to rock and jazz music from the United States of America..

Where are You

At night there is this show on the ceiling
Always can't switch off the projector in my heart
You, only you are on the curtain of night
Drifting over and fliting again, then I remember
*The old shadow, the old voice, but the new pain
Is hounding and attacking me, unable to withdraw or avoid
From now on I then know how much I love you
My thought has long been with you
At old place I can't see you anymore
Like a camera has lost its focus
You, why I don't see you? Only this dazzling and bustling place
**Should I let this infatuation freeze to death
From now on I'll not ask to be with you
But at this night the ceiling is still yearning for you
My lover, (where are you) at this ice-cold deep night?

You Still Love Me

I feel it
I know it
When you are hurting on the other side of the world
When you cry for hours
On my heart, I could scream
I swear even if I see nothing
I can already feel your grief
When I see myself
Without your hands
Without you arms, I can no longer breath
And I hear it so often,
The chant of the wind
That comes to take me back
Towards your moors under your sun of Ireland
Take my life without notice
I will do it if you love me
Even if I'm wrong
Everything is stronger
Than the reason, everything is strong than your name
That I say again that I write without stoping
On the screen of my life
And I hope that every one of the dawn that I see,
leads me to your body
I will leave everything if you love me
I know that I'm not misleading myself
That somewhere far from there
You think of me
You held me in your arms
A space, a movement
Whisper it to me that you love me
That you love me
I feel it
You still think of me
I know, you held me in your arms
Say it to me
That you love me
Eyal Golan - Chelek Mechayai | חלק מחיי dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Part of My Life

The hand of god or destiny brought you
to my door when it was still closed
and today i come back and open it
to an apartment and its very empty
all those bad tongues
can finally see
how among demon dance
the two of us remain dancing
Because after the arguments only smiles left
beautiful memories and of course two angles
maybe i don't say it enough
how good it is that you are part of my life
yes after all the break-ups are ways break up
we have so much to be grateful for
I admit, I admit too little
how good it is that you are still part
you are still part of my life
Tracks that break up and lead
each one to a different direction
meet and connect in moments
which i always remember
because it was good for us and then bad
even if we are not getting back together
how despite everything
we both managed not to fall
Because after the arguments only smiles left...
From every top that I conqueror
from every exciting moment
yes you know you still have
a place of my happiness
and in moments when i am devastated
this is not the end of the story
because you'r part is reserved
in the movie of my life
Zahara (South Africa) - Imali dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


Oh money, you rands and dollars
What are you doing to me?
We kill each other over you
Money, money!
Cause of sin
We kill each other over you
I am chasing my dream
Oh money, money
I am separated from my family
Oh money, money
Politicians and in church
They fight over you
You tempted me as well, money
You did not succeed, oh money
Money, money!
Cause of sin
We kill each other over you
Money, money, money
We kill each other over you