Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 107

Találatok száma: 44539



Verse 1 (Alpa Gun):
Ever since I can remember
I've wanted to be a good person
So that people would like me
And not remain a stranger.
I have sought my fortune
but I've only had bad luck.
The friends I've helped
They've only bad-mouthed me too.
I ignored it,
Everyone here thinks of themselves.
Here on the street they betray you on purpose!
I did nothing wrong
And I was never out of touch
Only when I was in trouble
...I pulled out my gun.
All you did was lie,
But I paid attention
To get me down
You made it all up
For every little thing
You blamed me
But I've learned to fight
And to live with patience!
Refrain (Sido):
When you have to struggle all day
to survive,
when happiness and justice pass you by,
and your hope incinerates,
on the pyre,
then you must keep running,
you must keep running!
If you have to struggle all day long
to survive,
when happiness and justice pass you by,
and your hope incinerates,
on the pyre,
show that you are a man, my friend,
you must keep running!
Verse 2 (Alpa Gun)
With time I've understood
What life is really like
You are, what you have
If not, everyone's against you!
You don't realise
They take advantage of your good qualities
There comes a time
And then it's gonna look shitty for you!
When you're surrounded
They're watching and they're just standing by
They're beating on you
And the rest do nothing about it!
My fate was mean
I've been tripped up,
I was stabbed,
the case was dropped!
And with the police
so many things happened.
Even when I didn't do anything,
they harassed me!
I didn't want to be a suspect,
who wants to go to prison?
I just want to live in peace!
Peace and justice!
Refrain (Sido):
When you have to struggle all day
to survive,
when happiness and justice pass you by,
and your hope incinerates,
on the pyre,
then you must keep running,
you must keep running!
If you have to struggle all day long
to survive,
when happiness and justice pass you by,
and your hope incinerates,
on the pyre,
show that you are a man, my friend,
you must keep running!
Verse 3 (Alpa Gun):
The world is unstoppable
and it's spinning!
Only death is certain
Believe me
But life is not!
Someday the time will come
And then I'll say 'Goodbye'!
Someday I'll be too old
and then I'd rather go!
The old crew,
A new label!
We've thought of something.
A new car, a new mobile phone,
Look, we've done it too!
You don't have to babble at me now,
I don't want to talk to you
Cause you're all liars
I can't live with you!
You have to keep running!
Fuck the envious people outside!
I know that
I know you wouldn't buy my record
You're a bunch of suck-ups!
I never wanted anything from you!
Now you want to be my friend
To ask me for money
I've learned
That people are as greedy as animals
You haven't managed to change me
I'll stay the way I am!
And when I see you
You act as if nothing had happened,
There's so much I'd like to say
But you're not worth it!
Refrain (Sido):
When you have to struggle all day
to survive,
when happiness and justice pass you by,
and your hope incinerates,
on the pyre,
then you must keep running,
you must keep running!
If you have to struggle all day long
to survive,
when happiness and justice pass you by,
and your hope incinerates,
on the pyre,
show that you are a man, my friend,
you must keep running!


They went down like limbo, they went down like limbo
They went down like limbo (Arh, arh)
Speaking to me like we're friends, said': 'Tranquilo, dudu'
No one above, everything below - they went down like limbo
Limbo, limbo, they went down like limbo
Limbo, limbo, they went down like limbo (Arh, arh)
Speaking to me like we're friends, said': 'Tranquilo, dudu'
No one above, everything below - they went down like limbo
Limbo, limbo, they went down like limbo
Limbo, limbo, they went down like limbo (Arh, arh)
Freshly cut 1,at Z, yes, that's my only alibi (Wauw)
Money above women - if you have it, then you can stay (Wauw)
Ke-keep me away from them if we don't talk about those euros
Until they cost money, I chase them to my days are gray
Active like De Niro2, alert3 like Al Pacino2
Loyal like Pacito, loyal like Pacito (Arh, arh)
Speaking to me like we're friends, said': 'Tranquilo, dudu'
No one above, everything below - they went down like limbo
Limbo, limbo, they went down like limbo
Limbo, limbo, they went down like limbo (Arh, arh)
Speaking to me like we're friends, said': 'Tranquilo, dudu'
No one above, everything below - they went down like limbo
Limbo, limbo, they went down like limbo
Limbo, limbo, they went down like limbo (Arh, arh)
T-t-this to my enemies, they want me gone
Why the fuck do they want me gone?
And my brother he got ten, but it doesn't affect him
But it doesn't affect him (Not)
Show love if they show it to me
All my young G's, yes, I show them the way
2020, all-in, not a game, gae (Game, game)
Got you, if you got me4, brother, we only hunt dinero
Everyone around me eats, because we all come from zero
Speaking to me like we're friends, said': 'Tranquilo, dudu'
No one above, everything below - they went down like limbo
Limbo, limbo, they went down like limbo
Limbo, limbo, they went down like limbo (Arh, arh)
Speaking to me like we're friends, said': 'Tranquilo, dudu'
No one above, everything below - they went down like limbo
Limbo, limbo, they went down like limbo
Limbo, limbo, they went down like limbo (Arh, arh)
(Arh, arh) They went down like limbo, they went down like limbo
They went down like limbo, they went down like limbo
They went down like limbo, they went down like limbo
They went down like limbo, they went down like limbo
They went down like limbo, they went down like limbo
They went down like limbo, they went down like lim-limbo
  • 1. Haircut.
  • Actor.
  • 3. 'Være på' means 'being on' as in attentive and quick, usually because you have people's attention. It is also used as in 'being on camera'
  • 4. Meaning they've got each others backs.


Long ago, you were in my heart
mine, when nobody else was near
long ago, it was always you
you, my best friend
when we were young, we used to draw
Jasmine stars as tattoos
when we were young, we used to smile
and say we'll never ever give up
this is not the end of an era, it's just the beginning of a great love
a whole new world to begin with
whatever difficulty, fear, or a celebration
I'll always be near
there's a man, holding yellow flowers
and he knew he wants to spend the rest of his nights with you
in a place where the minutes don't count
forever, you'll be the spring of his life
we're not young anymore
now we know
we have many hearts
in the middle and on our side
rice and bay leaves
and a friend for life
and we'll say
we'll never ever change

Gamora Serezha Mestniy Russian Rap

Похуй кто ты,откуда,кого ты продал
Передай мне провод,это Тольятти город
За наших выпить повод,вашим хоп тут подан
Если пиздел - поломан,бляди в бэхе стонут
Извиваются,ааай как красиво пляшут
Франклин любит Даша,франклин любит Маша
Наша Раша, гордость Россия наша
Шлю за град Аё, Гамора дом это не ваша
Ломал систему,система наебала снова
Привет вам дядя Дима,привет вам дядя Вова
Хип-хоп homе - дома,dark лова лова
Эта собака перегрызла пидаров с района
Сышь сидя дома,мешай музу с фоном
С того пантона фантоны отправляют в кому
Того мотал по роду,ты пидорок походу..
Твоя шляпа-мода, во мне жуткий голод
Кулак в потолок,подавай-ка нам смок
Я ломал бы батареи еслиб только бы смог
Салам передал Восток,передал итог
Это вызов шок,это то что отправляет в пот
Кулак в потолок,подавай-ка нам смок
Я ломал бы батареи еслиб только бы смог
Салам передал Восток,передал итог
Это вызов шок,это то что отправляет в пот
Калина в кварцере,это едет мамин панцырь
Мама знает кто из пацанов растет засранцем
Кто брал туман,то тот парнишка не фонтан
Кто по пятницам на первом запускает барабаннн
Кому в кайф баян,кому турники и брусья
Кому домой к жене,кто под феном идет-тусит
Кого что трусит Скоро три муси пуси
Во всем вкусном вкусе,запечатли на тусе
Тем кто ели... вам хип-хоп карусели...
Кто раза три в неделю добирались до постели
Цветем и пахнем мы пока еще не вспрели
Душа поет а в окно все метут метели
Душа поет, я не умру молодым
Мой район меня прет, мой район прет тот дым
Есть те кто рядом есть те кого кличу гадом
Гамора - это яд, обливай уши ядом..


Haver, ez nagyon forró
Mintha 20 centire lennél a déli naptól
Hallom a suttogásod, s mindenki elolvad a szavaidtól
De te csak állsz lazán
Édes kicsi lány, spanyol harlembeli Mona Lisám
Te vagy létezésem értelme
A ritmus üteme
[Chorus I]:
Ha azt mondanád:” Nem elég jó az élet”
A saját világomat adnám néked, hogy felemeljelek téged
A hangulatodhoz igazítanám az életemet
Mint, ahogy símul a tested
[Chorus II]
Olyan mint az óceán a hold alatt
Ez ugyanaz, mint az érzés, amit tőled kaptam
A szerelmed olyan különleges simulékony tud lenni
Add nekem a szívedet
Legyen ez valódi
Vagy egyébként felejtsd el
Egy dolgot még elmondok
Ha elhagynál égbe kiáltó szégyen lenne
Minden szóban es lélegzetben
Hallom a nevedet, ahogy hívogat engem
A telepröl hallod, ahogy
a zeném ritmusát szórja a rádiód
Érzed, ahogy a világ forog lágyan és lassan
S téged körbe körbe forgat
[Chorus I]
[Chorus II]
Vagy felejtsük el végleg....

A fenébe is, szeretlek

A fenébe is, szeretlek is, meg nem is
Juh-Dee adja a ritmust
Young Mesh a 808-at nyomja
[Part 1]
Csak húzok az utcákon át éjfél utánig
Tulajdonképpen úgy, ahogy mindig
Rád ehhez nincs szükségem
Lógok a bárban és whiskyt iszom jéggel
Mert időközben már nem írsz nekem
De ez már tök mindegy
Velem szemben ül egy hasonló alak
Elképzelem, ahogy te vele megcsalsz
Ettöl viszket a tenyerem, vagy tán mégse
Mégis hirtelen túlpörgök, és odaállok elébe
És igy szólok: Jobb, ha a nömet békén hagyod
Az meg kérdezi: 'Örült vagy?'
És én már megint csak rád gondolok
A fenébe is, szeretlek is meg nem is
A fenébe is, szükségem van rád, meg nem is
A fenébe is, akarlak is, meg nem is
Nem akarlak elvesziteni (Nem akarlak elvesziteni)
[Part 2]
És lassacskán minden eszembe jut
Csupan egy kicsit szabadabb akartam lenni
Most az vagyok ( az vagyok ), vagy mégsem? (Vagy mégsem)
Nem, a tökéletes világodba nem fértem bele ( Igen )
Nem tudom megérteni, miért teszed ezt velem
Hiszem is, meg nem is ( Nem hiszem )
Elöttem van még mindig a telefonom
Hogy felöled semmi nem jön, ehhez már hozzászokom
Nem csörög, nem csörög már
Túl sok volt az ital, túl sok a cigaretta ( Ah )
Mondd: 'Ez az, amire egy férfinak szüksége van'
Mégis senki ( senki ), de senki nem mondja, ' Hagyd abba!”
És én már megint csak rád gondolok
A fenébe is, szeretlek is, meg nem is
A fenébe is, szükségem van rád, meg nem is
A fenébe is, akarlak is ( akarlak ), meg nem is (meg nem is )
Nem akarlak elvesziteni ( Nem akarlak elvesziteni, elvesziteni )
A fenébe is, szeretlek is ( szeretlek ), meg nem is ( meg nem is )
A fenébe is, szükségem van rád ( szükségem van rád ), meg nem is ( nem akarlak elveszíteni )
A fenébe is, akarlak is ( akarlak ), meg nem is (meg nem is )
Nem akarlak elvesziteni (Nem akarlak elvesziteni )

What Can I Say ?

Your lips are like the color of a pomegranate, and your body is like a garden of spring
What can I say, whatever you have or don't have, those tempting eyes of yours 1
You are my vase flower, you are my shining moon
You are in my veins and my blood, you are my breath and you're my soul
What can I say, whatever you have or don't have, makes me restless for you
Flower of hope are on your lips, delight of happiness is on your eyes
The jingle of happiness bell like coquetry of your laugh
You are my vase flower, you are my shining moon
You are in my veins and my blood, you are my breath and you're my soul
What can I say, whatever you have or don't have, makes me restless for you
The sonnet doesn't have this passion that you have in your talks
Diamonds don't have this light that you have in your eyes
The dawn doesn't have this freshness of on your pretty face
Swear to God, the cypress doesn't have this stature that you have 2
What can I say, whatever you have or don't have, makes me restless for you
(Four times)
  • 1. Main lyrics : چی بگم دار و ندارت ، اون چشم وسوسه بارت
  • 2. In Persian literature :
    Cypress tree is a symbol of the height and stature of the beloved

The Piano at Rainy Night

The piano sits behind the glass window and looks at the rain
This lonely midnight is slightly cool
I'm playing the piano as well as watching the rain
Unintentionally playing the old tune again
*The piano is still enjoying the drizzle outside the window
The tears on the keyboard don't bother it.
The piano seems don’t know
That you liked this tune like I did back then
**In the light rain and melodies
Beating the rhythm with teardrops
You have gone. This building is empty
It’s meaningless to shed tears
Enraged, I hit the piano
Like posing a question
Asking why love has changed to regret entirely
Enraged, I hit the piano
I love and hate at the same time
Hating I still keep you in my heart to hurt myself
Whom are you leaning against and watching the drizzle tonight?
With whom do you speak passionately?
I'm still playing
Even you can't hear this old tune anymore

The Sky's The Limit

Since you've left it's hard in my life
It's hard being on my own
You don't love me it's only me and the bottle
Without anyone
I drink my soul and dive into the glass
And it's empty
In my head there's a party
And I've not been invited how horrible
Suddenly a door opens to another world
Above me appears a small guardian angel
He whispers me a secret so let's dance happy and joyful
Being on my own is actually not so bad
The sky's the limit and I'm flying there it's awesome
And you're on the ground so what are you thinking to yourself
Wow wow wow
Come with me
Wow wow wow
Since you've left I had my freedom
It was special for me
Since you've left I've found out it's better for me
To be on my own
Suddenly a door opens....

Does Anyone Hear Me

Hey, does anyone hear me
Hey, does anyone hear me
Hello, does anyone hear me
Someone listens to me, hears me...
A person to drink with
To pass the night with
Since this night is close to its end
Grows shorter and goes.

Oh Frost, you Frost

Oh Frost, you frost
Don't you freeze me
Don't you freeze me
Nor my horse.
Don't you freeze me
Nor my horse
Nor my horse
My white-maned horse.
My horse
My white-maned horse
I do have a wife
Oh, she is very jealous.
I do have a wife
Oh, she is a beautful woman
She waits for me at home
She waits, she is grieving for me.
I am coming to her
At the sunset of the day
I will embrance my wife
And I will groom my horse...

Open a WA

I'm half-asleep
She calls, I instantly sit in my car
She's drunk 24/7, who would say that this girl was born in 2001?!
She holds a dog, chain around neck
When she walks in the city, stranger looks at her
She gets on my nerves
From Cannes to Nice, these aren't trifles
Tonight I'll be yours
Ou-a, she's telling me to open a WA (i'm waiting for you there)
Ou-a, she waits for me to come before 2 AM, maybe I arrive, who knows
Ou-a, she's telling me to open a WA (i'm waiting for you there)
Ou-a, she waits for me to come before 2 AM, maybe I arrive, who knows
It always last when she
gets ready for a nightout
With her, love is a sentence, she hates boring nights
Come here to shake the hood, shake the hood
For me there's no other girls, you're my vice
She's always online, always online
She's alone at night, alone at night
When she calls on line, she's online
She taps on a doorbell when she comes
Tonight I'll be yours
Ou-a, she's telling me to open a WA (i'm waiting for you there)
Ou-a, she waits for me to come before 2 AM, maybe I arrive, who knows
Ou-a, she's telling me to open a WA (i'm waiting for you there)
Ou-a, she waits for me to come before 2 AM, maybe I arrive, who knows
Open a WA, open a WA
Open a WA, baby, open a WA
Open a WA, open a WA
Baby why did you not come home, it's already half past 2?
Open a WA, open a WA
Open a WA, baby, open a WA

I want to see you

I really hate having my hand held.
I also hate to be left alone
I hate it, I even think it's tiredsome.
I hate having the smell of an adult.
I also hate my fingernails growing.
A person like me isn't qualified to love someone.
I want to see you
No one else but you
has come directly to my heart with a kiss.
I want to see you
If a day come when you were gone
I'd want my heart to freeze over completely.
I hate kissing, I hate the moment you touch my body
I really hate my genitals
since it seems as if they will stain you with blood.
I really hate the spider that sits still like me
I also don't like
the noisy insects
Hey, why is the world so cruel?
I want to see you.
I've never lost myself in feelings like this
for anyone but you
I want to see you.
That's why I want you alone to know
the same sadness and pain as me.
I want to see you.
No one else but you
has come directly to my heart with a kiss.
I want to see you.
If a day come when you were gone
I'd want my heart to freeze over completely.

Last Dance

Let it be hurt to us
But sometimes everything needs to change
We're parting randomly
Let the tracks keep our voices
Not stereo but mono
Just hush-hush was between us
Two black stripes like gouache
Come on, this is our last dance
The last dance (yeah)
It's everything that has left to us(it's VeeS VeeS VeeS)1
I don't wanna, don't wanna, don't wanna finish it
Our dance(that's right Do Do)
And we toss in flame the gloss (let it burn baby)
I don't wanna finish it
I don't wanna, don't wanna, don't wanna finish it
I don't wanna, don't wanna, don't wanna finish it
We lived, were
Or me or you
We were driving over the roads
And we were piling up the miles
Rolls, a rally
Like in a movie
We played our roles
We overloaded ourselves so cool
We were smashing ourselves on the stages (crash)
We were transforming our lives in a collage
A combination ''flash royal'2
Valdis Pelšs3
and Nicki Minaj 4
A ballerina dolly
The arrogant gossiper
I'm running into the sky on a white goldish stair
Olympiada, Mom's lipstick
The paradise voices of people, the risen from Hell
It's us
Whatever songs we sing all they're super hits
We demonstrated our feelings on the beats
The last dance (yeah)
It's everything that has left to us
I don't wanna, don't wanna, don't wanna finish it
Our dance
And we toss in flame the gloss (dust jacket is burning)
I don't wanna finish it(come on just a little bit)
I don't wanna, don't wanna, don't wanna finish it
I don't wanna, don't wanna, don't wanna finish it
Let it be hurt to us
But sometimes everything needs to change
We're parting randomly
Let the tracks keep our voices
Not stereo but mono
Just hush-hush was between us
Two black stripes like gouache
Come on, this is our last dance
The last one
Last dance
A dance
It's everything all that has left to us
I don't wanna, don't wanna, don't wanna finish it
Our dance
And we toss in flame the gloss (dust jacket is burning)
I don't wanna finish it(come on just a little bit)
I don't wanna, don't wanna, don't wanna finish it
I don't wanna, don't wanna, don't wanna finish it
We lived, were
We died, boomeride5
  • 1. it's a clue to the name of this band in Russian pronunciation 'Vremya i Steklo' . It means in English 'Time and Glass')
  • 2. a clue to the most upper combination in a poker
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. it's neologism origins from the name of brand BMW in Russian subculture slang 'boomer'. The word ' boomeride' was written just only for the rhyme[/fn/

Where will I find [...]

My heart, crazy heart,
My destiny has fallen into your trap
The one you loved, you did not want
The one you wanted, you didn't love
I'm tired of entertaining you,
I was young, I grew old,
Take your hand off my heart
I can't take it no more
Where will I find someone to make you happy?
Where will I find someone to capture your heart?

My sweet girl

My sweet1 girl, will you marry me
If so, I’ll be your boy
You can go home and tell your dad
My sweet girl, will you marry me
If so, I’ll be your boy
You can go home and tell your dad
Hikta, fikta,2
Don’t go mad
You should cast away your terrible habits
No, so if I want you though
Because last year, you deceived me
However, I found somebody who stays loyal now3
Who stays loyal to me
So you can take yourself4 home
My sweet girl, will you marry me
If so, I’ll be your boy
My sweet girl, will you marry me
If so, I’ll be your boy
Hikta, fikta,
Don’t go mad
You should cast away your terrible habits
No, so if I want you though
Because last year, you deceived me
However, I found somebody who stays loyal now
Who stays loyal to me
So you can take yourself home
  • 1. Depending on what dialect, the word 'Snåle' can mean weird, sweet, or fun. I choose to translate it as sweet.
  • 2. This is nonsense which is fun to say/sing.
  • 3. I translated 'stays with me' as 'loyal.' I think it sounds nicer in English this way.
  • 4. The word 'råva' literally means 'raw.' It is used a bit vulgarly in this context. Another possible translation could be: 'So you and your ass can go home now.'

Everything We Have

I never put the clothes away
And I always think I'm right
But you like how I drive
In reverse, I'm a dragon
I love my vegetables boiled
But you can't stand to look at them
But then I make pasta
And we come back together
Tell me how to...
Tell me how to...
Be punctual
Tell me how to...
Tell me how to...
Tell me how to...
Be calm
Tell me what's the use
I woke up in the middle of the night
Your hair across my face
How could I not take note
Of how beautiful we are?
Sometimes it can feel like it's nothing
And we don't realize it
But our realtionship
Is not everything that we have
Please, could you drive?
Because I'm dead tired
Really, you're the only person I trust
Our story is sad
Like a sunday pizza
Tell me how to...
Tell me how to...
Be punctual
Tell me how to...
Tell me how to...
Tell me how to...
Be calm
Tell me what's the use

Fado of Fate

//Some gypsy woman
offered to read my fate.//
//My fate doesn't interest me,
what happens is God's will.//
//But she insisted and said:
What a sad fate, poor woman.//
//Don't even fight, it is not worthwhile,
you'll always be unhappy.//
//From that time on I do not oppose
myself to my unhappy fate.//
//I let go, I let (things) run,
alas, what can I do, it's fate.//

Here Below (Rhyming)

Here below, lilacs wilt so swiftly,
The trills sung by the birds are brief

Where is the Wind?

The day that passed
Left a sour feeling
On the street people looked at you
It was hot, you were in anguish
You're praying in the shower
You're losing your love
Searching for faith in flowing water
Chasing the wind between white walls
Where is the wind?
Maybe at the seashore
Where is the wind?
Maybe in the field
The day that passed
Enters your home
A song about true love on the record player
Sheds your blood, wounds you
Where is the wind?
Maybe at the seashore
Where is the wind?
Maybe in the field
Where is the wind...

Two words

There are many soft words in this world
You can caress and keep warm with them
They can give comfort, carry worries away
Those words will always stay in our hearts
Those most beautiful two words
I guess I can hear them once
Each of us
Is made to hear them
Most beautiful two words
I love you
Those sweetest two words
I want to hear
I love you
I’ve heard words,
which I’ve liked so much
When they praised me for my achievements
And althought I wanted them,
what could I do to it
I always looked to future days
And always when I hear those words
All alone they bring
Calm trust
Most beautiful two words
I love you
Those sweetest two words
I want to hear
I love you
Two words only
Most beautiful two words
I love you
Those sweetest two words
I want to hear
I love you
Most beautiful two words
I love you
Those sweetest two words
I want to hear
I love you
Two words only

Back to the block

I'm the most antisocial rapper,
there ain't nobody that can top me
Stop, no I don't feature no 'retards'1,
Go get a job
Now I'm topic number one
And you 'victim'2 are still a loser
I'll ruin your rap
Like your brother's daughter
And on Facebook you can see
how 'homos'3 massage you
Cause your mother tagged us all
in the photo
Ticking kilos at a young age
With videos I became a star
And on Facebook I'm
in a relationship with your mom
Your settlement is in danger,
distribute drugs to the johns.
You're all fucked up
Cos even on Easter you ain't got no balls
I'll never stop rapping
And I'm gonna keep on spittin überrage den Typ' href='#footnote4_59g7qmp' rel='nofollow'>4
Till one day I'm gonna fuck
that Birgit Schrowange5
And since 'bitch'
your mum thinks I'm cool?
The toilet attendant at Mäces6
makes more revenue than you.
I don't trust anyone an inch,
No, just my crew.
Blackline, Al Gear
We have nothing to do with anyone
Al-Gear back on the block,
Money grubbing know it all
I can tell you
Where it snows like a weatherman
I'll upload a video
of me boxing MOK the Fatso7
Or better yet, wait,
One where I bang his sister
Cause this Arab ain't got no respect
I'm fresh off the street
And I'll fuck your business
Remember one thing
From now on we're in on it too
German rap gets fucked
in fact Milfhunter style8
I only know real gangsters
and I ain't got no rapper friends
Every now and then I smoke a joint
with FR's father
Your people run away
My friends draw knives
You were the first bitch
to rap, not that Ewa.
You think you're so important,
Change your tune, you ain't nothing
Earn your pay on the street bitch
I'm taking your throne, get the fuck out.
You ain't king no more
Cause from now on you're the son of a bitch
Look at me I am the miracle of the block
On my next album
I feature the mother of MOK
Now the beat is fucking your mind
I'm G in the country
Your whore bitches
Girlfriend loves my dick
visit my Facebook profile
Listen to my songs as I spit
Till one day I post
how I fuck Gina-Lisa
Man I take it as it comes
or as it goes
Fuck German rap until
it don't go straight no more
  • 1. The swear word 'retard' is discriminatory. Because with it I'm basically saying: 'People with disabilities are something bad'.'
  • 2. The word 'Opfer = victim' has been used as a swear word in the German-speaking world since about the 2000s.Deviating from traditional usage, it expresses a pejorative and contemptuous attitude towards someone.
  • 3. 'Gay' 'homo' 'lesbian' are no swear words! But rapper Al-Gear definitely uses the word 'homo' as a pejorative.
  • 4. The term is derived from the English verb to spit. The translation thus refers quite figuratively to a certain characteristic of rap. As described, however, 'spitten' also refers to a very specific rhyming technique. It is a matter of rhyming similar or identical letter material with each other, but each with a different meaning. Let's look at an example by the rapper Eko Fresh: ich bin ein 'überragender Typ' --> 'überrage den Typ'
  • 5. Birgit Schrowange is a German television host.
  • 6. Mäces = Slang for McDonalds
  • 7. Abusive word for overweight people
  • 8. The slur 'MILF' (mother I'd like to fuck' is overtly sexist

Make a Wish for Me

There's no happy love ♪ ♪ lovers walk into the fire ♪
Make a wish at least wish for me just peace
Come on, make a beauty and go like a master.
Go love what you want take what you want
It's not love it's dying for what
At last I cast anchor in the Bay of broken hearts
♪ There's no happy love ♪ ♪ lovers walk into the fire ♪
Make a wish at least wish for me just peace
Yesterday morning I planted gum geraniums in the pots
I quit smoking, I inhaled fresh air.
I looked at our pictures and had a black coffee.
I thought I was the only one coming into the world.
♪ There's no happy love ♪ ♪ lovers walk into the fire ♪
Make a wish at least wish for me just peace

Russian quarantine

It's calm in self-isolation for all
We're making dances even at a distance
We'll color this quarantine
A positive is our best vitamin
Now the home's been cleaned
In a wardrobe and on a balcony
I'll wear a pillow-dress
I'll make a vid in Tick Talk
Let it so, I won't angry
I'll go and wash the tableware
I'll make up, even for a selfy
New stuff is no wearing
Hoy, we're nowhere flying to
Right now we're flying in store
And we'll even sit till the Summer
Cause we're Russian quarantine
Let me leave, I wanna dance
And I'm at home, home, home
My dancefloor is a bed
It's enough for me, in a real
this small quadrature
Serials, games, go to sleep
And to walk a dog
To visit nothing
We meet via the Net
We'll sit, we'll sit
It seems to me and till the silver-hair
But here we don't bore
Everything on our conscience
To be at home is better anyway
To prevent the spreading of the virus
Hoy, we're nowhere flying to
Right now we're flying in store
And we'll even sit till the Summer
Cause we're Russian quarantine
We're Russian quarantine

Tell Where Are You

Tell where are you?
My phone is beside me twenty-four hour
I am waiting badly for your calling
You have no idea what a lump is in my throat
As soon as they realized that I'm a good person
...they conspired against us
You have no idea that I miss you so much
I can't describe it, it sounds I've collapsed
Give up!
Stay or leave and let this relationship ends
You behave like a child, how old are you?
You keep arguing with me and doing like a child
My heart is still impatient with you
It's still worried about your feeling
You behave like a child, how old are you?
You keep arguing with me and doing like a child
I'm longing for your complaining
...your staring at my eyes
...your driving around at midnight
...for your scent, your straight hair
...even for your getting angry
...for those times that you didn't behave sensibly1
Lately you even answer my calls late
Yeah, maybe I'm very strict lately
Give up!
Stay or leave and let this relationship ends
You behave like a child, how old are you?
You keep arguing with me and doing like a child
My heart is still impatient with you
It's still worried about your feeling
You behave like a child, how old are you?
You keep arguing with me and doing like a child
  • 1. literally means: those times that blood didn't reach to your brain

Yallah Goodbye

[Part 1: Summer Cem2]
Raindrop, drop-top
Fuck your mother in Gladbach [huh)
New watch, brother, 'you look'3!
Nine millimetre, no time for ju-jutsu (brr)
I'm comin' tonight, psh, don't tell me! (Oh)
Nazopan in the system and I don't sleep (uh)
Seven-eighths leather jacket like in Matrix (yes)
Amigo has the fundamentalist beard cut (huh!)
Drip level Arctic (Drip)
Psychopath and a bit sympathetic (oh)
Paranoia, tell me, are you wired? (Ah)
Harekets4 and the sting comes free (eh)
[Pre-Hook: Summer Cem]
Your new album is coming, but nobody cares (ah)
I'd be lying if I said I'm a good guy (wuh!)
I'll take it all away from you, Kafa Suge Knight (ah)
The Walther spits lead - yallah, goodbye!
[Hook: Summer Cem]
Yallah5, goodbye!
Yallah, goodbye! [Yeah]
Always fresh, always clean, Para çok fly (yeah)
You can't keep up - yallah, goodbye! (Ah)
Yallah, goodbye! (Yeah)
Yallah, goodbye!
Put me on the guest list, Summer plus three
But 'come with ten', no problem - yallah, goodbye!
[Part 2: Gringo, Summer Cem]
(Uh-oh) Mister Boombastic
(Boom-, what?) Plastic Super Soaker
(Trr, uh-oh) Bak oğlum, bas git
(Bak, bak, bak) Only nakit, no taksit (ey)
Fur collar jacket, Armani (wooh)
Head nut, Kafa Safari (güm)
Three grams, Gianni Versace
Rolex Rainbow - Tekashi (wow)
Neukölln Tower, fifteenth floor (ey)
Night, Traphaus, Hemşeri knocks:
'Hey Gringo, versene Ot'
Olmaz Cem, bende de yok (ahh)
[Pre-Hook: Summer Cem]
Your new album is coming, but nobody cares (ah)
I'd be lying if I said I'm a good guy (wuh!)
I'll take it all away from you, Kafa Suge Knight (ah)
The Walther spits lead - yallah, goodbye!
[Hook: Summer Cem]
Yallah, goodbye!
Yallah, goodbye! (Ja)
Always fresh, always clean, Para çok fly (yeah)
You can't keep up - yallah, goodbye! (Ah)
Yallah, goodbye! (Yeah)
Yallah, goodbye!
Put me on the guest list, Summer plus three
But 'come with ten', no problem - yallah, goodbye!
[Outro: Summer Cem, Gringo]
Yallah, goodbye!
Yallah, goodbye!
Yallah, goodbye! [Uh-oh]
Yallah, goodbye!
  • 1. Miksu is a German music producer. Miksu became known for his work with hip-hop celebrities such as Sido, Farid Bang, KC Rebell, Haftbefehl, Capital Bra and Summer Cem. Since 2016, he has also increasingly worked with pop artists such as Mike Singer and Howard Carpendale. He has been signed to the Warner Chappell label since 2015, where he has had his own edition since 2017.
  • 2. Summer Cem (real name Cem Toraman) is a German rapper from the German city Mönchengladbach. He is best known for his frequent collaborations with 'Eko Fresh' and 'KC Rebell'.
  • 3. 'Guckst du' is a shortening of 'Da guckst du'. The shortening sounds grammatically incorrect in German.
  • 4. German rappers use the term 'hareket' in their lyrics. In particular, it becomes clear that German rappers with Arab or Turkish roots use the word 'hareket' in the sense of 'don't mess around', 'don't fool around' or as a request to 'keep quiet', 'keep a low profile' or 'be inconspicuous'. Since the word 'hareket' is used in a very broad sense anyway, this interpretation is possible.
  • 5. Yallah: Meaning “let’s go” or “come on” and said when you want something to happen or someone to get moving, this is one of the most common Arabic words used.


Versions: #1
Let me sing
With the Guitar in hand
Let me sing
I'm an Italian
Good morning Italy, your spaghetti al' dente
And a partisan as president
With the car radio always in my right hand
And a canary on my window
Good morning Italy with your artists
With too much America on your posters
With the songs of love
With heart
With more women and fewer nuns
Good morning Italy
Good morning Maria
With melancholy eyes
Good morning God
You know I'm here too
Let me sing
With the Guitar in hand
Let me sing
A slow, slow song
Let me sing
Because I'm proud of it
I'm an Italian
A true Italian
Good morning Italy that doesn't get frightened
And with mint shaving cream
With a blue pin-stripe suit
And slow-motion on Sunday TV
Good morning Italy with extra-strong espresso
New socks in the first drawer
With the flag at the dry cleaners
And a (FIAT) 600 down for bodywork
Good morning Italy
Good morning Maria
With melancholy eyes
Good morning God
You know I'm here too
Let me sing
With the Guitar in hand
Let me sing
A slow, slow song
Let me sing
Because I'm proud of it
I'm an Italian
A true Italian

Santa Marinella

Today, you know, is one of those days that
If you want me, leave me alone
And there's no one around that
Can look inside myself
Rome, which is a seaside town,
Opened my mouth and made me smoke
Anyway, there’s nothing left to fall in love with forever
To remain for
Then tonight, hug me from behind
Make my hair stand up on my skin
Let's take an excuse downstairs and let's take it upstairs
I just want to become an idiot and get hurt
To buzz and run away
I want you to look at me and to tell me tomorrow will be fine
How much do you want for all of this?
Don't look for me again, but let's meet
Sooner or later, unintentionally
Where they sell hard liquor
What do you do with it? I warm winter
My city is a crib in the middle of the mountains
White and stubborn, like old bitches
Really, I can't go back to say just hello
To be sure that no one cries
I beg you to pick up my head
Like if it was the very last thing
I realized it in Santa Marinella
You and I are a planet and a star
I just want to become an idiot and get hurt
To buzz and run away
I just want you to look at me and to tell me tomorrow will be fine
How much do you want for the lot of this?
Don't fly away
I just want you to look at me and to tell me tomorrow will be fine
How much do you want for the all of this? Don't fly away

I'll become a waterfall

I remember our nights by heart.
I remember the taste of your body.
We haven't put the end to it.
You are Mozart, and I am your tint.
I can't play with you I'm powerless
We've grown through to each other no clothes.
And eventually, love caught up with us.
It doesn't want to let us go, holds tightly.
I don't know how to live without you here.
Until sunset, until sunset.
And at night I'll become again for you
A waterfall, a waterfall.
I don't know how to live without you here.
Until sunset, until sunset.
And at night I'll become again for you
A waterfall, a waterfall.
I'm getting used to you day by day.
I didn't even try to resist.
I just don't squeeze with my hands.
The movements look like a dance.
I'm burning with you again.
I'm burning the doubts in my kiss
There are a few seconds left for us to Paradise.
Squeeze me as tight as you can.
I don't know how to live without you here.
Until sunset, until sunset.
And at night I'll become again for you
A waterfall, a waterfall.
I don't know how to live without you here.
Until sunset, until sunset.
And at night I'll become again for you
A waterfall, a waterfall.

A Lecture on Water

This liquid is called water.
When pure
it is odorless, tasteless and colorless.
Reduced to steam,
under tension and high temperature,
it moves the pistons of engines, that's why
we call them steam engines.
It is a good dissolvent.
Although with some exceptions, but generally,
it dissolves all efficiently, acids, bases and salts.
It freezes at zero centigrade
and boils at 100, under normal pressure.
It was in this liquid that one hot summer night,
under a viscous, white camelia moonlight,
appeared the floating Ophelia's corpse
with a lily in one hand


[Verse 1]
Have to stay and sit down here
Think a little
Why did I had to throw wine glasses again on the walls
When I burn like this and go towards the fire
Occasionally slows down, but then a big flame goes again
You have to say it, you have to say it
You have to say it, you have to say
And I say peace
Isn’t it cool
When we rock again then
Fail, anything, make love
When you ask please
Chill out sometimes
Then we have peace again
Even for a little while
And I say it straightforwardly
When I say peace
[Verse 2]
If I would melt, would you come back
We are looking at the limits again a bit
Then it goes on
Mm, could you extinguish it
If it is silent
Why wild itching is simmering
Start and blaze again
You have to say it, you have to say it
You have to say it, you have to say
And I say peace
Isn’t it cool
When we rock again then
Fail, anything, make love
When you ask please
Chill out sometimes
Then we have peace again
Even for a little while
And I say it straightforwardly
And I say peace
Isn’t it cool
When we rock again then
Fail, anything, make love
When you ask please
Chill out sometimes
Then we have peace again
Even for a little while
And I say it straightforwardly
When I say peace

Morning of our Motherland

The distances are rosy in the morning.
The earth has turned towards the sun.
Very early, comrade Stalin got up
And went into the boundless fields.
In the sky, the rumbling of airplanes is heard.
The wires slightly ring on the electricity masts.
From far away, a high-rise building is visible
And the clean water of the canals.
He goes on the field path,
Taking off his cap, breathing the fresh air.
The golden autumn around Moscow
Is as bright and good as the spring.
The distance is clear, the groves are lucid...
At this early hour, Stalin has come out
To meet the morning of the new five-year-plan,
To inspire us for a new feat.