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A keresés eredménye oldal 111

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Egy Mennyei Páros

Mondd megérte az egész, csak hogy lásd a királyságod gyarapodni?
Még a tengerben a horgonyok se süllyedtek ilyen mélyre
Süllyedtek ilyen mélyre
(A magig rohadva)
Szóval ki maradt, aki felmérhetné a kárt?
A romok alatt nyugszik egy történet az elveszett életekről
Mi már eltűntünk, egy nyomot se hátrahagyva
De elvettünk valamit, amit nem tudnak pótolni
Egy mennyei páros, megalapozták az utat a pokolba
Jártunk már ezen az ősvényen
Hidegvérű megtorlás
Szóval baszd meg a forradalmad
Megrágod a békét és háborúként köpöd ki
Eddig a farkast etetted, ami az ajtóban várt
A magig vagy rohadva
Megtaláltuk az ujjlenyomataidat a ravaszon
Ha zsarnokokat keresel, csak tekints a tükörbe
Mindvégig tudtad, hogy a rák terjedni fog, szóval ne lepődj meg ha vérdíjat találsz a fejeden
Sajnálom fiam, de elpusztítottuk az otthonod, meggyilkoltuk a családod, most magadra maradtál
Járulékos veszteség, arccal lefele a homokban
Nézd ahogy a dominók felborulnak, ez mind a terv része
Egy mennyei páros
Megalapozták az utat a pokolba
Jártunk már ezen az ősvényen
Hidegvérű megtorlás
Szóval baszd meg a forradalmad
Egy mennyei páros
Megalapozták az utat a pokolba
Jártunk már ezen az ősvényen
És minden kivégzés, a te összejátszásod ára
Mindvégig tudtad, hogy a rák terjedni fog, szóval ne lepődj meg ha vérdíjat találsz a fejeden
Mondd megérte az egész, csak hogy lásd a királyságod gyarapodni?
Még a tengerben a horgonyok se süllyedtek ilyen mélyre
Süllyedtek ilyen mélyre
A magig vagy rohadva

A hold a fák közt

Versions: #1
A hold a fák közt
szikrázva süt

Agust d

Új személynek hívnak,
itt van néhány anyag az új újonctól, ezért szerezd meg őket.
Az egész világon koncertezünk,
gyakran repülünk Ázsiától Ázsiáig
Lehetnél az új ügyem,
nem,mint azok a lusta hyungok.
Lázad egy híres ember, de
a fenébe, csak is az erősek szórakozhatnak velem.
Néhányan azt mondják, hogy
túl könnyedén csináltam meg.
Baszd meg!
Én vagyok a fájdalom a seggedben,
Jó messze a cukortól.
Hogy őszinte legyek,
a Ssaihanuwol most már kínos,de
fél milliót eladok egy évben.
Ez a K-pop műfaj nem elég nagy nekem
Ha gyorsabban akarsz haladni,
akkor foglaj helyet az első órára.
Az én helyem a üzletben van,
a tiéd a gazdaságban,ami mindig mögöttem van,
szóval csókóld meg a seggemet.
A következő állomás a Billboard!
Braziliától New Yorkig, hamarosan el égetem az útlevelemet.
A-tól a G-ig az U-ig és az STD-ig
Egy d-boy vagyok, mert D-ből származom
Egy szörnyszülött elmebeteg vagyok, ha az ütemről van szó.
Én rappelek és mindannyian begerjedtek a nyelvtechnikámtól.
A-tól a G-ig az U-ig és az STD-ig 3x
Mindannyian begerjedtek a nyelvtechnikámtól.
Levadászom azokat, akik utánozzák az utánzókat,
földhöz szorítom őket,
Nem számít, hogy ki a fenék is ők.
Lehet csavargó vagy bolond ember,
de kefélek és én írom a történelmet ezen a Földön.
A rapperek engem ütnek, de
mindig el érem, hogy beszopják.
Jól nézek ki, ezért,
A hyungoknak már elegük van belőlem.
Féltékeny, nyüszítve adják ki ezeket a hangokat.
Kurvára le sem szarom, amikor itt faszoskodsz velem.
Te csak szimplán magadnak ásod meg a sírt, hogy élve eltemesd magad.
Nem tudsz le törni.
Az összes sült reppernek hálásnak kellene lennie,
Amiért én egy idol vagyok,
Mert mindig el foglalt vagyok,
Nincs szükségem szünetre.
Menj és szórakozz a későn érkezőkkel
Féltékenyek és gyerekesek vagytok,
Kiabáltok, pedig szart sem tudtok.
Párizstól New York, fenébe,
Nincs üres helyem a naptáramban.
A-tól a G-ig az U-ig és az STD-ig
Egy d-boy vagyok, mert D-ből származom.
Egy szörnyszülött elmebeteg vagyok, ha az ütemről van szó.
Én rappelek és mindannyian begerjedtek a nyelvtechnikámtól.
A-tól a G-ig az U-ig és az STD-ig 3x
Mindannyian begerjedtek a nyelvtechnikámtól.
Sajnálom, de úgy értettem, hogy én vagyok az
Én vagyok az, aki elvette előled a szart, haver.
Sajnálom, nyugodtan bosszuld meg
Csak a jó egészséged van most neked,
Anyukád szomorú lesz, ha azt is elveszíted.
Sajnálom, de változtasd meg a hivatásod
Az ahogy elbaszod a dolgokat, kap néhágy minősítést, haver.
Sajnálom, de úgy értettem, hogy én vagyok az
A rapped nem olyan jó, mint én vagyok.
A-tól a G-ig az U-ig és az STD-ig
Egy d-boy vagyok, mert D-ből származom.
Egy szörnyszülött elmebeteg vagyok, ha az ütemről van szó.
Én rappelek és mindannyian begerjedtek a nyelvtechnikámtól.

The fire was flickering in her sights

The fire was flickering in her sights.
She stretched me a palm of hands.
She presented to me
    the breath of the day,
She ruined over me
    behind a long of away,
Just a year, sweetheart,
    you will know
And realize a flight
    of my reverie.
At all my sight
    you’ll see a light,
a “yes” will see,
    a “no” will see.
My love for you
    is so secret.
Not flinch a brow
    years so hundred.

Years will over,
     loves will over
But no, never
    Not flinch the brow.

Cognized of you's,
     forgot I all,
Among pastimes
    I started dull.

Has grown alien to me all white light.
To every dame, I speak only, 'not!'

Desert Bird

You are close to the borderline
captive, the magic of the desert
you are a pillar of fire in front of the camp - in the beginning you are
inciting to the water line and fire will not burn
you are the flame and the blade
Like a bird you are free
wanting to touch the sky
like a bird you are free
inciting to the water line
desert bird
You are close to the borderline
thirsty, the back of the desert
you are a dry fountain in burnt streams - in the desert you are
inciting to the water line and fire will not burn
you are the flame and the blade
Like a bird you are free
wanting to touch the sky
like a bird you are free
inciting to the water line
desert bird

The Secret Deployment

The NATO ministers are crying
listen, don't you hear it?
But their crying isn't longer whispering
Yes, don't you hear it?
They cry for the profits of their war industries
and are arming for an unforeseen crusade
Their army is ready for agression
Against you, and the Soviet Union!
Workers, peasants, grasp your weapons!
Today is the sacred duty!
So that before the criminals commit their crimes
the people destroy their weapons!
Today, Socialism is a global power!
Today, the people aren't alone!
So gather in unity, as the fight will reap rewards
And then there will be peace on Earth forever!
So gather in unity, as the fight will reap rewards
And then there will be peace on Earth forever!
The US strategists are crying
Listen, don't you hear it?
They're crying for new rockets
Yes, don't you hear it?
From the Rhine, it is threatened with the sounds of war
with super-weapons, the Neutrons and death
This is the modern inquisiton
Against you, and the Soviet Union!
Workers, peasants, grasp your weapons!
Today is the sacred duty!
So that before the criminals commit their crimes
The people destroy their weapons!
Today, Socialism is a global power!
Today, the people aren't alone!
So gather in unity, as the fight will reap rewards
And then there will be peace on Earth forever!
So gather in unity, as the fight will reap rewards
And then there will be peace on Earth forever!
Washington's crying out with sanctions
Listen, don't you hear it?
Embargoes, economic punishments
Yes, don't you hear it?
They claim everything in the name of 'humanity'
They do anything to make a profit!
It's preparing for it's darkest reaction
Against you, and the Soviet Union!
Workers, peasants, grasp your weapons!
Today is the sacred duty!
So that before the criminals commit their crimes
the people destroy their weapons!
Today, Socialism is a global power!
Today, the people aren't alone!
So gather in unity, as the fight will reap rewards
And then there will be peace on Earth forever!
So gather in unity, as the fight will reap rewards
And then there will be peace on Earth forever!

The sound of wind comes

In spring, there is a lifestyle of spring.
In summer, a summer wind blows.
In autumn, there is a harvest of autumn.
In winter, there is a hardness of winter.
When I was born, the birthplace may be different.
But I fell crying in this world.
The sky is sunny and it had a nice day, but
If this land was not wetted by rain,
It will not grow trees.
Like standing still in fragile.
In spring country, there is a warm.
In summer country, there is a flexibility.
In autumn country, there is a wealth.
In winter country, there is a wisdom.
We are far away from each other, but now
We have connecting ways in this world.
The sky is sunny and I feel a a light.
There is people whose rain suffer.
Even this vague small heart,
It will know
The sound of wind comes


Heimdall is the name of an Old Norse God


I will look at immensity
Only my whys
Inventors of a god who
Has no soul
This island of mine
You will never find
Powerful men
Without doubts ever
And in the immensity
I will watch
Powerful men

Morning in Dandelion Fluff

A young dawn raises its head from the fog
It hopes for good in both of us
I cannot break away from the night
It is still hiding in us
I fear, I fear, that when you wake up you'll
Say, that all of this was only a dream
I fear, I fear, you are frightened
By the scent of the dandelion
In those tufts, where my soul sleeps
In those tufts, where my soul sleeps
It is full of buzzing, blooming meadow
The field in front of you sways like silk
But still you stay into the night
And so I can't remember the night
I fear, I fear, that when you wake up you'll
Say, that all of this was only a dream
I fear, I fear, you are frightened
By the scent of the dandelion
In those tufts, where my soul sleeps
In those tufts, where my soul sleeps
I fear, I fear, that when you wake up you'll
Say, that all of this was only a dream
I fear, I fear, you are frightened
By the scent of the dandelion
In those tufts, where my soul sleeps
In those tufts, where my soul sleeps
The night hides you, hides you still...
The night hides you, hides you still...
The night hides you, hides you still...
I fear, I fear, that when you wake up you'll
Say, that all of this was only a dream
I fear, I fear, you are frightened
By the scent of the dandelion
In those tufts, where my soul sleeps
I fear, I fear, that when you wake up you'll
Say, that all of this was only a dream
And I fear, I fear, you are frightened
By the scent of the dandelion
In those tufts, where my soul sleeps

A Winter's Night

A dark, chilling winters night
Unsilently awoken by song and dance
From above rains the golden
arrows of Thor
Moonbeams enlighten the ring
Nine torches for those nine in the circle
Surrounded by nine shadows
For nine souls
In the middle, an altar of fire, soil,
Water and wind
Look, and behold yourself

Flight of Thought and Memory

The mourning self, center of all
The conqueror, weeping upon the throne
Seeing all, yet blind to the realm of dreams
Ruling all, yet deaf to the roars from within
A god of war assembling an army
A god of order, trembling in fear
The horse master breaches the branches
Riding as wisdom unfolds
The rune-wielder lurks in the shadows
Riding as the giants behold
The horse master breaches the branches
Riding as wisdom unfolds
The rune-wielder lurks in the shadows
Riding as the giants behold
A warrior's farewell to armors and spears
A shaman hangs from the gallows pole
Seeing all, close to the edge of reason
Ruling all, on wings above chasms of madness
An eye for the power and glory
An eye for the pain and despair
By the roots far below
The old one spoke
At the core of the earth
One shall seek
Eyes will be blinded
And truths will emerge
A flight for the thought
A flight for the memory
You find runes drawn and the meaning of staves
Very mighty staves, very strong staves,
Which the Fimbul-tul colored and high powers shaped
And Ragna-ropt carved
Do you know how to carve them?
Do you know how to council them?
Do you know how to tint them?
Do you know how to test them?
Do you know how to summon them?
Do you know how to surrender them?
Do you know how to send them?
Do you know how to stop them?


Like an open wound
Who could endure
If I follow you, will I be like them?
-Standing tall, with the flag
Of the hanged ones
They were like the trees, lifeless
Did not speak, did not move
Cold hand, empty eye
(Mimir, do you hear this?)
It is a long journey, but are you growing tired?
Time stands still, everything else is dead
Blood and hymn
The god of corpses' sun shines in one
And everyone's face
Urd answers in echoes, what will you do?
Where is your hammer, Thurisaz calls


Fall in flames
Trapped under ice
Ridden by nightmares forever

The Ending Empire

The ending blue
Obscure and promising
In ancient red it orbits
That which once
White was black
Empires circles time
From other to one we go
Deceived to see eternity
If blinded
Silent nothingness
The mountains are moved
From the stars


Protected from the sun
Among the streets of the souk
Muscat spices
Meet the efflux
Of the sea
The harsh shouting
Of black merchants
Arouse the cries
Of a white seagull


The silence inside this place is screaming
Here, were the roses never wither, as they never bloomed
Here the sun never shone
Even the darkness never came in
No hope, no fear
An ocean of tears, that never fell
Tomorrow brings remembrance of opened wounds
The light invaded the endless darkness
A soul, which birth was denied
A soul that became forgotten
The darkness fades away even the brightest colour
The street is empty, and leads to nowhere
A shrilling scream, that no one heard
Who cares? We can all be free
'Tomorrow is a new day
But today was new as well...
...For only thing is fear fealt
The fear of life'
Fallen asleep, wrapped in a blood red blanket
Two dead eyes are staring into emptiness
From a soul, which birth was denied
Death greets the one life forgot

The Man from Hordaland

Waves are cutting like a knife of time
On the slippery rocks that still stands besides the shore
Two eyes are eyeing the seas
Towards the seas that once brought his ancestors glory
A lonely mind is longing
For the raising of sails
A swordarm is longing hungrily
To cut the throats of cowards
A forgotten treasure is now recovered
Brought out from the darkness of Midgard
Its powers will never again disappear
It is guarded by a man from Hordaland
A night of sorrow will soon be over
Memories from ancient times will glow
A wind blows away the dust from an ancient sword
Two ravens will predict his return
The sets in the west
He lifts his proud face
He looks towards the North Star
The Man From Hordaland

The Blood of Kvasir

A war ruled in ancient times
Between the holy races, the Vanirs and the Æsir
When peace came, the deities united
From a bowl filled with spit rose Kvasir
'Wise he becomes, he drinks the holy mead
the blood of Kvasir, but not he who drinks
from the spilled mead that dripped
from the falcon'
Kvasir the father of poets,
By dwarf hands he died
From the blood of Kvasir they made the mead of poets, the holy drink
Fjalar and Galar once murdered Gilling the Giant, the father of Suttung
Enraged, Suttung demanded justice to be fullfilled
The blood of Kvasir became the mead of Suttung
Grimne flew out from Valhalla
In the shape of the falcon
To the home of Giants and to Nitberg
Bauge was decived, and Gunnlod betrayed
Out from Nitberg the falcon flew
Finally Kvasir should return to Aasgard
But when the mead disappeared Suttung became furious
Out, in the shape of the eagle he followed
Sadly, Grimne had to spill from his valuable treasure
Which led to the making of the false poets
The falcon flew home to his domains
And Suttung flew into the flames of Tjalve

In Chains Until Ragnarok

The ether is dripping, the earth is quaking
I am writhing with agony, chained to the mountain
I am your fear, I am your torment
You attemped to tame me, you caught me in nets
I will not be budged, I am chaos,
I am your shame
I am your highest wisdom, and your enemy
'til your dying day
Bound I am, but I am laughting at you
Do not believe that I am here to serve you
I am from a world you can not comprehend
'Cause I am Evil I am the Primal Force
One day we shall meet at the fields of Vigrid
One we I shall be free of chains and ether
That day you will understand, the purpose of my excistance
Why the laughter is roaring in the night
That day we will fight our last battle
End end eachothers days
'...The sun turns black, ground slides into the sun
Brave stars are fading in the sky
Smoke rises from great fires
The flame plays up high
Against heaven itself...'


Horns are resounding, the winds are howling
Drums are pounding, the winds are howling
With spear and bow we go into battle
We are making a stand, brothers in blood
With hope for honour in the name of madness
We will never be defeated, even if we fall
We are not going to Folkvang,
Into the arms of the Vanir Queen,
We shall our fathers if we fall today
We will not flee from our destiny,
even though the winds aren't blowing our way
Brothers, to Valfaders hall
With spear raised in the name of Oden
We shall raise mugs in the name of Oden
Cowards shall fall at our feet
They do not have to pray for sun filled days
No one remembers a slave without a master
Defeated they are when they fall
We raise weapons for our faith
We slaughter the fields for our faith
We have no mercy for those
Who turned their backs
Those who attemmp to close the well
Shall die
Those who lied and betrayed shall die
Give us strenght , give us courage
We will prevail
Brothers in blood


In solitude she cries, the most beautiful of them all
Captured and locked in a sorrow no one can conceive
Joy vanished far out there
Burning desire, but no hope
She longs for home, bu tcan not find a way
A dismal destiny hidden behind a smile
Mardol, you glorious, sacrificed for peace you were
You sold your flesh, but found no comfort
That which glitters does not bring you peace
Gern you devoted yourself and consumed
Many desire. But, still in the night,
Gold is dripping from your eyes.
Fråya, Od you shall find when everything ends
Then you shall be set free
Untill that day you shall find no comfort
Not even in the shining Brísingamen

My friendly message to my dead, living and unborn compatriots, in Ukraine and not in Ukraine

And it gets dark and it gets light,
And God's day goes by,
And again, the people are tired,
And everything is at rest.
Only I, as if accursed,
I cry day and night
On the crowded crossroads,
And no one sees my plight -
And does not sees and does not guess-
Have become deaf, do not hear

Contemplation of the Heart

The contemplation of the heart
Confronting the Adversary
Great is the temptation
But God...
He listens
He will help
With this burden.
Call unto Him and He will answer you
Tell Him what troubles you
He will help you on your life's journey
He will help you when life gets tough.
The carnal desires
The soul is anxious
Nothing is possible
But His Word
Stand forever
He shall help you
In times of trial.

Our Mother is China

*The sun, stars, and moon are a heavenly family
Grasslands, forests and lakes are an earthy family
Spring breeze, rain and dews and sunshine are our family
Brothers and sisters are hand in hand, what a lovely family
#56 ethnic groups are a lovely family
Just like blooming flowers in the spring garden
Red pomegranate seeds are closely together
None would separate. Our mother is China
Repeat *, #, #

Tokimeki of winter

I can’t say I want to meet
I invited you to go skiing
What is it that makes you feel like it?
The sky in December is high, oh
Yeah, if you want me to smile
I lamented that I didn’t stop
I’m waiting for you to wear out 1-2-3 of love!
I can’t help it anymore
I don’t mind being laughed at
Don’t let go, don’t let go, the winter sky!
I’ll try to make you smile
Riding on the lift
Don’t leave it, look at me
White veil lovin’ you
I can’t say I want to see you
I want you to care even a little
Try on a special lip
Be courageous and call out, even if decades go by
The feeling that I love you disappears, oh
Maybe I should wear a nice dress and go see you
Prepare sweet fresses
I’m waiting for you to wear me down
1-2-3 of love!
I can’t help it anymore
I don’t mind being laughed at
Don’t let go, don’t let go, the winter sky!
I wonder if I should make you smile
Riding on the lift
Don’t leave it, look at me
White veil lovin’ you
It’s a waste of all to be embarrassed
It’s so painful for you oh baby
I can’t help but mess up
I don’t mind being laughed at
Don’t let go, don’t let go, the winter sky!
I wonder if I should make you smile
Riding on the lift
Don’t leave it, look at me
White veil lovin’ you

My fawn

There is one small house
tall grass grows around it
there my fawn sleeps
there are two blue eyes
But one summer night
my dearest has fallen asleep
the heart did not endure
only sorrow remained
I did not forget you
I haven't gotten over you yet
I'm thinking of you, my fawn
of those blue eyes
If only I could be with you
kiss your lips
hug you gently
rest next to you

Mona Lisa

If you ever asked me why I stay with you
You'd be surprised what I really think about you
Because if my heart was an art museum
And you were painted dressed up
You would be the one, Lisa, who I'd look for over and over
Lisa, you are the Mona Lisa on the wall of my heart
There's only one like you
You are the pot full of gold at the end of the rainbow
Your price is priceless and my wish is high
If my heart was an art museum
And you were painted dressed up
You would be the one, Lisa, who I'd look for over and over
Lisa, you are the Mona Lisa on the wall of my heart
There's only one like you
Ooh oh
Lisa, you're the Mona Lisa in the gallery of my heart
There's only one like you, Lisa
There's only one like you
For me
There's only one like you, you are the painting inside me
You are the painting inside me
Lisa, you are the Mona Lisa on the wall of my heart
There's only one like you
There's only one like you
Lisa, you are the Mona Lisa on the wall of my heart
There's only one like you
Lisa, you're the Mona Lisa in the gallery of my heart
There's only one like you, Lisa
Ooh oh, Lisa

That's Why We Celebrate Christmas

This is no festival, we celebrate the love
We don't celebrate recieving, we celebrate giving
We don't celebrate the anger, we celebrate the piece
We celebrate this feast as a family
We don't celebrate the melancholy, we celebrate smiling
We don't celebrate the hate, we celebrate the hope
We don't celebrate the death, we celebrate the life
We celebrate faith as a family
This might sound like an excuse
To hand out the presents
But we are broken as people
But your present make us a whole again
So we celebrate Christmas
Our king hase come to us
We are freed by him
When we have lights on our trees
We always celebrate his birth
And dream about his return
A Father sends His Son to us
To die so that we could live
...That's why we celebrate Christmas
We don't celebrate taking, we celebrate giving up
We don't celebrate the fear, we celebrate the power
We don't celebrate the lies, we celebrate the truth
The message of a star at night
This might sound like an excuse
To hand out the presents
But we are broken as people
But your present make us a whole again
So we celebrate Christmas
Our king hase come to us
We are freed by him
When we have lights on our trees
We always celebrate his birth
And dream about his return
A Father sends His Son to us
To die so that we could live
...That's why we celebrate Christmas

Whispers In The Dark (Skillet Russian Cover)

Let go of all the lies that you’re telling me,
But anyway you belong with me.
My love is just waiting for roses
So that your tears drops become petals
Let go of all the lies that you’re telling me,
But anyway you belong with me.
My love is just waiting for roses
So that your tears drops become petals
I will be the one who’s gonna hold you,
I will be the one who’s gonna accept you,
All the love inside me
Is burning like fire
No, you’re no longer alone
When darkness comes,
I will light up a star
Hear the whispers in the dark
No, you’re no longer alone
Darkness will come but remember
That I’m everywhere
Hear the whispers in the dark
The whispers in the dark
You’re alone, broken
You’re a naked doll
My love is waiting for scarlet roses
So that they could shelter you again
I will be the one who‘s gonna find you
And the one who’s gonna lead you
All the love inside me
Is burning like fire
No, you’re no longer alone
When darkness comes,
I will light up a star
Hear the whispers in the dark
No, you’re no longer alone
Darkness will come but remember
That I’m everywhere
Hear the whispers in the dark
No, you’re no longer alone
When darkness comes,
I will light up a star
Hear the whispers in the dark
No, you’re no longer alone
Darkness will come but remember
That I’m everywhere
Hear the whispers in the dark
The whispers in the dark,
The whispers in the dark,
The whispers in the dark.

Feltétel nélkül

Az én 16. nyaram, a bőrönd bepakolva,
Még egyszer megfordulok,
Mert nem illek ide,
Mert a világ túl kicsi volt számomra.
Annyira szerelmes vagyok beléd, az életbe, a zenébe
És ami előttem van,
A saját lábamra állok,
És a saját utamat választom.
Sokat kóboroltam, gyorsan tanultam,
Ami könnyen jött, az könnyen ment*
És tudom, hogy igazán nem tudok semmi.
A kutatás
A nagy szabadság után
A szerelem, a bánat és az igazság után
Ne aggódj miattam!
Mert ott leszek,
Mindig ott neked,
És ha hiányolsz,
Ott keress, ahol a szeretet van!
Tíz nyárral később
Gondoltam, túl léptem rajta, minden tökéletesnek tűnt.
És aztán a nagy összeomlás,
Hirtelen eltűnt a nap.
Először imádkoztam,
A szívedért,
És az életedért,
Hogy ez folytatódjon.
Igen, azt ma megértem.
Milyen is megőrülni.
Kapaszkodunk, elengedünk,
Nem akarunk egyedül lenni, vigaszt keresni.
De van egy, ami megmarad neked,
Ami nálad marad,
Feltétel nélkül.
A keresés
A nagy szabadságért
A szerelemért, a bánatért és az igazságért
Ne aggódj miattam!
Nem, én ott leszek,
Mindig ott neked,
És ha hiányolsz,
Ott keress, ahol a szeretet van!
Kapaszkodunk, elengedünk,
Nem akarunk egyedül lenni, vigaszt keresni.
De van egy, ami megmarad neked,
Feltétel nélkül.
Egész életedért,
És jön a nagy eső,
Ne aggódj miattam!
Én ott leszek,
Mindig ott neked,
És ha hiányolsz,
Ott keress, ahol a szeretet van!
Én ott leszek,
Mindig ott neked,
És ha hiányolsz,
Ott keress, ahol a szeretet van!

The lost light

I'll memorize the rain
And a roar of the wind
Impotence and spite
It will be forever!
The sky is crying
How we are blind
Faith is gone
And the light goes out
Having scorned a rest
I marked by a darkness
I pushed away by hand
The other path
And having taken a vow
I'll go to the light
I won't off the trail
How we are blind!
I'll memorize the rain
And a roar of the wind
Your final breath
Took off a hope
The sky is crying
How we are blind
Akrasia can't be saved
You'll forgive, forgive, forgive...
Only other path
It'll return a rest
It's wrapped in darkness
Beyond the line
And having taken away the light
I will break the ban
There is no more a trail
How we are blind!
I'll memorize the rain...