Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 79

Találatok száma: 44538



Completely hidden under the dripping shadows,
Is the light that's kept in the distance
The night creates the wish
Of not waking up in the morning
What if the will to live flees,
The echoes of voices fade away,
The [light of the] stars go out,
Which brings us light
One word and you'll believe everything
Even if everything's just a game
Or all just a dream,
Don't forget mine
Longing for the bitter truth,
It always, always comes to light
But when the firmament1 falls apart, you turn away from the stars
Overturned, broken, failed
You stay hidden,
Released from the eternal night
Longing for the bitter truth,
It always, always brings us light
  • 1. Another word for sky/heavens

Without being able to smell you

Without being able to smell you
My black roots awaken in the darkness ،
Shout: 'Spring! Spring! '
I'm the branches of the trees and
addicted to your coming

Ciğerim yanıyor

Şu zamanda böyle sevda olmaz diyorlar
Yarim seni bilmiyorlar tanımıyorlar
Sevdan bana şu ömrümde tek yadigâr
Sen bilmezsin sevdiceğim bizi ayıracaklar
El sözüne kanıp sakın beni kırmayasın
Gitmez dedim ilk giden sakın sen olmayasın
Şimdi yalnızlığıma ağlıyorum
Yârin haberi yok içim yanıyor
Dert üstüne dert ekliyorum
Kimse bilmez ciğerim yanıyor
Şimdi yalnızlığıma ağlıyorum
Yârin haberi yok içim yanıyor
Dert üstüne dert ekliyorum
Kimse bilmez ciğerim yanıyo

I'm a Yule Lad

Now I'm going to tell you, yes, how I got into town.
I came with Pot-licker who has a beard like a (white goose?)
We ran away from the other seven and scarpered like lions.
And a lot farther on I almost drove into a police officer
I said:
I'm a Yule Lad

Without seeing you

Without seeing you
I will be left in you
And I open my eyes on the sea floor
I'm river
And addicted to drowning in you

Megőrült a világ

A gondolatok és frázisok határai összemosódnak,
Nem mi választunk, hanem ők választanak minket.
Az idő megfeszül, mint egy vékony fonal,
Néha azokkal vagyunk, azokkal, akikkel jobb nem lenni... (Sosem szabadna lenni!)
A világ már régen megőrült velünk együtt,
Fogta, és egyszerűen mindenütt megváltozott,
A világ már régen megőrült velünk együtt,
A világ olyan lett, mint mi (х2)
Az igazság és a hazugságok határai összemosódnak,
Elhaladunk szeretteink mellett valahova sietve.
A mozdulatok és a tekintetek egy hálóba fonódnak össze,
Néha közel vagyunk, teljesen közel a rosszakhoz...
A világ már régen megőrült velünk együtt,
Fogta, és egyszerűen mindenütt megváltozott,
A világ már régen megőrült velünk együtt,
A világ olyan lett, mint mi (х2)

Ass Fucker

If at night you don't sleep
He will catch you
From your bed he will take you
For your ass he will f*ck
The ass f*cker
Doesn't give anyone mercy
Will f*ck your ass
And your mother too
His d*ck looks like a bamboo
Im scared of the ass f*cker
His d*ck looks like a bamboo
Im scared of the ass f*cker
(Im scared of the ass f*cker)
At the middle of night i woke up
Was thirsty, so i got up
Someone was at the sofa
Its the ass f*cker, he will f*ck me hard
His d*ck looks like a bamboo
Im scared of the ass f*cker
His d*ck looks like a bamboo
Im scared of the ass f*cker
I was captured by the ass f*cker
He f*cked me, enlarged my ass
I was captured by the ass f*cker
He f*cked me, enlarged my ass
Im scared of the ass f*cker

We Can Fly

When I notice you're looking down again
My only response is a sigh
You won't forget it anytime soon will you...
I'll hear you out, whenever and wherever
Baby, come on, raise your head
Always smile
Keep going forward just like that
Tears and pain turn into strengh
OH OH OH because you have me by yourside
OH OH OH show me your smile
OH OH OH tomorrow is on it's way
Dreams that you can't reach no matter how many times you try
Tears keep shedding quietly
At such moemnts, I'll push you from behind
Baby have faith in your heart
Just a little more
Always run
Until the day your dreams come true
That's right, just aim for the place you want to go to the most
OH OH OH always, just like this
OH OH OH look forward more
OH OH OH I'm sure you'll be fine
We Can Fly We Can Fly
How did you walk here?
How are you going to walk from here on?1
Which one is more important?
What will you protect?
What will you believe in?
It's time to think really hard
Believe in yourself
So fly away Just fly away
Fly hight now
Believe in yourself
In tomorrow
That's why
OH OH OH always, just like this
OH OH OH look forward more
OH OH OH I'm sure you'll be fine
We Can Fly We Can Fly
  • 1. there's no 'from here on' in the lyrics I just added that myself

An Invocation to Snow

How miraculous Nature is!
Well, does not snow give light? Immaculate
And mysterious, tremulous and silent,
It seems to me that it silently prays
When it is falling...Oh, snowfall!
Your weightless and glacial Eucharist
Absolves me today of my sin of living,
And like you, it makes my soul become
Glistening, white, silent and cold.

You Couldn't Stay

They asked about you
My friends, from always
They know that you left
And they wanted to know
If you're gonna come back
I told them: 'No'
It wasn't a see you later
A goodbye is not a game
And I heard it clearly
From your lips, my love
You couldn't stay anymore, with me
That it was your decision, and to understand you
I can't punish you for not loving me
If I couldn't be your happiness
It was the best, for you to leave
And I couldn't help to
Gift you a sigh
What I loved most
It was you and you left
I am left without you
You couldn't stay anymore, with me
That it was your decision, and to understand you
I can't punish you for not loving me
If I couldn't be your happiness
It was the best, for you to leave
If the limit of our sight is the vastness of the sky
You were the one that put the limit
When you announced your departure

Sometimes I Feel That I Need Wings

Sometimes i feel that i need wings
not to fly
only to take refuge in their shadows
sometimes i feel that i need eyes
only to close them
i'll try to pass
to pass today and tomorrow
like Abraham passed the river
like Moses passed the desert and the sea
i'll try to pass with them
Sometimes i feel that i need rest
not to sleep
only to believe that i'm breathing
sometimes i feel that i need to touch
the hand of another
i'll try...
Sometimes i feel that i need eyes
more, more and more
in order to see the abundance of light
sometimes i feel that i need wings
only to fly and to pass
i'll try...

Tasbeeh of lady Zahraa

On the lips...[4 Surah ] Noor, Qadr, Kawthar, Taahaa
Tasbeeh of lady Fatemeh(Fatima=Zahraa=Kousar) is the light of the lovers heart
Allaahu akbar= O my God ' just to show her glory of Fatima ...O what a glory has Fatimah..., what is the great glory?
O my God... with all her (Fatimah) magnificent
O my God... on the way of Ali ...Fatimah stood like a mountain in front of the wind for the defense of Ali=her husband
Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon you ...Fatemeh
Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon you ...Fatemeh
Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon you ...Fatemeh
Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon you ...Fatemeh
My lips keep reciting...[ 4 Surat of Holy Quran ] Al Noor,Al Qadr, Al Kawthar, Taahaa
The light of the lovers heart isTasbeeh of lady Zahraa
Allāhu ʾakbar... with all her glory
O my God... with all her magnificent
O my God... on the way of Ali ...
Fatimah stood like a mountain for the defense of Ali
I know the reason for these tears
I get closer to God with the Tasbeeh of lady Fatimah Zahraa
Alḥamdu lillāh=Thanks of God... that i am your servant
Praise be to Allah... you are my mother
Praise be to Allah... since my childhood, the shade of mother(Zahraa) is on my head
Blessing of Allah be upon you ...O Fatemeh zahraa
Blessing of Allah be upon you ...O Fatemeh zahraa
Blessing of Allah be upon you ...O Fatemeh zahraa
Blessing of Allah be upon you ...O Fatemeh zahraa
From the grief , the eyes of the lovers are full of tears..is like the sea
Our elegy after the prayers... Tasbeeh of lady Zahraa
Subḥāna -llāh , (Garden of heaven and the smoke= How does Ali's home get burned and his heaven=Fatimah)
Glory be to Allah, with the moment of ingression=how did that moment pass when they=enemies entered her/his home
Glory be to Allah , in front of Ali =her husband
[Kausar's= another name of (Fatemeh Zahraa)] verses became bruised =how was your ribs broken by your enemies
Blessing of Allah be upon you ...O Fatemeh
Blessing of Allah be upon you ...O Fatemeh

In This Muffled Mute-lover Times

In this muffled mute-lover times
Lucky are the noise-lover crows
How can I tell of my each and every moment
To these so many daydream-lover infidels?
How could a blue-sea-lover fish dance
in the nocturnal feast of marsh-lover crabs?
So lonely and untouched fall the ripe fruits
At the feet of the unripe-lover garden weeds
Here I’m, so perfect that nothing but the noose
Fits “I'm one with the truth”1of perfect-lover me
I'm alive yet, and this feels like hell
To the stingy decay-lover low lives
  • 1. انا الحق:One of the major , famous mystic. Literally, it means 'I'm God'. Hallaj was accused of blasphemy and was hanged.


C’mon yeah Ha Ha Hoo
If I notice something else is unknown
U like a dynamo
I definitely won't ignore it
For some reason You feel so right
A casually Hidden diamond
Bumping into your heart like a Firework
This love won't let me sleep
With this mystery I Feel so alive
Hey a
At some point we started going higher
Hey a
Confess your Red hot desire
Hey a
Every time we touch Starting a fire a Fire
This love is Like touching the sun
I definitely have a Crush on you
I'm very Hyped on you
U make me feel like
Gold Gold
I have a strong heart but you've come so close to me
A night full of enigmatic
But for some reason I feel so right
Our life is full of dangerous tactics and reasons
Even so I Won’t stop til its light
Strangely I Feel so alive
Hey a
Let's have fun higher&higher
Hey a
Clearly You’re real looker
Hey a
Because we can't go back now, Even more
This love is like Like touching the sun
I definitely have a Crush on you
I'm very Hyped on you
U make me feel like
Gold Gold
Sweetly Groove with me
U make me feel like
Gold Gold
When ya shine shine shine
Make ne grow grow grow
It melts everything Gold Gold Gold
What are you doing To my life?
I'm curious Ah I can't help it anymore
When ya shine shine shine
Make ne grow grow grow
Heart and body both Gold Gold Gold
Am I dreaming? floating so higher
Either way Truch or Lie
Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold
Gold Gold Gold

The Felltaken

The maiden, to the matins-song would she go
The time did drag so long
Then she walked high upon the mountain trail so
But I know the weight of sorrow.
With her small fingers on the mountain door she did knock
'Stand up, great Mountain-king, and pull from the door the lock”
Up stood the Mountain-king, the lock from the door he pulled
Then had he his bride there in his silk bed of blue
In the mountain, she stayed for all of eight years there,
Where she bore seven sons, and a daughter so fair
Then the maiden approached the Mountain-king to say
'Oh free me, to return to my mother, if I may”
'To return to thy mother at home, I set thee free
But of these seven children, swear that thou shalt not speak'
So forth to the mountain path would they ride
The Mountain-king stayed as she went, and spied
And when she came home to her dear mother's abode
There awaiting her had her kindly mother stood
'Oh dear, where hadst thou for so long a time strayed
'Twas it not in the rosen field where thou stayed?'
'Nay, 'twas not in the rosen field that I stayed
But in the mountain, I for so long a time remained
In the mountain, I stayed for eight years so long there,
Where I bore seven sons, and one daughter so fair”
Then through the doorway stepped the great Mountain-king
'Now why dost thou stand here speaking such ill of me?'
'Oh surely, I have spoken nothing ill of thee
But only of the good which thou hast done for me'
Then on her pale lily-white cheek he did welt
'Til all down her fair bodice the blood so red trailed
'Go now, and hurry thee quickly out through the door
From thy mother thou shalt be apart evermore”
'Farewell my dear Father! Farewell my gentle Mother
Farewell my dear Sister, Farewell my dear Brother
Farewell thou highest heaven! Farewell thou greenest earth!
Now I leave for the mountain, for the Mountain-king’s hearth'
And so through the long and murky forest they went
The Mountain-king he laughed, as bitterly she wept
Six times 'round the mountain they had now been
Then the door opened, and so they stepped in
The young daughter for her set a red golden stool
'Mother, wouldst thou rest here, thou art so sorrowful”
'Fetch me, my daughter, that glass there of mead
From it I shall drink 'til death comes of me'
With the first drink of the mead-glass that she did take
Her eyes, they closed, and then her heart, it did break


Versions: #1
It's So Fly-Day Fly-Day CHINA TOWN
In the midnight crowd of people.
It's So Fly-Day Fly-Day CHINA TOWN
Neon Sign is bursting
Foreign guy bumping into my shoulder throwed a wink.
You look unconcerned which makes me perplexed.
Even I'm tired of dancing, I will have fun till morning.
I need something to drink at somewhere I can see the harbor.
It's So Fly-Day Fly-Day CHINA TOWN
I need to kiss Jasmine.
It's So Fly-Day Fly-Day CHINA TOWN
I must be another foreigner
I pointed a silk dress displayed in a shop.
You look glum on your face, but I want to be selfish.
The shop lady with a flattering smile says the dress suits me.
I want to put the dress on in somewhere quieter place.
It's So Fly-Day Fly-Day CHINA TOWN
Swishing silk moonlight.
It's So Fly-Day Fly-Day CHINA TOWN
I must be another foreigner
It's So Fly-Day Fly-Day CHINA TOWN
I need to kiss Jasmine.
It's So Fly-Day Fly-Day CHINA TOWN
I must be another foreigner

F#ck Forex

[Choir: Chico da Tina]
I'm in a house, a rented house
On my lap a bitch, on my head Prada
Weed in the bag, in the bottle nothing
Eddy called me but I didn't see the call
[Verse 1: Chico]
He gave me the signal the Uber is in the driveway
I gotta leave but this bitch won't leave me.
'Eddy wait a bit, this girl is horny
She'll only let me leave if I give her a good fuck.'
Three in the morning going to Downtown Chiado
French girl is rich as fuck
Penthouse party the apartment is full
Everything is her dad's nothing is rented
And I'm with her um her room
Against the door breaking her
Bitch is nasty I'm very horny
Final moment she asks me for a painting
Paint in the face, have a portrait
She wants more and Im not full yet
Her group is stoned as hell
They're in the room making a mess
Yeah, yeah, I got the drip (I got what?)
Any rag in me looks cool
I have the money, blue banknotes Gianni shirt
Got etiquette 'cause Im a dandy
I have your bitch a candy
Folded her up, like origami
Bald pussy looked like Gandhi
Milk in her mouth, she was foaming
The one that dripped She caught with the nail
Yeah man, I talk about whores
Yeah man, I talk about sex
Me man, I rhyme what I live
You man, talk about forex
Fuck Forex, #freemariano
Ran to Spain Im gonna see him this year
Bought another Vieira Lusitano
So much art my room is the Vatican
I got the ice, I got skills
Exclusive beats, Im making deals
You're not cool man, forget the pills
Dumbasses, can no longer hear you
[Verse 2: Eddy0]
3 in the morning Im Im Downtown Chiado
Strong weed has left me relaxed
Leave my house without preoccupation
Call Chico but he's occupied
If I wanna leave, Uber everywhere
Wanna come with me you'll need a boat
Full of messages but no patience
Turn off the phone and and go to the party
The party is chill
Every day I am calm
All my imported drip glows
Red carpet and I walk through it
You wanna see the Louvre but I've already seen
Crazy french girls I send to Chico
Moncler coat just 'cause its cold
Sooner or later we're gonna be rich!
[Bridge: Chico]
Chico da Tina, another success, Eddy 0
[Choir: Chico]
I'm in a house, a rented house
On my lap a bitch, on my head Prada
Weed in the bag, in the bottle nothing
Eddy called me but I didn't see the call
I'm in a house, a rented house
On my lap a bitch, on my head Prada
Weed in the bag, in the bottle nothing
Eddy called me but I didn't see the call

Time Passes

Versions: #1
I don't want time to pass
I feel like I'm forgetting you a bit
Soon there’ll no longer be a trace
Of what we both used to be
I don't want time to pass
I want to remember your beautiful eyes
I fear that your voice is fading away
You're the best thing that ever happened to me
Often I've blacked out being too drunk
I've shed tears and I'd rather forget that
But right now, I haven't decided
Since you left me
I'm afraid of forgetting everything
Of forgetting that we loved each other
The smell of crumpled sheets fades little by little
And when I'm asked if I know you, I really can't say yes anymore
My brain is sorting it all out
Is my heart too?
I don't want time to pass
I feel like I'm forgetting you a bit
Soon there’ll no longer be a trace
Of what we both used to be
I don't want time to pass
I want to remember your beautiful eyes
I fear that your voice is fading away
You're the best thing that ever happened to me
My mates tell me to put it behind me and move on
But when the film is beautiful I still want to look at it
Shot reverse shot I'll forget all about our first impressions
That'll blur the shots of our sex scenes in the kitchen
I'm a bit broken and you're a bit sad
Everything's going to be put right, I'll forget that you even exist
My brain is sorting it all out
Is my heart too?
I don't want time to pass
I feel like I'm forgetting you a bit
Soon there’ll no longer be a trace
Of what we both used to be


The shape of your bones
In my best moment
Your face of suspense
Was too much of a coincidence
Another turn around the sun and nothing matters to me
A bathtub filled with my desires
At the end of my soul there's a wall
You painted it red and I no longe know what to do
Let's dance to the music slowly
And if they are going to kill me, when?
It's already a quarter past two
Your demon is spoiling you
Still in the shopwindow, watching people run
Everyone searches for their gram of luck
The shape of your bones
In my best moment
Your face of suspense
Was too much of a coincidence
The shape of your bones
In my best moment
Your face of suspense
Was too much of a coincidence
I have no issue looking down at my veins
The blood that flows never listened to my problems
There's no need to see you again
A lot of things are for forever
And all the sound, everything, it leaves you stunned
All the sound, everything, leaves you confused
When you look at what's rotten don't freak out
In the end it's what's sweetest
The shape of your bones
In my best moment
Your face of suspense
Was too much of a coincidence
The shape of your bones
In my best moment
Your face of suspense
Was too much of a coincidence
The shape of your bones
In my best moment
Your face of suspense
Was too much of a coincidence


This isn't something that would even come up in my dreams
You sleeping softly next to me
I met an angel
Waiting for the dawn at the cinema lobby
I met an angel
It's true, she had wings
This isn't something I would even tell anybody
I thought we'd never meet
I met an angel, yet I was quite depressed
The angel said, 'I don't mind, I'm depressed too,'
The angel said, 'I wish we didn't have to part,'
I told the angel, 'Did you see the film? Let's dance that old dance,'
I'll hold your hand, and you spin around
Here! We've met again, see?
The angel said, 'Even if we part, we'll pretend it never happened if we meet again,'
I told the angel, 'I'm such a loser,'
The angel said, 'Don't worry, I'm a loser too,'
The angel said, 'Don't worry, now you're a new you,'
The angel said, 'Don't worry, it'll be morning soon,'
The angel said, 'I'm such a mess of a person,'
I told the angel, 'Don't worry, 'cause I like you,'
I told the angel, 'Don't worry, it's the two of us now,'
I met an angel, it's true, she had wings
This isn't something that would even come up in my dreams
You sleeping softly next to me

The day of truths

Versions: #1
You're bleeding, you can't defend yourself anymore.
You're breathing, but this isn't oxygen.
And it's not a warning, nor a sign.
It's all true and it's happening to you.
Damn right to you.
Are you listening to me?
I'm a whole other you.
The one inside of you, the one that maybe isn't there.
Something is changing, you know it's inevitable.
But this wind that's rising is fresh.
And I will save you!
Is this the day of truths.
Or is it just you who lives in half?
You can take everything, don't hide it.
You can't say no, I won't believe you.
I know you want to run, to laugh, yell, I can't hear you.
You're young, you're lucid.
On the day of truths.
Don't believe in fairy tales, but neither in reality.
To all these scruples that don't let you live.
Don't ever lose anything that keeps this fire alive.
Deceive yourself that no: you won't burn yourself.
If it's you who lives like me...
If it's you... you have to believe in me...
If it's you who lives like me...
Just behind your soul...

Hoy, sailor!

We should, we should, we should,
We should all be at the bottom.
We'd be, we'd be, we'd be,
We'd all be drinking wine there.
There underneath the ocean
Ain't no telling
If we're sober or drunk.
Hoy, sailor, you've been sailing for way too long,
I've already gotten over you,
I'm into the sea devil now -
That's who I wanna love.
Weigh the anchor,
Stand at places*,
Hoy, on the rumb, on the rumb,
On the rumb, steady**,
To the sea devil
We'll bring a barrel of rum,
He won't be able to resist.
Hoy, sailor, you've been sailing for way too long,
I've already gotten over you,
I'm into the sea devil now -
That's who I wanna love.

Holy sword and anklet

Carrying the holy sword and sacred anklet
in her arms, the Noble Lady (goddess Kali)
went to the holy presence of the Good Father1
and began dancing
-in that way
Now I shall forget,
so should the good father,
forget, because
there's another dowry to be had
-in that way
At the western end of our house,
in the Valaru2 stone vault,
lies seven and a half baskets of seed
-in that way
Half a basket of seed from that,
give to me as a dowry,
O dear father, the
god of the Northern Dynasty
-in that way
It is not rice or seed3,
my dear daughter,
that seed is demon seed4,
that is its name
-in that way
Carrying the holy sword and sacred anklet
in her arms, the Noble Lady (goddess)
went to the holy presence of the Good Father
and began dancing
-in that way
If you look at it with your eyes
and call it seed
your eyeballs will explode
and fall away
-like that
If you say with your tongue
that it is seed
the root of your tongue will rot
and fall away
-like that
Bring it, bring it,
bring it to me girl,
Kali dear, O Mother of Kodungallur5
That seed, the demon seed, bring it,
bring it to me, O Mother of Kodungallur
If that seed reaches another land
it is a danger to all humans
-in that way, in that way
Carrying the holy sword and sacred anklet
in her arms, the Noble Lady (goddess)
went to the holy presence of the Good Father
and began dancing
-in that way
Now I shall forget,
so should the good father,
forget because
there's another dowry to be had
-in that way
Carrying the holy sword and sacred anklet
in her arms, the Noble Lady (goddess)
went to the holy presence of the Good Father
and began dancing
and began dancing
and began dancing
  • 1. The god Shiva, probably.
  • 2. Might be a specific place, unsure.
  • 3. Apparently the seed refers to smallpox, which the goddess protected against.
  • 4. 'Asura seed', after the race of evil celestials, but usually not literally.
  • 5. 'Shree Kurumpu' is a title of Kali as manifested in the Kodungallur temple.


Versions: #1
There are some days we look inside ourselves
And we may wonder if that's really what
We thought we were gonna be
When we finally grew up
And our story suddenly became
Like someone has made something up
We don't recognize ourselves then
A déjà vu opposite
There's just so many stuff we just don't say
And we wonder if we're ever happy
With the way our work and love life has been shaped by each of us
If we're truly ever our own person
Or the mirror that has been transformed
We don't recognize ourselves then
A vis-a-vis opposite
That's why I want so more
It can not be after
Than what's been left behind
The time is already!

Strawberries, cherries and honey

Sheets of paper I will no longer find.
Things I have never said.
And within those things, you are.
I write and write but I can't hold you.
Strawberries, cherries and honey.
Wherever we go, the sun reigns.
I only need a bit of love
to soothe my pain.
Grab everything you have and take it all to my house.
I'd like to tell you from tomorrow on that my life is also yours.
While I remain still, sure of what you are,
don't let me for an instant, synchronise your heartbeat.
Early rising primroses.
Dust made of stars and feathers.
Sweet glazed tears.
So many burnt pages.
Sooner or later I'll be far away.
What I do, hides me.
But I've written on my skin
that love always wins.
Grab everything you have and take it all to my house.
I'd like to tell you from tomorrow on that my life is also yours.
While I remain still, sure of what you are, of who you are... you are!
Grab everything you have and take it all to my house.
I'd like to tell you from tomorrow on that my life is also yours.
While I remain still, sure of what you are,
don't let me for an instant, synchronise your heartbeat and you'll have me.


Watching how all seem to forget
That today, the two of us are a part of the same plan
We're on in victory, equal in defeat
A spring of friendship and much more
I hope it's not late
For me
You can cure me
From the root
Over the veil of the dark
A sparkle of star light
Nothing could stop us if we unify
Or if we wanted to form a new love
I hope it's not late
For me
You can cure me
From the root
Over the veil of the dark
A sparkle of star light
Over the veil of the dark
A sparkle of star light
Over the veil of the dark
A sparkle of star light
Over the veil of the dark
A sparkle of star light


You changed the dial and the TV
And the news are similar
The holder is quite same
It's like the police would write it
We're a part of the same plan
Open your eyes, light me up
Give me your hands, I'll give you my voice
One night when I sing differently
To get that signal
Your head's a luxury antenna
That predicts the good and the bad
And might be like a holy book
And we repeat till we believe
Change my mind
Maybe I could look at you like that with ecstasy
One night when I follow my instinct
Tonight I'm gonna do what makes me good
Tomorrow I'll be myself
Tonight I'm gonna do what makes me good
Tomorrow I'll be myself
(Open your eyes, change my mind)
You changed the dial and the TV
And the news are similar
The holder is quite same
It's like the police would write it
We're a part of the same plan
Open your eyes, light me up
Give me your hands, I'll give you my voice
One night when I sing differently
Turn the sails
In the storm
Calm the nights
Of the city
Tonight I'm gonna do what makes me good
Tomorrow I'll be myself
Tonight I'm gonna do what makes me good
Tomorrow I'll be myself
(Open your eyes, change my mind)
Tonight I'm gonna do what makes me good
Tomorrow I'll be myself
Tonight I'm gonna do what makes me good
Tomorrow I'll be myself
(Open your eyes, change my mind)
Open your eyes, change my mind

Waiting for you

I should get used to this loneliness
But it seems unlikely
I should forget the past
But I still remember it clearly
I should walk away from this emptiness
But I could be here only
Waiting for someone
Who can never be my reality
For so long, I’ve waited for you to appear
For so long, you never seem to come near
For how long should I keep searching?
Still waiting for the one and only, where could I find you?
I’m waiting for you
Waiting for you
To give me love and get me right
Stay by my side and hold me tight
I’m waiting for you
Waiting for you
Waiting for you
For so long, I’ve waited for you to appear
For so long, you never seem to come near
For how long should I keep searching?
Still waiting for the one and only, where could I find you?
I’m waiting for you
Waiting for you
To give me love and get me right
Stay by my side and hold me tight
I’m waiting for you
Waiting for you
Waiting for you
Waiting for you

Sweet Day

Let me welcome you to my heart
Only you will get this promotion
This love is better than a tart
This sweetness is reserved
for you, my only one
My love is sweeter than creme brûlée
It tastes smoother than canelé
It’s softer than choux à la crème
We’ll go together like tea and madeleine
Take this love and you’ll get more
On top of being loved, you’ll be adored
My sweetness for you is unlimited
If you just let me love you just a little bit
Let me be your sweet day sweet day
I’ll give you only sweet day sweet day
Let me be your sweet day sweet day
You and I will have sweet day sweet day
Sweet Day, Sweet Day, Sweet Day
Sweet Day, Sweet Day, Sweet Day
Sweet Day, yeah, yeah
My love is sweeter than creme brûlée
It tastes smoother than canelé
It’s softer than choux à la crème
We’ll go together like tea and madeleine
Take this love and you’ll get more
On top of being loved, you’ll be adored
My sweetness for you is unlimited
If you just let me love you just a little bit
Let me be your sweet day sweet day
I’ll give you only sweet day sweet day
Let me be your sweet day sweet day
You and I will have sweet day sweet day
Sweet day sweet day
I’ll give you only sweet day sweet day
Let me be your sweet day sweet day
You and I will have sweet day sweet day
Sweet day sweet day
I’ll give you only sweet day sweet day
Let me be your sweet day sweet day
You and I will have sweet day sweet day
Sweet Day, Sweet Day, Sweet Day
Sweet Day, Sweet Day, Sweet Day
Sweet Day, yeah, yeah


Open the front door
And come down the pine road
An awaited wave will soon arrive
There won't be a lot of them
Today the generous depths
Will scatter the shore with amber
I could decorate you with them
I pick them just for you.
Listen, how it carries the sand
Look, the grass is blooming
Children's toys, open windows
Hand reached out and the birds are calm
Hold it calmly, a hanful of sap
Believe in the ocean - it's all powerful
The ocean's will, in a yellowish drop
In a see-through drop, time stops
In the evening, a high wave
Amber will fall by your feet
And it'll become - alive drops
Out of the silent depths
Forgotten shores light
Will shine again through the years
Maybe it will not be for us
But it'll exist nonetheless
Listen, how it carries the sand
Look, the grass is blooming
Children's toys, open windows
Hand reached out and the birds are calm
Hold it calmly, a hanful of sap
Believe in the ocean - it's all powerful
The ocean's will, in a yellowish drop
In a see-through drop, time stops

Pretty little bird, you that is singing

Pretty little bird, you that is singing
or rather weeping over your time foregone,
and seeing night and winter around you
and behind1 you the day and the merry months
if you, as you know your heavy sorrows,
also would know my similar state,
you would come into this insoluble bosom
to share with each other our painful grief.
I don't know if the shares would be equal,
for her, for whom you're weeping, maybe is alive

Fuck You

You are not single , nothing for me
Want me bitch , for me bitch
You were slow , We couldn't be anything
Wind-and-wind and drink , wound-and-wound then drank
Metthman a little tough
For you
The streets are issues
Not for you
If you love me but though you break up with me
You can go , fuck you
This guy has not a crush on you anymore
This guy has not a crush on you anymore
Everbody judges and talks idle
Indiscreetness is not appropriate for me
Door right there , fuck you
Don't look up back , don't say my name just go
I will not give a money to you
Suck my dick and go
Khontkar a little tough a little abusive
That bitch won't understand and say 'What's going on'
So what , you cunt? Everbody is like that in the neighborhood
You didn't see but you will get used to
You can stay but I think you should go
If you can't see my life then get out of here
I came out of the garbage and I am going to get rised
You had never been with me
Go , then
This not just for the bitch , this is valid for you as well
Know valid at the middle of night
I am putting you to next door so you move up
Don't move down
You are not single bitch , nothing for me
Want me bitch , for me bitch
You were slow we couldn't be anything
Wind-and-wind and drink , wound-and-wound then drank
Metthman a little tough
For you
The streets are issues
Not for you
If you love me but though you break up with me
You can go , fuck you
This guy has not a crush on you anymore
This guy has not a crush on you anymore
Everbody judges and talks idle
Indiscreetness is not appropriate for me