Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 85

Találatok száma: 44538



Van Franciaországban egy hely, ahol a meztelen hölgyek táncolnak
Van egy lyuk a falban, ahova bedugod a farkad és a golyóidat
De sosem tudod igazából, hogy ki szopik a túloldalon
Fiú vagy lány vagy egy férfi-hölgy hermafrodita
Én nem akarom tudni, édesem
Hogy ki szopja ma a faszomat
Elmegyek a szopólyukhoz
És elköltöm a heti béremet1
Cheryl Tiegs-ről2álmodozom
Míg valami állat olajozza a botom
El fogom lőni a patronom a szopólyuknál
Ellövöm a patronom a szopólyuknál
Ellövöm a patronom a szopólyuknál
A szopólyuknál
Ismerek egy helyet az utcában, pont a meki mögött
Ahol a lyuk túloldalán valami nagyon örömet akar okozni
Csak 1 dollár 5 centért3alapos munkát kapsz
Nem számít, hogy Tommy Lee vagy Attila a hunok király az
Bébi, nem akarom tudni
Hogy ki szopja ma a faszomat
Elmegyek a szopólyukhoz
Megdugom majd minden erőmmel
Az én fejemben az Jessica Biel4
Nem érdekel, ha egy kibaszott troll
El fogom lőni a patronom a szopólyuknál
Ellövöm a patronom a szopólyuknál
Ellövöm a patronom a szopólyuknál
Gyere, adj egy esélyt a pöcsödnek!
Nincs szükség romantikára
Gyere, kend össze a gatyád a szopólyuknál!
Gyere, kapd meg, ami kell
Intézd el a piszkos dolgot!
A szopólyuknál add be a magod!
Tölts meg valaki újat a szopólyuknál!
Tölts fel valakit ragaccsal a szopólyuknál!
Senki nem ítél el a szopólyuknál
Én nem akarom tudni, édesem
Hogy ki szopja ma a faszomat
Elmegyek a szopólyukhoz
És elköltöm a heti béremet
Szűz tinikről álmodozom
Míg valami állat olajozza a botom
El fogom lőni a patronom a szopolyuknál
Ellövöm a patronom a szopólyuknál
Ellövöm a patronom a szopólyuknál
Óh bébi, itt jövök!
Óh, óh, óh, a picsába!
  • 1. Amerikában gyakran hetente fizetik ki a dolgozók bérét, nem havonta mint pl. Magyarországon.
  • 2. 1947-es születésű amerikai modell és divattervező.
  • 3. Ez egyúttal lehet referencia az 'Amerika Kommandó: Világrendőrség' c. 2004-es, német-amerikai filmre, amiben az egyik dalban az '1 dollár 5 cent' a szabadság áraként szerepel.
  • 4. Jessica Claire Timberlake, leánykori nevén Biel (1982. –) amerikai színésznő, filmproducer, énekesnő és modell.

Bukkake könnyek

Azt mondtad, hogy meg akarod nyitni a hálószobánk ajtaját
Azt mondtad, hogy jó a pöcsöm de kicsit sok mellette a hely
Úgyhogy felhívtam pár srácot és megszerveztem
Honnan tudhattam volna, hogy megbánod, óh
Olyan sok szerelem volt az arcodon, hogy nem láttam a könnyeket
Olyan sok geci volt az arcodon, hogy sem a fiúk sem én nem láttam a könnyeket
Azt mondtam, hogy begerjednék tőle ha látnám, hogyan basz meg téged 9-10 pali
Mikor mondtad, hogy a középsuli első évében dugtál az egész focicsapattal, kissé meglepődtem
De ahogy kezdtem magamban a kutyát szabadjára engedni, te átkapcsoltál és visszatértél monogám módba
Olyan sok szerelem volt az arcodon, hogy nem láttam a könnyeket
Olyan sok geci volt az arcodon, hogy sem a fiúk sem én nem láttam a könnyeket
Most már nem állhatunk meg, olyan gyorsan megy
Egy 23 centis fasz van a puncidban, egy 27 centis a popódban
Farkak mindkét kezedben, úgyhogy kapaszkodj, mikor mind ellőjjük a patront, a ma este jól sikerül
Olyan sok szerelem volt az arcodon
Olyan sok szerelem volt az arcodon
Olyan sok szerelem volt az arcodon, hogy nem láttam a könnyeket
Olyan sok geci volt az arcodon, hogy sem a fiúk sem én nem láttam a könnyeket
Olyan sok, olyan sok szerelem, olyan sok szerelem volt az arcodon
Olyan sok, olyan sok szerelem
Nyúlós, ragadós geci az arcodon, igen
Óh, a buta ragacsos arcod
Odaadjuk neked a szerelmünk
Olyan sok szerelem volt az arcodon, hogy nem láttam a könnyeket
Olyan sok geci volt az arcodon, hogy sem a fiúk sem én nem láttam a könnyeket

The Little Comedian

Can’t compare with him
He’s even more perfect than God
I can’t afford to love you
If I knew earlier that my heart would break
I would’ve taken it out first and shattered it on the floor
Putting my façade down
No longer pursuing perfection
Jesting can help me pull away
My tears are about to spill, yet I still manage to joke around
Throwing my honour out the window
How could I stand up to him?
No choice but to focus on being a comedian
Rewriting this story of unrequited love
Into scenes of comedy
Exchanging my pained expressions
For your good mood
While I keep living this battered life of mine
I knew early on that I couldn’t win
Being a comedian, I manage to wring humour out of myself
Unable to become the elite that you’ve revered
But I am honoured to have given a show as a clown, without making a fool out of myself
Wealth and looks
Scudding past, like clouds in the sky
Fun is what I have

Farm (Polish)

When the farmer gets up in the morning
He plows are of earth
And the sheep he shears quickly
Then he milkes the cows by himself
He feeds the pigs at noon
And the ducks are here too
It's getting dark
And then the rooster is also heard again
Who will see on this farm here?
Who will see on this farm here?
Who will hear on this farm here?
Bee, chrum, kwa, muu
Who will see on this farm here?
Who will see on this farm here?
Who will hear on this farm here?
You already know that, there will be kukuryku too
The sheeps makes there just: ba ba ba
ba ba ba, ba ba ba
ba ba ba the sheeps makes there
ba ba ba the sheeps makes there
The pig gives a voice too
It makes chrum chrum chrum
chrum chrum chrum
chrum chrum chrum the pig gives a voice too
The pig finally gives a voice too
The horse is here on this farm too
Horse horse horse horse
The horse is here on this farm too
Bee chrum kwa muu
What can you see here?
What's up?
Aha, we'll see
What can you see here?
What's up?
The ducks are here too
They make kwa kwa kwa
Kwa kwa kwa
And kwa kwa kwa
The ducks are here too
Kwa kwa kwa
The ducks are here too
The cow is here too
It makes mu mu mu
Mu mu mu
Mu mu mu
And mu mu mu
And the cow is here somewhere too
When the farmer gets up in the morning
He plows are of earth
And the sheep he shears quickly
Then he milkes the cows by himself
He feeds the pigs at noon
And the ducks are here too
It's getting dark
And then the rooster is also heard again
And the rooster
Our rooster
Our rooster is tired
It has enough
It has enough
It has enough
He's not going to crow
Because the rooster
Our rooster is tired
Sleep now
Sleep now
Sleep now
He can't crow anymore

The forest loving person is in the woods, the forest loving person

The forest loving person is in the woods, the forest loving person
The forest loving person is in the woods, the forest loving person
The terror destroying flag, the terror destroying flag, destroyer of tragedy
The forest loving person is in the woods, the forest loving person
The forest loving person is in the woods, the forest loving person
While keeping the cows he ahead, he plays his flute behind
While keeping the cows he ahead, he plays his flute behind
The dust from the cow hoofs make his body shine
The dust from the cow hoofs make his body shine
As he comes from the woods along with his cow herding friends
As he comes from the woods along with his cow herding friends
The nectarous flute sound, the nectarous flute sound, is audible from halfway
The forest loving person is in the woods, the forest loving person
The forest loving person is in the woods, the forest loving person
Says Radha while describing him, Sri Krishna is he who insults the moon
Says Radha while describing him, Sri Krishna is he who insults the moon
See my friends, how my sweetheart is arrving
See my friends, how my sweetheart is arrving
Says Salabega, the low born, I'm the deluded one
Says Salabega, the low born, I'm the deluded one
Except RadhaKrishna, except RadhaKrishna, there's no other way to salvation
The forest loving person is in the woods, the forest loving person
The forest loving person is in the woods, the forest loving person
The terror destroying flag, the terror destroying flag, destroyer of tragedy
The forest loving person is in the woods, the forest loving person
The forest loving person is in the woods, the forest loving person
The forest loving person, The forest loving person (×2)

Three Dots

For how long must I wait?
There's nothing to come after
At least tell me if we're okay
How icy is your heart?
Whenever I look, it's
The same thing I see on my display
Three dots...
Looking at me for an eternity
Three dots...
With an immensely scary power
Three dots...
No words, but the message is pretty obvious
Three dots
Say everything you don't

Turn The Wheel

This sea is made only of tears
Some people are going away from war...
At home, my mother is tired... tired,
How can I leave you now?
Rest awhile, oh poverty
What have we got to eat today?
Is life worth nothing anymore?
The wheel always turns... eternally
… And I convince the death
To take me dancing
From her pocket, I steal the joy
With the ring of Mary...
To all these tears of the sea
To this earth that doesn't want to end
To those who have not yet served their sentence
Turn the wheel and break the chain


I already discovered the world
And the anomalies of the world
I am going across the sea
To the wonderful Australia
There the people will recognize
My grand persistence
In finding a wizard
To grant me a wish
But when I got there
With my crazy vigor
Everybody sadly told me
Oh you crazy, crazy ladybug
There they will understand me
A colorful little bug
And that I wish well to the world
In some future paradise
I already discovered the world
And the anomalies of the world
I am going across the sea
To the wonderful Australia
There the people will recognize
My grand persistence
In finding a wizard
To grant me a wish
But when I got there
With my crazy vigor
Everybody sadly told me
Oh you crazy, crazy ladybug


Silently poisoned it's raw, the heart
kindles the war of man against man
As soon as death alone
strangles all the cries and the pain
the decay of the world begins
When the lurid lightening of war blinds the world
when the black plumes of fear darken the land
stand firmly arm to arm for justice
then fight united together for humanity
The sea is red from sorrow and blood
Hope floats in the strong flood
As soon as the night alone
disguises the corpses and the emergency
the decay of the world begins
When the cold storms of death flood the land
when the rivers are soaked red by the blood of hope
then stand arm to arm for justice
the fight united together for humanity
Already, wrath corrodes the person and the mind
soon the world will lie in gloom
already the cold turns courage and hearts to ice
soon the bright decay of the world will begin
When the hot fires of greed engulf the world
when the loud thunder full of hate shakes the earth
then stand arm to arm for justice
then fight together united for humanity

Ah ya ya

Good music is playing
Water in the ears
I love it when you touch me
You move everything inside me
Boy, be smart
And don't spoil this day for me
I have two hundred caprices
And only one you
I am not your first one, never mind
Come, no need for hiding
Just remember what I'm about to say
I will be your last one,
I will be your last one!
You are not normal (ah ya ya ya ya ya ya ya)
You are so special (ah ya ya ya ya ya ya ya)
It's time for changes
Spring is on the way, count on me

The world doesn't see your simplicity

Tried to found friend but found war,
Beautiful boy will disappear in lie.
People won't understand the warm under heart,
Under sign of heart wasn't found soul.
The world doesn't see your simplicity,
You simply doesn't know how to say.
The world doesn't see your simplicity,
You simply offended again.
Tried to found summer but found February,
Under the snowy plaid you will get frozen again.
You'll come home and once again turn on your favorite film about love.
The world doesn't see your simplicity,
You simply doesn't know how to say.
The world doesn't see your simplicity,
You simply offended again.

Always yours

Álo dadjen ahte dáistalivččen áberávkkuid vuostá.
In leat doppe gos mun galggašin.
Gáddenba ahte láhpiimet oktasaš vuođuštussamet.
Gohccájehket, dat lea bahát manin dat gullo.
Allet daja ahte dáhpiimet dán spealu.
Freezing winds are howling so much.
Allet oaččo mu massit doivon.
Freezing winds are howling so much.
O-ooh I’m always yours.
O-ooh I’m always yours.
Lean boahtán danin maid lean bálkestan eret.
Dušše plásta ja heahpat leat báhcán.
Nu ahte manne eat fas álggat álggus?
Álggahivččen ráhkademiin soabahusaid.
Allet daja ahte dáhpiimet dán spealu.
Freezing winds are howling so much.
Allet oaččo mu massit doivon.
Freezing winds are howling so much.
O-ooh I’m always yours.
O-ooh I’m always yours.
Iskamen savvit, iskit vuođđodivvut.
Iskamen savvit, iskit vuođđodivvut.
O-ooh I’m always yours.
O-ooh I’m always yours.

I'm the only person

I'm the only person that loves you and adores you so much
And who made you seen this life as if it were paradise
I am the passion that won’t end and won't stop forgetting you for a lifetime
And I’m the love that ended in this period, and there is nothing left of it
I am the last heart that inherited the traits of that beautiful time
and I'll challenge in your love all lovers of all time
That because if I feel love, I will say it without hesitation
Because I love you with all my heart, and I try to get as close to you as I could
I am your poet and your madman, and no one can sing to you about his love for you sincerely
I am the voice that embraces you with love, and you rejoice when it sings to you
He looks at you every day with his eyes and misses you when you're gone
And you see the life near him as if it were paradise

You pass me by

You always pass by so alone
And I am always so alone
That I would like to tell you “come to me”
Don’t go far, don’t you see
That if you are the one,
What will you do about this love?
A love that is just mine
And then, it became passion
And I give you the passion
Oh! You noticed me!
That I stayed
That I cried
That I suffered
A love that is just mine
That suffered, that grew
And then, it became passion
And I give you the passion
Oh! You noticed me!
That I stayed
That I cried
That I suffered

Nothing before you

Forget about me
Before the world turns into a boundless depth
Before the ground falls from underneath our feet
Forget about me quickly
Before this closeness burns us
That came out of nowhere
Forget about me easily
Before our suns go out
Before the dawn comes for the last time
Forget about me lying
That the hearts won’t break
That this is just a one big myth
There was nothing here before you
And after you there won’t be anything as well
Forget about me when
I will look at the different side of the world
Leave me with no unnecessary words
Forget about me tomorrow
Before by this leaky boat
I will sail into the ocean of memories again
There was nothing here before you
And after you there won’t be anything as well

Where to say them

I gave soul to the objects
and I started talking to them
not that I was waiting for an answer
I just wanted to say, I'm in pain…
to someone who lived you with me
and he knew you were my life.
Where to say them
what I have in my heart
I love you
and all my complaining words
I have no man
only you!
Engrave and I have a dialogue
with your cold cup of coffee
I know this is absurd
but you never felt yourself
to lose the earth under your feet
to madness, to despair of reaching
Where to say them
what I have in my heart
I love you
and all my complaining words
I have no man
only you!

Completely in love

Given up, in love
Here we are like to dogs without owner
Tonight it is imposible to deel sleepy
Sticked in the middle of the road
We look like just married
When all our friends are gone
Completely in love
Crazy about us two
I am burning for the first time
And for the first time you touch me
Completely in love
Like drunk, I don't know what
Among the trees' shadows
We take off our clothes to make much love
To love each other much, to love each other much, to love each other much, to love each other much
Together, we are in love
We died laughing
With the moon sliding down your back
You wear my shirt, I wear your skirt
Happy (Oh-oh)
Completely in love
Crazy about us two
I am burning for the first time
And for the first time you touch me
Completely in love
Like drunk, I don't know what
Among the trees' shadows
We take off our clothes to make much love
To love each other much, to love each other much, to love each other much, to love each other much
Together, we are in love
I know that you like it
Ephrem J
To love each other much, to love each other much, to love each other much, to love each other much
Together, we are in love
Completely in love
Crazy about us two
I am burning for the first time
And for the first time you touch me
Completely in love
Like drunk, I don't know what
Among the trees' shadows
We take off our clothes to make much love ...


Versions: #1
We're a bit megalomaniac, both of us
It's difficult to admit my wrongs
And that's what we have
Like a matador, you're playing with our destinies
When you play dead, and they shatter to pieces
And we get stuck under the sheets
Take off your vest, your bulletproof vest
Lay down your weapons and my messy hair
My love is Hiroshima
Everything goes up in smoke wherever we go
We're just a battleground
Where our kisses are bullets
Everything goes up in smoke wherever you go
We're just a battleground
My love is Hiroshima
Under the watchtower, I see the enemy landing
Who wants to steal my treasures, I'm sending him all my soldiers
I have to throw myself into the water, to survive in radio silence
In your barbed wire, my heart escapes
And we get stuck under the sheets
Take off your vest, your bulletproof vest
Watch, I am reborn like a ginkgo biloba
My love is Hiroshima
Everything goes up in smoke wherever we go
We're just a battleground
Where our kisses are bullets
Everything goes up in smoke wherever you go
We're just a battleground
My love is Hiroshima
Remember all the energy
That used to float around us
Surrounded by your arms
Remind me to always choose...
...Peace instead of strategies...
...That will take me far away from you
Everything goes up in smoke wherever we go
We're just a battleground
Where our kisses are bullets
Everything goes up in smoke wherever you go
We're just a battleground
My love is Hiroshima

Game of Destiny

Love chooses itself
You can't know it
It makes you a throne
You can't beat your luck
Water flows in the way
You can't get ahead
Roads of love are long
What if these fairy tales were true
Even if you are destined
Trick your destiny
Roads of love are long
What if these fairy tales were true
Even if you are destined
Trick your destiny

I will not forget you

Wanders lonely at this hour
Our secret of the very first phrases
And a flock of birds, like a dream, carries autumn into the distance,
She could not fly away with him,
Love could not sing to him
Last words
Sorry, so sorry
I will not forget you
I will not forget you
I will not forget you
I will not forget you
I will not forget you
I will not forget you
I'm tired of being with you in my sleep
I'm tired of melting on my lips
And I would take a free bird to fly away,
But the wings are aching behind my back
It seems like you are with me and not with me
Last words
Sorry, so sorry
I will not forget you
I will not forget you
I will not forget you
I will not forget you
I will not forget you
I will not forget you
I will not forget you
Will never forget you
I will not forget you
I will not forget you
I will not forget you
I will not forget you
I will not forget you
I will not forget you
I will not forget you

The Song of the Sea

sailing towards the dawn,
you have lost your love.
shipwrecked inside your heart.
tonight you are the most beautiful,
the tide carries you away
on the edge of reality.
But if you listen to it,
a voice maybe you will hear.
the night is ignited,
the waves of the sea
they are splashing strongly over the heart.
by yourself come on, dance,
until the storm
slowly, slowly it will move away.
Listen to the song of the sea,
it will guide you.
Hear the song of the sea.
there is fear in your eyes,
you find yourself alone, hoping
in the light that will be born.
any torment is moving away,
this loveless night
who knows where it will take you...
But if you listen to it,
a voice maybe you will hear.
the night is ignited,
the waves of the sea
they are splashing strongly over the heart.
by yourself come on, dance,
until the storm
slowly, slowly it will move away.
Listen to the song of the sea,
it will guide you.
Hear the song of the sea.
by yourself (by yourself),
this is the song of the sea.
again (again),
this is the song of the sea.
the night is ignited,
the waves of the sea
they are splashing strongly over the heart.
by yourself come on, dance,
until the storm
slowly, slowly it will move away.
Listen to the song of the sea,
it will guide you.
Hear the song of the sea.
The song of the sea...
The song of the sea...


Anna, look at the sun rising for us.
As in the first morning of the world,
its light brings us to life.
Anna, love came like a dream.
It was you I was always looking for,
it was you I wanted for me.
Now I feel you by my side,
I'm looking for your hands.
Nothing can separate me from you,
I give you my life.
Oh, my Anna, you are a world of love,
you are the woman I wanted to have
and which I want forever with me.
Oh, my Anna, you are a world of love,
you are the woman I wanted to have
and which I want forever with me.
Oh, my Anna... ohoo oho...
Oh, my Anna...

Heart of a person

Let's go home now, we did all work to do today.
Let's go home , it's getting tired now.
Let's go home, getting hungry
Let's go home, I am very exhausted.
How come every step to home
every step feels heavy
but let's go home
Heart of a person is so difficult, difficult
But tonight just sleep well, sleep well
let's sleep, it's too late
just sleep, today was also long
just sleep, there is no more power to think
just sleep, tomorrow will be long
How come every time I blink inside blanket
every time I blink
sleepiness is shaking off, but let's just sleep
Heart of a person is so difficult, difficult
But tonight, let's just sleep, sleep well
Heart of a person is so difficult, difficult
But tonight, let's just sleep, sleep well

She Will Never Tell You

She will never tell you 'love',
she will never tell you 'stay',
because you know, she
doesn't love you anymore.
And now, as a friend, I beg you,
you have to leave her, to forget her.
She only loves me,
she loves me.
She told me about you
and she told me she doesn't love you anymore.
Even if you were the first love for her,
she loves me, she loves me.
She will never tell you 'love',
she will never tell you 'stay',
because you know, she
doesn't love you anymore.
She told me about you
and she told me she doesn't love you anymore.
Even if you were the first love for her,
she loves me, she loves me.
She will never tell you 'love',
she will never tell you 'stay',
because you know, she
doesn't love you anymore.

The Last Night

Another summer passes
And we watch it go by in silence
You brush against my lips
And promise me 'I'll see you soon'
The sand will disappear
It'll let the wind take it away
That plaza's empty now
I remember when there were a hundred of us there
From lying on the shore to the high sea
I've seen so many days begin
Now the lights are off in that bar
Where we used to go to shout
I don't care about anything
I'm spending the last night with you
Grab something to drink and take me where the stars go
It's the last night, it's just you and me
Tell me that you'll remember me
Tell me that you'll remember me
Tell me that you'll remember
And we're alone on the beach
If we don't need anything
If you're in my arms
I swear tonight will last forever
You brush against my lips again
And we stay together until seven
Even the sunrise will disappear
Among kisses that taste like cigarettes
From lying on the shore to the high sea
I've seen so many days begin
Now the lights are off in that bar
We'll go back there to shout
I don't care about anything
I'm spending the last night with you
Grab something to drink and take me where the stars go
It's the last night, it's just you and me
Tell me that you'll remember me
Tell me that you'll remember me
Tell me that you'll remember

I loved you

Every morning the cats come to my windowsill
I stroke them, always thinking about how I wish to stroke you in the morning. This is happiness and insanity.
To plunge into you, and love you alone.
I could, if only you wanted it.
It burned in flames,
Burned as strong as anything.
Yes, it did,
And I forgot about everything.
How could I have loved so much,
And now it doesn't matter.
And maybe I missed something,
But I loved you.
I loved you.
But I haven't forgotten,
No, I haven't forgotten.
I loved as much as I could.
Loved as much as I could.
But I have not forgotten.
Today I woke up again to the thought of you.
I'm still torn inside, but it's turned out to be so stupid.
Yell or don't yell, still no one will hear except for who is inside me.
We love each other, but with one eye to the past.
Everything is tragic, but somehow I can't let you go.
I'll probably go crazy if I'm not already.
And that's the result, because I can't be with you, and I can't be without you.
I want to go with you, but it's not possible.
Our phase of untainted love is passed.
What's left is only love and attachment.
It burned in flames,
Burned as strong as anything.
Yes, it did,
And I forgot about everything.
How could I have loved so much,
And now it doesn't matter.
And maybe I missed something,
But I loved you.
I loved you.
But I haven't forgotten,
No, I haven't forgotten.
I loved as much as I could.
Loved as much as I could.
But I have not forgotten.
But I haven't forgotten,
No, I haven't forgotten.
As much as I could,
I loved you...
I loved you...

Once Upon a Time

Versions: #1
Seven dwarves and myself set the stage,
and I play the role of Saltimbanco.
Dark times - Snow Whites need not apply.
All our mythology needs a redesign.
This twisted tale finds Alice
In a desolate land, wonders dismissed.
The piglets are becoming sows
And instead of three, there’s thousands.
Once upon a time, as they say,
I had hope for the human race,
Now, I only run in place.
Once upon a time, as they say,
Fine fairy tales paved my way.
Now, just like them, I’ve gone stale.
It’s good that you’re here with me.
I hope our love grows yet more deep.
May we spin this straw into some golden new fantasy.
It’s good that you’re here with me.
I hope our love grows yet more deep.
And once in a while, would you please hide the truth from me.
Cinderella prefers scents made by Escada,
And her feet look neat in immodest Pradas.
Storybook girl, throw away your red hood!
The wolf already resides inside your head.
They were all coming back to me, my dreams.
They’d all become over-large for my heart.
Even if you kick up a fuss, nothing will be redeemed--
The fairy tale has already been ripped apart.
No, never again, never blessed,
Never for those I detest.


Don't pine, dearest one,
Happiness will not fade
as long as mother is here
to see to it that you're happy.
The bruises will heal,
The times will change.
And your happiness will come
in abundance, oh my dearest Life.

To She Who Lies

I know you’ll cheat on me tomorrow…
But since today you give your whole to me,
You are forgiven -
The sin is old
And you are not the first to wrong!…
To honor you,
The prettiest of liars,
In silver censers, poisonous incense I’ve burned
Your bed I’ve sprinkled full of poppies
And clove pinks -
All bloody flowers -
I’ve stained your pillow’s lace with smell of pine,
And in the carpet on the wall like in a vase I stung
Three leafy branches of thyme
And one of crusty Eucalitpus.
But see,
Midnight is here…
The time when lovers, in older eras,
Together devoured the blessed poison…
So come,
Come and untie your hair from your ivory chest,
Stick The Lie in your eyes
And The Truth in your lips’ warmth.
From all the lucky ones who had you
How many dead
And others cursing that they can’t forget you?…
I know you’ll cheat on me tomorrow…
But since today you give your whole to me,
You are forgiven -
The sin is old
And you are not the first to wrong!…
So I don’t ask for words paired up with kisses,
I do not ask of you to say
Things you have told the others,
But, what a soul you haven’t told.
And I don’t ask for endless crazy ardor,
I do not ask
A thing of what the pale poet
Begs, always alone,
I want but you to change a moment
From all the moments that are like,
To pour a hydromel’s glass infinity into my soul,
My hair to braid with fresh laurel wreath
And in my looks
To petrify for good the lie of all pure loves
So, quiet -
As shadows, flung upon a flower pile -
To start the rite at midnight
And finish on the morrow’s dawn!


Yesterday we were flying like rockets
We were flying until dawn
And you were creating your own comet
The comet is me
Or somewhere did the skies write
Beware, beware, beware
Of hurting
We're changing the poles
I couldn't count my tears
And don't you even wish, I promised
So promise me too
Promise, promise me to love me
Promise, promise me to love me
Promise, promise me to forget the others
Don't promise me anything more
Solving sleepy problems
Choosing them for your own sake
You'll wake me up, which means
I didn't solve them in vain
Yesterday we were flying like rockets
We were flying until dawn
Beware, beware, beware
Of hurting
We're changing the poles
I couldn't count my tears
And don't you even wish, I promised
So promise me too
Promise, promise me to love me
Promise, promise me to love me
Promise, promise me to forget the others
Don't promise me anything more
Promise, promise me to love me
Promise, promise me to love me
Promise, promise me to forget the others
Don't promise me anything more

17 August 1945

Versions: #1
17 August 1945
That's our independence day.
Independence throughout the nation and the people,
Birthday of our people of Indonesia,
Once free we're always free,
As long as it's still conceived in the body.
We stay loyal, we stay loyal,
To protect Indonesia.
We stay loyal, we stay loyal,
Defending our country!

March of the Drozdovsky Regiment

From Romania, in a march,
Went Drozdovsky's glorious regiment,
For the salvation of the people,
They are paying a heavy debt.
For the salvation of the people,
They are paying a heavy debt.
General Drozdovsky boldly
Went with his regiment forward
Like a hero, he commanded strongly
For he wanted to save his Motherland.
Like a hero, he commanded keenly
For he wanted fo save his Motherland.
He believed, that Holy Rus'
Dies under the yoke,
And like a wax candle,
It fades with every passing day.
And like a wax candle,
It fades with every passing day.
He believed thay the time will come,
And the people will wake up.
He will throw off the barbarian burden
And he will follow us to fight.
He will throw off the barbarian burden
And he will follow us to fight.
The Drozdovites went with firm step,
The enemy fled under the onslaught,
And with the Russian Tricolor Flag
Glory to the Regiment that raised it.
And with the Russian Tricolor Flag
Glory to the regiment that raised it.
Let us return gray-colored
From the bloody labor.
Over you, Russia,
A New Sun will rise.
Over you, Russia
A New Sun will rise.