Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 88

Találatok száma: 44538



Now silence rules strong, it's learning from my wrongs
I've trusted you and I was in love madly
A secret embrace, what did I mean to you?
The question is, should I go now? There're only ads on TV
The movie is not over yet and I'm sitting on a curb
An unexpected shaking, the waking from a dream
I believe that I have faith
But give me strength so that I can feel it
I need a true embrace
Your two hands are my two hands
I'll break mine if I commit a sin1
Why do words avoid me?
You'll speak but now I'm about to leave
My legs don't shake like that now
When I've whispered in your ear
When will the dawn arrive?
You've said that it's good with me now
My life will calm down
You know2, I'm a screaming silence
You know, I'm dancing with your shadow
The chain on my throat is so hard
Sadly, I can't cut it down
My lonely night smells like alcohol
She's3in the other room and I'm watching her
Is she afraid of me, should she bail4?
That's what she's asking of me while awake
There's a crazy game in your footsteps
I refuse to play it, the intention was nice
I'm letting her leave now
I lie down, here in the garden
I believe that I have faith
But give me strength so that I can feel it
I need a true embrace
Your two hands are my two hands
I'll break mine if I commit a sin
Why do words avoid me?
You'll speak but now I'm about to leave
My legs don't shake like that now
When I've whispered in your ear
When will the dawn arrive?
You've said that it's good with me now
My life will calm down
You know, I'm a screaming silence
You know, I'm dancing with your shadow
The chain on my throat is so hard
Sadly, I can't cut it down
I would hate you but I can't and I don't have a heart anymore
You have it, decide it if you want to give it back to me
I'm a speck of dust in the universe
You smile is infectious, my blood is anxiety!
I need a true embrace
Your two hands are my two hands
I'll break mine if I commit a sin
Why do words avoid me?
You'll speak but now I'm about to leave
My legs don't shake like that now
When I've whispered in your ear
When will the dawn arrive?
You've said that it's good with me now
My life will calm down
You know, I'm a screaming silence
You know, I'm dancing with your shadow
The chain on my throat is so hard
Sadly, I can't cut it down...
Here is the silence...
  • 1. Or 'Mine will get broken if I commit a sin.'
  • 2. Or 'You're aware'.
  • 3. The 3rd person pronoun isn't gender specific in Hungarian.
  • 4. 'To leave in a rush or abruptly with great urgency.'


April has come, conjured new dreams
Melting away the snow
Melting away sorrows, it seems
As if by sun's warm glow
Droplets of spring, your gentle chant,
Always remains in me
One day in April stays in my heart
Only for us to see
Time to say goodbye to winter,
Time to open up a window,
Earth is drinking April's wine of
Sunshine, sunshine, sunshine
Feeing of warmth tickles my skin
Coming of spring is slow
Puddles will grow, snowdrifts will shrink
Drizzles will come and go
Droplets of spring, your gentle chant
Always remains in me
One day in April stays in my heart
One for us to see
Time to say goodbye to winter,
Time to open up a window,
Earth is drinking April's wine of
Sunshine, sunshine, sunshine
Droplets of spring, your gentle chant
Always remains in me
One day in April stays in my heart
Only for us to see

Desert Storm

Angels, demons crouch in the fog,
Shadows glide over the desert,
They're coming, they're coming, the iron-hearted warriors
There has never been such a commotion
Milk-white masks become drenched in blood,
Sirens give the sound of the streets,
Barricades are built from the stones of the roads,
Oh Lord, my God what kind of a world!
Towers of temples lay in the dust,
A woman screams, fire flames
Waiting, just waiting, for a heavenly sign,
The conjunction of comets and stars have arrived
Demonic manna rains down from the sky,
Burgundy death rides behind you
Even the Cormorant is bathed in oil,
Oh Lord, my God what kind of a world!
Tomorrow morning I have to go,
Tomorrow evening don't wait for me,
They're taking me to faraway lands,
Tomorrow night don't wait for me
O Lord, have mercy on me!
God, what a world.
O Lord, have mercy on me!
There are no roads that lead home.

Ram Pam Pam

Mit fogsz tenni?
Ha már rányomtam a törlésre a kapcsolatunkban
Nem fogok többé hibázni
És legkevésbé olyannal, mint te
Aki rosszul bánik velem
Nem leszek szomorú ha nem látlak többé
Magadnak kerested
A szívem többé nem könyörög érted, ateista lett (Lelo-lole)
És van egy új párom aki miatt
Ne keress, semmi nem maradt itt
Aki miatt
Van más valakim, aki elvisz a diszkóba hogy táncoljak
Rengeteg lánc, rengeteg tok
De ez mind téged szolgált
Már meghámoztuk a banánt
Előtted volt egy királynő, de te nem vetted őt észre
Itt erősek az igények
Te is tudod és én is
De eljátszottad a kártyádat ami nem is volt
És a kis játékod nem is számított erre, felsült
Ram-pam-pam, közel vagyunk a határhoz
Anyu nem egy idiótát nevelt
Most vannak pilláim, nézd a szemöldököm
Mondd a haverodnak, aki tanácsokat ad
Hogy ne írjon, van már partnerem
Mindenkit nézegetsz itt
Mind sorban áll miattam
Le akarod tagadni, tudom, már megértettem
Jobb nélküled
És a seggem meg
Ne keress, semmi nem maradt itt
Van más valakim, aki elvisz a diszkóba hogy táncoljak
DJ, hangosítsd fel, oh-oh, hangosítsd fel
Mert imádom ezt a zenét
DJ, hangosítsd fel, oh-oh, hangosítsd fel, mert
Már tudod, kint maradtál, eldobtam a kulcsokat
Most van valaki más, aki jobban illik hozzám
Megérezted a keserűséget, és ő gazdagabb és lágyabb
Már elbúcsúztam tőled, a lány fellázadt
Nem szeretlek, ember, a múltban maradsz
Nincs már időm, nincs többé órám
Most lefele megyek és akkor érkezem meg amikor akarok
Sírj, kislány, sírj, sírj
Mindenkit lehet helyettesíteni
Sírj, kislány, sírj, sírj
Elmaradott vagy
Most nekem meg van egy új párom aki miatt
Ne keress, semmi nem maradt itt
Aki miatt
Van más valakim, aki elvisz a diszkóba hogy táncoljak
DJ, hangosítsd fel, oh-oh, hangosítsd fel
Mert imádom ezt a zenét
DJ, hangosítsd fel, oh-oh, hangosítsd fel, mert
Natti Nat, yeah-yeah (Prr)
Natti Nat, Natti Nat
Becky G, Becky-Be
Be, Be
Natti Nat, Natti Nat
Becky G, baby
Na-Na-Natti Nat (Rude gyal)
Becky-Becky-Becky G
Pina Records, yah
Mmm (¡Wuh!)
Mmm, yeah

There’s no me but me

There’s no me but me
One more night full of tears on my sullen face for the pile
Today I added another day of constant, neverending life the pile too
Every time I looked forward to “tomorrow” when things might just go well for me,
I hid another “today” behind my dresser
I saw myself in the reflection, a person who’s easily shaken time and again
By hearts that changes in a flash
But the moment I closed my eyes, thinking it wasn’t all so bad,
I actually understood what tomorrow would bring
There’s no me but me
Which is obvious
So I’d like to live my life
Clearing out the feelings that aren’t worth it
Isn’t that a normal thing to do?
I heard someone say they were worried that I’d broken through my shell
But I’m no longer in that shell I’m supposed to be confined to
Go ahead and try to be me. See?
You wanted to, didn’t you?
Smoke coiled around me through words left unspoken
It’s too embarrassing for me to say out loud
But if I just whittled it down
To the things only I’m capable of defending,
Then, that might not actually be all that bad
There’s no me but me
Which is obvious
So I’d like to live my life
Clearing out the feelings that aren’t worth it
There’s no me but me
No one can replace me
I threw myself into tomorrow and opened my eyes
Trying not to run away with the today I’d picked out for myself
There’s no me but me
Seems you’re much the same
Sounds like you’re irreplaceable too
We fought with our backs to each other
So I’m not scared anymore
I’ll wait for the dead of night to pass
I think today, I’d like to live my life clearing out the feelings that aren’t worth it
I breathed in


Like opium you enter into my blood
I want you, youre ruining me (ruining me)
like rabbies you infect my brain
poisoning me, you drove me nuts.
You got money and yens,
when it comes to love youre broke as a beggar
and tonight drink like a fish
because you miss me, come on, get smashed.
hammered smashed
torn inside
youre begging me to come back to you
Im even sober, god damn it
youre telling everyone
shes dead for me
shes dead for me
youre dying for me
like a beast gone wild in my dream,
you return
you tear me apart
(tear me apart)
your love will finish mw
its scary, but I want you
You got money and yens,
when it comes to love youre broke as a beggar
and tonight drink like a fish
because you miss me, come on, get smashed
hammered smashed
torn inside
youre begging me to come back to you
Im even sober, god damn it
youre telling everyone
shes dead for me
shes dead for me
youre dying for me
come on get smashed
hammered smashed
torn inside
youre begging me to come back to you
Im even sober, god damn it
youre telling everyone
shes dead for me
shes dead for me
youre dying for me

Megmondtam neked

[1. versszak: Amy]
Itt az idő? Zöld a lámpa
Egoista harci üvöltés
Igazam volt, neked meg nem
Rámutattam és most nyerő helyzetben vagyok
Whiskey, savanyú limonádé
A barikádomon kerítés
Nálam szív1volt, nálad pikk
Lehetett látni, hogy megy ki a szín az arcodból
Így van ez, nem találós kérdés
Kemény a széleken de puha a közepén (közepén)
Nekem sok van, neked kevés
Én harci dobokon játszom te meg a hegedűn
Nagyon lassan húzzad, dőlj rá a vonóra2
Mindenki szomorú, aki kihagy egy szabaddobást3
Elveszítetted az irányítást, most belelendültem
Végig igazam volt, a lelkem mélyén tudtam
[Kórus: Amy & Nick]
Megmondtam neked
Nem akarok hencegni de már úgyis tudod, ó-ó
Megmondtam neked
Nem akarok hencegni de már úgyis tudod, ó-ó
Már tudod
Megmondtam, megmondtam
Megmondtam neked, ó
Megmondtam, megmondtam
Megmondtam neked
[2. versszak: Amy]
Jó érzés, nem igaz?
Nyerni miközben ők elcseszik
Igazam volt, neked meg nem
Úgy gondoltam beleírom ezt egy hiphop dalba
Nagyon nehéz volt elhinni?
Hogy befuthatok úgy, hogy önmagam vagyok?
Túl sok úzót5ittam
Te jó ég! Tudod
Az emberek sok mindent mondanak, elérik, hogy igen kicsinek érezd magad
Told félre őket az útból, jeges latte, nagy adag
Engem nem igazán érdekel, én már ott vagyok
A szememig ér a koffein, esküszöm
Én vagyok felül te meg lepotyogsz
Olyan régóta megy ez már és én sosem hagyom abba
Elveszítetted az irányítást, most belelendültem
Végig igazam volt, a lelkem mélyén tudtam
[Kórus: Amy & Nick]
Megmondtam neked
Nem akarok hencegni de már úgyis tudod, ó-ó
Megmondtam neked
Nem akarok hencegni de már úgyis tudod, ó-ó
Már tudod
Megmondtam, megmondtam
Megmondtam neked, ó
Megmondtam, megmondtam
[3. versszak: Amy]
Nézz most rám, tizenöt kör
Az üveg a kezemben, kicsit a földre öntök
Legközelebb, amikor ostobaságokat beszélsz rólam, alázás lesz
Megkaphatod ha ezt akarod
Mondd a kövér nők6középső ujjának, ahogy kiengedik a hangjuk
A házban minden üveg összetörik, ni-hao7(upsz, a-ha!)
Közben én meg mosolygok (ó? óóh)
Aztán állat módba kapcsolok (óóh!)
Feltornyozok még egy milliót
Kaszálok még egyet, szupernő van a legnagyobb dollár bankón
És igen, sokféle érzelmet kiváltok
Mondd el, mit gondolsz erről igazán
Csak vicceltem, nem is érdekel
Senki sem hallgat egy gyűlölködőre, aki talpig aranyban van
Küzdjed fel magad, ne legyél áruló
Térdek állva könyörgök
Beszélünk később, na-na-na-na
Upsz, ott megy!
Végig igazam volt, a lelkem mélyén tudtam
[Kórus: Amy & Nick]
Megmondtam neked
Nem akarok hencegni de már úgyis tudod, ó-ó
Megmondtam neked
Nem akarok hencegni de már úgyis tudod, ó-ó
Már tudod
Megmondtam, megmondtam
Megmondtam neked, ó
Megmondtam, megmondtam
  • 1. Magyarul ez 'kör' lenne de ha körnek fordítanám eltűnne az az implikáció, hogy neki volt igaza vagyis nála van az igazi szív.
  • 2. A forrás szerint ez egy referencia arra, amikor valaki összedörzsöli két ujját a kezén majd megkérdezi, hogy 'Tudod, mi ez? A világ legkisebb hegedűje, ami csak XYZ-ért szól.' XYZ valaki vagy valami, aki vagy ami iránt a beszélőben nincs együttérzés.
    Itt megtekinthető ez a gesztus:
  • 3. Átvitt értelemben 'egy lehetőséget'.
  • 4. Az eredeti 'fa-fa-fa' szerintem egy játék a hangokkal, a következő sor az angol verzióban F-el keződik, azt próbálgatja.
  • 5. Ánizzsal és egyéb fűszerekkel ízesített égetett szesz, melyet általában aperitifként fogyasztanak. A zene videóklipjében erre még rátevődik egy értelmezés mert az egyik férit a bárban Uzonak hívják.
  • 6. Ez vonatkozhat arra a közmondásra, hogy 'Nincs vége, amíg a kövér hölgy énekel'.
  • 7. Talán a kínai köszöntésre gondol.

I want to forget

Even there is a flower on the sod, why didnt you love me?
I'm running from you every night and nooks and crannies
I'm running from you every night and nooks and crannies
There is longing right here, there is sorrow in our heart
You accustom me to your hands I can't rip off from you
You accustom me to your hands I can't rip off from you
I'm sitting on a bench at the kızılay square
Im awaiting the arrival of you with cigarrette in my hands
Im awaiting the arrival of you with cigarrette in my hands
Time income and expense, 'it goes away, I would forget her' I said
Get out of my mind anymore, I want to forget
Get out of my mind anymore, I want to forget

Why Not

To make the bolt, the partition, the nut drop, to make the lock fall
To hit it a good bit, to make a good hole, then knock down the wall
Then to run, run faster, abandon the scene, reach the exit
To cross the line, stick of dynamite, to finally get out of here
Why not?
Why not?
Why not?
A few more days, a bit more of sky to see the countryside again
To climb a tower, to see prettier ones and have a large view
Yes to finally see the view, to finally look upon it, to get an overview
To finally see the view, to finally see the issue, to see if it’s better
Why not?
Why not?
Why not?
Why not?
Why not?
Why not?
Why not save ourselves from there, save ourselves from prison?
Why not, why us?
Why not save ourselves from there, save ourselves from my prison?
Why not break out?
I have to leave despite the shackles, to go try my luck
To get bigger1, to pass over the wall and see the difference
Why not?
Pada dam dam dam dam
Pada dam dam dam dam
Pada dam dam dam dam
Pada dam dam dam dam
Why not?
Why not?
  • 1. I can’t really figure out what this means


To guard his immense palace
The sultan of Boulabalé
Brought in some men from Senegal
Each one measuring
Six feet1 tall
But the courtesans immediately
Made their choice among the burly lads
But the one they found most handsome
Was Ali Baba
Because, without a doubt2
Ali Baba, Ali Baba
He's the most handsome soldier
From Madagascar to Batouala3
Ali Baba, Ali Baba
The womens' hearts all flutter
When he looks at them, walking like that
The legend says that Ali Baba
Brought luck to those he loved
That's why everyone now has
Ali Baba for a lucky charm
To win4 on a horserace
Even the national lottery
To know how to get out of awkward situations
Everyone should wear
An Ali Baba
  • 1. 1m80, or 180cm
  • 2. literally 'don't doubt'
  • 3. a small village in Gabon halfway along the dirt road from Makokou to Mékambo, in the north-eastern province of Ogooué-Ivindo.
  • 4. a bet

I will give you all I have

I will give you my eyes and all I have,
I will give you, yeah, I will.
I will give you my eyes and all I have,
I will give you, yeah, I will.
I will accept your mistakes no matter what is it
I will give you, yeah, I will.
I will accept your mistakes no matter what is it
I will give you, yeah, I will.
I have no choice only to forgive you
When I remember the age, the days that I spent it with you,
I only have to forgive and patience on you,
When I remember all the age, the days that I spent it with you,
I remember all the sweet years of my life that I spent it with you
How it was beautiful ,
How it was wonderful,
I love you, I will always love you
I smile to you even in moments of anger
I smile to you even in words of admonition
I smile to you even in moments of sadness
I smile to you even in words of blames
As you treats me, I treat you as well
When you get anger, feels mad, get upset
I treat you in wisdom as you treats me
When you get anger, you feel mad, you get upset
I have no choice only to forgive you
I remember the sweetest age that I had with you
I only have to forgive and patience on you,
When I remember the age, the days that I spent it with you
How it was beautiful ,
How it was wonderful,
I will love you, I will always love You
I will love you, give you my soul as well my heart
I love you, yeah, I love you
I will always love you
As much as I have seen, lived pains and joys
You are all my life
I love you and I will be near you always
With you, I feel happiest and joyful
I love you
You are everything in my life
I will always love you
I will always near you
You are everything in my live
I have no choice only to forgive her
I remember the sweetest age that I had with you
I only have to forgive and patience on you,
When I remember the age, the days that I spent it with you
How it was beautiful ,
How it was wonderful,
I will love you, give you my soul as well my heart
I love you, I will always love you.

Forgive me, dear

Forgive me, dear
If I don't keep myself safe
Where I'll die, I don't know,
Where I'll lay down my wild head!
As dawn passed,
The Cossack decided
He embraced his girl,
His sharp sabre
Forgive me, dear
If I don't keep myself safe
Where I'll die, I don't know,
Where I'll lay down my wild head!
Forgive me, dear
If I don't keep myself safe
Where I'll die, I don't know,
Where I'll lay down my wild head!
The dawn lit up the road,
Yes, to the foreign land,
The Cossack protects from harm
The beloved country
Forgive me, dear
If I don't keep myself safe
Where I'll die, I don't know,
Where I'll lay down my wild head!
Forgive me, dear
If I don't keep myself safe
Where I'll die, I don't know,
Where I'll lay down my wild head!
Not for the dashing to sit at home,
How to be daring?
From the Kuban to the Don
There's free will to drink.
Eh, the expanse in the open field,
Wind blows the curls into rings,
In the open field horses are racing,
The heart joyfully sings!
Wind blows the curls into rings,
In the open field horses are racing,
The heart joyfully sings!
Forgive me, dear
If I don't keep myself safe
Where I'll die, I don't know,
Where I'll lay down my wild head!
Forgive me, dear
If I don't keep myself safe
Where I'll die, I don't know,
Where I'll lay down my wild head!
Forgive me, dear
If I don't keep myself safe
Where I'll die, I don't know,
Where I'll lay down my wild head!


Today, I don't want to think of your face
Today, I can't fall asleep, I just keep thinking of you
It's already been thrown away, I don't want to find the key
It's already disappeared, I don't want to rewind
All of our memories
I don't want to remember
Will these empty words bring you back
Even if you're not here
Yeah, I'm searching for you always
How can I sleep
Without you, alone
Even though I'm lying on the same bed every day
How can I sleep
It just keeps repeating
Missing you
How can I sleep
Who are you to do this to me
Burning me from the inside out, do you feel the same
How can I sleep
When you're really not here
Missing you
Looking back on it now
My words were harsh
But you always laughed and
Moved on
Even when I argued over small mistakes
And pricked you with my thorny words
You always said it was your fault
And said you weren't enough, no
How can I sleep
Without you, alone
Even though I'm lying on the same bed every day
How can I sleep
It just keeps repeating
Missing you
How can I sleep
Who are you to do this to me
Burning me from the inside out, do you feel the same
How can I sleep
When you're really not here
Missing you
I don't know what to do anymore
Or even where to start
I know it's only me that's feeling this way
But our memories make me lose my mind
This night means nothing without you
I keep looking for you, pointlessly
How can I sleep
Without you, alone
Even though I'm lying on the same bed every day
How can I sleep
It just keeps repeating
Missing you
How can I sleep
Who are you to do this to me
Burning me from the inside out, do you feel the same
How can I sleep
When you're really not here
Missing you
How can I sleep
How can I sleep

Lonely Flower

What's the point of regretting now
What's the point of realizing now
The ugly wilting flowers
Make my heart ache
You'll forever be my beloved
I live for you and only you
Like a flower without thorns
I wanted to be beautiful
How do you turn away so coldly from those
Lovely blooming flowers in front of you
Even when spring passes and the flowers fall
I'll always be close as the clothes on your body
Love, what is love
Who are you to make my heart
Ache like this, what right do you have
I still can't find it out
How do you turn away so coldly from those
Lovely blooming flowers in front of you
Even when spring passes and the flowers fall
I'll always be close as the clothes on your body

The Shivers of Love

Ah, baby! I'll see you in the morning
Ah, baby! I'll see you in the morning
My love, wait for me here
Baby, don't think too much
My love, wait for me here
Baby, the cold isn't good
Brr, being cold isn't good
Brr, God knows! Eh, being cold ain't good in life
I say, my people with whom I chat, I say, the cold isn't good
To my fathers, let your protection remain for me
To my mothers, I put my hands behind my back1
Singing griots, I ask you to forgive me
When I say cold, it's not about rain
When I say cold, this cold isn't about temperature
When I say cold, it's not about weather
When I say cold, it's about the shivers of love
My confidant, affection isn't good
Passion isn't good, don't you know, cold isn't good
The cold isn't good!
Gassama Diaby, Diaby, I salute you
Gassama Diaby, life is hope
Gassama Diaby, my hope came from you
Masidé Gassama, I thank you
I say, Awa Duguré, I thank you
I say, Asa Suguna's husband, I thank you
I say, Awa Suko, life is hope
I say, Masidé Gassama, life is enjoying social gatherings
Hamady Gassama, you are my hope
A person loves a person that loves them
A person follows a person that loves them
Oumou loves the person who loves me
Don't hold on to a person that doesn't love you
I say, Gassama Diaby, compassion is in your affection
Gassama Diaby, the donkey doesn't know affection
I say, Gassama Diaby, a worry about the cold
Gassama Diaby, life is pleasure
Gassama Diaby, affection isn't good
Love isn't good, eh, don't you know, thinking isn't good
My love, wait for me here
Baby, don't think too much
My love, wait for me here
Baby, the cold isn't good
Brr, being cold isn't good
Ah, baby! I'll see you in the morning
Ah, baby! I'll see you in the morning
I got up
Each to his own destiny
Went to his room
I wasn't able to speak
The room of my love
He wasn't able to speak
I put my leg on his leg
His leg is cold
My hand is on his arm
My body has become cold
On my love's arm
My body has become cold
I put my hand on his chest
His chest has become cold
Against my love's chest
My chest is cold
I put my hand low on his stomach
My body has become cold
On my love's abdomen
My body has become cold
The shivers of love, the cold isn't good
Brr, being cold isn't good
Y'all don't know, pleasures aren't the same
Thinking isn't good
Ah, baby! See you in the morning
Ah, baby! We'll meet in the morning
Ah, baby! See you in the morning
Brr, don't think too much
Ah, baby! I'll see you in the morning
Gassama Diaby, we'll meet in the morning
Ah, baby! See you in the morning
Brr, Diaby, I thank you
Ah, baby! See you in the morning
Ah, baby! We'll meet in the morning
Ah, baby! See you in the morning
Brr, thinking isn't good2
Ah, baby! See you in the morning...
  • 1. a gesture of humility
  • 2. don't think too much about things in life

The Water Through My Fingers

So when I was young
I longed to be more old
Now at my age
I find myself between the two
The summers had this sense they'd
Never end up hollow in the woods
Today the weeks flow over the years
Like water through my fingers
Time is coming and time is going
Time flows like water through my fingers
Fact is, I'll live in the moment, then surround myself with joy
'Cause time flows like water through my fingers
Yeah, soon I'll be the age
My mother was when she had me
Then if I become a father I'll
Understand her point of view
She fled from her desires
And it was all because of me
Oh, time pools and then it's gone
Like water between my fingers
I'd never known that being adult
Would be so much pressure
I work like an animal
On a construction site
But with my two hands
I can support myself
--In this, I'm proud
Oh the time slips by and and then it goes
Like beer flows down my throat
Time is coming and time is going
Time slips like water through my fingers
So I'll live in this moment then surround myself with joy
'Cause time falls like water through my fingers

You, maybe not essentially you

Versions: #1
You, maybe not essentially you
another one, but it would be better if she was you
you dug into me and friendship is there
me, that I'm in need of expressing
the necessity of living that remains in me
And I'm by now convinced since many moons ago
of the irreversible uselessness of time
I wake up at nine and it's decisively you.
we didn't even have the time to see our mother that we were already born
and the minutes chasing each other without coexistence
you wake me up and you are decisively you
Maybe not essentially you
And the night, confidentially blue
looking for the soul
You, maybe not essentially you
another one but it would be better if she was you
And I go to the Baron but I don't play checkers
I drink canned light beer
I don't give a damn and I don't think of you
I would always be in need of a ride
but I know the connections of the night bus 60
I always take it to come over to you
You, maybe not essentially you
And the night, confidentially blue
looking for the soul

Your dirty little guy tricks

Your dirty little guy tricks, I know them all
youre very cynical
in our own bed
youre shamelessly with another girl
smells pretty cheap to me
Do I have to tell you youre wrong
that when youre with me you dont sleep with others
watch my back and tell me
are you out of your mind, are you out of your mind?
The red dress
looks best on me
I put on my thin high heels
get out of my life!
Look at my stories
am I a bad bitch now?
Im the girl you used to know
and period!
Your dirty little guy tricks, I know them all
every time you cheat you talk to me about love
but youre all alone today
didnt you get it?
Do I have to tell you youre wrong
that when youre with me you dont sleep with others
watch my back and tell me
are you out of your mind, are you out of your mind?
The red dress
looks best on me
I put on my thin high heels
get out of my life!
Look at my stories
am I a bad bitch now?
Im the girl you used to know
and period!
(AX Dain)
I will send a flower basket
red like the dress you have
to put it in your story
as long as you forgive me
I drove the whole night for you
I slept in the car in front of your house
forgive that I was bad to you
dont give up on us
(You winked at her, didnt you?)
The red dress
looks best on me
I put on my thin high heels
get out of my life!
Look at my stories
am I a bad bitch now?
Im the girl you used to know
and period!
Period, period!


Where are you looking? You're just deceiving, averting your eyes
Where are you looking? There's no such thing as truth in your line of sight
That habit of yours, trying to see invisible substance
Let's solve that with scissors, shall we
Give me your eyes, I'll touch you
So show me your face more...
The reason you keep trying to see the formless
is because you have eyes, so I'll take care of it
Where should I contain it? A jar of formaldehyde, maybe?
Or until your habit is fixed, the fridge?
That habit of yours, trying to see invisible substance
Let's solve that with scissors, shall we
I wonder if it'll rust?
Give me your eyes, I'll caress your skin
So that it won't hurt
That bad habit of trying to see the invisible
I have it too, so let's solve it
Give me your eyes, mine are right here
so let's mix them together, and see the same view
So that we won't be lonely
The reason you keep trying to see the formless
is because you have eyes, so I'll take care of it
With both my eyes gone

It's No Use Falling in Love

It's no use falling in love, making a fuss of someone anymore
It's no use running after the gazelle anymore1
O my heart, when you see the disheveled hair, be strong
O my heart, when you the eyes singing‌‌ sonnets, be strong
It's no use falling in love, making a fuss of someone anymore
It's no use running after the gazelle anymore1
O, you do not have the beauty you had before anymore
You're getting old but you are not aware of that
O heart, you do not have the beauty you had before anymore
You're getting old but you are not aware of that
O my heart, when you see the disheveled hair, be strong
O my heart, when you the eyes singing‌‌ sonnets, be strong
It's no use falling in love, making a fuss of someone anymore
It's no use running after the gazelle anymore1
O, you do not have the beauty you had before anymore
You're getting old but you are not aware of that
O heart, you do not have the beauty you had before anymore
You're getting old but you are not aware of that
O my heart, when you see the disheveled hair, be strong
O my heart, when you the eyes singing‌‌ sonnets, be strong
It's no use falling in love, making a fuss of someone anymore
It's no use running after the gazelle anymore1
  • The poet has likened his beloved to gazalle in beauty and unattainability.

The Past

Once, you've left without saying goodbye
Make my heart regret love at the end of heaven
Days apart, life no longer sings
Farewell days, the sky is so sad
Lonely my life over time
My love words, why did you forget them quickly?
Only I cuddle it myself, our love below the abyss
That day I left, life was boring,
Separated that day, forgot the way back
Since then I have found the spicy wine glasses
Oh darling the past is far away
Do you know that I still have this love?
Remember the nights we were together
Still clinging to each other in tired bodies
Hey, baby, the past is far away
It rains at night, I'm still alone
And you, where are you now?
Are you happy there?....or not
Even when your love is far from my arms
Your love words promised me like a fading dream
Love is still in me, full of nostalgia
Sweet voice, sweet with every breath
And then it's just me and the good old days
I love you... I love you
Oh darling the past is far away
Do you know that I still have this love?
Remember the nights we were together
Still clinging to each other in tired bodies
Hey, baby, the past is far away
It rains at night, I'm still alone
And you, where are you now?
Are you happy there?....or not
Even when your love is far from my arms
Your love words promised me like a fading dream
Love is still in me, full of nostalgia
Sweet voice, sweet with every breath
And then it's just me and the good old days
I love you... I love you
And I... will forever love... love you...

Someone else

How many nights have I rolled in bed because of you, because of you!
In this bed I won't fall asleep no more,
be damned, be damned!
And know that everything has a price, Ill remind you that I am a woman!
Ill be changing dresses in other people's cars while it still hurts you!
When should I forget you, now or right away? I have someone to help me with this!
Things got rough, the good girl in me, she is gone, she is gone, always torturing herself because of you!
You will see me walking to my home and how the door gets opened by someone else, someone else!
You will see me taking pictures with him, do you like it, that I am better off without you!
In your bed where you slept with a different girl every day, now youre all alone!
When you go to bed does it smell of me, do you dream that I am there?
And know that everything has a price, Ill remind you that I am a woman!
Ill be changing dresses in other people's cars while it still hurts you!
And know that everything has a price, Ill remind you that I am a woman!
Ill be changing dresses in other people's cars while it still hurts you!

Juankoski Here I Come

So often I have walked into journeys
and almost as often came back
again I'm going to the direction
so welcome me oh crazy friends
perhaps Seppo did a prank and and the tam-tam plays
Juankoski here I come
I hope you know Timppa that I support being in a group
and with hemppa I want to go dance with
I hope Jamppa brought us an RV and champagne
Even if not, It will not trouble me
When Seppo did a prank and the tam-tam plays
Juankoski here I come
When I arrive I smell the summer breeze
it delivers me all my crazy dreams
again I'll meet the same old crazy free world
and to rock I'll take Sirpa and Jatta
And Seppo did a prank and the tam-tam plays
Juankoski here I come


To do a sonnet Violante1commands,
that I never saw myself in such mare's nest.2
Fourteen verses they tell it's sonnet,
mockery mocking3 go three ahead.
Thought I that wouldn't find consonant
and I 'm in the half of other quartet

Feelin' lonely with you

Loosen up your tie and rest on the sofa
Relax, it's Saturday night after all
Don't worry about time limits
Tilt your glass and have some real smilin' talk
Outside the window, half of the moonlight
Stares at our tantalizing romance
Every day, I'm livin' just for you
And for moments like these with you
But you don't know that at all...
I feel so lonely, so lonely
You're such an aloof guy (1)
When all I want is to be teased by you
Don't make me lonely, so lonely
I don't wanna make you hate me
But to be honest, I'm in so much pain
What can I do?
What's so bad about it being just me and you?
Don't go back home, treat me right
Til the glittering stars fade away
This party's just my excuse, silly!
You should've seen it wasn't a coincidence
That everyone else had to cancel...
I feel so lonely, so lonely
I love you, so I could never ask you
If we'll ever be more than friends
Don't make me lonely, so lonely
Don't listen to what that other girl has to say
You're just gonna get hurt
How do you feel?
I feel so lonely, so lonely
You're such an aloof guy (1)
When all I want is to be teased by you
Don't make me lonely, so lonely
I don't wanna make you hate me
But to be honest, I'm in so much pain
What can I do?

Moscow night

Verse 1.
Here is night, Moscow night,
The rain is falling quietly on the wet roofs.
You're waiting. I know, you're waiting,
The candles have burnt out, but I know, you won't asleep.
I turn on the driving beam and the wet road
Runs away into the sky.
Moscow night...
I'm rushing down the Garden Ring,1
And the moonlight is seen through the window.
I'm rushing down the Garden Ring,
And Moscow night
Is flying towards me.
Verse 2.
it’s not dawn yet
And your lips are whispering quietly sweet nonsense to me.
Forgive and let me go,
I'll be back for you very soon, just don't be sad.
I turn on the driving beam and the wet road
Runs away into the sky.
Moscow night...
I turn on the driving beam and the wet road
Runs away into the sky.
Moscow night...
  • 1. The motor road around the central part of Moscow


Money-money-money-money-money-money, yeah
Money-money-money-money-money-money, yeah
Money-money-money-money-money-money, yeah
Money-money-money-money-money-money, yeah
Euros, pounds, euros, dollars and francs
Casinos, lombards, stock exchanges or banks
Turn your pockets inside out
Attractions, monkeys
You drove here on your new Lamborghini
Your lips are like with me
On the cover of Cosmopolitan in a bikini
Goddess, tell me
What do you need, to be, to be happy
What do you need, to love, to love beautifully
You don't need a lot - sunrises and sunsets
And our childhood dreams, you
You love money, everyone loves money
Money, who doesn't love money?
Everyone loves money, but not me
You love money, everyone loves money
Money, it's just money
Everyone loves money, and I love you

The mountain doesn't cry

Stop complaining at the stars
Watch my tears
Stop complaining at the stars
Watch my tears
Stop complaining, dear mountain
Stop mourning this much
Stop complaining at the stars
Watch my tears
Stop complaining at the stars
Watch my tears
I feel so
I feel so
I feel so lonely
20.000 people by my side
I feel so lonely
If it's a jungle, not a concrete one
I struggle and I give uh-uh-uh
Based on music and fans
Years have passed, it's all I have
I'm a lesson, the chill guy
I can run, I don't see you, I don't cause you pain
I'm a mirror, you can run
To see how far you can get
Big concerts, always circuits
When I go higher, you see me smaller
I built and fill the house from nothing
When I go higher, you see me smaller
Eh, they were calling us, they were calling us
While you were singing, they were calling us
I'm ashamed they were calling us
It's not my fault they didn't stop
I know it's a big mirage
But it's not that nice on the streets
Much disorganization
The arena screams in dezorganization
Don't hurry, child, to grow up
You don't wanna be on the highway
Do a lot of sport, study a lot
Maybe you'll fall in love with a girl
I took out of my soul pure beings
The blessed moments
I'll teach them how not to fall
With love and always on guard
I was too young to understand
Never will I judge again a cover
I let actions speak quietly
And who hears me out, deserves respect.

Cold as Ice

My appearance
Can deceive
But your innocence
It is the one to blame
I'm more than your lazy mind can imagine
Dangerous and ready to kill
Who I put to sleep never wakes up
And just for the record you are on my list
They say I'm cold as ice
But I live ready for action
The world that made me this way
And that's not a complaint
My look is fatal
I don't show expression
I'll bring your ending
The last beat of your heart
Lethal as a sword
In the hands of a samurai
Fast and sharp
And always looking for more
And it's no use begging for forgiveness
Because in the end, I don't care
I will not go back
I only stop when my target is on the ground
And this is hardly a warning
Cause you won't escape
They say I'm cold as ice
But I live ready for action
The world that made me this way
And that's not a complaint
My look is fatal
I don't show expression
I'll bring your ending
The last beat of your heart
And now you know
But I'm afraid it's too late
And now you know
But I'm afraid it's too late
They say I'm cold as ice
But I live ready for action
The world that made me this way
And that's not a complaint
My look is fatal
I don't show expression
I'll bring your ending
The last beat of your heart

Little Enchantress

I don't know what's got me so overwhelmed
I only looked at her twice, and now it's like I'm in love
I've rebooted my heart, but it keeps on going boom-boom
I only looked at her twice, and now I'm sighing in awe
Pretty little enchantress, you jinxed me with your smile
You've got me flying like a broom through the night
And sweeping all day long
Pretty little enchantress, your touch is a potent drug
Nobody else has tamed this beast with her charms
Let's learn these magic tricks you and me
You better get your wand ready, cause I'm-
I'm a werewolf, and the full moon is here, darling
Let's get that cauldron sizzling
And let's hop in
Let's go slow, for the moment long awaited has come
Let's not lose any more time
I don't know how I got so entangled in your snares
And how you've left me breathless
You're a mystery, but I'll let the fear dissipate
Turn off the lights
Your body is more seductive than ever

I can use toilet myself

From now on I use toilet myself.
Daddy, mommy, don't underestimate me!
Baby Bus taught me how to use toilet.
I can't wait! I gotta answer the call of nature!
When using toilet, don't eat.
When using toilet, save the paper.
When using toilet, don't play toys.
After use, flush the toilet.

FM Air

3, 4...
A little sweet
A little salty
A bit about you
A little bit about me
A little calmer
A little bit of the Larsen effect
A little bit of everyone
As long as we sow
Our laughter our fears
In the air of time
It's painless
Not evil singing
One that we like
One that we forget
One that makes us...
And blowing in the air
Bubbles of FM air loveBubbles of FM air love1
What's on one's heart
The heart is a master singer
It runs and runs
This heart that beats
It makes me say
One day it's yes
One day it's no
Friend's song
Best enemies
I heard it's true
I'm said to be making it up
I'm a man
An angel if I want to
And it hurts
And it doesn't matter
It feels good
And blow in the air
Bubbles of FM air love1
What's on your heart
The heart is a master singer
Commercial music2 or pop music
To the top or not
We'll say anything
Anything we want
That I'm a bobo
That I'm not a big fan
So I might as well...
  • Pun between 'FM air' (=FM air) and 'éphémère' (=ephemeral) that sound exactly the same in french.
  • 2. Called 'Variétés françaises' in french