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A keresés eredménye oldal 99

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One Day I'll Tell You

I'm tired, I'm tired of this compulsion
I'm stuck in this repetition everyday
Take me (from here) if it's possible
I'll tell you why did I become Pendark
It's like prison living in Tehran
Looks like the way to become human is mysticism
There was neither love nor feeling1
Some people just want to point out other's faults
Believe me I won't lie like other people
I won't go every direction by any wind blowing 2
I lost my key
I exploded from inside
I'm looking for an elixir to make a paradise
I'm a dark city. Note when am I telling you
One day people understand my words. One day I'll go too
They ask me 'how can you run on the razor's edge?'
One day I'll tell you
But not now, because I gotta go
One day I'll tell you...
  • 1. I guess the singer means there is no love or feeling in living in Tehran, Because it is a crowded city and most people are busy making money
  • 2. I won't change my opinion by every event


The idle of croatian streets is killing me
In our neighbourhood
nothing's happening
My girl is leaving me
the crazy one from today
she's in a hurry, has no time
I'm left alone under Sljeme
All around me are girls
who think only of themselves
I'm still intoxicated
by the rythm of your steps
just take me there
once again
and don't let me leave
take me there
just once again
there, where I've stayed long ago

My father's house

From the edges of that southern neighborhood
my father's house returns to my dream(s)
With beautiful hours of grace
and the summer on the balcony
my father's house returns to my dream(s)
There it stands among the stands
in a soft cloud of spices
Between sacs on the pavement
from which he brought a loaf of bread
there he stands among the stands
My father's house sits at the table*
between the weekdays and a day of holiday
In prayers at dusk
on the bread on the home
my father's house sits at the table
Yes, there it is, my father's house sits at the table
There it is, my father's house still stands there
And my father still stands there
but without his sons and without his heirs
And I still remember the smell of spices and summer
my father's house still stands there

Bad Intentions

She tells me that she will never fall in love again
And that all the men are the same
No one can cheat o' her, because of her malice, no
Today, she hanged out with some bad intentions
And she doesn't believe in love anymore
She just want having some sex, nothing else
And no relationships
And today she hanged out with some bad intentions
'Cause in love she suffered already
She just want having some sex, nothing else
And she doesn't even mention her ex
And she calls her friends, and they hang out 'round
And she doesn't believe in love, all the illusions are dead already
It's such a sin, she always tempts me up
And I believe her even when she's lyin'
And she drinks champagne and she goes crazy
And she goes to parties with her friends, then she starts to dance
And they kiss each other
And she will never love again in this life
Steal me away!
Undress me, and surrender yourself
And I f*ck you completely
And she puts some tight shorts in
Today, she hanged out with some bad intentions
And she doesn't believe in love anymore
She just want having some sex, nothing else
And no relationships
And today she hanged out with some bad intentions
'Cause in love she suffered already
She just want having some sex, nothing else
And she doesn't even mention her ex
I wanna fuck with you in different ways, just say ''yes''
To prove all the things they say about you
I just want you to swear and touch me this way
You are a baby like the girls from Medelin
And she drinks champagne and she goes crazy
And she goes to parties with her friends, then she starts to dance
And they kiss each other
And she will never love again in this life
Steal me away!
Undress me, and surrender yourself
And I f*ck you completely
And she puts some tight shorts in
Today, she hanged out with some bad intentions
And she doesn't believe in love anymore
She just want having some sex, nothing else
And no relationships
And today she hanged out with some bad intentions
'Cause in love she suffered already
She just want having some sex, nothing else
And she doesn't even mention her ex

The idea that you forget me

I resist the idea that you forget me to be relaxed.
And I force my mind in your absence to be forgotten.
They say that you deserted me, it's ok to accept.
But they told me that you hated me! How come that will be accepted?!
Testimony of truth, without you, life becomes tasteless and colourless (it stops)!
It hurts my feelings as well as makes others ridicule me and heals their grudge.
I look calm, and I say it's a regular two days, and she will meet me again as usual.
Some days are passing, and they ask me: 'Where is she ?! I say she is inside my chest and my soul?'
I comfort my heart, and I say this pain will go away.
My days go away, as well as my pain becomes longer more and more.
I kept wishing I could live by your side, with my wounded.
Because I couldn't bore these wounds while you were away from me.
I said from this separation, I am not tired, but in reality, I am so exhausted by thinking about you.
And I show that I am an indispensable person, for the sake of reputation, no much more.
I didn't appear my weakness and wound, and I pretend I was living my life.
I got weakened because I missed you

For two people like us

Versions: #1
Do you wanna make love, or you just wanna come?
It's a fine line that I can guess
from the way you bite my upper lip,
from your mouth clenching and not letting me go
And who cares if it's sex or it's love
I know your skin, you know my smell
And then who said that an ass is less than a heart
and that you need a song to talk of love?
But don't confuse
loving with falling in love, it's no longer the time
And without losing our sense of direction when outside the wind is blowing
For two people like us who have never lost each other
And if you look back, you would never believe it
'cause you need passion...
Do you want to make a baby, or shall I do it?
If it pleases you, I can do it like a god,
of would you like me to be your father
to hold you on my chest and sing you lullabies?
And who cares about Jung and Freud,
we aren't saints, come on, we make mistakes too
Sometimes it is nice to mess up a little
To sleep turning our backs on, just to be hugged again
But don't confuse
loving with falling in love, it's no longer the time
And without losing our sense of direction when outside the wind is blowing
For two people like us who have never lost each other
And if you look back, you would never believe it
'cause you need passion...
after 20 years, to say yes again
and don't worry, I am still here
to hold your hand
I love you,
Let's go

The Small Good Deeds

You don't need money
in order to do good in the world
your smile is worth millions
and there are people that for them it is perfect
You don't need to write books
in order to awaken inspiration
you have friends
for whom your word or compliment
will deeply touch their souls
more so than a complete library
The small good deeds
they are really quite large
they are the here and now
they fill our lives with color
And in the end i am also grateful more than all
for the good deeds that were the smallest of all apparently
by a friend(male) that props me up and says a kind word
by a girlfriend that embraces and grants me love
And it is possible that they do not know at all
how deep inside they touched me
how pleasant it was for me
and how much they strummed my heart strings1
We are not obliged
to engage in kindness and charity
in order to be kind people
for small gestures that are done with sincerity
you don't need money or resources
only the intentions and willingness
to give
from the heart
  • 1. lit: strings of my emotions

Tehran Tokyo

Are you ready?
Yeah Tehran Tokyo!
Turn it up/let's dance! Sasy is here now
Yoko Yada, let's go bro
Oh (my fans) chase me they chase me, from Tehran to Tokyo
I only love you, baby, who do YOU love?
Do you love me? But of course! I'm crazy for you baby
When you shake it in the middle of the club by yourself,
you're just like Kylie Jenner I swear
(Hun Gun Jun Tai) (Japanese?)
He's saying 'what a body you got, oh'!
And Tehran, their babes are ratchet, so stop fronting bro get lost
You're in Japan, yeah? We're in Velenjak, all wild messed up
Look bro, I'm so high, what about you?
I'm down in every way, so then get in my car let's go
Instead of arguing with me, go prepare the King's celebrations (referring to himself as king)
They chase me they chase me, from Tehran to Tokyo
I only love you, baby, who do YOU love?
Oh (my fans) chase me they chase me, from Tehran to Tokyo
I only love you, baby, who do YOU love?
She keeps melting my heart real quick
The music bumping boom boom boom
If you were Japanese, your name would be Jun Jun Jun ('Ouuuf ' in Farsi). In a way you've killed us baby. May you die as a thug, samurai style, dude, bro
Your body's got a fire, yeah, your two eyes show you're a ghetto girl. ||| Your dance videos win academy awards in the festivals
With that body of yours, you've completely put Valy-Asr in gridlock
You're like Yakuza with that pony-tail hair of yours
They chase me they chase me, from Tehran to Tokyo
I only love you, baby, who do YOU love?
Oh (my fans) chase me they chase me, from Tehran to Tokyo
I only love you, baby, who do YOU love?
Who are you leaving your mom's house for, Summaya, huh?
The days when you're not home, Summaya, baby, we party
Oh no! Don't go Summaya
What a body you have, Summaya
You smoke weed, Summaya?
Hope you don't overdose, Summaya, huh
All ladies in Tehran got that eye-liner
Bro, smoke only a little tonight, alright?
We gotta quit smoking now
Well, starting Saturday hopefully
Ah screw you yo
Your figure's so hot yo
Your body's so perfect yo
(Yo bro!) screw you yo
(Man Brothers Production)
Come on turn it up/let's dance!
Sasy calm down now
Come on turn it up/let's dance
Sayonara, everybody!
Come on turn it up/let's dance
Turn it up/let's dance
Come on turn it up/let's dance
Turn it up/let's dance

We became partisans together

1. We became partisans together
On the shoulder the rifle, on the waist the bullets belt
And we fought in the same brigade
For the freedom and the homeland.
2.As the snow whitened the soil
It got stained by our blood
We broke the siege, and as always
We shouted 'Forward, partisans'.
- Choruses
We fought tooth to tooth with enemies
The war with them finds us on our feet
And path by path, and coast to coast
The partisan comrades brought the freedom.
3.Although the hair has turned white
The hearts remained flame and fire
We’re united by one same ideal
Like when young, in the mountains.
4. Years go by, others come
We raise generations, good children
And all the time we feel close
The shouts 'Forward, partisans'.
- Choruses

Three Girls and Našice

Karašica1 water flew
From Valpovo to Našice2
Oh, girl, shill-dill-dee,3
Have no faith in me!
Three girls are coming from there
Cooing like pidgeons,
Oh, girl, shill-dill-dee,
Have no faith in me!
Here are the three girls,
Come to Našice with me
Oh, girl, shill-dill-dee,
Have no faith in me!
Oh, girl, shill-dill-dee,
Have no faith in me!
Oh, girl, shill-dill-dee,
Have no faith in me!
Oh, girl, shill-dill-dee,
Have no faith in me!
  • 1. small river in northeastern Croatia
  • 2. both Valpovo and Našice are cities in northeastern Croatia
  • 3. this is a sound formula taken out of a traditional song, it has no meaning. It is actually pronounced shill dill dy, but this way it rhymes

The mountain king

There he stod so high the mountain king from the north
With a thirsty mind
A young maiden from the community he tricked to his fort
With his magic
And the maiden she rides with the wind in her hair
So beautiful and fair like an elf
Stars they twinkel on the way she walks
In secret she meets her beloved
She falls in deep sleep with eyes of stone
In his cold embreace
His spells are strong, In thousands of years
she is chained
And In the evening she dresses herself in a golden dress
For she is leaving her king
In the darkest chamber she will become a wife
With her mountain king

Not too much, not too little

[...] please translate
If one is to love, it is not for a year, but for centuries
To go crazy and love with all the strings of the heart
Blessed is the one, who may love one for eternity
Hold me tight, so that I may lose my mind
And for days after, it will not return
Not too much, not too little,
You are a dream, that you exist
May my heart
Be full of you
Didn't you notice how I took flight once we met
I marvel at how my heart can still fit in my chest
A smile from you is worth more than anything in this life
You steal my loving heart, and my soul
You whisk away with but a kiss
Not too much, not too little,
You are a dream, that you exist
May my heart
Be full of you

The Bellhop

Listen... I'd like to be a bellhop in a hotel
Look... imagine how many things there are to see
Think... just how interesting it's got to be
When a beautiful blond says what to do
And get up for her, get the suitcases up
Open for her, open the door for her
Put her in, put the luggage in
And show her all your hospitality
Pass her, pass her to the back
Lower her, lower the curtain
Then the best, then the best
When the tip comes
Listen... I'd like to be a bellhop in a hotel
Look... imagine how many things there are to see
Think... just how interesting it's got to be
When a beautiful blond says what to do
And get up for her, get the suitcases up
Open for her, open the door for her
Put her in, put the luggage in
And show her all your hospitality
Pass her, pass her to the back
Lower her, lower the curtain
Then the best, then the best
When the tip comes

Those alone

[Chorus x2]
All those alone: we should walk together
We are not alone: we should accompany each other
Daughter Abya Yala no one will ever stop us
Son of the streets no one will ever detain us
I am alone: alone at the side of the people
I was born alone: because mama felt like it
I am alone: a Caribbean guerrilla
I will die alone: if they can get my price
I am alone: standing here with everyone
Speaking alone: about what I have to tell
I hope alone: that the people don't ever fall sleep again
I will go alone: when the parum-pum-pum ends
I am alone: whenever they are able to find me
I will eat alone: when some day there are potatoes for all
I will dream alone: to be able to counterattack
I will sleep alone: with my eyes open
I will dance alone: if afterward I take her to the river
I will love alone: even if it's not reciprocated
I will sweat alone: if there's latex after dancing
I will sleep alone: after hearing the sighing
I walked alone: when I couldn't fly
And I flew alone: to find myself
I will find alone: those who are lost to tweeting
I will lose alone: that which I never wanted to find
I will light up alone: to see when it's dark
I will burn alone: so the candle can guide me
Light up alone: if they blow out all the candles
Leaving a trail like a starry parrot
I am alone: I was born alone
I am alone: I will die alone
Speaking alone: going alone
I will leave alone: I am alone
Alone with you alone with you
Alone with you
At times I feel the aloneness
I'd like to escape this world
But it's important


You rule over my souls,
you strum on the fineness within me,
on occasion you'll find them with a look
and/or in one weak whisper.
Whether in a movement that's hidden,
(or) a word that's said without knowledge,
a smile that's random or specific
you are in these, in all these.
I'm the hollow of all your arches
I'm the seas that flow to you
I'm a bird saying a poem
and without you there's nothing with me...
Disappointments that I gather my strength from
and my dreams are difficult, but
when frequencies flourish a lot,
I prayed for you in secret.
There were fires within me and more
I turned to be someone else
I'm slipping away silently
you be my tombstone.
I'm the hollow of all your arches...
I'm bridges to all your words
a falling star during your nights
within me there's a path to all your being
I'm drowning in your image

In the Garden of Yemen

Versions: #1
In the garden of Yemen the moon drifts
A brisk wind blows
And I, in a shabbat dress
Am sitting on my doorstep
My groom will come
Young and pretty-eyed
I will sing to him
And he’ll clap his hands
My heart pounds inside of me
Hush, don’t wake Mum up
Don’t fear Tamar
Mum already knows
Mum already knows
Don’t fear Tamar
Mum already knows
Mum already knows
And in our apartment you will sit Tamar,
Your groom’s speech has saved him
And you will wear only expensive silk
And play on the radio
You will each pistachios
And listen to psalms
And two sweet ones
You will move on your lap
Give me your hand and I'll touch it,
Please don’t wake Dad up
Don’t fear Tamar
Dad already knows
Dad already knows
Don’t fear Tamar
Dad already knows
Dad already knows
In the garden of Yemen the moon drifts
A brisk wind blows
Close your eyes at once
In me are the lighters of a flame
My heart is beating
Hold me and don’t move
Turn my head
And I will not not know why
And my soul is shaking
And my heart fears
Don’t fear Tamar
This will pass tomorrow
This will pass tomorrow
Don’t fear Tamar
This will pass tomorrow
This will pass tomorrow

Hold Me Tight

Hold me with a gentle dream
Hold me tight
While I'm sinking down in a blue and gray night
Hold me The night is long
Hold me tight
While shaking in quietly spreading present
I wish it to pass as it is
You and my minds too
All of every things
Forever forever
Close to me I feel cold a little
Close to me please
A moment flowing through the two fingers
Close to me In the dream
Close to me please
Don’t disappear before I wake up
I hope the time will stops as it is
Date and this room
Every things of all
Forever Forever
I hope the time stops as it is
Date and this room too
Every things of All
Forever forever

Faraway yet close

You know this is the end
I'm going to the end
I have no night, I have no day
But very soon it'll pass
Don't buy me gifts
It's late to change
All the time I'm returning
Falling into inconsequential things
Then I went out until the morning
With some friends
It's easy, you know
You left me no choice
I forgot a bit and ran away
This city is good for me
Already a week without you
Faraway yet close
What, what, what
Tell me what you wanted, what?
You thought that I'm naive
Now I'm going - ah
Already you got of course
One chance too many
Sweetheart, what will become of you
And what will become of me
Playing monopoly
Who sells at a better price
Our dreams
We lost in general

I will try

I lost myself
I lost my success
Then I won and sprouted out like a seed
Constantly I will
Think of tomorrow
I will set up the building blocks for the victory flag
Drive away the fear of failure
Birds fall down, but see, they also rise
If you keep dreading failure
There will be no way until you try
I will not give up no matter what comes
I will diligently finish what I started
If you keep dreading failure
There will be no way until you try
I will not give up no matter what comes
I will diligently finish what I started
I will try
I will try
I will make new mistakes
Even if I do it everyday
I will see success
I will try
I will try—
anything at all.

May '92

May 2nd of the warstruck '92
We've never had a greater tragedy
(The sky went dark in the middle of the day
The heart of Mirko Ceran stopped beating)X2
On the same day,six of our heroes fell
In the village,every Serbian mother cried
(Across our Posavina,VICTORIES are celebrated
While the Ustashe flee across Sava!)X2
The brave fighters went into battle for freedom
The Serbian flag is once again flying over Brod
(A song will be sung from our lips
We killed Ustashe,avenged Ceran!)X2

To this emptiness of the heart

To this emptiness of the heart, when I ask and listed
Who has betrayed whom, the echos say, it's you, it's you, it's you
To this emptiness of the heart, when I ask and listed
Who has betrayed whom, the echos say, it's you, it's you, it's you
You could easily jump the limits of my heart, and could leave
You could easily jump the limits of my heart, and could leave
But my foot has never been able to surpass the line of your memories
But my foot has never been able to surpass the line of your memories
I dont know why your separation regularly kisses my silence
Who has betrayed whom, the echos say, it's you, it's you, it's you
What those emotions were, I'm laughing inside
What those emotions were, I'm laughing inside
To build a house of dew, I set upon one day
To build a house of dew, I set upon one day
That dew house collapsed, you were the wall of love
Who has betrayed whom, the echos say, it's you, it's you, it's you

Look at the Cherry Blossom

I was alone, and I had a dream
A dream I cannot bring myself to tell anyone
I locked myself inside my room,
Pretending that this loneliness isn't here at all
'Once tomorrow comes, I'll do it.'
'Once tomorrow comes, I know I'll stand up again.'
I thought so, but instead of tomorrow
I choose to start moving forward now
Look at the cherry blossoms! It's beautiful
Because we've lived another year to see it again today
Now, see me, I promise I won't surrender
My dreams will fly
Towards my blossoming future
Them and I, seemingly falling into love
My heart was full of nothing but them alone
I trusted those memories too much,
That I couldn't see anything
'The timing is wrong.
Maybe because the school is starting soon.'
I thought so, but
I've made a decision.
Look at the cherry blossoms! It looks dazzling
Because now you're bursting with confidence in yourself
Now, see me, I will shine too
My tomorrow will fly
Towards the future I'm looking forward to
My tears are overflowing
And my chest feels so warm
Yet I can always start over, again and again
Look at the cherry blossoms! It's beautiful
Because we've lived another year to see it again today
Now, see me, I promise I won't surrender
My dreams will fly
Towards my blossoming future
Wow wow
Towards your future

God should fuck it

I don't believe in God, he never stood by me
I don't believe in Jesus, I don't believe in the priests
I don't believe in reason, I don't belive in goodness
I'm a Satanist, always have been, always will be
The religious crowd is flooding the temple
There goes the sheep, God should fuck them!
What the fuck do you want, naive faggots?
You go to church because your peepee doesn't get hard!
Mister priest is preaching, he's talking about creation
What goes in the offering box is tax free, he'll get by somehow
Wedding or burial, 50.000 HUF goes in his pocket
The altar boy is young, his anus is nice and tight
The gullible crowd is marching to the church
Religion became hip, God should fuck it!
What the fuck do you want, miserable faggots?
The priest drones on from the pulpit, and all the dummies listen to it.
During Lent, the priest doesn't fast, he eats piglet cotlet, skin and all
Because the cook cooks well, she also spends time on the fuckstick
When the spitting cobra begins to spew, it's not Gospel what the preacher lays on you
The cunt of the cook is warm and drenched, in secret even the priest worships Satan
The gullible crowd is marching to the church
Religion became business, God should fuck it!
What the fuck do you want, wimpy faggots?
You go to church because your peepee doesn't get hard!
When the sermon is over, the pub next door becomes crowded
After the piousness they rinse out their mouths
Once the priest took off his sermon attire, he joins them too
He just preached water but now he drinks wine too

The Lovers of Absolutely Nothing

They mocked me because I wasn't like them
They told you ''Take off your glasses' and they slapped you,
Because they envied your adolescence
They took away our toys
And destroyed them
Because they were afraid of our dreams
They despised us because we smelled like love
They forced us to wear the crown in the end
The lovers of absolutely nothing
They put me on trial because I could see when they were blind
They dragged you through the mud with a camera in your house
Because they envied your loves
They showed us their weapons
They threatened us,
Because our silence frightened them
They crucified because we spoke about peace
They eventually crowned us their Gods
The lovers of absolutely nothing

Тhe Knife

Will I put an end to myself for you?
No, I'm only looking at the knife
Secretly thinking what you lost
Were you blind? Jesus Christ
From the woman, that didn't teach you
How to love, you got it served.
Did you understand now, that from all women
The most evil are the good ones?
He thought about me, ringing in the nights!
Did you mistake me with your mum, mum?
Day and night you made me crazy,
But now I'm different and I'll drive you nuts
Drunk and broken, come, tell me
That you're sorry for every scar
In the box of lies
Is there nothing new?
When I loved you and was ready to die for you
You told me that I choke and don't matter, matter?
Now go somewhere else, cause I'm going to pass.
I'm deeply sorry, that I knew you.
For me to stand your dumb acts
To have goosebumps for you, you
When you're with me, that's enough
Who'd you think you are?


You play with my hair at the playground
And tell me ''Can I tell you a story?''
Not that story again, not that story again,
Let me play now for a bit, please
Years later, I saw you in my dreams again
And in the morning, I think I had fallen in love with you
And now maybe one of us, just maybe
Should remember that story again
Do you remember the children in New York?
I don't, I don't
I don't remember anything
Remember when I was little?
Unfortunately, I don't
I don't remember anything
One lie led to another and eventually that became the truth
What does the truth matter? Who gives a fuck about the truth?
As long as we're together in the end
Killing boredom with playstation and expensive restaurants
And when we're missing something, we'll tear out
With sorrow each other's heart
Remember when I told you I loved you?
Deep down I couldn't
I don't remember anything
Remember the scars from the punches
I don't, what are you talking about?
I don't remember anything
Our eyes are looking up to the moon but our tears fall to the ground
And we pray that someone will come take us away
Tell us the story from its beginning
I look at the mirror while you're putting on make-up and ask if I'm the prettiest
''Unfortunately, it's not you'' it says, ''but don't cry,
Because he who cries last, cries better 1
Remember when you said ''I'll kill you''?
You were so so close
I don't remember anything
Do you remember the songs were about you?
This one here's for me
I don't remember anything
And I'll make my song unintelligible as can be
And I'll come tell yo
''Listen to it for a while, maybe this too says
That I can't do more bad'''
We'll return to the playground
And everything that went wrong, we'll change
And be reborn and we'll learn together
How to hide from destruction
Do you remember the broken glass?
Almost a funeral
I don't remember anything
Do you remember the kisses in the garage?
I wasn't there
I don't remember anything
We'll return to the playground
And everything that went wrong, we'll change
And be reborn and we'll learn together
How to hide from destruction, together
We'll roam, if you wish, all our neighbourhoods
With different blood in our hearts, the punches won't hurt
And you'll come tell me ''In the mirror
We look different, like other people, not like ourselves''
Do you remember the kids in New York?
I don't, I don't
I don't remember anything
Remember when I was little?
Unfortunately, I don't
I don't remember anything
You play with my hair at the playground
And tell me ''Can I tell you a story?''
Not that story again, not that story again,
Let me play now for a bit, please
  • 1. a variation of he who laughs last, laughs longest/best, a phrase that also exists in Greek


We are the original, you're just the copy,
We were there before you, there was never something like this!
The best horse in the stable, the father of the idea,
We are rock'n'roll prophets, you should worship us.
1,2,3,4 ...
Until the rhythm forces you to your knees!
Jump! Jump!
Because every flight begins with a leap!
Jump! Jump!
You are so striking, your singing sounds crooked,
We invented the wheel, and have only satisfied customers,
You run to the armory, we stand in the crosshairs.
Our metal is awesome,
We have the most beautiful drummer!
-1,2,3, Er?
Until the rhythm forces you to your knees!
Jump! Jump!
Because every flight begins with a leap!
Jump! Jump!
We are the upper league, you're just a plagiarist,
We are the high flyers, you're still with the seeds,
You want to punish us for lies, die in the marsh in the process,
That's why you're well advised, to just leave it be!
Until the rhythm forces you to your knees!
Jump! Jump!
Because every flight begins with a leap!
Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!
Until the rhythm forces you to your knees!
Jump! Jump!
Because every flight begins with a leap!
Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!

Örökké rád gondolok

Ez rendben lesz, így beszélem be magamnak
Már nem okoz olyan nagy fájdalmat
Rendben van
Rendben van
Egész éjjel a bárokat járom
a haverokkal és jól szórakozom
Rendben van
Rendben van
' Még barátok maradhatnánk'
azt mondtad
Erre azt feleltem:' Ó, remek'
Éjjelente, totál ébren
az utcákon egyedül vezet a léptem
Mióta elmentél tölem
nem tudok aludni sem
Semmi sincs rendben
Egyáltalán nem
A puszta gondolat is megőrjít
Hogy hol alszol ma este
A puszta kérdés is megvadít
Ki mellett fekszel le
Örökké rád gondolok
Teljesen mindegy ki az, aki engem épp megérint
Remélem, néha gondolsz rám
Ha valaki éppen elcsábít
Napok óta nem folytak a könnyeim
Egyedül is mennek a dolgaim
Minden rendben
Mi más is lehetne?
Egyedül alszom a díványon
A közös ágyunkban ezt már nem bírom
Minden rendben
Még ez is megy
Egyedül a lakásban olyan, mintha börtön lenne
De mindig is a tied az ágyam másik fele
Semmi sincs rendben
Egyáltalán nem
A puszta gondolat is megőrjít
Hogy hol alszol ma este
A puszta kérdés is megvadít
Ki mellett fekszel le
Örökké rád gondolok
Teljesen mindegy ki az, aki engem épp megérint
Remélem, néha gondolsz rám
Ha valaki éppen elcsábít
Éjjelente, totál ébren
az utcákon egyedül vezet a léptem
Mióta elmentél tölem nem tudok aludni sem
Semmi sincs rendben
Egyáltalán nem
Egyedül a lakásban olyan, mintha börtön lenne
De mindig is a tied az ágyam másik fele
Semmi sincs rendben
Egyáltalán nem
A puszta gondolat is megőrjít
Hogy hol alszol ma este
A puszta kérdés is megvadít
Ki mellett fekszel le
Örökké rád gondolok
Teljesen mindegy ki az, aki engem épp megérint
Remélem, néha gondolsz rám
Remélem, néha gondolsz rám
A puszta gondolat is megőrjít
Hogy hol alszol ma este
A puszta kérdés is megvadít
Ki mellett fekszel le
Örökké rád gondolok
Teljesen mindegy ki az, aki engem épp megérint
Remélem, néha gondolsz rám
Ha valaki éppen elcsábít

Andromeda (RMX)

[Bevezetés: Elodie & Madame]
Ez a lánc, ami bennem van, de
Ha kicsinek nézek ki neked
Nem leszek a te Andromédád, Andromeda
[1. vers: Elodie]
Azt mondod, nagy szuka vagyok, aki nem képes rá
Tehetségtelen nő, ezt nem tudja
Nem fogja tudni, mi az igazi fájdalom számomra
Összezavarod nevetésedet az igaz szerelem miatt
[1. kórus: Elodie]
Egyszer, százszor kérdezd meg, miért
Nagynak, de éretlennek lenni könnyebb, de miért?
Talán nem arra gondolt
Pontként fogom látni az emberek között
Mint egy pont az emberek között (Ah)
Nem tudsz mit mondani, ha harcolunk, akkor vége
[Kórus: Elodie & Madame]
Ez a lánc, ami bennem van, de
Ha kicsinek nézek ki neked
Nem leszek a te Andromédád, Andromeda
Andromeda, Andromeda
Andromeda, Andromeda
[2. vers: Madame]
Mibe szeretett bele
A márványszobromból?
Nézd meg odáig, hogy megköveseded magad
A tenger fenekén találja
Ha akarod, ments meg
Arcom elolvad a könnyeimtől
Nézd, mit tettél, huh
Csak akkor vagyok ember, ha sírok
De félrenézel, ah
Mintha hazug lennék, de
Csak magam vagyok
Anélkül, hogy másnak tűnne
Nagyon szerettél és most
[2. kórus: Elodie]
Nem tudsz mit mondani, ha harcolunk, akkor a vége
[Kórus: Elodie & Madame]
Ez a lánc, ami bennem van, de
Ha kicsinek nézek ki neked
Nem leszek a te Andromédád, Andromeda
Andromeda, Andromeda
Andromeda, Andromeda
Andromeda, Andromeda
Andromeda, Andromeda
[Híd: Elodie]
Nem leszel a férjem, a férjem, nem
Párizsba megyek, mégis Párizsba
Kérlek, esküdj rám, esküszöm, hogy nem fogsz
Meg fogod mondani: 'Mon ami, mon ami', kérlek (Ah)
[Kórus: Elodie & Madame]
Ez a lánc, ami bennem van, de
Ha kicsinek nézek ki neked
Nem leszek a te Andromédád, Andromeda
Andromeda, Andromeda
Andromeda, Andromeda
[Outro: Elodie]
Nem tudsz mit mondani, ha harcolunk, akkor vége

Látni fogod

Hazafelé megyek, tele a fejem, hideg van
Már megint itt az ősz, az évnek majdnem vége
Sok minden történt, még akkor is ha erröl most nincs sok tudomásom
Veled kapcsolatban nem minden egészen világos, hogy mi legyen, igen
Elkápráztatsz, tudom, tedd csak, nem zavar
De ne feledd, tegyél meg mindent, ami szükséges
Port és piszkot nyelek, igen
Csak azt akarom, hogy tudd
Azt akarom, hogy tudd
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt, igen
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt, igen
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt, igen
Hamarosan megveszem neked a világot, ha akarod
Rossz vesztes vagyok, könyörtelen
Mindig túl sok, mindig túl kevés, a telhetetlenség gödrében
Mi vagyunk a gyermekeitek, és túl hamar felnövünk
Igen és az veled kapcsolatban nem túl világos
Imádkoznék, csak tudnám kihez
Mégis elkápráztatsz, tudom, tedd csak, nem zavar
Csupán azt akarom, hogy tudd
Csupán azt akarom, hogy tudd
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt, igen
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt, igen
Megveszem neked a világot, ha azt akarod, igen
(Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt, igen)
(És hamarosan megveszem neked a világot, ha akarod)
( Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt, igen)
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
( És hamarosan megveszem neked a világot, ha akarod)
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt
(Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt, igen)
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
(És hamarosan megveszem neked a világot, ha akarod)
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt, kedvesem
Adj nekem ezt a dalt, ha akarod, igen, igen
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt ( ezt a szerelmes dalt, igen )
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt , igen
Megveszem neked a világot, ha azt akarod, kedvesem

Látni fogod ( Amazon eredeti )

( Intro: Disarstar)
(1. Strófa)
Hazafelé megyek, a fejem tele és hideg van
Már megint itt az ösz, az idö rohan, a naptárlapok hullanak
Sok minden történt, még akkor is ha erröl most nem túl sokat tudok
A nyár forró volt, most jéghideg vagy, igen
Veled kapcsolatban nem minden világos, egyszer eltünsz, máskor itt vagy
Az ember teszi a dolgát, úgy beszélünk, mintha ez sosem lett volna fontos
Aztán tovább lépünk, ne feledd, megteszek mindent, amit csak kell
Port és piszkot nyelek, valamikor bezárul a kör
Csak azt akarom, hogy tudd
Csak azt akarom, hogy te -
( Chorus )
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt
És én megveszem neked a világot
( 2. Strófa )
A bukás lehetösége mindig ott van a háttérben (hej )
Mindig túl sok, mindig túl kevés, mégis mindig reménykedve
A nagy álmok az évekkel hasznossá válnak
Körbe-körbe járunk, és oda érkezünk, ahol már voltunk
Igen, hogy mi lesz velünk, az nem egészen világos
A csomag útra kész, de te nem vagy sehol
Igy hát, akár mit is teszel most, remélem, hogy utánam jössz
A kérdés csupán: 'Hogyan tovább?'
Bántalak, bántasz, úgy teszek, mintha ez nem lenne probléma
Hajnalban érkezünk haza, kivörösödött szemmel, a bortól émelyegve
És újra egymáson fekve alszunk el
Csak azt akarom, hogy tudd
Azt akarom, hogy tudd
( Chorus )
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt
És én megveszem neked a világot, hogy ha azt akarod
( Post- Chorus )
(Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt, igen)
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
(És hamarosan megveszem neked a világot, hogy ha azt akarod)
(Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt, igen)
(Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt, igen)
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
(És hamarosan megveszem neked a világot, hogy ha azt akarod)
Adj nekem egy kis időt, ha akarod
( Chorus )
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt, igen
És én megveszem neked a világot (megveszem neked a világot )
Ha azt akarod (Ha azt akarod )
Hm, és majd megveszem neked a világot ( és majd akkor megveszem neked a világot)
Ha azt akarod (Igen, ha azt akarod )

Elég szép

Szeretem azt, amit csinálsz
Jobban, mint a szavakat, amit mondasz.
És szeretem a szürke város arcát
Jobban, mint ahogy azt kiszínezed.
Szeretem az aszfalt repedéseit
És az összes követ az úton
Nincs szükségem célokra, hogy észrevegyem
Valami megindít.
De minden kellene és kell,
De minden jól megy és mindenki
Tökéletes akar lenni.
Talán sosem vagyunk elég szépek?
Ez itt talán soha nem elég szép?
Talán sosem vagyunk elég szépek?
Mint amilyenek vagyunk, túlságosan gyorsak, túl fáradtak vagy vakok.
Mindkét szemünket behunyjuk
És mégis mindent érzékelni akarunk
És egymásnak ezernyi szép szóval
a szerelemről beszélünk.
Az egész világ tartozzon hozzánk
A mennybolttól a tengerig.
És ha a tükörbe nézünk
Önmagunkat már nem is látjuk.
De minden kellene és kell,
De minden jól megy és mindenki
Tökéletes akar lenni.
Tökéletes akar lenni.
Talán sosem vagyunk elég szépek?
Ez itt talán soha nem elég szép?
Talán sosem vagyunk elég szépek?
Mint amilyenek vagyunk, túlságosan gyorsak, túl fáradtak vagy vakok.
Néha szívesebben lennek mindezekböl kevesebb
De mégis elegendö.
Terv és irány nélkül szeretnék létezni,
De mégis valahogy megfelelni.
Megoldás és tökéletesség nélkül
Vagy anélkül, hogy feltünnék,
Önmagam akarok lenni.
Önmagam akarok lenni.
Talán sosem vagyunk elég szépek?
Ez itt talán soha nem elég szép?
Talán sosem vagyunk elég szépek?
Mint amilyenek vagyunk, túlságosan gyorsak, túl fáradtak vagy vakok.