A keresés eredménye oldal 40
Találatok száma: 1738
Papik's dick fell
Papik's dick fell
Canada will be bigger,
When i'm: 'Ta-ta-ta-ta'
Második Családi Portré
Az életem lassan kezdődött a lusta elmék városában
Az álmodozásaink betöltötték az egyszerű drámáink közötti helyeket
És az anyukám különös volt, de mindig szeretett varrni
És minden ruhámnak olyan szaga volt, mint a szülőszobámnak
Az apám nyugodt volt, sosem használt két szót ott, ahol egy is elég volt
És a bátyám kezei a baj felé hajoltak
Olyan szándék nélkül, hogy megállítsa
És összességében egyszerűen éltünk és napról napra
A félelmeink jelentéktelenek voltak, mindig meghaltak a napnyugtával
Mikor tizenkettő voltam, a szerencsétlenségem napvilágra került
És azt mondták, hogy néhány dolog, amit hallottam
Csak a fejemben voltak
De nem tudtam megmondani, mi volt igazi és mi nem
És a kérdés ott lógott minden felett, akár bíztam benne, akár nem
És azt hiszem, idővel ez az egész túl sok lett
És elküldtek anyám parancsára
Mert benne a félelem nőtt
Most fent északon élek egy házban tele zavarodott elmével
És az apám jön és meglátogat, mikor csak megengedheti
Néha, éjszakánként, mikor a hangok lecsendesednek
Rálelek egy reményre, hogy hiányzok valakinek és nem felejtettek el
Családi Portré
Szóval az apámmal kezdünk, kisfiúként alig beszélt pár angolul
Messziről szeretett bele, ahogy nézte, hogy dolgozik a lány a hátsó kerítésnél
Megtanult néhány szót és pár okos szófordulatot az apjától
A költők könyve, nem viszonozta a lány egyből
De a kitartása lenyűgözte őt
A holdfénynél találkoztak egymással, a közeli erdőben szerelmeskedtek
Aztán a lány szülei gyanakodni kezdtek, mikor a biciklije összetört és ezért
Ellopakodtak búcsú nélkül, egy idegen városban házasodtak össze
Legjobb tudásuk szerint jutottak előre
Munkát találtak és letelepedtek
És aztán múlt az idő
Vérfolyóban születtem a házassági lepedőn
A szoba sötét volt és a bűz olyan erős, az apám
Nem bírta ki a szagát
Mama akkor este halt meg, mert a legközelebbi orvos nem tudta megfékezni a vérzést
Apám felkiáltott a hátsó verandán
A szomszédban a nővérem a kezeiben tartott
Ó jaj, olyan vihar volt akkor, egy különös áradás volt akkor
Apám szeme gyakran volt üres, de a kezei ritkán csendesek
Nővérem megtanulta elviselni az ütéseket, az élettől és testi jellegűt is
De én sosem voltam az, aki meghátrált, nem számított, ki kezdte a harcot
Így megterveztük a saját poklainkat
Apám inni kezdett, egy sötét fickó faszívvel
Nővérem megtanulta, hogyan legyen anya, mielőtt bármi mássá lehetett volna
És én egy kis borzalom lettem, rárontottam bárkire, aki ott volt
Beletelt egy kis időbe, mire lenyugodtam, hogy találjak egy elmét, ami csaknem sértetlen
És ahogy mindig
Az idő tovarohant
Hat évvel később apám ugyanabban a szobában halt meg
Sokan mondták, hogy a gyász tette
Nekem azt kell mondanom, azért, mert felakasztotta magát
Hogy őszinte legyek, sem a nővérem, sem én nem bántuk nagyon, hogy elment
De be kell vallanom, hogy jó dolog volt
Mindig tudni, hogy el tudjuk látni magunkat
Harmadik Családi Portré
A legkeményebb tél volt
A hideg csontig hatolt
És a polcaink üresen álltak
Ahogy mindig is tudtuk
Szóval az anyánk kint áll a verandán egy este
A néma törés a kőkemény maszkján
Felnézett az égre
És azt mondta: 'kérlek'
És a nyári fordulóra összepakoltuk mindenünket
És az anyámmal és bátyáimmal, elindultunk a part felé
És összeszámoltam minden felhőt az úton
És te és én elneveztük őket
Míg a világ körülöttünk megváltozott
És emlékszem, megkérdeztem
Hogy a helyen, ahova költözünk, több étel lesz-e
És az anyám olyan távolságtartó lett, amilyen csak tudott
És azt tátogta: 'kérlek'
Szóval én, annyira fáradt szemek, nem figyeltem oda
Az idő folyója ezekben a napokban ki fog száradni
Egy évvel később mind álltunk és néztük a tengert
És az anyukám mosolygott
Soha többet nem mondta: 'kérlek'
Hello, Sirkka Lautamies
Hello, Sirkka Lautamies
I'm looking at your flowers
In June '25
From a meadow in Pyterlahti
You took bluebells
You took a maiden pink
A clover and a mugwort
From dewy grass
In a grove by the river
You took irises
Hello, Sirkka Lautamies
I'm looking at your flowers
On the pages of an old herbarium
Hello, Sirkka Lautamies
I'm looking at you wander
Did you pass by the quarry
Where they once mined
Granite to St. Petersburg
Pillars to Saint Isaac's Church
Embankments for canals
Floor tiles to palaces
Hello, Sirkka Lautamies
I'm looking at your flowers
You took bluebells
Something grand and lasting
What's left behind us
Granite to St. Petersburg
Hello, Sirkka Lautamies
I'm looking at your flowers
On the pages of an old herbarium
Néma Sikoly
Megragadtam az elvárásaitokban
Megpróbáljátok rám erőltetni, hogy a ti álmotok éljem
De túl sok csalódást okozok
És ti csak a legjobbat akarjátok nekem
Azt akarjátok, hogy több érdeklődést mutassak
Hogy mindig ragyogóan mosolyogjak
De minden nap elbukok, nem tudlak lenyűgözni
Szóval egyszer-egyszer sírok
És a vihar gyűlik bennem
Nem érzitek, hogy a világunk összeütközik
Egyre nehezebb lélegezni
Fáj mélyen belül
Csak hadd legyek az, aki vagyok
Ez az, amit tényleg meg kell értenetek
És erősen reménykedem, hogy a fájdalom elmúlik
És ez kínoz engem
De nem tudok felszabadulni
Szóval sírok és sírok, de csak nem jön ki
A néma sikoly
Mondjátok, miért gyakoroltok rám nyomást
És minden nap, bajt okoztok nekem
Ez az ok, amiért olyan magányosnak érzem magam
Habár a karjaitokban tartotok
Egy doboz csillámba akartok dugni
De én csak próbálok kijönni belőle
És most olyan keservesen érzitek magatok
Mert cserben hagytalak titeket
És a vihar gyűlik bennem
Nem érzitek, hogy a világunk összeütközik
Egyre nehezebb lélegezni
Fáj mélyen belül
Csak hadd legyek az, aki vagyok
Ez az, amit tényleg meg kell értenetek
És erősen reménykedem, hogy a fájdalom elmúlik
És ez kínoz engem
De nem tudok felszabadulni
Szóval sírok és sírok, de csak nem jön ki
A néma sikoly
Nem látjátok
Hogyan kiáltok segítségért
Mert szeretnetek kellene engem
Csak mert önmagam vagyok
Meg fogok fulladni a fájdalom
És érzelmek óceánjában
Ha nem mentetek meg most rögtön
Csak hadd legyek az, aki vagyok
Ez az, amit tényleg meg kell értenetek
És erősen reménykedem, hogy a fájdalom elmúlik
És ez kínoz engem
De nem tudok felszabadulni
Szóval sírok és sírok, de csak nem jön ki
A néma sikoly
A néma sikolyom
Mindenki Sír Néha
Egy szikla vagy, szilárdan állsz
Valakinek az otthona vagy
Sosem buksz el, mindig kemény vagy
Ott vagy, mikor viharos idők jönnek
Ahogy a védfalad lassan széttörik
Látlak mélyen a szívedben
Rendben van, hogy úgy érzed, fáj
És hogy megoszd ezt a világgal
Mindenki sír néha
Mindenki sír néha
Minden rendben, engedd ki
A fájdalmat, amitől kiáltani akarsz
Mindenki sír néha
Mindenki sír néha
Mindenki sír néha
Igen, igen, igen, igen
Megnyugtatsz, mikor veszély közeleg
Sosem mutatsz félelmet
Megállod a helyed, mikor mások nem
Te egy kőből épült erőd vagy
Ahogy a védfalad lassan széttörik
Látlak mélyen a szívedben
Rendben van, hogy úgy érzed, fáj
És hogy megoszd ezt a világgal
Mindenki sír néha
Mindenki sír néha
Minden rendben, engedd ki
A fájdalmat, amitől kiáltani akarsz
Mindenki sír néha
Mindenki sír néha
És ha akarod, van egy barátod (van egy barátod)
Hadd vegyek le egy darab súlyt a vállaidról
Rendben van, hogy úgy érzed, fáj
És hogy megoszd ezt a világgal
Mindenki sír néha
Mindenki sír néha
Minden rendben, engedd ki
A fájdalmat, amitől kiáltani akarsz
Mindenki sír néha
Mindenki sír néha
Mindenki sír néha
Mindenki sír néha
Near the Field, Near the Forest
On the field near the woods a young warrior was lying,
And a grey horse was standing by his feet,
And a cuckoo came and sat at his side,
Oh my dear cuckoo, thou have so pied feathers,
My dear cuckoo, thou have so pied feathers,
Oh thou fly dear cuckoo to my father and my mother,
Thou fly dear cuckoo to my father and my mother,
And do not tell dear cuckoo, I was killed here,
Do not tell dear cuckoo, I was killed here,
Oh tell, dear cuckoo, I was made to marry here,
Tell, dear cuckoo, I was made to marry here,
Oh I was made to marry here by a thin spear in the hand.
~ Kleis
The Room
This room
Has been closed for years
Doesn't know any friends
Doesn't want anybody else
I exist in here
It breathes heavily
Doesn't laugh often
Only when it forgets it quietly sings
And then bursts in tears
It's been empty for years
It has a bed
And a small balcony
And a cheap table
Where I relax in the morning
And read stories
About open beaches
About a faraway world
In this room
Before I sleep I always
Hear laughter, friends
Who celebrate the days
A floor above this one
Ιron soldier
You're pointing at an invincible enemy all day
Tell me, if you know,
For what reason I should also fight
Iron soldier
With slogans on the body
Made of sprey and paint
A victim of the system
And those who holler on the podium
About perfect words
Look what happened to your great ideals
They became dollars
Marble mother
You point to dawn with your finger
Tell me if all this pain was worth it
Tell me if this wound can heal
Frozen woman
What has changed, what has been gained
Which rain will wash away
The innocent blood that has been shed
Frozen woman
Children run barefoot
Behind the loaded trucks
With their arms open
They desperately beg
When will you open your big embrace
Open your big embrace now
For the children..the children..
Oh! What a shame, everything for the money
Blood for the money
For the dollars..
Oh! What a shame, everything for the money
Blood for the money oh, oh..
詩踏み (Utafumi) [Poetry Trampling]
I am alone
A lonely death is all that’s left
I’m back stabbed easily
The view worth risking my life, is it now dwelling in the eyes?
The meaningless hesitation marks
And my soul that’s been empty for more than 10 years ha ha
Those scumbags talking bullshit
They’re like pet dogs, unable to break free from the chains
Almost like a complete stranger
I’m a monster with the same face
Loneliness was the only thing that was loved
We will not give up
From freedom with form suicide
The answer everyone believes may not necessarily be the correct one
The world of noise. What do you desire?
Just ask the future you came to realize
If I could love the bottom of my heart, it would then be somewhat comforting
We could’ve just smiled at each other without having to face this world
Come on
Those successful big shots
They’re always swarming around me
I don’t want to hear voices from anyone
I’ve had enough, should I try to find the purpose to live and carve THE FINAL on my arm?
Envy, love, freedom, they all turn into shit
Go to China
Behind great wall telled: 'EeOneGuy'
I telled: 'Hi'
Crashed to me an omelette
Because I dork
Which sayed: 'Hi'
Girls of charming tears
Girls of charming tears are sexy
Girls of tears are sexy
The pavement embracing the twilight, everybody looks in front
I slightly cried on your shoulder placing my forehead
Don't you feel lonely for the breakup?
There's a space for a 'Dummy, we can meet tomorrow'
Darling, darling, darling, my love
Suggestively I love you
Darling, darling, darling, my love
Suggestively I love you
My tears don't stop only because I see you
Girls of charming tears are sexy
Getting their eyebrows wet they're sexy
I'm uncertain but I don't hesitate a bit
I think it's natural to fall in love and embrace you
Because sometimes lovers bid farewell easily
Worries increase suddenly and I get anxious
Darling, darling, darling, my love
Moderatedly I love you
Darling, darling, darling, my love
Moderatedly I love you
A storm in my heart wraps my body
Girls of charming tears are sexy
The gestures of hanging a head are sexy
Darling, darling, darling, my love
Suggestively I love you
Darling, darling, darling, my love
Suggestively I love you
My tears don't stop only because I see you
Girls of charming tears are sexy
Girls of tears are sexy
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
A few days
I wanted to stop everything for a few moments
Maybe only to travel with you a bit between the sounds
I wanted only to sing with you long time ago, not from yesterday
So if we are together, let us forget everything else
Now you can sing with two voices
We both have the same tune here
We will write together a few feelings
About the sorrow, about the joy,
About the sea of dreams
A few days, a few nights
You have never stopped discovering
A few songs, thousands of people
Yet another small moment that made me cry
A few tears, a few hopes
They have given me a reason to continue to do it
Everything that we have been through is what we knew
We were born to sing, to smile and to live
Remember how we wrote then
Another, second home
You said to me: Stop laughing, be serious
I wanted to tell you about it a long time ago
I am aching for your songs
My little bro
Now you can sing with two voices
We both have the same tune here
We will write together a few feelings
About the sorrow, about the joy,
About the sea of dreams
A few days, a few nights
You have never stopped discovering
A few songs, thousands of people
Yet another small moment that made me cry
A few tears, a few hopes
They have given me a reason to continue to do it
Everything that we have been through is what we knew
We were born to sing, to smile and to live
激しさと、この胸の中で絡み付いた灼熱の闇 (Hageshisa To, Kono Mune No Naka De Karamitsuita Shakunetsu No Yami) [The violence and the darkness of the burning heat entwines in my heart]
The violence and the scorching darkness entangled within my heart
mingle with the unwavering tomorrow
Expose yourself
The hazy sky gathers close unleashes an abundance of rain
in a gushing downpour towards a future Suicide
Buried At Sea
Nurture your nature bow to corruption
Salute the slyness in breeding
A positive mindset and feelings of love
become fading pleasures Suicide
Don't care about how you look
The season of anxiety
The season of spring comes like the phantom killer
The bunny that tells lies find it's way
The bright-red garden and the decaying of ashes
It covers itself in pure white
Reaching out for another, regretting until death...
Repeating again and again...
The violence and the scorching darkness entangled within my heart
mingle with the unwavering tomorrow
The other side of death (x6)
The hazy sky gathers close unleashes an abundance of rain
in a gushing downpour towards a future Suicide
Buried At Sea
Nurture your nature bow to corruption
The worst existence
Dive like hell and destroy
The season of anxiety
The season of spring comes like the phantom killer
The bunny that tells lies find it's way
The bright-red garden and the decaying of ashes
It covers itself in pure white
Reaching out for another, regretting until death...
Repeating again and again...
The violence and the scorching darkness entangled within my heart
mingle with the unwavering tomorrow
The other side of death (x6)
Show me your lewd self (x4)
Shut up
The midnight is sneaking
The solitude pinch in the chest
You should be here
The place and time is wrong for me
If you are not here
Why no, tomorrow lie
Tell everyone that we are friends
Why no, all keep in secret
That make them angry that smile for me
Shut up, talk a little quieter
Shut up, kiss a little more
Burn like a cigar
Love me, love
The most in the world
Shut up, if you like it
Squint, the heart sees better
Then burn me like a cigar
Love me, love
The most in the world
New year
Eyes full of dreams
You should be here
The place and time is wrong for me
If you are not here
Why no, tomorrow lie
Tell everyone that we are friends
Why no, all keep in secret
That make them angry that smile for me
Shut up, talk a little quieter
Shut up, kiss a little more
Burn like a cigar
Love me, love
The most in the world
Shut up, if you like it
Squint, the heart sees better
Then burn me like a cigar
Love me, love
The most in the world
This night is dangerous and I know that I risk everything
But it's so good for us when they don't see us
And let the darkness embrace us, hide us here
Love me, love. The most in the world
Shut up, talk a little quieter
Shut up, kiss a little more
Burn like a cigar
Love me, love
The most in the world
Shut up, if you like it
Squint, the heart sees better
Then burn me like a cigar
Love me, love
The most in the world
I will love you
I believe, I believe in the word of love
I know that you bring me silence to my soul
I believe in better and better, I guess
and in your song and your love...
I will love you
even if that will be a torment for all my life
I will love you
love will follow its destiny...
You let too much longing in his will
Never listen anybody's words
I know I exist and I exist because I love
Love, believe in me and my love!
I will love you
even if that will be a torment for all my life
I will love you
love will follow its destiny...
I will love you
even if that will be a torment for all my life
I will love you
and I will defend the love
It's gonna do her duty
It's gonna do her duty
only love
Anja, you, whose eyes shine anyway
The little firefly when everything goes out
Anja, this song that you love
When you look at me, it comes back
It says that life is not cruel
That all men, we are the same
That if we give them happiness
They will not become better
Anja, forgive them.
Anja, the children, the only lights
Some will darken your path.
Anja, my favorite color
It is the pink in the palm of your hand
Take my arm, it serves the even stronger
Love can repel death
This invisible dictator
I see the tears dripping on your heart
In a river of modesty
Anja, our stories made of lace
Only hold to the sons of our destinies
Anja, keep your damsel gloves
To wipe our sins of sorrow
You say that the grief will be lived through
That the pain is only a shower
That there is sun for tomorrow
You who calls me with a childish smile
Hidden in its case
Anja, we take fantom trains
There are sometimes sad travels
Anja, you upset my atoms
You, the free electron without baggage
Little porcelain doll
When madness breaks loose
In a mosaic of pain
Little queen with a flower crown
Anja, forgive them
Anja, can we love each other like brothers?
Our parents are so different
Anja, you are millions on Earth
The name is not very important
Whether you wear a cross or a star
A tiny red dot or a veil
The reality is the same
And since we harvest what we sow
I offer you this poem
Anja, a bird with white wings
Came to rest near you
Anja, there she sawed the branch
And happiness has fallen well below
Let's hope that our hopes are raised
That in our hearts, the sap flows
And the spray of better days
But if the barbarism is only a mistake
Anja forgive them
Anja, it is raining on your innocence
And drip by drip, we say goodbye
Anja, you keep a part of your childhood
Like if life was only a big game
I would love to have your strength
To have this spring under the bark
Of a tree that I know too old
Walk further, I am stopping here.
Anja, forgive me
Anja, you, whose eyes shine anyway
Little firefly when everything goes out
Anja, this song that you love
When you look at me, it comes back
It says that life is not cruel
That all men, we are the same
That if we give them happiness
They will not become better
Anja, forgive them.
Take Me With You
Va-da-va-da-va-da, ba-va-da-va-da va va
Take me with you
I'll be love's shadow
Take me with you
I'll be the echo of your [every] breath
And also if you'll
Love me
Time will have
Other days
Take me with you
I'll be the light you'll see
Take me with you
In the words you'll say
And also if you'll
Want me
Time will have
And also if you'll
Love me
Time will have
Other days
And also if you'll
Want me
Time will have
Ba-va-da-va-da, ba-va-da-va-da va va
Va-da-va-da-va-da, ba-va-da-va-da va va
Va-da-va-da-va-da, ba-va-da-va-da va va
Hood Story
{Chorus} x2
{Cătălina Toma}
Everyday it's a story,
there's new hope everyday,
The same hood story it's happening again
and you start asking yourself if life's a gain!
Thank God my folks have always been with me,
they helped me during good and bad time,
But out there there's alcoholic mothers, parents that beat their kid,
keep your head up, the world it's wicked.
Look at this kid, no one thinks he's worth a dime,
he's loved by thugs, he grew up in the hood,
He did not had a father to take care of him,
he did not had the same life like other kids of his age.
So many screams, so many beatings, the same thing every day,
he cant wrap his head around it, he doesnt know what to do,
What will happen with him now,
will he forever be a thug in the hood?
{Chorus} x2
A young teen girl will become a mother soon,
she's with child, and this makes her life complicate,
It was no one's fault, it was just a mistake,
her parents dont want to hear about it and they kicked her out.
Thugs want to sleep with her
like she's a whore who makes money in the bed,
She has no money, it becomes more hard for her as time passes by,
nobody is helping her, not even the mighty God,
it seems like she's forgotten by all.
Over all this hardship, one day the kid is born on the dirty streets,
his mother is crying against a wall
and is holding at her chest the unwanted child.
She would like to get rid of him and everything to end,
she tried a few time but she could not do it,
Maybe it will get better, nobody knows the future anyway,
but I'm sure this is just a story for someone like you!
{Chorus} x2
{Cătălina Toma}
For some these are stories said by cocky people,
they dont pay attention to a story from the hood,
Some are well brought up, came from the good part of society,
they cant even stand when people cuss.
They claim it's scandalous, its dangerous to speak about such things,
to hear stories about teen girls and how it goes on the streets,
People talk a lot but they do little,
nobody is wondering why life is a struggle for some people.
Teens of today will become thugs, they holla for money
because they were born among thugs.
Who's at fault for this? Everyone will eventually find an excuse,
but when it comes to punishing, everyone says you're guilty.
I made a lot of mistakes, I dont wanna make em again,
if today I'm no winner, tomorrow I dont wanna be a looser,
Life's a string of same old stories,
there's the same story in every hood.
{Chorus} x2
A Hustler's Guts
You know it well that the thugs from Sălăjan never back down!
Once again, the most loyal girl
came back to prove to the suckers what she can do,
Marijuana, I'm in this Hood game,
La Familia's still so vicious even in '98.
I see whores and boys how they mess up,
they got all over themselfs and can no longer shut up,
Everyone thinks they can make rhymes, that they can sing,
every sucker think there's someone out there listening.
I've been playing this thugging game years before,
this is not a sucker's game for sure,
I dont like to butt in but I know what I'm saying,
I dont sing to make the scandal bigger that it is, I dont complicate things.
But every damn day a fool steps up,
unsettled by a huge hate, he wants to show you how great he is,
Did I wake you up or you still did not get your head straight?
Continue to be suckers cuz you're doing great!
{Chorus} x4
Shout 'La Familia' if you are with me,
our enemies die of envy when we're doing good!
I'm not here to speak nonesense, like some boys think I do,
I'm not here to act as an agent, I have a hustler's guts!
Here is Bucharest, is neither the east nor the west,
I dont care about other people's beef, it's not my beef,
there are too many agents, I dont even know who to work with,
everyone thinks that if they listen to music they can also rap.
You talk only about us, you have no message,
but in front of the mic you're all brave,
You just came into this business but you think you're some big shots,
suckers better stay away, I have a hustler's guts!
I remember how it was in the begining,
everyone used to look down on me, now I'm way far ahead of them,
I have thugs left and right ready to act for me,
I sing for thugs and I always try to do it right.
But some suckers are obsessed,
all of a sudden they became big shots,
At least act like men not like children,
everything is over, your time has passed,
your empire is crumbling and your boss is crying like a bitch.
{Chorus} x4
I cant stand to pe stepped on by some suckers,
you better keep your head up otherwise it hurts even more,
Fags like to act tough,
to talk big, that's a sign they suckers for sure.
But now it's over, I can no longer stand this shit,
you pouty just like whores when I grope their ass,
You're just some fake diamonds that break on touch,
gelosy and envy is all you have.
Music brought me pleasure but also enemies,
life is more complicated than poker on a high stake,
I hope I will last until the end, I dont give up,
it's better to be dead than on my knees.
Bitches wanna trick me,
some thugs dont wanna mind their business,
Many men find me flaws, different opinions appear everyday
when a sucker thinks he's some big shot.
I represent Sălăjan everywhere I go
and I intent to make myself worthy in front of all,
I'm a thug, I have a hustler's guts!
{Chorus} x4
{Intro} x6
Some people act tough but they some weak ass bitches,
they pretend in front of other suckers. You clowns!
Just words are for naught,
no lie will make you bigger that you are,
You spread the word in the Hood that you're a millionare,
when in fact you dont even have a few dimes in your pockets!
Others spit out boss names, gipsy clans,
but their words are not worth a penny.
Every clown shakes in fear when he's about to be beat down,
every well dressed gipsy think he's Fane Spoitoru', [1]
Words have no meaning only facts count,
big shots are made and not created,
Fags stress me out when they go crazy,
let me see what you can do, words dont impress me!
Who I sing for? I will answer you,
you can find me here in Sălăjan, I'm not hiding!
{Chorus} x2
Dont speak if you know nothing,
dont believe every word said by others!
Dont act like something that you'll never be,
those are shitty words, I hear them every day!
So that suckers can identify the OG's
I will explain to you how it is every day and every year:
There are those that earn their keep...
(and there are whores who like to suck dick!)
...from my Hood to Sălăjan, where Puya lives.
You can make a lot of money if you use the right words,
but you can also end at the morgue for a bad choice of words,
(Every day...)
...and every night
one cop after another come to our hanging spots,
they so stupid that (At ease soldier!)
they await just a word to drag you to jail.
All I'm left with are my people and they with me, like when we started,
snitches got weeded out since long ago,
So fuck the police, fuck bitches,
fuck those gossip spreading whores!
I have respect for those that lived the same life like me,
others can go: poc, poc, poc, poc
That's for you!
Tell 'em!
{Chorus} x2
Sometimes wrong words can weigh a lot more,
they bring you more violence than a bad deed,
They can turn a lady into bitch,
can turn a thug into some gossip subject.
There is word that some teen girl is sucking dick,
brother, everyone does what he knows with his mouth!
Many clowns speak shit just to feel important,
I think the truth scares the shit outta em,
If you dont believe me, it means that you never saw
huge beefs between thugs over just a few words,
For just a few curses said after a few glasses,
thugs lie in bed in the emergency room.
Many men wouldnt be locked up now
if they wouldnt have paid attention to stupid words,
Suckers speak as much as they can, but they dont know
that some simple words can bring them death!
{Chorus} x3
Do what you have to do
{Intro} x 4
Do what you have to do...
I like to do everything that crosses my mind,
No regrets, no hard feelings about it,
Good or bad, I do it my way,
But it's the worst when people label you a good for nothing.
Sometimes that stresses me out,
I do what I feel I have to do, that's what it matters,
I will be exactly how I have to be,
How it will end that I do not know.
I've made mistakes, I don't want to do 'em again,
All I've gained was made by being myself, I hate to loose,
I'm not a role model nor do I wanna be,
What I was is still what I'm today, and that's how I will be many year later.
If you wanna say something, say it,
If you wanna make money, make 'em,
If you dont wanna do nothing, do nothing,
Nobody is guiding you and giving you advice,
You have to know that you will always have to...
{Chorus} x2
Do what you have to do!
Only you know...
Do what you have to do!
It will be like it will be...
I have this music in my blood and it's contagious,
Do you remember what's the deal with my music?
If you do then you know I want respect,
But I'm not just wating for you to give it to me for nothing,
Things dont happen out of thin air,
You have to make 'em happen every damn time.
You wont see me act pretentious
Like those suckers that sing like little girls,
Some people wanna teach me how to act,
Some should leave me alone, I cant stand them.
If you wana chase after money
Or waste years in the streets with your fellow thungs,
If you wanna keep you head up no matter how much money is involved
Or give up easily like a good whore,
Do it like that, have no regrets,
Do what you feel you have to do with your life.
{Chorus} x2
I dont speak nonesense, it's all about green papers,
You know, if you wanna be someone you have to know to make 'em.
Everybody has his own way to earn money,
I earn 'em by making music,
If you wanna do it with us, come in our Brigade,
Dont stay away, come with us outside.
All I wanna say is that this Brigade is for
All those who kept their hearts clean
And did all they felt to do,
Those who never let other people order 'em around.
Personaly, I have my pride as a fighter,
And I will stay like that 'till the day I'll die,
I do only what I feel it's good for me,
I've earned my respect on the streets and I'm still alive,
I dont do what others tell me I should do,
I do only what I feel like and that's how I'm staying true.
{Chorus} x2
Your best friend
Yes it's called self-injury,
You know this thing you're ashamed of when you say its name,
There are no laws, there are no rules in its game anyway,
Just hate yourself, you know the song.
It starts from nothing,you go out of school , the heart very damaged,
And in your head it's the war, the problems make it worse,
But you don't think, you have no choice because nobody is there,
And then you break up, you burst into tears and you look at your arms.
Alone in the room, sitting in the dark, you don't stop crying,
You think about everything you've undergo since you arrived,
You just want to chuck and swing everything,
But trapped in this hell is you that you will break.
So you take that fucking blade and you make the first line,
It hurts you but you don't care, because you feel relieved
Why pray for all these people and to kneel,
Because your heart suffers, but it is your body that takes all the shots.
Yout think nobody understands you,
What you really live,
So you take the one that replaces your shouts, yes it's your best friend.
You think nobody hears you,
Screaming at every moment,
So you take the one that fills your desires,
Yes it's your best friend.
This masquerade will continue every day,
You prepare yourself psychologically before going to class,
The skin burns, the eyes sting, the night have been so hard,
You hide in your closet, your instrument of torture.
You make up, erase your dark circles, to look good,
You put the dose of product to cover your sorrow,
And in front of the mirror you train to make your most beautiful smile,
So that no one will guess that you just want to die.
You come out of your closet the only long-sleeved sweater you've got,
You say bullshit to your friends when they ask 'Why?'
Most of the time you answer that you're way too cold,
And the wounds on your wrists come from your cat.
But shit, why are you inflicting so much violence,
But uck, give yourself another chance,
Looks like your body has suffered the Second World War,
Stop cutting yourself, I beg you, throw this blade.
Yout think nobody understands you,
What you really live,
So you take the one that replaces your shouts, yes it's your best friend.
You think nobody hears you,
Screaming at every moment,
So you take the one that fills your desires,
Yes it's your best friend.
Dry your tears, listen to me, you see you're not alone
There are everyone around you and
Anyone who wants to help you and will always be there to help you
So leave this blade it is not this who will save you
Yout think nobody understands you,
What you really live
You take the one that destroys your life
And you name it a best friend
You say nobody hears you
Truly deceive yourself
You have a lot of real friends
But it's not your best friend
Yout think nobody understands you,
What you really live
You take the one that destroys your life
And you name it a best friend
You say nobody hears you
Truly deceive yourself
You have a lot of real friends
But it's not your best friend
Akarsz-e a szeretőm lenni?
Azt mondani 'szeretlek'
Azt mondani 'szerelem'
Nem jelentenek semmit.
Az őszinte szavak
Amik értékesek
Azok a lélekből jönnek mind
Az én lelkemben csak
Tiszta szavak keletkeznek
Kérdés nélküli válaszok
Ami reménnyel teli
Egy olyan szerelmet mint az enyém
Nem lehet elsüllyeszteni
Mint egy követ a folyóban.
Egy olyan szerelmet mint az enyém
Nem lehet abbahagyni
Sem eltávolodni attól és téged elfeledni.
És nem lehet elégetni
Mert tűzből van
Sem veszteni és győzni
Hisz ez a szerelem nem egy játék.
Álmok amik szerelemről szólnak
Olyan álmok amik fájdalomról szólnak
Tudnom kell
hogy akarsz-e a szeretőm lenni?
Olyan jó nevetni
Szeretni és élni
És ha van értelme
szenvedni, sírni vagy meghalni
Tudnom kell
hogy akarsz-e a szeretőm lenni?
Élni vagy meghalni
Élni vagy meghalni
De veled...
Élni vagy meghalni
Élni vagy meghalni
Akarsz-e a szeretőm lenni?
Bloody Friday Nightmare
It's somewhat of an eyesore
Just look at those humans, having no sense of danger at all
Have fun! Nai and Mea
To our hearts' content
It's cleaning time
Wanna join us?
We'll have some bloody dessert
We'll give you some too
It's a Friday nightmare
For each and every one
It's a bit boring doing this all the time
Because we do it so perfectly
We are Nai and Mea
Let us play all we want
But actually, it's a sudden change
We'll have some bloody dessert
If you want some right now
We'll paint your Friday night
All red
We'll have some bloody dessert
We'll give you some too
It's a Friday nightmare
For each and every one
Nuclear Reactor -meltdown-
The city lights are spectacular,
But I feel ether's lingering chill
I can't sleep, it's 2 AM,
And everything seems to move so quickly
I’m like a lighter out of fluid
My insides are on fire
Sometimes I wish
It was all a lie
In my dream I strangled you
In the languid afternoon light
I watched your throat, thin and twitching
Through eyes brimming with tears
I want to
Jump into the core
Beauty wrapped in pure blue light
If I could
Jump into the core
I feel as if all would be forgiven
On the other side of the veranda,
The sound of footsteps climbing the stairs
The sky that started to cloud over
Falls through my windowpane, into my room
The twilight scatters
The sun is red as if from crying
As if melting, bit by bit,
Bit by bit, the world is dying
In my dream I strangled you
As the curtains fluttered in the spring breeze
The words spilling from your dried-out, worn-out lips
Were like foam
I want to
Jump into the core
My memories would melt into brilliant whiteness and disappear
If I could
Jump into the core
I feel like I’d be able to sleep again like I used to
The second hand on a clock,
A TV host
Someone there I just can't see
Their laughter echoes as it swells
Allegro agitate
The ringing in my ears won’t fade, won’t stop
Allegro agitate
The ringing in my ears won’t fade, won’t stop
I dreamed the whole world vanished
In the night, my room feels vast
And the silence chokes my heart
Making it hard to breathe
If I
Jumped into the core
I'd vanish, like I had gone to sleep
A morning without me
Would be perfect
All the gears meshing together
That's how the world would be
Hi, hi, hi
I'm lying, but you packet
Hi, hi, hi
You are thirteenth packet
Everything is Expected
Everything is expected from you, everything
One day you will hurt my heart,
No no don't be stubborn
Time will change you, you're also a human
You're just like any other,
No no don't be stubborn
Many, many times they told me: they're just words full of love, promises, and dreams
But what a loss, life is treacherous
But what a loss, life is treacherous
And some forget the most beautiful days
Don't you ever think that after you I'll be lost
And you're the one filling my days with spring
Don't you ever think that after you I'll be lost
And you're the one filling my days with spring
I want safety, I need affection
I don't want hearts who forget and sell
Time will change you, you're also a human
You're just like any other,
No no don't be stubborn
Vovochka Brought a Dynamite at School
Vovochka brought a dynamite at school,
Uncoiled and lit its cord. It's burning...
BANG! The wall instantly fell apart...
Vovochka absolutely doesn't need a school...
David dala (Ki fog velem jönni?)
Ki fog velem jönni?
Ne félj, tudom az utat
Ki fog velem énekelni?
Ne félj, mutatom az utat
Ki fog velem táncolni
Keresztül a világon?
Ne félj, mutatom az utat
Mi fogunk veled menni
Hogy megkeressük az utat, hogy megtaláljuk a csillagodat
Ki fog velünk jönni?
Ne félj, megtaláltuk az utat
Ki fog velem repülni
Hogy elérjük a csillagot?
Ne félt, tudom az utat
'Üdvözöllek titeket, fiatalemberek!
A legkedvesebb reményünk most bennetek nyugszik
Emlékezzetek, nincs semmi, amit ne tudnátok megtenni
Szóval higgyetek! És legyetek bátrak!'
Ki lesz a barátom
És ki fog sétálni és énekelni ezt a dalt velem?
Ki fog szeretni engem?
Meg fogjuk változtatni a világot és felszabadítjuk
Mi fogunk veled sétálni!
Mi leszünk a barátaid!
Mi fogjuk a dalodat énekelni!
Ismerjük az utat!
A család küzdelem,
a család szeretet.
A család fájdalom,
a része kell hogy legyél.
A család az otthon,
a család egy szellem.
A család imádság,
ami elveszett.
A család egy templom,
a család egy harang.
A család egy történet,
melyet nehéz elmesélni.
A család távol van,
a család egy szív.
A szív széthullik -
apró darabokra.
De a család örökké
egy lesz.
Mert a család küzdelem
és a család szeretet.
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.
EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.