Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 3

Találatok száma: 173


From there

The sun is still turning in the same direction
stings a little less just another way.
In an instant it all became clear and distinct
as soon as I reconciled the variables.
Not far away was a shelter that I saw
when I felt I had reached the bottom.
Not far away was a shelter that I saw
when I felt I had reached the bottom.
And from there I promised 'that
I continue to suffer it and survive.
And no matter what I promised
I continue to suffer it and survive.
I'm trying to wake up.
I want to see it recover.
Constantly grasping
there is always something missing.
The more I know the less I understand
no one told me it would hurt to exist.
Offer it to the supplier, scream and I bridge the gap
just to try to find warmth.
Not far away was a shelter that I saw
something I thought I would not achieve.
Not far away was a shelter that I saw
something I knew I would achieve.
And from there I promised 'that
I continue to suffer it and survive.
And no matter what I promised
I continue to suffer it and survive.
I promise to wake up.
I know it's getting better.
I'm done
there will always be something missing.
I promise to wake up.
I know it's getting better.
I'm done
there will always be something missing.

Így él ő jól

Versions: #1
Szerdán hajnalban négykor ébred szokás szerint,
hálószobáját most elhagyja,
tollat ragad és néhány sort leír,
lemegy majd a lépcsőn a konyhába,
ahol senki sincs,
hátul az ajtó már kitárva,
kilép és vissza sem néz
Így (Mindig érte dolgoztunk)
már élhet (Magunkat feláldoztuk)
jól (Mindent megtettünk, hogy boldoguljunk)
Így él majd jól és a barátjával lehet esténként (Hát mért?)
Anyja feldúltan hozza a konyhából a kis papírt,
horkoló férjét felébreszti,
magából kikelve kiáltozik

Ahogy láttam őt ott állni

Versions: #1
(Egy, két hár' és)
Nos kimondtam, legyen így!
Nincs kéz, mely megállít!
Rögtön végigmért tizenhét évesen.
Hát hogy’ mulatnék mással este,
mikor ott állt szemben ő!
Nos, rám nézett ő, ő, az elbűvölő,
meg se szólaltunk - szerelmes lettem én.
Hát hogy’ mulatnék mással este,
mikor ott állt szemben ő!
Szívem felrobbant,
térdem megroggyant,
egyre csak fogtam kezét.
„Hódíts meg, ölelj át!”
Hallom szája dallamát,
meg se szólaltam - szerelmes lettem én.
Hát hogy’ mulatnék mással este,
mikor ott állt szemben ő!
Szívem felrobbant,
térdem megroggyant,
egyre csak fogtam kezét
„Hódíts meg, ölelj át!”
Hallom szája dallamát,
meg se szólaltam - szerelmes voltam én.
Hát hogy’ mulatnék bárki mással,
mikor ott állt szemben ő!
Mikor ott állt szemben ő!
Mióta ott állt szemben ő!

Az életemben

Versions: #1
Jól emlékszem néhány helyre,
amely életemben fontos volt.
Többen megváltoztak, tudom,
van barát, aki már nem válaszol.
Minden helyhez fűz egy emlék,
egy barát, vagy lány a szívemben.
Van ki távol él és van, ki közel -
A barátaim mind szerettem.
De az összes emlék közül
Te maradtál az egyetlen,
aki úgy él most is bennem,
ahogy régen megismerhettem.
Habár minden helyhez fűz egy emlék,
mely hatással van rám most is még,
mindez elsüllyed, ha arcod látom ismét,
az életemben csak Te vagy szép.
Habár minden helyhez fűz egy emlék,
mely hatással van rám most is még,
mindez elsüllyed, ha arcod látom ismét,
az életemben csak Te vagy szép.

Felújítom a házat

Versions: #1
A kis-létráról veszem észre megint,
hogy víz folyt be az ablakon
és ez nem jó.
Az ajtón is látszik négy-öt repedés,
bár közben másra gondolok,
talán így jó…
És ha újra megkérdezik,
hogy most mit teszek,
pár szerszámot veszek,
s a létráról
elérem a lyukakat,
az ajtón az öt repedést,
míg mennydörgést hallok a távolból…
A kisszobát tarkára festem megint
és közben egy dalt dúdolok,
ez így lesz jó.
És ha rákérdeznek,
hogy ez miért csináltam?
A válasz az lesz: hogy fogyjak pár kilót.
Az, ki folyton kritizál,
a konyhaajtómba sem áll,
mert kitiltom a házamból.
Az időmet töltöm sok új dologgal,
mi nem volt fontos régen még,
és ez így jó.
A kislétráról veszem észre megint,
hogy víz folyt be az ablakon és ez nem jó,
és ez nem jó.

Your Ingebjørg

So many thousand drops drip down
and hair and makeup fall apart
And the steps I'm walking all alone
carry me only halfway home
Because you loved me so quietly,
I heard only what I wanted eagerly
The city is so empty now, without you
And I am Lost on lost avenues
All I have is a bill to remember you,
that I must pay,
for every day
I was your Ingebjørg
The last guest has said so long
And I, I think I'm by myself.
Then with the night you come along
so close that I can almost touch
And you love me so quietly
Could you stay a bit, dear sweetie?
For Oslo is so empty now, without you
And I am Lost on lost avenues
All I have is a bill to remember you,
that I must pay,
for every day
I was your Ingebjørg
The gold,
We were to
find, you and I,
before the clouds came by
You had the bow
I had the arrow
And we shot ourselves free
Oh, I'm so empty now without you
And I get lost on lost avenues
All I have is a bill to remember you,
that I must pay,
for every day
I was your Ingebjørg

My sweet friend, the rose

Versions: #3
Life is short then it goes
And my sweet friend , the rose,
this morning, told me so.
At daybreak, I was born,
With dew baptized, highborn,
I spread out my petals,
Happy and full of love,
under the morning beams.
at night, I had to close,
Woke up, already old.
Yet, I was a splendor,
Yes, was the most splendid
flower in your garden.
Life is short then it goes
And my sweet friend , the rose,
this morning, told me so.
See the god that made me
has made me bow my head
and I feel I'm falling
and I feel I'm falling,
my heart is almost bare,
My foot is in the grave,
I am already dead.
Yesterday, you marvelled
at me yet dust I'll be
tomorrow for ever.
We are trifling beings
and my sweet friend, the rose,
passed away this morning.
Last night, the moon attend-
ed the death of my friend,
While I saw in my dreams,
Bare and resplendishing,
Her soul that was dancing,
Beyond the sea of clouds
and was smiling to me.
He who can must believe.
I, it's hope that I need,
Or else, I am nothing .
and I feel I'm falling,
my heart is almost bare,
My foot is in the grave,
I am already dead...
Yesterday, you marvelled
at me yet dust I'll be
tomorrow for ever...

Emlékezni fogok rád

A szavak magunkra hagytak minket
És közénk telepedett valami
Hogy a tűzet jéggé változtassa
Gondolatok, amik üldöznek az éjjel
A vihar csendesen
Az élet a szemedből
És én egyedül maradok, nem számít
Hogy ki próbálná átvenni a helyed
És emlékezni fogok rád
Az álmok, amiket álmodhattunk volna
A könnyek, amiket látnom kellett volna
Mindig az mondtuk, hogy 'örökké’
De én emlékezni fogok rád
A tiszta és egyenes szívedre
Amit az árnyékod festett feketére
Mindig szeretni foglak
Emlékezni fogok rád
Nyári eső a hótakaróra
Tudtuk, hogy megmarad
De nem lehet ezt tudni
Akkora vihar van az égen
Csendben el fog menni, csendben sírunk majd
És most itt állok, egyedül az összes ígérettel
Mind kifolyt a kezeim közül
És emlékezni fogok rád
Az álmok, amiket álmodhattunk volna
A könnyek, amiket látnom kellett volna
Mindig az mondtuk, hogy 'örökké’
De én emlékezni fogok rád
A tiszta és egyenes szívedre
Amit az árnyékod festett feketére
Mindig szeretni foglak
Emlékezni fogok rád
Ó és én egyedül maradok, nem számít
Hogy ki próbálná átvenni a helyed
És emlékezni fogok rád
Az álmok, amiket álmodhattunk volna
A könnyek, amiket látnom kellett volna
Mindig az mondtuk, hogy 'örökké’
De én emlékezni fogok rád
A tiszta és egyenes szívedre
Amit az árnyékod festett feketére
Mindig szeretni foglak
Emlékezni fogok rád
És emlékezni fogok rád
Az álmok, amiket álmodhattunk volna
A könnyek, amiket látnom kellett volna
Mindig az mondtuk, hogy 'örökké’
De én emlékezni fogok rád
A tiszta és egyenes szívedre
Amit az árnyékod festett feketére
Mindig szeretni foglak
Emlékezni fogok rád
Emlékezni fogok rád
Emlékezni fogok rád

The Death of the Rinds

Versions: #1
In the garden of the tomb of Hafız
Were a bleeding rose that bloomed away
Night was crying 'til the time of lovebirds
Made you think of Şiraz in a way
Death's a quiet springplace for a rind
Smokes like a incensory, the heart
In the tomb that cypresses shadow,
Mourn's the time of rose, birds sing at night

לא קונה לי אהבה

לא קונה לי אהבה
לא קונה לי אהבה
אקנה לך טבעת יהלום, ידידתי
אם זה גורם לך להרגיש בסדר
אביא לך כל דבר, ידידתי
אם זה גורם לך להרגיש בסדר
לא ממש אכפת לי מכסף
כסף לא קונה לי אהבה
אתן לך את כל מה שיש לי לתת
אם תאמרי שגם את אוהבת
אולי אין לי הרבה מה לתת
אבל מה שיש אתן לך
לא ממש אכפת לי מכסף
כסף לא קונה לי אהבה
לא קונה לי אהבה
כולם אומרים לי זאת
לא קונה לי אהבה
לא לא לא לאאאא
אמרי שאינך צריכה טבעות יהלום
ואהיה מרוצה
אמרי לי שאת רוצה דברים כאלה
שכסף פשוט אינו יכול לקנות
לא ממש אכפת לי מכסף
כסף לא קונה לי אהבה
לא קונה לי אהבה
כולם אומרים לי זאת
לא קונה לי אהבה
לא לא לא לאאאא
אמרי שאת לא צריכה טבעות יהלום
ואני אהיה מרוצה
אמרי לי שאת רוצה דברים כאלה
שכסף פשוט אינו יכול לקנות
לא ממש אכפת לי מכסף
כסף לא קונה לי אהבה
לא קונה לי אהבה,
לא קונה לי אהבה

No Need Any Bullet

One day if you want to end my life
No need to any knife, I have your eyes
If you want to shoot me in the heart of mine
The is no need to any bullet, I have your words
The is no need to any bullet, I have your words
If I were a stone I would fuse in your hands
If I were big as a mountain I would fall by a look of yours
Dear, if I am guilty in this action of love
There is no need to any prison, I have a longing for you
There is no need to any prison, I have a longing for you
I see there is no solution for me to forget you
Cause I have your memories everywhere
To sleep happily one day I need no pillow, I have your legs
To sleep happily one day I need no pillow, I have your legs
If I were a stone I would fuse in your hands
If I were big as a mountain I would fall by a look of yours
Dear, if I am guilty in this action of love
There is no need to any prison, I have a longing for you
There is no need to any prison, I have a longing for you

Autumn flowers

Crystalline breath and silence
The warm days hurry
Steep road blows cold
Summer dreams die.
Infinitely alone, pointless
Blossom wonderful flowers
Only for an instant they live
With blinding beauty
Autumn flowers, scattered through the grass
Droplets of dew, among dry desert wind
Autumn flowers, stars among the dark
Sun spots, playing with the leaves
Guilty look, vague call,
Love, too late.
It blossoms among silence
And the last flowers.
Autumn flowers, burning the grass,
Droplets of dew, among dry desert wind
Autumn flowers, stars among the dark
Sun spots, playing with the leaves (x2)
Autumn flowers, forgotten in the grass,
Droplets of dew, among dry desert wind
Autumn flowers, stars among the dark
Sun spots, playing with the leaves

The shortest night

Why did I believe in you?
I had tenderness, only for a night,
you whispered - it will be good.
Even I don't know why I didn't say 'No'
I don't know why I didn't stop
There is no place inside my heart
How I wanted your laugh
Even I don't know why I didn't say 'No'
The shortest night, when the stars rained down
(above your face)
The shortest night, when I didn't say 'No'
Love - illusion,
a sweet mistake, but only for a night
How I wanted your laugh,
I know why I didn't say 'No'
The shortest night, when the stars rained down
(above your face)
The shortest night, when I didn't say 'No'
The longest day,
when I didn't have your hands
wordless, because I couldn't say 'No'
The shortest night, when the stars rained down
(above your face)
The shortest night, when I didn't say 'No'

Hymn of Madrid Athletic

Athlet, Athlet, Athletic of Madrid
Athlet, Athlet, Athletic of Madrid
Playing, winning, you fight like the best,
Because always the fans,
Shudder with passion,
When you stay amongst all the champions,
And you see the front of the ball,
A real team,
That this evening filled with aura.
I'll go to Manzanares,
To the stadio Vicente Calderón,
Where thousands flock,
The ones who like football with excitement
Because they fight like brothers,
defending their colors,
in a noble and clean game,
Using up courage and heart.
Athlet, Athlet, Athletic of Madrid

Bolond paraszt - Gadjo dilo (foolish peasant)

Ó istenem, mit tegyek?
(Oh my god, what should i do?)
Ó hogy legyek jó, hogy megfeleljek
Óh de, mindenkinek!
(Oh, to suit everyone
oh, everyone)
Oh, az ember az embernek és
minden ember a fiának.
(Oh, man to man and
every man to his son)

Daughter-in-law Luca

Ay god what should I do
Ah roma lala lalo (roma mother)
Ah roma, roma
Ah roma lale, lale, lalee
Ah roma, roma
Ah roma lale, lale, lalee
Ah roma, roma

Ethereal Castles

In a fairy tale, everything is simple -
The poor and the rich, the honest and the rascals all live side by side.
In a fairy tale, the wizard does good,
Only good.
A fairy tale castle stands somewhere
Truth rules there while falsehood is silent
People there like to believe in good,
Only good.
I so love to see dreams of early spring,
I so love these dreams, blue dreams.
Visions are visions, but days,
Like night lights,
Melt somewhere in the distance, ringing out.
And waking up the silence,
This wondrous motif
Has come from afar, like in a dream.
It's always like this, always,
We build castles and cities.
I didn't see ethereal castles,
But I drew them.
I painted them in pink,
A color that looks like the spring dawn.
I settled a dream into these castles,
A fairy tale dream.
I so love to see dreams of early spring,
I so love these dreams, blue dreams.
Visions are visions, but days,
Like night lights,
Melt somewhere in the distance, ringing out.
And waking up the silence,
This wondrous motif
Has come from afar, like in a dream.
I so love to see dreams of early spring,
I so love these dreams, blue dreams.
Visions are visions, but days,
Like night lights,
Melt somewhere in the distance, ringing out.
And waking up the silence,
This wondrous motif
Has come from afar, like in a dream.


The buildings have awakened again,
The shadow goes away.
Hello, Sunday,
Hello, bright day!
I'll reach my palms up to the sun,
Wink at the mischievous wind,
And I will look into your eyes
It feels good!
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
And I will look into your eyes
It feels good!
All hearts are opened
By this Sunday afternoon.
Look, rejoice -
Everything sings around!
I'll reach my palms up to the sun,
Wink at the mischievous wind,
And I will look into your eyes
It feels good!
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
And I will look into your eyes
It feels good!
Heart goes out to heart
On a day like this.
Let the light of happiness
Always shine for us
I'll reach my palms up to the sun,
Wink at the mischievous wind,
And I will look into your eyes
It feels good!
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
And I will look into your eyes
It feels good!
I'll reach my palms up to the sun,
Wink at the mischievous wind,
And I will look into your eyes
It feels good!
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
And I will look into your eyes
It feels good!


Ey Gatluak - Gatluak
Gatluak you refuse to pick up my phone Gatluak
Ey Gatluak - Gatluak
Gatluak you refuse to pick up my phone Gatluak
From when we met, you bought me cold drinks,
you took me around in the deep waters
we walk and walk around in the town
talking about love among ourselves
You entered my heart Sudanese boy
Ey Gatluak - Gatluak
Gatluak you refuse to pick up my phone Gatluak
Ey Gatluak - Gatluak
Gatluak you refuse to pick up my phone Gatluak
Like thinking, like thinking in the middle of the night
about you like a handsome man from Ngat war
whose heart was broken by Nyabany Nyanuar,
my heart felt so bad about what happened between us,
my heart is broken you cursed it to the wild.
Ey Gatluak - Gatluak
Gatluak you refuse to pick up my phone Gatluak
Ey Gatluak - Gatluak
Gatluak you refuse to pick up my phone Gatluak
You refuse to pick my phone after you get what you want
You are such a bastard guy, I just want to say good-bye
May God bless you where you are
You boring man - with no plan
With no plan
Ey Gatluak - Gatluak
Gatluak you refuse to pick up my phone Gatluak
Ey Gatluak - Gatluak
Gatluak you refuse to pick up my phone Gatluak

The drizzled memories

Finally, I closed my eyes
waked up on the drizzled memories that calamity by ache, drenched in pain, tears , breakdowns and your destructive tenderness.

Cvijeće na zidu

Slušam kako si zabrinut za moju sreću
Ali cijela ta misao koju mi daješ je savjest, pretpostavljam
Da hodam u tvojim cipelama, ne bih uopće brinuo
Dok ti i tvoji prijatelji brinete o meni ja imam brdo zabave
Brojim cvijetove na zidovima
Za koje me nije briga
Igram pasijans do zore sa špilom od 51 karte
Pušim cigarete i kledam Kapetan Kangaroo1
I sad mi reci da nemam ništa za raditi
Prošlu noć sam obukao frak, glumeći da sam u gradu
Sve dok mogu sanjati teško je usporiti ovog svingera
Pa molim te nemoj misliti na me, stvarno mi je dobro
Uvijek me možeš ovdje naći, prilično se zabavljam
Brojim cvijetove na zidovima
Za koje me nije briga
Igram pasijans do zore sa špilom od 51 karte
Pušim cigarete i kledam Kapetan Kangaroo1
I sad mi reci da nemam ništa za raditi
Lijepo te vidjeti, moram ići, znam da gledam kao strašilo
Ionako moje oči nisu navikle na svjetlo
I moje cipele nisu navikle na ovaj tvrdi beton
Pa moram ići u svoju sobu i da zaokružim dan
Brojim cvijetove na zidovima
Za koje me nije briga
Igram pasijans do zore sa špilom od 51 karte
Pušim cigarete i kledam Kapetan Kangaroo1
I sad mi reci da nemam ništa za raditi
Nemoj mi reći da nemam ništa za raditi
  • Dječji program preko tjedna

Cvijeće na zidu

Slušam kako si zabrinut za moju sreću
Ali cijela ta misao koju mi daješ je savjest, pretpostavljam
Da hodam u tvojim cipelama, ne bih uopće brinuo
Dok ti i tvoji prijatelji brinete o meni ja imam brdo zabave
Brojim cvijetove na zidovima
Za koje me nije briga
Igram pasijans do zore sa špilom od 51 karte
Pušim cigarete i kledam Kapetan Kangaroo1
I sad mi reci da nemam ništa za raditi
Prošlu noć sam obukao frak, glumeći da sam u gradu
Sve dok mogu sanjati teško je usporiti ovog svingera
Pa molim te nemoj misliti na me, stvarno mi je dobro
Uvijek me možeš ovdje naći, prilično se zabavljam
Brojim cvijetove na zidovima
Za koje me nije briga
Igram pasijans do zore sa špilom od 51 karte
Pušim cigarete i kledam Kapetan Kangaroo1
I sad mi reci da nemam ništa za raditi
Lijepo te vidjeti, moram ići, znam da gledam kao strašilo
Ionako moje oči nisu navikle na svjetlo
I moje cipele nisu navikle na ovaj tvrdi beton
Pa moram ići u svoju sobu i da zaokružim dan
Brojim cvijetove na zidovima
Za koje me nije briga
Igram pasijans do zore sa špilom od 51 karte
Pušim cigarete i kledam Kapetan Kangaroo1
I sad mi reci da nemam ništa za raditi
Nemoj mi reći da nemam ništa za raditi
  • Dječji program preko tjedna

Without These Hands I Will Go

Without these hands, I will go, I cannot endure
Give me my love, without her I cannot exist
My life without my darling cannot be, without her I cannot exist.
Give me my love, I can no longer endure.
Without these hands, I will go, I cannot stay.
The sun goes down, and a new day does not rise
This life cannot be without my love (darling)
I devoted my life to my love
Nothing will separate us except death
Would it be possible to live without love?
I learned by going through it
Friends, because of this love
I suffered.
I collapsed in a dervish lodge
And desired Love (my love)
I collapsed in a dervish lodge
And desired Love (my love).
Tomorrow this soul will be a prisoner, give it to me and let me go
My life without my darling cannot be, give it to me and let me go.
The sun goes down, and a new day does not rise
This life cannot be without my love (darling)
I devoted my life to my love
Nothing will separate us except death

The Wind

Those who are afraid of the death can't know the pleasure of life
Those be of one heart and say that,
Fire from blood with a great faith in veins
To the conqueror generation who has come to conquer the land!
To a soul taken a lesson like this, the fatherland may seem spare
Soul will want another conquest as he do, horizon not far to him
That generation has satisfied with conquest's thrill through the wind
Even horses could hear the warcrys among them
Is there a soul who doesn't know the great commander?
Who demolished the horizon and set bulwark against the foes
To feed his horse upon another soil,
Many mounted sank into the wind of conquest!


I cannot claim if I'm tired to live
Or I'm tired to await you
You, coming like a deer
Either in dawn or dusk?
Tell me, are you happy afar?
Are you peaceful, is your heart merry?
Should your head stay on my laps?
Should you once more throe in my bed
Who asks, eh my life, who thinks?
Whether is it late or early
Tell me, are you happy afar?
Are you peaceful, is your heart merry?
The wings in sky were ours, we didn't know
Is this levity from the wings or a sail?
We couldn't know, we couldn't, ye god!
In solitude, is there a pair of us now?
Tell me, are you happy afar?
Are you peaceful, is your heart merry?
How would I know if you tell me to come furtively
Is there someone who got used to it, or is it just me?
Have I been drunk by your chalice
Or theirs?
Tell me, are you happy afar?
Are you peaceful, is your heart merry?

Take it with you

Versions: #1
Take this flower with you
carry it in your heart
because I love you
because I love you
with all my heart

Music of Snow

It's melody of a night which long last than thousand years.
It's sound of the snow supposed to be last for thousand years.
Sorrowful as prays of a hidden monastery,
It continues from hundreds of mouths as a choir,
Harmony of an organ spreads profoundly...
I didn't enjoy even I suffered from Slavic1 grief.
My mind is away from this city, from this age,
It plays old records of Tanburi Cemil Bey2.
I suddenly get happy from desire to listening this
My heart is full of the purest sound of Istanbul.
I thought that snow and darkness went away from me,
I'm at bay in the whole night while in my dreams!
  • 1. Yahya Kemal Beyatlı wrote this poem while he was in Warsaw as ambassador of Turkey, in 1927.
  • 2. Tanburi Cemil Bey was a Turkish tambur, yaylı tambur, kemençe, and lavta virtuoso and composer.

My Beautiful

The fire fell on my heart
Sleep doesn't come to my eyes
Why are you away from me?
Speak,light of my eyes
My beautiful,my white-face
For how many years i pursuit you
İn truth for how many years i'm in your way
How to moan,bemoan
The heart burns,brings snow
For the love of Allah
Don't think,i 'm crazy

Good and Evil

If I were lucky I wouldn't be singing in tears
When I met my luck it said 'I was ambushed and I struggled'
There are those who cry over their luck
There are those who will cry over their grave
There are those who grow old as children
We hate this life
There are those who cry over their luck
There are those who cry over their grave
There are those who grow old as children
The times are mixed up
When Good confidently met Evil
Evil had already figured how to prevail
'You seem tired,' said Evil,
and added: 'you're barefoot from all the walking'
'My back is yours to use
like a horse's saddle'
There are those who cry over their luck
There are those who will cry over their grave
There are those who grow old as children
We hate this life
There are those who cry over their luck
There are those who cry over their grave
There are those who grow old as children
The times are mixed up
Good didn't doubt these words, and got on Evil's back
The next morning, people were confused and started blabbering
There are those who cry over their luck
There are those who will cry over their grave
There are those who grow old as children
We hate this life
There are those who cry over their luck
There are those who cry over their grave
There are those who grow old as children
The times are mixed up


Tales of a thousand sailors, they tell
That under the ground, Atlantis shook
They talk about a reign, lost in time
That under the water, the sea immersed
For centuries, they looked for its traces
To steal its treasures
Because Atlantis holds secrets
That man could never imagine.
And for centuries, its name will go
Out of time, they'll look for it
And in between the waters, the light of the sky will see a God
And once again, his name and his truth will come out
And under the sky, a light will shine again
The Atlantis.
No one knows what happened
With the place where time doesn't exist
Where men tried to fight
With the strenght of a volcano
No one knows what happened
With the place where time doesn't exist
Where men tried to fight
With the strenght of a volcano

Nothing is scary

Bring me over the sea
The deep, salty sea
You're my boat
Bring me farther from the door
Behind which hides despair
Tell me truth
Tell me lies
Everything matters to me
Be near forever
Be my enemy or my friend
Nothing is scary to me
Because with you
I am happy
I am not afraid of anything
Now in my road
I am not alone
Tell me how every body part of yours
Stings when you're far away
Tell me how your heart beats
Every evening when you touch me
And my thoughts shoot like bullets,
My body is like stardust
When I'm with you
When I'm with you
Nothing is scary to me
Because with you
I am happy
I am not afraid of anything
Now in my road
I am not alone
And nothing is scary to me
Because with you
I am happy
I am not afraid of anything
Now in my road
I am not alone
I am not alone...


Ébren vagyok és zuhanok,
hallottam, ahogy egy szívverés hívogat.
Próbáltam elnyomni a szikrát,
mert úgy volt minden beállítva, mint a 'West Side Story'.
Átlépted a nyitott határaimat,
a kapuk épp nem működtek.
Darabokra tépted a világot,
de megmutattad a sötétséget, amit látnom kellett.
Elolvastam a figyelmeztető jeleket
és átugrottam a homályos részeket,
egészen a mélyre mentem, hogy felhúzzalak.
És sosem engedlek el,
mert te vagy számomra a nagy Ő,
az összetört Valentinom
és mindig szükségem lesz az életre, amit megmutattál.
Mert élőnek érzem magam,
mintha zuhannék a peremről
és imádlak a legnagyobb őrületben.
igen, oda emelsz az égben,
én vagyok a világod, te pedig az Atlaszom.
Vastag páncélt hordtam,
biztonságban voltam a menedékemen,
aztán jöttél és kicsalogattál.
Lóherékbe burkoltál,
sosem kellett nagyon győzködnöd.
Első érintésre belegabalyodtam a hálódba,
de pont ott akartam lenni.
Elolvastam a figyelmeztető jeleket
és átugrottam a homályos részeket,
egészen a mélyre mentem, hogy felhúzzalak.
És sosem engedlek el,
mert te vagy számomra a nagy Ő,
az összetört Valentinom
és mindig szükségem lesz az életre, amit megmutattál.
Mert élőnek érzem magam,
mintha zuhannék a peremről
és imádlak a legnagyobb őrületben.
igen, oda emelsz az égben,
én vagyok a világod, te pedig az Atlaszom.
Te vagy az Atlaszom (Én vagyok a világod).
Te vagy az Atlaszom (Én vagyok a világod).
Eleget halottam már mindenkitől, hogy kihagyom a partyt,
de senkit sem hiányolok,
mert örökre téged akarlak, felvillanyozol.
Sosem hagylak el,
követlek ahová elvezetsz.
Élőnek érzem magam,
mintha zuhannék a peremről
és imádlak a legnagyobb őrületben.
igen, oda emelsz az égben,
én vagyok a világod, te pedig az Atlaszom.
Igen, az égbe tartasz,
én vagyok a világod, te pedig az Atlaszom (Atlaszom).
Igen, az égbe tartasz,
én vagyok a világod, te pedig az Atlaszom.