Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 27


Utazás a múltba

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Szív, ne hagyj most cserben
Merészség, ne hagyj el
Ne forduljatok vissza, most, hogy már itt vagyunk
Az emberek mind azt mondják
Az élet tele van döntésekkel
Soha senki nem említi a félelmet
Vagy hogy a világ milyen tágasnak tűnhet
Egy utazáson a múltba
Valahol ezen az úton
Tudom, valaki vár rám
Több évnyi álmodozás nem tévedhet
Kitárul a kar
Biztonságban leszek és fontos leszek
Végre otthon, ahová tartozom
Nos, mától kezdve gyorsan tanulok
Ezen az úton a múltba
Otthon, szeretet, család
Volt idő, mikor
Nekem is kellett, hogy legyen
Otthon, szeretet, család
Sosem leszek egész
Míg meg nem talállak
Egy lépéssel
Egy remény, aztán egy újabb
Ki tudja, ez az út vajon merre visz
Vissza ahhoz, aki voltam
Hogy megtaláljam a jövőmet
Azt, amit a szívemnek még tudnia kell
Igen, add, hogy ez legyen a jel!
Legyen ez az út enyém!
Hadd vezessen a múltomba
És végre vigyen haza!

Az éj sötétjében

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Álmatlanul forgolódtam az éj sötétjében
És a rémálmom olyan szörnyű volt, amennyire csak lehet
A frászt hozta rám
Egy darabokra hulló holttest!
Aztán kinyitottam a szemem
És a rémálom... Én voltam!
Egykor én voltam Oroszország legmisztikusabb embere
Mikor a királyi család átvert, hibát követtek el!
Az átkomtól mind megfizettek
De egy kislány elszökött!
Kicsi Anya, vigyázz
Raszputyin felébredt!
Az éj sötétjében a gonosz rátalál
Az éj sötétjében, pont a hajnal kelte előtt!
A bosszú édes lesz majd
Mikor az átok beteljesül!
Az éj sötétjében
Elvész majd!
Érzem, ahogy az erőm lassan visszatér!
Kösd fel a szíjat és egy csipetnyi kölnit az illat kedvéért!
Ahogy minden a helyére kerül
Látom őt a helyére kúszni!
Dá szvidánya, Anya, kegyelmed!
Ég veled...
Az éj sötétjében lecsap rá a rettegés!
A rettegés a legkevesebb, amire képes vagyok!
Az éj sötétjében gonoszság fortyog
Hamarosan érzi majd, hogy a rémálmai valódiak
Az éj sötétjében
Vége lesz!
Az éj sötétjében
A gonosz rátalál
Az éj sötétjében a rettegés valóra válik
A végzetére jut!
Kedvesem, itt egy jel-
Ez az út vége!
Az éj sötétjében...
Az éj sötétjében...
Az éj sötétjében...
Gyertek, szolgálóim
Keljetek a mesteretekért
Hadd ragyogjon gonoszságotok!
Találjátok meg most
Igen, sebesen szálljatok
Az éj sötétjében...
Az éj sötétjében...
Az éj sötétjében...
Az enyém lesz!


Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Idegenek voltunk, egy utazásra indulva
Sosem álmodtuk volna, hogy min kell keresztülmennünk
Most itt vagyunk
És hirtelen itt állok
Veled a kezdetnél
Senki nem mondta, hogy egyszer rád találok
Váratlan, amit a szívemmel tettél
Mikor elvesztettem a reményt
Itt voltál, hogy emlékeztess
Ez a kezdet
És az élet egy út, amin tovább akarok menni
A szerelem egy folyó, amit tovább folyatnék
Az élet egy út, most és mindörökké csodás utazás
Ott leszek, ha a világ megáll a keringésben
Ott leszek, mikor véget ér a vihar
A végén ott akarok veled állni a kezdetnél
Idegenek voltunk egy őrült kalandon
Sosem álmodtuk volna, hogy valóra válnak az álmaink
Most itt állunk
Nem félünk a jövőtől
A kezdetnél veled
És az élet egy út, amin tovább akarok menni
A szerelem egy folyó, amit tovább folyatnék
Az élet egy út, most és mindörökké csodás utazás
Ott leszek, ha a világ megáll a keringésben
Ott leszek, mikor véget ér a vihar
A végén ott akarok veled állni a kezdetnél
Tudtam, hogy valahol van valaki
Szeretet kell a sötétben
Most már tudom, az álmom tovább él majd
Oly sokáig vártam
Semmi nem szakíthat minket el egymástól!
És az élet egy út, amin tovább akarok menni
A szerelem egy folyó, amit tovább folyatnék
Az élet egy út, most és mindörökké csodás utazás
Ott leszek, ha a világ megáll a keringésben
Ott leszek, mikor véget ér a vihar
A végén ott akarok veled állni a kezdetnél
És az élet egy út, amin tovább akarok menni
A szerelem egy folyó, amit tovább folyatnék!
Egy utazásra indulunk!
És az élet egy út, amin tovább akarok menni
A szerelem egy folyó, amit tovább folyatnék
A végén ott akarok veled állni... a kezdetnél

Tanuld meg

Egy tengerparti palotában születtél
Egy tengerparti palotában?
Lehetséges ez?
Igen, így igaz.
Már háromévesen lovagoltál
Lovagolni? Hogy én?
És a ló...
Fehér volt!
Grimaszoltál és rettegésben tartottad a szakácsot!
A patakba lökted!
Vadóc voltam?
Ahogy azt kitalálták!
De viselkedtél, mikor apád szúrósan nézett rád!
Képzeld el, milyen volt!
A rég elfeledett múltad!
Rengeteg tanítani valónk van számodra és repül az idő!
Rendben... Készen állok!
Nos, hátra a vállat és húzd ki magad
És ne járj, hanem próbálj inkább lebegni!
Kissé bolondnak érzem magam
Lebegek már?
Mint egy kis csónak!
Most mi jön?
Kezed csókot kap!
De legfőképp ezt jegyezd meg:
Ha én is megtanulom, te is megtanulhatod
Valami benned tudja-
Ez semmiség!
Kövesd a lépéseimet, cipőről cipőre!
Te is megtanulhatod!
Na, húzd be a könyököd és ülj egyenesen
És sose szürcsöld a sztroganoffot
Sosem érdekelt a sztroganoff!
Úgy mondta, mint egy Romanov!
A szamovár
A kaviár
Desszert és aztán jó éjszakát?
Nem, amíg ez nem megy!
Ha én is megtanulom
Ha ő is megtanulja
Te is megtanulhatod!
Te is megtanulhatod
Szedd össze magad
És túlesel rajta!
Mondd magadnak, hogy egyszerű
És így igaz!
Te is megtanulhatod!
Most megjegyezzük a királyi család neveit
Nos, itt van Kropotkin
Meglőtte Potemkint
A Botkinban
És drága Ványa bácsi imádta a vodkáját
Megvan, Anya?
A Puskin báró
Ő volt az...?
Anatoli grófnak
Volt egy...?
Szergej gróf
Tollas kalapot hordott
Úgy halottam, igen elhízott
És én emlékszem a sárga macskájára!
Nem hiszem, hogy ezt említettük neki
Ha te is megtanulod
Én is megtanulhatom!
Nem tudom, honnan tudtad
Egyszerűen tudtam!
Hirtelen valaki újnak érzem magam...
Anya, valóságos álom vagy!
Ha én is megtanulom
Ha én is megtanulom
Te is megtanulhatod!
Te is megtanulhatod
Szedd össze magad
És túlesel rajta!
Mondd magadnak, hogy egyszerű
És így igaz-
Te is megtanulatod!

Long ago in a winter evening

Versions: #1
As a pattern on the window,
Past is near again.
Somebody sang a song to me
Long ago in a winter evening.
The warmth of someone’s careful hands,
The waltz of exquisite guests
And the race of dashing horses
As if have revived in the past.
A waltz circled and rolled me,
As if beckoning to it's fairytale.
The first ball and the first waltz
I hear again now.
The mirror in amber
Reflects my delight.
Somebody was singing at dawn,
Leaving native home.
Darling, you'll be in December.
Back with me.

Distance lead the way

Versions: #1
Distance let me know now lead my heart, what is in my soul you know.
My distance wish me strenght, give me
I have brave wish, I know, oh my distance I need a lead
Distances of hapiness that should bloom.
World seems to be big, I’m afraid in one moment, I want to believe in this dream I have
Choose the right way, in this is my chance, maybe even I have my home,
My desire will lead me from now on.
Distances of joy, which should bloom.
Simply wishes just home, love, joy, full table.
Simply wishes just to know who I belong to, where is my home.
Strictly far and far, my journey is turning, my steps just go on and on.
Farther away just me and my dog to the open arms of following distances with hope of surviving this voyage.
Just to know the next hapiness, walk on to where my home is.
I'm still longing to know my home

Welcome to Paris

Ooh la la!
Welcome to Paris
All friends are welcome
Ignore time
You are here, so have fun
There is no place for sad people here
In Paris, the city of dreams
Everyone smiles to life
(Happy day!)
We walk and pass by
We sing and we chant
The Parisians enjoy singing
Ooh la la! Ooh la la!
Paris is like love in my poems
Paris inspires the heart
Enjoyment everywhere
on the ground and in the sky
You will find a painter in every street
in Paris, the city of dreams
Ooh la la!
You will never feel like you're a tool
Since you are here in France
You are free
No one will reject what you do
No one will ask
This is better, it is delightful
In Paris, I'll never forget you my whole life
Oh Ania, I found you but the time
of this delightful dream is over
and how could it pass us by?
In Paris, the city of dreams
you look like movie stars
Let us caress the times
Forget the past and the future
In Paris
Roses are all over the streets
And roses carry all memories
Oh Paris, you are the land of harmony
The memory of Ania
And the dreams...
Ooh la la! Ooh la la!

A travel back in time.

Versions: #1
Oh, don't fail, no!
My heart, have no fear!
We don't have to desist.
I think
I have a thousand choices.
I have to live something new.
Oh, how many surprises will come
on a travel back in time!
someone is waiting for me.
I hope it will be true.
they'll take me in with a great welcome.
I'll find me finally at home.
I will learn more and more
on a travel back in time.
Family's love,
I know that sometimes I got it too.
Family's love,
I'll never be happy until I get it again.
Step by step,
I sow my hope.
I don't know where I'll stop.
I'm going somewhere
to make up my life
and a hundred mysteries to clear up.
yes! this is my sign!
today I must return
to finally be at peace
and see my home.

Once Upon A December

Bear-dance, butterfly wings,
The memory, the person is cracked...
A tune echoes, a wisp of sound,
Once upon a December.
The hand is gentle and warming,
The snow is blowing, shiny troikas are coming,
The people are dancing in pairs
That's how the old picture lives [in my memory]
It was a long, a very long time ago
The ballroom was bathed in light
It's familiar, it lives in me,
And yet it doesn't dare resurface
A tune echoes,
A wisp of sound...
Once upon a December

My Home

How can I find the trace of an unknown road?
How can I know where I should go?
Somebody told me that the world is for the brave
Fear can't possess me
Oh, how can I find home, my home?
Run straight towards dreams.
To the place where somebody's waiting, who knows my dreams
Who is fed up with bad dreams like me
I'll find my own home where the world doesn't change
There I'll let the tears dry
Yes, I'll find the door of my home
I take the road, believe me
Home and happiness must be somewhere
I constantly see them in my dream
Home and happiness I'll find at last
'Cause I want to find them so much
Over there, somebody's waiting for me, somebody who knows my dreams,
Who is fed up with bad dreams like me
I'll find my own home where the world doesn't change
There I'll let the tears dry
Yes, I'll find the door of home
I'm going, believe me
Beloved home, warm home
My beautiful dream will come true

You can learn it all

Your castle was by the sea
By the sea, is that so?
Yes, it is
You got a horse when you turned three
I got to ride a horse?
And the horse
It was white!
You stuck off your tongue and scared the cook
He fell to a stream
I was probably wild, huh?
I know, right!
Your father's gaze affected you strongly
You can just imagine
We'll get right back to it
There's so much to tell you
But we need time
The posture is the alpha and omega of everything
Walk as if you were floating
This feels stupid
Am I floating?
Like a boat!
When you bow
How about now?
You get a kiss on your hand
If you just remember the most important thing
If even I can do it, you can learn it all
You have to know it somehow
Such an easy thing to do
One small step at a time
You can learn it all!
Now let's sit straight
Stroganoff is not a food you slurp
Stroganoff is disgusting
She said it like a Romanov!
The samovar!
The caviar!
I'm getting dessert, right?
Just get it all correct
If even I can do it/If even he can do it
You can learn it all
Get courageous and just do it
Say 'it's an easy task, that's so true'
You can learn it all
Now we'll learn the imperial names!
Here's Kropotkin
And Potemkin
Then Butkin
And good ol' Vanya drunk vodka
Baron Pushkin
A wart
A great hat!
He's probably very fat
And his cat is enormous
We didn't tell that to her
If even you can do it, could I learn?
How did you know?
I just knew it
It's like I was born anew
This is how dreams come true!
If even I can do it
Could I learn to do it?
You can learn to do it
Get courageous and just do it
Say 'it's an easy task, that's so true'
You can learn it all
It's an easy task!
You can learn it all!
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.

Once by the time of December

As the wind brings
That song, I can remember again
Please come back to me
Once by the time of December
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.

Time of the dark night

Versions: #2
It was a dark night when it came to my dream
That vision of mine was so horrifying
It got me upset
When my body just decomposed
Then I noticed that I was the nightmare
Once the greatest man in all Russia trusted me
But when he betrayed me, he got the curse
It took them all to their graves
But the little girl did not want to die!
Now she won't stay alive, this is my revenge
Time of the dark night will rise upon the girl
Time of the dark night, darkness is coming
The perfect revenge tastes so sweet
Time of the dark night - I get to kill!
I feel how I'm getting back my powers
I'll cover the smell of corpses to perfume
As she shall crawl
Towards her doom
Dasvidanya, Anya, so it is!
Time of the dark night is full of horror
Horror is fulfilled!
Time of the dark night brings her pain
A perfect nightmare for her!
Time of the dark night - brings death!
Time of the dark night will rise upon the girl
Time of the dark night borns and beats her (to revenge)
The girl is soon the last one of her family
Time of the dark night
Time of the dark night
Minions, rise on your wings
Avenge the injustice (time of the dark night, time of the dark night)
Find the cursed princess!
Time of the dark night, time of the dark night, time of the dark night!
I get my revenge!
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.

Have you heard what they're talking about in St. Petersburg?

St. Petersburg is so dark and very hopeless
As underwear gets frozen on my body
Even a revolution didn't bring us relief
Thank goodness the gossip is the small comfort we've got
Hey, have you heard what they're talking about in St. Petersburg?
Have you heard about the newest rumor?
Thought they took the czar's life, his daughter may be still alive
Oh, I wish Anastasia was - the rumor's a secret
Is it a rumor or a legend or a mystery
Somewhere they've been secretly whispering the whole night
It's probably just a rumor but so important to us
And the grandmother will gift her price for it
If she just gets her princess back
This painting costs only one ruble, he's the real Romanov
And the czar's former pajama to my comrades
Here, I found this old fur coat from the palace
If it belonged to the princess, it's worth the price
May it be a rumor or a legend or a mystery
But our princess will open our way to riches
My friend, that means we're making history
When we find the right girl to play the role of princess
Our road takes us to Paris
And the grandmother has to pay her price for it
This must be the greatest fraud of all
The riches!
The riches!
Are waiting for us!
Are waiting for us!
Then the whole St. Petersburg is gonna rumor about us, I guess
Hey, have you heard what they're talking about in St. Petersburg?
Have you heard about the newest rumor?
Hey, have you heard what they're talking about in St. Petersburg?
Of the gossip, what's going on, comrades?
Such a strange mystery
And the biggest fraud of all
If Anastasia is still alive after all
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.

In the darkness for your fear

Tonight I had a terrible dream,
it was pitch dark.
Tonight I was afraid,
a shadow covered my face.
I felt a horrible fear,
my body was turning to dust.
And then I woke up
but the nightmare remained.
I used to be a great mage,
famous across the whole Russia.
When the royals betrayed me
I got into rage.
I cursed their world,
but I made a mistake with one girl.
Beware, Anya,
Rasputin will be bad.
In the darkness for your fear
it will find its path.
In the darkness for your fear
it knows its way.
On that day I will honour my promise,
one of us has to die.
In the darkness for your fear
I will come.
Blood is throbbing in my veins already,
my strength returns.
Tighten the waist,
drown that dreadful stench in cologne.
For aught I care, may you comb your hair yet,
when I'm in good shape again, you will see!
До свидáния, Aня, evil I will be!
In the darkness for your fear
the horror will take you.
Gruesome am I!
In the darkness for your fear
It will be a sin.
Monstrous is your goal,
it will become real.
In the darkness for your fear.
I bid you farewell!
In the darkness for you fear
it will find its path (it will find it)
In the darkness for your fear
A horror of horrors.
I will give you a sign,
the last march.
In the darkness for your fear.
In the darkness for your fear.
Look, you rabble,
I'm your master,
let loose your malice.
In the darkness
In the darkness
In the darkness
Find her, wherever she is
In the darkness
In the darkness
In the darkness
In the darkness
In the darkness
In the darkest of gloom
I want her!

The Road to the Past

I must not be afraid
I must pluck up my courage
I can't do anything if I stop
On life's journey
They say there are countless opportunities
Oh, it is endless, and I am frightened
On the road to the past
At this road's end
Someone may await me
My dream will come true
In your warm arms
There must be a place I will be held securely
Oh, I don't know
The road to the past
('Honey, we'll be late'
'Oh, look at that adorable puppy!'
'We must go')
A harmonious family
I must have had that once
A happy family
I can't be happy until I find it again
I must not rest
I'll take one step at a time
Until I meet them
I'll search for my past
I'll answer my questions
The future will come into sight
Yes, I'll hold onto hope
For a long time
I'll search for my forgotten past
And find it
Some day

It’s the beginning

Like a child dreaming of prince charming
A baffling and surprising feeling
I close my eyes and everything is so different
It’s the beginning, I feel it
I wasn’t told anything
I knew it was you
Another life started on that day
An evidence, a prayer, an urgency
Turning into “us”
And even though the road is quite long till the end
And even though doubt makes us close our fists
Love reassures us
Shatters the walls of uncertainties
I’ll learn how to read into your eyes
I’ll be the last of bastions
Nothing will be like before
No, it’s the beginning, I feel it
Two strangers into the same adventure
Two strangers are going to change the future
With one same hope, the need for truly believing it
It’s the beginning, I feel it
And even though the road is quite long till the end
And even though doubt makes us close our fists
Love reassures us
Shatters the walls of uncertainties
I’ll learn how to read into your eyes
I’ll be the last of bastions
Nothing will be like before
No, it’s the beginning, I feel it
I was well aware that in the dark
Like me, somewhere
You were only living for me
I had so much faith in you
Counting the hours keeping us apart
And even though the road is quite long till the end
And even though doubt makes us close our fists
Love reassures us
Shatters the walls of uncertainties
I’ll learn how to read into your eyes
I’ll be the last of bastions
Nothing will be like before
No, it’s the beginning, I feel it
Even though the road is quite long till the end
And even when life scares you
I’ll be there
It’s the beginning, I feel it
Even though the road is quite long till the end
And even though doubt makes us close our fists
Nothing will be like before
‘Cause it’s the beginning
I know

Journey to the Past

Heart don't sadden me
Courage, don't leave me
Don't turn back now that we're here
Those that know will say
Life is full of luck
In this fast-paced world
At the end of the road
Someone is waiting
All these dreams can't be wrong
Arms will open wide
Embracing and protecting
Maybe a real home
And I realised
On this journey to the past
Home, love, family
Once I too
Was with them
Home, love, family
I can't be happy without them
One step at a time
One hope and later
What is at the end of the road?
Where I came from
From dream to reality
I'm ready to learn
Let this be a sign
This road is mine
On this journey to the past
And finally to home!

One fatal

And now my dark purpose will be realized, and the last member of the Romanov family will die
At nights I never get rest
Nightmares Invade me whenever try to sleep
Horrendous was the vision, of a body that came apart
And that dream I saw was about me
I was the most mystical magician in Russia
On the infamous betrayals I was able able to get revenge
Better plan made by none
But one little girl remained
Her time will come, and she'll perish
One fatal night threatens her
The princess will see her doom
I'll finally be able to
Finish the spell
One fatal night
She will die
Slowly my powers are returning
Give me that wig, perfume me well
In my clutches she'll fall and this time she won't escape
Destroyed Anya will be, too
One fatal night, It's dark
I'll make her tremble with terror
One fatal night and of terror
she won't sleep
of thinking about me
One fatal night
I'm gonna win
One fatal night In the shadows
The princess will want to flee far away
Far away
You'll see the signal
Of that comes the end
One fatal night, one fatal night
I'm your master, evil creatures
Show your power
One fatal night, one fatal night
Find her and return with her
One fatal night, one fatal night
The princess will see
The end

Memories of The Old Days (English title: Journey To The Past)

Fear is exactly this
what is here not needed,
do I no more have enough courage?
People say that
there are different situations in life,
nobody can avoid fear.
So big this world seems to be
in the memories of the old days.
I have known it for a long time
that at the end of the road
someone waits only for me,
and his arms,
he wants to open them for me
and I will finally find the home.
Ahead of me there is still a long way
through the memories of the old days.
Home has in it
something what I used to know, after all, I know it well.
Home has in it
what is the most real fulfillment for me.
Each little step
is a big victory,
I get going ahead along the road
in the gloom of the past days,
in the future unknown to me,
I wait what fate will bring.
Yes, let it be the sign,
let the trail carry me
in the places I miss so much.
I want to find the home from the past.