Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 110

Találatok száma: 5099


2!3! Még több jó napban bizakodva

Próbáltam elmondani
El kellett volna mondanom
Mindez érted van
Járjunk csak virággal övezett úton,
Ezt nem mondhatom
Lássuk csak a jó dolgokat,
Ezt sem mondhatom
Azt mondani, hogy mostmár csak jó dolgok fognak történni
Azt mondani, hogy nem fogsz megbántódni
Nem mondhatom
Nem hazudhatok
Mert mind bálványok vagytok,
Ez szívás mégha nem is hallom
Nem tetszik a dalszöveged,
Ez egy videó mégha nem is látom
Mert nincs erőd
Biztosan tettél rossz dolgokat
Figyelve ahogy viselkedsz, hamarosan megszűnsz létezni
(Köszönöm szépen)
Mert minden önvádad miatt,
Bizonyítani tudtam magamnak valamit
Amire középiskolában nem voltam képes
Tapsok hallhatóak, igen folytasd folytasd
Boldogok leszünk együtt, jól, igen jól vagyok
Semmi baj, gyerünk, amikor azt mondom egy két há' felejtsd el
Törölj el minden szomorú emléket
Fogd meg a kezem és mosolyogj
Semmi baj, gyerünk, amikor azt mondom egy két há' felejtsd el
Törölj el minden szomorú emléket
Mosolyogj miközben egymás kezét fogjuk
Még több jó napban reménykedve
Ha elhiszed amit mondok akkor egy két há'
Ha elhiszed akkor egy két há'
Még több jó napban reménykedve
Ha elhiszed amit mondok akkor egy két há'
Remélve, hogy minden megváltozik ha kimondjuk,
Egy két há'
Egy jobb napért
Mert mi
Együtt vagyunk
Én egy árnyék vagyok a színpad mögött
Én a sötétség mélyében vagyok
Semmit sem akarok kimutatni még a fájdalmam se
De mivel még mindig nem szoktam hozzá
Csak azt akartam, hogy mosolyogj
Jót akartam tenni
(Szóval köszönöm) Hogy hittél egy olyasvalakiben mint én
Törődtél ezekkel a könnyekkel és sebekkel
(Szóval köszönöm) Hogy a fényem lettél
Hogy az életem legboldogabb pillanatának a virága lettél
Semmi baj, gyerünk, amikor azt mondom egy két há' felejtsd el
Törölj el minden szomorú emléket
Fogd meg a kezem és mosolyogj
Semmi baj, gyerünk, amikor azt mondom egy két há' felejtsd el
Törölj el minden szomorú emléket
Mosolyogj miközben egymás kezét fogjuk
Még több jó napban reménykedve
Ha elhiszed amit mondok akkor egy két há'
Ha elhiszed akkor egy két há'
Még több jó napban reménykedve
Ha elhiszed amit mondok akkor egy két há'
Remélve, hogy minden megváltozik ha kimondjuk,
Ha elhiszed akkor egy két há'
Ha elhiszed akkor egy két há'
Ha elhiszed akkor egy két há'
Ha elhiszed akkor két há' mondd
Semmi baj, gyerünk, amikor azt mondom egy két há' felejtsd el
Törölj el minden szomorú emléket
Fogd meg a kezem és mosolyogj
Semmi baj, gyerünk, amikor azt mondom egy két há' felejtsd el
Törölj el minden szomorú emléket
Mosolyogj miközben egymás kezét fogjuk
Még több jó napban reménykedve
Ha elhiszed amit mondok akkor egy két há'
Ha elhiszed akkor egy két há'
Még több jó napban reménykedve
Ha elhiszed amit mondok akkor egy két há'
Remélve, hogy minden megváltozik ha kimondjuk,
Semmi baj, gyerünk, amikor azt mondom egy két há' felejtsd el
Törölj el minden szomorú emléket
Fogd meg a kezem és mosolyogj
Semmi baj, gyerünk, amikor azt mondom egy két há' felejtsd el
Törölj el minden szomorú emléket
Mosolyogj miközben egymás kezét fogjuk


Ha megtehetném, megkérdezném tőled
Hogy miért tetted azt akkor? Miért dobtál ki?
Név nélkül, még mindig érted sóvárgok
A búcsúzásunk színtelen volt, változás nélkül
Nincs nevem
Bár én voltam a csillagod
Szép is lehet fénynek lenni
Minden amit tettem azért volt, hogy megkapjalak
Egy lerombolt kastélyban
Jó dolog is hírnévre szert tenni
Meg fogom ezt kapni a halálomig
A tikkasztó nézésed
Még mindig körülötted járok, semmi sem változott
De nincs szükség névre ahhoz, hogy szeress
Minden megváltozott
Tényleg megtaláltad Eris-t?
Mondd el, mije van a holdnak ami nekem nincs?
A mi csak a többes száma a te-nek
Talán a kezdetektől fogva nem is voltam része
Egy nap megfogod érteni
Az évszakom mindig is te voltál
A hideg szívem -248 fokos volt
A napon amikor kitöröltél engem, minden megállt
Csak körbe-körbe járok
(Elengedlek, elvesztettelek)
Csak körbe járok
(Kitöröltél, elfelejtettél)
Egyszer egy világban voltam a Nap alatt
(A dalok megálltak)
Csak a köd maradt ennek a csillagnak a szívében
(Kitöröltél, elfelejtettél)
Szinte semmi sem változott tegnap óta
Ugyanazok a régi napok, csak te nem vagy itt
Egészen tegnapig együtt voltunk
De ezen a ponton válik ijesztővé az egész,
Ugyanazok a napok csak nélküled
Őszinte leszek, még egy nélküled töltött év után is
Jól voltam, nem voltak hátramaradt érzéseim
Mindet elfelejtettem
Még az illatod is
De várj, ez az illat ismerős
Épp amikor visszajöttek az emlékek
Megfordultam és téged láttalak
Fényesen mosolyogva és melletted volt
(Szia) szia
Hogy vagy? Én jól vagyok
Nem úgy, mint a szívem ami mindjárt felrobban
A hőmérséklet jelenleg -248
Csak körbe-körbe járok
(Elengedlek, elvesztettelek)
Csak körbe járok
(Kitöröltél, elfelejtettél)
Egyszer egy világban voltam a Nap alatt
(A dalok megálltak)
Csak a köd maradt ennek a csillagnak a szívében
(Kitöröltél, elfelejtettél)
Csak körbe-körbe járok
(A ködön keresztül,
Néztelek ahogy mosolyogsz
A szabályt szegett pályámon
értelem nélkül, nélküled, bármi nélkül)
Csak körbe járok
(Csak egy szám vagyok
és egy sötét Plútó
amire nehéz emlékezned
De mégis, csak körülötted járok, francba!)
Csak körbe-körbe járok
(Elengedlek, elvesztettelek)
Csak körbe járok
(Kitöröltél, elfelejtettél)
Egyszer egy világban voltam a Nap alatt
(A dalok megálltak)
Csak a köd maradt ennek a csillagnak a szívében
(Kitöröltél, elfelejtettél)

Fruit Salad

Versions: #2
Your mother gave you for a first name
Fruit Salad, oh! what a pretty name
In the name of your Hawaiian ancestors
It must be admitted that you wear it well
Fruit Salad, pretty, pretty, pretty
You delight my father, you delight my mother
Fruit Salad, pretty, pretty, pretty
One of these days
We’ll have to get married
Hanging in my hut by the waterside
There are pineapples, there are coconuts
I’ve already tasted them, I don’t want any more
The fruit of your mouth is what would be welcome
I’ll dive bare naked in the ocean
To bring you silvery fish
With shiny seashells
Yes but in return you know what I want
We’ve each given with all our heart
What was best in us
On the floor of my hut by the waterside
That basket that’s moving is a little cradle
Fruit Salad, pretty, pretty, pretty
You delight your father, you delight your mother
Fruit Salad, pretty, pretty, pretty
You’re the fruit of our love,
Hello, little one!

With You

Who knows if it's happiness or a coincidence
How can you achieve contrast if you walk only where there's light?
I am searching for something I hope exists
And if it doesn't exist, what is the next station?
In a paper boat I'm sailing with you,
Even if we sink, I am with you
With you, you
I shut myself off when I'm surrounded by people who don't understand
That's why I step aside, maybe just a few steps
You see orange where there is yellow, at least the tone is similar
The words are different, but the meaning stays the same
In a paper boat I'm sailing with you,
Even if we sink, I am with you
With you, you
First I do the math, then I close my eyes
How can I change my story if I don't let anything go?
With an open vision I'm finishing this trilogy
This is not goodbye, this is not goodbye
The harbor is far behind me
I'm in a paper boat cutting waves with you
On the waves with you, on the waves with you
In a paper boat I'm sailing with you,
Even if we sink, I am with you
With you, you

Thefish Vs. Magikbal - Epic Pokemon Battle

Hello, geeks! What's new on the disses? We'll see about that right now!
You've had too much!
Epic Pokemon Battle!
Raaaaah! I have CHARI-RAGE!
No time to play ball, so get out!
Get out of your Pokeball and show me your face.
Unless you're afraid of my carnage!
I am the king of the waves, that's for sure.
No one can defeat my flow and certainly not a loser.
Don't take your chances or it'll end in drowning,
My rhymes are violent and will take you away like a CASCADE!
No matter how electric you are, the power doesn't flow.
I don't know what Lunatic has, but one day he'll realize
That you're not his type, so listen to me...
You don't belong on this team GO AWAY!!
What have I got to fear against such a small creature?
You're insignificant, your whole life is just a erasure.
One thing is certain, at the slightest opening,
Your life will take a whole new turn, you will suffer my BIT!
Start-up in progress... please wait...
Threat search... no danger!
The opponent is in front, the victory is certain.
Launching arguments about a hundred.
The enemy is not very smart, a lack of analysis.
Has he forgotten that my electricity paralyzes him?
Considering his weight and build, there's nothing to worry about.
An ETINCELLE and it will definitely be a breaded fish.
You talk about fighting, but I do.
You splash people while I electrocute them.
You're tall, impressive, but you scare people!
As for me, looking like an object, I'm interesting!
Humans think I'm a toy. They think you're a tuna!
Then change your tone before the thunder thunders!
No matter how much you weigh three tons, it wouldn't be in good taste
That for you the storm growls. So be careful....
Who's talking to me about weakness? Water is only conductive.
I have strength and my strength is destructive!
You're a degenerate! A failing Pokeball.
You don't even have sex!!! You'll have no descent...
You're not a magic ball, just an imitation.
I impose respect through INTIMIDATION!
I'm tall and heavy, but at least I have some elegance.
Then learn DESTRUCTION it will give us a break!
Infomercial Host:
Good morning, everyone! I offer you a Flash sale!
You will finally be able to get rid of this stain!
Hey, big guy! All that grease and dirt...
We took it away from you, admit it, it's less disgusting!
You got washed, rinsed, by the wash ball.
So go and fail elsewhere, to other shores....
I'm done with you and I have to admit it,
Your rap was powerful... like your DIP attack....
Who deserves to win?
Who will be next?
You have the power!

Bolde-Lee Vs. Rouroulette - Epic Pokemon Battle #7

Nooo, not rouroulette!!.. Oh hello and welcome to the Hard-Corner! Fortunately, death is not a fatality in video games. I have a tape to show you all this!
Come on!
Epic Pokemon Battle!
Go! Go!
Welcome to this dojo, you little beetle.
Oh! But I recognize you, you're that little bird.
Who has not been able to fly far enough, nor high enough,
To dodge my assaults, thus resting in peace...
Are you asking me for a rematch? So don't disappoint me.
Let's go for an avalanche of kicks and punches!
Attention! This is not a training.
You may die... more seriously.
I accept all challenges but do not accept defeat.
Let's let the facts speak for themselves, my victory is already made.
I knocked you down once, didn't you find your grave?
Then let me drive you down, dig, to the next world!
Look at you! An egg that has never been able to hatch.
METEORE FIST! I'm sending you out there!
And if you come back again, braving death forever,
FIRE FIST! I will burn your soul on the flames of your body.
I'm coming back from heaven to make you go through hell.
From where I am, you're just a speck of dust.
You're right to have gloves, be careful with my claws!
You're just a little worm I'm eating for dessert!
I'm crazy! Nothing scares me.
Death is neither a fatality nor a mistake.
You beat me, and then what? Nothing left!
Locked up forever in site number one.
But you're a rock, Lee. I feel sorry for your adventure....
You beat me, but soon after you're overwhelmed with wounds.
Your master is ashamed of you, he abandons you, what a bastard!
While Lunatic loves me, I am his second capture.
I will be remembered. We already forgot you!
I wander in the heavens, watching your captivity.
So did you like my TORNADO of rhymes and violence?
Yes, I know, I'm CRU-AL, we call it revenge!
Revenge is a dish that I enjoy with delight.
Seeing this rage that emanates from our altercation.
Are you losing your temper? You lose the fight!
I have a STEEL mind your NORMAL type does not affect me.
You're so memorable, Lunatic replaced you.
You're so pathetic you've never evolved.
And you've never learned to fly, so get ready to fall.
It's time to get rid with a STRATOPERCUT!
No wonder, my dear friend, I am not finished yet.
Let me correct a couple of things because you're full of shit!
The first is to dare to talk about my estate.
A pathetic replica, made in your nation.
The second is to say that I lost my temper.
I told you I'm crazy! That I am without faith and law!
And the third, your STRATOPERCUT, is not for this time.
I trained in heaven and I send it back to you 100 times!
Who deserves to win?
Who will be next?
You have the power!

A Feeling Almost Forgotten

Who knows why, but still too often,
I think of her before falling to sleep
I still feel her breath on my cheek
And her voice fills up my home
That funny, almost forgotten,
Feeling of pain always takes over me then.
It's sad, sad, when you realize it's the end
And you don't even know the reason for everything
But still, I'm grateful even now
For the happiness I experienced by her side.
That funny, almost forgotten,
Feeling of pain often takes over me everywhere.
I know, I know, I have to be strong
Hide my tears in front of the world
Until I forget the funny, almost forgotten
Feeling of pain forever

Once my brother

[Verse 1: Søren Karim]
You were my best friend, my loyal companion
My blood, my brother, my squire in the battle of childhood
But the years rushed by, and we couldn't keep up
I'd wish I could rewind time
[Pre-chorus: Lau]
So that you may blow your own cloud
And you may sail in your own lake1
But never forget who was there from the start
And you may build your own town
But don't count on getting a visit
But if everything crumbles, I'll be there
[Chorus: Lau]
Once my brother
Always my brother
Once my brother
Once my brother
Always my brother
[Verse 2: Mads]
We grew up side by side, and I remember for better or worse
We laughed, we cried, did all we could get to do
I haven't seen you in a thousand years
Too busy, too much, lost in a moment
[Pre-chorus: Lau]
So that you may blow your own cloud
And you may sail in your own lake
But never forget who was there from the start
And you may build your own town
But don't count on getting a visit
But if everything crumbles, I'll be there
[Chorus: Lau]
Once my brother
Always my brother
Once my brother
Once my brother
Always my brother
[Verse 3: Loke Deph]
We could kill a man together
Let me know, I've got it all under control, let the clouds come crashing down
We'll drive to Saltholm2 when the shadows grow long
Getting close to one another, don't be afraid
Do you recall what you said when you said once?
I thought it was permanent, we made the plan
But if anything's up, say my name three times
And I'll be ready, just call me, let's talk
[Chorus: Lau]
Once my brother
Always my brother
  • 1. A Danish idiom meaning to be left to one's own devices, usually well-deserved
  • 2. An island in the Øresund Strait
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

He's Got a Bright Red Rubber Boat

He's got a bright red rubber boat
And with this rubber boat we're going to set out
He's got a bright red rubber boat
And we won't return before sunset
Johnny – he thinks he's Christoph Columbus
And he's even got a beard
Every time before we set out
He warns me of the dangers of Christian seafaring:
'No kissing on board!
I'll tell you why:
This boat is designed in a way
That it would tip over if we kissed.'
He's got a bright red rubber boat
And with this rubber boat we're going to set out
He's got a bright red rubber boat
And we won't return before sunset
We've got no sail and no motor and no caboose, oh no
We're rocking our way towards a great happiness with love and a whole lot of fun
He's got a bright red rubber boat
And with this rubber boat we're going to set out
He's got a bright red rubber boat
And we won't return before the sunset
Johnny is brave ans as proud as Lord Nelson
Even when we sail into a force 3 wind
While storms are a-blowing and rain is a-splashing
He still shouts in a venturous way: 'Ahoy!'
And if we lose some air
Well, he'll deal with it!
He's got a bike pump in his boat
So he, he'll just pump it up
He's got a bright red rubber boat
And with this rubber boat we're going to set out
He's got a bright red rubber boat
And we won't return before the sunset
La-la-la-la la-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la
La-la-la-la la-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la-la
He's got a bright red rubber boat
And with this rubber boat we're going to set out
He's got a bright red rubber boat
And we won't return before the sunset

Current | Become the current

In your dreams with me
Your underwear is wet
In my bed i drown
my thoughts instead of you
Instead of you i see other girls instead of you
Instead of you i see other girls instead of you
My girlfriend, i break up, you, become my other half
You, become my other half, my girlfriend i break up
For this and
Become the current the current the current the current
To be me the current the current the current the current
Become the current the current the current the current
To be me the current the current the current the current
Become the current the current the current the current
To be me the current the current the current the current
Become the current the current the current the current
To be me the current the current the current the current
I quit the jobs
I disturb the sips
Ι freed at bends
And i saw you
Again with him i saw you
Your photos i saw
But im telling you i saw you
Don't say to me no
And don't try to bring me again
When he leaves for work again
And don't try when he leaves
For again and again
My girlfriend, i break up, you, become my other half
You, become my other half, my girlfriend i break up
For this and
Become the current the current the current the current
To be me the current the current the current the current
Become the current the current the current the current
To be me the current the current the current the current
Become the current the current the current the current
To be me the current the current the current the current
Become the current the current the current the current
To be me the current the current the current the current

Sin Boy - Sari sari sari

Sin boy - Sari sari sari (Official Lyrics)
Put it on me, yeah, put it on me
In my bed they going the roads
There are hundrends reasons, reasons, reasons yeah
To put you down tonight Sari, Sari, Sari, yeah
For others a lady, for me a whore, whore, whore, whore yeah
None girl does not do like you Sari, Sari, Sari, yeah
There are hundrends reasons
From my mind does not come out the night
That drinking weed and i have you up on me
I don't want with words to tell you something
Only to get you from the waist to feel me deep
I give you clearly all the truth
Now where im drunk, now where im drunk
I supply everything but you be enough with little
You want games, you call me night
Im clear but i fee like fet ecstacy
OD, i want you Odee, yeah
Smoking OG , yeah, yeah
No matter what, Put it on me, yeah, put it on me
In my bed they going the roads
Put it on me, yeah, put it on me
Put it on me, put it on me
There are hundrends reasons, reasons, reasons yeah
To put you down tonight Sari, Sari, Sari, yeah
For others a lady, for me a whore, whore, whore, whore yeah
None girl does not do like you Sari, Sari, Sari, yeah
There are hundrends reasons

Don't Cry

Antonis Rigas:
Don't cry and don't talk about love now
For another pain i haven't time
Don't cry and don't talk about love now
For another pain i haven't time
Sin Boy:
A little bit to extinguish my cigarette
A little bit to drink my drink
A little bit to forget you
A little bit to renounce you
You have do it like your mug
I don't care if its your fault
Pick up my suitcase
I don't care if you cry
One plus One equals 1
Alone equals None
Half truth equals lie
Lie equals here an end
Everyday in the race
Don't mistake me for him
Does not talk to you my drunk
Evein if don't let a drop
Antonis Rigas:
Don't cry and don't talk about love now
For another pain i haven't time
Don't cry and don't talk about love now
For another pain i haven't time
Sin Boy:
Ay ya Let me alone
I see the hour but i lost my time
Ay ya i feel the pain
Ay ya baby im bleeding
I feel it im missing the ball
My life like a gallows
Im lost in a deserted island
Im mixing xanax with pills
Ya Ay Let me alone
I see the hour but i lost my time
Ya ay baby im bleeding
Ya ay i feel the pain
Get get get get
Get everything you want get
Anyway i dont have anything left
Bitch all everything get
Antonis Rigas:
Don't cry and don't talk about love now
For another pain i haven't time
Don't cry and don't talk about love now
For another pain i haven't time

The country of Soccer

Versions: #3
The Flow, wherever we go it's a show.
It's closed, and look where we have come
I am, the Country of Soccer, bro
Until the gringo Sambars, pass it to Neymar, it's a goal!
[Mc Guimê]
My country Tis of thee!
What's up to our Nation
And through this song
Today I will make my declaration.
Between houses of boys, alleys and lanes
Playing soccer in the ghetto.
For minors there is nothing better
And girls dream of being actresses in soap operas
The streets are ours and I have always been hers.
Ever since barefoot wearing out my heels.
Today on the asphalt of all of São Paulo
In the car of the year I'm cruising around.
In the rain, the cold, the heat
In the samba, the rap, the tambor
Raise my hands up to the sky
Just like my redeamer
I thank our lord.
The Flow, wherever we go it's a show.
It's closed, and look where we have come
I am, the Country of Soccer, bro
Until the gringo Sambars, pass it to Neymar, it's a goal!
The Flow, wherever we go it's a show.
It's closed, and look where we have come
I am, the Country of Soccer, bro
Until the gringo Sambars, pass it to Neymar, it's a goal!
Dust on my boot, it's a grey 'Kichute'
Big field, dirt on my shins, craziness, soccer talent.
It's art on the ground, gold in the ghetto
I imagined 'Pique, boy of Charms'
I'm back like Charles Dom
To make the people sing
The message
It's just like MC Lon
I've come by the glasses
Well race, it was the base, that imposed 'Valito'
Yesterday was cries, and today treasures
And the color screams, that's beautiful
I'm from the Northern Zone, raised
Swing of a vagabond
And those who beat the malnutrition
And today you will dominate the world!
The Flow, wherever we go it's a show.
It's closed, and look where we have come
I am, the Country of Soccer, bro
Until the gringo Sambars, pass it to Neymar, it's a goal!
The Flow, wherever we go it's a show.
It's closed, and look where we have come
I am, the Country of Soccer, bro
Until the gringo Sambars, pass it to Neymar, it's a goal!

Higher than love

Without telling anyone
You'll go far, far away
I'll find your footsteps, according to
What the naughty river tells me... just wait!
Make your wings of clouds
Higher than love
I'll fly with you
Listen there
Everything is open to us
You know, I won't
Betray you with my heart
Make your wings of clouds
And I don't need any word
I love you!
Listen... but
Time carries us
Time invites us
To different shores
Without telling anyone,
You'll leave but inside you're with me
You'll find me in the eyes, in the tears
That flow like the naughty river ... just wait!
Make your wings of clouds
Higher than love
I'll fly with you
Listen there
Everything is open to us
You know, I won't
Betray you with my heart
Make your wings of clouds
And I don't need any word
I love you!
Listen... but
Time carries us
Time invites us
To different shores

When love happens

Tell me, tell me,
Who stole all the happiness from me,
I fell in love,
I fell deeply in love,
Oh, the longing for it hurts
And changes the climate and the waters of tides,
Its gale blows over the blue sea.
I've cried many times,
I almost despaired
And I swore I'd never receive affection from you.
No one can take it away from love,
No one really can,
Not even someone superior nor shaman can.
Those who injure and seduce people can be attracted*
By the female poison.*
When love happens,
We quickly forget that
One day we suffered from
My heart had your name
Tattooed on it,
It still hurt
And beat solitarily.
When love happens,
We quickly forget that
One day we suffered.
Yes, we do forget.
Who asked us to get involved with each other too much,
If we knew it would go wrong?
Love without ownership.
Now I'm crying like this.

Good News

Poets and freaks little by little
Forthcoming singers
And magicians of sentences that
Are rude and distasteful
I bring good news
Stupid things on a piece of paper
Burned balloons
Things that fall from the sky
Without any reason whatsoever
I wish in the world someday
I could show you my
Talent to madness
Look away from the heart
I've always been great
At delivering long speeches
Delivering long speeches
About things not to do
What am I gonna do?
Ladies and gentlemen
I bring good news
I have seen the face of death
And she was alive
I have seen the face of death
And she was alive - alive!
I'll tell tons of rhyming metaphors
And I will
Pull out all the stops
Pull the fear and make it my prayer
To that H God
At the time of departure
At the time of departure
Gunfire celebrating we'll face life
So let's face life.
Ladies and gentlemen
I bring good news
I saw the face of death
And she was alive
I saw the face of death
And she was alive - alive!

Impure Honey

It's almost night, where will you be?
Good angel, I am
Here in a slow silence
Paying for freedom
Your voice grows within me
I'm sitting on the floor
And liberating my weight
I search for those who aren't there
Within my 'because'
But I no longer have a heart
What there is now
Is a bore
Impure honey
Without you
Even the moon drifts up there
Mirror of the city
In an ageless time
It's hard to live
All that dies is what will flower
Again next spring
Now, what I know
I do not know
I immerse myself in you
Drinking the love I drown in
It's impure honey
Without you
And only what flowers lives
You're a dream, a pure weightless body
Always one more
Beside me
And I live in you
It's pure honey
If you love me, love
I'll save myself
You are my prayer
And I will finally climb back up to you
i hope this translation was useful to you. use it wherever, i don't mind.
i write evocative translations rather than precise ones so this might not be 'word for word' but at least it will be pretty

But I'm

Why not try it once with me?
Wanna try the best cheers ever?
You have no reason to say no
You liar you liar
You don't care if it's not me, right?
To put it another way, you don't mind if it's me, right?
Pesky people say something like that
You liar you liar
Saving appearances and the distorted vote
This hopelessness is laughable
I don't care who it is
But I'm always scared
So somehow it makes me stubborn
But it makes me feel lonely
So somewhat people regard me as a villain
By the time I burn a candle
Will your 'right answer' turn into a true 'right answer'?
Before grilling, they're gone, they're gone
In the first place, it's your fault, right?
Quit it all now
But first, I want you to listen to what I say
Saving appearances and the distorted vote
This hopelessness is laughable
I don't care who it is
But I'm always scared
So somehow it makes me stubborn
But it makes me feel lonely
So somewhat people regard me as a villain
First of all, they just make a fuss
And don't care what follows
Guessing the true meaning of what I say
They tell lies with a sigh
I know what they want to say, but
Once you know it, it goes nowhere
Now that I stop searching
Let me say lastly
But I'm
But I'm
But I'm
But I'm
But I'm always scared
So somehow it makes me stubborn
But it makes me feel lonely
So somewhat I was a villain
But I'm feeling insecure today as always
I bet I'll be sad tomorrow
But I'm

Golden autumn

Autumn. Such a magic place!
Open to every heart to amaze
With clearings of forest trails,
Peeped in lakes with pure grace.
Admiring the fabulous pictures
Of fairy-tale golden halls
Slender ashes, elms and aspens
We delight this beauty all.
The hoop of yellow graceful lime
Is like a crown on a bride!
A birch under a gorgeous veil
Looks like a virgin newlywed!
Brightly coloured leaves fly beneath
And cover all the ditches, pits…
The wings in yellow maple trees
Look like in gilded frames indeed.
September trees are very fair
And at dawn they stand in pairs
The gentle sunset on their bark
Leaves an amber trace as a mark.
The leaves are twirling slowly
And falling gently down
And everyone can clearly feel
The rustling leaves around.
Sounds at the end of the lanes
Echo at a bluffy slope.
And the dawn of cherry shade
Autumn. Such an ancient nook
Of old books, clothes, weapons!
Where extremely severe cold
Scrolls through the treasure catalog.

Harvest Festival in the Workers' Cultural Centre

It doesn't matter how much we sang – it was as good as if were silent,
That's why our holy water is now dead.
The wheels of sorrow have run over us,
And here we go to the harvest festival in the workers' cultural centre.
It's time to refrain, but how do you refrain?
[How do you] leave this zone, pull the wires out of yourself?
And Rose from the State Timber Enterprise and Mary the Wedding Bird
Are dying for a ticket
For the harvest festival in the workers' cultural centre.
We know the machine is utterly broke,
We know there's no road here and never has been.
Close your eyes so you don't see a faun creeping in the field,
A star fallen from the sky is knocking at the door.
The harvest festival in the workers' cultural centre.
Black soot red as a flag,
Blown up trains among the ancient ruins,
Under the feet of the passers-by are paintings from Hermitage,
The conductor is completely deaf –
The harvest festival in the workers' cultural centre.
It doesn't matter how much we sang – it was as good as if were silent,
That's why our holy water is now dead.
And on the starry night I will wait on the quay.
We're in the beginning yet. The harvest festival in the workers' cultural centre.

Everything is backwards

I will sing about love no more - I don't want to.
Such a pain is inside of me, and it's no joke.
I've words on fire, burning mouth.
You surprised me so, now everything is backwards.
I won't leave what's most important out of sight -
I have a family that's large, it is kind and nice.
But it so turned out - my friend became a traitor and a thief.
Till this day it feels as if in my head the shutter clicked.
We rode and rode, and on a lame mare.
I do remember everything, you have all forgotten.
An eyelet that was sewn, and the tied pigtail.
We drove on and on, but didn't reach the shelter.
And I'll no longer make decisions beforehand.
And I'll no longer anyone will blame.
And I'll no longer will rules of driving break.
After all, someone is the world to you, for someone it is you.
I will sing about love no more - I don't want to.
Such a pain is inside of me, and it's no joke.
I've words on fire, burning mouth.
I believed you so, and you...
You surprised me so, now everything is backwards.
You did not scare me, no! I'm ok...
Feedback is appreciated. If you like or dislike something, leave a note...
The objective is to further human understanding so my feeble attempts are not copyrighted.


Stop with suffering

Tonight even though I can't sleep
I remember you everytime I don't have you near
Oh baby, I wish I knew where you are today
It would be very easy for me
I don't show it, my tears are rolling
I don't have you and I don't see anyone else
Night is ours, for our days
Tonight I'm drinking, for you my love
Where are you now?
To have you near me
I would give everything
I would give everything
Play with me tonight
Stop with suffering
Play with me
Life is short
Play with me tonight
Stop with suffering
Play with me
I want to forget everything

I will no longer message you

Versions: #2
You didnt forgive me, i will no longer message you,
I'm blocked, i just drink and drink.
There's no more meaning mom, cant find a place to stay,
I need to find her, cause its hard to be alone.
Ordinary day, but now without us,
And everyone is going to the past,
And anyone in my place would die before me,
Im still alive, it doesnt hurt, and its not hard.
Everyone's saying, what followes to it.
What the hell?
By fact everyone had to get over it,
But no, i still get pushed around, and you just leave me,
In ours, in the past familiar to pain, our reflection
Didnt show up in the mirror.
See, I'm happy, and so is my melancholia.
Your only next to me in my mind,
But this is how the story goes.
Yes, all chapters are forgotten and erased,
And you will remain proud,
And I stand and keep quiet, when at the time it would scream at the top of my head.
Yes, it happens
We will not find, because we do not recognize
Your heart is in me, it plays so nicely
On broken strings, hardly touching.
Well, as if there was not in the end,
I still wish you peace,
But there is one thing: I'm blocked.
(Contact is temporarily blocked)
You didnt forgive me, i will no longer message you,
I'm blocked, i just drink and drink.
There's no more meaning mom, cant find a place to stay,
I need to find her, cause its hard to be alone.

Unplugged #1: The Good Star

I come from afar where I put my belongings
If I’m first, it’s because I worked for it
When I rap, I get shivers (gang)
When you listen, you get shivers (gang)
I’m down below in a quartier, near the tower and the material.
My brother doesn’t eat and of course, I could give him more than half.
No one will be able to tell me why it’s so dark if you leave
I try to sing while leaving marks, making a point without fighting.
No one will be able to tell me how far the starting line is
Give me the signal if you’re crazy, I put my bags in front of the door.
I’m on the tarmac, appreciate it, one chance only and no attempts.
I have love to give, love to give.
I’m in the middle of a desert, I follow the celestial light and the good star.
If I’m wrong that means I’m barely recognizable
Papa, Mama, forgive me.
I’m on the tarmac, appreciate it, one chance only and no attempts.
I have love to give, love to give.
I’m in the middle of a desert, I follow the celestial light and the good star.
If I’m wrong that means I’m barely recognizable
Papa, Mama, forgive me.
I came like this, before serious projects
They tell me: come back later.
All the money for the [...]
Out of stock we don’t figure you out
The look in people’s eyes will be the same
Whether you be no one, or the winner of the year’s game.
I’m this young guy who wants some fresh, remember me well otherwise you’re left with shit
We bore ourselves without weed, dope, girls, and drinks
I think of that and I forget right away when I see what’s going on
The situation suggests
That I’m going to leave in order to come back better than ever at homeport.
I’m on the tarmac, appreciate it, one chance only and no attempts.
I have love to give, love to give.
I’m in the middle of a desert, I follow the celestial light and the good star.
If I’m wrong that means I’m barely recognizable
Papa, Mama, forgive me.
I’m on the tarmac, appreciate it, one chance only and no attempts.
I have love to give, love to give.
I’m in the middle of a desert, I follow the celestial light and the good star.
If I’m wrong that means I’m barely recognizable
Papa, Mama, forgive me.

There, where the light is born (the sky)

Remember me
the winter afternoons, the summer days
under a warm sun
under a long torrential rain
I don’t cry anymore, only the rain outside the window
and it means all was forgotten long ago
and in the autumn sky, barely tarnished,
lonely worlds melt, dragged by the foliage
It hurts no more, a slight sadness in the heart
I’m calm, I won´t come back to you
I need a a sky without barriers nor shackles
only when reaching the clouds all will become easy
And there, where the light is born
there is no anxiety nor discouragement
and there are pure snow clouds
I’ll remember you
and, flying, I’ll look for happiness
there is nothing but the sky, after all,
and my love…
I’ll say ‘Thanks’ for those fleeing days
I’ll be strong. Only remember me.
With autumnal mood, I’ll take of quietly to the sky
In the flow of the brighest feelings, I’ll look for my own happiness.
And there, where the light is born
there is no anxiety nor discouragement
and there are pure snow clouds
I’ll remember you
and, flying, I’ll look for happiness
there is nothing but the sky, after all,
and my love…
Remember me
And there, where the light is born
there is no anxiety nor discouragement
and there are pure snow clouds
I’ll remember you
and, flying, I’ll look for happiness
there is nothing but the sky, after all,
and my love…
Remember me
the winter afternoons, the summer days
under a warm sun
under a long torrential rain

Choice without options – that’s all you gave us (VBVVCTND).

Verse 1:
Today is a hard day: they need bread.
They eat what they are given, as if it dinner.
New work, the house is like a crypt.
Did you want a real trap? That’s the trap.
Someone's day is the same as it was yesterday.
Smoke that hemp to lose yourself till morning.
50W bulb is in the room, not sconce,
and mean alarm goes off, but it’s not our game.
Monday, every day like Monday.
Someone will fall on an old bike
to sell it for hangover.
Celebrate your housewarming while you got a reason.
Someone may fly to you this week.
Lifestyle is boundless.
Because you see this guy?
He doesn't have a dad,
he doesn't have money,
he doesn't have a bath.
I know this guy. He has no mom,
so here everybody wants to line the pockets quickly.
Chorus 1:
Rob these bitches!
One more crazy day.
Count all these hungry kids.
Poverty (around). That’s why we know the word “dream”.
People in different towns – they have so much pain.
Discharge them, come on.
Chorus 2:
Choice without options – that’s all you gave us.
People without hope is poverty.
Now it's time to pay the bills.
Choice without options – that’s all you gave us.
Verse 2:
Schoolboy hanged himself in the yard of the house.
Chicks hook up cash for straw.
Dogs bark, someone's lock has been cut,
here will get an alcohol from scrap metal.
So bitch, I'm from the underbelly,
my voice is permeated
with cannabis smoke,
not their show-biz.
Watch TV, you're like Alice
in Wonderland. Visa to my world
in 11 kilometers from the city.
Another lonely night, but with a pot.
Tomorrow I will find someone's phone in the pipe.
We again have trouble related to dough:
our packs could not find the way in the middle of the home.
What's up with this shit?
Let's find suckers to feed the young boys,
to get out of all those debts.
You see, not everyone can avoid to do it every day,
to think out new scripts,
to wait when a new piece falls at our feet.
So, if you’re ready -
Chorus 1
Chorus 2
Chorus 1
Chorus 2

C’mon Bosnia

Give me a hand, take me there
To see my mother and fields of dew
Life is one, love is one
And my love is called Bosnia (2x)
C’mon, c’mon, c’mon now
Let me love while I’m young
Bosnia, Bosnia that’s a dream
Give me Bosnia everyday
I love your every step
C’mon Bosnia to Europe
Let the streets smell
I desire only my Bosnia
In the name of happiness embrace love
And quietly say for our mornings
Let love be eternal in Bosnia
For our better today and tomorrow (2x)

BOKUMAMA ~One More Birthday~

'Am I fine the way I am?'
'You're fine the way you are'
I can't become him, I can't become anyone else
Despite that, I've known what it's like to be loved
Today is my birthday
Mama, don't worry anymore
'You still don't have a sweetheart?'
You don't have to call and ask those things
Papa, I finally found it
But I didn't just take the long way around
There's someone I want you to meet
Between 'pretending to be strong' and ”actually being strong,'
Please don't notice the difference
Because I've made it this far
'Am I fine the way I am?'
'You're fine the way you are'
I know the beginning and end of this everlasting journey
'Am I fine the way I am?'
'You're fine the way you are'
I can't become him, I can't become anyone else
Despite that, I've know what it's like to be loved
Today is my birthday
I've already stopped taking shelter from the rain
Just how much time will pass until I take off running
How many nights have gone by
In the morning downpour I just close my eyes
My feelings that I can't turn into words burn into the back of my eyelids
I came to like someone so much that I feel hollow
That in itself makes it a wonderful day
With just one wing you can't catch the sky
Leading this lovely sadness
This path I walk alone... In the hopes that someday I can fly
When I thought, 'I'm glad to be alive'
For the first time I also thought, 'I'm glad I was born'
When this life of mine was illuminated, for the first time
I was grateful for the beginning of this life
There's a flower that I can't make bloom with my strength alone
There's a love that can't be reached with joy alone
By simply passing the days
Something that couldn't be found
Those solitary days, the meaning of this life
Spending my birthday with you
One more birthday

Don't leave me

Versions: #2
It's hard to love the heart, that became cruel, unfair,
It's hard to be quiet, if you feel like to scream.
The rivers of hurts also have a beginning somewhere,
It's hard to forgive if the fire still burning within.
Be it a night or a day, it has no meaning...
Light or a shade, for a moment of love, I'll give everything.
Do not leave me, my darling, my pain, do not melt in a haze,
Do not leave me, how can you, I need you with me everyday.
Do not leave me, I can't make it alone, dissolve in my love, only stay,
Do not leave me, without you, on this earth I have no place.
In one hour of separation, the scars of wrongs won't mend,
Only heartbeat, with pages written with pain.
The chains of fate cannot be loosened or broken,
As long as life left in me, in which you remain.
As separation flame, like a glare
My heart is silent, but I can't hold back the scream, I do not dare.
Do not leave me, my darling, my pain, do not melt in a haze,
Do not leave me, how can you, I need you with me everyday.
Do not leave me, I can't make it alone, dissolve in my love, only stay,
Do not leave me, without you, on this earth I have no place.
Cry in the sand, the bitterness of the heart will leave
And I will again, I will pray to heavens
Do not leave me, my darling, my pain, do not melt in a haze,
Do not leave me, how can you, I need you with me everyday.
Do not leave me, I can't make it alone, dissolve in my love, only stay,
Do not leave me, without you, on this earth I have no place.


Anyukám azt mondta nekem, amikor fiatal voltam
Hogy szólaljak fel, ne csak egy szám legyek
Apukám azt mondta nekem, amikor mennydörgött
Hogy legyek villámlás, ne fussak menedékért
Ki fog segíteni a bajbajutotton
Néha teljesen egyedül vagyunk
Manapság csupán keresünk
Egy helyet, amit otthonnak nevezhetünk
Most nem tudunk átmászni és megkerülni se
Építsd fel őket, majd leromboljuk
Tégláról téglára, nézzük, ahogy szétesnek
Építs még több hidat és rombolj falakat
Ezek a falak a hegyek, amiket mászunk
Ezek a falak a nagy elválasztók
Tégláról téglára, nézzük, ahogy szétesnek
Építs még több hidat, rombolj falakat
Az űr köztünk egyre vadabb
Kell ez az akadály hogy meggyújtsuk a tüzet
Mutasd meg az ígéretet adj némi bánásmódot
Túl sok a fájdalom szükségünk van némi gyógyításra
Ki fog segíteni a bajbajutotton
Néha teljesen egyedül vagyunk
Manapság csupán keresünk
Egy helyet, amit otthonnak nevezhetünk
Most nem tudunk átmászni és megkerülni se
Építsd fel őket, majd leromboljuk
Tégláról téglára, nézzük, ahogy szétesnek
Építs még több hidat és rombolj falakat
Ezek a falak a hegyek, amiket mászunk
Ezek a falak a nagy elválasztók
Tégláról téglára, nézzük, ahogy szétesnek
Építs még több hidat, rombolj falakat
Emlékszem arra, amikor a Föld kisebb volt
És mindketten 10 lábbal nagyobbnak éreztük magunkat
Most nem tudunk átmászni és megkerülni se
Építsd fel őket, majd leromboljuk
Tégláról téglára, nézzük, ahogy szétesnek
Építs még több hidat és rombolj falakat
Ezek a falak a hegyek, amiket mászunk
Ezek a falak a nagy elválasztók
Tégláról téglára, nézzük, ahogy szétesnek
Építs még több hidat, rombold le ezeket a falakat
(Ezeket a falakat)
(Ezeket a falakat, ezeket a falakat, ezeket a falakat )
Rombold le ezeket a falakat (Ezeket a falakat)
(Ezeket a falakat, ezeket a falakat, ezeket a falakat,)
Rombolj falakat.
Dana Kósa

When I was Bigger

When I was bigger I was not afraid of cars,
My dad said it snowed on mars, and he was the conqueror of all,
And from nine-to-five,
I worked as a hero.
I flew out the window, only my goals visible,
I drank two bottles of young wine,
And trained Bruce Lee corps de ballet and walking formations 1
I had a goal in life, my wife Natalya. 2
I went to the ends of the Earth, while Salvador Dali 3
He never bargained when he bought pictures from me.
And I flew at night, like an owl,
Composed cha-cha-chas and fair Ilyich, 4
From the cold, hemorrhoids 5
When I was bigger, I swallowed an Arshin 6
I was watching Chumak, but decided on nothing, 7
And for a hundred years I never went through the gate.
created dawn, and the group “Sekret” 8
I painted the BGs on the wall, and whatnot,
I painted a portrait of myself,
and Nino Rota 9
And I walked under the window, charming ladies,
I lived with Moshe Dayan and Saddam 10
We took Agam in both the summer and the winter. 11
Only on one occasion did talks not work,
Then one of them lost an eye 12
But he wasn’t slow and didn’t even think about it.
When I was bigger I did not smoke anasha 13
However I did buy hashish from Chiang Kai-shek 14
And he lived without torment or worry, and he still died.
I was carried in the arms of everyone who isn’t lazy,
On a planet that declared a no-working day,
And Vladislav Tretiak, in a move of despair, changed his number. 15
Then each bell from the country called me,
My name was written upon the great wall,
My wife given to Magadan and the Voodoo Island 16
But it has been two-thousand years since then,
And I, again, have come into this world,
But-but-but-but-but I’m afraid, I’m already so much bigger than before.
But I-I-I-I-I am afraid, that I’m not big enough.
  • 1. Interesting line...there are more like this so it makes sense. He is saying here that he taught Bruce Lee how to dance, and how to walk information. He disciplined him.
  • 2. From ~2003 to 2010 Makarevich was married to a woman named Natalya Golub, this is from the 1989 to 2000 Album. So makes sense
  • 3. Funny I’m listening to IOWA’s Улыбайся while translating this and she says Salvador Dali in this song as well -_-
  • 4. Either this is referring to censoring Leo Trotsky’s Ilyitch, to the Patriarchal name that refers to Lenin or to the city of Ilyitch, need a native to help on this one.
  • 5. I’m sorry?
    And scarlet fever Didn’t know hemorrhoids came as a package deal with scarlet fever
  • 6. He is referring to an outdated unit of Russian measurement. Jesus Makarevich and Leningrad have taught me about food, culture and now math and measurements?
  • 7. A faith healer that came around because of good ‘ol Gorbachev, the original Televangelist
  • 8. Okay trivia time! Remember my translation of “Сосевка” and who performed? Maxim Leonidov and Andrey Makarevich. Well, Maxim Leonidov is a performer on the Soviet Rock band “Sekret” (Секрет), so again, keep this in mind when thinking about the meaning of the song
  • 9. A famous Italian Composer
  • 10. Moshe Dayan was the defense minister of Israel, while Saddam, well, was the dictator of Iraq
  • 11. Agam is a ghost town in Azerbaijan.
  • 12. Moshe Dayan lost an eye to a French sniper bullet through his binoculars. Yikes
  • 13. Anasha could be a reference to weed
  • 14. The former president of China.
  • 15. Vladislav Tretiak is the president of Russian Ice Hockey.
  • 16. Magadan is a province/city/town in Russia
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.

Without You

When I'm not around, everyone asks
Who will love you as strong, like I do
One more night, and I sit awake
Bottle on table is empty
I judge myself
Smoke cloud fills the room
I remember that fog when leaving
I see our homeland 1
I close my eyes
Raise my glass again
Because I'm lost without you
I don't have her by my side any more
I lost that battle
Life enslaved my heart
Because I'm lost without you
I don't have her by my side any more
I lost that battle
Life enslaved my heart
That's not the thing across the road
Where my sadness sometimes eanders, my pub
Nor can all this that I have
Replace you
I have a weakness for you
I miss you on that entrance to my home
You're always in my thoughts
I see our homeland
I close my eyes
Raise my glass again
Because I'm lost without you
I don't have her by my side any more
I lost that battle
Life enslaved my heart
Because I'm lost without you
I don't have her by my side any more
I lost that battle
Life enslaved my heart
  • 1. literally 'our beautiful' - metaphor for Croatia in the national anthem