Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 139

Találatok száma: 5102



Didn´t you tell me
that we´re going on blue sea like the eyes
didn´t you love me
can´t the ashes of our love burn again
It was fake promises
every night a blunt knife
this life won´t pass like this
Come into a dream to escape with our memories from here
come, I´m tired of pride, of life full of lies
there´s a life, our love is sufficient until then
come spring, that we desapeared

Santa Claus exists

And while you're sleeping
The light of the room is still on
I listen to your light breath
I wonder what you're dreaming of.
Meanwhile you're growing up
And I'm learning something more
Among doubts and fears
I wish you were awake now.
To read a story of princesses and dragons
Of invincible men like me
Everytime I hold your tiny hand
I'm learning from you
I'm learning from you
That Captain America is great
Because thanks to him we're not afraid of falling asleep at night
I'm learning from you that the immense for me is to wait for Santa Claus.
Life is rushing on
And sometimes I anxiously wait
Walking on knowing that nothing comes to us by chance
I wonder if you'll be anxious when you'll be older
I'm learning from you
I'm learning from you
That Spider-Man flies over roofs
For a bigger purpose than the one I thought I understood
I'm learning from you
that for me the immense is to close the door
And to be in your world where the good guys don't die
And everything has a logical sense.
Where fantasy and fear are confused
Where the air is clear
Where life streams
Where I see myself
with smaller shoes
Where writing your name is an incredible conquest.
I'm learning from you
I'm learning from you
That Captain America is amazing
Because thanks to him we're not afraid of falling asleep at night
I'm learning from you that the immense for me is to wait for Santa Claus.

The evening at outer harbour

Let's sing, my friends, for tomorrow we march on
We'll leave before dawn in the fog
Let's sing cheerfully and may sing along,
Our grey-haired combat captain.
Farewell, beloved city!
We leave tomorrow at sea.
And just before dawn will flash by the stern
Your blue familiar shawl.
And the evening again as good as can be,
That not to sing we simply can't.
On friendship that's great, on service at sea,
Let's sing along together my friends.
Farewell, beloved city!
We leave tomorrow at sea.
And just before dawn will flash by the stern
Your blue familiar shawl.
On big outer harbour the silence lay,
And the sea was enveloped in fog.
And our dear shore is kissed by the wave,
And quiet sound of accordion floats.
Farewell, beloved city!
We leave tomorrow at sea.
And just before dawn will flash by the stern
Your blue familiar shawl.


Oh, grand and petit world !
Tonight, I acquiesce you to listen to me,
as I'll be plonging down to your breath.
I speak as an unheard and insolent voice
that didn't break free from the rule of the dominant silence.
I sing the silence of the lambs as a new chant
to you for never listening to yours own silence.
I ring the bells of temples with abundant force,
hoping that you'll hear me requesting a helping hand from you.
I pray, just like the worshippers,
that you'll close your ears to the void voices of the past.
You won't live a bright future
if you insist to pressure its children
to learn the traumatic past the way
you were taught it by those who fought against you.
Oh, grand and petit world !
Learn from your mistakes
and embrace your destiny,
instead of fighting them both.
As a new teacher, I incite you to learn
and to denounce the greyness of life.
As a father of the many, I want you
to listen to your children and to give them their future.
As a beloved and tested grandparent,
I admonish you to reject fear
and to open your doors to happiness.
As your deeply beloved and well-promising child,
I need you to support me, as well as all the starving children.
As your alter ego, before passing away,
I beg you to shift over right now.
Drown your egoism
and burn your indifference down.
Push your anger aside
and seal your hatred away.
This is the advice I'm giving you
and I hope that you'll take me into account.
Because, in mine time of dying,
no one will hear me !
Οι μεταφράσεις μου μέχρι ένα εφικτό σημείο είναι δικές μου. Δέχομαι βελτιώσεις μόνο αν θεωρώ ότι κάποια μετάφρασή μου έχει παράδοθεί ελλιπής ή εντελώς εσφαλμένη.
My translations are mine up to a considerable extent. I accept improvements only if I consider that any translation of mine has been delivered inaccurate or completely wrong.

I Am Loosing It

Mom, for Heaven’s sake I am not drunk and not on drugs
And not feeling lonely and not simply just in love
I am losing it
I am losing it
Mama wipe the tears do me a favor and be strong
Stop the silly questions what I am doing, where I’ve gone
I am losing it
All nights now I am losing it
Just one look in his eyes is enough to realize that I am losing it (I am losing it)
I don’t know anything, not a thing about him - I am losing it (I am losing it)
By his side, loved by him I will give up everything and I am losing it (I am losing it)
Without him and his love there is no 'me' and this is it!
I would like to play a chord or two on my guitar
I was singing songs and now I am choking – here we are…
I am losing it
I am losing it
I would cry like baby but the face is shining bright
Down the hill is going what is wrong and what is right
I am losing it
I laugh and I am losing it!
Just one look in his eyes is enough to realize that I am losing it (I am losing it)
I don’t know anything, not a thing about him - I am losing it (I am losing it)
By his side, loved by him I will give up everything and I am losing it (I am losing it)
Without him and his love there is no me and that is it!
Just one look in his eyes is enough to realize that I am losing it (I am losing it)
I don’t know anything, not a thing about him - I am losing it (I am losing it)
By his side, loved by him I will give up everything and I am losing it (I am losing it)
Without him and his love there is no me and that is it!
I am losing it (I am losing it)
By his side, loved by him I will give up everything and I am losing it (I am losing it)
Without him and his love there is no me and that is it!

Tell your father

Versions: #2
Tell your father, that am coming to your house tonight
my family wants you, to be the wife for their son
intending your beauty, please (for god sake) meet me.
am carrying my soul as a gift, along with my heart and eye.
(calling her) delight of my heart, my eye forgot the sleep.
tell your father, that am coming to your house tonight.
my family wants you, to be the wife for their son
intending your beauty, please (for god sake) meet me.
my soul with you, near you, even if your far.
if I forget the whole world, I swear i wont forget you.
your heart, I wont take else instead, my heart adores you.
(calling her) delight of my heart, my eye forgot the sleep.
Tell your father, that am coming to your house tonight
my family wants you, to be the wife for their son
(calling her) the most beautiful girl, I want you to be mineg
(calling her) the most beautiful fairy, other than your love, no I don't like
tell your family, tell them, my lover is coming
am intending to tell them about you, that you are requested.
(calling her) delight of my heart, my eye forgot the sleep.

Tis Lovely Brothers Lovely!

Versions: #2
As though black channels, as though black channels
The cossacks rode - forty thousand horses,
And the shore was covered, and the shore was covered
With hundreds of cleaved and gunshot men.
Tis lovely brothers lovely, lovely brothers to live,
For our commander, it's not fitting to grieve.
Tis lovely brothers lovely, lovely brothers to live,
For our commander, it's not fitting to grieve.
And the first bullet, and the first bullet,
And the first bullet, brothers, it wounded the horse.
But the second bullet, and the second bullet,
But the second bullet in the heart, it wounded me.
Tis lovely brothers lovely, lovely brothers to live,
For our commander, it's not fitting to grieve.
Tis lovely brothers lovely, lovely brothers to live,
For our commander, it's not fitting to grieve.
And the wife will weep, will marry another,
As for my comrade, he will forget about me,
Just a wretched fence and a broad plain,
A miserable old mother and a dun horse.
Tis lovely brothers lovely, lovely brothers to live,
For our commander, it's not fitting to grieve.
Tis lovely brothers lovely, lovely brothers to live,
For our commander, it's not fitting to grieve.
My curls are blonde, my eyes are light
The grasses, weeds and wormwood are overgrown.
My bones are white, my heart, brave
Vultures and ravens on the steppe will carry away.
Tis lovely brothers lovely, lovely brothers to live,
For our commander, it's not fitting to grieve.
Tis lovely brothers lovely, lovely brothers to live,
For our commander, it's not fitting to grieve.
Tis lovely brothers lovely, lovely brothers to live,
For our commander, it's not fitting to grieve.
Tis lovely brothers lovely, lovely brothers to live,
For our commander, it's not fitting to grieve.

Football Song

The radiant, clear sky, the sun shines,
From the height of the curious.
Быстроноги players, like the wind.
Who is who in this time will win?
Blow - short, and the ball in the gate!
Screaming fans, the whistle gives the judge.
Forward, my friends!
/repeat the last 2 lines of verse/
In the sky - the evil storm panorama,
The ball floats at the gate on the water.
But stubbornly going straight to the 'Dynamo'
All of Moscow, forgetting about the rain!
The chorus.
We often, we often beaten aptly:
Well, friend, by the hands of the score!
And to the British, and to the Scots right in the grid
From Moscow fly balls.
The chorus.
The green stadium with a ringing noise
Wants the ball the whole world go around.
Glory to the brave and skilful Champions,
And Hello to all, who loves 'sick'!
The chorus.
Do not be proud, beware, the Champions,
Wizard, veterans of the ball!
In every field, in every school, stadiums.
To what young hot!

Lenni valaki

Csak egy fiú vagyok egy férfiben
Nem pontosan az, akinek te hiszel
Megpróbáltam nyomon követni a lépéseimet idáig
Olyan sokszor
Csak egy folt vagyok a fejedben
Te jöttél és azzá tettél, aki vagyok
Emlékszem, hol kezdődött az egész
Olyan tisztán...
Millió mérföldre érzem
Még mindig hozzám kapcsolódtál az utadon
És kihoztál belőlem
Valamit, amit addig még soha sem láttam azelőtt
Amikor csak a padlót láttam
Az ablakomat ajtóvá alakítottad
Szóval amikor azt mondják, nem hiszik
Remélem látnak téged bennem
Mindezek után kialudtak a fények
Csak egy szó voltam, te meg a hang
Egy furcsa fajtája a kémiának
Ahogyan egy részemmé lettél
És amikor egyedül ülök este
A tudatod átlángol, mint a tűz
Te vagy az egyetlen, aki tudja
Hogy ki vagyok én valójában
Mind szeretnénk valakik lenni
Csak meg kell ízlelnünk, hogy kik is vagyunk valójában
Mind szeretnénk valakik lenni
El fogunk menni, de nem ilyen messzire
Átnézünk rajta
Mint az üvegen
És ugyan olyan gyorsan össze tudjuk törni
Az a fény kiégett egy ideig
Még mindig látom, ha elhaladok mellette
Elveszett az elmém hidegében
A miértek okainak dobozai mögött
Sosem kételkedtem abban, hogy itt van
Csak egy kis időbe tellett megtalálni
És még akkor is...
Millió mérföldre érzem
Még mindig hozzám kapcsolódtál az utadon
És kihoztál belőlem
Valamit, amit addig még soha sem láttam azelőtt
Amikor csak a padlót láttam
Az ablakomat ajtóvá alakítottad
Szóval amikor azt mondják, nem hiszik
Remélem látnak téged bennem
Mindezek után kialudtak a fények
Csak egy szó voltam, te meg a hang
Egy furcsa fajtája a kémiának
Ahogyan egy részemmé lettél
És amikor egyedül ülök este
A tudatod átlángol, mint a tűz
Te vagy az egyetlen, aki tudja
Hogy ki vagyok én valójában
Mind szeretnénk valakik lenni
Csak meg kell ízlelnünk, hogy kik is vagyunk valójában
Mind szeretnénk valakik lenni
El fogunk menni, de nem ilyen messzire 2x
Csak egy fiú vagyok egy férfiben
Nem pontosan az, akinek te hiszel
Megpróbáltam nyomon követni a lépéseimet idáig
Olyan sokszor
Amikor csak a padlót láttam
Az ablakomat ajtóvá alakítottad
Szóval amikor azt mondják, nem hiszik
Remélem látnak téged bennem

Long live surprise!

Surprise, surprise,
Long live surprise.
Just imagine such a state,
All that you are in for, you would know in advance
Then goodbye to worries, uncertainties,
A timetable would anticipate everything in the world
But we are defying boredom
'Cause because
To live on earh without surprises
Nobody can.
Let be good-lucks, failures,
Let be ups and downs
That's how it should be, not other way,
That's how it should be, not other way,
Long live surprise.
Surprise, surprise,
Long live surprise.
Surprise, surprise,
Long live surprise.
A timetable would anticipate the goingforawalkness*
It would anticipate growthness* of consciousness,
And certainly it would cause a greater oscitationness*
And boredomness* would fill the universe.
But we are defying boredom
'Cause because
To live on earh without surprises
Nobody can.
Let be good-lucks, failures,
Let be ups and downs
That's how it should be, not other way,
That's how it should be, not other way,
Long live surprise.
Surprise, surprise,
Long live surprise.
Surprise, surprise,
Long live surprise.
Just imagine such a state,
All that you are in for, you would know in advance
Then goodbye to worries, uncertainties,
A timetable would anticipate everything in the world
But we are defying boredom
'Cause because
To live on earh without surprises
Nobody can.
Let be good-lucks, failures,
Let be ups and downs
That's how it should be, not other way,
That's how it should be, not other way,
Long live surprise.
Surprise, surprise,
Long live surprise.
Surprise, surprise,
Long live surprise.

The entire country is singing along with us

Hey, sing more cherfully, falcons
Sons of the glorious army
Shall the song of the Soviet Country
Fly to the sun high up in the sky.
There is no power in the world
That could destroy
The youth of our country.
Move on courageously, falcons of us
Sons of the glorious army.
Our lines have been created
By the powerful hands of our homeland,
It has ordered us to be the best,
It has poured boldness into our hearts.
We have been beaten by the hot rays
of the sun,
We have been stitched by the the shower of a machine gun.
The storm and the cold have made us stronger,
The wind has taught us to sing.
Our country, quickfeeted just as you are
Is going to take everything by storm
The high sky, the deep sea,
The marshes of the forests and the moors.
We are pleased to see the wide ways,
The help and the friendship around us.
We are glad to hear the challenging songs
Of our friends and girlfriends.
Excellent pioneers are singing along with us,
Mother and father and our wife.
The heroes of the frontier guard are singing along with us,
The entire country is singing along with us!
There is no power in the world
That could destroy
The youth of our country.
Move on courageously, falcons of us
Sons of the glorious army.


I'm tired of talking and arguing
And of loving your tired eyes...
In the blue and distant filibuster sea
Brigantine raising it's sails.
The captain, weathered like rocks,
Went to sea, without waiting for sunshine-
For farewell raise your glasses
Of golden and tart wine.
We drink for the furious, for the unruly,
The one's who despised cheep comfort of the Ins-
Reigns in the breeze the Happy Roger
Singing the song the people of the Flint.
In trouble , in joy and and in grief
Only slightly squint your eyes-
In the blue and distant filibuster sea
Brigantine raising it's sails.
I'm tired of talking and arguing
And of loving your tired eyes...
In the blue and distant filibuster sea
Brigantine raising it's sails.

Erősebb nálad (Frisk verziója)

Nem tudom, mibe keveredtem
Valahogy nem tudok visszamenni még akkor sem ha nagyon szeretném...
Mi többet tehetnék?
Itt a végén, csak te, meg én...
Sosem akartam szabályok szerint játszani
A kés a kezemben
Játszom a hülyét
Szóval itt vagyunk, alaposan megítélhetsz
Túl késő már a bocsánatkéréshez
Gyerünk, üss meg
Képes vagy rá
Tudjuk, a határozottságom
Sosem voltam őrült
Mert kitartok a halál melett
Bár sosem tudtam, miért próbálkozom még mindig
Ez nem az amit akartam
Mégis ezt kértem
A kíváncsiság felülmúlta az erkölcseimet
Elvettem a tökéletes, boldog befejezésünket
Újraindítottam a világom a figyelmeztetések ellenére
Most gyűlöletből vagyok
Tudom, ki vagy
Te emlékszel rám
Tudtuk, egyszer az idővonalon
Jó barátok lettünk
És mégis megöltem a fivéred
Esélyt se adva neki
Minden alkalommal, amikor legyőzöl
Remélem, még egyszer megölsz,,,
Szóval gyerünk, üss meg
Képes vagy rá
Az összes bűn
Amit érezni tudok, kibírhatatlan
Ha csak egyszer meg tudnálak ütni
Vége lenne
De a következmények örökké kitartanak
A virágok kinyílnak
Ahogy a madarak el fogják mondani
Ez egy gyönyörű nap
A pokolban égésre
Tanácsot adtál
A fajirtást választottam
De tudom, hogy tehetném jóvá
Gyűlöletből vagyok... De feladom
De feladom érted
De feladom érted
Gyűlölet, Gyűlölet

If I Am

I am more, far more
Than this body which they want to hurt
Internally, beyond the mind
Which is limited to understand
If I am a human, if I am a human
If I am, if I am
And something new comes
Shamelessly, it remakes inside of me
Like it burns and hurts
At the end of all
That reborn in a sound
If I am a human
If I am, if I am
I live and I won't stop
Let me dance
I face this life
I live and I won't stop
Let me dance
I face this life
You can come with no fear
The atmosphere here is so good
Don't stop
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
You can come with no fear
The atmosphere here is so good
Don't stop
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
I am more, far more
Than this body which they want to hurt
Internally, beyond the mind
Which is limited to understand
If I am a human, if I am a human
If I am, if I am
I live and I won't stop
Let me dance
I face this life
I live and I won't stop
Let me dance
I face this life
You can come with no fear
The atmosphere here is so good
Don't stop
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
You can come with no fear
The atmosphere here is so good
Don't stop
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
We are afro-light-skinned
Is this a problem?
Beyond what you see
Beyond what you see
I love when they don't hurt me
Beyond what you see
Beyond what you see
The condition of my body
It doesn't matter
Beyond what you see
Beyond what you see
Live or die
What do you prefer?
Beyond what you see
Beyond what you see
Don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
Don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
Don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
Don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
You can come with no fear
(Just come, baby)
The atmosphere here is so good
Don't stop
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
You can come with no fear
The atmosphere here is so good
Don't stop
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
You can come with no fear
(Come, cause the atmosphere is so good)
The atmosphere here is so good
Don't stop
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
You can come with no fear
(Come, cause the atmosphere is so good)
The atmosphere here is so good
Don't stop
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!


We love to do somersaults in the grass,
And splash around in the water,
And, to shake loose some thoughts in our heads,
Walk around on our hands.
And to be perfectly honest:
It's great to be alive!
Our country is in its childhood.
How great it is in our country!
Just great! Simply wonderful!
Everyone should have such a country.
So great! Just wonderful!
Perhaps not a country
As wide, or as long -
But, no matter, it's great in our country.
Just wonderful. Simply great!
We love to sit quietly,
And dream - like this:
Our entire class is riding on one elephant,
We're flying off to visit the Martians,
To be honest,
It's just great to be alive!
Our country is full of miracles,
And our country is just getting started.
Just wonderful! Just great!
Everyone on Earth should have such a country!
Just wonderful! Simply wonderful!
Maybe yours should not be
As long or as wide,
But, who cares, it's great in our country.
Just great! Just wonderful!
We love to grow every year,
And become a little smarter,
And read some good books,
In order to do everything correctly,
And we say honestly,
It's great to be alive.
Our country is full of miracles,
And this country is just getting started.
How great it is in our country!
Just wonderful! Simply great!
Everyone on Earth should have such a country!
Just great! Just wonderful!
Maybe not as wide or as long for you,
Still, everything's great in our country.
Just wonderful! Simply great!
Just wonderful! Simply great!

Ez nem rólunk szól

Ez nem rólam szól
Látom, hogy magadra veszed
Látom, hogy a büszkeségedet félreteszed
Várok egy percet, amíg próbálsz kompenzálni
Nem, ez nem rólam szól
Látom, hogy azt hiszed, én egy hiányzó darabka vagyok
Ahhoz a kirakóhoz, amit az élethez használsz
Várok egy percet, amíg megpróbálsz eljönni az enyémért
Mindez a távolság
Rosszul kezelve
És fedeztek másodjára is
Nem akarok hazugságban élni
Legyőzve, megtépázva
És nem számít
Nem tagadom, túl sokat mondtam
Ne kérdezd miért
Mmm, ez nem rólunk szól
Mmm, ez nem rólunk szól
Mmm, ez nem rólunk szól
Mmm, ez nem rólunk szól
Ez nem rólam szól
Vagy arról, hogy sosem tudtál nyugodt maradni
Láttam, hogy akarod, hogy azt mondjam,
Nagy hiba volt elmennem
Nem, ez nem rólam szól
Látom, hogy belekapaszkodsz egy reménysugárba
Próbálsz az ágyamban ébredni
Inkább a továbblépésen kellene gondolkoznod
Mindez a távolság
Rosszul kezelve
És fedeztek másodjára is
Nem akarok hazugságban élni
Legyőzve, megtépázva
És nem számít
Nem tagadom, túl sokat mondtam
Ne kérdezd miért
Mmm, ez nem rólunk szól
Mmm, ez nem rólunk szól
Mmm, ez nem rólunk szól
Mmm, ez nem rólunk szól
Mmm, ez nem
Amit mondtál nekem
Sosem számított
Sosem kellett
(Ez nem)
Hogy szótlan légy
És amit eladtál nekem
Én soha nem vettem meg
(Ez nem)
Úgy jöttem rá
Hogy szabad vagy
Hogy soha nem léptél le
(Ez nem)
Akkor amikor próbáltam bizonyítani neked
Mmm, ez nem rólunk szól
Mmm, ez nem rólunk szól
Mmm, ez nem rólunk szól
Mmm, ez nem rólunk szól
Mmm, ez nem rólunk szól
Mmm, ez nem rólunk szól
Mmm, ez nem rólunk szól
Mmm, ez nem rólunk szól
Mmm, ez nem rólunk szól
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah


Lost in the silence of the night among the book editions
step painfully shaky to the window go
Through the contours newborns space buildings
At the foolish evil moon like a wolf see
And I see in its seas reflection of one's land
Reflection of my hopelessness but persistent eyes
And it seems to me that not in vain we ran into her
And I think that the world never lose us
Sliding on an inclined on the solar plane of the sky
Losing your fluff on ruthlessly stiff wind
I will release my claws for crumbs of cold bread
I'll hide my fangs asking for someone else's fire
It hurts so much to breathe through the smoke
I'm so scared to stand up
I want to escape from the days of endless away
And when I do not have the strength to scream, I remember my strange dream
And a porcelain disk crowned with a spring night
Putting on the scales of your inability
Through the faces, through the books leave
And behind the windowsill I'll look for weightlessness
And somewhere on the milky way I will probably find
And I see in its seas reflection of one's land
Reflection of my hopelessness but persistent eyes
And it seems to me that not in vain we ran into her
And I think that the world never lose us

Long live good wine!

It's Sunday, under the branches
the sky is tilted, la la la...
The sky is tilted. In my glass
everything gets brighter, la la la...
In my head everything gets brighter.
There's a party on, la la la...
There's a party on, everything is enchanting,
my heart is singing, la la la...
Ah, long live good wine!
It's a divine pleasure.
Soon as you get a sip,
everything sparkles in your eyes.
The world is wonderful.
Ah, long live good wine!
It's a mischievous little god.
As summer weather comes back,
it's wine that always makes
love sing.
A soothing tune
whirls in the summer wind,
and in both our hearts
I hear happiness sing.
You take my hand,
our kisses get sweeter.
May I die tomorrow1
this beautiful day is ours,
no matter if we're mad.
Ah! Ah!
Don't fight it!
Love awaits us there,
and the smiling sky
tells us everything goes
when you're a bit tipsy.
Your shoulder gets more tender
as it brushes me, la la la...
The soft grass seems to wait
for us to linger [on it], la la la...
The old keeper watching us
looks like laughing, la la la...
Yet his laugh seems to say
'I've seen worse', la la la...
Ah, long live good wine!
It's a divine pleasure.
Soon as you get a sip,
everything sparkles in your eyes.
The world is wonderful.
Ah, long live good wine!
It's a mischievous little god.
As summer weather comes back,
it's wine that always makes
love sing.
  • 1. 'let tomorrow carry me away'
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

My Comrade Time

In the haze of the steppe disappeared my home,
I leave you for awhile and my youth.
Please, don't let me be alone,
My Comrade Truth, my Comrade Truth!
I can do everything, my oath I won't break
I'll warm the earth with the breath of mine...
You only give an order- and I won't be afraid,
My Comrade Time, my Comrade Time!
Again the sound of alarm and I'm awake,
And again the battle, and such,it's tight for the bullets to be apart,
You only don't blow up halfway,
My Comrade Heart, my Comrade Heart!
In thick smoke are midday's, and midnight's,
And from the smoke I want to make them free...
You only everything, please, memorise,
My Comrade Memory, my Comrade Memory!

Song of the Giraffe

There's a place in the world
free of cares
Where proudly walks
Like a Count (1)
A very long-eared
Adorned with the marvelous name
What for then, what for the
Do you all want, my brothers
On a giraffe, on a giraffe
to ride a real giraffe (2)
What for do you want, my brothers
To ride a real giraffe.
We will spend the time
In a quite pleasant way
We will sing together
and dance
And the stately giraffe (3)
with the spotted hide
We can play with it
And its many dots (4)
What for then, what for the
Do you all want, my brothers
On a giraffe, on a giraffe
to ride a real giraffe
What for do you want, my brothers
To ride a real giraffe.
There, in winter and summer
it is always green
And it stands (5)
With its head up high
To the giraffe everything
Happens slowly
But we like the giraffe anyway
What for then, what for the
Do you all want, my brothers
On a giraffe, on a giraffe
to ride a real giraffe (2)
What for do you want, my brothers
To ride a real giraffe.
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)

Walking cheerfully together

Walking cheerfully together in open spaces (1)
Open landscapes, open landscapes
And of course, it's better to join in the Chorus
Join the Chorus, join the Chorus (2a)
Sing along with us, mister and Mrs. quail (2)
One needle, two needles, make a fir tree
One plank, two planks, make a ladder
One word, two words, make a song
Walking cheerfully together in open spaces
Open landscapes, open landscapes
And of course, it's better to join in the Chorus
Join the Chorus, join the Chorus (2a)
In the sky the band of dawn is swallowed up (3)
One birch tree, two birch trees, make a grove
One plank, two planks, make a ladder
One word, two words, make a song
Walking cheerfully together in open spaces
Open landscapes, open landscapes
And of course, it's better to join in the Chorus
Join the Chorus, join the Chorus
Choosing a pleasant path, of course, is essential
One rainshower, two rainshowers, make a rainbow
One plank, two planks, make a ladder
One word, two words, make a song
Walking cheerfully together in open spaces
Open landscapes, open landscapes
And of course, it's better to join in the Chorus
Join the Chorus, join the Chorus
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)

Labor brigade march

People will be happy
Happy forevermore
And the soviet authority
its power is great
Today we are not on parade
But on the road towards communism
In the communist brigade with us
Lenin is marching ahead
In the communist brigade with us
Lenin is marching ahead
We're always in the toughest places
Every hour we're on the road
Work days are
Like holidays for us
If they give us the call
We won't let them down
The sun of a new life
We will light on this earth
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)

The whole world needs peace

Stars of Victory, Stars of Victory
Stars of Victory, blazing above us
They give the planet, they give the planet
They give the planet the rays of october (1)
What valiant act of our brave homeland
For our planet earth to remember
O joy of life, o joy of life
The stars on the Kremlin are shining!
The power of our friendship
(Grows) stronger every year
Truth cannot be extinguished (2)
A lasting peace, like air (2a)
All the nations do need it
The whole world needs peace
Contending with storms, contending with storms
Fighting storms to bring happiness to the earth
The day-spring of peace, the day-spring of peace
A dawn of peace which we started ourselves
In boundless clear open spaces (3)
The planet earth can behold
The sun of hope, the sun of hope
The stars on the Kremlin are shining!
One big family, one big family
One big family, all nations are laboring for
Stand by the wall, stand by the wall
Stand by the wall, for a lasting peace
With our immortal banner
That the planet earth believes in
Like beacons to us, like beacons to us
The stars on the Kremlin are shining!
With our immortal banner
That the planet earth believes in
Like beacons to us, like beacons to us
The stars on the Kremlin are shining!
The power of our friendship
(Grows) stronger every year
Truth cannot be extinguished
A lasting peace, like air
All the nations do need it
The whole world needs peace
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)

What are you dreaming of, Cruiser Aurora?

The city in the North, is silently dozing
Low-flying clouds above our heads
What are you dreaming of, cruiser Aurora ?
At the hour, when morning dawns over the Neva river. (1)
What are you dreaming of, cruiser Aurora ?
At the hour, when morning dawns over the Neva river.
See gun-salvos flaring in the distance
Or, as before, in black pea-jackets (2)
Your patrolmen marching boldly
Or, as before, in black pea-jackets
Your patrolmen marching boldly
The waves so steep, the storms so grey
Such is the fate, of many ships
Their fates are similar, yay somewhat similar
Somewhat similar, as the fate of people
Breathing the salt-soaked wind out in the open
Lightnings flash up in the dark thunderstorm (3)
What are you dreaming of, cruiser Aurora ?
At the hour, when morning dawns over the Neva river.
What are you dreaming of, cruiser Aurora ?
At the hour, when morning dawns over the Neva river.
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)


Frost's drawing ornaments on the window
But our boys don't like sitting in the warm room
Boys, boys are racing the snow hills.
Boys, boys impossible not to be jealous of them
Waltz is playing on the prom
The first time boys are shy seeing girls
Boys, boys, the heart started beating suddenly
Boys, what is your Future?
When the alarm sounded in homeland
Boys are standing in the soldiers range
Boys, boys, the first time on the battle
Boys, boys, defended homeland
Sailing in the oceans, flying high in the sky
Serious men with a boy sparkle in the eyes
Boys, boys, even the years pass
Boys, boys, are always boys for us

No Need To Be Blue

When I become bored or blue,
And don't feel like reading or taking a walk.
And am in a bad mood - well, who needs that?
Oranges and candy,
Bicycle horns,
Pinocchio and The Firebird,
The puppy dog in Building 30,
Pies, badges, stamps,
Birthdays and presents,
The Central Park movie theater,
Where they're showing 'Hey, Just a Minute!'
I'm smiling and enjoying myself again.
I'm not reading myself to sleep anymore,
I've got no time for moaning, groaning, being bored.
I'm done with this bad mood in just 5 minutes.
Oranges and candy,
Bicycle horns,
Pinocchio and The Firebird,
The puppy dog in Building 30,
Pies, badges and stamps,
Birthdays and presents,
The Central Park movie theater,
Where they're showing 'Hey, Just a Minute!'
And if something slightly depresses you,
I have advice for you, friend, believe me,
Your bad mood will quickly pass,
If you'll just conjure up thoughts, like I:
Oranges and candy,
Bicycle horns,
Pinocchio and The Firebird,
The puppy dog in Building 30,
Pies, badges, stamps,
Birthdays and presents,
The Central Park movie theater,
Where they're playing 'Hey! Just A Minute!'
Also, check these out:
Children's Choir - 'We Had a Christmas Tree Like That'
Children's Choir - 'Mom Bought Great Galoshes for Lyosha'
Children's Choir - 'The Miracle of All Miracles'
Children's Choir - 'That the Little Sun Might Shine'


Here dance the farmers, short and tall
With large asses, big and strong ones
The party on the edge (of the woods?) won't be boring
For here we dance the twist
The twisting went on for a long time
But here by the woodside, they're yet dancing
Until their shit becomes dizzy
Bonnatwist, bonnatwist
Here the farmers dance Bonnatwist
Bonnatwist, bonnatwist
Here the farmers dance Twist!
The peasants leap, roar and scream
Inside the holds, barnhouses and lodges
On clearings and groves, coves and forests
The peasants hurl around in a ring
That the dung is spattered around
Out among the moss, heather and leaves
We dance around, and wiggle our asses
Jumping and fencing, flapping and punching
When the Bonnatwist goes ooooffff !!
Shake it!
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)

Shaka Taka

(Chorus x2)
A guitar is playing, white sand under feet
And your eyes are bright blue like the coast
And thw wind spreads your smell everywhere
And the short skirt won't let me calm down
Two, three and
Shaka taka, hey, hey
Shaka taka nananana x4
It's a hot summer, it's a hot day, and you're alone, I'm alone too
If we were to meet somewhere halfway
So you'd taste a bit, so I'd taste a bit of you
I feel that we have a lot in common
And I would like us to swim in the open sea
And to play the song of our love
One, two, three and
(Chorus x2)
So it would be nice for us like earlier
I'm crazy about you, I really don't know what's going on with me
Serves me right, when I get drunk with you
Come, take me now so I'd taste love
I feel that we have a lot in common
And I would like us to swim in the open sea
And to play the song of our love
I feel that we have a lot in common
And I would like us to swim in the open sea
And to play the song of our love
One, two, three and
(Chorus x2)
Shaka taka, hey, hey
Shaka taka nananana

She's not afraid

She's not afraid, by the streets of the capital smoke billowing
The lonely birds, lonely birds don't need halo
She's not afraid, by the streets of the capital smoke dancing
We're here just to say 'goodbye', she's not afraid to break up with him
She's not afraid, she's not afraid to stay alone
She's not afraid, she's not afraid to stay alone
She's not afraid to stay alone
In a cup of wine burning down the day
She's not afraid to stay alone
You'll get hurd to say 'goodbye' to her
You'll get hurt
You'll remember her forever
She'll be free
And she'll forget you
She's not afraid, to your fairy tales
She doesn't believe, and she didn't believe
Behind the closed door of the dungeon
You're not the first prince who she's left
She's the sky, she's the sky
She's the sky, she's not afraid
She's the sky, she, she's the sky
She's not afraid to stay alone
She's not afraid, she's not afraid to stay alone
She's not afraid, she's not afraid to stay alone
She's not afraid to stay alone
In a cup of wine burning down the day
She's not afraid to stay alone
You'll get hurd to say 'goodbye' to her
You'll get hurt
You'll remember her forever
She'll be free
And she'll forget you

The best day

I said you hey
go away, for the God
and I prayed in myself
that you look at me one more time
And I said you hey
don´t turn around
I could tell you a lie
and shut up the truth
because you look so good
And I said you hey
I wear a badge for the pain
but you won´t see that movie
and see what
I´m passing alone
And I said you hey
it´s the first thing on the list
to crose you over right now
to work still today
on my pride
Go away, don´t touch
my inocent face
go away, don´t shoot
in my naive heart
It doesn´t work anymore
buying me with words
you´re not a player like me
you´re staying alone and poor
This is the best day
this is the best day
And I said you hey
it´s the first thing on the list
to crose you over right now
to work still today
on my pride
And I said you hey
it´s the first thing on the list
to crose you over right now
to work still today
on my pride
This is the best day
this is the best day
And I said you hey
it´s the first thing on the list
to crose you over right now
to work still today
on my pride

A tired lonesome cowboy

A tired lonesome cowboy
riding towards the sunset
A tired lonesome cowboy
And my way is mighty long
Through the wild landscape of the prairie
Shall I yet ride for a long time
And my horse is always with me
My faithful, noble friend
Lonesome cowboy
And your way is mighty long
So long, so long...
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)

Spring is coming and we

As the golden dandelions begin to bloom, droplets that failed to become snow are dripping.
They looked a bit like a crying face, so I offered my umbrella without even thinking.
Right? Left? Which is the right way? The road ends before we can even decide.
But when someone special comes to mind, we’ll choose the path that saves them from pain.
With a small bit of courage, we proceed forward.
When the path gets jagged, we head diagonally.
Once we’ve made progress, it’ll become new light!
With the calling of songbirds, like their close embrace,
The tick-tock of the season’s clock can be heard.
Spring comes again and we drip our paints upon a new page.
We became friends. We ate delicious things. We even argued, just a little bit.
Holding our respective days close to our hearts, we’ve watched light stream through the trees again and again.
We head toward a future we believe won’t be a mistake.
As our one-way tickets flutter in the tailwinds pushing us onward, today is a gold star day!
We get caught up out of nowhere and worry too much. We think we’re happy, but something doesn’t seem right.
We feel like we’re back at zero again. It’s quite the maze!
But the most random thing can make us smile in an instant.
Just like that, just like that, I’m sure we can keep ourselves going!
Changing our hair style, we press the shutter.
Leaping over a puddle, we press the shutter.
A splash glides through the air and we feel somehow moved.
We’ll wish for each and every blink to become a photograph!
As we make our brushes dance, we begin to wish we could stop time.
But the smiles overflow, becoming a never-before-seen color. They can’t be contained by our field of view.
We’re not doing all this for whomever will read the finished pages. That’s not quite it, right?
There’s an answer we can only understand in this moment!
If we’re still saying “I don’t know”, let’s at least say “Who cares?” as we stick out our tongues!
Even if the fate in which our dreams come true is a lie,
Let’s mix in some different colors, making yet another future!
By the time God gets fed up, we’ll already feel a warm wind coming on.
Spring comes again and we… I’m so sorry, we’ll end up being selfish.
We’ll wish to keep the new, in equal measure to the things we’ve treasured all along.
Spring comes again and we drip our paints upon a new page.
We became friends. We ate delicious things. We even argued, just a little bit.
Holding our respective days close to our hearts, we’ve watched light stream through the trees again and again.
We head toward a future we believe won’t be a mistake.
Our one-way tickets flutter
From the tailwinds pushing us onward. I’ve chosen this answer with my own two feet, so watch me as I go!