Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 142

Találatok száma: 5102


You're No Longer My Pain

That night - when every trace of port lights gets lost
And this heart, like and unwinded watch, resting on the hand
I won't let the sail save me
There's no need for it
Let the end be the measure of the deed
You're no longer my pain
I know this love has thousand lives
Before it hits rock bottom
I let it go
So it would come back better
False hope never gets tired
It saves itself
The one carrying it gets tired
And the person it's adressed to
Now let's help silence
Turn us into raindrops
Hanging over the sea
You're no longer my pain
I know this love has thousand lives
Before it hits rock bottom
I let it go
So it would come back better
Pain no longer exists
I know this love has thousand lives
Before it hits rock bottom
I let it go so it would come back better

Sarajevo, a delightful place

Sarajevo, a delightful place
delightful, flamboyant
In you there are parks
like the bright sun (×2)
In you there are springs of water
cold in the summer
Young girls go there
youthful girls (×2)
Among them [is] my sweetheart
the most beautiful of all of them
With her beauty she has surpassed
the stars in the sky (×2)
Kadija te tuži, kadija ti sudi

Egyirányú jegy

Egyirányú (menet)jegy, egyirányú jegy
Egyirányú jegy, egyirányú jegy
Egyirányú jegy, egyirányú jegy a blues-ba.
Csú csú vonat
Zakatol a síneken
Tovább kell utazni
Ök soha nem jönnek vissza
Ú, ú, van egy egyirányú jegyem a blues-ba
Viszlát szerelmem, a bébim elhagyott engem
Mostmár csak a magányos könnycseppeinket látom
Ú, ú
Van egy egyirányú jegyem a blues-ba
El kell utazzak a Magányos Városba (A Magány Városába)
Meg kell szálljak az Összetört Szívek Hoteljében
Egy olyan bolond, mint én (Egy olyan bolond mint én)
Soha nem tanul
Elsírom a könnyeket.
Egyirányú (menet)jegy, egyirányú jegy
Egyirányú jegy, egyirányú jegy
Egyirányú jegy, egyirányú jegy a blues-ba.
Csú csú vonat
Zakatol a síneken
Ök soha nem jönnek vissza
Ú, ú, van egy egyirányú jegyem a blues-ba
Tovább kell mennem, igen, tovább kell haladnom
Van egy egyirányú jegyem a blues-ba
El kell utazzak a Magányos Városba (A Magány Városába)
Meg kell szálljak az Összetört Szívek Hoteljében
Egy olyan bolond, mint én (Egy olyan bolond mint én)
Soha nem tanul
Elsírom a könnyeket.
Egyirányú (menet)jegy, egyirányú jegy
Egyirányú jegy, egyirányú jegy
Egyirányú jegy, egyirányú jegy a blues-ba.
Csú csú vonat
Zakatol a síneken
Tovább kell utazni
Ök soha nem jönnek vissza
Ú, ú, van egy egyirányú jegyem a blues-ba
Ú, ú, van egy egyirányú jegyem a blues-ba
Van egy jegyem...
(Egyirányú, egyirányú, egyirányú jegy)
Haladok az úton
Egyirányú, egyirányú, egyirányú jegy)
Csú csú, csú csú, csú csú vonat...
Egyirányú, egyirányú, egyirányú jegy)
Egyirányú jegy a blues-ba
Egyirányú, egyirányú, egyirányú jegy)
Van egy jegyem
Egyirányú, egyirányú, egyirányú jegy)

Freedom or sweet captivity

First verse:
So tiny summer flew by
Sadly smiling covered by a wave
Like an autumn leaf gone with the wind
I'm in a hurry to fix mistakes, made not by me
But I don't want to walk on the edge
To read indifference on their faces
It's as if I flip through blank pages again
I just waited for you my whole life, when it seemed like there's no point
When to every cry of my heart I heard silence answering
I just waited for you all my life and didn't expect anything in return
What is love for you, tell me! Freedom or sweet captivity?
Freedom or sweet captivity?
Second verse:
Everything stopped in a delicate balance
For one moment and started running again
And no one can see the tears through the smile
And no one knows full truth except for only you
But I don't feel like walking on the edge
To read indifference on the faces
It's as if I flip through blank pages again
I just waited for you my whole life, when it seemed like there's no point
When to every cry of my heart I heard silence answering
I just waited for you all my life and didn't expect anything in return
What is love for you, tell me! Freedom or sweet captivity?
I just waited for you my whole life, when it seemed like there's no point
When to every cry of my heart I heard silence answering
I just waited for you all my life and didn't expect anything in return
What is love for you, tell me! Freedom or sweet captivity?
Freedom or sweet captivity? Freedom or sweet captivity?

Outro: Love is not over

The long night is following you as it flows
Time follows you and fades
Why are you getting farther away?
So far that I can’t reach you?
Tell me why, you’re so far away, why
Can’t you see me in your eyes anymore?
Love is so painful
Goodbyes are even more painful
I can’t go on if you’re not here
Love me, love me
Come back to my arms
Love is so painful
Goodbyes are even more painful
I can’t go on if you’re not here
Love me, love me
Come back to my arms
Love is not over, over, over
Love is not over, over, over
Love is not over, over, over
Love is not over, over, over
Love is so painful
Goodbyes are even more painful

You pain me and you're not going away.

It is so easy to say 'it's over'
and to walk away, but know
on that road I will
be waiting for you eternally.
Here, God is my witness,
that there is not a sky
beneath which I can
exist without you.
Out of habit
I still bite my lips
whenever I say your name
just so that I don't drown,
my only one.
Ref. 2x
You are still my desire
my 'if only I could...'
That 'Nothing' whenever people
ask me what is wrong.
Still you are there, uninvited
at the bottom of my every shot-glass.
You pain me and you're not going away.
We never could
cry out out-loud.
Our false pride was always
one step ahead of us.
Every 'forever' is a lie
when you know how to say 'goodbye'
to the one from whom's
heart you are tearing yourself away from.
Out of habit
I still bite my lips
whenever I say your name
just so that I don't drown,
my only one.
Ref. 2x
You are still my desire
my 'if only I'
That 'Nothing' whenever people
ask me what is wrong.
Still you are there, uninvited
at the bottom of my every shot-glass.
You pain me and you're not going away.

Ne félj

És én, és imádom a kezeid,
És én, és imádom az ajkaid,
És én, és imádom a vállaid,
És én, én imádom a beszéded
Ne félj kisfiú, gyere közelebb,
Ne félj kisfiú, ne vedd el a tekinteted.
Ne félj kisfiú én mondom a szavakat
És elfogod felejteni hol az ég és a föld, ég és föld...
És te, és te csendben vagy, és a felhőket nézed,
És te, és te csendben vagy, nem tudod mit mondj.
És te, és te csendben vagy, elvégre még fiatal vagy,
És te, és te jössz és fogod a kezem.

A child from France

Think about how lucky you are
To be a child from France,
It is a beautiful country.
Think about all the people coming here
From their distant land,
They have children too.
Tell yourself that all the words
They hear at school
Will stay in their minds their whole lives long.
Consider that when facing distress,
Surrounded by tenderness,
One can make friends.
Consider that it is not easy
For all the people who go into exile
To find happiness.
Consider that they are ready to build
An empire full of colours
With you.
Tell yourself that every second
Somewhere in the world
A sweet angel dies.
Think about how lucky you are
To be a child from France,
And let your heart go.
Feel free to correct whatever I wrote, even when I haven't requested proofreading. ^^

One Piece Opening 6 -Rainbowstar-

Laugh the sun in the face. The world is shining in a new light
Thousand colours over me. My dreams are landing here
Rainbowstar you're shining brighter as the light and all
colours that you got are playing crazy right now
'til the Heartbeat get wings and flys to you
Out of the Rainbow is falling a star on our world
shatters in thousand colours. They are sparkling like a bright sea of light
Our Rainbowstar is very close and yet far away
We don't stop dreaming we're waiting for the great and colorful...
There is no way back Our world is driving insane today
Our Rainbowstar is very close and yet far away
It will lead us to the place where clouds are touching softly the sea
Out of the Rainbow is falling a star on our world
shatters in thousand colours. They are sparkling like a bright sea of light
Everyday looks different Spread out your wings
We flew far and landed on the great and colorful... Ra-in-bow
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

On the Beret the Feather Is Waving

On the beret the feather is waving
Bending and swaying in the wind
Our doublet1 made of buffalo leather
Is ragged by cut and stab
Stab and cut
And a sweetheart
Is what a mercenary needs.
Stab and cut
And a sweetheart
Is what a mercenary needs.
To gain loot and fame
We go boldly into the battle
Someday we'll have to pass away2 anyway,
Therefore let's be joyful3 day and night.
Night and day,
What he wants,
Is what a mercenary needs.
Night and day,
What he wants,
Is what a mercenary needs.
Should we someday remain lying
In the blood-soaked battle
You shall write us a little cross
On the deep, dark pit4
With many a drums
And playing of pipes
You shall bury us
With many a drums
And playing of pipes
You shall bury us!
  • 1. leather jerkin
  • 2. or 'go away from here', it's ambiguous
  • 3. or 'vigorous'
  • 4. tomb

A törvények felett

Ez az, amit mondanék neked
Szívem, mit tehetnék érted?
Te tartogatsz még meglepetést
Akárhogy nézed, soha nem leszünk kettesben
Lehet az ajtó nyitva vagy csukva
A kevés beszéd is sok lehet
Nem tehetsz titokban semmit
Senki sem áll a törvények felett
Ezekben a sötét és nehéz időkben
Az emberek hogy túléljék, kettős életet élnek
Otthon biztonságos melegben lennél
Valami más, ami most elkezdődik
Nem kell csókolóznunk
És ne mondj többet erről
S ha szemeid engem figyelnek
Bébi, az élet olyan szép lehet
És láthatatlanok leszünk
Az öröm a bűn büntetése
Összetörni a láncokat, amelyek megkötik
Nem elég az elégedettséghez
Tudni, hogyan kezdődik minden
Vagy tudni, hová tartozik a szív
Mindnyájan követünk el hibákat
Ez a te szíved és az enyém
Senki más nem lehet részese ennek
Ez a mi szerelmünk, törvénytelen szerelem
Ha úgy döntesz, mindketten megőrülünk
Tudom, mi hozott téged ide
Enyém vagy -e ebben nem lehetek biztos
Mindig a törvények felett leszünk
Ezen a sötét és viharos éjszakán
Ahol ezek a falak elrejthetnek minket
(A falak elrejthetnek minket)
Sóhajts, és engedj be
Engedd, hogy karjaimmal átöleljelek
(Itt bent lángolok)
A holnap az örökkévalóság
(Igéző szempár)
Megcsókoljuk egymást és többet nem beszélünk
(Nincs már könnyem hogy sírjak)
S ha a szemeim rád figyelnek
Bébi, az élet olyan szép lehet
(Olyan gyönyörű)
És minden valóra válik
(Minden lehetséges)
És láthatatlanokká válunk
(Láthatatlanok leszünk)
Ez a te szíved és az enyém
Senki más nem lehet részese ennek
Én örökké veled maradok
Ez az, amiért élek
A szivárványom vége
Az ablakodon túl van
És a szerelmünk olyan szerelem
Törvénytelen szerelem
(Szerelem a törvények felett)
Ez a te szíved és az enyém
Senki más nem lehet részese ennek
Én mindig veled leszek
Ez az, amiért élek
(Ez az, amiért élek)
A szivárványom vége
A te ablakodon túl van
Szerelem a törvények felett


Az injekcióid már nem működnek,
Kényelemre cserélted az ürességemet.
Rövid időre téveszt meg a zene,
Kihúz az egész nép.
Igen, fényesen ragyogsz, de...
A fényed nem tud többé elvakítani, állj.
A fényed nem tud többé elvakítani 7 éjszakánál hosszabb ideig.
Nos, még így is, ugyanolyan
Forró, olyan forró, valahogy forró, kezd forró lenni az élet.
Nos, még így is, ugyanolyan
Szánalmas, olyan szánalmas, szánalmas volt téged elfelejteni!
Nos, ugyanolyan,
Forró, olyan forró, kezd forró lenni az élet.
Nos, ugyanolyan,
Forró, olyan forró, forró élni.
Itt az ideje a szerelemnek!
Üdvözöllek a múltamban,
Veled szembenézek és sokkal könnyebb szomorúságot éreznem.
Szomorúságot èreznem.
Ma nem érdekel
Igen, fényesen ragyogsz, de...
A fényed nem tud többé elvakítani, állj.
A fényed nem tud többé elvakítani 7 éjszakánál hosszabb ideig.
Nos, még így is, ugyanolyan
Forró, olyan forró, valahogy forró, kezd forró lenni az élet.
Nos, még így is, ugyanolyan
Szánalmas, olyan szánalmas, szánalmas volt veled lefeküdni!
Nos, ugyanolyan,
Forró, olyan forró, kezd forró lenni az élet.
Nos, ugyanolyan,
Forró, olyan forró, forró élni.
Itt az ideje a szerelemnek!
Nos, kezd forró lenni az élet.
Nos... itt az ideje a szerelemnek!
Itt az ideje a szerelemnek!
Forró, olyan forró

Sex Shop

Say, little slut, tell me
How was it in his arms
Was he better than with me?
Yeah, vicious one, tell me everything
How many times, how many times
Still not the end?
No, little slut, you're lying to me
He did not do that much
That you claim to me
But, little idiot, it does not matter
Invent for me these hands
On your belly and your breasts
Still, did you not do that?
It's not true ?
Tell me it's not true!
Say, little slut, tell me again
How was it in his arms?
Was he better than me?
But, little bitch, if you told me,its true
I will not forgive you,
I swear, Never


Lena, you swing around so merrily
Always a cheerful smile
But Lena, you're hiding something behind your smile
A glimmer now and then
Tells that you're someone else
Lena, see that time heals all wounds
One day you'll understand
Lena, so forget yesterday's shadow
Try to live life now
Lena, you're playing hide and seek with yourself
Uncertain as the wind and weather
Lena, it's time you make up your mind about who
You are
Even though it troubles you
Morning and night
You have to have faith in
Lena, you will be changed from yesterday
Lena, come here and see
Lena, but time heals all wounds
It's time you find the way to yourself
My own Lena, see that time heals all wounds
One day you'll understand
Lena, so forget yesterday's shadow
Try to live life now

Take me there

Play the first verse again
About two bare feet on the way home
And sleepless nights, every single day
We were always so exhausted, but we were ready
Is it true that it's over?
Are you really so close?
And it was an eternal summer
But the time we had lives here
The rain on the roof poured down
We created a feeling and sang along
A streak through the fog on an unknown road
We sang for hours and hours, never got tired
Is it true that it's over?
Are you really so close?
And it was an eternal summer
The time we had lives here
Take me back to a time
Where we saw everything drift past
Where we sang over the horizon
Over houses, over homes, over everything happening
Over days, over nights, can you remember what we were?
When we sang over the horizon
We were going to hold it back
Until we had them on their knees
Conquer the world, we could have done it
But now we fly on
Take me back to a time
Where we saw everything drift past
Where we sang over the horizon
Over houses, over homes, over everything happening
Over days, over nights, can you remember what we were?
When we sang over the horizon
Take me there again
Take me there again
To the place we call home
Take me there again
Take me there again
To the place we call home
Take me there again, again, again
Now the last verse plays

Glory to the Psychonauts

Great trunks get overgrown with branches
Branches not to stay forever, (they) become twigs
Twigs get cut, and we take off like rockets
To the shining space inside (within)
So, glory to the Psychonauts
Glory to the Pioneers!
Hurrah to the Trailblazers
Of their (own) solitary spaces
Of their (own) unprecedented depths
New trees pierce the summer
New nests the birds build on them
New alchemy, new nature
The new land of ours
Thus, glory to the Psychonauts
Glory to the Pioneers!
Hurrah to the Trailblazers
Of their (own) boundless spaces
Of their (own) varicoloured depths
This is our chemical home
For the melancholic dwellers of Earth
A habitual malady of not coming back
A panic craving for recovering from here
Furious angels with hungry eyes
Storming their (own) skies
Therefore, glory to the Psychonauts
Glory to the Pioneers!
Hurrah to the Trailblazers
Of their (own) stray spaces
Of their (own) reckless depths
Of their (own) multi-starred spaces
Of their (own) varicoloured depths
This is our chemical home
For the melancholic dwellers of Earth
This is our chemical home
For the melancholic dwellers of Earth


Pleasant the voice of the water
to those wearied by black sand,
pleasant to the concave hand
the curving marble of the column,
pleasant the delicate labyrinths of water
among the lemon trees,
pleasant the music of zajal verse,
pleasant the love and pleasant the pleas
lifted to a God who stands alone,
pleasant the jasmine.
Vain the scimitar
before the long lances of the many,
vain to be the best.
Pleasant to feel or foresee, grieving king,
that your delights are goodbyes,
that the key will be denied you,
that the cross of the infidel will efface the moon,
that this pleasant evening will be the last.

At the end of the road

Let them think that I will go nowhere
The only thing that can stop me is a bullet
Even unmarked, no one will let you pass
But we need to keep going forward, back home we do not back off
The paths are full of obstacles, I'm not one of the people creating them
I don't want to complain, no, Sadek is strong
They are scared of us, they judge us from where we live
For the future I have drain cleaner, I don't want to end up at the hospital
My brothers fall as dead leaves, all the year is October
All the year is Autumn, violence is inflated with Botox
The path we took is grotesque, I hope God protects us
My 'flow' is a surgeon, everyone is false, I'm sorrounded by fake people
Our neighborhoods have hearts beating behind their big pecs
The kitchen of my mother smokes the one of the greatest hotels
I have projects, I have dreams I postponed to the future
Far from my eyes, close to my heart, see you at the end of the road
[Refrain: Sadek&Soprano]
I lost my sleep and I think only about the future
What is waiting for me at the end of the road?
It doesn't matter the sacrificies I have to do to arrive there
It will only be important that I am at the end of the road
Let them speak, they just want you to stay in your place
You are not born to sweep up but to leave a mark
Brother, don't lower your arms when the situation is bad
you need to see a king each time you look at yourself in the ice
The road is long, yes, the road is difficult
All the roads bring to Rome, but no road is safe
Accept your wounds, tomorrow they will be your strenght
Yesterday you bent your back, today you have to bend your torso
Scars on your back, here we die alone
We kneel only in front of god, it is a matter of morals
If you don't get down you are no one, every day is a test
To gain altitude you will sometimes have to let go of weight
You've eaten the leftovers while dreaming of a treat
Now it's the big restaurants, [fini d'trainer en R5]
We do not believe in luck, your future is in your hands
Don't look back, see you at the end of the road
[Refrain: Sadek & Soprano]
[Third part: Soprano]
We grew up around fourth clovers in plastic
We became like Usain Bolt because of these ballistic stories
Transformed all the prisons of France into a touristic place
No more prisons, today, my mother needs her Île Moustique [Meaning his mother needs him, her perfect private island]
Let's change the predictions of those who have never bet on us
To no longer be the servants of those who call us negroes and french/africans
Stay upright even when the universe falls on you
Stay up even when the tsunami falls on you
Strong ... like all these fathers who came from our home countries
Who had to destroy their pride to fill our plates
We must ... know how to hold the boat in the middle of the waves
Never think we are like Zidane when we have no legs
To stop me from succeed is like trying to extinguish
a volcano erupting with an ice cube
Years in the race, without ever touching the brake
Look at me, my head held high at the end of the road

a búcsú óráján

Versions: #3
egyedül ha
simogat a láthatár
és kihunynak a szavak
hallgat, fonnyad a fény
nem szór szikrát, nem fénylik már a Nap fent
ha nem vagy, nem vagy itt nálam, velem
kiöntöm szívem
lobog mindenki helyett
lángja tiéd
csak tiéd
veled lesz
kísér egész utadon
a búcsú óráján
előtted kitárja medrét
a nagyvilág
én nem láttam még
ennyi csodát
de egyszer majd
megyek veled
legyőzzük a végtelen teret
de most a búcsú vár
egyedül ha
simogat a láthatár
és kihunynak a szavak
akkor is velem vagy
mint a Hold
a fénylő égen, ki üzen nekem
nekem csak nekem
a búcsú óráján
előtted kitárja medrét
a nagyvilág
én nem láttam még
ennyi csodát
de egyszer majd
megyek veled
legyőzzük a végtelent
majd egyszer
kitárja medrét
a nagyvilág
én nem láttam még
ennyi csodát
de egyszer majd
együtt megyünk
legyőzzük a végtelent.
fordította Gaál György István

For Breathing

Bring me a jar for keeping, the blood that spills out of my heart,
And slowly bring me water with oxygen, *for never stopping to breath, (from) inside
And bring me a body, a body, a body that is no longer going.
Desperately I dream and I wake up that
I fuel myself with your warmth and your energy, I feel
that if I try a little more of this,
I won't wake myself up in the morning
My eyes, 'breathing' to your eyes.
They tell me that they exist, I see them **from the corner (of your eyes).
I just want to know you
And in the evening, I take your hands.
I only ask for a space to breath
***Because if I have you near I can fly
And I don't want to start thinking,
Only look at you and tell you the truth.

Bolivian Lament

Versions: #4
They want to shake me up
Encourage me to shout
I am like a rock
The words never touch me
There's a volcano just within
And it will soon explode
I just want to be at peace
It's my situation
A bleakness through and through
I am like a lament
A bolivian lament
That one day just began
And that will never end
And doesn't hurt anyone
And I am right here
Mad and very drunk
And this idiot heart of mine
Will always shine
And I will love you
I'll love you forever
Baby, don't comb your hair in bed
Because you'll make the travelers go late
And today I'm here
Mad and very drunk
And this idiot heart of mine
Will always shine
And I will love you
I'll love you forever
Baby, don't comb your hair in bed
Because you'll make the travelers go late
And I am right here
Mad and very drunk
And this idiot heart of mine
Will always shine
And I will love you
I'll love you forever
Baby, don't comb your hair in bed
Because you'll make the travelers go late

My lungs are aching

My lungs are aching
I have no more health
For, very close are
My last days
I will live today
And maybe tomorrow too
But then forever
Goodbye to my life
I don't mourn
My miserable life
For I have never
Felt happiness
Only pain and suffering
Bitter tears [have I] shed
In my life
I have not been happy
Kadija te tuži, kadija ti sudi

Des laids, Des laids

When I'm told that I'm ugly
I'm sick of it so I do not wake up
You are my little Marylin
And I'm your Miller
Huh? Not Arthur rather Henry
The hardcore specialist
The hidden beauty
Ugly ugly
Sees himself without
Delay delay
The hidden beauty
Ugly ugly
Sees himself without
Delay delay
Even reggae music for my dog
What everyone thought so naughty
Poor doggie it's me who drinks
And he died of cirrhosis
Maybe it was by osmosis
So much so that he drank my words
The hidden beauty
Ugly ugly
Sees himself without
Delay delay
The hidden beauty
Ugly ugly
Sees himself without
Delay delay
Finally we have to do with what we have
The ugly face but we can not do anything
Besides, we are awful
I'm sure God gives us
A little of his mercy
The hidden beauty
Ugly ugly
Sees himself without
Delay delay
The hidden beauty
Ugly ugly
Sees himself without
Delay delay
The hidden beauty
Ugly ugly
Sees himself without
Delay delay
The hidden beauty
Ugly ugly
Sees himself without
Delay delay
The hidden beauty
Ugly ugly
Sees himself without
Delay delay
Delay delay

Scenic railway

I will take you on the Scénic railway
If that's what you want
It's easy
I will take you on the Scénic railway
We will see that tomorrow
I promise
But do you not feel
Somewhat unconscious
All that love means
Will you know it one day
I will take you on the Scénic railway
You only have that in mind
It's terrible
I will take you on the Scénic railway
But those emotions
It's easy
I will take you on the Scénic railway
And stop sulking
It's OK
I'll see you there
I want you
Clinging to my arm
By your nails hurt
I'll look a little cynical yeah yeah
There is just machines
To get sent into the air

The kiss on the mouth

My beautyful one,
who cares about the world,
we'll be forgiven, I'm telling you,
by a kiss on the mouth, someday.
You feel like you have already seen and done everything
the whole future has already happened
it has been written, corrected and interpreted
by others, and they have beaten you to it.
My beautiful one,
I'm not twenty,
I'm much younger,
and this means (surely you'll understand)
Fly to me if this is a waltz
fly to me, whatever this is
hold tight my jacket under the wisteria
and make me run,
stumble, it's better than remaining still
ask, its better than waiting.
Wear me out
and talk to me
hold me tight
look behind my shoulders
and then tell me
explain to me
all this new time
that comes with you.
You see me clean and groomed
I look like a field in bloom again
and you are the keen spirit of beauty
that time can't tarnish.
Here it is, the picture of two old oddballs
on the edge of the meadow full of cicadas
with the orchestra playing grass blades
and accordions
(I tell you).
My beautyful one,
who cares about the world.
Wear me out
and talk to me
hold me tight
go through my pockets
then forgive me
look at this time
that comes with you
look, it's so much time
that comes with you.

Gloomy Sunday

Dark Sunday
Arms full of flowers
I entered our room
My heart was wary because I already knew
That you would not come back
And I swung words of love and pain
I stayed all alone like a poor bastard
And I cried all over
Listening to hear the complaint of frost
(Gloomy sunday)
I will die a sunday where I would have suffered too much
So you'll come back but I'll be gone
Virgins will burn like ardent hope
And for you without effort, my eyes will be open
Do not be afraid of my love if they can not see you
They will tell you that I loved you more than my life
(Gloomy sunday)
I will die a sunday where I would have suffered too much
So you'll come back but I'll be gone
Virgins will burn like ardent hope
And for you without effort, my eyes will be open
Do not be afraid of my love if they can not see you
They will tell you that I loved you more than my life
(Gloomy sunday)

Butterfly (Japanese Version)

Without doing anything now
Because I do not need words
Show me your smile.
Are you really you?
Everything is like a dream
Do not wake up yet
Is it true? Is it true?
You, you ...
It gets scared and scared
Untrue, untrue
You, you, you ...
Always by your side
For me forever
It is likely to be far away and it is likely to run away
Scary place, painful
As it is this way
Time stops ...
You are away
I miss you.
Scary place, painful
Like a Butterfly
Dancing Butterfly
Like Butterfly
Butterfly, like a Butterfly
Like a dancing Butterfly, Butterfly
You are Butterfly
I want to look at it.
I will fly as you touch
Azure sky Hide In darkness and rain
I will not lose if you are there Anymore
It's like a spring breeze
Gently stroke my cheeks
You can see but I did not reach you Stop
Like a dream Girl Butterfly, high
Untrue, untrue
You, you, you ...
Always by your side
For me forever
It is likely to be far away and it is likely to run away
Scary place, painful
As it is this way
Time stops ...
You are away
I miss you.
Scary place, painful
My chest makes a pain
There is nothing that is certain
My, 'Kafka at the shore'
Going to the forest without heading
In my heart, even when you are still around
A night book full of thoughts
This love forever ...
It's all free for you
Baby ...
Always by your side
For me forever
It is likely to be far away and it is likely to run away
Scary place, painful
As it is this way
Time stops ...
You are away
I miss you.
Scary place, painful
Like a Butterfly
Dancing Butterfly
Like Butterfly
Butterfly, like a Butterfly
Like a dancing Butterfly, Butterfly


Egyedül és oly szomorúan, mint egy vén zongora,
Este nem tudom, hol vagyok, céltalanul felébredek
Mert egy liter vodkát megittam tegnap
És egy szőke az ágyamban talán még mindig rám vár,
Film rémálmok, amiktől meghalsz mielőtt megszületnél.
A reggel oly szürke, mint akiket még senki nem csókolt
A dal visszafelé fej nélkül és láb nélkül
Emlékeztet arra,
Amikor végre beszélünk a harcról és az életről,
A szerelemtől amit érzel irántam
Az igazság az,
Senki nem vagyok tenélküled
Szeretnélek téged szeretni bor és rózsák között
És végül el kell felejtenem a tegnapi fájdalmat
A közeledben legyen a neved, az árnyékod,
Legyen ott a szerelmed, a te rózsaágyadban
Bár szeretnék elfutni,
Soha nem hagyom el otthonomat
Az igaz szerelem nem érhető el pénzzel
Akár északnak vagy délnek haladsz,
Megpróbállak felhívni a tömegből,
A szemem behunyom és azt mondom:
Csak a te szerelmed a fény
Szeretnélek téged szeretni bor és rózsák között
És végül el kell felejtenem a tegnapi fájdalmat
A közeledben legyen a neved, az árnyékod,
Legyen ott a szerelmed, a te rózsaágyadban
Látom a világ fordulását
Egy sivárabb jövő felé,
És a szeretőm megkér
Hogy legyek újra a bohóca,
De én azt mondom, nem
Ha álmodod a szerelmet, nem vagy egyedül,
Csak ő van egyedül és te
Az igazságban és a hitben
Szeretnélek téged szeretni bor és rózsák között
És végül el kell felejtenem a tegnapi fájdalmat
A közeledben legyen a neved, az árnyékod,
Legyen ott a szerelmed, a te rózsaágyadban

Because of you

Hey, the youth is passing
Even the last hope that
You'll be mine is fading
Hey, empty, hangover years
Filled with
One wish, one pain
Because of you I've welcomed many dawns
Because of you I went crazy many nights
Because of you I've sung many songs
For you, my darling, I've grieved
Hey, I'm dreaming about you, sad in the night
Empty dreams, we are together
Only in them
Hey, play for me now
So that I ease the grief
With music and wine at least

Why do you go away?

Seeing you I know
That something is off
I know you, I'm used to it
But you're not the same
I try make eye contact
But your distance is enough
For me to understand, you're leaving
I don't know what you're punishing me for
Look at me, say something
I need to know why
Why do you go away?
Did I deserve this?
I close my eyes
I can't believe
What did I do too much
Why do you go away?
What did we fail?
I don't understand
Open my eyes
And tell me,
Am I all wrong?
Why do you go away?
Why do you go away?
Why do you go away?
I see you pack your things
Emptying the drawers of our lives
I'm standing here, not knowing what to do
Like my soul left my body
Memories stranded on the ground
Everything we built
It's an explosion, like a war
Like we didn't understand a thing
Look at me, say something
I need to know why
Why do you go away?
Did I deserve this?
I close my eyes
I can't believe
What did I do too much
Why do you go away?
What did we fail?
I don't understand
Open my eyes
And tell me,
Am I all wrong?
Why do you go away?
Why do you go away?
Why do you go away?
Why do you go away?
I don't exist anymore
You don't see mee
I don't recognise you
This is no longer you
Why do you do this?
Why do you go away?
Did I deserve this?
I close my eyes
I can't believe
What did I do too much
Why do you go away?
What did we fail?
I don't understand
Open my eyes
And tell me,
Am I all wrong?
Why do you go away?
Why do you go away?
Why do you go away?

Ezekben a karokban ...

Elkötelezettséget akarsz
Vess egy pillantást ezekre a szemekre
Tűzként égnek, igen
Az idők végezetéig
És bármit megtennék
Könyörögnék, lopnék, akár mg is halnék
Csak a karjaimba tartsalak ma éjjel.
Kicsim, kellesz nekem!
Mint a rózsáknak az esőre
Tudod, szükségem van Rád!
Mint költőknek a fájdalomra.
És, Bármit megadnék
A vérem, a szerelmem, az életem
Ha ma éjjel a karjaimba lennél.
Megérintenélek, szükségem van Rád!
Térdre ereszkednék érted
És minden rendben hoznék
Ha a karjaimba lennél.
Szeretnélek, boldoggá tennélek,
Elmondanám, sosem hagylak el,
Szeretnélek az idők végezetéig!
Ha ma éjjel a karjaimba lennél, o... igen.
Bámultuk a Napot
És ígéretet tettünk,
Ígéretet, hogy ez a világ
Sosem fog minket elvakitani.
És ezek voltak a szavaink,
Szavaink a dalaink voltak
Dalaink az imádságaink
Ezek az imák tesznek erössé,
És még mindig hiszek
Ha a karjaimba lennél.
Megérintenélek, szükségem van Rád!
Térdre ereszkednék érted
És minden rendben hoznék
Ha a karjaimba lennél.
Szeretnélek, boldoggá tennélek,
Elmondanám, sosem hagylak el,
Szeretnélek az idők végezetéig!
Ha ma éjjel a karjaimba lennél.
A ruháid még mindig szétszórva a szobában hevernek
Ez az egész szobát betölti a parfümöd illata,
Itt minden rád emlékeztet
És nem tehetek semmit.
És ezek voltak a szavaink,
Amik erössé tesnék, kicsim!
Megérintenélek, szükségem van Rád!
Térdre ereszkednék érted
És minden rendben hoznék
Ha a karjaimba lennél.
Szeretnélek, boldoggá tennélek,
Elmondanám, sosem hagylak el,
Szeretnélek az idők végezetéig!
Ha ma éjjel a karjaimba lennél.
Ha ma éjjel a karjaimba lennél,
Ha ma éjjel a karjaimba lennél,
Ha a karjaimba lennél, kicsim!
Mint a rózsáknak az esőre
Mint évszakoknak a változásra
Mint költőknek a fájdalomra
Szükségem van Rád!
Ha a karjaimban lennél, ma éjjel.
Dana Kósa

I am what I am because of you

The fingers have broken the strings
So the songs are full of sadness
There was no happiness for us
Happiness is for other people.
I am what I am because of you
I guess it was God's will
And so all the saloonkeepers know me
I was drinking at their saloons because of you.
I was drinking at their saloons because of you.
Like that, life will one day
Leave me above the sky
Who will repair the strings
Sing a song to you
I am what I am because of you
I guess it was God's will
And so all the saloonkeepers know me
I was drinking at their saloons because of you.
I am what I am because of you...