A keresés eredménye oldal 3
Találatok száma: 159
Lehet Copacabana...
Click to see the original lyrics (German) Jó kis turmix vagyok,
mindamellett fincsi:
Arnold Schwarzenegger,
meg egy kis da Vinci.
Ez így tök baró, de
lenne kalamajka:
da Vinci alakja!
Régóta kedvelem
a gyönyörű Ágit,
ám a szívem hölgye
Adoniszra vágyik!
Így hát a kedvéért
egy expandert vettem,
s bár nyújtottam volna,
az szorított engem!
Nem segít a spenót,
sem pedig a zumba,
ezért igyekszem most
a fitneszcentrumba!
Ám a bejáratnál
sportolók kórusa,
kíméletlen cseng már
fülembe a dala:
A-Huga-Haga-Huga, A-Huga-Haga-Huga!
Lehet Copacabana vagy a Huron-tó -
egy muszklimiska sose mulandó,
egy sportos férfi hogyha táncba hív,
ettől lágyul el a női szív,
mert márvány, kő és vas leszel,
ha érte mindent megteszel!
A fitnesz kínzókamra
a borzalmak tere:
az elit számára
a gyötrődés helye!
Izma szépen épül,
tisztára Godzilla:
a súlyok tömegétül
arca püspöklila.
Száznyolcvan kiló kint,
teszek most egy pipát:
látom már magam, mint
egy díjnyertes bikát.
Két kemény év után
magamat kigyúrtam,
bár volt oly délután,
hogy majdnem kinyúltam.
Mikor megfeszítem,
a két karizmomat
úgy nézek ki, mint egy
mozdony, mely épp tolat.
A súlyzót kinyomom,
s nyelem a proteint
Adj egy banánt annak a farkasnak
[Verse 1]
Nem biztos, hogy már mondtam-e, de nagyon tetszenek a fogaid
Az a szőrös kabátod, ami alatt semmi sincs
Nem tudom, hogy van-e már neved, úgyhogy Keithnek foglak hívni
Látom merre tartasz, de nem tudom hol voltál
Nyál vagy vér csöpög le az álladon?
Ha nem tetszik a Keith név, Jimnek hívlak
És mielőtt az a farkas megeszi a nagymamámat
Adj egy banánt annak a farkasnak
Add annak a farkasnak
És mielőtt az a farkas megeszi a nagymamámat
Adj egy banánt annak a farkasnak
Add annak a farkasnak
Add annak a farkasnak (banán)
Nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam-nyam-nyam
Nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam-nyam-nyam
Nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam-nyam-nyam
Nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam-nyam-nyam
[Verse 2]
Szeretem az elfogyasztott ételektől szagló leheleted
Ez az éhség benned, azt hiszem, most veszélyben vagyok
Menjünk a nagymamához, azt mondod a nagymama a legfinomabb
És mielőtt az a farkas megeszi a nagymamámat
Adj egy banánt annak a farkasnak
Add annak a farkasnak
(A nagymamádat akarom, nyam, nyam)
És mielőtt az a farkas megeszi a nagymamámat
Adj egy banánt annak a farkasnak
Add annak a farkasnak
Add annak a farkasnak
Valaki adjon egy banánt annak a farkasnak
Nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam-nyam-nyam
Nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam-nyam-nyam
Valaki adjon egy banánt annak a farkasnak
Nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam-nyam-nyam
Nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam-nyam-nyam
Valaki adjon egy banánt annak a farkasnak
És mielőtt az a farkas megeszi a nagymamámat
Adj egy banánt annak a farkasnak
Add annak a farkasnak
(A nagymamádat akarom, nyam, nyam)
Valaki adjon egy banánt annak a farkasnak
És mielőtt az a farkas megeszi a nagymamámat
Adj egy banánt annak a farkasnak
Add annak a farkasnak
Add annak a far-kas-nak
Nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam-nyam-nyam
Nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam-nyam-nyam
Valaki adjon egy banánt annak a farkasnak
Nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam-nyam-nyam
Nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam, nyam-nyam-nyam
Valaki adjon egy banánt annak a farkasnak
Nem biztos, hogy már mondtam-e, de nagyon tetszenek a fogaid
Az a szőrös kabátod, ami alatt semmi sincs
Nem tudom, hogy van-e már neved, úgyhogy Keithnek foglak hívni
Radha and Madhaba
Look! friend, look! Radha and Madhaba [Krishna] , how beautiful their gait is
Look! friend, look! Radha and Madhaba [Krishna] , how beautiful their gait is
The bimana[small palanquin], comes swinging, The bimana, comes swinging
Look! friend, look! Radha and Madhaba [Krishna] , how beautiful their gait is
Drums beat in hundreds, and the kahali [trumpet] as well
Drums beat in hundreds, and the kahali [trumpet], announcing their arrival
Here they come, on the streets of puri
Look! friend, look! Radha and Madhaba [Krishna] , how beautiful their gait is
With them are the five Shivas of Puri
Radhika, her friend and with them the flute-bearer [Krishna]
Gaze, Gaze at them in glee! Their wonderful swinging gate
Their minds set at Narendra lake, they walk towards it in joy
Look as the one who enamours the three worlds rows his splendid boat
Gaze, Gaze at them in glee! Their wonderful swinging gate
Says Banamali [poet] meditating on their holy feet
Says Banamali [poet] meditating on their holy feet
Here look, as they enter into the chandana kunda [sandalwood pool]
Look! friend, look! Radha and Madhaba [Krishna] , how beautiful their gait is
The bimana[small palanquin], comes swinging, The bimana, comes swinging
Look! friend, look! Radha and Madhaba [Krishna] , how beautiful their gait is
A fiatalok nem nőnek fel
Legalábbis ebben az életben nem
A nagy pofa és pénz
Mindig nyer
Fiú elveri a lányt
Miközben a settenkedő és hamis
Elveszi minden pénzed
És minden büszkeséged
Ártatlan emberek sétálnak el
Nincs idő mosolyogni mielőtt meghalnak
Ne hívd ezt igazságnak
Gyermekek éheznek az utcán
Minden héten eltűnik egy újabb
Ne mondd hogy igazságos
Királyok egy napig
De a királyságuk elhidegül
Sose nőnek fel
De elkerülhetetlenül megöregednek
Emlékszek a fájdalomra
És megaláztatásra
Önbíráskodó igazságszolgáltatásban részesítem őket
Úgy ahogy ők tették
Ártatlan emberek sétálnak el
Nincs idő mosolyogni mielőtt meghalnak
Ne hívd ezt igazságnak
Gyermekek éheznek az utcán
Minden héten eltűnik egy újabb
Ne mondd hogy igazságos
Ártatlan emberek sétálnak el
Nincs idő mosolyogni mielőtt meghalnak
Ne hívd ezt igazságnak
Gyermekek éheznek az utcán
Minden héten eltűnik egy újabb
Ne mondd hogy igazságos
Fiú elveri a lányt
Miközben a settenkedő és hamis
Elveszi minden pénzed
És minden büszkeséged
Ártatlan emberek sétálnak el
Nincs idő mosolyogni mielőtt meghalnak
Ne hívd ezt igazságnak
Gyermekek éheznek az utcán
Minden héten eltűnik egy újabb
Ne mondd hogy igazságos
Ártatlan emberek sétálnak el
Nincs idő mosolyogni mielőtt meghalnak
Ne hívd ezt igazságnak
Gyermekek éheznek az utcán
Minden héten eltűnik egy újabb
Ne mondd hogy igazságos
Ne mondd hogy igazságos...
To be alive
Wake up if is that you are alive,
Inside you there is a big bang,
There is no time not to be alive,
If is that you are alive, if is that you are alive,
Make your life and do not complicate so much
If in the end everything is it ending
Don't be afraid and don't waste the time,
You lived in your dreams, believe in your dreams,
There is no time not to be alive,
Inside you there is a big bang,
It feels if is that you are alive,
If is that you are alive, if is that you are alive,
Open your mind and search the path that leads you
Where you always wanted to be
You lived the present and do not be discouraged
Out all the wanderings of your mind
It's hour to change,
No time that wait
Life does not wait enjoy the moment
And if you thought to live your life
Suggested to everything they say
Do not be afraid live your dreams
This is your life and you are the only owner
There is no use living feeling sorry for you
Mentally enslaved inside you
A feeling is what I feel,
A pure feeling is what I feel
Make your life, don't waste time
Life do not wait, enjoy the moment !!!!
An asphalt road, in front of a wall
beggars in the corner
i shout all over the city
that they should look at me, only at me.
Take part in battles
victories, defeats
i shout all over the city
that they should look at me, only at me.
Rain, let it finally rain
because it needs to wash it all
don't want to see everything when the rain comes
let it finally rain
because the city is already tired
she is afraid of herself
wants to breathe.
Memories, darkness
asking again, no answer
i shout all over the city
that they should look at me, only at me.
Rain, let it finally rain....
i shout all over the city
that they should look at me, only at me.
Fathers and Sons
In a moment I'll want you to get out of here
So I'll be able, finally, to fall in silence
That you won't all see the wounds ripping
That we'll stay alone, and we'll break slowly
Give up already, and get out of here
So I I'll be able, finally, to scream in silence
Without that ripped up look in your eyes
That we'll stay alone, and we'll break slowly
Fathers and sons
Grandmothers and grandchildren
A mother's heart explodes
Who's to blame for her
Who's to blame for me
Who will be separated from whom
A father weeps over a son
Weeping over a father
In a moment I'll want you to get out of here
I won't fear falling
I won't fear growing
To drown or to float
To live or to die
Fathers and sons
Grandmothers and grandchildren
A mother's heart explodes
Who's to blame for her
Who's to blame for me
Who will bury whom
A father weeps over a son
Weeping over a father
A father weeps over a son
Weeping over a father
The Dimple On Your Cheeks
My heart wants a sea, somewhere that in the waves of your hair,
Somewhere that between your eyes, I'll see myself
Come here, stop flirting, in the middle of a beautiful heart
I want to write your name in the center of the beach
The dimple on your cheeks
Your crazy laughter/smile
The perfume you wear that spreads in your house
Your brunette hair
Your eyes like the sea
What would happen if all this beauty becomes all mine?
The dimple on your cheeks
Your crazy laughter/smile
The perfume you wear that spreads in your house
Your brunette hair
Your eyes like the sea
What would happen if all this beauty becomes all mine?
If it rains, I'll become your umbrella
If you become the sea, I'll drown in you
Your perfume spreads oh..! Your perfume (when it spreads)
I go insane, I go insane
The dimple on your cheeks
Your crazy laughter/smile
The perfume you wear that spreads in your house
Your brunette hair
Your eyes like the sea
What would happen if all this beauty becomes all mine?
The dimple on your cheeks
Your crazy laughter/smile
The perfume you wear that spreads in your house
Your brunette hair
Your eyes like the sea
What would happen if all this beauty becomes all mine?
The dimple on your cheeks
Your crazy laughter/smile
The perfume you wear that spreads in your house
Your brunette hair
Your eyes like the sea
What would happen if all this beauty becomes all mine?
Hurry Please
The child is thirty, he has a high fever
he lies on the sofa in his parent's house
yes, he is thirty, he has a high fever
he returns to the the bedroom of his youth.
Mom comes and says: 'Do you want something hot to drink?'
he gets upset and says: 'No, not now'
looks at his case of old books
stories that accompanied his life.
Hurry please and put a bandage on my heart
before laying me down to sleep
and explain to me about the child i was
how happy i was when the first rain came
The child is thirty, he has a high fever
he is unemployed from work and love
yes, he is thirty, but still doesn't know
what he will do when he finishes the army
Mom comes and says: 'Come for a bit to the living room'
he gets upset and says: 'No, not now'
looks at his shelf of old records
the songs that accompanied his life.
Hurry please and put a bandage on my heart
before laying me down to sleep
and explain to me about the child i was
how happy i was when the first rain came
Youare now in front of a star, sparkling in the distance
you returned to my house, yes now you are with me
i call in your name to my house
The child is thirty, he has a high fever
he lies on the sofa in his parent's house
yes, he is thirty, he has a high fever
he returns to the the bedroom of his youth.
When mom comes and says: 'You have a letter'
the spark returns suddenly to his eyes
he smells in the air that the rain approches
and brings the love of his life
Hurry please and put a bandage on my heart
before laying me down to sleep
and explain to me about the child i was
how happy i was when the first rain came
Dormant Moonlit Night’s Aria
Tranquil moonlight showering on the desert
By the window pane fall shards of gentle dreams
Come on, close your eyes
Fall asleep
In the cradle of the drowsy silver moon
My little prince, there’s nothing to fear
If this world ever closes you up
I’ll be loving you forever
I’ll be praying for you until the door opens
At night I long for your unreachable warmth
Lingering on my fingertips are shards of dreams
If the moonlight weaves out
A transient dream to be had only once
Come on, let me see the dream
Where I’ll hold you in my arms
Dilute this hurt with a pang of sleepiness
The pain of feeling for you
And of holding on to a mirage all alone
If I could see you at the end of my dream
I’d be kissing you so many times
And never ever let you go
For a while
Versions: #1
It may seem like cocaine, but it's just sadness, possibly your city.
Many fears are born from weariness and loneliness
And the imbalance and the squandering are now the heirs
Of the virtuousness that we lost.
A while ago I had a dream
I can't remember, I can't remember
Your sadness is so precise
And the day is so beautiful today
We are already used to
Not even having that anymore.
The dreams come and the dreams go
Everything else is flawed.
You said that if your voice was as strong
As the enormous pain you are feeling
Your scream would wake up
Not only your home
But the whole neighborhood.
And for a while not even the saints know for sure
The extent of evil
For a while it is the youth who is falling ill
For a while the grace is absent
And the smiles are full of rust
And only luck can reach out to touch
Those who seek shelter and protection.
My love, discipline is freedom
Compassion is fortitude
To be kind is to be brave
And she said:
-There is a well at my house, yet its water is too clean.
Sweden's got a cold and needs an injec-Sean
So much hatin' 'n naggin' from people downtown
Being itsy-bitsy-Spiderman is not enough
We need new heroes in our motherland
You can be a Superman with a bit more class
And change your clothes in a Swedish outhouse
Who is Bananaman?
They are Bananaman!
We are Bananaman!
Wham bam Bananaman!
Who is the hero in our country far and wide?
Wham bam bam - wham bam wham bam wham!
In a tight catsuit and a helping hand
Wham bam bam - wham bam wham bam wham!
We're sailing through the night
Through water and fire
We are Bananaman!
Wham bam Bananaman!
There are heroes of all kinds inside of us
Some straight, some curved, some imported with no passport
You can be Supergirl
You can be Batman
Or the bad guy with a fitting eyepatch
Who is Bananaman?
They are Bananaman!
We are Bananaman!
Wham bam Bananaman!
Who is the hero in our country far and wide?
Wham bam bam - wham bam wham bam wham!
In a tight catsuit and a helping hand
Wham bam bam - wham bam wham bam wham!
We're sailing through the night
Through water and fire
We are Bananaman!
Wham bam Bananaman!
If you're walking alone in the night
Being chased by a suspicious banana
When the shadows are wider than Kim Kardashian
When! In tight and cramped, yellow and blue long johns
Here comes: Wham! Bam! Bananaman!
(Who is the hero in our)
(Sweden! Ha ha haaa!)
Who is the hero in our country far and wide?
Wham bam bam - wham bam wham bam wham!
In a tight catsuit and a helping hand
Wham bam bam - wham bam wham bam wham!
We're sailing through the night
Through water and fire
We'll help anyone
Wham bam Bananaman!
We're sailing through the night
(Through water!)
Through water and fire
(Through water and fire!)
We'll help anyone
Wham bam Bananaman!
Wham bam Bananaman
Wham bam Bananaman
We’re all so beautiful
Everyday we have to face the world
And at the end of the day, lonely night makes us insecure
Why do we have to hurt our feelings ourselves
Each and everytime we remember the cruel words others say
Sometimes it’s hard to accept everything
Everything doesn’t seem going right at all
With eyes full of tears dropping your heads
I want you to smile no matter what
When it makes you down
No matter what you do
The sun will always be shining up there
The clouds will always bring rain down on here
So you do you, and you be you
Because we’re all so beautiful
We know we’re more than beautiful
Sing with me now
We know we’re always standing strong
I see you always standing strong
Sing with me
If we go together we can go further
Our souls are connected as you finally grab my hand
No one can take our free spirit away
You’ll see you’re always shining if you look in the mirror
When you wanna give up everything
Or even if you don’t feel you deserve this
Even though you’re still hurt and pain has not ended
You just let it go
I’m sure you can get over it
We’re all so beautiful
We know we’re more than beautiful
Sing with me now
We know we’re always standing strong
I see you always standing strong
You know that
I know you’re still worried
If you’re heart is still aching and crying
woo~ woo~
I know, I know
Because I’ll always be there if you just believe
You know
We’re all so beautiful hey~
You are not alone anymore because I’ll be there
We know we’re always standing strong
So you do you, and you be you
We’re all so beautiful
We know we’re more than beautiful
Sing with me now
We know we’re always standing strong
I see you always standing strong
sing it
If we go together we can go further
Our souls are connected as you finally grab my hand
No one can take our free spirit away
You’ll see you’re always shining if you look in the mirror
Yes you’re always shining…
My Sweetheart, My Life, My Pulse , My Heartbeat
O My sweetheart, my life,my pulse, my heart beat
it out of my hands(out of control), your love has fallen into my life
Oh beautiful ,your name is in my lips ( every moment)
The lock of my heart opened, you love is cure
With one of your smile, a storm formed in my heart
its like my heart separated from my chest in a flash
My heart should be enchanted by your heart
the intensity of your love should bring my soul to my lips
someone more in love and crazier than us cannot be found
crazy attracts crazy, crazy like crazy one
I can't tie my ponytail
Stopping a car at the beach in the ending summer
I dance the last dance of loneliness
With the song of that day on the radio
I cried painfully
Leaning on the wall
I kept seeing you dancing
When the candles went off
Our august announced the end
I'm so sad
I loved you
I can't tie my ponytail anymore
Because if I return to the city
I'll cut my long hair
I wiped with the little finger
A tear hanging in my cheek
When the sea muttered your name
The ribbon of my hair and your breath
Still sway me like that day
I won't forget the ballad we danced
Embracing our shoulders and sunburnt
I'm so sad
I fell in love barefoot
I can't tie my ponytail anymore
The retreating figure of summer
Looks like loneliness
Because in the city where the west wind blows
I'll cut my long hair
Beautiful Havana
Havana, Havana, Havana
Beautiful Havana
Pretty is your Prado
Pretty are your streets
Lovely is your sea
My song comes to you
Like the groan of violins
That only play for you
They are seen flying in the blue sky
Doves as a symbol of peace
That is your glory
They are seen flying in the blue sky
Doves as a symbol of peace
That is your glory
Havana, Havana
Never Alone
I still remember the smell
the perfume of the garden
Friday night in the synagogue
in a white shirt
I remember the regular stories
at our table
how we laughed uncontrollably
we didn't feel time passing
You are never alone
speak to him, he listens
even without saying a word
even when the sun sets
he enlightens your heart
You are never alone
it it tough to see, i know
he is still a part of you
he loves you
in the end we are all one
You are never alone
Many days have passed
since i dreamed of you
and sometimes i am afraid
that i have forgottenfrom you
There are moments that i hear
your voice in mine
the longing again erupts from within me
don't forget me...
Today To Me, Tomorrow To You
Sometimes my days pass cheerfully
Sometimes my tears, they go by shedding
Sometimes my days pass with my loved one
Sometimes I rebel against loneliness
My days are in flux thusly
World's trouble is unfathomable
If this day is for me, then tomorrow is for you
So, neither laugh nor cry for me
Everyone's life is not same
Things passing through my mind, they're not known.
Sometimes I forget old days
Sometimes longing burns my inside suddenly
My days are in flux thusly
World's trouble is unfathomable
Sometimes fear haunts my inside suddenly
Sometimes I'm filled with joy, I don't know why
If this day is for me, then tomorrow is for you
So, neither laugh nor cry for me
Perish the Thought!
They say you will leave with the last rain, Perish the thought!
They say you will get over me easily, Perish the thought!
I sometimes talk slowly to myself in my private
That lest the words of this and that (people) be true, Perish the thought!
I'm afraid of this way, of the incurable pain
One day you will leave with the last rain
I saw this in my dreams hundred times
That you left and it rained in the last meeting
Finish me if you left and I remained in the storm
Finish me, far away from the tears and the sight of this and that (people)
After you the life doesn't have any place for me
Finish me with the memories of the last rain
My love has gone[literally means: 'my breath has gone', the singer has liken his love to breath, I'm impatient without love
The sky doesn't have moonlight without love
I swear to my life, to you, to your eyes
I swear God that I can't stand anymore with your hidden sorrow (of your separation)
I'm ruined without love, I'm in suffering without love
I've become a captive who loves your jail
I'm afraid of this way, of the incurable pain
One day you will leave with the last rain
I saw this in my dreams hundred times
That you left and it rained in the last meeting
Finish me if you left and I remained in the storm
Finish me, far away from the tears and the sight of this and that (people)
After you the life doesn't have any place for me
Finish me with the memories of the last rain
To Thee, O God
To Thee, O God, is my passion, it is Thou whom I desire and love
To Thee is my heart and my mind, to Thee is my spirit and my soul
To Thee are my hands, to Thee are my feet, and from Thee is my personality
To Thee is my self, to Thee is my blood and my skin along with my body
To Thee are my eyes and my thoughts, and my shape and my form
To Thee is my spirit, to Thee is my strength and my trust and my hope
To Thee I shall yearn and shall not quieten, until Thou shall illuminate my darkness
To Thee I shall cry, to Thee I shall cling, until I return unto my earth
To Thee is the Kingship, to Thee is the superiority, to Thee my praise shall befit
From Thee aid comes at times of need, be my aid at my time of need
And what am I, and what is my life, and what is my strength and my might
As blowing chaff am I driven away, and how shall Thou remember my wrongdoings
And the light which is hidden before Thee, shall be my protection and my shelter
And 'neath the shade of Thy wings, please give my place unto me.
White Sheets
Havana, my old Havana
Lady of history, of conquerors and people
With its religions, beautiful lady
Havana, if my eyes left you
If life banished me to a corner of the earth
I swear to you I'll die of love and of longing
To walk your streets, your neighborhoods and your places
Cuatro Caminos, Virgin of Regla, town by the sea
Places, destinations
The long wall of the coastline
The capitol and Prado with its lions
Its visions
White sheets hanging on the balconies
White sheets hanging on the balconies
Havana, my great Havana
Customary to go around the ceiba at night
And parties in houses of neighborhoods modern and poor
Of noble people
Havana, if my eyes left you
If life banished me to a corner of the earth
I swear to you I'll die of love and of longing
To walk your streets, your neighborhoods and your places
Virgin of the Path, new residential herald
Places, neighbors, Lighthouse of Morro and the Cathedral
Small neighborhoods, full of traditions and emotions
White sheets hanging on the balconies
(Sheets, sheets, sheets)
White sheets hanging on the balconies
(Oh sheets, oh sheets)
White sheets hanging on the balconies
(I'm going to die of love, I'm going to die of love, Havana)
White sheets hanging on the balconies
(Oh sheets, oh sheets)
White sheets hanging on the balconies
(Sheets, sheets, sheets)
White sheets hanging on the balconies
White sheets hanging on the balconies
White sheets hanging on the balconies
White sheets hanging on the balconies
White sheets hanging on the balconies
(I'm going to die of love, I'm going to die of love, Havana)
White sheets hanging on the balconies
(Oh sheets, oh sheets)
White sheets hanging on the balconies
(Oh sheets, oh sheets)
White sheets hanging on the balconies
White Sheets
Havana, my old Havana
Lady of history, of conquerors and people
With its religions, beautiful lady
Havana, if my eyes left you
If life banished me to a corner of the earth
I swear to you I'll die of love and of longing
To walk your streets, your neighborhoods and your places
Cuatro Caminos, Virgin of Regla, town by the sea
Places, destinations
The long wall of the coastline
The capitol and Prado with its lions
Its visions
White sheets hanging on the balconies
(White sheets hanging on the balconies)
Havana, my great Havana
Customary to go around the ceiba at night
And parties in houses of neighborhoods modern and poor
Of noble people
Havana, if my eyes left you
If life banished me to a corner of the earth
I swear to you I'll die of love and of longing
To walk your streets, your neighborhoods and your places
Virgin of the Path, new residential herald
Places, neighbors, Lighthouse of Morro and the Cathedral
Small neighborhoods, full of traditions and emotions
White sheets hanging on the balconies
White sheets hanging on the balconies
(Oh oh oh, Omara, Omara
Oh oh oh, of Cuba, Havana)
You are the good in my life, that has me in ecstasy
Why deny that I'm in love with you
(Oh oh oh, Omara, Omara
Oh oh oh, of Cuba, Havana)
With your sweet soul which is all feeling
Havana, Havana how I love you
(Oh oh oh, Omara, Omara
Oh oh oh, of Cuba, Havana)
How lovely is my Havana
When the sun rises Havana, Havana
Who doesn't see you doesn't love you
(Oh oh oh, Omara, Omara,
Oh oh oh, of Cuba, Havana)
Write to me
Days have passed, months have passed
Why it needs
Life has never smiled on my face
Now there are laughs
They said 'look to left and right'
They said he was looking for me
He wants to return
That's the only thing I want
That was the condition
Write to me, maybe I'll return
Write to me that you love me
Write to me in front of my door
Lay, or oooo
My life is happy now
Why it needs
My heart and my soul are strong
They are close to love
You taught me
I was looking forward you’ll come back
And happy days will get started
The day came I thought I’m dead
You taught me how to live without you
The day came I thought I’m dead
Taught me how to live without you
With no regret or sorrow
Your unfaithful heart not feeling sad
You lived like a stranger to me
You taught me how to live without you
With no regret or sorrow
Your unfaithful heart not feeling sad
You lived like a stranger to me
You taught me how to live without you, you taught me
Taught me how to live without you
Didn’t live a message for me, didn’t call me
I was ashamed of myself, ashamed of the stranger
At the end of that story love tore my heart off
You taught me how to live without you
At the end of that story love tore my heart off
Taught me how to live without you
With no regret or sorrow
Your unfaithful heart not feeling sad
You lived like a stranger to me
You taught me how to live without you
With no regret or sorrow
Your unfaithful heart not feeling sad
You lived like a stranger to me
You taught me how to live without you, you taught me
Taught me how to live without you
Your unexpected departure put me in flames
Didn’t expect, didn’t want this death to separates us
Don’t forget, keep it in your mind I’ll love you all my life
You taught me how to live even without you, even without you
Taught me how to live even without you
Taught me
Do You Want To Build A Snowman?
Let’s build a snowman
Come on, let's go and play
You have been inside for so long
Please,come out,we haven’t met for so long
We used to be best buddies
I wish you would atleast tell me why?
Do you want to build a snowman?
Or we’ll do anything you wish to.
Let’s build a snowman
Or ride our bike around the halls
I have been lonely so long
Now I feel even pictures are speaking to me
Hey buddy,how lonely do you feel?
This clock in the house,just keeps ticking all the time
(tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock)
Elsa...please say something?
People are asking where you've been
It’s a tough time ,what should I do?
Actually,I’m little scared inside
Don’t know,when I’ll see you again?
We only have each other
It's just you and me
What are we gonna do now?
Do you want to build a snowman?
Trust Me
Come and leave yourself to me
Trust me
Let's change the rules
Trust me
Leave your dreams and wake up
Trust me
Stop being embarrassed, bored
Trust me
Ask me what is life
Ask me what is dream
Life is a breath as much as you take
Dream is a whim as much as you dive*
Trust me, trust me
Trust me, trust me
Close your eyes and hold on to me
Trust me
This life is our last chance
Trust me
Ask me what is life
Ask me what is dream
Life is a breath as much as you take
Dream is a whim as much as you dive*
Trust me, trust me
Trust me, trust me
Life is a breath as much as you take
Dream is a whim as much as you dive*
Trust me!
He/She doesn't come back to me
İ wish he/she came back to me one day,exhausted and the regretful
İ kneel down and cry,to my gratitute prayers
The sin of the lover which is the easiest forgiveness
The curse of the anyone don't stay in anyone
İf only he/she said 'i came' to me,if only he/she give life to me
He/she can't give me the days that pass
My everythings has changed,i have been hurt and come to an end
İ'm not how i used to be,even though he/she saw,he/she can't know