Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 16


Szondy's two pageboys - Part 2

Let the cannons roll1says the heathen Ali2
Bombs are bouncing and grenades are flying
All the firey devils are destroying men and walls
They're breaking the rocky fort of Drégel
„Beautiful young lords! The sun is about to set
Its shoulders are covered with a crimson kaftan3
The wind is roaring up in the forest, the moon is taking a peak
From now on, a cold night will be hissing out here!
To a pile in the marketplace of the fort
He orders valuable oxen, silver and gold
His war-horses are whinnying down there
His hand is twisting a dagger in their chest
„Then - well, that's how it went! Then he4fell!
Ali the heroic has buried him with a bannered spear

The ballad of György Thury chapter 2

Inside the fort of Fehérvár1Hamza Bey2is grieving
The famous champion of the Turks
A raid is coming from the south, it decimates their army
They are hassling them in every possible way
Head to Palota3my good spy!
Make your trip quickly and efficiently!
Don't allow anyone to see you, not from the ground nor from the sky!
Bring my poison to the infidel4György Thury5
Hark, my good lord, what that wretched heathen6
Is plotting against you in secret!
With me he has sent you sleeping powder and he's coming with an army
To defeat you via nefarious trickery
Don't you worry for a second my loyal and brave servant!
That despicable Hamza Bey will be very sorry
Let the Turks come, you just head back and report
That you have poisoned everyone here
Go ahead, leader, there's a storm on our side!
Go ahead, leader, guide our weapons!
Today we won't allow a single plundering heathen to go home alive!
Go ahead, leader, there's a storm on our side!
Go ahead, leader, guide our weapons!
The battle between us will be decided with swords, not poison!
Believe me, this country is not yours by right nor is it yours by heritage
You can't live in peace here, eternal enmity awaits you
People will rebel and they'll rise against you, even from the grave
You can't gain anything via conquering, you'll have to perish here7
They refuse to descend into the moat of the silent fort
The heathen army stops and they just wait about8
They sneak cowardly home, just how they came
They are so afraid of the captain of Palota
Hamza Bey is having a fit in his fort in Fehérvár
Reading a message from the good György Thury
'I've heard that you've been here, but you see, I drank so much
That even after three days is didn't feel very well.'
Go ahead, leader, there's a storm on our side!
Go ahead, leader, guide our weapons!
Today we won't allow a single plundering heathen to go home alive!
Go ahead, leader, there's a storm on our side!
Go ahead, leader, guide our weapons!
The battle between us will be decided with swords, not poison!
  • 1.
  • 2. A Turkic title for a chieftain.
  • 3.
  • 4. The Turks considered Hungarians infidels (giaours) because they weren't Muslims.
  • 5. György Thury (1519-1571) was a Hungarian soldier and military leader from a noble family.
    Throughout his life he defended multiple forts from the Ottoman army.
    Some called him the Hungarian EL Cid. He was a formidable duelist.

  • 6. Hungarians considered Turks heathens because they weren't Christians.
  • 7. Hungary lived under Turkish rule for about a 150 years.
  • 8. Wait about in the sense of 'to stay in a place and do nothing while you wait for someone to arrive or something to happen.'

Heavenly bell

Early in the morning, when it’s still dawn, lo, I’m hitting the road
on a path in a green field, in the bed of the dew,
and there, on my way, I hear the song of the field,
and behold, at the end of it i’m coming across a wheat field.
In the midst of the wide wheat field there’s a pretty cornflower,
I’m bending down for it to make a wreath, to please myself,
to adorn my pretty darkish lank hair with it.
And behold, I look up high in the sky,
up into the heavenly sky, between Moon and Sun,
and there is a small footpath there leading down,
and a golden fairy is walking along that path.
The golden fairy says the words to me,
my pretty sister, get ready, I’ve come for you, you’ll come with me,
you’ll come with me high up to the sky,
up to the spacious sky, amongst the Moon and the Sun
At the first cockcrow I’ll come to see you
At the second cockcrow I’ll ask you
At the third cockcrow you’ll say goodbye, get ready
At the fourth cockcrow I’ll take you with me
Don’t cry, my Mother, now I’m going to join the Sun and the Moon,
don't cry, my Mother, I’m saying goodbye to you ...
Heavenly bell, not rung but still tolling,
Your frail daughter’s being led up to the sky ...
Take a road
And I’ll take another one ...
If we meet, let’s not talk to each other.
Whoever sees us,
what will they say?
They will think
we are strangers to each other.

The month of the Sun-God

There was no Sun shining yet, neither Moon or stars,
the Earth was cold, a barren and empty wasteland.
No beasts disturbed the refuge of the night,
no one and nothing bothered the Father God.
In his palace of halls in the sky he got rueful,
wished to speak, the Lord of All Things, the Ancient Old God.
With his tears he scattered the sky with stars,
his smile turned into the warm Sun and the light in the cold sky.
And lo, he broke off a piece of the edge of the firmament,
and with that he fashioned his child who would say the words,
he fed him with fish from the waters and game from the forests,
and finally he gave him the light of the stars, the warmth of the fire.
A song began, the music of the wind-flowers,
summer arrived, its sweet words of nuptials reaching to the sky.
The plains and grasslands thus acquired their master
of the Golden Angle, of the beautiful Dawn of this world.
There he sits on his bright throne of the sky,
on the left hand side of our Father Sun, on the right hand side of our Mother Moon,
his laughter starts with the wind, he weeps with us when our tears brim over,
may you bless us with the words of the Ancient ones.


It gave and nurtured,
the laughing, exuberant, innocent world,
its song rang, the Sun glared down
on its colorful dawn.
It sang about the summer,
an arising but still pale flower,
it was living its life, a light colored
its fine, beautiful voice.
A wandering breeze answered,
told a beautiful ancient legend
about the tree reaching the sky, amid its foliage
the evening star.
Under the night sky
the flame of the one star is on its way,
it shines though alight it’s not, and finally
it’ll arrive into summer again.
The Light will bring a new life,
a new life, flames and hope,
our world will finally arrive into Summer again,
when the light of the dawn reaches the sky.

May you bring it, God

All the troubles, pains of my long journey,
the pages of a hundred books aren’t enough to contain them,
a thousand songs cannot tell
all that the birds of the sky sing.
Some things pained me, others came that hurt me,
doubt and sorrow often troubled me, too.
I acquired a loyal enemy,
and a sibling said farewell forever.
If I found a path I walked it,
I didn’t hesitate, didn’t wait either,
I raised dreams and secrets
and never forgot my word.
I never ceased to insist on being in the right,
and suffered a hundred times for it.
Bring forth, God, that day,
let it extinguish sadness and sorrow.
I walked a lot and cared,
I followed the light of the rising sun
toward the pure sky with pure heart,
I forgot sorrow and looked for the good.
May you bring that day, God,
let the red dawn bloom in the night,
let grief and trouble hurt me no more,
may you bring that day, God!

Ashes and mourning

Everything that lives will slowly pass away,
everything that's young and is hoping for a new path,
if it has the courage to tell about its sorrow.
Like a yellowed leaf.
Its absence hurts silently and hesitantly,
and until its unbound soul finds a dwelling,
the summer rain will cry tears
while waiting for a new song.
Affection has passed away.
Love betrayed it.
Its trembling words were stifled,
it cursed its heart a thousand times.
Tears couldn’t help,
prayers were useless,
it was ash and soil
that the world scraped over it.
Ashes and mourning, tears and blood
we thought the chant would sound forever
and yet it will end.
Ashes and mourning, tears and blood
your steps are now covered by the rain,
and the chant miscarried, too.

Lament over sorrow

My sun is vested in clouds, my star is fading away,
you and I must part, my flower, grown much to my liking.
Though grown much to my liking, you still brought sorrow to me,
you raised my sorrow when you forgot me.
Punish, God, the hearts of those who love two or three,
who embrace one, laugh with the other, who love whoever they see,
because I love only one and still suffer so much.
Never again will I be anyone’s partner, anyone’s curse from the heart!
There’s no other orphan like me under heaven, on the face of the earth,
I’m alone, I’m an orphan, carrying my sorrow,
I walk alone in the world because he wanted another one, prettier than I am,
he wanted someone prettier than I am but couldn’t get one, not even someone matching me.
I used to think that never in my life would I live with sorrow,
but with you I saw that I’d been mistaken, many sorrowful days of mine came about.
But now all those will be over, I’ve had my fair share of them,
those are over now, let the wind carry my sorrow away!
I told you not to love me,
because all I have to love you with in return are my arms,
you should love someone who has horses and wagons,
and then sorrow may kill you while you are by their side!
The hussars just passed by our house,
my dear mother, I’m going to join them.
I’ll be the captain of the first company,
three years aren’t the end of the world.
I have no pleasure because a swallow took it away,
and put it down in the middle of a round forest.
Dear swallow, bring back my pleasure to me,
and after that the one who used to be my lover, too.
My sun will soon be shining brightly, my star will be bright above,
now that we’ve parted ways with one another, and I’ve found another one prettier and better than you.
I loved you so much, but it’s over now,
why is it over now: you aren’t the most beautiful person in the world either.

Fairy garden

Sorrow, sorrow, how you devoured me,
how much you didn’t put in the ground,
it would be so much better if you put me there,
just don’t let grief touch me.
Wheat shall ripen
for every day a new wind whelms it,
my heart shall wither
for every day a new grief whelms it.
Forest, forest, how tall you are,
my homeland, how far away you are,
if I could cut down the forest,
I could catch sight of your frontiers.
When I left home
I had a heart, I wasn’t grieving.
As soon as I crossed those frontiers
I didn’t have a heart any more, I was so sad.
You’ve been at home, you will be at home,
wherever you go, whatever direction you walk,
if the blue hills open up,
the heaven also will see: you’ve arrived home.
You will return home, you’re not going any further,
you’ve been human, so remain human,
if the blue hills open up,
you are at home, you’re not going any further.

A lad was killed

A lad was killed
For his yellow brass harness,
And was thrown into the Tisza river
For his good saddle, for his chestnut horse.
Tisza didn't take him in,
It threw him to the shore,
Along comes a poor fisherman
Who pitied him, took him in his boat.
He took him in his boat,
Took him to his homeland.
To his homeland, to his homeland
And laid him down on the green field,
Along comes his father,
Tries to wake him but he doesn’t hear:
Wake up, my son, my dear son,
Come with me, let's go, let’s go home!
He can't come home anymore,
I can’t see him anymore, his straw-colored hair, his curly hair
Is frozen onto his shoulders.
He can't come home anymore,
I can’t see him anymore, his straw-colored hair, his curly hair
Is frozen onto his shoulders.
Along comes his partner,
Tries to wake him and he does hear her,
Wake up, wake up, my love,
Come with me, let’s go, let's go home!
- Will you mourn me, my rose
For one or two or three years?
- I will mourn you, my love,
For three times nine years!
I’ll hear about you,
My sweet rose, in the words of chants,
A song will be born and it’ll treasure my destiny,
The destiny of a girl who never got married.
I’ll hear about you,
My sweet rose, in the words of chants,
A song will be born and it’ll treasure my destiny,
The destiny of a girl who never got married.
You will hear about me, my sweet rose,
In the voice of the wind at down,
I loved you as much as I loved the bright daylight,
And you will remember me.
You will hear about me, my sweet rose,
In the voice of the wind at down,
I loved you as much as I loved the bright daylight,
And you will remember me.


Turn, my dear horse, toward the sunset,
we will never return here anyway.
I’m going to a far away land, I’ll live in exile,
I will never see my beautiful homeland again.
Blow away, dear wind, blow away the dust of the long journey,
the dust of my long journey, the trail of my dun horse.
My dun was a good horse, good its behavior,
God bless whoever raised it.
Dawn is inviting a dream, promising a quietly ringing song,
the wind follows me from one road to another.
A new day is a new promise, lost in exile
in great sadness I retire to bed.
Bones crumble under the pressure of black earth,
my sad heart is being destroyed by sorrow.
I’m an orphan, an orphan like the stubble on the field
whose ornament was taken away by the sickle.
Foreign people in a foreign country,
I walk in the streets but I don’t know anyone.
I would speak to them but they wouldn’t understand,
which is sorely bitter to my heart.
Dawn is inviting a dream, promising a quietly ringing song,
the wind follows me from one road to another,
a new day is a new promise, lost in exile,
in great sadness I retire to bed.

True fire

Among snow-covered tombs
I'm seeking words of days gone by.
Some departed, some gave up
but others carried on, maybe for them too.
Words became songs, voices became chants,
tears turned into smiles, faint memories
again and again, on and on, up, set out
to keep carrying years we shared.
It might have been a dream and remained a dream,
true fire, maybe flames of tales.
See, tears well up in my eyes
and now its voice is fading away
In the midst of gorges and mountain ranges
until our souls find a new path
to fly up to the sky like a breeze,
like a sad bird fearing for its treasure.
Someday, somewhere, in a dream maybe,
on the lake of our tears we never shed
sad memory will come to an end,
having forgotten the long years,
in the soft song of our shared world
together again, in the words of our chant
recounting Fate, life,
everything I would like to say to you.