Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 55

Találatok száma: 1938


Ó anya

Annyira fiatal volt olyan ártatlan szemekkel
Mindig is álmodott a mesebeli életről
És minden olyan dolgokról, amit a pénzel nem vehetők meg
Azt hitte, csodálatos srác
Aztán hirtelen a dolgok megváltoztak
Ez volt a pillanat, amikor a nevé már nem ért semmit
Látni lehetett az arcán a haragot
Minden fájdalmat zárva tartotta.
Ó anya, erősebbek vagyunk
Minden könnycseppek réven amiket elárasztottál
Ó anya, ne nézz vissza
Mert már nem fog bántani minket.
Szóval anya, köszönöm
Mindazért, amit csináltál és még mindig csinálsz
Te az enyém voltal, én a tied
Együtt mindig tüléljük,
Mindig tüléljük,
Mindig tüléljük,
Ó anya, oh anya, oh anya.
Ez volt a nap, amit a gyerekek utáltak
Tudta, hogy csak el kell hagynia őket
Olyan sok hang jött az ő elméjében
Cak mondta újra és újra és újra,
'Te ennél sokkal többet érdemelsz'.
Belebetegedett a hazasságukban és próbált hátat forditani
Megpróbált elrejteni a vágásokat és zúzódásokat
Annyira fáradt, hogy megvédje az életét, talán meghallhatott volna
Harcolt a gyerekei életéért.
Ó anya, erősebbek vagyunk
Az összes könnycseppektől, melyiket elárasztottál
(minden könnyed, amit eloltottál)
Ó anya, ne nézz vissza
Mert soha többé nem fog bántani minket
(soha többé nem fog bántani minket).
Szóval anya, köszönöm (köszönöm)
Mindazért, amit csináltál és még mindig csinálsz (még mindig csinálsz)
Te az enyém voltal, én a tied (Te az enyém voltal és én a tied)
Együtt mindig tüléljük,
Mindig tüléljük,
Mindig tüléljük,
Ó anya, oh anya, oh anya.
Egész életed nagy resze
Eltemetted a fájdalmat és sajnálatot
De anya, soha többé nem fog érinteni minket
Minden alkalommal próbált elkeseríteni téged
Csak emlékezz rá, ki volt melletted
Ennek vége van és erősebbek vagyunk
És soha nem kell visszamennünk már.
Ó anya, erősebbek vagyunk
Az összes könnycseppektől, melyiket elárasztottál
(minden könnyed, amit eloltottál)
Ó anya, ne nézz vissza
Mert soha többé nem fog bántani minket
(soha többé nem fog bántani minket).
Szóval anya, köszönöm (köszönöm)
Mindazért, amit csináltál és még mindig csinálsz (még mindig csinálsz)
Te az enyém voltal, én a tied (Te az enyém voltal és én a tied)
Együtt mindig tüléljük,
Mindig tüléljük,
Mindig tüléljük,
Ó anya, oh anya, oh anya.
Dana Kósa

Father, I dedicate to you this song

Up there,where you are and reside, father
a song that i would write for you,i told you that one day
i kept my word, but i was a little bit late
i weren't able to listen to it and you travelled far away
Father, I dedicate to you this song
Father, my soul, i am in a lot of pain
around me there is so much hapiness, but you are still in my mind
my thought will always follow you,my dear
if you could know,my father, how much i miss you
you are gone, and our home is full of sadness
you left and i couldn't take a word from you
you probably had an 'appointment' with death,father
Father, I dedicate to you this song
Father, my soul, i am in a lot of pain
around me there is so much hapiness, but you are still in my mind
my thought will always follow you,my dear


Sincerely, you can open up with me
Honestly, I just want to say to you
That I hit the spot when I met you
I hit the spot
I know the word you want to hear
You are the secret I will unveil
You hit the spot when you met me
You hit the spot when you met me
And then our world turned around
You stayed and the night came
To bring us the dark
And then
I opened up my heart
Because nothing is in vain
I know the word you want to hear
You are the secret I will unveil
You hit the spot when you met me
You hit the spot when you met me
And then our world turned around
You stayed and the night came
To bring us the dark
And then
I opened up my heart
Because nothing is in vain
I liked you charm and your groove
I liked the feeling with you
I liked how you chat and your perfume
I liked the feeling I have with you
Sincerely, you can open up with me
Honestly, I just want to say to you
That I hit the spot when I met you
I hit the spot
And then our world turned around
You stayed and the night came
To bring us the dark
And then
I opened up my heart
Because nothing is in vain

Kingdom of Siam

I saw you sitting in a street
With your child under your shirt
Shoulders exposed, covered with gold
To please your god, again you dance
The river flows at the edge of the temple of Dawn
Nobody cries or complains
At night streets are warm, children play
Wide eyes without eyelids
Tanned skin, fair belly
The river flows at the foot of the great stone Buddha
Kingdom of Siam
Path leading to the happy people
Kingdom of Siam
Who sees the world through your eyes
Maybe that one will find happiness
I saw you in the strange city
Door to heaven, town of the angels
With love and freedom
Eat mango and drink tea
Your river will flow for ever
Kingdom of Siam
Path leading to the happy people
Kingdom of Siam
Who sees the world through your eyes
Maybe that one will find happiness
I saw you sitting in the street
With your child under your shirt
Shoulders exposed, covered with gold
You always dance, again you dance
The river flows at the edge of the temple of Dawn
Kingdom of Siam
Path leading to the happy people
Kingdom of Siam
Who sees the world through your eyes
Maybe that one will find happiness
Who sees the world through your eyes
Maybe that one will find happiness


Mute people,
A lot of fighting,
A lot of people,
Mute fighting.
Deaf fate,
Servant praying,
A lot of people,
Mute fighting.
Mute, with his/ her eyes he/ she welcomes me
- cruel
Move the fool, fight for the king!
Servant, in long halls praying,
In sheep”s stable, a life seems a short streak.
Mute people,
A lot of fighting,
A lot of people,
Mute fighting.

When you carry

When you carry
On your shoulders
The most beautiful
When your hand shivers
Because he looks like you
When you know it's him
Crying at the dead of night
When you get up
Burning with fever
When your hand shivers
Knowing that he looks like you
You know that in his veins
It's the same blood
It's the same blood
When it flows
It's the long carpet of your life
That unfolds
When you know it's him
Crying at the dead of night
When he coughs
In his foam cot
When he calls you
Always keep in mind
Remember it was him
Frail at the dead of night
And when one day
From the top of a tower
You will see him go
As everyone without a word...

Esmeralda's prayer

I don't know if you hear me
But I beg for answers
I don't know if you would listen
To the prayer I've got
Yes, I know I am too simple
I should be left outside
But when see your glare, I think that
Maybe you hear me after all
God, help the people who are in need
Show them your love and give them your support
God, help my people now, the short moment they exist
God, help the forgotten, I think you want that
I beg for strength, I beg for answers
I beg for light over the name I've got
Love's prayer is all I ask for
I want God's all angels to watch over me
I beg for the others, who are left outside
I beg from my heart and believe that you hear
Help my people, when they're suffering right now
All of us are children here, our father is you
You are the only one who can help the forgotten
You are allowed to use my translations, if you just remember to credit me :)

Covered truck

Truck in the night
Covered truck
Like a released balloon
Illusions, hopes
And blood stained
Straps tied-down
No more desire
In this loathed world
Nothing to say
Drive in the darkness
Hit by dreams
On the waysides
Of desperation
Truck in the darkness
Drives away this evening
And will not come back
In the back seat
Of black leatherette
A child breathes
A fair-eyed girl
With frail limbs
Sleeps in a cloth
Like an angel feather
In a flannel blanket
Fallen from heavens
And in the rhythm of axles
The awful din
Of the iron truck
Truck in the night
What do you know about him
About what he leaves once again
Sad settings
The rest has been crushed
When the world is sick
What is left to him
Is the shape that sleeps
In a blanket
On the rugged seat
She's the only figure
The only landscape
Standing like a mirage
The face of the angel
That sleeps in her flannel blanket
Fallen from heavens
And in the rhythm of axles
The awful din
Of the iron truck
All that is left to him
When the world is sick
Is the shape that sleeps
Truck in the night
Armored truck
For so many years
So many low blows
Without lights and masts
Lanterns torn
Truck rolls away
From a loathed world
History will tell
What should be remembered
On an acacia tree trunk
Tires howling
Windows bursting
Crushed truck
And in his notebook
Three more lines
Three crossed-off words
The three words of a drowned man
Whose body is recovered
During a moonless night
One hand through
The brown curls
On the angel's forehead
In her flannel blanket
Fallen from heavens
And in the rhythm of axles
The awful din
Of the iron truck
Truck in the night
Smashed truck
Iridescent windows
Strewing the ground
In a sunken lane
Crushing the hand
From which the soul escapes
Still breathing
As if bewitched
Stroking the body
And the grey nape
Of the crushed adult neck
Where the bones are smashed
In the covered truck
Front burst open
Through which the wind edges
And dries up
The child's forehead
Moistened with tears
In the covered truck
Front burst open
Through which wind edges
And dries up
The child's forehead
Moistened with tears
Sanctified truck
Picked up off the ground
Straight towards the sky
The rest erased
The tree opened
In the middle
Passenger compartment open
On the green carpet
Of painless moss
The fair-haired angel
Looks at her father
Who keeps driving
Truck in the night

asoud aljazeera

زادنا كثر الخطَر عزم وعِناد وكِلّما يزيد الخطر نَرويه دَم
نرفَع الرَّايات ونمد الأياد لأهلنا أهل الشَّهامِه والكَرَم
للسِّعوديِّه موَدَتنا وكَاد ولليِمَن وأهل اليمن أولاد عم
جيشنا الباسل جنود الإتِّحاد نِعم بجنوده سِقوا العادين سَم
عند خطْ النَّار قابض ع الزِّناد ينصر اللِّي حقَّه بظلم إنهضَم
حافظين العهد وإن حق الجهاد بالدِّما يفدونها أرض وعَلَم
يا أسودٍ للجزيره باعتماد عند بوخالد لكم قَدر وأسِم
نعم به قايد على جيش وبلاد له يردِّ الأمر ويردِّ الحكِم
ساعة يدبِّر على درب الرِّشاد وساعة إيأمِّر فله بنقول تَم
فيه من زايد مراعاة الوداد وفيه من ذاته صفات أهل الهِمَم
وأذكر إبْطيب الذِّكر من به يشاد كل فضل ويذكر أسمه كل فم
ذاك بن سلمان به تم المراد المعادي إن سِمِع به ينهزم
يا محمد فضلكم عم العباد نعم ب آل سعود حامين الحَرَم
نحن وإنتوا شعب واحد بالوكاد يجتمع فَ أنسابنا دَم ورحَم
واليمن منَّا وف الأيام الشِّداد يوم نادانا فل قلنا نَعَم
عن عدوٍّ باع شعبه م الفساد وساق أتباعه إلى الرَّاي العَسَم
وإتبعوه أهل العثيره والكساد وإتركوه أهل الشَّرف وأهل الكَرم
ما نحب الحرب وإن حق الجلاد وإعتدى العادي فيبشر بالنِّدَم
كل نَصْر وله ثمَن غالي يِقاد والنَّصِر ما يستوي من غير دَم
يا شَعِبنا الحر وأهلي والبلاد دامنا عَ الحق لا ما نَنهزم

It's a park where animals dwell

It’s a park where animals dwell
And water flows on their heads
Amidst light horses
Animals are mingled.
It’s a trap in which our children
Will fall when they grow up
And when the hunter will leave
On a stretcher, they will say :
It’s a park where animals dwell
And maybe someone remembers…
Over-ripened fruits, hollow trees
That was God’s orchard.
It’s a park where animals dwell
And water flows on their heads
Amidst wild horses
Each one rears up under the storm.
It’s a trap in which wolf, dog,
Man and rat will fall
And when hunters will leave,
Kneeling down we shall sing :
It’s a park where animals dwell
And maybe someone remembers…
Over-ripened fruits, hollow trees
That was God’s orchard.


She eats bamboo shoots
Burns her life at both ends
Lives in a trailer
Her bicycle hangs on the wall
She’s not afraid of fish
Or sharks in the lagoon
She hides her American dollars
Inside her bathing suit
She eats rice, cookies
She picks coconuts
Wakes up at six in the evening
And goes to sit at Marin’bar
She collects sea-shells
She’s the cutest, the wisest
You won’t forget her face
She’s the cutest on the beach
At Marin’bar
If you like to see her
Just go and sit down
At Marin’bar
At Marin’bar
She’s there every night
Just go and sit down
When she was born there was nothing
No American soldiers
Nowadays she has friends
In every hotel there
At night, she comes home by car
She sleeps in a blanket
Between sister and mother
In her life there is no mystery
She eats rice and fish
She kisses every boy around
Wakes up at six in the evening
And sits down at Marin’bar
She’s the cutest, the wisest
She collects sea-shells
You won’t forget her face
She’s the cutest on the beach
At Marin'bar (refrain)
She eats rice and fish
She kisses every boy around
Wakes up at six in the evening
And sits down at Marin’bar
She’s the cutest, the wisest
She collects sea-shells
You won’t forget her face
She’s the cutest on the beach
At Marin'bar (refrain)
At Marin'bar

The love will win

A better place
Let's build
Together we will be
United to smile.
And the confusion
Let's run away
What happiness
I know now,
To love you is my law.
I know
The love will win
Anywhere, I know
Because I'll be with you
Happy at dawn
Let's grow up
With all my being
The love will win!
Was in solitude
That I cried in vain
But then I saw
The light in the darkness
Your beautiful look
Makes love shine!
We dived
In happiness
The world in
Complicity and love.
I know
The love will win
Anywhere, I know
United Forever
Happy at dawn
Come on, we grow.
With all my being
The love will win
I know love, it will win.

You are leaving me, Love

You are leaving me, love
Why are you leaving me?
Why are you leaving me?
Why are you leaving me?
You are leaving me, love
Why are you leaving me?
You are leaving me, love
[Verse 1]
You turn over my heart
And then you go
We made love
But, don't ask me why
One hundred bombs per hour
I'm completely 'I love you'
And a golden cross
If you're not here anymore
If you're not here anymore
In my heart I don't feel anything
With the earphones' volume at 20
The wind brings away your words
With your friends among the people
I'm seriously losing
I cry blood, but it doesn't matter
In my heart, I don't feel anything
You are leaving me, love
Why are you leaving me?
Why are you leaving me, love?
You are leaving me
You are leaving me, love
Why are you leaving me?
You are leaving me, love
Why are you leaving me?
Why are you leaving me?
[Verse 2]
You set on fire my heart
And then you go away
Once again
But don't ask me why
You drove me out
I'm completely 'I love you'
And a golden cross
If you're not here anymore
In my heart I don't feel anything
With the earphones' volume at 20
The wind brings away your words
With your friends among the people
(I still believe in it)
I'm seriously losing
(You drove me out)
I cry blood, but it doesn't matter
(In my heart I don't feel)
In my heart, I don't feel anything
(I don't feel anything)
(I don't feel anything)
You are leaving me, love
(I don't feel anything)
You are leaving me
(I don't feel anything)
Why are you leaving me, love?
(I don't feel anything)
Why are you leaving me?
(I don't feel anything)
In my heart I don't feel anything
You are leaving me, love
Why are you leaving me?
You are leaving me, love
Why are you leaving me?
Why are you leaving me?
Why don't you call me anymore?
And you don't read my messages?
Why are you leaving me?
Why don't you call me anymore?
And you don't read my messages?
Why are you leaving me?
Why are you leaving me?
Why are you leaving me?

Fehér zászló

Azért élni, hogy ellenállj a saját keresztednek
feladd egy fénysugárban,
a világom összeomlott,
egy fehér zászlót kérek a szívemben.
Teljes forradalomban vagyok,
és ebben a harcban csak veszítek.
Fehér zászlót a szívekbe
a világ két részre oszlott
fehér zászlót a szívekbe
hol maradtál
Néha olyan csapást adsz magadnak, mégis jól vagy
tudják, hogy vannak, akik nemmennek el
add a kezedet, és én kinyitottam a tenyeremet
tedd a melkasomra és nézdd meg a lelkedet.
Teljes forradalomban vagyok,
és ebben a harcban csak veszítek.
Fehér zászlót a szívekbe,
add át a szívedet az érzelmeknek,
fehér zászlót a szívekbe,
újra éreztem és nyertem.
Fehér zászlót a szívekbe,
add át a szívedet az érzelmeknek,
fehér zászlót a szívekbe,
újra éreztem és nyertem.

I Lost My Friend

I lost my friend, so small
I lost my friend
In a forest of shrub oaks, so small
In a forest of shrub oaks
So small, so small, so small…
Oh, what will I do
I’m nothing but a scatterbrain
I always lose what’s mine
I’m just a nitwit.
I lost my shoe, so flimsy
I lost my shoe
At the top of an apple tree, so flimsy
At the top of an apple tree
So flimsy, so flimsy, so flimsy
I lost my suckling pig, so small
I lost my suckling pig
In the stomach of a dragon, so small
In the stomach of a dragon
So small, so small, so small
I lost my bird, so easily1
Up there in the sky, so easily
Up there in the sky
So easily, so easily, so easily
I lost my mammoth, gobble-gut
I lost my mammoth
On a soccer field, gobble-gut
On a soccer field
Gobble-gut, gobble-gut, gobble-gut
I lost my cardboard box, all brown
I lost my cardboard box
At the bottom of my bag, all brown
At the bottom of my bag
All brown, all brown, all brown
  • 1. Literally, this means “all blond,” or perhaps “all golden.”

Ost General and I

This life, I waited for so long
From an ignorant boy to a lonely duke
This lifetime, I loved too much (it hurts)
You can stab the sword in my chest
My war horses will fly, calming the world for you
Your qin strings will tremble, accompanying me to the end of the world
Willing to forgo the rivers and mountains [meaning the country], remove the armor for you
Willing to hold onto your hand, stay with you until your black hair fades to grey
Your aloof back, cannot hide your knitted brows
Your fragrant kiss, cannot stop air-dried tears
Those unrestrained years, of endless yearning like water
Asked myself which road I took to come here, through endless reincarnations of love
Admiring the sky studded with falling flowers, as stunning as your smiling face
This life, I waited for so long
From an ignorant boy to a lonely duke
This lifetime, I loved too much (it hurts)
You can stab the sword in my chest
My war horses will fly, calming the world for you
Your qin strings will tremble, accompanying me to the end of the world
Willing to forgo the rivers and mountains [meaning the country], remove the armor for you
Willing to hold onto your hand, stay with you until your black hair fades to grey
Your aloof back, cannot hide your knitted brows
Your fragrant kiss, cannot stop the air-dried tears
Those unrestrained years, of endless yearning like water
Asked myself which road I took to come here, through endless reincarnation of love
Admiring the sky studded with falling flowers, as stunning as your smiling face
Smiling through dripping blood, watching you, liking you
Loving you
The bride of my fate

Why did I give my heart to you

Why did I give my heart to you, if you were going to break it?
And what did I do that turned your gaze away from me?
My heart and soul are busy with you and I look left to right
So the enemies don't know that it's you my attention is with
When others leave my sight, they leave my heart too
But you are so settled in my heart that you are the life in my body

Happy summer

I write you this letter to tell you
that in these ten days
we're having a sensational time.
The place is very pretty, the house is big
we like it a lot
and it's just two blocks away from the sea.
When we get up early we hurry
we go to the beach
we want the sun to start to burn us.
And after a while when we can't stand it
playing races
we go to the water to refresh.
Happy summer, how pretty os to live.
Sunny days with lots of laughing.
Happy summer, how pretty os to live.
My good friend, I wish you were here today.
On cloudy days, with some friends
we go to the movies,
we do horse riding and skate.
It's all so pretty but I miss you so much
dear friend
I hope you write me soon.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

I Wish I Could Stop Time

They say dreams
Never come true
So then what do I do
About my dream on the alter?
Jump for joy
That's what I want to do
Sing, dance, laugh, I'm dying for you
I'm dying for your eyes, they're so beautiful
And every time you look at me, I'm in love
So beautiful on the outside
So beautiful on the inside
You're my everything
I'm asking you, God
I'm just asking that you don't separate us
Because if you separate them, their world will lose all meaning
Listen to me, God, I'm just asking that you let them love each other
Because they are love and they are one heart
I wish I could stop time
Wish I could go back
Lie on that riverbank
And snuggle up to you
I wish I weren't so old
Because I don't want to go
My life is yours and I want
To be forever beside you
You're my doctrine
My bible
Sorry I once wronged you and my family
Thank you for loving me with all my virtues and my flaws
I'm only human, love, I'm sorry
But if you still have any doubt
With God, with everyone, with the whole world as my witness
I want to shout out to the four winds that I'm happy and I love you
I wish I could stop time
Wish I could go back
Lie on that riverbank
And snuggle up to you
I wish I weren't so old
Because I don't want to go
My life is yours and I want
To be forever beside you
I'm asking you, God
I'm just asking that you don't separate us
Because if you separate them, their world will lose its meaning
Listen to me, God, I'm just asking that you let them love each other
Because they are love and they are one heart
I wish I could stop time
Wish I could go back
Lie on that riverbank
And snuggle up to you
I wish I weren't so old
Because I don't want to go
My life is yours and I want
To be forever beside you x2

Tudom, hogy visszatérsz ...

Amikor rád gondolok,
szomorú vagyok.
A szerelmed nélkül
semmi sem létezik.
Mennyire nehéz
megbirkózni az egyedülléttel,
Amikor rád gondolok
és te nem vagy itt.
Amikor rád gondolok,
magányosnak érzem magam.
az életem részévé váltak.
Semmi sem ugyanaz,
az igazat megvallva,
amikor rád gondolok
és te nem vagy itt.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz szerelmem.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz szerelmem.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz, tudom.
Szeretném, hogy mellettem legyél.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz szerelmem.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz szerelmem.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz, tudom.
Szeretném, hogy mellettem legyél.
Egy ilyen szerelem
reményt ad nekem.
Egy ilyen szerelem
önbizalmat ad nekem.
Egy ilyen szerelem
nem adhat többet nekem.
Amikor rád gondolok
és te nem vagy itt.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz szerelmem.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz szerelmem.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz, tudom.
Szeretném, hogy mellettem legyél.
Dana Kósa

Tökéletes szimfónia

Versions: #2
[Ed Sheeran]
Rátaláltam a szerelemre.
Drágám, csak vágj bele és kövess engem.
Találtam egy lányt, aki gyönyörű és kedves.
Oh, nem tudtam, hogy te vagy az a valaki, aki csak rám vár.
Mert csupán gyerekek voltunk, amikor egymásba szerettünk,
azt sem tudtuk mit jelent.
Ez alkalommal nem engedlek el.
Drágám, csókolj meg lassan, a te szíved minden tulajdonom
és a szemedbe nézve látom a sajátom.
Kicsim, táncolok a sötétben a karjaimban tartalak,
Mezítláb a fűben, hallgatjuk a kedvenc dalunkat.
Amikor, azt mondtad pocsékul nézel ki, alig hallhatóan suttogtam,
de te meghallottad drágám, hogy tökéletesen nézel ki ma este.
[Andrea Bocelli]
Te vagy az asszonyom.
A tenger hullámainak ereje
ragadja el az álmaimat, a titkaimat és még sokkal többet.
Remélem egy nap a szerelem mely elkísért minket
az otthonom lesz, a családom, egyé válik velünk.
Csupán gyermekek voltunk de
semmi sem lehetetlen,
ez alkalommal nem hagylak el.
Megcsókolsz lassan és visszatér belém az élet
és a szemedben felnőtté válok.
Táncolok veled a sötétben,
szorosan ölelkezve,
mezítláb a mi dalunkra.
Néztelek, ahogyan nevetsz és suttogva mondtam:
Ma este, látod tökéletes vagy nekem.
[Ed Sheeran & Andrea Bocelli]
Táncolok veled a sötétben
szorosan ölelkezve, mezítláb.
Elmélyedve a dalunkban.
Mindig hittem bennünk,
mert te egy angyal vagy
és én vártam rád,
mily sokáig vártam rád.
Mert ma este tökéletes vagy nekem.
Dana Kósa

Tonight We'll Touch

Tonight, we’ll touch the bride’s toe [x2]
To the bride, bridegroom, we’ll touch the faridondena.1
To the bride, bridegroom, we’ll touch the faridonde.
Tonight, we’ll touch the bride’s foot [x2]
To the bride, bridegroom, we’ll touch the faridondena.
To the bride, bridegroom, we’ll touch the faridonde.
Tonight, we’ll touch the bride’s eye [x2]
To the bride, bridegroom, we’ll touch the faridondena.
To the bride, bridegroom, we’ll touch the faridonde.
Tonight, we’ll touch the bride’s thigh [x2]
To the bride, bridegroom, we’ll touch the faridondena.
To the bride, bridegroom, we’ll touch the faridonde.
To the bride, bridegroom, we’ll touch the faridondena.
To the bride, bridegroom, we’ll touch the faridonde.
Tonight, we’ll touch the bride’s butt [x2]
To the bride, bridegroom, we’ll touch the faridondena.
To the bride, bridegroom, we’ll touch the faridonde.
Tonight, we’ll touch the bride’s nose [x2]
To the bride, bridegroom, we’ll touch the faridondena.
To the bride, bridegroom, we’ll touch the faridonde.
Tonight, we’ll touch the bride’s hand [x2]
To the bride, bridegroom, we’ll touch the faridondena.
To the bride, bridegroom, we’ll touch the faridonde.
Tonight, we’ll touch the bride’s breast [x2]
To the bride, bridegroom, we’ll touch the faridondena.
To the bride, bridegroom, we’ll touch the faridonde.
Tonight, we’ll touch the bride’s mouth [x2]
To the bride, bridegroom, we’ll touch the faridondena.
To the bride, bridegroom, we’ll touch the faridonde.
  • 1. Nonsense syllables.

A thousand ways

I have a thousand ways to show you my love,
my life holds onto you when I look at you
if when I rest my hand on your chest
you feel your presence here inside of me,
it's because your name is in each heartbeat.
I have a thousand ways to show you my love,
I put my heart each time I touch you,
so without any word
you'll verify that, deep within my soul
I have only booked a place for you.
Because there's a thousand ways of showing so much affection,
and unleash our senses
to live what has not been written.
Because there's a thousand ways to celebrate this sacred love,
and thank the infinite sky
the wonder of being by your side.
You have a thousand ways to show me your love,
only with a kiss, inside your mouth I melt down,
and you cross my feelings
to anchor yourself in my thinking
of which you are the owner since centuries ago.
You have a thousand ways to show me your love,
you are my shelter and best friend
who takes care about me every moment
who loves me one hundred percent
my greatest treasure, you being with me.
Just learning.

Like a Lego puzzle

It's a great land out of nowhere
with nice golden handles1
The optics of a microscope
and all these tiny beings running,
for each one busies oneself following one's fate,
mighty or lowly.
Like during the Egyptian centuries
With great effort
bearing a thousand times their own weight
under the heat and in the wind
in the sun and in the night
Do you see these living beings?
Do you see these living beings?
Do you see these living beings?
Somebody thought up this
frightful, cruel, engrossing game.
The houses, the lakes, the continents
Like a Lego puzle with wind
The weakness of the almighty
Like a lego puzzle with blood
the tenfold increased strength of the losers
Like a Lego puzzle with teeth
Like a lego puzzle with hands
Like a Lego puzzle
Do you see all these human beings
dancing together, clasping each other's hand
kissing in the dark with their blond hair
not seeing what they will be tomorrow
The capital cities have become all the same,
facets of the same mirror,
dressed in steel, dressed in black
Like a Lego puzzle, but with no memories
Like a Lego puzzle, but with no memories
Like a Lego puzzle, but with no memories
Like a Lego puzzle
Facets of the same mirror,
dressed in steel, dressed in black
Like a Lego puzzle, but with no memories
Like a Lego puzzle, but with no memories
Like a Lego puzzle, but with no memories
Like a Lego puzzle
Why don't you ever answer me
from your hideout under your tree,
from this mango tree of more than ten thousand pages
as you swing alone in a cage
and behold this world from so high above
Like an insect, but on its back
Like an insect, but on its back
Like an insect
It's a great land out of nowhere
The optics of a microscope
We look ,we look, we look inside
We see minute things shining
These are people in shirts
like during the centuries of the long night
In the silence or in the din
In the silence or in the din
In the silence
  • 1. the French says 'silver' but 'argent' can also mean 'money'
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Through Hardships to Hardships

Not only ideals weigh heavier over the years
I resist the swan song
Not only are the said ways rough, especially the shell
A thick skin has been missing for so long
Honesty, which never lasted long, rather lasted shorter
And eventually, you'll see
In the end, only kindred spirits remained companions
But most of the time you were completely alone
You wanted to give heart, but not to the vampires
It helped no requests nor stake
We were naive children and they were wild animals
We stayed in the minority
Close to self-deception
And always too dogged
I ask myself: was it wise?
I am far from being smart enough
Through hardships to hardships, Through hardships to hardships
Has the dream of living brought nothing but drudgery?
Through hardships to hardships, Through hardships to hardships
And if I had guessed, I would not be reversed
The road is never the destination, only I have reached it
Through hardships to hardships, and nothing is ever easy
One wonders if one was ever ready for it
And if and what you might win
But all questions are in vain, it was inevitable
In the end, we are who we are
Close to self-deception
And always too dogged
I ask myself: was it wise?
I am far from being smart enough
Through hardships to hardships, Through hardships to hardships
Has the dream of living brought nothing but drudgery?
Through hardships to hardships, Through hardships to hardships
And if I had guessed, I would not be reversed
The road is never the destination, only I have reached it
Through hardships to hardships, and nothing is ever easy
Close to self-deception
And always too dogged
I ask myself: was it wise?
I am far from being smart enough
Through hardships to hardships, Through hardships to hardships
Has the dream of living brought nothing but drudgery?
Through hardships to hardships, Through hardships to hardships
And if I had guessed, I would not be reversed
The road is never the destination, only I have reached it
Through hardships to hardships, and nothing is ever easy
The stars firmly in view, every step was torture
Through hardships to hardships, we never had a choice

I'll Strangle

Your love plays with in me,
You make my bold run cold, I don't understand how.
But still I hold myself up,
It's the last sigh, you drove me mad
I cannot tell you 'Stop!',
It's not hard, but everything is not that simple
I'm losing thoughts, head spinning,
And in this sense I know I'm right
I'll go, but simultaneously I'll feel sorry.
I'll return, I'll apologize.
In my arms you'll warm up.
And if not, I'll stragle you.
I'll go, but simultaneously I'll feel sorry.
I'll return, I'll apologize.
In my arms you'll warm up.
And if not, I'll stragle you
I realized there's no point in playing,
In you eyes is the disered answer.
I'll tame you for sure,
I just want to be in your arms.
I cannot tell you 'Stop!',
It's not hard, but everything is not that simple
I'm losing thoughts, head spinning,
And in this sense I know I'm right
I'll go, but simultaneously I'll feel sorry.
I'll return, I'll apologize.
In my arms you'll warm up.
And if not, I'll stragle you.
I'll go, but simultaneously I'll feel sorry.
I'll return, I'll apologize.
In my arms you'll warm up.
And if not, I'll stragle you

I Hope you Die

'I Hope you Die', You told me that night
And you closed the door.
Such an immense pain, such a massive sorrow,
And I never saw you again.
I was left without purpose, laying on the floor
Without your love, without seeing you
And taking heed of your advice, I resolved to die.
I tried to make my wound bigger
By remembering you in the first place
I couldn't die, and I fell ill
I seeked as a madman any stray bullet
That could take my life away
I failed, and here I am again
'I Hope you Die', You told me that night
And you closed the door.
And we didn't realize
That my life isn't mine,
That I already gave it to you
If you don't give it back to me,
I can't die.
I seeked as a madman any stray bullet
That could take my life away
I failed, and here I am again.
'I Hope you Die', You told me that night
And you closed the door.
And we didn't realize,
That my life isn't mine,
That I already gave it to you.
If you don't give it back to me,
I can't die.

Ha te tudnád

Ha te tudnád, hogy a te emléked
Simogat engem mint a szellő
Hogy az én szívem egészen tenálad maradt
Szavak nélkül, hogyan mondjam el
Hogy mily nagy dolog az, amit én érzek
Ha te tudnád, mennyire kívánlak téged
A testem minden egyes porcikájával
Amikor az emlékeid lüktetnek az elmémben
Akkor a jelenléted itt érzem a mellkasomban
Gyere, add nekem a szerelmedet
Hogy csillapítsa a fájdalmat, ha nem lehetek veled
Hogy törölje el a simogatásod az én siralmam
Hogy ezer rózsaszirmot szórhassak újból a hasadra
Gyere, add nekem a szerelmedet
Benne van az életem minden csókban, amit adtam
És hagyd, hogy ez a gyötrelem elvesszen a múltban
Nem elég ahhoz az egész világ
Annyira szeretlek
Ha tudnád, hogy ez olyan, mint egy kiáltás
Amely megtöri a csendet
Az üresség, hogy csak az álmaimban létezel
Amíg a szívem teérted kiált
Hogy legyél az enyém
Ha te tudnád, hogyan véreznek
A te szemeidben az én vágyaim
Amikor nézel, anélkül, hogy tudnám, haldoklom
Átadva a szenvedélynek, amelyet magamban hordok
Gyere, add nekem a szerelmedet
Korlátlanul hajlamos vagyok beléd szeretni
Töltse meg örökké az életemet
Minden könnyem az életben
És minden estém a te csókod nélkül
Sírásommal telik el
Gyere, add nekem a szerelmedet
Benne van az életem minden csókban, amit adtam
És hagyd, hogy ez a gyötrelem elvesszen a múltban
Nem elég arra az összes időm, annyira szeretlek
Ha te tudnád

La violetera

To make nicer all life
To make all harmonize and poetize
Some flowers are enough
Without any trick
They delight, they rejuvenate
Oh, Señor et Señorita
From Carmencita's hands
Accept these violets
It's happiness that you're buying
The holy god will reward you
Señor for your señorita
Take the flowers they here are
To make a smile bloom
To talk saying nothing
There's nothing like my violet.
Like birds harbinger of the spring
In Madrid appear the violeteras
That trumpeting they look like swallows
That they cheep, that they cheep
Take it, señorito

It doesn't cost more than a real 1
Will you buy this bunch
Will you buy this bunch
To show it up in the buttonhole
La, la, la, la, la
Take this bunch
Take this bunch
To show it up in the buttonhole
  • 1. The Real was the spanish currency till 1864

La Gozadera

Miami megerősített engem
Gente de Zona
Puerto Rico nekem adta
Miami megerősített engem
Gente de Zona
Marc Anthony
Dominica,akit már aprítottak
Karibiak vagyunk te és én
És a gozadera alakított,Miami megerősített engem
És a rízst babbal, Puerto Rico adta nekem
És a basszusok kidobálják a habcsókot,Dominica már irányt váltott
Mexicóval,kolumbiával és venezuelával
Karibiak vagyunk vagyunk te és én
Irányt váltó!
A dolog nagyon kemény,de hogy az isteni
Perú Hondurasszal, Chile Argentínával
Panama hozza zandungát, Ecuador Bilirrubinát
És Uruguay Paraquayal, Costa Ricával testvérek
Bolivia már jön,Brazília már úton van
A világ illeszkedik a latin emberekhez
És a gozadera alakított,Miami megerősített engem
És a rízst babbal, Puerto Rico adta nekem
És a basszusok kidobálják a habcsókot,Dominica már irányt váltott
Mexicóval,kolumbiával és venezuelával
Karibiak vagyunk vagyunk te és én
És a gozadera alakított,Miami megerősített engem
És a rízst babbal, Puerto Rico adta nekem
És a basszusok kidobálják a habcsókot,Dominica már irányt váltott
Mexicóval,kolumbiával és venezuelával
Karibiak vagyunk vagyunk te és én
Marc Anthony!
Gyerünk Guatemala, a szadabság vár rád
Hívja Nicaraguát, El Salvador besurran
Kubáról énekelek, és a világ rájön
Ha latin amerikai vagy, húzd ki a zászlódat
És a gozadera alakított,Miami megerősített engem
És a rízst babbal, Puerto Rico adta nekem
És a basszusok kidobálják a habcsókot,Dominica már irányt váltott
Mexicóval,kolumbiával és venezuelával
Karibiak vagyunk vagyunk te és én
És a gozadera alakított,Miami megerősített engem
És a rízst babbal, Puerto Rico adta nekem
És a basszusok kidobálják a habcsókot,Dominica már irányt váltott
Mexicóval,kolumbiával és venezuelával
Karibiak vagyunk vagyunk te és én


As long as the sunset comes
until the earth exists
You, my Lord, give to the people
what they ask.
To people who don't see, the eyes,
peace to those who have not
and the hope to the elders
who want to stay.
But man does not understand
and what he does?
He has the sea in his pocket
and he goes to look for the water.
To who ask for power
give him to satisfy
to whom ask for money
give him as much as he wants.
And then give the coward
legs to escape
and to all the vagabonds
a bed to sleep.
But man does not understand
and what he does?
He has the sea in his pocket
and he goes to look for the water.
As long as the sunset comes
You can do eveything
and to whom ask for violence
You give more
please give freedom to the oppressed
give humility to the righteous,
I ask only
please don't forget me!
But man does not understand
and what he does?
He has the sea in his pocket
and he goes to look for the water.
But man does not understand
and what he does?
He has the sea in his pocket
and he goes to look for the water.
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

Our time - our country

Country, our country - fatherland
We hold you in our hand,
and is a part of you, part of me
A part of us... and everybody...
You are enough - if you really want
Here we are, in our world
Has the lion dropped its sword?
We ask, who are we, who am I
Who is who, in our home
Somebody who knows? Identity?
It is here were we speak our languages
...and you are always welcome here!
Our time - our country
This is where I once was born,
this is where I got my name.
Our time - our country... Our country... in our time.
Dreams from back in the days - nostalgia
Crooning on your melody
But the world turned, a long time ago
The time it - goes and goes...
Sweeping away old trails
This time, the wounds improve
Remember that we love you from our hearts
Our time - our country
This is where I once was born,
this is where I got my name.
Our time - our country... Our country... in our time.
I landed back up at my mothers street
Can I clear my mind as mother spoke
Can I switch language? Yeah, I talk about the same
I don’t see a duckpond, I see the same flag
Same old discussion, it only gathers dust
How can it be accepted if it’s called mandatory swedish? Well...
I see hands in the ceiling all the way from Karis to Kuopio
Through Ostrobothnia, eyy. They’re up to bounce
We are here on mothers street
Maybe walking in fathers footsteps
For how much longer will people be able to nag
about fatherland and native language?
Our time - our country
This is where I once was born,
this is where I got my name.
Our time - our country... Our country... in our time.