Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 15

Találatok száma: 692


Eternal tenancy

Feeling danger slowly building up again and again
Children memories1 rolling down the slope
Blowing sets anything ablaze
I swallow ashes
We are rekindled
Even if I had
found you again,
the obscure tunes
that grab our common past
start up again.
Looks like he strived
to be loved.
He chases you,
even if you become wiser
even if you move place2
and so do I
I've aged a few years
since I nailed the pages of love
on the doorsteps of the room
where love had found me.
And I thought I chucked it all out.
That was not counting the flats
where I lived,
that in turn keep living inside me.
And this eternal tenancy3
And this eternal tenancy is a wing cutter
For all that aloof
For all that distrustful
Our summoned voices
however insane they might be,
I like to talk with them.
Feeling danger slowly building up again and again
Blowing sets anything ablaze
We will turn to ashes
Will we be soothed ?
  • 1. could mean 'memories of children' or 'children-memories'
  • 2. that can also mean 'go crazy'
  • 3. 'tenancy agreement'

Őrjöngő Kibelezés

Belsőségek felfedve
Erőszakos döfések által
A belek eltávolítva
Zsigerek boncolása
Bőr átszakítása,
A szöveté és a húsé
Porcok darabolása
Véredények lecsapolása
Eszeveszett vagdalás
Hiányzik az erkölcs
A szemem előtt elmúlik az élet
A hús számít a legjobban
Mikor szét van loccsanva
Sosem zordon
Abszurd módon mélységes
Friss belsőségek jönnek elő
Izgatottan csinálom
Az életem célja
Hogy szórakozásból öljek
Eszeveszett vagdalás
Hiányzik az erkölcs
A szemem előtt elmúlik az élet
Őrjöngő kibelezés
Az élethez szükséges tartalomtól megszabadítva
Beleegyezés nélküli szervveszteség
A görcsös szelés egy esemény
A kiélezett kés a szövetségesem
Őrjöngő kibelezés
Csonkolódó gazember
Beteges kiteljesedés
A vér terjesztése megéri a ráfordított időt
Megörökítem ezt az őrült szándékot
Örökösen rosszindulatú
Őrjöngő kibelezés
A vesék felrobbantak
A hasnyálmirigy repült
A gyomor törölve
A lépet megrágtam
A faragás befejeződött
Te vesztettél és én győztem
Álmomat beteljesítve
Megöltelek szórakozásból
Eszeveszett vagdalás
Hiányzik az erkölcs
A szemem előtt elmúlik az élet
Őrjöngő kibelezés


In the city of flowers, said those who saw him pass by,
that maybe he had too much to drink, but for him it was normal.
One thought it a matter of women
another said 'just like Marilyn Monroe'.
They carried him away in two hundred
too bad that it was only when he left.
The night they took the wine and washed the road with it.
Who killed the young angel who went around without a sword?
And the man of the television said:
'No tears should be wasted, at the end of the day, what
is more beautiful than life? spring has just started...'
Some recalled that he had some debts,
muttered under breath that that was the reason.
He was full of tranquilizers, but he wasn't a mean guy.
The night they took his hands
and used them for a louder applause
Who killed the little prince who didn't believe in death?
And far, far away, say what you will
but not that silence hasn't been respected.
The musical correspondent wrote:
'Everything's been paid'
They gathered behind the stage
with sweaty eyes and hands in their pockets
everyone said 'I have been his father!'
so that the show won't end.
The night that they all went to dinner
humming 'La vie en rose'
Who killed the porter's son
who was in a rush, and couldn't stop?
And so the game ended
with the friends coming from afar
to lay a rose over the crime reports
closing an eye, shaking a hand.
Some still remember him as he lights a cigarette
others made a monument to him,
to forget him a bit quicker.
The night they took the wine and washed the road with it.
Who killed that young angel who went around without a sword?

Je ne parle pas français (I Don't Speak French)

Versions: #2
Somehow, I got lost
I have no plan where to go
Standing there with my little suitcase
Here at the Champs-Elysees
Suddenly you say to me:
'Hello, what are you looking for?'
I say: 'Excuse me, I'm sorry
Unfortunately, I can't understand you'
But you just keep speaking
I find it somehow charming
And I draw two cups of coffee
On your hand, with a pen
I don't speak French
But please, do keep talking
Everything you tell me
Sounds so nice somehow
And time just stands still
I wish I could understand you
I don't speak French,
But please, do keep talking
Your long, wild hair
The little scar on your face
Even the dust on your jeans
Has spirit, when you speak
The cigarette tastes like liberty
As long as we both share it
You talk to me in body language
And I read between the lines
I hang on your lips
I don't ever want to leave here
And you keep talking and talking
But I don't understand a word
I don't speak French
But please, do keep talking
Everything you tell me
Sounds so nice somehow
And time just stands still
I wish I could understand you
I don't speak French,
But please, do keep talking
The sun slips behind the houses
Ships go past us
And all that we want
Is for the moment to last forever
Thousands of people around us
They're all talking to each other
But the language, that we speak
Only we two understand
I don't speak French
But please, do keep talking
Everything you tell me
Sounds so nice somehow
And time just stands still
I wish I could understand you
I don't speak French,
But please, do keep talking

A találkozás

Már két éve…
Deauville nem változott.
Te sem, ugye tudod ...
Mindig ez a találkozó az utolsó pillanatban.
Mind ott vannak, mint korábban,
a vitorlások, a sirályok.
A kabátod a vállamon,
hogy megvédjen a széltől.
De még nem csókoltál meg.
Szerettelek volna újralátni.
Végül is, mis soha nem hagytuk el egymást.
Az élet választott el minket.
Igen, így van.
Még mindig gondolok
a romantikus vacsoráinkra,
a virágcsokrokra, a táviratainkra.
Azt mondják, a szenvedély csak egyszer talál ránk.
Szeretted a veszélyes szerelmet…
Úgy érzem esni fog.
Már két éve…..
Deauville nem változott.
Én sem, tudod…..
Visszamegyek a szállodába,
te visszatérsz Párizsba
és aztán egy nap majd felhívsz, talán…..
Mondod majd nekem: gyere, és én jönni fogok.
Mint mindig, te nem szólsz egy szót sem. Miért?
Adj nekem megint egy cigarettát…
Lesznek emlékeim, rengeteg emlék
és megannyi múltidézés…..
Őrültség, nekem is
jó érzés rá gondolni
és nehezemre esik felejteni.
Látod, szerettem volna elmondani neked, hogy szeretlek.
Itt, most ezen a normandiai tengerparton.
De….de azt hiszem, túl késő.
Igen, késő van. Vissza kell menned…….

Curse of the French Doll

The french doll can still play, but despite that, she laments
The french doll can still play, but despite that, she laments
Blue eyes that have seen everything, red cheeks like those of a human
The french doll can still play, but despite that, she laments
The french doll can still play, but despite that, she laments
Why are you crying while brushing my hair?
Don’t say it like it’s the end
You poor thing
Unaware of being thrown away, she only speaks of beautiful memories
'I want to feel the warmth of someone's arm again', said the doll with laughter
Telling a hollow joke, “with whom shall we play next?”
Look, the green car, ah, came to pick her up
The french doll can still play, but despite that, she laments
The french doll can still play, but despite that, she laments
You’d been important to me, but sorry
Seems like soon I’ll have to let go of your hand
Unaware of being thrown away, she only speaks of beautiful memories
Not knowing why, she’s shedding tears, even the scary people aren’t there
Telling a hollow joke, “with whom shall we play next?”
Look, the green car, ah, came to pick her up
The french doll can still play, but despite that, she laments
The french doll can still play, but despite that, she laments


Az ajtóban a barbárok, elrejtik a készleteket és a tartalékot
A farok alatt, a farok alatt, a farok alatt
És a szervek közlekedése, és a vandálok razziái
Ez a divat, ez a divat, ez a divat
Egy misztikus látomás az egyetemen
Mondta el nekem, hogy az utópia fog megmenteni minket
Anti-alkoholisták öntudatlanul részegen a boldogtalanságtól
A tömegnek már vége, gyerekek, menjetek békével
Enyhül a szél, nincs semmilyen békétlenség, újra minden elcsendesül
Akkor előre emberek,
Akik egy csodában reménykednek
A gyászt beteljesítjük egy Ámennel
Az aszkétának tűnő gazdagtól a sprituális szegényig
Mindent elfelejtünk egy Ámennel
Az atletikus magatartás, az esztétikus bánásmód
Ez a divat, ez a divat, mindig a divat
Van szerzetesi ruhám, filozófusi szakállam
A farokkal mozgok, a farokkal mozgok, a farokkal ütök
Jézusból szabadgondolkodót csináltak,
Valakinek már is szent illata van
A tömeg sorban áll a használhatatlanok boltjában
Az akciónak már vége, a barátok békésen távoznak
Enyhül a szél, nincs semmilyen békétlenség, újra minden elcsendesül
Akkor előre emberek,
Akik egy csodában reménykednek
A gyászt beteljesítjük egy Ámennel
Az aszkétának tűnő gazdagtól a sprituális szegényig
Mindent elfelejtünk egy Ámennel
És a férfi majd elalszik, és álmában meg fogja teremteni a világot
Ott harmóniában élt a levegő madaraival és tenger halaival
A föld bőségesen adota a gyümölcseit
Nem volt háború, halál, betegség, szenvedés
És akkor felkeltem őt...
Akkor előre emberek,
Akik egy csodában reménykednek
A gyászt beteljesítjük egy Ámennel
Az aszkétának tűnő gazdagtól a sprituális szegényig
Mindent elfelejtünk egy Ámennel


Eresszétek szét a gepárdokat
Egy rabló van szökésben odakint
Légiónk védelme alól
Elvitték Kleopátrát
Siess siess siess, jöjj vissza a dicsőségemért
(Kleopátra, Kleopátra)
Hozd vissza őt nekem
(Kleopátra, hey oh Pátra ehh ehh Kleopátra)
Siess siess siess, a fáraónk koronája
(Kleopátra, Kleopátra)
Királynőnk trónja üresen áll
(Hey oh Pátra, Kleopátra)
És majd az eljövendőbe szaladunk
Úgy ragyogva, mint gyémántok a zűrös világban
Egy zűrös, zűrös világban
Bőrünk bronz, hajunk kasmír
Ahogy ritmusra masírozunk
A palotában
Csillárok a piramisban
Remegnek az erőtől
Cintányérok csattannak a piramisban
Hangokkal lett tele a terem
Eresszétek szét a gepárdokat
Egy rabló van szökésben odakint
Légiónk védelme alól
Elvitték Kleopátrát
Afrika drágaköve
Mire jó egy ékkő, ha már nem értékes
Hogy szökhettél el tőlem?
Hogy szökhettél el tőlünk?
Istenként élsz az arany alatt
Megláttalak heverészni Sámsonnal
És hosszú hajával
Megtaláltam fekete királnyőmet, Kleopátrát
Rossz álmokat, Kleopátra
Vigyétek el
Küldjétek a gepárdokat a kriptához
Küzdelmünknek vége, királynőnk meglelte végzetét
Nem él már többé, nincs több kígyó szobájában
Nincs több, megölte Kleopátrát, Kleopátrát
Ragyogó nap süt keresztül a motel függönyén
Felkelni a barátnőd mellett, most hívjuk Kleopátrának, Kleopátrának
Nézem, ahogy megfésülködsz
Majd a tükörben ahogy felveszed a bugyidat
Majd a rúzsodat, Kleopátra
Majd a tizenöt centis magassarkúdat
Kapjátok el őt
A piramis felé tart
A piramisban dolgozik ma este
A piramisban dolgozik
A piramisban dolgozik ma este
A piramisban dolgozik
A piramisban dolgozik ma este
A piramisban dolgozik
A piramisban dolgozik ma este
A piramisban dolgozik
A piramisban dolgozik ma este
A piramisban dolgozik
A piramisban dolgozik ma este
Striciskedés a beszélgetéseimben
Buborékok a pezsgőmben
Játszatok egy kis jazzt
Legfelső emeleti lakosztály, tekerem szivarjaim
Kiállított TV videokazettával
Rubintok vannak az átkozott székemben
Autómnak nincs üzemanyag tartálya
De még mindig faerezetes
A barátnőd már nekem dolgozik
Sztriptízel, fizeti a számláim
Így fizetem a számláim
Sztriptízel, fizeti a számláim
Tartsd kifizetve a számláim
A piramisban dolgozik ma este
A piramisban dolgozik
A piramisban dolgozik ma este
A piramisban dolgozik
A piramisban dolgozik ma este
A piramisban dolgozik
A piramisban dolgozik ma este
A piramisban dolgozik
Beállítottál hozzám munka után, megfürdetem testedet
Megérintelek téged helyeken, miket csak én ismerek
Nedves vagy és meleg, mint a fürdővíz
Szeretkezhetünk mielőtt elmész
Ahogyan kimondod a nevemet elhiteti velem
Hogy én vagyok az az ember
Bár még mindig munkanélküli vagyok
Azt mondod, hogy nagy, de be tudod fogadni
Lovagolj, tehenészlány
De szerelmed már nem ingyen adod, bébi
De szerelmed már nem ingyen adod
A piramisban dolgozik ma este
A piramisban dolgozik
A piramisban dolgozik ma este
A piramisban dolgozik
Így igaz
A piramisban dolgozik ma este
A piramisban dolgozik
A piramisban dolgozik ma este
A piramisban dolgozik
A piramisban dolgozik ma este

Franz (Adagio notturno D. 897)

if your symphony
is unfinished,
what to say about a life
spanning so few years
when genius
can dream
of eternal childhood?
Oh Franz—
what woman hears
your song of love?
It seems too short.
Thirty-one springtimes—
that is so few days
for a heart so grand.
Vienna is far away
but the wind
holds the memory
of a child
who seemed
to Mozart
bound for success—
bound for fame.
of fate …
if your symphony
is unfinished,
you live your madness
for eternity—
there, where harmony
and truth
are even more beautiful.
Oh Franz—
do you sometimes hear
those who believe in heaven—
and those who believe not:
the faithful pagans—
the Christians without crosses?
the immortal
Ave Maria!
Ave Maria!


Tudok olvasni a sorok között
Megfejteni minden jelet
Hieroglifák a szemedben
Rejtett jelentés mélyen legbelül
Ahogy mozogsz
A szavak, amiket választasz
Kiütsz engem
Nem tudom biztosra
De meg kell fejtenem
Az üzeneteket, amiket küldesz nekem
Üzenetek, üzenetek
Az üzeneteket, amiket küldesz nekem
Üzenetek, üzenetek
Tüzet gyújtasz az elmémben
Rejtett meghívások
Borzongás fut miattuk végig a gerincemen
A valóságot kilazítják
Ahogy mozogsz
A szavak, amiket választasz
Kiütsz engem
Nem tudom biztosra
De meg kell fejtenem
Az üzeneteket, amiket küldesz nekem
Üzenetek, üzenetek
Az üzeneteket, amiket küldesz nekem
Üzenetek, üzenetek

The Miracle of Love

In the valley of Scammacca
the carters from time to time
left their dejections
and the blowflies buzzed over
and we went hunting lizards…
The Circum-Aetnean diesel railcar,
the school concerts, the Nabucco,
school will soon be over.
As the years are going by
this fever gets into my bones,
though war is raging outside
I feel the miracle of love,
of love
And when I meet you in the street
I feel a shock in my heart,
though death is raging outside
the miracle of love does not die
And when I meet you in the street
I feel a shock in my heart,
though death is raging outside
the miracle of love does not die
As the years are going by
this fever gets into my bones,
though war is raging outside
I feel the miracle of love,
of love

A thousand days away from here

Stop! Hey, hello
I just wanted to say
You are not alone
in carrying this longing
In the middle of Moscow
lives the world's last rock king
His lips are shivering
Throwing the microphone
And he believes and prays
that the ruble will become dollars
Because the borders will be opened,
they have said on the radio
And above the bed, Little Richard looks down
from posters worth a fortune
But when longing turns into tears
he asks the clock to hurry up
Please take me a thousand days away from here
Please take me a thousand days away from here
In a completely different country,
winter has started to come
And the days at the beach
feel like a hundred years ago
when a rain gets down
on the inside of the collar
And the boots she bought
this morning are ruined
When she walks the same street up and down
below the skyscrapers she tries to smile
But when longing turns into tears
she asks the clock to hurry up
Please take me a thousand days away from here
Please take me a thousand days away from here
Please take me away from here
Away from here
In a bedroom in the centre of Moscow,
Little Richard is still hanging
But when longing turns into tears
he asks the clock to hurry up
Please take me a thousand days away from here
Please take me a thousand days away from here
Please take me a thousand days away from here


With its villages and castles,
its grey houses by the waterside,
I know very well what people do there1.
With its fears and angers,
its revolutionary ideas,
I know it better than you'd think.
With its belfries and churches
and customs. Whatever they say,
it still harbours a desire for insolence2
Though I might have offended it at some point,
it is like an heartache
that makes me quietly cry.
France, France
is like the shadow of a cross under Provence's sky.
is keeping faith while all bets are off3.
With its romantic gardens4,
its fishing harbours on the Atlantic,
I know its diversity5.
With all its craftsman trades,
stonecutters or peasants,
it's been moving forth for 2000 years.
With its immortal provinces,
the cherished child of the Sun King6
I know his descendants well.
With its words of liberty,
equality, fraternity
which never occurred to me.
France, France
is to believe until the end, until the last chance.
is to keep our childhood memories inside of us7
France, France,
it remains my country, from yesterday to today.
with all its colours, remains in my heart.
  • 1. lit. 'the way they dance there', but the idea is rather 'what's going on there'
  • 2. that sounds pretty bad in French too, like corporate or media waffle
  • 3. more precisely: when the result is inevitable
  • 4. actually the 'romantic' movement didn't exist at the time, it was an invention of the triumphant bourgeois social class that would bloom in the mid-19th century Regular smile
  • 5. 'différence' is a trendy politically correct word for 'diversity'
  • 6. a common nickname for Louis XIV, a most prestigious king of France who ruled with great pomp for 70 years until early 18th century
  • 7. what a lot of hot air...

Dessert Flower

She was like a Gem, so pure and so clear.
Dreams did not come true in eyes like ebony.
The traces, blurred in the sand, she wears it on her skin.
A cry for security when she cries, cries, cries ...
Like a Dessert Flower, reawakened to life,
The belief in freedom
made her so strong.
Like a Dessert Flower she moves to a faraway country
And carrys the wish for love tight in her hand
Tears are burning with embers under the steel cloth.
Hidden, almost invisible, she certainly carries her courage.
The signs don't burn on a soul full of splendor.
They just carry the light,
and she is shining, shining, shining...
Like a Dessert Flower, reawakened to life,
The belief in freedom
made her so strong.
Like a Dessert Flower she moves to a faraway country
And carrys the wish for love tight in her hand
Like a Dessert Flower, reawakened to life,
The belief in freedom
made her so strong.
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to


The sun rises over the Atlantic
And sets in Venezuela
Opening the paths of the tropics
The paths to rum and tobacco
And since it's cold here
I'm escaping to Trinidad
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, oh Trinidad
Hollow drums for the rhythm
Memories for the tempo
In the back room of a shop
Among former reed cutters
The music takes us on a walk
And we're escaping to Trinidad
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, oh Trinidad
Crazy thoughts invade our minds
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad
And bring us closer in the night
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad,
We forget about the chill of winter
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, oh Trinidad
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, oh Trinidad
In the grey of the morning's early hours
We still have something up our sleeves
We linger around in the streets for a while
With the blue sky on our skin
And since we're dreaming of a getaway
Let's go to Trinidad again
Crazy thoughts invade our minds
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad
And bring us closer in the night
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad
We forget about the chill of winter
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, oh Trinidad
Trinidad, Trinidad, Trinidad, oh Trinidad...

The Wise Men

Like the Wise Men in Galilee
Followed the Evening Star with their eyes
I'll follow you, wherever you go I'll go
Loyal like a shadow to your destination
Like the Wise Men in Galilee
Followed the Evening Star with their eyes
Like Christopher Columbus and his three caravels
Followed the sun without a doubt
Heaven grant that I open my windows
Each morning next to a blue pond
Heaven grant that nothing stops us
In this adventurous world
Like the Wise Men in Galilee
Followed the Evening Star with their eyes
My America, my Star of Bethlehem
My cosmic truth, is to be living with you

In Front of Everyone

Oh, in front of everyone, in front of everyone
I love that I have you
I love that we have us
You're so fine when you laugh
When I'm out, you call me and worry
You're so cute when you're angry
You act like you don't love me, you look at me and don't say a word
The things you wear aren't important to me
Just that what you have inside of you
I only need you
Exactly like I know you
So weird, so mine and special
This is our time
That's stopped just for us, because of us
This is our time
And now I'm screaming out loud, because of us
Oh, I wanna tell everyone, in front of everyone
Oh, I love that I have you
I love that we have us
This is our time
That's stopped just for us, because of us
This is our time
And now I'm screaming out loud, because of us
Oh, I wanna tell everyone, in front of everyone
Oh, I love that I have you
I love that we have us
You're so fine when you pretend
And so proud of yourself when you're good at something
You're so cute when you get clumsy
When nothing is going right, you still try it a hundred times
The things you wear aren't important to me
Just that what you have inside of you
I only need you
Exactly like I know you
So weird, so mine and special
This is our time
That's stopped just for us, because of us
This is our time
And now I'm screaming out loud, because of us
Oh, I wanna tell everyone, in front of everyone
Oh, I love that I have you
I love that we have us
This is our time
That's stopped just for us, because of us
This is our time
And now I'm screaming out loud, because of us
Oh, I wanna tell everyone, in front of everyone
Oh, I love that I have you
I love that we have us

This Day

This is the day, a day to love
I'm giving you my heart, take good care of it
The sky above the city and a pair of clouds
Are singing along with me about how much I love you
Your shoulder is my planet
Our kiss lasts until the end of time
Millions of people and music
Are singing along with me about how much I love you
This day, this day is bringing me luck
This day, this day is the one I'll never forget
This day, you and me, it's like we're dreaming awake
We have wings and everyone thinks we're strange
Like two islands somewhere among the stars
Your shoulder is my planet
Our kiss lasts until the end of time
Millions of people and music
Are singing along with me about how much I love you
In my eyes, there is a spark from your kisses
Oh, God, do you know how good you do it
Streams of moans on my lips
Are singing along with me about how much I love you
This day, this day is bringing me luck
This day, this day is the one I'll never forget
This day, you and me, it's like we're dreaming awake
We have wings and everyone thinks we're strange
Like two islands somewhere among the stars
This day, this day is bringing me luck
This day, this day is the one I'll never forget
This day, you and me, it's like we're dreaming awake
We have wings and everyone thinks we're strange
Like two islands somewhere among the stars

Love Is...

I don't give up, even when I'm at the bottom
I trust you, you are always here
With you, I'm strong, even when I'm weak
With you, I go on, even when I'm tired
I don't give up, even when I'm at the bottom
I trust you, you are always here
With you, I can be exactly who I am
I can laugh, cry, when you're mad and when you're proud
Love is...
When you don't understand me, but you still try to
Love is...
When I oversleep and you wake me up
Love is...
When you ignore all my flaws and double my virtues
And when everything fails,
Love is the only medicine
I don't give up, even when I'm at the bottom
I trust you, you're always here
With you, I'm lucky, even when I'm losing
My heart is double the size when I love you
Love is...
When you don't understand me, but you still try to
Love is...
When I oversleep and you wake me up
Love is...
When you ignore all my flaws and double my virtues
And when everything fails,
Love is the only medicine

Back Off, Jazz

A jazz singer with a garage-rock voice
A doll switched on by swing
A jazzwoman between two eras
Who dreams of re-entering the ring
A first prize vibrato
The former cover-star of magazines
Who dresses up as the queen of disco
As long as jazz leaves me alone
Back off, jazz
Banana split Joséphine
Back off, jazz
It smells like your kitchen is burning
Back off, jazz
Banana split Joséphine
Back off, jazz
There's nobody left in this dance club
Bebop closed up shop
The swing factory is shut down
Bye bye nostalgic piano bars
Too bad for the Broadway fanatics
I listen to the singers in Hello Sister
You seem disappointed
Too late to shake your maracas
I wish jazz would give up on me
Back off, jazz
Banana split Joséphine
Back off, jazz
Don't come and ruin my mood
Back off, jazz
Banana split Joséphine
Back off, jazz
I can't stop the machine
Back off, jazz...

In absence of you

Days will pass by on our faces
and will leave the signs of time
and when even the silence will cross it's arms
me and you
We'll look at each other as if it was the first time yesterday!
If it was all wrong I would still have you
for each tear on my face a kiss from you
If it was a jump into emptiness even without hope
I couldn't make it in absence of you
in absence of you.
And the days of regrets will come by
heavy clouds and long nights will fly by
Thunders of memories will rip this sails
but us, if be
we're great navigating in such dark skies
between doubts and insecurities that make us more real
If it was all wrong I would still have you
for each tear on my face a kiss from you
If it was a jump into emptiness even without hope
I couldn't make it in absence of you
in absence of you.
If it was all wrong I would still have you
for each day ripped from our lives
if it was a jump in the emptiness for one last time
I couldn't make it in absence of you
in absence of you
in absence of you
in absence of you
in absence of you
And we'll live our days without hoping for tomorrow
but if we wouldn't have another day to love each other
like if stopping time is adding wings
like if
If it was all wrong I would still have you
for each tear on my face a kiss from you
If it was a jump into emptiness even without hope
I couldn't make it in absence of you
If it was all wrong I would still have you
for each day ripped from our lives
if it was a jump in the emptiness for one last time
I couldn't make it in absence of you
in absence of you
in absence of you
in absence of you
in absence of you

Yes, Well, but.... I don't know?!

I've found the sun
inside the words
Yes, Well, but.... I don't know?!
Because when you spit love
on top of the words
Yes, Well, but.... I don't know?!
You then tell me :' That's it, as a whole life goes thru your words'. And don't tell me :' That's it, as a whole life passes thru words'
But believe me it's like on an island
It's so simple finding someone else who's not the reflection of himself
I've bought the sun
I sell words
Yes, Well, but.... I don't know?!
and when you lick my heart
spreading the words
Yes, Well, but.... I don't know?!
You then tell me :' That's it, as a whole life goes thru your words'. And don't tell me :' That's it, as a whole life passes thru words'
But believe me it's like on an island
It's so simple finding someone else who's not the reflection of himself
Believe you're like on an island
It's so simple finding someone else who's not the reflection of himself
I cannot tell you what then happens to me. If time goes by and nobody
In a desert where everything is tasteless, your words crawl like a snake
I wait for you bite like a dumbass, your poison like water is nutritious
The only thing, then, I know how to say, it's true, a whole life passes thru words, love.
Believe me, ( in a desert where everything is tasteless) it's like on an island ( your words crawl like a snake)
It's so simple finding a new world that it's not the reflection of itself.
The only thing , then, that I know how to say, it's true, a whole life passes thru the words, LOVE.


Into your eyes
the sky cradles
when it dreams
in my thoughts
your are the moment
when everything comes back
And just like that....
if you're with me
it becomes life
that life that....
without you
it's an ..'ehhhh'.. day...
you are better
of what I live thru
of this words
a sunrise that's growing at the edges of a better world.
Flower in the jungle, water in the desert
I'm lucky that I can caress you
my golden tiara observed from up close
my milestone in my pathway
salt of life, shadow underneath a mulberry tree
spotlight in the night and me in the open sea
you're my blood that runs thru my veins
the emotional part of every my feeling
You are... better
of what I live
of this words
a sunrise that's growing at the edges of a better world
you are....
and in your eyes
sparkles.... the star light
in my thoughts
the point.... where everything shines
and like that
if you are with me
becomes life...
life that without you it's a 'ehhh' day..
You are... better
of what I live
of this words
a sunrise that's growing at the edges of a better world
you are....
And into your eyes
it cradles.... the sky
when it dreams.

Forget about you

I'll undress myself of you
as if you were a suit that I like no more
I won't talk because everything I say
you've said it already
Quietly I'll light another cigarette
to shut my mouth closed!
Forget about you
Erasing everything
I must do it NOW
Forget about you
one time, maybe one time
but now it's not possible!
I'll forget about you
between a look and an invite
it's inevitable
and I'll breath you in my everything things
but it's only a moment
it won't be too bad
I'll have to resist to the impact
and start all over again
Forget about you
Erasing everything
I must do it NOW
Forget about you
one time, maybe one time
but now it's not possible!
I'll undress myself of you
and you slide on me
and I miss you right now
that I know who you are
Forget about you
of your reasons
of our mistakes
Forget about you
and every time, and every time
beginning to live again
still living!

As Always

Verse 1
I get up, caress you a little, I won't wake you up, yes, as always.
On you, I'll roll up the blue blanket, yes, as always
And then I'll caress your hair, yes, as always
But you, you won't look at me, yes, as always.
Verse 2
And then, I'll be quiet, you know, I'll go to the other room, yes, as always.
There I'll drink my coffee, and it'll be already late, yes, as always.
I won't look back anymore, I have to run, yes, as always
But you, you won't understand, yes, as always
And, as always, my day, I'll gamble with it, I'll lose it
And, as always, we'll laugh, yes, as always, about you and me
And, as always, I won't care, yes, as always.
Verse 3
And then everything will end, I'll come back, yes, as always.
And you, you be there, you'll still be away, yes, as always.
And I, I'll feel so useless, yes, as always
My tears, I'll hide them, yes, as always.
But, as always, my night, I'll gamble with it, I'll win it.
Yes, as always, you'll come back, yes, as always, I'll wait for you
And, as always, you'll smile at me, yes, as always
And, as always, we'll hug, yes, as always, we'll kiss
And, as always, love will win, yes, as always.
And, as always, we'll hug, yes, as always, we'll kiss
And, as always, love will win, yes, as always.
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Üres Székek Az Üres Asztaloknál

Van egy bánat, amiről nem lehet beszélni
Van egy fájdalom körbe és körbe jár
Üres székek az üres asztaloknál
Most a barátaim meghaltak
Itt beszéltek a forradalomról
Itt gyújtották meg a lángot
Itt énekeltek a holnapról
És a holnap sosem jött el
Az asztaltól a sarokban
Láthatták, ahogy egy világ újjászületett
És felemelkedtek csengő hanggal
És hallom őket most!
A szavak, amiket énekeltek
Lettek az utolsó áldozatuk
Ezen a magányos barikádon hajnalban
Ó barátaim, barátaim bocsássatok meg
Hogy én élek, míg ti elmentetek
Van egy bánat, amiről nem lehet beszélni
Van egy fájdalom körbe és körbe jár
Fantom arcok az ablakokban
Fantom árnyak a padlón
Üres székek az üres asztaloknál
Ahol a barátaim már nem fognak találkozni
Ó barátaim, barátaim, ne kérdezzétek
Miért volt az áldozatotok
Üres székek az üres asztaloknál
Ahol a barátaim már nem fognak énekelni

Mi van veled

Hol van a költőiség
Abban a régi dallamban?
Miért nincsenek most leírva?
Valaha le voltak
Hova lettek az értékek?
Amiken egyszer mindketten álltunk
A szerelem olyan rejtelmes
De én még mindig hiszek
De mi van veled?
Mi van veled?
Tudom, hogy a szerelem volt egyszer a melódiád
Még mindig ugyanazt a dallamot énekled?
Ennyit még én is tudok
Arról van szó, hogy mindent beleadsz
Mikor a hátad a falnak van vetve
Nos, én hajlandó vagyok
De mi van veled?
Könnyű hátul elbújni
A régi 'szeretlek' sorok mögött
Úgy hiszem, tudnunk kell mostanra
Ez többet igényel, mint szavak
Megígértük egymásnak, hogy maradunk
Nem számít, mi kerül az utunkba
Néhányan azt mondják, az egészet el kellene engedniük
Hogyan tehetném, mikor ennyire szeretlek?
De mi van veled?
Mi van veled?
Az angyalok és démonok a fejedben
Csak az egyikük mond igazat
De minden rajtad áll
Arról van szó, hogy mindent beleadsz
Mikor a hátad a falnak van vetve
Nos, én hajlandó vagyok
De mi van veled?
Ne félj
Egyetlen bizalmas lépés
Csak ennyi kell
Ha a szerelem igaz
Tudom, hogy találni fog egy utat
De mi van veled?
Mi van veled?
Tudom, hogy a szerelem volt egyszer a melódiád
Még mindig ugyanazt a dallamot énekled?
Mikor minden rajtad áll
Arról van szó, hogy mindent beleadsz
Mikor a hátad a falnak van vetve
Ha minden rajtam áll
Tudom, hogy túl fogunk rajta jutni
De mindig kettőn áll a vásár
Szóval mi van veled?
Mi van veled?

A step towards you

You are still here and I already miss you
For a little while you are still mine
Part of you remains with me
Part of me, you'll take away with you
Today is a beautiful day because
Even though you are leaving
Each minute, each hour I know
I will see you again
Each minute, each hour is
A step towards you
You take your hat and your suitcase
Open the door and leave
I cannot bring myself to say goodbye
I will wait until you turn around
Today is a beautiful day because
Even though you are leaving
Each minute, each hour I know
I will see you again
Each minute, each hour is
A step towards you
I thought it was just passion
But it's much more
You have become my greatest love
Each minute, each hour I know
I will see you again
Each minute, each hour is
A step towards you
A step towards you

Two Lovers Roam Europe

Two lovers roam Europe with
A suitcase and two guitars and
Wherever they stop in Europe, there
They play this song
And they sing: 'Oh, la-la-l'amour
The world is just full of love
You just have to learn
To see it everywhere'
And then all the couples come from
All the villages and all the towns and
All the many amorous couples, they
Join in this song
And they sing: 'Oh, la-la-l'amour
The world is just full of love
You just have to learn
To see it everywhere'
Two lovers roam Europe and
Everyone understands their message, because
All the people throughout Europe, they
Think, feel just like them
And they sing: 'Oh, la-la-l'amour
The world is just full of love
You just have to learn
To see it everywhere'
And they sing: 'Oh, la-la-l'amour
The world is just full of love
You just have to learn
To see it everywhere'

Come, I'll take you to

You who laid your eyes on me
You who talk to me to warm me up
I give you everything I have
The key to a world that doesn't exist
Come, I'll take you to
The place where stars meet the moon in secret
Come, I'll take you to
The place where the sun goes to rest at noon
I closed my eyes so much
I dreamt so much
That I came here
Come, I'll take you to
The place where rivers drink and hide
Come, I'll take you to
The place where the sad clouds go to have fun
I closed my eyes so much
I dreamt so much
That I came here
Further, further, further than Yanthai's bay
Further, further, further than the Coral Sea
Come, I'll take you
Behind the mirror, to the other side
Come, I'll take you to
the sky land, the fairy land
I closed my eyes so much
I dreamt so much
That I came here
Come, I'll take you to
Come, I'll take you to
I closed my eyes so much
I dreamt so much
That I came here
Further, further, further than Yanthai's bay
Further, further, further than the Coral Sea
Come, I'll take you to
The place where illusions become reality
Come, I'll take you
Behind the mirror, to the other side
[Hook x4]
I closed my eyes so much
I dreamt so much
That I came here
Come, I'll take you to
Come, I'll take you to

We warned you

We warned you yeah yeah yeah yeah
We warned you yeah yeah yeah yeah
You warned me yeah yeah yeah but
I didn't believe you
Never never never again
I'll never play tricks on boys again
Never never never again
I learned from this one time
Because he doesn't want to see me again
Our pretty story ends
Because i wanted to have fun
I deserve it so much
Never never never again
I'll never play tricks on boys again
Never never never again
I learned from this one time
We warned you yeah yeah yeah yeah
We warned you yeah yeah yeah yeah
You warned me yeah yeah yeah but
I didn't believe you
Never never never again
I'll never play tricks on boys again
I loved him, loved him, loved him
All day long, it was so great
To see if he loved me as much as I do
Better hear it
I danced tenderly
With his best friend
Never never never again
I'll never do this again
I'll always remember
How sad love is
We warned you yeah yeah yeah yeah
We warned you yeah yeah yeah yeah
You warned me yeah yeah yeah but
I didn't believe you
We warned you yeah yeah yeah yeah
We warned you yeah yeah yeah yeah
You warned me yeah yeah yeah but
I didn't believe you
We warned you yeah yeah yeah yeah
We warned you yeah yeah yeah yeah
You warned me yeah yeah yeah but
I didn't believe you

Accidents of Love

I want the lightning and the snow
Like a fire that consumes me
I want the sky and the water
To caress my body
I want everything since I have so little time
I want everything and I want it now
These days
There are accidents of love
These days
There are passions which end abruptly
I don’t have time to wait
I don’t have time to understand
I want happiness now
These days
There are setbacks along the way
These days
There are ghosts even in broad day light
I don’t have time to learn
I don’t have time to understand
I want happiness now
I want the green flash *
And the polar night of a hundred days **
And to feed on the world
And that it devour me in return
I want everything
Since I have so little time
I want everything and I want it now
These days
There are accidents of love
These days
There are passions which end abruptly
I don’t have time to wait
I don’t have time to understand
I want happiness now
These days
There are setbacks along the way
These days
There are ghosts even in broad day light
I don’t have time to learn
I don’t have time to understand
I want happiness now
I want everything since I have so little time
I want everything and I want it now
I want everything