Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 21

Találatok száma: 697


Grab yourselves by the hand

If you want to come with me
to the land of the flowers
if you want to look for loves
of the ones that truly love
don't let me go
with the empty heart
don't wait for the cold
to start searching
for the warmth of a good friend
who talks to you and loves you
may a sincere word
silence the pains.
Grab yourselves by the hand
one another with me
grab yourselves by the hand
if you found your friend
together we can reach
to where we never been
together we can reach
join your hands with me
If you want to get inside
of the music and the party
there's something that costs nothing
nothing has to wait
to raise the soul
to lose the sense
and to forget with me
the things that make people cry
to knock on the door
where happiness lives
may everything you wanted
you can find soon
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Time is slipping by

Only once your life you can live it
and you can enjoy it only once,
there are moments left in oblivion,
coming later is no longer to come,
we can't wake up when the day
is getting so close to die,
the time to love is today
and we must love at the time,
because time,
is slipping by honey
slipping like water flowing
slipping by honey
and we just can't avoid it
and the clock never turns back time,
you won't have time to change your mind
think it well honey
because time is slipping by,
slipping by,
Life spreads out in front of you baby,
if you want to reach you must hurry up,
the time to start is not to delay it,
do it now or you'll never catch it up,
for tomorrow don't you wait
what it brings is never right,
the time to love is today
and we must love at the time,
because time,
is slipping by honey
slipping like water flowing
slipping by honey
and we just can't avoid it
and you know that the clock never turns back time,
you won't have time to change your mind
think it well honey
because time is slipping by,
slipping by,
is slipping by honey
slipping like water flowing
slipping by honey
and we just can't avoid it
and you know that the clock never turns back time,
you won't have time to change your mind
think it well honey
because time is slipping by,
slipping by,
and the love honey, is slipping by honey,
and you know that the clock never turns back time,
you won't have time to change your mind
think it well honey
because time is slipping by,
slipping by,
slipping by honey,
slipping by honey.
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


Hey hey, you you
I don't like his lover
No way, no way
You need a new girlfriend
Hey hey, you you
I wanna be his lover
Hey hey, you you
I know you don't like me
No way, no way
I know it'snot a secret
Hey hey, you you
I wanna be his lover
You’re so fine, I want you mine, you’re so delicious
I think about you all the time, you’re so addictive
Don’t you know what I can do to make you feel alright
Don’t pretend, I think you know I’m damn precious
And hell yeah, I’m the mother fucking princess
I can tell you like me too and you know I’m right
She’s like so whatever
You could do so much better
I think we should get together now
And that’s what everyone’s talking about
Hey hey, you you
I don't like his lover
No way, no way
You need a new girlfriend
Hey hey, you you
I wanna be his lover
Hey hey, you you
I know you dont like me
No way, no way
I know It's not a secret
Hey hey, you you
I wanna be his lover
I can see the way, I see the way you look at me
And even when you look away, I know you think of me
I know you talk about me all the time, again and again
So come over here and tell me what I wanna hear
Better yet, make your girlfriend disappear
I don’t wanna hear you say her name ever again
She’s like so whatever
And you could do so much better
I think we should get together now
And that's what everyone’s talking about
Hey hey, you you
I don't like his lover
No way, no way
You need a new girlfriend
Hey hey, you you
I wanna be his lover
Hey hey, you you
I know you don't like me
No way, no way
I know It's not a secret
Hey hey, you you
I wanna be his lover
In a second you’ll be wrapped around my finger
‘Cause I can, ‘cause I can do it better
There’s no other, so when’s it gonna sink in
She’s so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?
In a second you’ll be wrapped around my finger
‘Cause I can, ‘cause I can do it better
There’s no other, so when’s it gonna sink in
She’s so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?
Hey hey, you you
I don't like his lover
No way, no way
You need a new girlfriend
Hey hey, you you
I wanna be his lover
Hey hey, you you
I know youdon't like me
No way, no way
I know It's not a secret
Hey hey, you you
I wanna be his lover
Hey, hey
Hey hey, you you
I don't like his lover
No way!
No way, no way
You need a new girlfriend
Hey, hey
Hey hey, you you
I wanna be his lover
No way, no way
Hey hey, you you
I know you don't like me
No way!
No way, no way
I know It's not a secret
Hey hey, you you
I wanna be his lover
No way, no way
Hey, hey!

The Thief

You are the thief
That stole from me
The heart
That I was saving
for tomorrow
You for what reason
without consulting
you made yourself loved
what is this life
I fell in love with you
My heart is delicate
It has to be very well cared for
Treat it right since you have stolen it
Take care of me, Love me, Kiss me, Cuddle me
My heart is delicate
Because one time it was hurt
Treat it right since you have stolen it
Take care of me, Love me, Kiss me, Cuddle me like that
You for what reason
without consulting
you made yourself loved
what is this life
I fell in love with you
My heart is delicate
It has to be very well cared for
Treat it right since you have stolen it
Take care of me, Love me, Kiss me, Cuddle me
My heart is delicate
Because one time it was hurt
Treat it right since you have stolen it
Take care of me, Love me, Kiss me, Cuddle me like that
My heart is delicate
It has to be very well cared for
Treat it right since you have stolen it
Take care of me, Love me, Kiss me, Cuddle me
My heart is delicate
Because one time it was hurt
Treat it right since you have stolen it
Take care of me, Love me, Kiss me, Cuddle me
My heart is delicate
It has to be very well cared for
Treat it right since you have stolen it
Take care of me, Love me, Kiss me, Cuddle me like that
My heart is delicate
Because one time it was hurt
Treat it right since you have stolen it
Take care of me, Love me, Kiss me, Cuddle me
My heart is delicate!


Amcsi nő, te észvesztő
Amcsi nő, te észvesztő
Mmmm, Amcsi nő a megtévesztő
Mmmm, Amcsi nő a félrevezető
Mondd A
Mondd M
Mondd E
Mondd R
Mondd I
Mondd A
N, mmm
Amcsi nő, te észvesztő
Mm, Amcsi nő a zűrt okozó
Uh, Amcsi nő a nagy kavaró
Amcsi nő tartsd magad távol tőlem
Amcsi nő, anyaállam, hagyj békén !
Ne ólálkodj az ajtómnál
Látni soha többé nem akarlak
Attól fontosabb dolgaim is vannak
Hogy melletted megöregedjek
Most mondom: távozz tőlem te nőszemély
Amcsi nő, figyeld mit mondok most ne beszélj
Amcsi nő, távozz tőlem
Amcsi nő, anyaállam, Hagyj békén !
Ne kopogtass az ajtómon
Árnyékod sem akarom többé látni
Szikrát vetve valakik szemébe
Színes fények alkalmasak szemfényt veszteni
Most mondom asszony távozz rögvest
Amcsi nő figyeld mit mondok, 's kövesd
Amcsi nő mondtam már távozz kérlek
Amcsi nő hallgasd, hogy mit beszélek
Ne ólálkodj az ajtómnál történjen bármi
Soha többé nem akarlak látni.
Nincs szükségem gyilokgépeidre
Nincs szükségem gettóidra, életeidre
Színes fények szemfényvesztésre képesek
Most mondom asszony távozz izibe
Amcsi nő, államanyó Hagyj engem békébe !
Menj , mert menned kell
El kell menned, távozz, húzz el, menj
El foglak hagyni asszony
El hagylak asszony
Nem kedvellek
Te sem kedvelsz
Szembenézek veled, ennyi
Elmondom hát mit fogok tenni
Tudd meg, el foglak hagyni
Tudd meg, el fogok menni
Tudd meg, el foglak hagyni
Tudd meg, hogy el fogok menni, te némber
Igen, itt foglak hagyni, cica
Viszlát te amcsi πcsa
Viszlát te amcsi πcsa

Midnight customer

In the middle of the Largo do Arouche
In front of the Flower Market
There's a French restaurant
And there, I waited for you
In a scourging cold
The candy shop and its sweets
Will always offer
An iridescence of pleasure
And there's no way to deny
That the plate on bid
Won't make you salivate
In a small room of illusion
My dog that doesn't bark in vain
In the abrasive cold I meditate
Next time I won't be your customer
In a scourging cold
The candy shop and its sweets
Will always offer
An iridescence of pleasure
And there's no way to deny
That the plate on bid
Won't make you salivate
In a small room of illusion
My dog that doesn't bark in vain
In the abrasive cold I meditated
Next time I won't be your customer

You can go now

If you had told me always the truth
If you had answered when I called you
If you had loved when I loved you
You would be the best woman in my dreams
Since you weren't able to love
You can go now
If you knew how much I suffered from you
Having to forget you without knowing why
And now you call me
You want to see me
You swear that you changed
And you think of coming back
Since you weren't able to love
You can go now
Get away from me
There's nothing left to talk about
With you I lost
I already have the person with whom I win
I already know that there was nobody who would tell you what I told you
That nobody cared for you like I did
Because of that I understand why you are here
But the time passed and I also changed
Since you weren't able to love
You can go now
Get away from me
There's nothing left to talk about
With you I lost
I already have the person with whom I win
I already know that there was nobody who would tell you what I told you
That nobody cared for you like I did
Because of that I understand why you are here
But the time passed and I also changed
Since you weren't able to love
You can go now

Enough Heart

Versions: #3
Tell me if you found in my past
A reason to forget me,
A reason to love me?
You ask for love, you ask to forget
Whatever is convenient for you
Don't call what you have
A heart.
About my past,
You want to know everything.
How was it? You want to know
Don't you know that before one loves,
One must have faith.
To give one's own life, dying or not,
For one's beloved
That is love
And that is not what is inside of you.
To love,
I do not need a reason
Because when it comes to having a heart
I have more than enough, so much more than enough

A Prológus

Két háztartás, mindkét hasonló méltósággal
Az igazságos Veronában, hol elhelyezzük a jelenetet
Ősi nehesztelés, mely lázadást eredményez
Ahol civi vér, civil kezeket mocskol be
Hol a halálos rosszmályúsága e kettőnek játszódik
Egy pár, mely sorsa bukni látszó, elveszik az életüket
Melyek balsorsának, sajnálatos megbukásának
Köze van a szüleik viszályához
A félelmetes útja a halálra ítélt szerelmüknek
És a szüleik dühének csillapíthatatlansága
Melyet, el nem olthat más, mint a gyermekeik halála
A két órás forgalom jelenleg a színpadon
Amin ha most türelmes fülekkel jelen vagyunk
Mit elmulasztunk, a vesződésünk igyekezzék betölteni
Gyermeke vagyok egy
Pénzéhes, büszke országnak
A fű zöld és a nap folyton süt
A kezek oly véresek, íze mint a méz
Nehéznek látom elhagyni
Gyermeke vagyok egy
Pénzéhes, büszke országnak
A fű zöld és a nap folyton süt
A kezek oly véresek, íze mint a méz
Nehéznek látom elhagyni

Come dance

If you feel that your wolrd is collapsing
And that your fortune will never ever change
Think that life is what you make of it
Forget everything what's left behind
Come, come on dance
Through the night
You have nothing to lose
Come, come on live
Here and now
Tomorrow a new day will rise
If you feel you belong somewhere else
And life is a game you'll never win
Think that your future is in your hand
And that there's always light there over the darkness


My woman
Do me a favor wa weh
Pinch me still, éeeeh
To make sure I'm not dreaming
Today is the day (the day, the day)
Of our wedding weh (wedding weh yeah yeah)
Pinch me éeeeh
To make sure I'm not dreaming
And now to please me more (please me more) to please me more
Says that loves me (I love you)
Melody touches us hunnn!! Wa weh wa weh iehh
And now to please me more (please me more) to please me more
Says still I love you (I love you)
The melody touches us hunn wa wa wa weh
It's not wanting to brag about (brag about)
But I've never seen such a beautiful bride
Sometimes I sing and recognize my voice
But it doesn't get close to the beats of your heart
And today I am the happiest man in my favela ah
And I thought that love like that was only in novels yeah
Know that I did not just follow my heart, my love
I followed everyone just to have you heeere
And now to please me more (please me more) to please me more
Says that loves me (I love you)
Melody makes us wa weh eh wa weh ieh
And now to please me more (please me more) to please me more
Says still I love you (I love you)
The melody makes us wa weh eh wa weh ieh
Ah woman
Do me a favor
Pinch me


Come and talk to me about love,
You swear to always adore me.
Should I believe all of your oaths?
Should I begin this sweet novel?
You will only be mine (oh yes)
Only you will make me quiver with emotion.
So that I believe you and by this weekness
I feel that I will be your mistress.
I read in your eyes so blue
Many lenthy confessions.
I believe your disturbing oaths.
you are a charming lover.
Fleeing from the jaleous ones everywhere
I am, it's crazy, only yours.
I dream of days too short.
Be my love, always.
Maybe you will change
And even abandon me
You will go towards another hapiness
With no regret, you will break my heart.
We will have a little bed (oh yes)
Where our two hearts will be safe.
So my darling, I surrender to you
And of love, my whole body already shivers.
you are a charming lover.
Fleeing from the jaleous ones everywhere
I am, it's crazy, only yours.
I dream of days too short.
Be my love, always.

Only when it's too late

you made endless promises
so many feelings have you sworn you had
had what you wanted from me
and left me to suffer in the end
after so many falls
with nothing to do
I open an exception for you
just to regret it again
without reticence I threw myself
always thinkung 'it's now!'
i already had so little to give
and you took what I had left
Only when it's too late
and there's nothing left to do
holding me you will want to breath
but you won't be able too
and when you feel the world has fallen down
and only in me you see a safe place
you will remember the more pure truth
it was you who decided this future for us
you will be nothing but a rebembrance
a reflection in the mirror that I did not see
the same mirror now I break
to forget you once and for all
for without reticence I threw myself
always thinkung 'it's now!'
i already had so little to give
and you took what I had left
Only when it's too late
and there's nothing left to do
holding me you will want to breath
but you won't be able too
and when you feel the world has fallen down
and only in me you see a safe place
you will remember the more pure truth
it was you who decided this future for us
Only when it's too late
and there's nothing left to do
holding me you will want to breath
but you won't be able too
Only when it's too late
and there's nothing left to do
holding me you will want to breath
but you won't be able too
and when you feel the world has fallen down
and only in me you see a safe place
you will remember the more pure truth
it was you who decided this future for us
this future
this future...

All I Ever Wanted

Moonlight shines,
With a cool breeze covered in splendor
It's what I wanted.
The sweet smell of incense
Rooms in shades of rare and beautiful colors,
That's what I wanted.
This is my home.
With my father, my mother, my brother
It's so strong and superior.
This is my home.
I have everything here
And I always say it fearlessly
And, in case anyone doubts it,
I tell them they're wrong.
I am the prince of Egypt,
The son of the history that's seen
I can assure
It's what I wanted...
It's what I wanted...
It's what I wanted...
{Queen Tuya}
This is your home, Moses.
If the river brought is because you are meant to stay.
This is your home.
My love is pure and so forget about the past.
When the gods sent you,
A great blessing came to us.


It is so difficult to talk about love
Without having to define
Without being able to help
Being pedantic or vulgar
Lady, what do you want from me?
Let's see then,
As far as I'm concerned, today's the day
What I want to say to you
After rehearsing so much
But you start to look at me
I get a knot in my voice
You spoil everything
I don't have courage
Lady, you are
A love theorem
A point of light
From the infinite to pain
And I, I don't know what I am
One must work, one must grow
At night I must study
And I can't sleep
Because I'm thinking of you
Lady, what do you want from me?
Look at me, and stop playing
As I will not ask you for
What you do not want to tell me
It's enough to see you arrive
Every morning on time
And even though you do not speak
I know you come because of me
Lady, you are
A love theorem
A point of light
From the infinite to pain
And I only know that you
Are to me, a love theorem,
A point of light,
From the infinite to pain
And I, I don't know what I am

Yes... Think of Me

I would like to be a magician
To bring out love and light out of a hat
And a flower of snow and lime
And place the sun and the whole universe before you
I wish I were the Pied Piper of Hamelin
And to plait the rainbow around you
I wish I were your blue sky
Your freedom, your myth, your word
Yes... (oh yes!) think of me
Yes... think of me
Yes... think of me
Yes... (oh yes!) think of me
(Yes... think of me)
Yes... think of me
With time I'd like to be your skin'
Your identity, your age, your residence
Your thirst, your tea, your loneliness
And the aura that is neither warm nor cold
Yes... think of me.

Keep On Dancing For Me

Versions: #1
Keep on dancing for me so
Oh oh
Keep on dancing for me so
The cards are
On the table
Let me know if you're interested
In being with me tonight to live
An adventure full of madness
You, you attract me, so much so much
That I can't resist
An adventure
Full of madness
You're attractive to me, so so much
That I can't resist
Your body simply is
Tempting me, and I feel
That I don't want to be without you
But while you're here
Keep on dancing for me so
Oh oh
Keep on dancing for me so
Keep on dancing for me so
Yeh yeh
Keep on dancing for me so
Oh oh
We travel the world, princess
(To travel with you, princess)
I want to promise you something
The cards are
On the table
Let me know if you're interested
In being with me tonight to live
An adventure full of madness
You're attractive, and I like you so so much
That I can't resist
Your body simply is
Tempting me, and I feel
That I don't want to be without you
But while you're here
Keep on dancing for me so
Yeh yeh
Keep on dancing for me so
Oh oh
I like this little dance you've got going on
(Hey) I like it
(Oh) I like it
My body and your body like each other
(Oh) They like each other
And if you like it
(Hey) I like it
And you move it as if this were Cuban
But when you dance
You look Venezuelan
(Dance chama)
Dance if you're here (hot mama)
Keep on dancing that way (oh oh)
Keep on dancing for me so
Yeh yeh
Keep on dancing for me so
Oh oh
Keep on dancing for me so
Oh oh
I invite you to live out an endless adventure
We begin in Caracas, and then on to Medellín
We'll sing out in a chorus with Pasabordo right through Berlin
Later on we'll call Juan Magán so that we all fly
to Madrid
We light up an electronic rumba
This song's going to be a hit like 'Gasolina' by Yankee
We light up an elecronic rumba
You'll soon see what's going to come upon you
The little dance of yours -
I like it, I like it, you like it
The reason is that your body and mine adjust to one another (ohh)
And you do like it
Keep on dancing for me so
Yeh yeh
Keep on dancing for me so
Oh oh
Keep on dancing for me so

Memory (English)

nothing, not a sound comes from the streets
even the moon
blew out its light
and the wind blows the dry leaves on the ground
it sings the song of loneliness
each signal seems to be
bad omen hovering
everything is nothing
end of dawn
and the day breaks
I remind, close my eyes and remind
I still keep a smile
to comfort me
it was beautiful, and living made me happy
but it is sad to come back..
remember! look at the moon and remember
let old memories carry you
if you find there a simple way to be happy
everything will then revive
I remember, I look at the moon and remember
when happiness would come to visit me
I smiled and made life smile back
good moments to remember
the cold morn cuts the moonlight
the night starts to hide
lights go out slowly
and the day dawns
I see a new aurora dawning
another night elapses, how many more will?
seeing the aurora, it will all be memories
there are new days to come
sunshine, summer light
flowers blossoming
disappearing in the memories
in the day that arises
touch me at the taste of the memories
of the old wandering, good times that went by
and who knows the secret to be happy
you see, the day already dawned

Portuguese sea

Oh salinated sea, how much of your salt
Are the tears of Portugal!
When we cross over you, how many mothers cry,
How many children pray in vain!
How many fiancées wait to marry
Why are you ours, oh sea!
Is it worth it? Everything is worth the effort
If the soul isn't small.
Who wants to pass beyond Bojador
Must first pass beyond the suffering.
God gave to the sea danger and the abyss,
But in it lies what the sky mirrored.

The Beauty and The Monster

Once Upon a Time
They told me
Maybe they were friend
When the love was born
Suddenly, like this
Something that changed
Both of them were trembling
Almost without know
Beauty and the Monster loving
It was always like this
It will always be like this
Everything will always be the same
It's so right and real
Like the Sunrise
It was always like this
It will always be like this
Everything will always be the same
It's so right and real
Like the Sunrise
Once upon a time
The love song
That they will learn
Seeing their own mistakes
To try to be better
Right like the Sun
Attains the air
Once upon a time
The song was born
Beauty and the monster loving
Once upon a time
The song was born
Beauty and the monster
Beauty and the monster loving

Lost in the Night

I've been lost in the night
Without knowledge to where go
I didn't even have two pennies to rub together
Always waiting for me
I've never had this feeling before
You never saw me
What I see
What I feel when I see you
To you it's just a game
That I already know I just can't win
I've been lost in the night (with no one)
So far away of a safe harbor (belong someone)
I've been lost in the night (I looked at sky)
Yesterday I saw you with someone who
Wasn't me!
Alone, with no sense
Without the color of your eyes to see
A pier just like a moan
With no destiny, losting just because of losting
I've been lost in the night (with no one)
So far away of a safe harbor (belong someone)
I've been lost in the night (I looked at sky)
Yesterday I saw you with someone who
Wasn't me!
I've been walking alone from bar to bar
Looking for you, but without success
Who knows us doesn't know how to lie
And who envies us smiled when saw me
I've been lost in the night (with no one)
So far away of a safe harbor (belong someone)
I've been lost in the night (I looked at sky)
Yesterday I saw you with someone who
Wasn't me! (2x)

The Life Makes Me Feel Good

It's already the hour
I have no time to loss
There's a day out there
I have hurry to see it
To wake up the best things inside me
Because teh life makes me feel good
With each good thing that It has
I don't care what may happen, I want to live
Because I know the life makes me feel goof
Letting me pack
In the breeze
Listening the sea and what it has to say me
There's so much what I want learning
I don't want someone saying me what I supposed to do
I'll follow the road I want to


There's...no more
Words that cradle me to sleep
There's...no more
Poems that tell me of love and affection
There's no more promisses
That make me dream
No more forevers
To believe in
There's no more feelings
Nothing that'll make you love
There's no more feelings
In that gaze
There's....no more
Secrets shared
With nothing to prove
There's... no more
Embraced bodies until dawn
There's no more future
The present is over
The past is everything
That remains of us
There's no more feelings
Nothing that'll make you love
There's no more feelings
In that gaze
There's no more feelings
Nothing that'll make you love
There's no more feelings
There's no more feelings
Nothing that'll make you love
There's no more feelings
In that gaze


Versions: #1#2
The way you walk
Your cha-cha-cha look
Almost vulgar, but not quite
And those eyebrows....
I felt like I was being punished
I told you, 'Yes, yes'
Because of your way of loving:
So savage...
Your eyes are like a spell 1,
An unsettling taboo
Babe... Tranquil moon
Everything is possible, except you
Babe... Amber and sand
Insatiable mouth -- only you...
(Promises and lies)
Only you... (The star of my heart)
Only you... (Sophisticated diva)
Only you... (You're a wave...a wave.. a wave... a wave)
I haven't been able to escape
From your on-and-off
I let myself be dominated... little by little ... a little
Love me passionately
And tell me, 'Yes, yes'
Over and over again
This is madness...
Your eyes are like a spell
The one that only you, only you know
Babe... Tranquil moon
Everything is possible, except you
Babe... Amber and sand
Insatiable mouth -- only you...
(Promises and lies)
Only you... (The star of my heart)
Only you... (Sophisticated diva)
Only you... (You're a wave...a wave.. a wave... a wave)
Love me passionately
And tell me 'Yes, yes'
Over and over again
This is madness...
Your eyes are like a spell
The one that only you, only you know
Stop crying, now
Stop crying, now
(Babe) Stop crying now
(Babe) Stop crying now
(Babe) Stop...
(Babe) Stop...
(Babe).... (Babe)...
  • 1. Here ángel means charm ( encanto ), not angel, but it's interesting to think of the choice of words.

Streak of Moon

White streak of Moon,
descend now, illuminate
the hours of sorrow
that darken my life.
Descend in the clear wave
of your peaceful blaze
and shatter yourself in my bosom
where the pain is harbored.
my damp gazes
are fixed only in you,
and a mysterious longing
consumes my soul.
To the glimmer of your blaze,
from the indecisive mind
leisurely visions
extend themselves and caress me,
and with your icy kisses,
with a languid smile,
they speak to me of my dreams
and soon dissipate themselves.
White streak of Moon,
descend now, illuminate
the night of the sad people
that for love breathe.

With Moments of Tenderness

Ever since you left,
I never slept again.
Everything around me
Ceased to exist
There's not a minute I don't think of you
If not for the pain, I would say I was dead
If I knew what I know today,
I would give anything I have,
To grow old with you
And to tell our grandkids
That the best part of life
Is the love that heals all.
A tear, a wound
With moments of tenderness.
I know I wasn't always
There for you
I wasn't alright and I blamed myself for being that way
I don't please your friends
I didn't try to please them
I only wanted to be with you, to love
If I knew what I know today,
I would give anything I have,
To grow old with you
And tell our grandkids
That the best part of life
Is the love that heals all.
A tear, a wound
With moments of tenderness.
The best part of life
Is the love that heals all.
A tear, a wound
With moments of tenderness.

Goodbye Song (Nicaraguan Peasant Mass)

There is nothing more beautiful
Than the coming together of a people
A people that fights
To become better, as that is its resolve.
There is nothing more beautiful than to hear
In everyone's singing
An immense, united shout of brotherhood.
What a beautiful thing to look at
Mrs. Cheta Calero
With her four small children and Mr. Gaspar
Her happy companion.
From here I can see the fisherman
Mr. Presentación Ortíz
With his entire family, singing happily.
It's such a pity to have to say goodbye
When there is so much joy
I feel a knot right here in my throat
But all of the nostalgia will be a smile
Soon enough when we all return to the peasant mass.
Today I feel my heart is good and new
I feel it full of new strength,
Like cashew seed
When it's about to sprout
Now when I go back home,
Overcome with joy, I will care for my vegetable garden
with more devotion.
It's such a pity to have to say goodbye...
To the clapping of our palms, the song
Grows in strength more and more
And the feeling resonates in everyone,
And it becomes more intense
To the clapping of our palms, it will be known
That we are a lot of people, and that if we are united
Nobody can remove us.
Let us bring our hands together
So that we can merge again
Inside this enormous bond of brotherhood
And love that surrounds us
Let us bring our hands together
To build a strong wall,
May it defend the community forever
It's such a pity to have to say goodbye

If you don't return

If you do not return
Not even the summer will return
And my mother and I will stay here
Watching the rain.
If you do not return
Not even the swallows will return
And my father and I will stay here
Watching the sky.
If you do not return
Even the sun will not return
And my brother and I will stay here to look at the ground
That was so beautiful when you were running
With a scent of grass that you breathed
Was so great if you crossed it, and never ended.
So tonight I want a star to keep me company
That help you from a distance to show us the way
So my love love love, love where are you?
If you do not go back, there is no life in my days.
If you do not return
Not even the beautiful sunsets will return
And I will stay with me to stare the night
That was so beautiful when you were running
With a scent of grass that you breathed
Was so great if you crossed it, and never ended.
So tonight I want a star to keep me company
That help you from a distance to show you the way
So my love love love, love, where are you?
If you do not go back, there 'is no life in my days.
Thanks a lot for your attention!


Once upon a time, there was, in a land far away, a young prince.
He lived in a beautiful castle.
Even though he had everything his heart desired, the prince was spoiled, egotistical and kind to no one.
But then, on a winter night, a beggar knocked on the castle door.
She offered him one rose, if she could hide from the bitter cold.
Full of disgust for her bewildered appearance, the prince laughed at her offer humiliatingly and he wanted to send the old woman away.
She warned him that he should not be deceived by her appearance, because you can only find beauty within.
And when he pointed her towards the door once more, the ugly old woman melted away, making room for a beautiful enchantress.
The prince wanted to make up for it, but it was too late, because she had seen that there was no love in his heart, and as a punishment she changed him into a horrendous monster and uttered a horrible curse on the entire castle and all its inhabitants.
Ashamed for his monstrous appearance, the beast hid in his castle, with just a magic mirror as a window to the outside world.
The rose she had given him, was in truth a bewitched rose that would flourish until he turned twenty-one.
If he could love someone else and gain her love as well before the last petal fell off, only then the curse would be lifted.
If that did not happen, he would be doomed forever and stay a monstrous beast forever.
Year after year passed and he lost all hope, because who could ever love a beast?

Come join us [Be our guest]

My dear lady (ma chère mademoiselle), it is with great pride, and with a lot of pleasure, that we welcome you.
And now, forget all your worries, have a nice seat, because the dining room offers you with great pleasure.
Your dinner.
Come join us, come join us
Put your worries aside.
A napkin around your neck, my dear (chérie)
The rest of the work will be up to us.
Soup of the day, do you want more.
To serve you is an honor.
Taste it, it is delicious.
The plates say it too, honestly.
They sing and they dance.
The kitchen (cuisine) here is in France (en France).
With a seldom guest we are already very happy.
Look, our menu is enormous, make a choice fast.
Come join us, come join us, come join us.
Cheesey (?), cheese soufflé, sole and tournedos (steak) flambé.
Cabaret with dinner.
Yes, come people, come on.
I gesture and look at that, everything is ready for you.
After the chocolate cake, follows the parade of spoons.
I juggle, very risky, with my candles, both of them.
(partially in German) With beer, one has fun, with each other.
So take up your glass and let us say cheers because,
you are part of us, unlucky you, all those worries you eat away.
Come join us, come join us, come join us.
I am originally, a servant that wants to serve you.
What do I do without my domestic chore?
Oh, once people could use us very well.
And all of a sudden it was all over.
Ten years we've been aimlessly waiting.
We've been longing for work,
For some employment in the job we practice
Usually we're just hanging around
Just chatting.
Then you came, well!
It is a guest, it is a guest.
That surprises us with her coming.
Get the wine for this feast and get the napkins from the cupboard.
Do you want two cups of tea?
Well that is not a big deal at all.
If the water sings, my cups will jump happily.
I would like my tea.
Hey what do I see over there, a stain.
Remove it, we have a guest of honor here.
Do you like it like this?
Would you like some sugar in it?
Come join us, come join us, come join us.
Come join us, come join us, you are as happy as we are.
All those years we do nothing and that's why we rust here.
And all of a sudden you stand here, well we will happily help.
Let those candles burn happily, you are in good hands here.
Course after course, every time
Until you scream: I can't (have) any more!
If you go to bed, we will sing
we hope you like the food tonight
Come join us, come join us, come join us!

Warrior of Love

In exchange I'll give you a song for the courage
Of your able hands in combat
Fused to the metal with which you save us
In exchange of the cold your feet feel in the swamps
I will give you this loving life and all its promises,
The forge where your fear and nostalgia are burned
Anonymous author of the dawn
Silent deer on the mountain
Warrior of love
Son of these times, whirlwind,
Man--well, newborn boy, in the middle of the rain-forest
Aiming to finally reach victory, to reach it at last
I'll give you these twenty years multiplied by two
Because of this necessary war
For the full flower of hope
Anonymous author of the dawn
Silent deer on the mountain
Warrior of love
Son of these times, whirlwind,
Man--well, newborn boy, in the middle of the rain-forest
Aiming to finally reach victory, to reach it at last
Anonymous author of the dawn
Silent deer on the mountain
Warrior of love
Son of these times, whirlwind,
Man--well, newborn boy, in the middle of the rain-forest
Aiming to finally reach victory, to reach it at last

After the War

Today that so much time has passed,
as you can see I'm here once again.
I came to find your eyes
that are only the spoils of suffering.
Do you know how hard the war was?
I saw so much evil, so much pain...
That it seems a dream to be telling you about
the wretched miseries of that horrible hell.
I have the vodka near my lips
And I will make a toast for you and for me
while the gypsies sing
that old melody
that I can hear again today:
La la la laila la la lara lal la la la ra la ra la....
But your eyes don't look at me like they used to,
because this hard life changed them.
All the sweetness that they radiated
turned to sadness and resentment.
May the gypsies keep on harmonizing,
because this song makes me forget.
While I recall, with the help of the vodka,
those tender eyes I left here when I went off (to war).
La la la laila la la lara lal la la la ra la ra la....