Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 5


You make me feel like

Tell me that you don't want it anymore
That you have someone else, the wheel turns if you lie
I see that you seem OK, you do only what you want, anyway
I talk in vain, this is proof that you don't feel
You aren't made to love
You want to mess up
I don't know who you are
You aren't what you seem to be, you don't know
That everything will return the same to you one day
I don't think that you know me, no, not at all
Only ash remains, if everything catches fire
I won't return anymore, I can't
Each effort is pointless, so stop!
You make me feel like I'm dying, dying, dying, dying
And you watch it all so easily
You make me feel like I'm dying, dying, dying, dying
I don't even recognize you sometimes
You make me feel like I'm dying, dying, dying, dying
And you watch it all so easily
You make me feel like I'm dying, dying, dying, dying
I don't even recognize you sometimes
If I knew everything from the start
I really would have done exactly what I didn't do
What does 'too late' mean, tell me what I don't know
You don't lose any bet, it's not about what you would want me to be
I think that you forget the idea, you're looking for the spark again
You don't hear anything that I say, communication is the key
Discussions are the same, you don't believe me, tell me why I would
Buy just a little more time, this is how three years went waste
I make peace with you with orchids, the subject changes
I do what pleases you, I indulge you, I shake of cliches
But I know that it's not enough, you're looking for an answer
You can't fill any hole with surplus things
This isn't normal, we are diametric
You oppose, yes, yes, from the beginning to the end
You say things too easily, as if I don't hurt you
When I know that on the inside
You make me feel like I'm dying, dying, dying, dying
And you watch it all so easily
You make me feel like I'm dying, dying, dying, dying
I don't even recognize you sometimes
You make me feel like I'm dying, dying, dying, dying
And you watch it all so easily
You make me feel like I'm dying, dying, dying, dying
I don't even recognize you sometimes


Just an idea, from a mere spark
From a mere word, running through thought
When you're not convinced, when it seems hard to achieve
Keep in mind what you promised yourself, something resembling a dream
Turned reality, you deserve some vindication
It's a long road through it all, through work, not overnight
When you're still on your feet, even if you're coming from far away
Your hope doesn't know death, it blossoms, and bears fruit
When you have nothing to lose, the little you do have seems like a lot
You needn't but a step, just enough to take flight
A feeling you'll find, when you understand who you are
That you have a purpose on Earth, you're not as the leaves in the wind
You aren't battling anyone, when you want to compete with yourself
To attain what's right for you, to escape from the masses
It becomes much more personal, when you play the lead role
And when the curtain is drawn, you know that in the end...
When the lights go out, the stars light up the sky
Til morning you can walk among them
When the lights go out, the stars light up the sky
Til morning you can walk among them
Yea, yea,
Open your eyes, the world is yours!


Amcsi nő, te észvesztő
Amcsi nő, te észvesztő
Mmmm, Amcsi nő a megtévesztő
Mmmm, Amcsi nő a félrevezető
Mondd A
Mondd M
Mondd E
Mondd R
Mondd I
Mondd A
N, mmm
Amcsi nő, te észvesztő
Mm, Amcsi nő a zűrt okozó
Uh, Amcsi nő a nagy kavaró
Amcsi nő tartsd magad távol tőlem
Amcsi nő, anyaállam, hagyj békén !
Ne ólálkodj az ajtómnál
Látni soha többé nem akarlak
Attól fontosabb dolgaim is vannak
Hogy melletted megöregedjek
Most mondom: távozz tőlem te nőszemély
Amcsi nő, figyeld mit mondok most ne beszélj
Amcsi nő, távozz tőlem
Amcsi nő, anyaállam, Hagyj békén !
Ne kopogtass az ajtómon
Árnyékod sem akarom többé látni
Szikrát vetve valakik szemébe
Színes fények alkalmasak szemfényt veszteni
Most mondom asszony távozz rögvest
Amcsi nő figyeld mit mondok, 's kövesd
Amcsi nő mondtam már távozz kérlek
Amcsi nő hallgasd, hogy mit beszélek
Ne ólálkodj az ajtómnál történjen bármi
Soha többé nem akarlak látni.
Nincs szükségem gyilokgépeidre
Nincs szükségem gettóidra, életeidre
Színes fények szemfényvesztésre képesek
Most mondom asszony távozz izibe
Amcsi nő, államanyó Hagyj engem békébe !
Menj , mert menned kell
El kell menned, távozz, húzz el, menj
El foglak hagyni asszony
El hagylak asszony
Nem kedvellek
Te sem kedvelsz
Szembenézek veled, ennyi
Elmondom hát mit fogok tenni
Tudd meg, el foglak hagyni
Tudd meg, el fogok menni
Tudd meg, el foglak hagyni
Tudd meg, hogy el fogok menni, te némber
Igen, itt foglak hagyni, cica
Viszlát te amcsi πcsa
Viszlát te amcsi πcsa

Too Soon

When I have no reason to go, I party
You don't really know since when I have waited this moment
I feel thrills, go beyond the clouds
To live forever, please, make some arrangements
For the ladies, a big bouquet of flowers
Gentleman, for you the ladies with the flowers
All the glasses up because they play their role
Half empty for the past, a full one for the future
The life is good if it has arguments
A family, friends and a lot of feelings
You know that the money suits everyone
Money are a problem only if they aren't enough
Success... transforms some people
In my movie music is my soundtrack
I live the major sensation, meanwhile
Now it's time to celebrate
If the time would listen to me
I would like to speak with him
Forget me and don't remember me too soon
Allow me to be your mistake on Earth
Life is ephemeral, I take care of my clepsydra
That's why I can't waste something I can't buy
You know you can imagine anything else
Close your eyes and you can see the imagine
What we cherish truely hides inside our hearts
That's why people smile on the minimum wage
Tell me what do you want to do with a stone heart
You will go to the bottom when you hit the water
All the hate is brought up in vane
You know the good wins every time, forever
You can try how much you want, but you won't escape
I keep my soul clean in my treasure box
Sometimes you go up, sometimes you go down
You can't run or escape, life puts you to the test many times
We all know that what's good seems less
Give me a glass to toast and tell me why do we have to stop
If the time would listen to me
I would like to speak with him
Forget me and don't remember me too soon
Allow me to be your mistake on Earth