A keresés eredménye oldal 6
Találatok száma: 343
Country Road
Country road
I'm sure that if I follow this road all the way
I'll eventually reach that town
Country road
All by myself, but afraid of nothing
I've dreamed of living my life this way
Hiding my loneliness deep inside
In order to protect my own strength
Country road
I'm sure that if I follow this road all the way
I'll eventually reach that town
Country road
If I get tired of walking and rest for a bit
The memories of my hometown soon rise to surface
Those sloped roads going around the hills
I get mad at myself for thinking about these things
Country road
I'm sure that if I follow this road all the way
I'll eventually reach that town
Country road
No matter how disheartened I might be
I can't let anyone see my tears
Somehow my pace gets faster
So that I can leave my memories behind
Country road
Even if this road led me to my hometown
I won't follow it, I can't follow it
Country road
Country road
I wish that tomorrow I could go back
To the person I've always been
But I can't go back
Farewell, country road
[1. szakasz]
Ott egy szóba nyúlt ki pont előttem
De két lépessel hátrébb vagyok, mint szeretnék lenni
Esküszöm a rendőrök elkaptak vele
Talán az vagyok, aki nem kellene legyek
Olyan fáradt vagyok mérföldektől, amit utazok
Elveszek valahol, ahol még sosem voltam
Mikor a rossz dolgok kezdenek történi
Én nem dobom be a törölközött
Egy oroszlán van a ruhásszekrényben és egy farkas az ajtóban
Talán sosem kerülök a mennybe, de már voltam ott ezelőtt
Mert amikor ő a lepedőmön fekszik a trikóba, amit én vettem
Nincs hely, ahol lennem kellene
Még is két lépessel hátrébb vagyok, mint szeretnék
Egy oroszlán van a ruhásszekrényben és egy farkas az ajtóban
Talán sosem kerülök a mennybe, de már voltam ott ezelőtt
Mert amikor ő a lepedőmön fekszik a trikóba, amit én vettem
Nincs hely, ahol lennem kellene
Még is két lépessel hátrébb vagyok, mint szeretnék
[2. szakasz]
Láttam egy táblát a nemzetközin
Azt írta Jézus a bűneimért halt meg
Nekem azt tanították, hogy szeresd az ellenséged
De esküszöm, ez lesz a végzetem
Nem tudom, hogy a szerelem hova megy, mikor vége
Mert te felpattantál a vonatra, mint valami csavargó
Kerestem magasban és mélyen, mindenhol ahol voltunk
Csak hogy rájöjjek, mindvégig itt volt
Egy oroszlán van a ruhásszekrényben és egy farkas az ajtóban
Talán sosem kerülök a mennybe, de már voltam ott ezelőtt
Mert amikor ő a lepedőmön fekszik a trikóba, amit én vettem
Nincs hely, ahol lennem kellene
Még is két lépessel hátrébb vagyok, mint szeretnék
Egy oroszlán van a ruhásszekrényben és egy farkas az ajtóban
Talán sosem kerülök a mennybe, de már voltam ott ezelőtt
Mert amikor ő a lepedőmön fekszik a trikóba, amit én vettem
Nincs hely, ahol lennem kellene
Még is két lépessel hátrébb vagyok, mint szeretnék
Láttam egy táblát a nemzetközin
Azt írta Jézus a bűneimért halt meg
Nem tudom, hogy a szerelem hova megy, mikor vége
Mert te felpattantál a vonatra, mint valami csavargó
Egy oroszlán van a ruhásszekrényben és egy farkas az ajtóban
Talán sosem kerülök a mennybe, de már voltam ott ezelőtt
Mert amikor ő a lepedőmön fekszik a trikóba, amit én vettem
Nincs hely, ahol lennem kellene
Még is két lépessel hátrébb vagyok, mint szeretnék
Nincs hely, ahol lennem kellene
Még is két lépessel hátrébb vagyok, mint szeretnék
Nincs hely, ahol lennem kellene
Még is két lépessel hátrébb vagyok, mint szeretnék
Steel City
'Let me see your tears for once'
I cast a spell on your warm back
Kiss the slight fever away,
and hear the rattling sound of the projector, always unexpected
Just wait for it,
I'll become just like a Steel City, ,
and I won’t be kind even to the poor, abandoned cats
The ashes from the cigarettes will be dancing in the air,
and become just like your back, that I cannot grasp
And for the cats scribbled in the walls: I’m sorry.
I'll become just like a Steel City
and hide my voice all through the night
Two Ravens
As I was walking all alone
I spied two ravens moaning out
One said to the other
Where shall we go and dine today?
Down behind that old wall of turf
I know that a new slain knight lies there
And no one knows that he lies there
But his hawk and his hound and his charming lady
His hound went hunting
His hawk to drop the wildfowl home
His Lady found herself another man
Thus, we may have our dinner in a canter
You'll land on his collarbone
And I'll scratch his fine blue eyes out
Along with a lock of his golden hair
We'll build our nest when it's in sight
There are many that wail for him
But no one shall know where he has gone
Or his white bones, when they're in sight
The wind shall blow forevermore
1000 Violins
With an eraser the size of the Himalayas
I want to do lots of things that are fun
With a pen the size of a missile in my hand
I want to do lots of things that are captivating
Let's go open the doors of the night
While the rulers are snoring
Smell the summer as many times as we want
We've been through dangerous grounds
Through the wire fence of the night
We'll see things we can never see again
And go see Huckleberry
Wipe out that yesterday we screwed up
With an eraser the size of the Himalayas
I want to do lots of things that are fun
With a pen the size of a missile in my hand
I want to do lots of things that are captivating
From the cradle to the grave
Assholes follow us around
A thousand violins resound
We zip through an unbeaten path
Feel like someone owes me some money
But such things don't matter anymore
The memories are on a hot tin roof
They melted like ice cream
With an eraser the size of the Himalayas
I want to do lots of things that are fun
With a pen the size of a missile in my hand
I want to do lots of things that are captivating
I want to return to you (Dancing in the ehart)
'I became an adult alone'
That day you cried
What was important for us two?
We haven't understood
Dancin'in the heart woo woo woo
Dancin'in the heart
I want to return to your chest
Dancin'in the heart woo woo woo
Dancin'in the heart
And revert my sad tears
Ay ay ay ay
Ay ay ay ay ay
Even if I notice you in the city
I can't call you anymore
Probably you don't like
Thee girls who suit with a flashy rouge
Dancin'in the heart woo woo woo
Dancin'in the heart
I'm still dancing alone
Dancin'in the heart woo woo woo
Dancin'in the heart
Just embracing memories
Ay ay ay ay
Ay ay ay ay ay
Dancin'in the heart woo woo woo
Dancin'in the heart
I want to return to your chest
Dancin'in the heart woo woo woo
Dancin'in the heart
And revert my sad tears
Ay ay ay ay
Ay ay ay ay ay
I did whatever you wanted and if you hated something I hated doing that too
I was thankful for being born as your girl
(no point in trying, no point in loving)
Even thought you pretend you aren't the one that changed at some point I can feel it
A scent of a girl emits from your body
(no point in trying, no point in telling)
Ula Ulareyo Ulareyo Ula Ulareyo Lalalala
Ula Ulareyo Ulareyo Ula Ulareyo Lalalala
Love opened my eyes and breaking up made me change
A heartless you ruined my life
(no point in trying, no use in loving)
I am a little bit responsible for the girl's love that fell apart
I'll remember you for the rest of my life
(no point in trying, no point in telling)
Ula Ulareyo Ulareyo Ula Ulareyo Lalalala
Ula Ulareyo Ulareyo Ula Ulareyo Lalalala
I waited every day for you hoping you'd please come back
I can't forget the love you taught me because it is so deep
There Must Be An Angel Playing With My Heart
No-one on earth could feel like this
I'm thrown and overblown with bliss
There must be an angel
Playing with my heart
I walk into an empty room
And suddenly my heart goes boom!
It's an orchestra of angels
And they're playing with my heart
There must be an angel playing with my heart
And I think control, it beats only with love
And even from a distance the heart dances
This melody of love that makes me dream
No one on earth could feel like this
I'm thrown and overflown with bliss
There must be an angel
Playing with my heart
And when I think that I'm alone
It seems there's more of us at home
It's a multitude of angels
And they're playing with my heart
I must be hallucinating
Watching angels celebrating
Could this be reactivating
All my senses dislocating
This must be a strange deception
By celestial intervention
Leavin' me the recollection
Of your heavenly connection
No one on earth could feel like this
I'm thrown and overflown with bliss
There must be an angel
Playing with my heart
Let's drive
Goodbye brother, I can't take you along
My ferry only carries one at a time
Maybe in due course
I know that I'll miss you,
When you're under another starry sky
I promise to write
Hey, we'll drive
If only we want to,
Then let's just go
It doesn't help to put on the brakes
When you're going towards a more beautiful place
We'll drive everywhere
You know how it feels, right
When the world is spinning and others are still
I want more
I'm better moving, I don't want to put down roots
When you call me back I can't stay by your side
I move forward
Hey, we'll drive
If only we want to,
Then let's just go
It doesn't help to slam on the brakes
When you're going towards a more beautiful place
We'll drive everywhere
Remember to always keep your head up
Although I can't be yours right now
I have to go alone to keep going
Cheeky Tiny Heart
Always, too much isn’t enough for me
A dreamer, I sure am that kind of girl
My swaying heart’s something of froth in cream soda
It’s gonna melt once you look away
I’ve forgotten what happened yesterday
Tomorrow is a thousand miles away
Each passing day is brimming with so much thrill
I’ve got no time for getting bored
Cheeky Tiny Heart
I can’t be honest, you know
You can see how I really feel
(it’s stunning)
Greedy Tiny Heart
Dreams are sweet & sour
Let them shine so bright
Pretty please, I Need You!
Oh No! I’ve gone too far and my head’s running wild
Sometimes you’ll scold me but my heart’s not broken but bent
Trouble is always the energy source to my heart
Because I need no days based off of routine work
I crumble in tears over loneliness every now and then
But thinking about you will see me through again
When my eyes meet yours, we can read each other
It’s strange enough to think that it’s a spell of magic
Cheeky Tiny Heart
See me growing
But I still want you to spoil me
(I’m so sorry)
Whimsical Tiny Heart
Yeah I’m not big enough
But excitement expends like outer space
My throbbing heart’s got a Crush On You!
You might think me cheeky
You might think me greedy
Will you get along with me?
(I’m begging you)
Cheeky Tiny Heart
I can’t be honest, you know
You can see how I really feel
(it’s stunning)
Greedy Tiny Heart
Dreams are sweet & sour
Let them shine so bright
Pretty please, I Need You!
There goes Tiny Heart!
I can't stand my desire to meet you
It's down-pouring in the street at night
Your call that comes near
Has a cold voice
I know your heart is away
But tell me that at least
Happiness is only with me
Burning is only with you
Gratitude and farewell is just a novel
I just wanted to be sure
That the love is smashed
Locked by the rain sound
One day I stopped a car
The city lights in a kiss
Went melting
I know that now I yearn
For the couple of tender days
An escape in the dark
Meeting you was a mistake
When I stop, it aches. A heartbreak
Happiness is only with me
Burning is only with you
Gratitude and farewell is just a novel
I can't stand my desire to meet you
I just wanted to be saved
Welcome to Paris
Ooh la la!
Welcome to Paris
All friends are welcome
Ignore time
You are here, so have fun
There is no place for sad people here
In Paris, the city of dreams
Everyone smiles to life
(Happy day!)
We walk and pass by
We sing and we chant
The Parisians enjoy singing
Ooh la la! Ooh la la!
Paris is like love in my poems
Paris inspires the heart
Enjoyment everywhere
on the ground and in the sky
You will find a painter in every street
in Paris, the city of dreams
Ooh la la!
You will never feel like you're a tool
Since you are here in France
You are free
No one will reject what you do
No one will ask
This is better, it is delightful
In Paris, I'll never forget you my whole life
Oh Ania, I found you but the time
of this delightful dream is over
and how could it pass us by?
In Paris, the city of dreams
you look like movie stars
Let us caress the times
Forget the past and the future
In Paris
Roses are all over the streets
And roses carry all memories
Oh Paris, you are the land of harmony
The memory of Ania
And the dreams...
Ooh la la! Ooh la la!
Middle of the World
I couldn't wait for the morning light, on those sleepless nights
I couldn't wait for the morning light, so I've done wrong things
The place were I was born it's a mere corner of the world?
But even so, the sun will rises above everyone
The violent rivers current is making my feet tremble
The intense burning flames is making my feet tremble
What I'am looking for right now it's a mere corner of the world?
Doesn't matter how much I've searched, there's nothing there
When the things don't go well and you want to die
To live in the middle of the world
I want to put my life at risk to feel live
Before the begining of history, humans were beasts
With a heavy heart
Rain falls upon us
with lightning and thunder.
Wheat and promising rice
and sweet sugar canes.
But our hear is heavy
and choking in our throats,
when there's no more water in the river
and its two banks are fields of dust.
When rain comes by surprise
all sing 'how good.'
All say 'it's promising,
promising a wet winter.'
But in dry winter
hell is near again.
And then our hear is heavy
and choking in our throats,
when there's no more water in the river
and its two banks are fields of dust.
A very hot, dry year dries
river, field, hill and valley,
the two eyes of Annabella
and the well of my hopes.
A story I saw long ago of an Arab King and his cowardly lover.
The vow they exchanged,
and the eternal future they envisioned together.
Give me that uncertain proof,
Please once more again
I must have been dreaming about
kissing you until you'd understand.
There's only one in this world.
In that old familiar room on a usual morning,
I heard you call out to me.
Your expression was unusually pained before you went out for the day.
It stuck in my chest.
Something's bound to change.
There's nothing like
what you gave me.
The days and the feelings that have amassed
cannot be compared to anything else.
I wonder if you'd call this love.
The things we have that live among us:
words and time and passion,
and our hearts that have merged so intensely that
it's impossible to tell them apart anymore.
Betrayal and regrets,
Please once more again.
I hurt you so bad it's not funny.
That's why I want to get hurt again.
Thinking of someone as more
important than your own self.
I assumed that was the meaning of love,
but what can I do about it?
If two people share the same blood,
can that still not be called love?
There's nothing like
what you gave me.
The days and the feelings that have amassed
cannot be compared to anything else.
There's no one else who
can get past this but you.
Hey, tell me you love me.
Hurt me.
Heart Shaker
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Come and be my love
Come and be my love baby
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Come and be my love
Come and be my love baby
Is this feeling good?
I'm worried
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
No No No No
Deep breath
“I’m Twi”
First of all, introduce yourself?
'call me'
Shall I just give you a memo
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
How about?
No No No No
Girl you can do it
Gaze at me
Love is timing
If you don't want to miss
Love is coming, coming
I have to challenge
There's only you
You’re my heart shaker, shaker
I want to shoot
You’re my heart shaker, shaker
Hey you...?
I want to deliver all my feelings to my chest
I'm going to tell you honestly now
Would you be my love
I love you
Awkward smile
First, Cool Cool with a rough conversation
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Little by little to him
No No No No
That's dangerous
Eyes and eyes
Girl you can do it
The moment of staring at each other
Love is timing
No regret
Love is coming, coming
Deliver your feelings
For the first time in my life
You’re my heart shaker, shaker
Because of you
You’re my heart shaker, shaker
Didn't you notice? I stopped shooting my heart
I'll be surprised at my surprised face again
Would you be my love
Really cheat
I know I'm greedy
Believe that we can communicate with each other Oh Yeah
Don't hesitate Go before! Go! Go!
Don't be afraid to cry for love
Come baby, be my, be my, be my love
Come baby, Bae, Bae, Bae, Bae
There's only you
You’re my heart shaker, shaker
I want to shoot
You’re my heart shaker, shaker
Hey you...?
I want to deliver all my feelings to my chest
I'm going to tell you honestly now
Would you be my love
I love you
I love you
You are mine, Be mine
You are mine, Be mine
I want to start with you
This love
Herzen aus Eisen
Seht das Reich in Flammen
Versuchen vergeblich Berlin zu retten
Es ist ein Weg durch Tod und Schmerz
Am anderen Ufer wartet das Ende des Krieges
Wer hätte es je glauben können,
Scheint, als wäre nichts erreicht worden
Nur einen Tag zu laufen, den ganzen Weg zu gehen
Die Fronten verengen sich
Als das Ende näher rückt,
Greift die 12.Armee ein
Eröffnen eine Route, holen die Menschen raus,
Ihre Streitkräfte verteilen sich
Es ist das Ende des Krieges
(Haltet den Korridor!)
Erreicht das Ufer der Elbe
Es ist das Ende, der Krieg ist verloren
Beschützen sie bis der Fluss überquert ist
Keine Schlacht, eine Rettungsaktion
Halten ihre Stellung bis zum letzten Zug
'Beeilt euch, wir warten auf euch'
Männer der 9. wie auch Zivilisten
Enteignet, ergeben sich dem Westen
Wer wird überleben und wer wird sterben?
Das entscheidet das Kriegsglück
Die, die es ohne Verlust auf die andere Seite geschafft haben,
Haben einen Grund zurückzublicken
Es geht nicht um Berlin, es geht nicht um das Reich,
Es geht um die Männer, die für sie kämpften,
Welchen Frieden können sie erwarten?
Es ist das Ende des Krieges
(Haltet den Korridor!)
Erreicht das Ufer der Elbe
Es ist das Ende, der Krieg ist verloren
Beschützen sie bis der Fluss überquert ist
Keine Schlacht, eine Rettungsaktion
Halten ihre Stellung bis zum letzten Zug
'Beeilt euch, wir warten auf euch'
Männer der 9. wie auch Zivilisten
Enteignet, ergeben sich dem Westen
Seht die Stadt auf der anderen Seite brennen
Geht in Flammen unter während zwei Welten kollidieren
Wer kann jetzt noch mit Stolz zurückblicken?
Am anderen Ufer ist das Ende des Krieges (x2)
Es ist das Ende, der Krieg ist verloren
Beschützen sie bis der Fluss überquert ist
Keine Schlacht, eine Rettungsaktion
Halten ihre Stellung bis zum letzten Zug
'Beeilt euch, wir warten auf euch'
Männer der 9. wie auch Zivilisten
Enteignet, ergeben sich dem Westen
Seht die Stadt auf der anderen Seite brennen
Geht in Flammen unter während zwei Welten kollidieren
Wer kann jetzt noch mit Stolz zurückblicken?
Am anderen Ufer ist das Ende des Krieges (x2)
Seht das Reich in Flammen
Versuchen vergeblich Berlin zu retten
Es ist ein Weg durch Tod und Schmerz
Am anderen Ufer wartet das Ende des Krieges...
You are in my soul
Versions: #1
Now i'll dry your tears away
And embraces offer shelter
I am forever sheltered, I won't depart at all
I am with you now and forever
He is small, so powerless
My hands always will sheer you
Our love will last anything
I am with you now and forever
You are in my soul, you are in my soul
I got you to me
You are forever my only one
You are in my soul, you are my dearest
You are in my soul forever...
When I say you “I love you”
A little fall of silk-touch rain gently caresses the town
And an elastic kitten seeks its dream
Flipping back its hair moistened in silver
And running even faster than light
I’m sure you’re coming back closest to me
Drawing out a faraway parabola
When I say you “I love you”
No lady, I can love you more than you do
When I say you “I love you”
Someday, you’ll realize
Following the lights of every house behind the glass
Enthralled in shaping some constellations
The casual look of a girl still remains there
But I can also see a lonesome woman’s face
Before you get so grown up that you let out sighs
Stop time and show me around the vision for a little while
When I say you “I love you”
No lady, I can love you more than you do
When I say you “I love you”
You’ll soon realize
Dear sweetheart, I’m here
Dear sweetheart, I’m waiting for you
Dear sweetheart, I bet you’ll be
Dear sweetheart, coming back again
When I say you “I love you”
No lady, I can love you more than you do
When I say you “I love you”
Someday, you’ll realize
When I say you “I love you”
No lady, I can love you more than you do
When I say you “I love you”
You’ll soon realize
Digimon - Brave Heart
How many dreams get lost in a single clash?
How many hopes are exchanged among the wounded?
And you’ll understand that so little is needed
To make a icy heart melt and fall in love!
But I, despite destiny
go alone, to places in the darkness
Where many secrets hide, I have to know
I wait for the day when sorrow will disappear
And the sun will shine again
No matter what happens, bring your courage,
And you won’t regret it! Don’t give up!
There are days when cold rains are falling
Even though it’s hard to breathe,
don’t give up!
Forget all the rules and fly
Because you’re free, you’ll forever live that dream!
But I, I don’t look at fears
I go alone, and I follow my dreams
I let the wind carry me, look!
I wait for the day when sorrow will disappear
And the sun will shine again
No matter what happens, bring your courage,
And you won’t regret it! Don’t give up!
But I, I don’t look at fears
I go alone, and I follow my dreams
I let the wind carry me, look!
I wait for the day when sorrow will disappear
And the sun will shine again
No matter what happens, bring your courage,
And you won’t regret it! Believe in yourself!
Fight for your heart
Feel my love
Feel my love
Rusted together, standing shut
This gate of passion
If it's you, you can blow in a storm
And bring it back to life
The burned down, broken scenery
I came to see it
I have finally found my destiny
Another daybreak
Give me a try
Don’t need a lie
Give me a sign
Trust only me
Fighting for your heart
I’m fighting for your heart
If your heart is hurting, I'll heal it
Because when two people can share, they can change the world
Throw away everything, and run through the gate
Tonight, tonight
Beautiful, and somewhat cold
The color of your eyes
Don't worry, I won't make you cry any more
I'll protect you
Give me a try
Don’t need a lie
Give me a sign
It's still not too late
Fighting for your heart
I’m fighting for your heart
Still with a hurting heart, I want to embrace you
Because when two people can forgive each other, they can change the world
I will accept all of you,
Tonight, tonight
Feel my love
Fighting for your heart
I’m fighting for your heart
If your heart is hurting, I'll heal it
Because when two people can share, they can change the world
Throw away everything, and run through the gate
Tonight, tonight
Fighting for your heart
Fighting for your heart
It will lead you the way
Why must always the same orders be done
And work before going back on the road
When hearing only my heart dares
Maybe the world can be completely conquered
Not impossible is the path to the dreams
You will reach it, when you reach for the skies
Your wings can carry you
Just fly, maybe life without worry plays only once
Your conscience tells this is the way to be
Even though it has never been done before
Believe in the power of love
That will lead you the way
Senin Kalbin
Bir çok gece seni uyurken izledim
(Seni uyurken izledim)
Karşı koymaya çalıştım ama daha derinleşti
Ve yanımda olduğun zaman bile
Hala erişemeyeceğ bir yerdesin
Ama ben sadece seni istiyorum
Ruhum karanlık, geceyi zaptettim
(Geceyi zaptettim)
Ama sen bana ışığı gösteren meleksin
(Işığı gösteren)
Ve güçlü olmaya çalıştım ama hala seni istiyorum
Kalbine baktım ve kendimi keşfettim
Ama asla senin dünyanın bir parçası olamayacağım
Sana ihtiyacım var, sana ulaşamıyorum, dünyalarımız ayrı
Eğer bana ihtiyacın olursa, kalbinin içine bak
Canavarı evcilleştirdin, senin için kanıyorum
(Senin için kanıyorum)
Bana aşkı gösterdin,
Hiç bilmediğim bir şeydi (hiç bilmediğim)
Suçu üstleneceğim, hayatım bir utanç
Ama sadece seni istiyorum
Benim için bekleme (benim için bekleme kızım)
Asla olamayacağım (senin dünyanın bir parçası)
Ama sonsuza dek senin kalbindeyim
Nakarat 2x
Heart is beating just like that
It wasn’t all over
It was just another beginning
My heart that I thought was worn out and gone, starts to beat again
When did the sun start to shine through the window?
When was the last time I laughed out loud?
I always hid my tightly gripped hands
Like a child who can’t grasp anything
The world held my hand
Asking why I’m alone with a smile
u wo u wo
I’m opening my eyes that were closed
u wo u wo
I hope all of this isn’t a dream
My breath quickens each day
Everything feels so strange today
Like a scent that blows over,
Another tomorrow comes
Then the pain that built up in my memories scatter as dust
Will love come to me again like magic?
Visible yet not, love was always by my side
I just didn’t know
When I look back, the world was always by my side
Always at the same place, just like now
u wo u wo
I’m laying down each pain of mine
u wo u wo
I hope all of this isn’t a dream
Step by step, I’m heading outside
Will I see the world that I dreamed of?
I always hid my tightly gripped hands
Like a child who can’t grasp anything
The world held my hand
Asking why I’m alone with a smile
u wo u wo
I’m opening my eyes that were closed
u wo u wo
I hope all of this isn’t a dream
Since when did it start?
My heart starts to beat again
A Cry for Tomorrow - Cyber Heart -
Tell me about love.
Tell me about tomorrow.
I want only you.
Is this an impossible love?
Please answer me, only you.
I will go as far as running up an emergency staircase barefoot.
The violently pouring rain is spreading darkness.
The city is a maze.
Is being young a crime that we must be punished for?
Cyber heart.
Tell me about your dream.
Tell me about tomorrow.
I will stat running towards tomorrow.
That heart of yours is burning.
I want to hug only you.
The silver locket leaves a mark on me.
I hold on to it tightly.
I have faith and will make the sign of the cross.
I will protect our oath.
Even if someone hurts us we will not be separated.
Cyber angel.
Tell me about about your heart.
Tell me about your cries.
I want only you.
This is probably not an illusion.
Please answer me only you.
Tell me, tell me, love.
Tell me with your love.
I will chase after tomorrow.
Tell me, tell me, love
Tell me, can't you, love?
I want to hug only you.
Mit tettél velünk, szerelmem?
Mit tettél velünk, szerelmem?
Hátat fordítottam, te pedig porrá lettél
Mit tettél?
Oh kérlek, csak gyere ide, ne küzdj velem
Bevallom, szerintem lehet, hogy eltörted, igen, én bevallom
Ohh ohh
Ha csak neked szóló dalokat akartál
Itt jön, azok után, amin keresztül mentem érted
Itt egy dal neked
És ne hívj szeretőnek
Nem elég
Ez nehéz lesz, cinikus dolgok
Kövesd a szavaim a szerelmünk végéig
És istenem, te voltál az, aki azt mondtad nekem: ne legyek ennyire angol
Ohh ohh, ooohhh, ohh ohh
Mit tettél a szerelmünkkel, édesem?
Song of Love (Together Heart to Heart)
Together heart to heart
will open and see the lights in the sky
together heart to heart
open in the hope of love
How that the heart opens
embracing the world
and in a large call
will sing to love
They say that all is possible
it is not too late
the dawn has already risen
the time for love (is now)
Together heart to heart...
And only if we will believe
without any showing off
on the climbing path
this is a song to love
Together heart to heart...
Eső a szívben
Messziről jöttél
Ahol nincsen senki, senki
Visszavinni őt hozzá
Egyedül volt
És elfelejtett úszni ugyanabban a világban
Aztán egy nap
Sütött a nap
És én csak az esőt láthatom
Hogy van szerelem
Egy dzsungel volt és úgy éreztem, kiégsz
Hogy az szerelem
Gondolatok és illatok próbálnak hűségessé tenni engem a szívhez
Kerestem a sötétben
Szemeidben oly sok könny
Mi emlékeztet rám
Űztem a szerelmet és az álmokat
Néhányszor átszeltem ezt a tengert
Ahogy még soha eddig
Vezettem a félelmeim sötétségébe
Aztán egy nap
Sütött a nap és én csak az esőt láthatom
Aztán egy nap
Sütött a nap és én csak azt láthatom
A nap és én csak az esőt láthatom
Aztán egy nap
Sütött a nap
És én csak az esőt láthatom
Oh nem
Aztán egy nap
Sütött a nap és én csak az esőt láthatom
Aztán egy nap
Sütött a nap és én csak azt láthatom
A nap és én csak az esőt láthatom
Ne törd össze a szívem
Ne akarom, hogy elnézz,
amikor egy újabb napon látlak meg.
Csoda, hogy találkoztam veled.
Egy érzelmes utazásba,
vágtam bele a szívemmel.
De akár egy másik történet,
ez is darabokra hullott.
Ne törd össze a szívem.
Ne ints búcsút.
Sosem akartalak bántani.
Ne ints búcsút.
Amikor az idő eljött a távozásra
és a szívem képtelen volt elhinni,
változtam, megváltoztattam az életem.
Egy érzelmes utazásba,
vágtam bele a szívemmel.
De akár egy másik történet,
ez is darabokra hullott.
Ne törd össze a szívem.
Ne ints búcsút.
Sosem akartalak bántani.
Ne ints búcsút.
Ne törd össze a szívem.
Ne ints búcsút.
Sosem akartalak bántani.
Ne ints búcsút.
Egy érzelmes utazásba,
vágtam bele a szívemmel.
De akár egy másik történet,
ez is darabokra hullott.
Heart made up on you
Got my heart made up on you
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh
[Verse 1]
You said what you said
When words are knives, it's hard not to forget
But something in my head wouldn't reset
Can't give up on us yet, no, woah
Whoah, your love was so real
It pulled me in just like a magnetic field
I'd let you go but something's taking the wheel
Yeah, it's taking the wheel, oh, woah
My mind says, 'No, you're not good for me
You're no good,' but my heart's made up on you
My body can't take what you give to me
What you give, got my heart made up on you
Ooh-ooh-oh, ooh-ooh
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh
Got my heart made up on you
[Verse 2]
I should be making a break
Up all night thinking I'm planning my escape
But this insomnia ain't going away
And now I'm back at your place, oh, no
My mind says, 'No, you're not good for me
You're no good,' but my heart's made up on you
My body can't take what you give to me
What you give, got my heart made up on you
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh
Got my heart made up on you
Look what you did, what you did, what you're doing to me
You got me searching for the words, like a silent movie
I can't breathe, I can't see, you're so out of control
But baby, honestly, my hands are up, I'm letting go
Got my heart made up on you
My mind says, 'No, you're not good for me
You're no good,' but my heart's made up on you
My body can't take what you give to me
What you give, got my heart made up on you
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
(My mind says no)
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh
Got my heart made up on you
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Up on you
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-oh
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh
My Heart
Here you and me
Get used to being together
Running affection
I'm happy with you
Have you ever hung it
The most beautiful day
I carved our names together
Here is our heaven
If we love others
Could this heart be strong?
As much as possible, never
My darling will disappear ...
If we love somebody
Could we be this strong
I will fight to win
Our love will conquer all
I wouldn't risk my love
Even just one night
Our love will stay in my heart
My heart ... My heart ...
Szerető szív
[1. versszak]
Nem maradhatsz le
Az első csókról
Az idő tovaszáll
S vele minden szó
A szerető szív
Örömöt hoz ránk
Jól figyelj hát
Hisz te sem maradhatsz ki
Dalolva táncoljuk el az életet
Megbotlunk újra meg újra, de felállunk
Dalolva táncoljuk el az életet
Megbotlunk újra meg újra, de felállunk
[2. versszak]
Olyan mintha csak
Egy álomban lennénk
Ne ébressz fel
Maradni szeretnék
A szerető szív
Örömöt hoz ránk
Jól figyelj hát
Hisz te sem maradhatsz ki
Dalolva táncoljuk el az életet
Megbotlunk újra meg újra, de felállunk
Dalolva táncoljuk el az életet
Megbotlunk újra meg újra, de felállunk
[Epilógus] (4x)
Mert ilyen a szerető szív