Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 52

Találatok száma: 2604


Response to Fàilte na Mòrthir

Ionn dà, ionn dò
Ionn dà
Ionn dà, ionn dò
Ionn dà
Heitearainn àrainn
Urainn othoro
Heitearainn àrainn ò ro.

Charming Uist,
full to the brim with bread,
and not scarce of condiments.
Streams of honey
running from the ground
and from the hill tops.
Woe to him who praised
the shrivelled mainland
because of some hazel sticks.
An unpleasant country,
difficult to walk –
neither wether or kid thrives on it.
Hens are
the most plentiful produce,
shitting round the pot-hanger.
Frivolous women
of little comlieness
given to slanderous conversation.
Hapless men,
full of devilry
given to crime and discord.


I've ran so many laps now
Tried most things, searched and dreamed
I've loved until I broke down
Got myself together, cried and forgotten
I've let emotions control me, control me
Always went awry in the end, awry in the end
'Protect your heart, girl' my mom told me
Otherwise it can fall apart
I've lost myself in someone else
I've seen it and I fall
I've felt how much it hurts
But I promise you today, I'm thankful
I'm stronger than ever
Scars that don't scare me now
Scars that make me prettier than you
Scars you learn to love in the end
'Cause now I see that they've
They've never hurt me
Just made me stronger
And maybe a bit smarter
Scars that make me prettier than you
Scars I've learned to love in the end
I've pretended to be someone else
Fooled myself into believing that everything is fine
As if all the darkness in my head
Would disappear if I left it alone
I've let emotions control me, control me
Always went awry in the end, awry in the end
'Protect your heart, girl' my mom told me
Otherwise it can fall apart
I've lost myself in someone else
I've seen it and I fall
I've felt how much it hurts
But I promise you today, I'm thankful
I'm stronger than ever
Scars that don't scare me now
Scars that make me prettier than you
Scars you learn to love in the end
'Cause now I see that they've
They've never hurt me
Just made me stronger
And maybe a bit smarter
Scars that make me prettier than you
Scars I've learned to love in the end
Now I walk upright
With my head held high
Never looking for something to comfort me
'Cause the scars I've gained along the way
Are just medals I wear proudly on my chest
Scars that don't scare me now
Scars that make me prettier than you
Scars you learn to love in the end
'Cause now I see that they've
They've never hurt me
Just made me stronger
And maybe a bit smarter
Scars that make me prettier than you
Scars I've learned to love in the end
Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar.

Csak Azt Szeretném, Hogy Tudd

A fényképedet nézem, arról a napról, amikor először találkoztunk
Rám mosolyogtál, ezt sosem fogom elfelejteni
És semmit sem tehettem, hogy megvédjelek magamtól aznap este
Az ujjad köré csavartál, mindig rád gondolok
A napok összefolynak, mert egész éjjel fent voltunk
Igen, te és én voltunk minden, minden számomra
Csak azt szeretném, hogy tudd
Harcoltam azért, hogy el tudjalak engedni
Néha napján sikerül is
És vannak éjszakák, amik nem akarnak véget érni
Bárcsak tudnék hinni benne,
Hogy egy nap majd visszajössz hozzám
De akkor is azt kell mondjam,
Mindent újra megtennék
Csak azt szeretném, hogy tudd
Minden ajtó bezárul, én próbálok előrefelé haladni
És mélyen belül, bárcsak én lennék helyette
Az álmaim üresek attól a naptól kezdve,
Attól a naptól, amikor kicsúsztál a kezemből
És csak azt szeretném, hogy tudd
Harcoltam azért, hogy el tudjalak engedni
Néha napján sikerül is
És vannak éjszakák, amik nem akarnak véget érni
Bárcsak tudnék hinni benne,
Hogy egy nap majd visszajössz hozzám
De akkor is azt kell mondjam,
Mindent újra megtennék
Csak azt szeretném, hogy tudd
Hogy mióta elvesztettelek,
Magamat is elvesztettem
Nem, nem tudom tettetni,
Nincs senki más
Szóval csak azt szeretném, hogy tudd
Harcoltam azért, hogy el tudjalak engedni
Néha napján sikerül is és vannak éjszakák, amik nem akarnak véget érni
Bárcsak tudnék hinni benne, hogy egy nap majd visszajössz hozzám
De akkor is azt kell mondjam, mindent újra megtennék
Csak azt szeretném, hogy tudd
Harcoltam azért, hogy el tudjalak engedni
Néha napján sikerül is és vannak éjszakák, amik nem akarnak véget érni
Bárcsak tudnék hinni benne, hogy egy nap majd visszajössz hozzám
De akkor is azt kell mondjam, mindent újra megtennék
Csak azt szeretném, hogy tudd

The World Was Young

Time flies by, the world is spinning,
The whirlwind of life is what I like,
I never see the day, only the lights of the night,
I'm everywhere where you drink, where you laugh.
I'm never alone, I'm never at home anywhere
The dance continues, day in and day out
Only sometimes reality disappears
And I see a picture from another time
Ah, the apple tree,
delicate white dream
The memory
Gentle summer air
The faint scent of blossoms
Through time and space
in the twilight
And the world was young.
Ah, the apple tree,
delicate white dream
The memory
Distant bells rang
And the blackbird sang
in the twilight
Where the swing swung
and the world was young
Where the swing swung
and the world was young
Where the swing swung
And the world
was young

Csak, hogy halljam, hogy szeretsz engem

Ha el tudnám nyerni a szíved
Ha beengednél a szívedbe
Olyan boldog lennék, bébi
Csak ezekért a karokért,
Közel tartsanak téged magamhoz
Nincs semmi ezen a világon, amit nem próbálnék
Nincs határa annak, mit tennék, hogy az enyém legyél, mert
Felmásznék rögtön az égre
Lehoznám a csillagokat
Hogy a karjaidban lehessek, bébi
Mennék, és elfognám a holdat
Ez az, amit tennék
Csak, hogy halljam, hogy szeretsz engem
Csak, hogy halljam, hogy szeretsz engem
Ha megízlelhetném a csókod
Nem lenne édesebb ajándék
Amelyet a Menny felajánlhatna
Ó, bébi
Az egyedüli szeretnék lenni
Az egyedüli élő szeretnék lenni
Aki szerelmet ad neked
Átsétálnék az egész világon, hogy
Közel legyek hozzád, mert közel akarlak tudni magamhoz, igen
Felmásznék rögtön az égre
Lehoznám a csillagokat
Hogy a karjaidban lehessek, bébi
Mennék, és elfognám a holdat
Ez az, amit tennék
Csak, hogy halljam, hogy szeretsz engem
Csak, hogy halljam, hogy szeretsz engem
Az életed hátralevő részében
Az életed hátralevő részében
Szeress engem a hátralévő időben
Ó, bébi, bébi
Csak mondd a szót
És neked adom a világom
Nincs semmi más, amit csinálnék
Bébi, csak veled lenni
Felmásznék rögtön az égre
Lehoznám a csillagokat
Hogy a karjaidban lehessek, bébi
Mennék, és elfognám a holdat
Ez az, amit tennék
Csak, hogy halljam, hogy szeretsz engem
Csak, hogy halljam, hogy szeretsz engem, bébi
Csak, hogy halljam, hogy szeretsz engem
Csak, hogy halljam, hogy szeretsz engem, bébi
Csak, hogy halljam, hogy szeretsz engem
Csak mondd, szeretsz engem
Csak mondd, hogy kellek neked
Csak, hogy halljam, hogy szeretsz engem

I do want

Versions: #2
I wanna show you a path aside to the sea
A place where nobody can arrives
where the wind’s friend, and the breeze’s a sigh
that blows holding your body’s shape.
Woman, I want that you are at my side
Awaking with my singing slept on your skin
And despairing the forgiveness saying to you
Close to your ear, my in loved verses,
my verses of love
I wanna lost in your body and drop anchor
in your harbor my ship that’s empty of love.
Writing in the sand my cry and my pain
Letting the waves take away my ache.
Woman, I want that you are by my side
that share with me your life
And next when the autumn wind fondle tour temples
To be together and jointed as yesterday was.
I wanna show you a path aside to the sea
A place where nobody can arrives
where the wind’s friend, and the breeze’s a sigh
that blows holding your body’s shape.
Woman, I want that you are at my side
Awaking with my singing slept on your skin
And despairing the forgiveness saying to you
Close to your ear, my in loved verses,
my verses of love

The Story Is Written

It happened in other times.
The darkness slowly grew within you:
Suddenly, I started to disappear!
I've forgotten you... How dare you think this?
Now, you're already becoming part
Of a past history, forever more.
And life always fades away, (life fades away)
The hours pass, (the hours pass)
Days die away... (days die away)
The story is written forever more...
And life always fades away, (life fades away)
The hours pass, (the hours pass)
Days run away... (days run away)
A whole life's story is written forever more...
I've changed. You've always sought me out.
Time is made out of moments, instants...
Everything keeps transforming, constantly!
It has dawned and it's already too late:
We're part of that destiny, which you shared with me,
But I must remind you, (it was) far from here.
And life always fades away, (life fades away)
The hours pass, (the hours pass)
Days die away... (days die away)
The story is written forever more...
And life always fades away, (life fades away)
The hours pass, (the hours pass)
Days run away... (days run away)
A whole life's story is written forever more...
And life always fades away, (life fades away)
The hours pass, (the hours pass)
Days die away... (days die away)
The story is written forever more...
And life always fades away, (life fades away)
The hours pass, (the hours pass)
Days run away... (days run away)
A whole life's story is written forever more...

She dreams about Paris

She dreams about Paris
Oooooh I Will have a good time in my homeland
I say, Josepf, hell is above us, today all is bad
old habits are out of fashion , and I got her.
She collected magazines, a load of advertisments, she studies and chooses a new place
She makes me daymares, where to take her, but it's too much for me.
She dreams about Paris, she dreams about London
and she makes me daymares where to take her
Let the world go to hell, let the night to go away
I take her with a fichko in the morning to my my lovely Portorož.
She dreams about Paris, she dreams about London
and she makes me daymares where to take her
Let the world go to hell, let the night to go away
I take her with a fichko in the morning to my my lovely Portorož.
Oooooh I Will have a good time in my homeland
ooooooh nowhere in the world is not better.
Let's drink Josepf, I feel bad, when a girl thinks like this
that wants going abroad, because it's better at home.
She wouls set up a tent, we would make a grill, and I would cut meat
then I would drink a liter of home made wine, waiting together the dark.
She dreams about Paris, she dreams about London
and she makes me daymares where to take her
Let the world go to hell, let the night to go away
I take her with a fichko in the morning to my my lovely Portorož.
She dreams about Paris, she dreams about London
and she makes me daymares where to take her
Let the world go to hell, let the night to go away
I take her with a fichko in the morning to my my lovely Portorož.
Oooooh I Will have a good time in my homeland
ooooooh nowhere in the world is not better.
Translated by: Roland Tischer

Wenn I wake up in the morning

When I wake up in the morning,
I am never home.
Almost every time I am not home, when I wake up in the morning.
I am looking at my hands, burned by lighter.
With razorblade engraved inscription:
In the morning voltage is rising.
I go to the show and buy a bottle of wine
Then it will be better.
I'm waiting for the winter

Cashew Tree & Stones River

I climbed on a cashew tree
Just to see my love pass
I climbed on a cashew tree
And I'll suck this cashew
I climbed on a cashew tree
Just to see my love pass
I climbed on a cashew tree
And I'll suck this cashew
A, a, a, a I'll suck this cashew
O, o, o, o and the nut I give to my love
A, a, a, a, I'll suck this cashew
O, o, o and the nut I give to my love
When I used to walk in the quarry creek
Selling fish at the market-place
I raised my children
Eating fish everyone grew strong
I was very lucky with my beloved wife
My wife once went fishing
But in the creek of the quarry had too much stone
She was afraid to put a hand on the hole
And I said, 'Honey, that's where the fish is'
Amongst the stones there is no snake only fish
If you want to get some you have to do as I say:
'Open your legs, my love.'
'' That's where the fish hides when they see the fisherman ''
'Open your legs, my love.'
'' That's where the fish hides when they see the fisherman ''
Damn, fuck ...


It's so very strange: when everything is dark
From a balcony, blood pours down
Filling our pond,
It leads us to a trap and everything is so strange (it's all grief)
The crime of physical contact, the scream of a bruised neck...
You're a shameless cynic!
But I feel fear!
But I feel fear, fear, fear, fear, fear...
Yet I want to feel it, and I want to feel it and I want to feel it...
Feel that pleasurable pain
Whenever you sink your teeth in me...
Ta-tarara tarara...

And it'so mysterious and it keeps us awake:
From under our feet, the bridge collapses...
And illusion is empty,
Living the confusion that drowns our pain.
Our body trembles, filling us with anguish
Because the nights are cold...
But I feel fear!
But I feel fear, fear, fear, fear, fear...
Yet I want to feel it, and I want to feel it and I want to feel it...
Feel that pleasurable pain
Whenever you sink your teeth in me...
Ta-tarara tarara...

It's so very strange: when everything is dark
From a balcony, blood pours down...


I go walking 'round
In the middle of a city
That's deep asleep,
And it breathes and it breathes...
I'm living, deep within me,
The abandonment of a soul
That's both alive and grey,
And it breathes and it breathes...
I know well that you're on my mind
As time passes
And in this very day,
Which breathes and breathes...
The breath of a cold shiver,
Keeps eating away at your last moments
Of that blind love
That you've given me, that I've given you...
That we've given each other...
That I want to taste a piece of your time
With you... You know it well!
That I want to taste a piece of your time
With you... You know it well!

And as things go,
They go on and on,
I'm already freed from my desire of you,
I'm walking away,
I'm already waking up
From your spell and your charm.
And as things go,
They go on and on...
I just keep going and forgetting
All those things that I like so much about you
Those things that, often before, I'd whisper to you...
That I want to taste a piece of your time
With you... You know it well!
That I want to taste a piece of your time
With you... You know it well!

That I want to taste a piece of your time... You know it well!

It Has Happened to Me

Something has happened to me...
Something has happened to me...
You were there and I couldn't believe it:
I wanted to explain all my emotions to you.
Looking into your eyes, which were not looking at me.
I was already fed up with all the things that could happen.
But now I must say
That there's something very pleasurable in me...
The mistakes and the reproaches have disappeared:
They've finally left this place!
Something has happened to me...
Something has happened to me...
And you were excusing yourself, and I understood
That you were going to a place that wasn't the best for me.
Looking into your eyes, which were not looking at me.
I was already fed up and didn't want to do it again.
But now I must say
That there's something very pleasurable in me...
The mistakes and the reproaches have disappeared:
They've finally left this place!
Something has happened to me...
Something has happened to me...
Me, me, me, me...
The last tears shed
Are tears bore from memories.
The first tears were out of fear,
Then I shed tears of pain... Oh... Oh...
And from today onward, they're the tears of a distant memory...
Something has happened to me...
Something has happened to me...
Something has happened to me...

My blessing

Versions: #2
They say that the flowers wouldn't stop singing
Your name, your name, my dear
That the waves of the sea made a shawl for you
From foam and clouds and water lilies
Not being convinced, the moon
Came down to see your heart
And after seeing you, the moon said it had never seen a
Brighter, more beautiful sun than my blessing
Having you, kissing you, holding hands with you while walking
My love, to look at you, to whisper that I love you in your ear
I tell you, what a blessing
They say that palm trees would clap whenever they heard
Your footsteps, my dear
That the rivers would overflow whenever they saw
your eyes, your divine eyes
Not being convinced, a star
Came down to see your heart
And after seeing you, the star said it had never seen
a full moon more beautiful than my blessing
Having you, kissing you, holding hands with you while walking
My love, to look at you, to whisper that I love you in your ear
I tell you, what a blessing
When you talk to me I hear a chorus of love
For two
The falsetto that comes with those I love yous attached to
Your voice are such a blessing
Having you, kissing you, holding hands with you while walking
My love, to look at you, to whisper that I love you in your ear
I tell you, it is such a blessing
What a blessing...

A szerelem nem egy tárgy

Versions: #2
Máskor több szerencsét
Azt mondod, hogy annyira könnyű
Látom, hogy nekünk nem megy
Pedig mennyire működhetett volna
S ha most mész, tudd, valami belőled
Itt fog maradni...
A szerelem nem egy tárgy,
Amit neked visszaadhatok,
Nézd, ez csak én vagyok,
Mindig téged szerettelek,
A szerelem nem egy tárgy,
És nem tudom, mit kéne ezzel tennem,
A legjobbakat kívánom neked,
Eme szerelem mindössze az én
A szerelem nem egy tárgy,
Amit neked visszaadhatok,
Nézd, ez csak én vagyok,
Mindig téged szerettelek,
A szerelmem nem egy tárgy,
És nem tudom, mit kéne ezzel tennem,
A legjobbakat kívánom neked,
Ez az én hajótörésem
Menj csak, menj oda,
Repülj, énekelj, add a szíved másoknak,
De tudd, hogy a búcsú nem a vég
A szerelmem nem egy tárgy
És nem tudom, mit kéne ezzel tennem,
A legjobbakat kívánom neked,
Eme szerelem mindössze az én


Drága, a szívemen van egy
Hely, ahová sose megyek, ott alszol te...
Drága, ahányszor idő kell nekem
Ahányszor elfeledlek, mikor hiányzol...
Elmúlt az április, mint ahogy a vonat elhúz,
Úgy néz ki, vége.
Számos hely van, ahol nem jártunk,
E valaki téged máshova vitt.
Drága, mi ezt nagyon akartuk együtt,
Csak ezt nem volt szabad tennünk, sose ..
Nem volt szabad megtörténnie,
Hogy én téged s te engem elhagysz.
Drága, ha van valakid, azt tudnám,
Még mindig meg tudom érezni, hisz enyém vagy...
Drága, a szívemen van egy
Hely, ahonnan sose jövök ki, ott alszol...
Elmúlt az április, mint ahogy a vonat elhúz,
Úgy néz ki, vége.
Számos hely van, ahol nem jártunk,
E valaki téged máshova vitt.
Hogy te engem s én téged elveszítelek.

This One Minute & Second of You & Me

This one minute and second I won't forget,
it's your story.
People are to continuously keep going after their promises and dreams.
People are to have been perplexed by their first love.
People are to try to illuminate the future with light.
People are to shed tears, start moving on, and then end up having become strong.
Let all our youth phases in collective, join.
Live this moment that will never again occur,
with everything you've got.
It's a shimmering path.
This one minute and second I won't forget,
it's your words.
The stars that are not afraid will show up,
that's my story.
If you are to stumble,
at anytime, you can come here,
and relax your wings.
Let's laugh, raise our face and so.
'Everything's alright'.
The irreplaceable (irreplaceable)
beloved glory days,
inside of you (inside of you)
they will live.
My heart throbbed and had anticipation for a new meeting, that was spring.
Our hands piled up on one another, my heart ran off in passion, that was summer.
With a bump-into we confirmed our meeting, that was fall.
With everyone's help, I found out I was able to make my own decisions, that was winter.
I want each of our future pictures to join in collective,
so live this moment that will never again occur,
with everything you've got.
We'll be flying to tomorrow.
This one minute and second I won't forget,
it's your smile.
My wanting to draw our dreams to the sky,
that's our future.
In difficult times, let's talk
while setting our shoulders near each other.
Let's move on and so!
'Everything's alright.'
This isn't a goodbye (this isn't a goodbye),
destined friends.
In your heart, (in your heart),
I'll be living.
You can cry.
Thanks for everything until now.
Let's take a photo.
Our first and last precious sheet.
Let all our youth phases in collective, join.
Live this moment that will never again occur,
with everything you've got.
This one minute and second I won't forget,
it's your voice
saying that I'm not alone, and that everything's alright.
It's a shimmering path, where we'll fly to tomorrow.
This one minute and second I won't forget,
it's your words.
The stars that are not afraid will show up,
that's my story.
If you are to stumble,
at anytime, you can come here,
and relax your wings.
Let's laugh, raise our face and so.
'Everything's alright'.
The irreplaceable (irreplaceable)
beloved glory days,
inside of you (inside of you)
they will live.
Let's move on and so!
'Everything's alright.'
That's your story.

Hé, Júlia!

Hé, Juliet
Hé, Juliet
Hé, egy ideje figyellek
Minden apró tettedet,
Mindig mikor áthaladsz,
A tanszobán,
A szívem meghasad.
Próbáltam már cetlizni,
Te csak a szemed tudod forgatni,
Jó lenne, ha észlelnél,
De az ajkad zárva,
Ehhez nem kell ész.
Mer' tudom, hogy igazán akarsz(Ja)
Mindenki rólam hadar(Ja)
Szóval mér' próbálnád meg azt nélkülem?(Ja)
Mikor csapsz le,
Hol akarsz, te?
Hé, Juliet
'Asszem, jól vagy
A fejemben ott maradsz
Talán, egy nap,
látnak minket randizva.
Bárcsak te is tudnád,
Hogy a Rómeód lennék,
Hé, Júliám
Hé, Júliám.
H-h-h-hé, Juliet
Rajtakaptál, hogy térdelek,
Kérlek bébi, légy velem.
Nálam megvan a legjobb DJ, ki löki,
'Hé, Juliet, mit tennél, szöszi?'
Túl messze, hogy megfordulj, (fordulj)
Szóval én a földön maradok. (földön maradok)
Adj legalább egy picike reményt,
Adj egy esélyt,
Kérlek még egyet.
Mer' tudom, hogy igazán akarsz(Ja)
Mindenki rólam hadar(Ja)
Szóval mér' próbálnád meg azt nélkülem?(Ja)
Mikor csapsz le,
Hol akarsz, te?
Hé, Juliet
'Asszem, jól vagy
A fejemben ott maradsz
Talán, egy nap,
látnak minket randizva.
Bárcsak te is tudnád,
Hogy a Rómeód lennék,
Hé, Júliám
Hé, Júliám.
H-h-h-hé, Juliet
Mer' tudom, hogy igazán akarsz(Ja)
Mindenki rólam hadar(Ja)
Szóval mér' próbálnád meg azt nélkülem?(Ja)
Mikor csapsz le,
Hol akarsz, te?
Ha velem akarsz majd lenni,
Az örök végtelenségig,
Hé,(Hé,Hé) Juliet
Hé, Juliet
Hé Juliet
Hé, Juliet
'Asszem,('Asszem) jól vagy(Jól vagy)
A fejemben ott maradsz (Eszemben ott ragadsz)
Talán,(Talán) egy nap,(egy nap)
látnak minket randizva(randizva)
Bárcsak te is tudnád,
Hogy a Rómeód lennék,
Hé, Júliám
Hé, Hé, Júliám.
Hé, Júliám
'Asszem, jól vagy
A fejemben ott maradsz (Eszemben ott ragadsz)
Talán,(Talán) egy nap,(egy nap)
látnak minket randizva(randizva)
Bárcsak te is tudnád,
Hogy Rómeód lennék,
Hé, Júliám
Hé, Hé, Júliám
Hé, Júliám
Hé, Júliám
Hé, Hé, Júliám
Hé, Júliám
Hé, Júliám
Hé, Hé, Júliám
Hé, Júliám
Hé, Júliám

Sing about me

In my house, everything is grey
In my dream world, everything is small
Because it works, works
Because it works
In my garden, everything is blue
A repetition of things I have already gotten
And it works, works
And it works
Sing about me, me, me, me
A song that I want to hear
The most beautiful one there is
Sing about me, me, me, me
A song that I want to hear
As if nothing else existed
In my heaven, order has never prevailed
My hell, I have never understood
But it works, works
But it works
Sing about me, me, me, me
A song that I want to hear
The most beautiful one there is
Sing about me, me, me, me
A song that I want to hear
As if nothing else existed
When I sleep
You are here with me
My dreams are my friend
My dreams are my wound
My dreams are a war
When I sleep
I know, I know
I know, I know
I know, I know
I know, I know
I know, I know
I know, I know
I know, I know
I know, I know
That you, that you
That you are coming
That you are coming
You are coming
to me
Sing about me, me, me, me
A song that I want to hear
The most beautiful one there is
Sing about me, me, me, me
A song that I want to hear
As if nothing else existed
Sing about me, me, me, me
A song that I want to hear
The most beautiful one there is
Sing about me, me, me, me
A song that I want to hear
As if nothing else existed


Have you seen your mum?
Have you seen your father?
Have you met your maker?
He lives here in our town
Have you seen your woman?
Have you seen your man?
Have you seen your true self?
You live in the same town
Have you played with death?
Or did you die young?
Have you played with your life?
You live in the same town
Some have a tongue
Others a hand
Most people have a master
who lives in our town
Some crush their heads
Others keep clean
But no one knows anything
in our little town

Sthlm, Sthlm

I'm running to make it
Make it away from my back
I'm running because I
have been naughty
If I move really quickly,
no one will catch up
Without warning, no note
The best thing was to run away
Stockholm, Stockholm
Stockholm, Stockholm
God's chosen city
Where one is sad,
someone is murdered
and someone is just happy
Stockholm, Stockholm
Stockholm, Stockholm
God's chosen city
Someone is running the marathon,
someone is ridden by a nightmare
and the rest stand in line
I crawl across streets
It takes the time it takes
I sometimes pretend to escape
but will probably remain
If the blood is the same
and the skull stays in place
There is no Nirvana somewhere else
So what does it matter if I run away
Stockholm, Stockholm
Stockholm, Stockholm
God's chosen city
Where one is sad,
someone is murdered
and someone is just happy
Stockholm, Stockholm
Stockholm, Stockholm
God's chosen city
Someone is running the marathon,
someone is ridden by a nightmare
and the rest stand in line
Stockholm, Stockholm
Stockholm, Stockholm
God's chosen city
Where one is sad,
someone is murdered
and someone is just happy
Stockholm, Stockholm
Stockholm, Stockholm
God's chosen city
Someone is running the marathon,
someone is ridden by a nightmare
and the rest stand in line
Stockholm, Stockholm
Stockholm, Stockholm
God's chosen city
Stockholm, Stockholm
Stockholm, Stockholm
Stockholm, Stockholm
Stockholm, Stockholm
Stockholm, Stockholm
Stockholm, Stockholm

Really want to say Goodbye

I'd rather endure your anger towards me
As long as you're still here with me
I'd rather believe you like arguing
Just because you want to hear that apology
I think you can't understand what is happening between us.
Who is this love still lingering here for?
I would rather have two people complaining
And not have to miss someone alone
I can't bear to let you, in the future,
Not have me making you hate me.
I really, really want to say goodbye
How I hope I could say... 'Goodbye'
I can only promise you
As long as I'm alive
Sooner or later, I'll say it
I'd rather love till all that's left is complaint.
Lingering around just like chatting.
I'd rather believe we still care.
That's why we will get upset at every little thing about each other.
I also refuse that, everytime we get angry at each other.
And did something bad to each other, but still want to delay it.
I would rather have two people complaining
And not have to miss someone alone
I can't bear to let you, in the future,
Not have me making you hate me.
I really, really want to say goodbye
How I hope I could say... 'Goodbye'
Year 2036, wait till I'm 60 years old.
Then only say 'Goodbye'.
Then only say 'Goodbye'.
Then only say 'Goodbye'.

I rode through Prussian land

Versions: #2
I rode through Prussian land
Playing the zither, playing music
The Prussian girls wanted me
To keep me for their noblemen
I won't stay, Prussian girls
In my own Kurzeme
In my own Kurzeme
My young bride is in the yard
So goodbye, Prussian girls
So I'm going to Kurzeme
So I'm going to Kurzeme
To my own bride

Csak Érted

Arany napos, az élet játék volt, a fájdalmat hírből sem ismertük
Iskolába mentünk, megismertük a szabályokat
Bíztunk mindenben, amit mondtak
Aztán az élet felfordult, meg kellett tanulnunk
És nem mehetünk vissza újra
És a szívem összetörik, csak érted, csak érted
És a karjaim nyitva vannak, csak érted, csak érted
Isten Isten volt, az álmok álmok voltak
Az élet teljesen habos torta és jégkrém
Az igazság igaz volt, és a hazugságok hazugságok
Azt gondoltuk, a szerelem sosem hal meg
De az világ továbblépett, az illúzió megtört
És nem tudom, kit okoljak
És a szívem összetörik, csak érted, csak érted
És a karjaim nyitva vannak, csak érted, csak érted
És ezek a könnyek, amiket ejtek, csak érted, csak érted vannak
Védelmet keresek
Adj menedéket a vihar elől
Csak reménykedem, hogy ez a bennem lévő fény
Erősen tart
És a szívem összetörik, csak érted, csak érted
És a karjaim nyitva vannak, csak érted, csak érted
És ezek a könnyek, amiket ejtek, csak érted, csak érted vannak
Csak érted, csak érted, ó, ezek a könnyek, amiket ejtek, csak érted vagyok
Ó úgy érzem, sírni fogok, csak érted
És a szívem összetörik és a karjaim nyitva vannak
Ó, ezek a könnyek, amiket ejtek, csak érted ó igen
Ezek a könnyek, amiket ejtek, csak érted, ó igen

Dawn Girl

I am a slave to the dark night
When will I be able to go to my darling?
Young moon guides the stars
Guides them easily around the house
His silver hair is long
His complexion is tender and his feet are bare
He gives me buckles with diamonds
Outside a wild black horse stamps. (x2)
Young moon plays the pipe
He picks blue dresses for me
He wink at me with a glowing eye
Where I go in thought, he comes jumping
And he sings to me, and he smiles at me
And then he drinks vine out of a jug
He dances, lures me, offers nuts
But dawn is breaking inside me. (x2)
Come dance, sun is calling
Fairies travel with the clouds
I wave to them and the horse neighs
Pale moon twitches now
Night fades inside a golden net
Moon runs down the Milky way
I am not yours, find another one
Sun and me, we are in a circle (x2)

Boy, you're embarrassing

You slink around the schoolyard like a lonely tiger
And you think you're the champ, the big hotshot
Your style ... oh my god ... I'm really not being petty
But the way you walk around here, it's ... really just embarrassing
Your deodorant smells just like the blue stuff in the toilet
The clothes are awful and the shoes, anyway...
Your mother said you style yourself in front of the mirror for hours
Your hair looks like a flat-footed hedgehog
Boy, you're embarrassing, yeah, you really are
You're macho on the outside, but inside you're hollow
You don't know how it works and you don't know what's up
Or how to turn a girl's head
Your hero stories make me yawn
Your show at our parties bores me to tears
When you dance, it gets ugly real fast – I don't want to complain,
But when you sing, it sounds like my cat is puking
You and your buddies, if anyone hears you guys like that
The nonsense you guys babble ... you really have issues
Football, fighting, playing games, that's your world
And I can't really say I like your world.
Boy, you're embarrassing, yeah, you really are
You're so convinced that all girls love you,
That no one can resist you, I think you're exaggerating.
Your mama loves you, but no one else does,
Become a man first and then come back, little guy
I can't stand that you pull my hair
And demonstrate how uninteresting you are to me
Your stupid remarks - man, just give it a rest
Then maybe someday even a girl will be able to stand you
Solo sax
Don't even start crying, it's not over yet
If you try a little, you can still turn things around
Just stop with The Terminator look already
Then someday even you'll have your first kiss
You're just a boy, so act like one
Your macho attitude, I really can't stand it
Under your blockhead-shell is still a core
A really nice guy, and I actually kind of like him
Boy, you're embarrassing, yeah, you really are


Tell me if you came here all alone
It will be me, the one who will overtake you tonight
If so, give me a dance at that time
Come and let yourself go, with me you will dream
Sticking your fingerprint on my body, my skin
Recording your kisses, your honey lips
Until dawn, to go crazy
Crossing the line to the edge of evil
Drinking tequila and lemon, add salt
Until dawn, to go crazy
Let's dance slow, come with me
Where we can be alone, you and me
Be alone, alone
And do not cry anymore, let yourself be carried away
Where we can be alone, you and me
Be alone, alone
Hidden, hidden
I want to spend my life with you, with you
Kiss me and I'll take you with me, with you
Yeah, eah
Hidden, hidden
I want to spend my life with you, with you
Kiss me and I'll take you with me, with me
Yeah, eah
You say that last night was an adventure
Only I, I taught you those crazy things
Dance me, and I’ll rub your beautiful waist
Move it without stopping, with me you will not cry
Sticking your fingerprint on my body, my skin
Recording your kisses, your honey lips
Until dawn, to go crazy
Crossing the line to the edge of evil
Drinking tequila and lemon, add salt
Until dawn, to go crazy
Let's dance slow, come with me
Where we can be alone, you and me
Be alone, alone
And do not cry anymore, let yourself be carried away
Where we can be alone, you and me
Be alone, alone
Hidden, hidden
I want to spend my life with you, with you
Kiss me and I'll take you with me, with me
Yeah, eah
Hidden, hidden
I want to spend my life with you, with you
Kiss me and I'll take you with me, with me
Yeah, eah
Let's dance slow, come with me
Where we can be alone, you and me
You and me
And do not cry anymore, let yourself be carried away
Where we can be alone, you and me
Be alone, alone
Juan Magán

Half alive, half dead

Without you I would be of no one,
Like a child abandoned by his mummy,
Like a ship in the sea storm, the sea storm,
I would die if you would forgot me.
(chorus x 2)
Half dead, half alive,
Without you, I don”t know to live my life,
Half alive, half dead,
Without you, I cannot live my life,
Half dead, half alive,
Without you, I don”t know to live my life,
Half alive, half dead,
Without you, I cannot endure/ bear my life!
I am lucky that I know you well,
Your soul is honey,
Your warm and compassionate heart
Does not let you make me suffer!
(chorus x 2)
Half dead, half alive,
Without you, I don”t know to live my life,
Half alive, half dead,
Without you, I cannot live my life,
Half dead, half alive,
Without you, I don”t know to live my life,
Half alive, half dead,
Without you, I cannot endure/ bear my life!
Share music and kindness! :)

What Do You Want From Me

[Verse 1]
What has this moment come and
Flipped my reason on its head for?
I was so sure of my steps
And an alarm protected my heart
[Verse 2]
What have you come for if you already know I can't?
Who are you and what do you want? Tell me
Don't come looking for me, don't
For your voice...
For your voice excites me
I have no lifeline
I'd run away with you with my eyes closed
With you, a fire is lit when we hug one another
Then you're gone, then you're gone
You split my universe in two
You release my inner animal with just one glance
Then you're gone, then you're gone
What do you want from me?
What do you want from me?
[Verse 2]
What have you come for if you already know I can't?
Who are you and what do you want? Tell me
Don't come looking for me, don't
For your voice...
For your voice excites me
I have no lifeline
I'd run away with you with my eyes closed
With you, a fire is lit when we hug one another
Then you're gone, then you're gone
You split my universe in two
You release my inner animal with just one glance
Then you're gone, then you're gone
Then you're gone
What do you want from me?
What do you want from me?
What do you want from me?

Nobita Nobi (Character in Doraemon)

'Nobita, no matter how magical my pocket is
Confessing your love is a job only you can do for yourself
Work up the courage to tell Shizuka, will you?'
I doubt if it's because I am a 10, or that I have low self-esteem. But I know it's actually the cowardliness that's stopping me.
I can be brave for once, sorry if you can't agree
I will announce to the world, my feelings to you (is that selfish?)
It's a bit ridiculous how long it has taken me to do this
I want to travel the lovely world with you
Tell you about the funny things Doraemon said
You're thinking about accepting me, right? Admit it
Let's float above this mundane world with these bamboo dragonflies
I will send you flowers. You like that, right? Of course you do.
I will work harder in the future
You might share a part in my prosperity
Or, maybe I will become a charming guy?
'Nobita, believe me. I can sense how much you love Shizuka
It's stronger than any of my magical gadgets
Go, let her know! She will feel your true love, for sure.'
Am I too lazy or something?
Well, I volunteer for you to take advantage of me or bully me.
The world is too cruel to me, but my love to you is stubborn.
I have my magic too—I will be good to you forever.
Please let me play the role of your husband?
Doesn't matter to me if you hate me, I will take care of you every minute I'm with you
I want to travel the lovely world with you
Tell you about the funny things Doraemon said
You're thinking about accepting me, right? Admit it
Let's float above this mundane world with these bamboo dragonflies
I will send you flowers. You like that, right? Of course you do.
I will work harder in the future
You might share a part in my prosperity
Or, maybe I will become a charming guy?
'Nobita, I can't be with you forever.
Before I leave, the thing I want to see most is for Shizuka to take my place
And keep you company for the rest of this life,'

Tiszta álmok

Még mindig látom az árnyékod a szobámban
Nem tudom visszavenni a szerelmet, amit neked adtam
Ott tartok, hogy egyszerre imádlak és gyűlöllek téged
És nem tudlak megváltoztatni, úgyhogy muszáj valamivel helyettesítenem
Könnyebb mondani, mint megtenni
Azt hittem, te vagy az egyetlen
A szívemre hallgattam, nem pedig az eszemre
De te találtál valaki mást,
De én vagyok a jobb
Nem engedem, hogy megfeledkezz rólam
Még mindig látom az árnyékod a szobámban
Nem tudom visszavenni a szerelmet, amit neked adtam
Ott tartok, hogy egyszerre imádlak és gyűlöllek téged
És nem tudlak megváltoztatni, úgyhogy muszáj valamivel helyettesítenem
Könnyebb mondani, mint megtenni
Azt hittem, te vagy az egyetlen
A szívemre hallgattam, nem pedig az eszemre
De te találtál valaki mást,
De én vagyok a jobb
Nem engedem, hogy megfeledkezz rólam
Hagytad, hogy zuhanjak, és egyenesem a síromba érkezzek
tudom, hogy azt akarod, bárcsak meghalnék
Gyógyszereket szedek, hogy jól érezzem magam
Tudom, hogy ez az egész a fejemben van
Vannak ezek a tiszta álmaim, ahol egy dolgot sem tudok megmozdítani
Rád gondolok az ágyamban
Te voltál a mindenem
Eljegyzési gyűrűn gondolkoztam,
Most pedig csak jobb lenne, ha meghalnék
Újra megteszek mindent
Nem akarom, hogy vége legyen
Figyelem, ahogy az egész elrepül a széllel
Hallgatnom kellet volna a barátaimra
Ezt már egyszer megtettem korábban
De azt akarom, hogy most tovább tartson
Műanyagből készültél, nem voltál igazi
Belegabalyodtam a drasztikus módszereidve
Ki tudta, hogy a gonosz lányoknak van a legszebb arcuk?
Egy olyan szívet adtál nekem, ami tele volt hibákkal,
Én pedig odaadtam az én szívemet, mire összetörted
Összetörted a szívem
Még mindig látom az árnyékod a szobámban
Nem tudom visszavenni a szerelmet, amit neked adtam
Ott tartok, hogy egyszerre imádlak és gyűlöllek téged
És nem tudlak megváltoztatni, úgyhogy muszáj valamivel helyettesítenem
Könnyebb mondani, mint megtenni
Azt hittem, te vagy az egyetlen
A szívemre hallgattam, nem pedig az eszemre
De te találtál valaki mást,
De én vagyok a jobb
Nem engedem, hogy megfeledkezz rólam
Még mindig látom az árnyékod a szobámban
Nem tudom visszavenni a szerelmet, amit neked adtam
Ott tartok, hogy egyszerre imádlak és gyűlöllek téged
És nem tudlak megváltoztatni, úgyhogy muszáj valamivel helyettesítenem
Könnyebb mondani, mint megtenni
Azt hittem, te vagy az egyetlen
A szívemre hallgattam, nem pedig az eszemre
De te találtál valaki mást,
De én vagyok a jobb
Nem engedem, hogy megfeledkezz rólam

I'm Confessing Now

What did you do all day today?
Why am I getting through to you just now?
I was looking for you since last night
I have something on my mind and I’ll tell you about it now
From friends to lovers
From friendship to love,
So baby, my lovely
Actually, I like you
Us two, we’re having just another day where nothing’s different
Shyly but strongly, I want to tell you about my feelings
This isn’t a joke, although you might laugh
These aren’t empty words, this isn’t a lie, I want to make you mine
What did you just say? Don’t play around
I’m not joking right now, don’t shock me
We’re too close and I care too much about you
So I’m worried that I might lose you or that we’d grow apart
I thought about it, wondering if you knew my habit
Wondering if this natural attraction is my heart fluttering
What we need right now isn’t a prepared heart but an organized one
We need distance to calm down my trembling heart
I want to wake you up every morning
Take you home every day
I want to hold your hand, want to hug you
Want to kiss you
Us two, we’re having just another day where nothing’s different
Shyly but strongly, I want to tell you about my feelings
This isn’t a joke, although you might laugh
These aren’t empty words, this isn’t a lie, I want to make you mine
Why aren’t you answering? Do you not like me?
Do you hate me? I’m suddenly scared
There aren’t many guys like me, I’ll be good to you
You are always in my way~~
Us two, we’re having just another day where nothing’s different
Shyly but strongly, I want to tell you about my feelings
This isn’t a joke, although you might laugh
These aren’t empty words, this isn’t a lie, I want to make you mine
Us two, we’re having just another day where nothing’s different
Shyly but strongly, I want to tell you about my feelings
This isn’t a joke, although you might laugh
These aren’t empty words, this isn’t a lie, I want to make you mine
Yes, wherever I go with you, it feels like home
You’re my bodyguard that stayed by me like my shadow
We know each other so well
And we naturally became one like this
I promise to trust you, hold your hand
Don’t steal glances at other girls
I know just by hearing your breath and looking at your eyes
If I’m with you, I can do anything