Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 51

Találatok száma: 2604


Anya of Onega

Far away a lady grew up
Like a dark flower
She was famous for her beauty
The pearl of Onega
Anya, Anya, you were courted by Vasily and Vanya
Politruk, comissar
But you sent them all packing
Anya, Anya, you rejected Vasily and Vanya
You were famous for your beauty
Dark girl, you were the pearl of Omega
When a gallant Northern boy
Ended up in Onega
He rescued lovely Anya
To be his sweetheart

Father and daughter

Versions: #2
Father and daughter
The flower of love
The time has come
Give your blessing!
While she is
Still a child
And she needs
Your love
Father and daughter
We are 'yes' and 'no'
Father and daughter
The question and the answer
How to protect
To save, to help
My soul and flesh
My daughter?
My daugher
The day will come, from my knees
She will fly away to be captured
By insidious charms of unknown men
Where everyone is a thief and dishonest
A nightmare, my biggest fear
My daughter is growing up, I'm getting older,
The night became lighter than the day
I can't change such law
If it is not me, so there's him
She and he
So maybe I am wrong
It is time to humble my pride
And to wait for my death sorrowfully
The daughter will become a mother, so a part of us
Will grow in her as another flower
We will finish the cycle
But my angel, my love!
I can't humble myself!
And give my child to the enemy!
And let this man be cursed a hundred thousand times
Who will pick my flower just in jest
There is only one passion that reigns over me
My earthly heaven can't be stolen
The daughter, my angel, can't be stolen
Father and daughter
My love
Daughter, my angel
You are a part of me
There's only one passion
That reigns over me
My earthly heaven
Can't be stolen
Father and daughter
Father and daughter
And may the odds be ever in your favor :)


Engedd el Julie-t és fogd meg a kezem
Engedd el, itt az ideje, hogy az én emberem légy
Engedd el Julie-t és csókold meg az arcom
Ott áll, ott áll a helyemen
És én általában nem vagyok féltékeny, féltékeny
De elképzeltem, hogy te és én ma este
És fogadok, hogy Julie nagyon okos
Ó, azt mondod, hogy ő annyira király
De ha őt választod helyettem bolond vagy
Szóval vidd haza Julie-t, ketten iszunk
Vidd haza Julie-t, fel kell zárkóznunk
Vidd haza Julie-t, és vedd el szívem
Készen állok, készen állok a kezdésre
Mikor azt mondtam, egyedül voltam te csak hangosan nevettél
Hogyan tesznek az összetört szívem olyan büszkévé
Elhagytam egy kényelmes ágyat, itt hagytam el a szeretőmet
Hogy veled lehessek, veled lehessek itt
És én általában nem vagyok féltékeny, féltékeny
De te egy olyan lányt érdemelsz akinek szikrázó pillantása van
Egy lányt aki hajnalig táncol veled
És arra késztet, hogy dalt akarj írni
És ha azt gondolod, hogy ez Julie, akkor tévedsz
Szóval vidd haza Julie-t, ketten iszunk
Vidd haza Julie-t, fel kell zárkóznunk
Vidd haza Julie-t, és vedd el szívem
Készen állok, készen állok a kezdésre
A földet nézem, ahol közvetlenül sétál
Te engem nézel, mert nem vagyok hajlandó azt mondani szia
Csak az űrbe nézek, mert mindent megértettem
Lift csókok nyáron, nyáron
Lift csókok, te és én
És én általában nem vagyok féltékeny, féltékeny
De ha kedvenceket választunk, én a tiéd vagyok
És tudom, Julie nem iszik
És én csak a bárban lógok
Szóval menj előre és hívd el Julie-t egy kocsikázásra
Igen, menj előre és hívd el Julie-t egy kocsikázásra
Szóval vidd haza Julie-t, ketten iszunk
Vidd haza Julie-t, fel kell zárkóznunk
Vidd haza Julie-t, és vedd el szívem
Készen állok, készen állok a kezdésre
És én általában nem vagyok féltékeny, féltékeny
De elképzeltem, hogy ez úttal te és én
És fogadok, hogy Julie nagyon okos
Ó, azt mondod, hogy ő annyira király
De ha őt választod helyettem bolond vagy

We Are Kissing

No one will ever know you
The way I know you
When you rub salt in us 1
I add some sugar, and a little bit of lemon
Your cherry-colored breath on my lips
Tastes like ripe cherries
I know it well that you know
That this game of ours is endless
We are kissing, kissing
This is a sensitive game
We are kissing, kissing
Love spilled all over us
Everything is out in the open now
There is only you and me in this world
In this colorful world
Where we are kissing all over the fields
Your voice knocks me off my feet
It moves me even in my dreams
And the passion in my bosom
Is your one and only shore
We are kissing, kissing
This is a sensitive game
We are kissing, kissing
Love spilled all over us
Love spilled
This is a sensitive game
Love spilled
It spilled all over us
  • 1. Since in Serbian this is a play on words referring to an idiom, which only just translates to English as 'rub salt in the wound', but the wound part is omitted, this is what I came up with.

I've wanted you

I've wanted you and your hoarse scream in the middle of the night when you wake up
I've wanted that mountain-breaking courage of yours
I've wanted your whole history, the pieces that you collect
To be the rock on the shore against your waves
I've wanted to examine the riverbeds and valleys of your curves carefully
I've wanted your books on the bedside table
I've wanted to learn your treasures so I'd have a job as your man
I've wanted the slowly waning youth of yours
Because I, I have wanted you
I've wanted to turn Monday morning to the promised land
I, I have wanted you
and whatever happens, I will not regret that
I've wanted all your roles, wanted to nurse your bruises
and that lovely sneaking longing of yours on a summer night
I've wanted you when you get tired and wanted you when you're at your best
To always be the seal against your heart
Because I, I have wanted you
I've wanted to turn Monday morning to the promised land
I, I have wanted you
and whatever happens, I will not regret that
Because I, I have wanted you
I've wanted to turn Monday morning to the promised land
I, I have wanted you
and whatever happens, I will not regret that
Because I, I have wanted you
I've wanted to turn Monday morning to the promised land
I, I have wanted you
and whatever happens, I will not regret that

Letter found in the shirt of an American soldier dead at Vietnam. June, 1972.

When you wrote to me I wasn't there anymore,
when you called me there was noise here
and I couldn't hear what they said
about those cardboard heroes.
I remember the heroic farewell
with high flags and honoring shouts,
and you, crying softly,
for my future, for your future.
And here today,
of what kind of heroism can we talk about
besides that of the one who under the sea
bursts inside the mines for his love?
And now
what can you and me expect
looking at these children who will never become
children like you and me?
If my bones come back home, don't cry for them,
and throw away the medal they will give you
and forget I was killed in action.
Because it was not like that, because I was just another murderer
and I don't even deserve death.

Did You Love Me

I can still smell the morning coffee,
I've been alone for an hour, the phone isn't ringing.
A time without laughter is coming into my embrace.
No, I can't, I mustn't believe those eyes.
Did you love me when I believed?
Did you forget that I lived for you?
I know, a time will come when you'll be alone,
but then forget about, forget about my embrace.
I'll open your letter very slowly
and whisper your lies.
A tear will run down slowly.
No, I can't, I mustn't believe those lies.
Did you love me when I believed?
Did you forget that I lived for you?
I know, a time will come when you'll be alone,
but then forget about, forget about my embrace.
You thought that I was blind,
that I didn't know you've fallen into his arms long ago.
Did he give you what I didn't know how to - tell me now.
And don't say you're happier than before.
(Chorus x2)
Did you love me when I believed?
Did you forget that I lived for you?
I know, a time will come when you'll be alone,
but then forget about, forget about my embrace.

Ki ítélheti meg?

Útvonalaid ki vannak jelölve
Az életed rendezett
De napokig mész
Ő mindent feláldozott
Még az örökkévalóságát is.
Csak mert meghódította az időt
Vérrel és halállal fizetett
Ki ítélheti meg?
Ki szeretheti
Amíg életüket el nem felejtik?
Ki adhat mindent
Ki adna fel mindent?
Az árkozott sors
Ki ítélheti meg?
Ki szeretheti
Amíg életüket el nem felejtik?
Olyan világban él, mely nappal elhalványul
Ahol megtudod ölni a szeretetet
A szenvedélytelen éjszakáidon
Mindig belép
Minden álmod rövid időn belül
Mert ő meghódította a halált
És szeretete túl erős
Ki ítélheti meg?
Ki szeretheti
Amíg életüket el nem felejtik?
Ki adhat mindent
Ki adna fel mindent?
Az árkozott sors
Ki ítélheti meg?
Ki szeretheti
Amíg életüket el nem felejtik?
Olyan világban él, mely nappal elhalványul
Ahol megtudod ölni a szeretetet
Ha az övé sötétség
Elfelejtem a fényt
Ha az övé a fájdalom, ha az övé a düh
Csendben akarok szenvedni
Ez a halál definíciója
Meg akarok halni, hogy szeressen
Ki ítélheti meg?
Ki szeretheti
Amíg életüket el nem felejtik?
Ki adhat mindent
Ki adna fel mindent?
Az árkozott sors
Ki adhat mindent
Ki adna fel mindent?
Az átkozott sors
Ki ítélheti meg?
Ki szeretheti
Amíg életüket el nem felejtik?
Olyan világban él, mely nappal elhalványul
Ahol megtudod ölni a szeretetet
Ahol megtudod ölni a szeretetet

I just can't wait for that day

Simba: I'm gonna be a king without any enemies
Zazu: I've never seen one with this little hair
Simba: I'm gonna grow an awesome mane someday
My roar is almost deafening you know - REOW!
Zazu: Ha! Any roar is closer to developing than that one
Simba: I just can't wait for it
Zazu: Sorry, but you've still got a long way to go before you become king!
Simba: Go do that
Zazu: I said you had to...... what!?
Nala: Come do this
Zazu: I didn't say that...... huh!?
Simba: No more bossing me around
Zazu: What the!? You're not understanding what I need you to do!
Simba/Nala: And no more 'don't do that's
Zazu: Wait a minute! Listen to here!
Simba: We'll run around every day
Zazu: There are more pressing matters!
Simba: Free to do things my way
Zazu: You need to listen to me clearly right now
Simba: I don't need to hear your protests
Zazu: If you keep ignoring me like this, then I'll leave
I won't be a part of that kind of Africa
This child has become unbearable
Simba: I just can't wait for it
Simba: Look left, then turn right
Wherever you look, I'm standing in the spotlight
Zazu: Not yet!
Chorus: We'll all sing on the earth and under the sky
For our King Simba
Simba/Nala: I just can't wait for that day
I just can't wait for that day
Yes! Soon I will be king

Maybe I Did Really Fall In Love

Into your hands I surrender myself,
Heaven and earth, a lie here and there
I cloe my eyes and bite the time
Because I don't want to know about anything else
Have I lost you already?
Well, what do you want, what else should I give you?
And maybe I did really fall in love
Just like on the way, so I'd suffer
And fight for some lie
Maybe it's love and maybe it's a dream
Into your hands I surrender myself
For tenderness and consolation
I offer you a story for some other woman
I take on a workload for revenge
Have I lost you already?
Well, what else do you want, what else should I give you?
I executed you with my lips
And I know I already enslaved you

Game Of Waves In My Memory

just an empty home and the sea murmur
World is shattered for me
Some old boat and an island asleep
Know i wait for you in vain
I know it well, that it's untruthful, that...
Game of waves in my memory
When you're not there
Game of memories of our love is
All I have
I'm alone now, you're not here
What is left of us?
All those happy dreams are past to us,
There's no love for that world
And all I know are those memories
Game of waves in my memory
When you're not there
Game of memories of our love is
All I have
The sea knows that life with you is
Not a lie and not a dream
The sea knows why I cry for you
And why I loved you!
Oh, I know it all too well that it is untruthful, that...
Game of waves in my memory
When you're not there
Game of memories of our love is
All I have

for you

you´re my life , no matter who comes and loves me and how hard she tries to take my heart, i don´t lie , my heart is accostumed to you.
but when I saw you, my heart wanted that you come closer to me,
with you somehow i want that get deeper in love with you everyday.
yallah yallah come closer ,
I love you more then ever before ,
with you my heart gets somehow that i want you to know that i want to be always with you
yallah yallah come closer ,
I love you more then ever before ,
with you my heart gets somehow that i want you to know that i want to be always with you
know that I become dependent on you ,
for you , know that between all these people there is only one who falled in love with you.
for you , i will die when you´re not with me
i am the one who becomes dependent on you ,
for you , know that between all these people there is only one who falled in love with you.
for you , i will die when you´re not with me
yallah yallah come closer ,
I love you more then ever before ,
with you my heart gets somehow that i want you to know that i want to be always with you
yallah yallah come closer ,
I love you more then ever before ,
with you my heart gets somehow that i want you to know that i want to be always with you

Let's drink booze

Life is rough, years go by
I drink for joy and for misery
Let's escape the treadmill and competition
Luckily everything can clear up in a second
Cold beer glued to my lips, I just couldn't deal
with the world without you, we are good, bad
We respect the drinking habits, until both of us
is upside down. Let's open the bottles, drink to cure the hangover
reset ourselves together
You are one of the few I can vow my friendship to
Today we won't worry about our livers
and as life kicks you in the head
Just tilt the bottle in the direction of your voice
We have been like this since we were born
And there's no way to delete booze from the nutrition chart
Let's drink booze
We'll become wiser
Let's drink booze
Reality is torture at times, when your sober
Little Tapsa feels like having a drink
Little bit and you have the strength to carry on
I've been in the mood for booze the whole week
First gulp, despacito!
And no one is breathing down my neck
I'm downshifting, the kiosk is closed
Sun is shining, no stress
I wish I had this feeling always!
0,7 litres of vodka and a twelve pack gone
You won't survive life alive anyway!
Why worry about pointless stuff?
Bar fly has bitten me!
(Chorus x4)
Let's drink booze
We'll become wiser
Let's drink booze
Reality is torture at times, when your sober


You were a friend, I don't if you still are
You are the best lover, you are, you were
You know why, now in front of everyone
Don't look me in the eyes
Fear all over him, but my
Tight dress is to blame
Are you ashamed cause you
Can't take your eyes of me tonight?
You're not ashamed, I can see that
Oh God, is that me?
What have I done with my life?
Drink up, leave your guys, hurry up
I'd like to wait too, but I don't know how, honey
Everything inside me is on fire
We won't be long, an hour is enough
They'll wait on us, don't worry
Drink up, we'll be back soon, hurry
You want me too, they see it, honey
Everything inside you is on fire
I don't want a friend, you know why
Well, you're better as lover to me now
You were a friend, who knows whose friend you are now
You are the best lover, you are, you were
You know why, now in front of everyone
Don't look me in the eyes
I know well, but she is to blame
My leather stiletto1
Are you ashamed cause you
Can't take your eyes of me tonight?
You're not ashamed, I can see that
Oh God, is that me?
What have I done with my life?


Morning is coming, it opens the window
Spreads fragrances
Blue sun goes through heavily
Moves away the curtains
While colors mix
Light travels through the game of the shadows
Night melts
Dreams get lost in the room quietly
Like pollen
While colors mix
Surreal, miraculous
Your eyes, frozen coasts
Melt, wake up
Morning melts ice towers
You eyes in love wake up
Morning melts ice towers
Your miraculous eyes in love
Coasts melt, bringing kisses

And Now She's There

I am a nobody, no one sees me
They tell me that I gave the best of my love
And when I see her, I thank the God
And pray that her life will be beautiful and shadeless
And Juliette had grown
And now she's there, she's in love with him
The childhood is gone, she's leaving me
And it is I who is captive in the cradle of her babyhood
It is not I whom she wants
And only I have never given up on her
And now she's there, she loves him
And her heart is full
And she who was once mine, now belongs to another
When her mother said 'My daughter', I felt how my heart was flaming
Why, for their husbands' sake, do so many women forget
That the birthing and the contractions, will bring them to their twenties
And Juliette had grown
And now she's there, she's in love with him
She's a woman now, and she's leaving me
And I who sees, who watches without a word
Shall give her my entire life
To my child who grew
And now she's there, in love with him
And her heart is full
And now she's there, and now I know
That love is the devil
Give me courage and strength
To get used to this groom
And now she's there, she loves him
And her heart is full
And now she's there

First Love

Early in the morning
I wake up from the sound of the alarm going off
I've made a habit
Of starting my day with the thought of you
I wonder what your heart says
In a day, I think of you tens of times
Just like today
Throughout my busy day
I wait for you to contact me
At the words of others
I draw your image in my head
Even when my heart grows nervous
And I suddenly feel tired and lonely
I still think of you, just like today
Sometimes, I find myself strange but
I like you a lot, I think it’s love
I've gained a secret
That I can't share with anyone
If you, too, have the same heart as me
Please confess the truth to me
Tell me that you love me
Just facing you
Makes everything puzzling
The trivial texts you send to me
The face you make when you look at me
I want to try approaching you
But even if I spend time by your side
Against my wishes, our relationship
Remains the same
I like you a lot, I think it’s love
I've gained a secret
That I can't share with anyone
If you, too, have the same heart as me
Please confess the truth to me
Tell me that you love me
Sometimes, I think I'm being greedy
I've only ever experienced disappointment
So the fact that we end like this
With me lingering near you seems fitting
Right, at first
I thought that I would be fine
Whenever you came to mind
I thought it was just a passing thought
Never again
Will I dare to have a hope like this
Still, I must ask you once
If I tell you now, can you love me?
If you feel the same way
Can you confess to me
That you love me?

The World You Wait for

Saying, 'It's an ordinary every day'
isn't a halfhearted giving up
Even troubles without warning
are better than boredom, day by day
How much longer?
Right now stop
your monologue of riddles
No matter the difficulty or regret
I'll show that I can get over them
I don't need a disclosing of the trick's secrets
I'll flap my wings to that sky with endless emotion
Speeding up, I'll soar steadily
Higher and higher
I'll charm you with a shining, superior illusion
Let's extend our hands, let's keep running
to 'the world you wait for'
I'm not the type to stand still
waiting for the vague start
Even a foolish signal
is probably so serious you'll be at a loss - Don't you know
How much now?
Gotta make it monochrome
The solution of the riddle is up to you
I want to check
even the disadvantageous situations and conditions
Roundabout is pointless
Spreading from that dream is a noiseless emotion
Raising volume, we're getting excited steadily
Hotter and hotter
I'll charm you with a glittering, throbbing halation
Let's awaken the wind, let's grasp everything
In 'the world I'm in with you'
If you're seeking a faint light and wander about
even if you can't find an answer right away
there's just one place to go
I'll flap my wings to that sky with endless emotion
Speeding up, I'll soar steadily
Higher and higher
I'll charm you with a shining, superior illusion
Let's extend our hands, let's keep running
to 'the world you wait for'
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to


Wait a moment
I have something to say to you
I get this weird feeling sometimes
Before I knew it
All your trivial details
Became familiar
Maybe that's why I don't feel anything anymore
Sometimes, I
I don't want to face you
What expression I should be making
I really have no idea
I'm not saying it's the end
I'm asking you to understand me
I'm struggling just as much as you are
That's why I'm telling you this
I just need a little time
Let's give each other some space
It's not easy for me to say these words either
Day by day, as time passes
I feel like the person I am is disappearing
You probably don't know
Sometimes, I
I don't want to face you
What expression I should be making
I really have no idea
I'm not saying it's the end
I'm asking you to understand me
I'm struggling just as much as you are
That's why I'm telling you this
I'm not saying I don't like you anymore
I'm saying I have no choice
It's no one's fault
It's only a natural happening
I'm being honest now
If you really love me
Let all the memories I have colored by you
Breathe again
Sometimes I think
Of myself in your arms
So lonely that I only grow exhausted
Unable to withstand it
If the end draws near
Like a lie, I think you'll miss me
And because you want to see me
You'll find me again

Ó, Julie

Váá, váá Julie, ha szeretsz engem igazán
Akarsz engem, Julie, hogy a tiéd legyek?
Julie, csak engem szeress, Julie, ne légy magányos
Mert akarom, hogy az enyém legyél.
Óóó, bébi, ne hagyj el, édes, ne bánts engem
Julie, miért hagysz engem egyedül?
Maradj velem, bébi, feküdj velem, bébi
Édes, ne hagyj engem egyedül!
Julie, soha ne hagyj el engem, kérlek, ne csapj be engem
Julie, ó, higgy nekem és légy, légy az enyém!
Váá, váá Julie, ha szeretsz engem igazán
Akarsz engem, Julie, hogy a tiéd legyek?
Óóó, bébi, ne hagyj el, édes, ne bánts engem
Julie, miért hagysz engem egyedül?
Maradj velem, bébi, feküdj velem, bébi
Édes, ne hagyj engem egyedül!
Julie, soha ne hagyj el engem, kérlek, ne csapj be engem
Julie, ó, higgy nekem és légy, légy az enyém!
Váá, váá Julie, ha szeretsz engem igazán
Akarsz engem, Julie, hogy a tiéd legyek?
Hogy legyek, legyek, legyek, legyek a tiéd.
Hogy legyek, legyek, legyek, legyek a tiéd.

Suspicious Man

So why the heck are you over here anyways?
You're linking arms with another girl walking around
There's no forgiveness, there're no chances
How could you leave me and cheat on me?
They must be all crazy, they must be kidding
How could you, you, you
They must be all crazy, don't fool around with me
It doesn't make me laugh
I'll become more haughty
I'll throw you away now
You loved me to death and protected me to death
But you cheated on me
Ladadadadadadada. Leave!
Ladadadadadadada. Piss off!
Wretch is what my friends say about you
You're the one bastard in this world is what they all say
It's over now, I'm over the likes of you
I couldn't even feel the suspiciousness
They must be all crazy, they must be kidding
How could you, you, you
They must be all crazy, don't fool around with me
It doesn't make me laugh
I'll become more haughty
I'll throw you away now
You loved me to death and protected me to death
But you cheated on me
Now I'll do the same
Now I'll leave you
I loved you crazily, I liked you
But you betrayed me
Ladadadadadadada. Leave!
Ladadadadadadada. Piss off!
Piss off!
Piss off!


They are all out of their mind, everybody is going crazy
I can't believe you, there's no one to believe.
Who are you cursing at? You think you are blameless, don't you?
You, I and everyone else are all the same. All hypocrites!
Change, change, change it!
Change everything!
Change, change, change it!
Change even love!
Change, change,change it!
Change all falsehood!
Change, change, change it!
Change the whole world!
I thought it was a must to trust you, now I crush you
Energizing my brain.
You shallow love. I want you to love me.
I want you to come back.
I want you to change.
I want you to hold onto me before it's too late.
Why is a woman's past something to be forgiven? Or is it not to be forgiven?
Why did you bother to love me in the first place, if it was going to be a problem?
Everything has changed, I am not what I was.
It's too late for you to regret for throwing me away!
Change, change, change it!
Change everything!
Change, change, change it!
Change even love!
Change, change,change it!
Change all falsehood!
Change, change, change it!
Change the whole world!
Change, change, change it!
Change everything!
Change, change, change it!
Change even love!
Change, change,change it!
Change all falsehood!
Change, change, change it!
Change the whole world!


I waited for this day
For this night to come
Just spending the night as two
I waited
No need to turn on the lights
Don’t need to say anything
Just lean on me
And close your eyes
Narrowly erotic
To make you come into my arms
With this heart, with this smile,
with these eyes, with this touch
I’ll seduce you tonight
No need to hesitate
I’m ready
You already took my heart
Long time ago
Softly and moistly
I’ll go into your arms while being wet
I’m thirsty for your love
Let your love rain fall
Say it, show me
Show me everything you’ve got
Before the night ends
Act like there’s no tomorrow
Narrowly erotic
To make you come into my arms
With this heart, with this smile, with these eyes, with this touch
I’ll seduce you tonight
Softly and moistly
I’ll go into your arms while being wet
I’m thirsty for your love
Let your love rain fall

If we were together

I don't know if your mouth is kissing another
In these moments, in these moments
And I don't know if your eyes have already forgotten me
And the thoughts go away with time
And I wonder what would have happened
If we were together
Still in love
And I wonder what would have happened
If we were together
Still in love
I still wait for you
Although I know that you won't come back
I still love you
Although I know that that can fuck me
And I have your photo saved
You and me dancing when we were minors
I tell you the truth
I miss you on the 14th and at Christmas
And the dust on the back
Of the car for the times in the superior
She always left underwear
Every dust better than the previous
But not like the first
You know that that is not going to be erased
Now I pass for the petticoat runner, yeh
I couldn't love another person
And I swear to you that I've tried it
But none of them are worth you
Since you left, I'm still traumatized
Listening to Master Piece, baby I feel down
If I don't have your skin, down
'Deuces' of Ñengo and De La, not of Chris Brown
The brain circling, I have it dizzy
Each one by his side, yeh-eh
And I wonder what would have happened
If we were together
Still in love
And I wonder what would have happened
If we were together
Still in love


Versions: #2
I don't know what I am going to do.
The flow of water can't be reversed.
Under your white wedding scarf1
you seem like a white swan.
Holding your ringed hand,
the groom leads you into a waltz.
As I wish happiness to your soul
and your family, my heart cries.
Jumynüdyr2, daughter of God,
you descended from the skies,
a vision appeared before me
for my bliss and for my sorrow.
Jumynüdyr, daughter of God,
oh, the way you smile!
But why, oh why
where you born for another?
Oh, how you dance and sway to the tune
of wedding pipes and drums3
You're not mine, not mine!
I drink but tears for beer4,
a much too bitter treat,
for the bride is but the grief of my soul.
'bitter, bitter!'5 - so bitter indeed
is the shout I utter through my tears.
I don't know what I am going to do.
A thought crossed my mind:
grabbing hold of you
and taking you far away.
You cast a glance over your shoulder,
as if you had felt my thought.
But you were not meant to, no,
you were not meant to be mine.
  • 1. The Mari wedding scarf is white with embroideries and covers head and shoulders, leaving only the face visible.
  • 2. a mythical creature, a daughter of God sent to Earth to marry mortal men
  • 3. Mari wedding tunes use bagpipes and drums
  • 4. the traditional drink in wedding parties
  • 5. a ritual in weddings (common to Mari and Russian cultures) where the guests shout 'bitter, bitter!' while the groom and bride drink from the same cup to conjure bitterness away

C’mon Bosnia

Give me a hand, take me there
To see my mother and fields of dew
Life is one, love is one
And my love is called Bosnia (2x)
C’mon, c’mon, c’mon now
Let me love while I’m young
Bosnia, Bosnia that’s a dream
Give me Bosnia everyday
I love your every step
C’mon Bosnia to Europe
Let the streets smell
I desire only my Bosnia
In the name of happiness embrace love
And quietly say for our mornings
Let love be eternal in Bosnia
For our better today and tomorrow (2x)


Let me be your half
Half of pleasures and of sins
Let me always be close to you
Let us love anyhow, anywhere, how we feel
Stay a moment, don't move, don't blink, don't speak at all, no
Just a moment when we look at each other and time stands still
Only our shadows touch
They leave marks on both of our souls, and now
Come on, let me just feel longing
When I'm missing the second half of my scenery
And forgive me when I'm sleeping
Share your half so that it's easier for you
Let me be your half
Half of pleasures and of sins
Let me always be close to you
Let us love anyhow, anywhere, how we feel
Come on, let me just feel longing
When I'm missing the second half of my scenery
And forgive me when I'm sleeping
Share your half so that it's easier for you
The distance approaches us
When you're far, I even hear your whispers
And even if the days pass
Like dreams lived too quickly
Let's slow down, each night
To keep them just for us . . . two
Come on, let me just feel longing
When I'm missing the second half of my scenery
And forgive me when I'm sleeping
Share your half so that it's easier for you
Let me be your half
Half of pleasures and of sins
Let me always be close to you
Let us love anyhow, anywhere, how we feel
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

True Love

When there's love
Forever it remains
When there's true love
Our hearts alight
As dancing flames in the wind
And even if we separate
I know I['ll] find you
If I lose you
My heart will freeze
If I lose you
And only the fire of your yearning
? under the skin
Has warmed1 my cold spirit
Ever since I've felt in my heart
You feel the same way I do
I know what true
I know what true
I know what true love is
  • 1. Lit. 'thawed'

I’ll go to Lochaline

’ll go to Loch Aline and leave Loch Awe-side
I’ll go to Loch Aline and leave Loch Awe-side
I’ll go to Loch Aline and leave Loch Awe-side
I’ll go to Loch Aline and leave Loch Awe-side
I’ll climb, I’ll descend, I’ll climb Loch Awe-side
I’ll climb, I’ll descend, I’ll leave Loch Awe-side
I’ll climb, I’ll descend, I’ll climb Loch Awe-side
I’ll climb, I’ll descend, I’ll leave Loch Awe-side
The girls dont care for
the shepherds of Loch Awe-side.
They are in the ditches
plucking the dun-coloured sheep.
The girls don’t care for
the shepherds of Loch Awe-side.
With their nails they
scratch the dun-coloured sheep.
Let them climb, let them descend
Let them climb, I don’t care
Let them climb, let them descend
And let them leave Loch Awe-side.
Let them climb, let them descend
Let them climb, I don’t care
Let them reach Muckairn
And let them leave Loch Awe-side.

The gruel man/sweet Donald

The big gruel eater
hiù bhì leasanaiche,
The big gruel eater
Much would he drink.
Fortune sent him gruel
Fortune sent him thin gruel
Fortune sent him gruel
He added butter to it.
Sweet Donald, sweet Donald,
When he went running round the house
Sweet Donald, sweet Donald
Fell into the oil jar.
What an uproar ensued
When he set off round the house
What an uproar ensued
When he fell into the oil jar.
Sweet Donald, sweet Donald,
When he went running round the house
Sweet Donald, sweet Donald
Fell into the oil jar.

League of Light

There's a dark side to every ray of light
There's a shadow on my other side
It's a balance, nothing wrong, nothing right
Living is learning to love
We are more than an echo of the past
We're a feeling that will last burning in the league of light
Flying away from darker sides, over mountains, over ice
Through the fire to unite in the league of light
Our hearts
Never forgets
Our land, where we come from
It hides everything
So we can face the future
With open arms and opened minds
Living is learning to love
We are more than an echo of the past
We're a feeling that will last burning in the league of light
Flying away from darker sides, over mountains, over ice
Through the fire to unite in the league of light
People everywhere
Its life
We are more than an echo of the past
We're a feeling that will last burning in the league of light
Flying away from darker sides, over mountains, over ice
Through the fire to unite in the league of light
More than an echo of the past
I am learning to love
It's a feeling that will last
I am learning to love
Flying away from darker sides, over mountains, over ice
Through the fire to unite in the league of light

The Seal’s Song

Hò i hò i hì o hò i
Hò i hì o hò i ì
Hò i hò i hì o hò i
I was not alone last night.
Pity to be in this place
where people are eaten as food
See the chief of the people
Boiling hard on a fire.
I am the daughter of Aoidh son of Ewen
I was knowledgeable about the reefs
Pity the person who would hit me
I am a noble woman from another land.
The thrush comes, the starling comes
Every bird returns to its nest
The salmon comes from the sea
Until Doom’s Day I will not be moved.