Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 56

Találatok száma: 2604


Simply this

Time flies, it will carry off all that is ours.
Where is your far-away home?
I'd send letters if I only knew where
All are silent - won't they tell me?
I want to simply know this: do you still live alone?
Do your eyes shine as brightly to this day?
Am I still yours, even a little?
I want to simply know this: do you still remember?
I want to know if i am needed as before,
When others bring you hurt..
Simply this...
My gaze wanders an empty sky
Only stars know the way to where you are.
Are you returning to me or to her?
Where are you, it's been too long since you were gone.
I want to simply know this: do you still live alone?
Do your eyes shine as brightly to this day?
Am I still yours, even a little?
Feedback is appreciated. If you like or dislike something, leave a note...
The objective is to further human understanding so my feeble attempts are not copyrighted.


Ó, Fény

Ahhhh Ahhhh
Kérem valaki, valaki ébresszen fel újra
Szörnyű álmok, nem tudtam lélegezni
A halottak világában
Vigyél engem, vigyél engem, vigyél el a fejemből
Tudván, hogy biztosan el fogsz jönni értem
A legvégsőkig várok
Ezt tudom
Ezt tudom
Ezt tudom
Ezt tudom
Ez az éjszaka.. sötét, mint a tinta...ma este
Nem tudtam elmenni..nem ezeken a lábakon...esélyem se volt
Mikor fog a nappal elinvitálni?
Még mindig...
Aah Aaah
Kérem valaki, valaki ébresszen fel újra
Szörnyű álmok hazudnak nekem
A halottak világában
Bárhol, bárhol, de hol lehetek?
Fel és le bolyongok ezen a helyen
Számomra soha semmi
Ezt tudom
Ezt tudom
Ezt tudom
Ezt tudom
Találni fogok egy helyet számomra?
Nem tudtam maradni, mennem kellett
Nincs számomra mód
A lábamnál fogva lógok, fent a levegőben, egy drótról
Ah valaki
Kérem valaki, valaki ébresszen fel újra
Szörnyű álmok, nem tudtam lélegezni
A halottak világában
Könyörgök neked, könyörgök, találj meg ma
Tudván, hogy biztosan eljössz értem
Várok a szürkeségen keresztül
Kérem valaki, valaki ébresszen fel újra
Szörnyű álmok, nem tudtam beszélni
Ezen a vörös csillagon
Bárhol, bárhol, de hol lehetek?
Többet akarlak és várok
Rád, hogy gyere és meglásd
Mozdulatlan, mint egy szikla
Mozdulatlan, mint egy szikla
Ezt tudom
Ezt tudom

One Step Ahead (Reprise)

They say I'm garbage?
They say I'm a thief?
That's really a shame... but
This lifestyle I have
I'll show you that some day
I will change it
My translations are free to use, just don't claim them as your own, please!! Si necesitas una traducción Inglés - Español, puedes pedirlo sin miedo.

Together We Are Stronger

Love is
Running the whole world
In search of the warmth
Night waits for the time
Of our splendor
The light on, ready
To the days of affection
The filled table, the open soul
Calling people
The family united
Together we are stronger
We will be the sky that embraces the world
Together we will be the voice
That lights the love... the love
Together we are stronger
We will be the sky that embraces the world
Together we will be the voice
That lights the love... the love

Meg fogom mutatni

Valószínűleg azokat a ruhákat viseled, amiket én vettem
Feltehetőleg azt a kölnit fújtad magadra, amit én vettem
És most talán találkozol a lánnyal
És együtt nevettek
Annyira szeretted őt, hogy el kellett hagynod engem?
Mennyire kell még jobbnak lennem?
Nem számít, mennyire próbállak kitörölni téged
Annyi napot töltöttünk együtt
A múlt annyira sajnálatos,
Hogy a könnyek csak folynak, de
Egy teljesen megváltozott énemet fogom megmutatni neked
Egy sokkal szebbet
Nem akarok úgy sírni, mint egy bolond a szerelem miatt
Miattad, aki elhagyott
Találkozni fogok egy dögösebb sráccal
Biztosan mutatni fogok egy olyan én, aki boldogabb nálad
Nem leszek szomorú nélküled, nem fogok összetörni
Fiú, észre kellene venned
Megváltoztatom a hajamat
Óvatosan felteszem a sminkem
A magassarkúmban és miniszoknyámban, mindenki utánam fordul
Ha valaha is összefutunk
Vakító mosolyt villantok rád
Elmegyek a meglepett arcod mellett
Csak a cipőm kopogását hallod
Egy teljesen megváltozott énemet fogom megmutatni neked (Egy teljesen új én)
Egy sokkal szebbet (Oh oh oh)
Nem akarok úgy sírni, mint egy bolond a szerelem miatt (Nem, nem)
Miattad, (miattad) aki elhagyott
Találkozni fogok egy dögösebb sráccal
Biztosan mutatni fogok egy olyan én, aki boldogabb nálad
Nem leszek szomorú nélküled, nem fogok összetörni
Fiú, észre kellene venned
El fogom dobni a gyűrűt, amit nekem adtál
Ki fogom törölni a leveleket, amiket nekem írtál
Hátramaradó kötelék és megbánás nélkül el foglak felejteni
El akarlak felejteni, ki akarlak törölni
Egy teljesen megváltozott énemet fogom megmutatni neked
Egy sokkal szebbet (Egy sokkal szebbet)
Nem akarok úgy sírni, mint egy bolond a szerelem miatt (Oh, nem)
Miattad, aki elhagyott
Találkozni fogok egy dögösebb sráccal (Dögössebb)
Biztosan mutatni fogok egy olyan én, aki boldogabb nálad (Nem, nem nem)
Nem leszek szomorú nélküled, nem fogok összetörni
Fiú, észre kellene venned

Hallo Love

I grope around
I glare around the room
I don't want to wake up with a thought
That you cleared my life of you
Bed, two blankets divided us
We didn't trust each other
We changed love for pride
Hallo1 Love
You're silent, as usual
So I'm ready
Hallo Love
Still no reply2
I'm trembling on the phone
So I'm ready
I've been picking up the pieces of you
From Levitan's picture3
Rhythm, fever heat
You (burn) me to ashes, I shoot straight4
I cleared my memory of all the ins and outs5
(How) we let loose with fists on ourselves6
(How) we sewed radars into our temples7
We got lost, but we didn't loose...
Hallo Love
You're silent, as usual
So I'm ready
Hallo Love
Still no reply2
I'm trembling on the phone
So I'm ready
  • 1. It's like 'pronto' in Italian
  • lit. 'Still not a word'
  • 3. Levitan - russian painter.
  • 4. 'я тебe в жало' - I'm not sure I understand this russian slang right. But I think it may mean 'I tell you the truth flat out' There is an english expression 'straight shooter' meaning 'a frank and honest man', so I thought I could translate 'я тебe в жало' as 'I shoot straight'.
  • 5. lit. 'details, particularities
  • 6. I'm not sure I understood this line right. Maybe they had a lot of quarrels.
  • 7. Hard to understand this line too. Maybe it's about jealousy.

Trust in me

Hush child
Now he will sleep here
Who can refuse me
and not be hypnotised
On top of me sleep
Lie down and dream
Surely you cannot refuse me
Hush child
Now he will sleep here
Who can refuse me
and not be hypnotised

Juan from Gualeyán

Skirting the Gualeyán
as soon as it was the prayer time
sitting astride the horse Juan went by
Entrerriano and good singer.
He was a local creole,
a trustworthy peasant,
good friend and attentive
and spirited with his accordion.
Juan, Juan, Juan
from the coast of Gualeyán,
entreriano and good singer
and spirited with his accordion.
Juan, Juan, Juan
from the coast of Gualeyán,
Entrerriano and good singer
and spirited with his accordion.
Juan is always remembered
his piebald prance,
his joy and his singing
tangled on his accordion.
Along the coast of Gualeyán
there is left the fame of the singer
that with his accordion
cast a spell over the local girls.
He was a local creole,
a trustworthy peasant,
good friend and attentive
and spirited with his accordion.
He was a local creole,
a trustworthy peasant,
good friend and attentive
and spirited with his accordion.

Trust Me

I'm not like others
Who are pretending to be your friends
You can count on me
Why are you scared?
Trust me
I'd give up my eyes for you
Be carful
I'll put you in my eyes
Take love from me
I'll stay up to protect you when you sleep
As long as I am with you I feel reassured
Don't be scared, my friend
I'll stay right beside you
Wherever you are
You started to fall asleep?
Why are you scared?
Trust me
I'll give up my eyes for you

The Drinking Song

[Well, what have you been doing here? I've been drinking. Continuously.
Are you still drunk? Yes, I am.]
I drink everything, I drink my life
I even drink my neighbor's booze
I drink the wages, I drink the retirement
I even drink my wife’s inheritance
I drink apartments, I drink forests
I drink the lands and the soil
I drink the tractor and I drink the horse
I drink the cats and the dogs just like a pig
I drink, I drink, oh boy, I drink
I like to be drunk
I drink, I drink, oh boy, I drink
I want to sway like crazy when I'm drunk
[Why don't you get a real good booze on.
Surely you would have more fun being drunk.]
I drink myself to a hangover, I drink myself drunk
I even drink when I'm sober
I drink a few, I drink otherwise too
And after all, I drink
I drink in major, I drink in minor
I drink in alcomahol1
Inebriated I drink
The deposit account and the garage
I drink, I drink, oh boy, I drink
I like to be drunk
I drink, I drink, oh boy, I drink
I want to sway like crazy when I'm drunk
And if Finland’s lakes don’t turn into booze
Please come up with an idea
We could fill up Pelkosenniemi2 with booze
And drink up Vuotos3
It just wouldn’t be enough
But how about this:
We could fill planet Earth with booze
Drink it up as an Earth bottle4
I drink, I drink, oh boy, I drink
I like to be drunk
I drink, I drink, oh boy, I drink
I want to sway like crazy when I'm drunk
Hey yea let's drink again
Hey yea let's drink again
  • 1. Alcomahol is a mispronunciation of alcohol, generlally used after consuming a bit too much.
  • 2. A town in northern Finland.
  • 3. An artificial lake.
  • 4. This is a play with words. Maapallo is a proper Finnish word for planet earth and literally translates to 'Earth+Ball'. Maapullo is a made-up word of 'Earth+Bottle'

More than your friend

I want to tell you
this night without hesitation
that I can't endure anymore
what I carry here in my heart
I like so much that you drive me crazy
and I can not hide it
You appear everywhere
like an illusion in my look
It is a secret
that just I want to share
with those eyes
that gave light to my life
And this night, there's no more moon
like you shine me more
In my soul grows a fortune
by so much that you gave me
I love you, I love you
You hear me in my heart
It is a deep love
that completed me
I feel different with you
I want to be
more than your friend
It is a secret
that just I want to share
with those eyes
that gave light to my life
And this night, there's no more moon
like you shine me more
In my soul grows a fortune
by so much that you gave me
I love you, I love you
You hear me in my heart
It is a deep love
that completed me
I feel different with you
I want to be
more than your friend

Övé lehet a szerelmed

Eső jön észak felől
A párna illatos, de hűtlenséged fáj
Nem vagy itt, a reggel ébreszt fel
Ki csókolt meg, kitől ég a tűz a szemedben?
Aki elvitt téged, el is vitt tőlem mindent.
Eladtál engem....
Harcolhatsz a szerelemért, de nekem már nincs erőm
Nincs, nincs már erőm.
Övé lehet a szerelmed
A lelkem már belefáradt
A legnagyobb szomorúság folyik az ereimben
De engem te fogsz elhagyni.
Nem hagysz el...
Te nem szeretsz, nem szeretsz engem.
Szerelmem száz évig is kitart
Övé lehet a szerelmed
A lelkem már belefáradt
A legnagyobb szomorúság folyik az ereimben
Övé lehet a szerelmed
A lelkem már belefáradt
De engem te fogsz elhagyni.
Nem hagysz el...

A Thing Is Changing

Versions: #4
You're speakin to me, askin,1
If we can see each other!?
Motivations, I’m left with
But although I wish, i don’t know
Always there's something more,
That at first glance isn't seen
Can it be , that there’s something else,
'Cause at first glance ...
It scares you the idea
Of what might be,
To tell you i'd like
A thing to make you feel nice,
But thing is, there’s something else,
That at first glance isn't seen
Maybe there’s something else,
That at first glance isn't seen
But I feel there's within me
Something which changes
IT doesn't show ...
But I feel there's a thing within me
Something which changes
Think not that I’ve lost
What it gave me the love of yours
I cary it within,
This way i can feel good
But there’s something else,
That simply can’t be seen
Maybe there’s a lil' extra,
That at first glance isn't seen
But I feel there's within me
Something which changes
IT doesn't show ...
But I feel there's within me
Something which changes
What more shall i ever wish for !?
thAN to be happy and regaling you love, caresses
What more shall i ever wish for !?
Besides happy living and regaling you love, caresses
Always there's something more,
That at first glance isn't seen
But I feel there's a thing within me
Something which changes
IT doesn't show ...
But I feel there's a thing within me
Something which changes
  • 1. Personal Adaptation/Translation/ Work allowed under the moral and written rule , found under the section of 'Website Rules---Adding a translation----Paragraph no 10 'As translations can be a mean of knowing and understanding a new language, it's better if you keep at least a colloquial (Though YOU'RE FREE to keep an informal tone in certain contexts) language that's easy to understand - and you may use footnotes to add general explanations and comments in certain parts of the translation.' So that being said , my profile is the place for the non-literal translation's and adaptation so people may like it or not , still that won't ever change a thing , so like they say in our dear America : Deal with it !!!

Sleep peacefully

Sleep peacefully, our knights
Descendants of famous heroes of semberija
Even your shadows the enemy fear
Serbian land is great and strong
Even your shadows the enemy fears
Serbian land is great and strong
Great and strong
Your names will be mentioned forever
By birds in the forest and students in the school
The wind and riverbed will talk
Every Serbian heart will pray
The wind and riverbed will talk
Every Serbian heart will pray
Heart will pray
Sleep peacefully, our knights
After the storm, the rainbow will be seen
Brave and beautiful, godlike
You are our everlasting pride, our everlasting sorrow
Brave and beautiful, godlike
You are our everlasting pride, our everlasting sorrow
Our everlasting sorrow

Kuska juntos

Cha rinsunqui huamajnencka
There goes the one missing!
It's over!

Wake Me Up

I'm feeling my way through the darkness
guided by my heart.
I can't say where the journey is going to end
but I know where it starts.
They tell me that I'm too young to understand.
That I'm caught in a dream.
Well, life will pass me by
If I don't open my eyes.
Well, that's fine with me.
Wake me up when it's all over
When I'm older and wiser
All this time I've been finding myself
And I didn't know I got lost.
I tried to carry the weight of the world
but I only have two hands.
I want to have the opportunity to travel the world,
but I don't have plans.
I wish I could stay that young forever.
not afraid to close my eyes.
Life is a game made for everyone,
and love is the prize.
Wake me up when it's all over
When I'm older and wiser
All this time I've been finding myself
And I didn't know I got lost.
So wake me up when it's all over,
when I'm wiser and when I'm older.
All this time I was finding myself,
and I, I didn't know I was lost.
Wake me up when it's all over
When I'm older and wiser
All this time I've been finding myself
And I didn't know I got lost
I didn't know I got lost
I didn't know I got lost.

Ice in your Sprite

You won't tell me enough.
I follow in your footsteps and watch.
Is there any ice in your Sprite?
You and I are so close.
You won't tell me enough...
You and I are so close.
You won't tell me enough.
I follow in your footsteps and watch.
Is there any ice in your Sprite?
You and I are so close.
You won't tell me enough.
I follow in your footsteps and watch.
Is there any ice in your Sprite?
Verse 1:
I lost your eyes in the smoke.
Feel [as if] in the dance.
Two loves for us both.
It also awakens me.
Phone me, there are beeps
Outside of the zone stations.
I asked for a familiar address in a taxi.
I lost your eyes in the smoke.
Feel [as if] in the dance.
Two loves for us both.
It also awakens me.
Phone me, there are beeps
Outside of the zone stations.
I asked for a familiar address in a taxi.
You and I are so close.
You won't tell me enough.
I follow in your footsteps and watch.
Is there any ice in your Sprite?
You and I are so close.
You won't tell me enough.
I follow in your footsteps and watch.
Is there any ice in your Sprite?
Monotonous sighs.
You flew into the arms of others.
I burst my nerves with the music1.
Under our sweet smoke.
Confession in a whisper, but we talk not about love.
The tube without a wire, you are my world cut off.
I look at you in the eyes, feel [as if] I'm in a dance.
Two loves for the both of us, it awakens me.
I look at you in the eyes, feel [as if] I'm in a dance.
Two loves for the both of us, it awakens me.
You and I are so close.
You won't tell me enough.
I follow in your footsteps and watch.
Is there any ice in your Sprite?
You and I are so close.
You won't tell me enough.
I follow in your footsteps and watch.
Is there any ice in your Sprite?
  • 1. Lit. 'I nerves with the cords broke'

Love is Tormenting My Heart

Versions: #2
I remember the night
when I met you,
Since then I have loved you
more than myself.
You don’t have an inkling
of what’s going on in my heart,
That I’m burning
and sighing for you.
Love is tormenting my heart,
My soul is burning with desire
For your eyes,
for your lips,
For days and nights...
You pass by me
almost every day,
Joyful and beautiful
like an early rose.
You greet me with a song
and throw glances,
Not knowing that you
break my heart.
Love is tormenting my heart,
My soul is burning with desire
For your eyes,
for your lips,
For days and nights...
Tomorrow, when you pass,
stop by me,
Have mercy on the heart
that’s waning for you,
Look at me gently,
my burning desire,
Your eyes will tell me
what your heart is hiding.
Love is tormenting my heart,
My soul is burning with desire
For your eyes,
for your lips,
For days and nights...
(translated by Gavrilo Došen)

The emperor of love

Rumour has it in the Balkans what I've done
rumour has it the way my soul enjoyed
I crushed the hearts of nymphs like it was glass
the knight of love I am and I've always been
Rumour has it in the Balkans that I was an emperor
without sapphires and castles young master
I crushed every nymph's heart like a pearl
the emperor of love I am and I've always been
Chorus 2x
All women are Balkan sorrows
all women are ripe olives
left out empresses with no crown
Rumour has it in the Balkans that I've been
around the world all the way to USA where I was singing for free
I crushed the hearts of nymphs like it was glass
the knight of love I am and I've always been
Rumour has it in the Balkans that I was an emperor
without sapphires and castles young master
I crushed every nymph's heart like a pearl
the emperor of love I am and I've always been
Copyright © rahela244
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

It's like we are made for each other

She is blonde with Nordic cool
I am dark like the belly of a whale
Black and white
As similar as yin and yang
Like night and day
Still I get the feeling that it's like we are made for each other
It's like we are made for each other
She is up and I am down
She is blind, but I, I see
Black and white
As similar as yin and yang
Like night and day
Still I get the feeling that it's like we are made for each other
It's like we are made for each other
Two is a nasty number
All too easy to split up in two
If you get to perish, you still want to be two
It's like we are made for each other
It's like we are made for each other
It's like we are made for each other
It's like we are made for each other

Robert Mitchum

With a ticket each
and the tingling around the skeleton
You are quite pale
Is it love, maybe?
I have never seen a star
You said that 'I would love to'
We are on our way up to the moon
We are on our way
to meet Robert Mitchum
We are on our way
We never have to pretend again
Just keep our heads cool
We are on our way
from here
Always as frightened
when the novelty is pleasing
But if we only close our eyes,
then we might be able to see
I have never seen anyone bucking
You said 'study my brain'
We are on our way up to the moon
We are on our way
to meet Robert Mitchum
We are on our way
We never have to pretend again
Just keep our heads cool
We are on our way
from here
We are on our way up to the moon
We are on our way
to meet Robert Mitchum
We are on our way
We are on our way up to the moon
We are on our way
We are on our way
We are on our way

I am young and horny

The years, they pass, I am thirty two and lying like hell
And a day doesn't pass without me seeing children
Seeing your children as an insult
And you should not, you should have done, you should, you should
And maybe there was some course, I have probably missed my course
That is probably how it is
What will I become when I grow up?
I am tired of saying sorry, I am young and horny
I am young and horny
And I am thirteen years old in an old body, was it this that was everything?
And I want to make it to Mars and start over with pot, get a new compass and play jazz
And if my hair so turns grey and I have to withstand spitting, I have done everything I could
And maybe there was some course, I have probably missed my course
That is probably how it is
What will I become when I grow up?
I am tired of saying sorry, I am young and horny
I am young and horny
I am young and horny
Young and horny
I am young and horny


I'll put an ad in the newspaper tomorrow
One man is looking for happiness, he'd sleep in the garage
What does he need a bed, power and windows for
You're the only thing in his head, be a dear and call
Because of you, the one I'm living with is grieving and drinking
Because of you, the one I'm living with is hiding my shoes
Then asks why I don't have a heart while I'm getting ready for you
The time has come, the time to say goodbye
The time has come, the time to live with you
Who do I see here in the mirror
A woman who's being suffocated by someone, knocks down her coffee from the table
Ever since she hasn't gotten any good sleep,
Her night gets wasted on fights, be a dear and find her
Because of you, the one I'm living with is grieving and drinking
Because of you, the one I'm living with is hiding my shoes
Then asks why I don't have a heart while I'm getting ready for you
The time has come, the time to say goodbye
The time has come, the time to live with you
And, thank God, even when I break a leg, I run
Because without you, I can't stand the nights
Because of you, because of you

Chariot of Dawn (Akatsuki no Kuruma)

Calling out to the wind under the shade of the trees, weeping with my head hung low
The me I see is someone I can't seem to recognize
A guitar plays the melody of those who have already passed away
As the stars fall in grief of those who will never return again
Don't leave me, how I screamed
But it brings me only the silence of the orange blossom petals* swaying in the wind
These memories from ages ago still remain
Of my tender forehead under your caress
Strum to the tune of an eternal farewell
This innocent's heart was still relying on, clinging to your gentle hand
But the blazing wheels of war cast it aside and charged on
The guitar melody rings out in lamentation for the dead
And stridently are my heartstrings plucked, along to that desolate tune
Unstained by sorrow in their pure white
These orange blossom petals now sway in the shadow of summer
So even if that tender forehead is lost
This unending desert sand dyed blood-red I'll traverse
The rhythms of goodbye**
With our memories ravaged through this holocaust, we advance to a new world
And there, after missing it for so long, will we see sprouts of new life?
Sending away the chariot of dawn
Those orange blossom petals, somewhere they are still swaying
Until the day comes when a peaceful sunrise can be had again
Don’t let this flame die
The wheels of the chariot churns on…
I tried to convey the emotions in the original lyrics while maintaining the correct meanings, without translating word for word.


The blowing wind becomes faint
My blackened burnt lips are becoming frozen together
When a sadness that makes me unable to speak approaches
The invisible pain pierces through me in the dark
My sky inside of me that I can’t love anymore
Even if I hope that you stay a little longer if I beg
Because I can’t just leave like this even though I try to find my scattered pieces
I must not be able to, because my light is becoming clouded
My sky inside of me that makes me unable to love you anymore
Even if I hope that you stay a little longer if I beg
Even though I want to one of your memories forever
You’re forgetting now
Your breath that is steadily getting further away to a place I cannot reach
In the end you make my soul that has left for heaven cry

I miss that time

Cold wind blows like today
I remember the you on the lonely days
You that I loved so much is not with me any more
So we're moving apart
I couldn't keep you
My heart is not moving
After you left me
I miss myself who loved you and felt happy with you
I miss myself who struggled with loving you
When I walk along like today, I look back days I was indifferent
Those indifferent wind and lights on the stress are nostalgia
I don't remember you in my arms
Even though I close my eyes and try to remember out memories,
Now the memories are dim
: our memories.
I miss myself who loved you and felt happy with you
I miss myself who struggled with loving you
Will my heart pounding if we encounter each other after a while?
Will I forget you
As you look for love
How could I forget
I was happy I loved you
I miss you
It was painful and painful
I miss you
I miss you
It was painful and painful
I miss you

She Wants It (She’s Dangerous)

I’m caught in that girl’s
Sticky magic-like web
I can’t escape
I don’t know why, but I like it like this
I’ve already fallen for her
She’s so pretty that people go crazy
Makes me happy that I’m born a male
From rich men to boys
Wanting to win her good favors, they’re uneasy
My mama told me
No matter what kind of girl
A kind heart is the most important (I know that but)
From her shoulders to her knees, to her feet (dangerous)
Totally your style (dangerous)
A master of pretty girls (dangerous)
She’s dangerous, too dangerous (dangerous)
When you look at her eyes just once (dangerous)
With that, it’s game over (dangerous)
Even pretty girls envy her (dangerous)
She’s dangerous, too dangerous (dangerous)
(Dangerous) She wants it
(Dangerous) Woah
(Dangerous) Yeah
100% of the boys
That get caught in her spider web
All seem like fools, enjoying it, so careful
It’s perfect, her play skill
Everything is perfect, her smile is luring me
What that girl wants?
Not love, but merely rings, necklaces, bling bling
A slender, slim slim car, come to me
Her charm is overflowing, so hot
I give up, so what
She goes out every night
She goes hunting for the men she already has
Boys are merely toys for her
If you don’t pay attention, you too will soon be crazy
Even if I don’t see, it’s obvious, mistaking: “That girl wants me”
Believe that I’m different (But I’m the same)
From her shoulders to her knees, to her feet (dangerous)
Totally your style (dangerous)
A master of pretty girls (dangerous)
She’s dangerous, too dangerous (dangerous)
When you look at her eyes just once (dangerous)
With that, it’s game over (dangerous)
Even pretty girls envy her (dangerous)
She’s dangerous, too dangerous (dangerous)
Gotta let you go
Me, she keeps shaking my heart
Me, that girl who’s looking at me is dangerous
Now, she keeps shaking my heart
Me, that girl who stole my heart is dangerous
She’s dangerous (Oh)
From her shoulders to her knees, to her feet (dangerous)
Totally your style (dangerous)
A master of pretty girls (dangerous)
She’s dangerous, too dangerous (dangerous)
When you look at her eyes just once (dangerous)
With that, it’s game over (dangerous)
Even pretty girls envy her (dangerous)
She’s dangerous, too dangerous (dangerous)
From her shoulders to her knees, to her feet (dangerous)
Totally your style (dangerous)
A master of pretty girls (dangerous)
She’s dangerous, too dangerous (dangerous)
When you look at her eyes just once (dangerous)
With that, it’s game over (dangerous)
Even pretty girls envy her (dangerous)
She’s dangerous, too dangerous (dangerous)

Szent szerelem

Bevallom neked, most minden úgy lebénult nélküled
És ki tudja merre lehetsz, amíg a város felett esik a hideg eső?
Aaaa... szerelmem vagy te, ez a kegyetlen idő
Te vagy a vad folyó, az ösvényemen, és még ezzel együtt is szeretlek.
A nap a tenger felett szárnyal, a szívem megőrül.
Adj hát erőt, szent szerelem!
A nap a tenger felett szárnyal, a szívem megőrül.
Adj hát erőt, szent szerelem!
Magunkért élek, a táj viszi a hangomat
A lélek mélységébe, hisz itt van az otthonom, és még ezzel együtt is szeretlek.
A nap a tenger felett szárnyal, a szívem megőrül.
Adj hát erőt, szent szerelem!
A nap a tenger felett szárnyal, a szívem megőrül.
Adj hát erőt, (szent szerelem) !
Adj hát erőt,szent szerelem!

The Night Chicago Died

The sun comes, the night approaches at a distance
I am newly reborn in my dream
Spread out far away
In the night I whisper and you will almost hear it
Now I'm awake from my sleep
I look for my dream and it doesn't leave
Today who will I meet?
What kind of day will it be?
In fate, it is this long
In the night I dont wander
This night sings
But you have already left on this day
Now I am not lonely
Now I am not sad
Without you in this night with friends
I hit the wine cup lightly and give a toast
The love will make the day pass
You here with me, forever
There is a distance in my footsteps
I avoid the places with great disaster
With each other, we only hide sincerity
One night together
Today who will I meet?
What kind of day will it be?
In fate it is this long
In the night I dont wander
This night sings
But you have already left on this day
Now I am not lonely
Now I am not sad
Without you in this night with friends
I hit the wine cup lightly and give a toast
The love will make the day pass
You here with me, forever
Far away the dawn opens
Again the sun's light is laid bare
The night's love has already passed
Wich one is thrown away?
I search for a different person
I leave this road
Come my friend
Sing together
The love will make the day pass
You here with me, forever
Come my friend
Sing together
The love will make the day pass
You here with me, forever
Come my friend
Sing together
The love will make the day pass
You here with me, forever

Stop Walking By

I stop in my footsteps again
To cover my own eyes
Like when you used to embrace me from behind
This breeze that caresses me
I wonder if it's from you
Are you afraid that I might fade from your crying eyes?
I revisit the memories
For I can't bear the endless hours
Why do you leave me behind?
I'm a part of you
You must forget our love
We can't end it this way
No matter where you are
I will always find you
For my heart still beats for you
I remember them well
When my heart aches
I only laugh louder
To hold back the tears
You must believe in our love
I can't lose you
No matter how much you erase me
I will always find you
For my heart still beats for you
Don't feel sorry for me
Through my pain, I'm still happy
Because you'll always be alive in my heart

Amazing Grace (Wonderful Sustenance)

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see,
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see...
I am wandering along
So very tired as I go in life
This goodness that he speaks of
I go to a lifetime to come
The goodness is within my heart
With this strength we will go on
The truth is here for us
That hour strikes now
For one so much to withstand and endure
Amongst the longing desires
There is goodness in my life
Such a wonderful sustenance
Wishing since the beginning to speak
Soon you will be coming
In The Great Spirit's glory
He will keep my life
The Great Spirit says it, so let it be
The Great Spirit speaks of it
The Great Spirit says it, so let it be
The Great Spirit speaks of it, Amen.

Számodra felhőtlen csupán

Az éjszakában lebegő,
Medúzának kinéző hold kettéhasadt
Ha visszapillantok a buszmegállóra
Rád gondolok, s arra, milyen voltál azon a nyáron
Torii és kiszáradt felhők, a nyári illat orcámat simogatja
Míg fel nem növünk, nos addig lábujjhegyen járok majd
A játéktól fáradtan, a buszmegállóból tekintsünk fel az égre
Még ha hamarosan véget is ér a nyár
Biztosan, egész biztosan emlékezni fogok
Nem tudtunk felzárkózni, így váltunk felnőtté
S a zsebedben kinyílt az éjszaka virága
Ha nem tudom szavakba önteni, egyedül vagyok
De ez nem is baj, hisz itt az ideje feladnom
Egy nyári nap, pelyhes meggyfa és egy rozsdás tábla
Az emlékeimben mindig körülvesz a nyár illata
A fényképek mindössze papírdarabok
Az emlékek csak a szemétbe valók
Mivel ezt nem értettem, inkább tartottam a számat
Minduntalan ott pihensz emlékeimben, egy kövön a nyári mezőn*
Lehorgasztott fejjel felnőtté váltunk
Utolérhetetlen, számodra felhőtlen csupán
Anélkül, hogy elhagyta volna számat, másztuk a lejtőt
Az árnyékunkban pedig kinyílt az éjszaka virága
Lehorgasztott fejjel felnőtté váltunk,
Tapsolj hát, ahogy kedved tartja
A naplementében a lejtőt mászva, az árnyékunk..
Nem tudtunk felzárkózni, így váltunk felnőtté
S a zsebedben kinyílt az éjszaka virága
Még ha nem is hagyja el a számat, mi akkor isegyek vagyunk
S ez elég is, mert már
A rólad szóló emlékeimet cincálom át