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A keresés eredménye oldal 57

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One Step (Reprise)

Scoundrel, street rat
I have a big heart
If only they could look better
I look poor outside
But I...
Have way greater things within me

© Pires Philippe

This translation is a personal work - unless noted otherwise. You are NOT allowed to post this translation on whatever other site.

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Il s'agit d'une traduction personnelle (sauf indication contraire). Vous n'êtes PAS autorisé à publier quelque traduction que ce soit sur un autre site.


My Real Story (Reprise)

That's not right, that's not real,
I'm not a street rat,
just a poor boy. But there's
more to us, we have much more.

My Real Story [One Jump Ahead]

Let's get away from here!
Run away!
A piece of bread.
that they are already here.
I steal
just whay I'll need,
that is everything.
The guards are here.
how they grumble.
Of course,
I'm an actual thief.
{Guards}: Thief! Dog! Let go the bread!
Just a snack.
{Guards}: We'll cut you up, throw down the loot!
That's wicked. There's no charity.
You are my only friend, Abu.
{Girls}: Aladdin has already hit the bottom.
{Girls}: He lives in illegality, by now.
{Woman}: The people that brought him into the world are the ones to blame, of course.
But if you wanna eat, you have to pilfer,
it's an old story that no one can change.
Come on!
Let's run again.
Dear me!
My life is so hard...
Let's get the hell out of here!
But with boast.
I escape,
but without fear.
I run away
in order not to have a fight.
Of course,
I don't want to get captured.
{Guards and people}: Rascal! Vandal! Beggar! Scandal!
Can we talk about this?
{Woman}: Well, if you want, you can stay.
Maybe later, I already have so much trouble,
I'm leaving, ta-ta, goodbye!
Uh, uh,
they are really tiresome.
{Chorus}: Thief!
Running like this
is so stressing...
{Chorus}: Dog!
I know a lot of
tricks, too!
{Chorus}: Let go
Let's run away from here,
{Chorus}: the bread!
I'm trying to slink off and cut it out.
Wish me luck, bye!

The Black Shirt (MTV, Improvisation)

Versions: #2
Because we are poor and ugly, man
But our fancies do get struck, oh man
I have a black shirt on
Today my love is in mourning
Today I carry suffering in my soul
And it's all because of the spell you put on me
I know now that you don't love me anymore
And that's what hurts me the most
I said I have a black shirt on,
And this sorrow which hurts me
It badly seems 1 that I've been left all alone
And it was that pure and utter lie of yours
What damned bad luck I had
To find you that one day
Because I drank from the wretched poison of your love
I was left a dying man and mired in pain
I breathed in the bitter smoke of your parting
And ever since you left, I only have
A black shirt on,
Because I have my soul in black
Thanks to you I lost my calm
And I almost lost my bed, too
'Bed, bed,' come on, baby
I say slily
I said I have a black shirt on
And the deceased is underneath
I will bury him whenever you wish, honey
As you heard it, so it is, girl
I have a black shirt on
I care for your love no longer
That which tasted like heaven before
Now tastes like pure....
Wednesday 2 afternoon, and you aren't here yet
There's not even a sign of you
And I have a black shirt on
And your suitcases are by the door
It badly seems that I've been left all alone
And it was that pure and utter lie of yours
What damned bad luck I had
To find you that one day
Because I drank from the wretched poison of your love
I was left a dying man and mired in pain
I breathed in the bitter smoke of your parting
And ever since you left, I only have
A black shirt on,
Because I have my soul in black
Thanks to you I lost my calm
And I almost lost my bed, too
'Bed, bed,' come on, baby
I say slily
I said I have a black shirt on
And the deceased is underneath
I have a black shirt on,
Because I have my soul in black
Thanks to you I lost my calm
And I almost lost my bed, too
'Bed, bed,' come on, baby
I say slily
I said I have a black shirt on
And the deceased is underneath
  • 1. the author wrote this phrase as 'mal parece,' but the phrase as commonly said is 'tal parece' which means 'it seems'
  • 2. miércoles (Wednesday) is an euphemistic way of not fully saying the vulgar word 'mierda'

Számodra felhőtlen csupán

Az éjszakában lebegő,
Medúzának kinéző hold kettéhasadt
Ha visszapillantok a buszmegállóra
Rád gondolok, s arra, milyen voltál azon a nyáron
Torii és kiszáradt felhők, a nyári illat orcámat simogatja
Míg fel nem növünk, nos addig lábujjhegyen járok majd
A játéktól fáradtan, a buszmegállóból tekintsünk fel az égre
Még ha hamarosan véget is ér a nyár
Biztosan, egész biztosan emlékezni fogok
Nem tudtunk felzárkózni, így váltunk felnőtté
S a zsebedben kinyílt az éjszaka virága
Ha nem tudom szavakba önteni, egyedül vagyok
De ez nem is baj, hisz itt az ideje feladnom
Egy nyári nap, pelyhes meggyfa és egy rozsdás tábla
Az emlékeimben mindig körülvesz a nyár illata
A fényképek mindössze papírdarabok
Az emlékek csak a szemétbe valók
Mivel ezt nem értettem, inkább tartottam a számat
Minduntalan ott pihensz emlékeimben, egy kövön a nyári mezőn*
Lehorgasztott fejjel felnőtté váltunk
Utolérhetetlen, számodra felhőtlen csupán
Anélkül, hogy elhagyta volna számat, másztuk a lejtőt
Az árnyékunkban pedig kinyílt az éjszaka virága
Lehorgasztott fejjel felnőtté váltunk,
Tapsolj hát, ahogy kedved tartja
A naplementében a lejtőt mászva, az árnyékunk..
Nem tudtunk felzárkózni, így váltunk felnőtté
S a zsebedben kinyílt az éjszaka virága
Még ha nem is hagyja el a számat, mi akkor isegyek vagyunk
S ez elég is, mert már
A rólad szóló emlékeimet cincálom át

People Say

People say that you can't be loved
People say that your words are empty
People say oh-oh-oh that you have no heart
People say you are not my destiny
People say you are not my destiny
People say your choice is unsuccessful
People say you're in over your head
People say oh-oh-oh is it time to get smarter
People say don't make people laugh
People say don't make people laugh
And I and I-I-I-I-I love you
The fate was not meant to be
And I and I don't-don't-don't-don't-don't forbid
And want to let them the same
People say they would not have regret
People say it's not too late
People say oh-oh-oh only these are all words
People say and there is a rumour
People say and there is a rumour
And I and I-I-I-I-I love you
The fate was not meant to be
And I and I don't-don't-don't-don't-don't forbid
And want to let them the same (x2)
Jaz podobno 80. muzika, predvsem Vzhodnoevropski
I like 80's music, especially East European
Ja sviđa 80. muzika, posebno Istočnoeuropska


Loudest in sleeping breaths
Mind and body diverge
Atlantic, the setting sun lingers
It's evolving reality, sink, sink. No one knows the bottom
Steady on now, hello
What we know is the same as loneliness
Steady on now, hello
Consciousness so clear it hurts
Deeds sitting quiet, an obvious hollow
Freezing sky, mirage of shooting stars
Tempted into those depths
This sinking ship shall rise
By my hand, once more
Incomplete, something's wrong
This sinking town shall rise
By my hand
The history we cast aside that day
Without a writer it's come to a halt
This ship that does not know how
Unable to move, it begins to rot
If you stop breathing, then without loss
You can drown with the seaweed
Ah, I don't need reasons
I can't go back to the last station
Deeds sitting quiet, an obvious hollow
Freezing sky, mirage of shooting stars
Tempted into those depths
This sinking ship shall rise
By my hand, once more
Incomplete, something's wrong
This sinking town shall rise
By my hand, but
It melts between the waves, abandon your senses
Lost and forgotten from this decaying voice
Everything disappears, and whatever's left
Are blurred lanterns, blooming like lingering emotion
If you conceal this flower, no one will know
At this rate I'll be swallowed
Project the mirage
No one needs, I don't need
Tempted into those depths
Sinking ship, hide my consciousness
In blue, mirage
Incomplete, everything's wrong
Sinking end, to the water's shore
We won't come back again
TL Note: I hope this translation was helpful for you! If anyone ever sees any errors or has any suggestions about my translations, please let me know. -nmuth

Whose nuptials are singing tonight

Whose nuptials are singing tonight
whose arms are ,out of happiness,
spreading to hug you
and to shield you
Whose nuptials are singing tonight
Whose eyes, with a tear of joy,
are waking up just not to dream of
looking at you
Whose nuptials are singing tonight
who was the one that in your hair
has tangled his hands to swear
that he will never let you go
Copyright © rahela244
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

Seclusion Waltz

It's all boringly similar
Let me love it til the end
This irreplaceable life
I want to live it with you
Spring and summer repeat
The new seasons when I go to meet you
You're so cute in your overwashed, and faded clothes
La, la, la
Fill the chipped bowl full
And your form is reflected
Aah, God, Buddha, please don't take her
Any further from me
Nice to meet you, what's your name?
What kind of sky do you like?
The colors of the campsis grandiflora blooming in the garden are beautiful
Where have I seen you before?
I'm sorry, I don't remember
But it seem to me that you look so sad
Fall and winter close in
The seasons when I taste purity
That sideways glance and smile are strangely familiar
La, la, la
Waxing and softly deceiving
It steals my form
Aah, If anyone can hear me, please
Don't steal you from inside of me
I mourn, just like before
It's calm. Resplendent
It's all boringly repetitive
Let me love it til the end
This irreplaceable end
I want to spend it with you
Over and over, spring and summer
New when I go to meet you
Sinking into fall and winter
The seasons when I taste purity
That sideways glance and smile are terribly lovely
La, la, la
Fill the chipped bowl full
(Waxing and softly deceiving)
And your form is reflected
(It steals my form)
Aah, God, Buddha, please don't take her
Aah, The you within me
Come, the vivid cadence
This waltz that suits us so well
TL Note: I hope this translation was helpful for you! If anyone ever sees any errors or has any suggestions about my translations, please let me know. -nmuth

Lindens are blooming

Lindens are bloomig, my love
and everything's like before
lindens are blooming, but your
hair's scent is for another man
Chorus 2x
Love spreads its scent again
lindens are blooming again
Who's the one they wake up every day
on your pillow?
Lindens are blooming, my love
everytghing reminds me of you
lindens are blooming but your room's
scent is for someone else
Lindens are blooming, my love
they wake me up with their scent
lindens are blooming, but your street's
scent is for someone else
Copyright © rahela244
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

The beggar of love

Like a beggar along the way
I'm begging you for little happiness
other's women fake happiness
this heart doesn't want anymore
Give your hand, turn around,
to the beggar who dreams of happiness
instead of money on my palm put
a little bit of love
I'm extending my arm towards you
like a child full of hope
I've always needed you
(but today I need you ) like never before
Give your hand to the man
who's waiting for happiness
if you just pass, if you go away
some kind of sorrow will kill me
Copyright © rahela244
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

What's Done Is Done

Every time I trail off and sadness creeps under my skin
When I walk down what used to be city
I come to realize why people leave here
'Cause they can't look at folded pants
'Cause those same people ruined gardens
And instead of flowers they keep garbage under their windows
But hey, what can you do, it's hard to live on asphalt
Believe me, I lived easier with grenades during war then now with consequences of war
Let's look at life from the brighter side
Let's look at our new uptown girls and what they do
So, I approach one, she looks hot, I start to talk
But she can't hear me, she still hears cattle in her head
I'm not confused, don't get me wrong, some things still work
I show off my Mercedes benz and start the engine, they get that part
We're in my room, I start to take off her clothes, trace her breasts
She starts to moan like she's giving birth
While I'm struggling with condom, I don't know where to begin
I didn't even put it on and she already says 'Wow, it's big!'
And said condom is full before dawn
But who'd change it then, while we're still at it like we just begun
Or, what if it breaks, sudden thought crossed my mind
And she realized what's on my mind, yelling
'Don't come inside of me, I beg you, don't!'
'Well, shit, this is already my second time.'
What's done is done
There's no going back in time
What's done is done, aaaah...
No matter circumstances, town is still cheerful
you know, we're becoming well known in the world and all that shit
And what's more important, we're becoming well known
As following story tells:
I wake up this morning, start masturbating again
It's been seven days since I had sex
I'll find someone to stick it soon, hell, I'm not a leper
So my righty, my first love, can finally have some rest
AIDS is big these days, I can already hear my mum inside my head
Even so, it's better to risk it than keep it in my pants
I get dressed and go out
Partisan movies aren't enough to describe the horror of the scene, ugly faces dominate
In that moment, membrane pulsates in my pants
'Who cares about your standards, desperate times...!'
Since my cock isn't picky but it's prone to throwing up,
I'll call it 'He' from now on
I approach her, she looks good enough, I'm fixing my mojo
Her clothes is expensive
Her shoes are huge enough to fit two babies, I'm thinking it over
And He says: 'She just grew out healthy, probably grandad's genes.'
She moves so smoothly, she could easily move an average elephant
If she was mixing concrete, I'd already be ready for a building
She steps wide, I'm running behind, everything boiling on the inside
Her legs defy gravity.
I'm thinking for myself, it would charitable to fuck her
And He says: 'Charitable? You'd fuckin' beg for more!'
'Nice to meet you, I'm Micha.' and she smiles:
'Nice to meet you, too. I'm Dushica but they call me Dushka.'
She ask whom I live with, do I live nearby, she has to go to toilet.
With my mum, I say, she asks, do we have any kids.
We storm inside, I'm thinking, who cares about manners
She didn't even close the door, she pees standing up
Thought crossed my mind, Look at this asshole
and He says: 'She maybe had some surgery and her pussy went up higher'
I pull her hair and scream:'What a fuck is this, bitch?!'
And she says: 'I feel like a woman, but I was born a man.'
I reach for her pussy and down there, a prick.
What's done is done
There's no going back in time
What's done is done,
f**k my life.
'There's no answer to where the love goes. People are always lonely... But, are you happy? Even in this meager living.'
~ Yutaka Ozaki

When Jenny and Jonny travel

When Jenny and Jonny travel
then they don't talk like here
They're saying in Rome and Venedig
and also in Neapel at the Pier
Buon Giorno, Buon GIorno Signores
Avanti fresh fresh Chianti on the table!
So these two balderdash talking
(Buon Giorno, Buon GIorno Signores
Avanti fresh fresh Chianti on the table!
So these two balderdash talking.)
When Jenny and Jonny travel
they talk in foreign language only
they are saying in Frisco and London,
in Hong Kong and Singapore
how are you, how are you, my bonnie
my jonny boy hey, is all auch OK?
So asks there the Jenny the Jonny
(how are you, how are you, my bonnie
my jonny boy hey, is all auch OK ?)
(So asks there the Jenny the Jonny..)
When Jenny and Jonny travel
then they always speak foreign
They say in ochiwarongo,
in Isfahan, Dakar and Fez
Bombingo Bambango Bombongo
Bubua Bingbong, Kaukua ping pong,
So the two also speak in Congo..
(Bombingo Bambango Bombongo
Bubua Bingbong, Kaukua ping pong)
(So the two also speak in Congo..)
When Jenny and Jonny travel
then they also come back at home
and if they are in Vienna or Hamburg
then the two call out there:
Buon Giorno, how are you, Papachen?
Avanti hey hey, Bombingo OK!
And mix in joy every language
(Buon Giorno, how are you, Papachen?
Avanti hey hey, Bombingo OK!)
(And mix up in joy every language)
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

No one else beside you

I need you
As never before
I need you
So that life improves
It was too much that unfortunately
That happened to me
There's no one else
Who would understand me
No one else beside you
I need you
To be happy
I need you
So stay with me
You see my whole life is
Upside down
There's no one else
Who would understand me
No one else beside you.
I would cry many times but I may not
for people are deeply sleeping
I would rather cry because I cannot stand
That loneliness is sitting here on my bed
so I would cry for your help
and for you to take make hand
There's no one else
Who would understand me
No one else beside you
I need you
so that I can see you all the time
I need you
so that I can wait for you always
I need you
to live my life
Because no else understands me
No one else beside you
I would cry many times but I may not
for people are deeply sleeping
I would rather cry because I cannot stand
That loneliness is sitting on my bed
so I would cry for your help
to take my hand in the dark
I would love to cry
so that fear vanishes
I would cry many times but I may not
for people are deeply sleeping
I would rather cry because I cannot stand
That loneliness is sitting on my bed
so I would cry for your help
and for you to take my hand in the dark
There's no one else
who understands me
Because no one has been born who understands me
There's no one else beside you

Million ... Million ...

1. I'm a little flower,
Near the cross with spikes
The flower is small, the hill is big
What perfume could give a flower?
But, like me, the Lord has
Million ... Million ...
2. I'm a whistle that gathers
The lost poor sheep
When, there're thunders, in the sky
Who's hearing a good news?
But, like me, in the valleys it resounds
Million ... Million ...
3. I am a ray from Golgotha,
Near ocean shores
A spark at the top of the cliff,
Who can see it in the deep night?
But, like me, there are still
Million ... Million ...
4. I am a traveler through the world,
Getting across meridians.
My brothers of body and name
Were laughing and mocking me
But I have other brothers in the world
Million ... Million ...
5. I am a steam blowing in the wind
And it is lost in the wilderness.
But on the day that will come
Not a man and not a thousand,
As me, they would like to be
Million ... Million ...

Kept my tears in my throat

Maybe it's raining in April, or snowing in Prauge or are we dancing together, yeah?
Or are we dancing together, yeah
Maybe we find eachother, some things caught up
Some things ran away, yeah
Some things ran away, yeah
Ran away
I used gangsigns on the class photo like a big idiot
Grew up fast and remained in the same apartment and
Time caught up with you like a summer towards the end
Me and Katta tog the party from Café Opera to the emergency room
Grab a drink with me
Who can drink the most?
My Sony Ericsson was my wingman, send texts
It always ended with .com as a webbadress and everyone was like Micke Bindefeldt
They had a houseparty
But I was home the most
Tears in my throat
A little shaky voice
I kept my tears in my throat
In degrees below freezing, I try to move forward
Do you mean that it's over?
I'll do anything to get back what we used to have
Who said that boys don't cry?
Eyo, we used to roam around, just you and me
I remember how I was
An idiot in the capital, nights out
Trädgårn, Slaktis, Stureplan
I was way off (Tour de France)
Summer in the city
High as a hippie
Both in love with you and my weed
I was so dumb and you were totally cool with it
Not like the other girls I went to school with
Me and my boys
We were all weird
Behind eachother we were cold and nonchalant
The people who were like us were the ones we called friends
Did shit, never ratting eachother out
Hung out, the whole troop, everyone shared the weed
Before we went home, tog the bag and spit it
Wanted to get down to earth but I was more in the air
Tried to play tough but you saw through my bluff
Because you have to be cool, så I kept my
Tears in my throat
Because you have to be cool
I kept my tears in my throat
In degrees below freezing, I try to move forward
Do you mean that it's over?
I'll do anything to get back what we used to have
Who said that boys don't cry?
Answer texts to slowly
High constantly, halfdead in Zombieland
And even though you were a helping hand
It was clear that I wasn't even half of a man
So I'm sorry, that I was a motherfucking douchebag
It wasnt my intention to be unworthy
Havent found home, but im on good way
And when I do I hope that you stood there
I mean stand there and then I'll know what cool is and wont keep my
Tears in my throat
No! Because I promise, I promise
I kept my tears in my throat
In degrees below freezing, I try to move forward
Do you mean that it's over?
I'll do anything to get back what we used to have
Who said that boys don't cry?

Now You Can Leave

If you had always told me the truth
If you had answered when I called you
If you had loved me too when I loved you
You would be the best woman in my dreams
If you did not know how to love, now you can leave
If you knew how much I suffered from you
Having to forget you without knowing why
Only know do you call me and want to see me
You swear that you changed and is coming back
If you did not know how to love, now you can leave
Just leave me, I have nothing to talk about
With you, I lost already I have with whom winning
I know that no one has given you what I gave to you
That no one has taken care of you as I did
So I know it very well, why you're here
But the time has passed and I've also changed
If you did not know how to love, now you can leave
Just leave me, I have nothing to talk about
With you, I lost, already I have with whom winning
I know that no one has given you what I gave to you
That no one has taken care of you as I did
So I know it very well, why you're here
But the time has passed and I've also changed
If you did not know how to love, now you can leave
If you did not know how to love, now you can leave

Tomorrow it will be better

Tomorrow it will be better.
It will be better and better.
You must only wish it hard,
you must want it.
Tomorrow it will be better.
It will be much better.
You must only have this hope
in yourself.
There must be troubles,
there must be worries
so you can finally know
how good it is to live without them.
Tomorrow it will be better.
It will be much better.
You must only wish it hard,
you must want it.

One More Time

Baby don’t leave me
I can’t do anything
If you leave me tonight
I can feel it
This love has gone so far
Look at me
My gazes burning like a flame
It makes your hands get hotter
We dancing all night long
Don’t think about it anymore
Come one, this may be the last time we’re together
Oh I’m willing to do anything for you
How can I do in order to make you fall in love with me (Once again)
Let me in (Once again)
I want you now
Your eyes tell me you want to try it too (Once again)
Don’t hesitate (Once again)
Swallow me baby, one more time
There’s nothing left to lose
But why I’m falling in love
At this moment
Cover your eyes so you won’t face the farewell
That will come when
This night’s over
How can I do in order to make you fall in love with me (Once again)
Let me in (Once again)
I want you now
Your eyes tell me you want to try it too (Once again)
Don’t hesitate (Once again)
Swallow me baby, one more time
Your low breath
My drunken desire
I’ll be dancing all night (I’ll be dancing all night)
Don’t let this day go away (We’d be dancing)
The night that I want to last forever
Oh I’m willing to do anything for you Woo
How can I do in order to make you fall in love with me (Once again)
Let me in (Once again)
I want you now
Your eyes tell me you want to try it too (Once again)
Don’t hesitate (Once again)
Swallow me baby, one more time

Carefully, carefully

When I was little long ago
they forbade me to touch the stove
but the glow of fire was so attractive
I approached my hand and the end is known
Carefully, carefully, carefully, carefully
that is worth like gold
who never get burned
doesn´t know what is fire
As girl I told my beloved
I want with you a happy home
he said confusedly: I would love it
but what would my wife say to me?
A lot of us don´t like to work, but we want to have everything
because of that I left alone in this life
If anyone is interested in what the marriage is
that is, people, a fast train
everyone rushes to get in, as far as I know
some go in, the others go out
Carefully, carefully, carefully, carefully
that is worth like gold
who once get burned
does know what is fire

I will go my way

We were both late
for our life encounter.
Right at the beginning we knew
that one day it will all end.
We were both late,
the last nigh already ended.
It´s no use crying,
already someone´s waiting for you.
I will go my way,
you will go your way.
It was already written that your and my
ways had different destinations.
We were both late,
it was just a dream on the sand,
we know this is the end,
we both disguise the sorrow.
We were both late
for overcoming our failures.
It´s no use crying,
you will return into his arms.
I will go my way,
you will go your way.
It was already written that your and my
ways had different destinations.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

Zika´s round

I´ll tell you how was formed Zika´s round
what a round, who won´t like it
it was a long ago in the hilly Balkans
Zika fall in love with his neighbor Stana
And there won´t be any problem
because she liked Zika´s flirting
but there was that old problem
she´s very rich and his property is small
Actually, it started to bother her father
because he doesn´t want an ordinary, poor son in law
Stana has great body, she walk seductively
an ideal target for every man
And although Zika had a small property
it didn´t bother him to fall on her manly
but each her sentence was the same
don´t, Zika, please, my father will see me
Zika would take her away in the wood and across in the village
but her father doesn´t let her out of sight
Zika was tired of that cat and mouse play
he said: I´ll have her, who cares about her father
One day when everybody was working on the field
the two of them really relax in the shadow
Zika bends up, he want give her a sweet kiss
but he knows, that won´t be easy
Then he remember what his grandma told him
just go ahead, son, Stana is pretending
kiss her, Zika, like in the movie, but he feel a drama
when he remember that he forgot th straw in his mouth
He spit it out and then continues kissing her around the neck
and she says, don´t, Zika, my father will see me
it has become tense and he doesn´t hear, he is unbuttoning the blouse
now I would´t stop, even if I went to jail
Then in the light of day appeared breast
oh, God, he say and continues kissing
and also Stana is lost, she catches him for his masculinity
and shouts loudly, don´t, Zika, my dad will see me
He would tell her, but he´s gaurgling, he has node in throat
I don´t care if he kills me, I want a little bit more
he attack the skirt, Stana defends herself
double round flashed in broad daylight
Zika´s sight become obscure, he doesn´t know where´s the target
and she adjust herself, the grass tickles her
Zika pointed, there´s no anymore gates nor doors
and Stana says, don´t Zika, my father will see me
Since then Stana, since then Stana
calls let´s go
calls let´s go
in Zika´s round
Ah, how I would, ah, how I would like
ah, how I would like
ah, how I would like in Zika´s round
Ah, how I would, ah, how I would
Stana, how I would like
ah, how I would like in Zika´s round
Ah, how I would, ah, how I would like
ah, how I would like
ah, how I would like in Zika´s round
Ah, how I would, ah, how I would
Stana, how I would like
ah, how I would like in Zika´s round

I Want To Be The King Soon

I want to be the mighty king
And the terror to the enemies
But I don't know how you could rule
And have a short mane!
I will have the longest mane
It will flutter and warm me
And i train the look from the above
And I learn to roar!!!
That joke doesn't seem to be funny for me
Oh, I want to
Be the king soon!
You will be young for the long time, boy
I would say that...
I won't hear: Go there!
Be nice and OK!
I won't hear: Leave it be!
Or look there!
I wanted to say, that I...
I only thought...
If you won't listen...!
Look there!
I won't hear, where I'm supposed to go
I will do, what I want to
(Zazu) This is the end, guys
The time has come, you and me
Will discuss what and how
Why would a king should listen
To a little bird?
If this famous kingdom
Wants to refuse me
I will give up this service and I'll leave Africa
Floating on my wings
This kid got out of our hands
What to do next with him?
Oh, I want to be the king soon!
Just everybody look there
Just everybody look here
Everywhere you look
I'm in the sunlight
Not yet!
And every animal join the choir
And the whole jungle sounds like a huge hall
That SImba has just become the king
Oh, I want to be the king soon
Oh, I want to be the king soon
Oh, I want to be the king soon!

A Glass of Soju (ENG)

A night when thinking a glass of alcohol
Seems like being with you
The good days we have spent with
now become all just one sigh
The face leaving of yours
may cry a lot than before
It feels i just missed you
since i firstly turn around
A person has changed
I want you ever than i did before
When i'm drunken like this
hold a turned-off phone
Hello, it's me
How are you there
Hello, why aren't you answering
Are you crying, because it's been a while since spoke with you,
the man you love
The selfish man who slips
your precious heart for him
To call you back after so long
I'm yelling out like crazy
The face leaving of yours
it's like a first time we met
I'm having tears on eyes
since that, feels lonely
The person has changed
I want you ever than i did before
When i'm drunken like this
pressing the numbers that has changed
Hello, it's me again
How are you there
It's been such a while, my love
To call you back after so long
I'm crying out like a crazy man
Whoooo ooo~(Ad libitum)
Hello, it's me again
I'm so sorry
to a man who was being so selfish
To call you back after so long
I'm yelling out like a crazy man

Secret love

At the window's edge I await the dawn
Soaking the small flower with my tear
I look at the branches of the poplar tree
waiting for my sweetheart
Ref. 2x
My little glowing star
tell me where's my secret
my secret, fabulous love
While the poplar tree plays with the wind
the night caresses the glow of the star
The early hours of the dawn are far
where the hands of my sweetheart are
Ref. 2x
And I'll wait all night
until the sun comes up
until the sun comes up in the early hours
since my sweetheart isn't here
Ref. 2x

Old love

I´m thinking again where are you now
do you remember the time when we were together
do you remember touches of our love
Do you swear me or doesn´t
maybe you´re silent so I can warm you up
until too long winters pass
borring winters
Where are we now I think again
do you remember when we dreamt together
when we found out the reasons
of our craziness
When solitude sink the heart
and salty drop emerge from eye
the angels will sing to our past
I swear myself
while I pass through muddy street
and I swear the hope
because you´re not in me anymore
That old love
Where are we now I think again
do you remember when we dreamt together
when we found out the reasons
of our craziness
When solitude sink the heart
and salty drop emerge from eye
the angels will sing to our past
That old love
That old love

Long Live Jujuy

Long live Jujuy, long live the Puna, long live my beloved.
Long live the painted hills of my ravine.
From my ravine, Humahuaqueña
do not separate yourself from my loves
you are my owner.
Long live Jujuy and the beauty of the jujeñas
Live the well-blackened braids
of my brunette.
From my brunette, coyita mine,
do not separate yourself from my loves
You are my owner.

Awakening, the boundary line of the fortifying soul and fate

The moment of death is deprived and accepts a new life to fuse
The destiny that I conceive, shines like a crystal
The world stops unexpectedly as the sound of wind ceases
In the moment, I realize I am alone
My words are as icy as a violent whirlwind of cold air
My soul begins to tremble
If I fight, I would sink as much as I proceed
I lost sight of my reason for living
When I will disappear, who will call my name?
People born in the darkness will soon walk in search of light
A fire lights at the border between life and death
Even if they are unwilling, even if they are absurd
All the figures that exist are beautiful
The destiny that I conceive, shines like a crystal
The waving feathers on the waves return low
I could glimpse a little freedom
If I turn around completely as if nothing had happened
My footprints are drawn
If I think, I'll get tangled up as much as I proceed
I am seeking my whereabouts
When I will disappear, who will call my name?
The moment of death is deprived and accepts a new life to fuse
A fire lights on the fuse line that invites life or death
Two needles overlapping
Palpitates like a heartbeat
The destiny that I conceive, shines like a crystal
A tragedy that has been colored black and white
A frozen heart, a gnawed wall
The world can be repeated many times
People born in the darkness will soon walk in search of light
A fire lights at the border between life and death
Even if they are unwilling, even if they are absurd
All the figures that exist are beautiful
The destiny that I conceive, shines like a crystal
The wind will flourish, fires will light up
Burn the heavens to become a star

Church, Church, Apostolic Church!

Ref: Church, Church, Apostolic Church!
Church, Church, Apostolic Church!
1. It's time to repent
For the Bridegroom waits for you
And if you do not decide
You will sit in Judgment.
2 Although the road is very hard
And the cross presses you
Look up to your Lord
He brings you home.
3. Look up to Golgotha
Toward Jesus, the Creator
He has endured the heavy death
He is your Redeemer.
4. And for you He has endured
Heavy pain and sufferings
But He sent the Holy Spirit
The Comforter.
5. You can enjoy Grace of God
Singing in divine tongues
Jesus died on Calvary
He died for you.
6. He still doesn't rest
He's always looking into you
He always loved you
And now He informs you.
7. The very beginning faith
And the first love
You've lost them all
How hard should be!
8. Come back, come back
To the first love
And you'll have, you will have
A great joy.
9. If you don't, if you don't
You will be severely punished
You will not enter, you will not enter
In the Land so much desired....

I am Loretano

Santiagueño I am, gentlemen,
in Loreto I was born,
between the carob,
mishtol and flowered chañar.
To the chapel they lead me
of the Loreto Virgen.
The navel full of soil
and the crucifix on the chest.
Beautiful Loretana woman,
gorgeous Santiagueña lady
that the carob had pickep up *
while she dreams with the gaucho.
The coyuyo sings
the boyero sings.
Come, let´s sing together
to Santiago del Estero.
Singing this chacarera
I'm happy under the eaves.
With my woman and my horse,
and the añapa in the mortar.
In the carnaval I come
on the horse in the trenchs.
With my woman in the haunches
to danse the chacarera.
If I don´t play the guitar,
if I don´t sing chacarera,
not having drink of aloja,
Father God, make me die.


When I left Santiago
all the way I cried,
I cried without knowing why
but I assure you
that my heart is hard
but that day I loosened.
I left that dear soil
and the ranch where I was born,
where I lived so happy
cheerfully singing.
Instead today I cry constantly
just like the crespin.
The years nor the distance
could never get to set you aside
from my memory
nor make me forget you.
Oh dear Santiago
I miss your quebrachal.
Tomorrow when I die
if someone remembers me,
peasants I will ask you
if you want to give me the Glory
that you play to my memory
the doble that I sing here.
In my hours of sadness
I always think
how can some peasants
ranch, father, mother, brother
so easily.
Santiagueño shall not be
the one that behaves in that way:
to despise the chacarera
for another imported dance.
That is to see her sullied,
our rural (peasant) race.
The other night my pillows,
I found them wet, but
I ignore if I dreamed
or is that I cried awoken
and in the distance I looked
the ranch that I left.
Maybe in the cemetery
there is no place for me
peasants I will ask you
before the time comes
throw me in the open field
but there where I was born.

Thank you

For being my strength when I was weary
And for always by my side
Now I want to say thank you
And because of you I'm happy
This is for you
Before my tears dry
They had to spill that day
You hold my hand in the dark
Silently you watched over me, thank you
You must have had a harder time tha I diid
You must have worried more than I did
Because of you I was able to stand
I am always thankful for just the heart
There was so much you wanted to give me
You struggled with the fact that you couldn't
Trust me, grab my hand if I am with you
No matter what happen
I feel like anything can be done forever
Before my tears dry
They had to spill that day
You hold my hand in the dark
Silently you watched over me
I won't have a hard time anymore
Even if times get rough, I have you
Without having to say a word
There's someone like who already knows I'm happy