Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 74

Találatok száma: 2605


The answer is known only to the wind

Versions: #2
How many streets on the face of this earth
Are streets filled with tears and despair?
How many seas on the face of this earth
Are seas of sadness?
How many mothers have been alone for so long,
And today are still waiting and waiting?
The answer, my friend,
Is known only to the wind
The answer's known only to the wind
How many people aren't yet free today
And would love so much to be?
How many children go to bed every night
But can't fall asleep due to hunger?
How many dreams implore us at night:
When will it be different for us?
The answer, my friend,
Is known only to the wind
The answer's known only to the wind
How big are the mountains of money that are spent1
On bombs, missiles, and death?
How grand of phrases do many men say today,2
Only to relieve no suffering?
How big a disaster must first happen
To bring humanity to its senses?
The answer, my friend,
Is known only to the wind
The answer's known only to the wind
  • 1. I think that 'How many mountains of money are spent?' sounds more natural and has a similar meaning, but this is a more literal translation
  • 2. 'How many words do some men say today,'

Szeretem, szeretem

Szeretem, szeretem, szeretem, szeretem, szeretem
Szeretem az életet, az itteni és az ottani embereket
Szeretem a bulikat, a hajnalt, a dalokat
Szeretem a színt, ha természetes.
Szeretem, szeretem, szeretem, szeretem, szeretek
Barátokat szerezni, utazni, szeretek, szeretek
Veled álmodni és arra ébredni hogy éneklek,
Szeretem az igaz szerelmet.
Hé, barátaim, had mondjam el nektek:
Engedjétek hogy a szerelem vezessen.
Táncolj velem és még egyszer
Fogd meg a kezem, légy a barátom...
Szeretem, szeretem, szeretem, szeretem, szeretem
Szeretem az életet, az itteni és az ottani embereket
Szeretem a bulikat, a hajnalt, a dalokat
Szeretem a színt, ha természetes.
Szeretem, szeretem, szeretem, szeretem, szeretek
Barátokat szerezni, utazni, szeretek, szeretek
Veled álmodni és arra ébredni hogy éneklek,
Szeretem az igaz szerelmet.
Mindenhol, mindenhonnan,
Halljuk, hogy szól a zene.
Érezzük, ha jelen van a szerelem,
Mindennap és mindenhol...
Szeretem, szeretem, szeretem, szeretem, szeretem...

Life remains the same

Versions: #3
Some are born and others will die.
Some laugh and others will cry.
Water without a course, river without a sea
Sorrows and glories, wars and peace.
There's always something to live for,
something to fight for.
There's always someone to suffer for,
and someone to love.
In the end, actions remain
and people go away.
Others who come will carry on with them -
Life remains the same.
Very little friends that are true
Many praise you if you're successful,
and if you fail you'll understand
that only the good ones stay - everyone else leaves.
There's always something to live for,
something to fight for.
There's always someone to suffer for,
and someone to love.
Hope this was helpful! Any corrections are truly appreciated.
These translations are made with lots of love, care and time, so it'd be great if you credit me when re-posting them somewhere else :D

Emlékszem rád

Tudod szerelmem, sose felejtettelek el
Minden csillag rád emlékeztet, amikor csak megjelennek
Tudod szerelmem, mindig is emlékeztem rád
És téged látlak minden egyes virágban, amikre a kolibrik szállnak
Tudod szerelmem, mindig megtaláltalak téged
Minden egyes virágzó mályvavirágban
Minden egyes madár, ami dalol
Mikor hajnalodik és esteledik
Te jutsz az eszembe
Mikor a levelek táncolnak
Mikor a szél nem repteti őket
Mikor az éjszaka fehér
Mikor hétkor besötétedik
Mikor esik az eső
Mikor elmúlik
Mikor a hold előbújik
És mikor a nap lemegy
Te jutsz az eszembe
Te jutsz az eszembe

New love

And again, a new love is born
More beautiful, younger, happier
Hopefully smarter too
Smiling, just like you and I.
I only want
The sun, sea and the blue sky
And real love
I guess it's my right
Faces from last night
I forget in the morning
And everything I find
I kiss and I leave1 it.
There's a bit of love waiting for everyone.
I don't wanna sit
On two chairs anymore
I want love
And not her copies
I was searching for happiness
It's not there when I need it
I held my hand out
But nobody wanted to take it.
There's a bit of love waiting for everyone.
And again, a new love is born
More beautiful, younger, happier
Hopefully smarter too
Smiling, just like you and I. (x2)
Now I love again
I don't need anything else
I'm fed up with the mess,
I wanna live more quietly
I can freely
Go to far in happiness too
I've found someone
I can trust
There's a bit of love waiting for everyone.
And again, a new love is born
More beautiful, younger, happier
Hopefully smarter too
Smiling, just like you and I. (x4)
  • 1. Kiss it and leave it, an idiom in the South Slavic languages

Nincs szerelem fájdalom nélkül

Hé, az én életemet
Csak ez tartja fenn
hogy mi együtt vagyunk
Hé, de fáj ez nekem
Ahogyan te szeretsz engem
hetente csak egyetlen egyszer
Nincs szerelem fájdalom nélkül
Nézd nézd, hová vezettél engem
Hosszúak a nappalaim, rövidek az éjszakáim
Nélküled nekem nincs oltalmam
Hosszúak a nappalaim, rövidek az éjszakáim
Nélküled nekem nincs oltalmam
Hé, én veled mindenre képes vagyok
belebetegszik a szívem
ha te nem vagy velem
Hé, de én nem tehetem azt,
hogy csak akkor szeresselek
hetente csak egyetlen egyszer

9 Jewels

Now that you're listening, I've got you where I want
In between body and soul
Awake in a dream
Flying in circles around me
Then it happens that you're approaching what I've put out to
Touch you
Around your body
So that you can feel where you are
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

If we're together

Everyone likes getting
A tie made with love
But in the end, what matters
Is what has the most value
It's a part I won't give up
The family community
And if we're together
Everything else can wait
And if we're together
Nothing is missing
And on Christmas day
It's important to know
That if we're together
The present is having you
I would travel far
Without even quitting
With certainty, knowing
That you will wait for me
And if we're together
(if we're together)
I'll always have your heat
When we're together
(if we're together)
We have more love
It doesn't matter where
I'll go there with you
And if we're together
It's where I'll live.
And if we're together
It's always time to celebrate
And if we're together
Everything will shine
And if the bell does not come
(and if the bell doesn't)
And if it does not sound
(And if it does not sound)
If we're together
Together forever
And if we're together
It's a reason to smile
~ Luvya, dankie mutch :D ~

'Lit' = 'literally'
'Or' = there is an alternate way to translate the line/phrase

Forever young

Chorus [Karel Gott]:
Forever young, forever young,
You have to remember the good times
Because nothing is forever
Forever young, forever young,
You have to remember the good times
Because nothing is forever
1st verse [Bushido]:
You don't give a shit about those who talk without making sense
Because you remain a man of action
You just work hard
the whole goddamn day
You feel old and weak
You feel exhausted
And that asshole of a boss's vents his bad mood on you
What a comedy act
10 years of blood and sweat
You look in the mirror
That look says, 'Enough, that's it!'
From your wife you get 'radio silence' treatment, grief
Is she cheating?
Do you really still have the strength of a dog to track it down?
The children have also been lying to you:
Whether about smoking, partying, boozing, drugs
You have not raised your own blood this way!
Everyone thinks about themselves, but who thinks about you?
Before you wore college jackets, now a suit
You can't recognize yourself!
This life is just simply cold and heavy
And every year a few more wrinkles appear
Say, how gladly would you now fly free like an eagle?
No more worrying about being in a coffin someday.
Chorus [Karel Gott]:
Forever young, forever young,
You have to remind yourself of the good times
Because nothing is forever
Forever young, forever young,
You have to remind yourself of the good times
Because nothing is forever
2nd Verse [Bushido] :
Your parents are now old and sick.
And it's like a bad movie
and you pray to God now: Please stop it!.
It seems like yesterday:
you were just 9. Your first goal.
One is proud when he makes his father happy.
He was your coach. You kicked (the soccer ball) in front of the house.
Today the man walks bent over with a cane inside the house.
You're sad.
This man who was out with you every day,
sits alone at the kitchen table and now has cataracts.
He is sick. Sick, because he needs a kidney (transplant).
The cane accompanies him when he goes for his daily walk.
She {the mother} is worse off than him, but nobody cares.
The doctor usually gives her the last appointment.
Who can turn back time here?
Who will give her this strength again? She is weak.
Look, she can only walk hunched over.
And you only have your memory.
Everything is perishable,
but we would like to be forever young, always young.
Chorus [Karel Gott]:
Forever young, forever young,
You have to remind yourself of the good times
Because nothing is forever
Forever young, forever young,
You have to remind yourself of the good times
Because nothing is forever!
3rd verse [Bushido]:
How gladly I would like to say now: hope dies last.
What have I done, why is God punishing me with this bad luck?
When will I realize that nothing is here forever?
That everything eventually breaks and then I sit in the rubble?
Enjoy the moment when you are with your friends.
This moment with your mother, because that's when she is happy.
At some point she will be gonee.
Enjoy the moment you share with her.
She does not need anything else.
And this shitty custom where everyone just thinks of themselves.
Children stress their father until he simply breaks,
until he just can't anymore and does not even want to talk,
because he wants to be young again and wants to live.
Nothing is forever. We would like to be forever young.
Give us the time that just stops, simply enjoy it,
and forget the day of hard work.
Now grab the Ray-Bans & blue jeans. Sing for them, Karel Gott!
Chorus [Karel Gott]:
Forever young, forever young,
You have to remind yourself of the good times
Because nothing is forever
Forever young, forever young,
You have to remind yourself of the good times
Because nothing is forever!

A világ királyai

A világ királyai legfelül élnek
Számukra a legszebb kilátás odafent van
De nem tudják, mit gondolnak róluk idelent
Nem tudják azt hogy itt mi vagyunk a királyok
A világ királyai bármit megtesznek, amit akarnak
Nekik embereik vannak mindenfele de egyedül vannak
A kastélyukban ott unatkoznak
Míg a földszinten táncolunk egész éjszaka
Szeretkezünk, éljük az életünket
Nap nap után éjszaka éjszaka után
Mi értelme van élnünk a földön
ha térden állva végezzük
Tudjuk, hogy az idő olyan, mint a szél
Élni annyira fontos
Nem érdekel az erkölcs
Tudjuk, hogy nem bántunk meg semmit
A világ királyai mindentől félnek
Összetévesztik a kutyákat és a farkasokat
Olyan csapdákat, csinálnak amelyekbe egy nap bele fognak esni
Ők megvédik magukat a szerelemtől
A világ királyai harcolnak egymással
Van egy hely a szobában egy vagy két lépésnyire
És ott lent háborúzni nem fogunk velük
Nem is tudjuk, hogy mi az ami a királyok játékai
Szeretkezünk, éljük az életünket
Nap nap után éjszaka éjszaka után
Mi értelme van élnünk a földön
ha térden állva végezzük
Tudjuk, hogy az idő olyan, mint a szél
Élni annyira fontos
Nem érdekel az erkölcs
Tudjuk, hogy nem bántunk meg semmit
Szeretkezünk, éljük az életünket
Nap nap után éjszaka éjszaka után
Mi értelme van élnünk a földön
ha térden állva végezzük
Tudjuk, hogy az idő olyan, mint a szél
Élni annyira fontos
Nem érdekel az erkölcs
Tudjuk, hogy nem bántunk meg semmit

The Morning Will Change Everything

You're here, there's darkness all around us
Ominous silence divides us
But no, wait for the day patiently
The morning will change everything
What's that for? Night has entered us
And our hearts are empty
But no, it's all a bad dream
The morning will change everything
I'm awake, the night is long
And I know, you're awake too
But these two without hope
No, no, that's not us!
You and I maybe want the end
And dark thoughts separate us
But I know, night is to be blamed for everything
The morning will change everything
You and I maybe want the end
And dark thoughts separate us
But I know, night is to be blamed for everything
The morning will change everything
Change everything....

All the Love of this Planet

Versions: #2
When the evening twilight comes and the solitude
and nostalgia invades many thousand hearts
listen to the wind of the night.
It sings my song…
And then go to sleep,
‘cause now I’m by your side.
All the Love of this Planet,
I give it to you,
I give it to you,
you should never feel lonesome,
no matter what happens,
believe me,
All the Love of this Planet,
you’ll find it only in my heart.
All the Love of this Planet,
I want you to pay me for it with your love.
When the evening twilight comes the dreams
wake up and the night,
it lights thousands of lights.
When I'm far away from you
just look up to the sky.
Every stars tells you
you shouldn’t feel sorrow.
All the Love of this Planet,
I give it to you,
I give it to you,
you should never feel lonesome,
no matter what happens,
believe me,
All the Love of this Planet,
you’ll find it only in my heart.
All the Love of this Planet,
I want you to pay me for it with your love.
La lei la lei la lei ...
All of my love, I give it to you.
I give you everything
that I have,
and I have only love and my heart,
which beats for you night and day.
All the Love of this Planet,
I give it to you,
I give it to you,
you should never feel lonesome,
no matter what happens,
believe me,
All the Love of this Planet,
you’ll find it only in my heart.
All the Love of this Planet,
I want you to pay me for it with your love.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

I will make you into men

We will slay the Huns,
That will soon be our wage.
I didn't ask for daughters
So fight like sons
Don't look so foolish or dumbfounded
It seems like a near-unattainable plan
But I will make all of you into men
Feed the fire inside you
Always comes from peace
If you find your core, then you win
Be aware of this
You're as weak as soggy cardboard
You understand absolutely nothing
But I will make all of you into men
If I ever catch my breath again!
Is this what the pamphlet told me?
Why did I print at school during gym?
That man is a total hit!
I hope he didn't just see right through me
I've never taken swimming lessons before,
Was that wise?
Be a man
Be like a waterfall, fast and mighty
Be a man
With all the strength of a majestic hurricane
Be a man
Be as destructive as fire
More secretive than the dark side of the moon
Time is marching on, the Huns are already being seen here
Only those who obey me have a chance of survival
Do you understand well what war is doing?
Go home now, while you still can
How could I ever make you a man?
Be a man
Be like a waterfall, fast and mighty
Be a man
With all the strength of a majestic hurricane
Be a man
Be as destructive as fire
More secretive than the dark side of the moon
Be a man
Be like a waterfall, fast and mighty
Be a man
With all the strength of a majestic hurricane
Be a man
Be as destructive as fire
More secretive than the dark side of the moon

I swear

From tomorrow, I get up early, I won't be lazy anymore, I swear to you
From tomorrow, I will learn all the time, I won't look for any one, I swear to you
From tomorrow, in place of beer, I will drink only apple juice, I swear to you
Today, I will have fun one more time, the last time and I'll be ready, I swear to you
Today, we party at my place
I will learn a bit more about beer and wine
Today, we party at my place
And I really put in my mind that tomorrow, I will come back
From tomorrow, I start my work, I will progress without bribes, I swear to you
From tomorrow, there's no chance that I'll remain with any backlog, I swear to you
From tomorrow, anything I'm requested I will learn with pleasure, I swear to you
Today, I will have fun one more time, the last time and I'll be ready, I swear to you
Today, we party at my place
I will learn a bit more about beer and wine
Today, we party at my place
And I really put in my mind that tomorrow, I will come back

If They Ask You

Until last year still my nights, my days
Were scattered around like playing cards
I lined up roads and minutes, many women
And then you happened
Now you're the beauty, now you're the love of my life
The face of happiness - first, second, third
When love happens and when life gets it right
There's me and there's you
If they ask you, my love
Is it nice for us, tell them it is
We have everything in the world
If they ask me, my love
Do I miss my former life
I'll tell them I didn't even have a life without you
Now you're the beauty, now you're the love of my life
The face of happiness - first, second, third
When love happens and when life gets it right
There's me and there's you
Without you
Well, I didn't even have a life without you
(We need, we need little
We need, we need little
We need, we need only
To know how to love each other) x2
My love, my love
We need, we need only
(To know how to love each other)
If they ask you, my love
Is it nice for us, tell them it is
We have everything in the world
And we need, we need little
We need, we need little
We need, we need only
To know how to love each other

Love is like the sun

This love shines like a star,
a safe point on the sky.
This love is like the sun,
warm shining on all paths.
But all the words towards you,
the wind blow away from me.
How did we come to this?
Is everything that was lost?
Is there not now little hoppe,
the sun send away the cold shadow.
Let now all dykes flow over,
I just want to be with you.
Step b step go forward,
and reach happines.
And reach happines
And reach happines
This love is like the sun

I'm not in love

If there is a price for wrong choices,
I would have been the first one,
I have to forget all men,
I finished this drama, enough of this
Girl, whom are you trying to frame?
Can't you see anything?
Take a look
and you will see that the sun is shining
You can't hide anything,
your heart will always reveal you
We know that
Oh no, oh no
this is not true
C'mon girl, listen a little bit
It's not true, I'm not in love
Let my mind clear itself,
let clear thoughts come
Enough of all this love problems
a guy for me exists nowhere
Oh, oooh...
C'mon, think a little bit,
your heart is already thinking for you
You have to listen to it,
it pays off,
He is there right for you,
let him take out of the darkness
This can't be, I'm not for this kind
We see, love os waiting for you
It's not true, I'm not in love
We know that you're in love
Shall my heart ache? I won't do it.
'cause tears will drop, I know it already oooh
Don't worry, he is the right one for you
Oh, oooh...
Who knows, maybe
I'm in love

Kiss of love

Long I dream of a kiss
and that I find true love
cause every fary tale has to end happy
Why to have lips, if not
As a couple to kiss
Eternal, faithful happiness every one seeks
and will find it in true love

A spare

Am I really just a spare?
Not villager, regent,
neither am I,
maybe they only see me as a mistake
She is like an athlete, poet
I am clumsy, thanks, I know
Thanks to me everything ends up in ruins
Of course everyone sees me as a spare
But they'll see (I'll show them)
I may be an extra button on a coat
In case another one falls off
But if I have to be a button
I want to feel as if I provided something, oops
I lack style and I lack grace
I stumble over each and every phrase
But this button deserves a place up in the sky
Flying high, what a sight
Wait, buttons don't fly. That's completely senseless.
I'm a rusty horseshoe on a door
Not an aesthetic phenomenon
And I hang there in the wish
of the horse just having yet another leg
Maybe I'm not of perfection
And rather care for humour and passion
But a horseshoe should have the right to be brave
This horseshoe is more than a spare
One day, then finally
I will discover who I am
someone whose part of the world
It's just a matter of when
If only the voice which I have on the inside
One day could be heard, then everything will work itself out
I may stand in the shadow of the sister
who receives the kingdom and the crown
I'm a button, like a horseshoe
who should've had a better metaphor
Sure, I lack powers, magic and talent
Along with convincing reasoning
But this heart has so much to give
And even if you are unable to see
I am more than a spare

Tudom, hogy visszatérsz ...

Amikor rád gondolok,
szomorú vagyok.
A szerelmed nélkül
semmi sem létezik.
Mennyire nehéz
megbirkózni az egyedülléttel,
Amikor rád gondolok
és te nem vagy itt.
Amikor rád gondolok,
magányosnak érzem magam.
az életem részévé váltak.
Semmi sem ugyanaz,
az igazat megvallva,
amikor rád gondolok
és te nem vagy itt.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz szerelmem.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz szerelmem.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz, tudom.
Szeretném, hogy mellettem legyél.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz szerelmem.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz szerelmem.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz, tudom.
Szeretném, hogy mellettem legyél.
Egy ilyen szerelem
reményt ad nekem.
Egy ilyen szerelem
önbizalmat ad nekem.
Egy ilyen szerelem
nem adhat többet nekem.
Amikor rád gondolok
és te nem vagy itt.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz szerelmem.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz szerelmem.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz, tudom.
Szeretném, hogy mellettem legyél.
Dana Kósa


My body and head are spinning
How are you feeling now?
We are like a magnet
We hug and push aside
You make me crazy
And out of my senses
Yes, you may know that
You make me out of my mind
You make me dance
And drunk without alchole
Yes, you may know that
You make me a naughty girl
In a movie only for us
The real hero was you, baby
As always the way you do
Like a splendid hero
Do whatever you want
Even if you're mean
And you make me sad
You need to be yourself
Even if i'm not feeling well
And it's sad ending
The show must go on
The show must go on
You always fight to the bitter end
And try to cover everything
Why did you gave me wings and
Want me to fall
You say to me 'good girl'
And make me take my tears back
Yes, you may know that
You snow me
In a drama only for us
The real hero was you, baby
As always the way you do
Like a splendid hero
Do whatever you want
Even if you're mean
And you make me sad
You need to be yourself
Even if it hurts me
And it is sad ending
The show must go on
The show must go on
Do whatever you want
Even if you're mean
And you make me sad
You need to be yourself
Even if it hurts me
And it is sad ending
The show must go on
The show must go on
You must go on

Being human with my people

Without being a Jehovah Witness,
God manifests himself in my voice.
I'm not evangelist, adventist nor mormon.
Neither a sanctimonius priest.
I'm not a doctor in laws.
I'm not a thief, nor a whitleblower nor a cop.
Know it!!
I am who I am, nothing more,
I'm not more or less than anybody.
My dad is a worker.
And my mom a great woman.
Woman Eva Duarte. Man Juan Peron.
Warrior Argentinian duo.
Today it's the opposite, it's all going backwards.
That's why the sad heavy metal singing
insists. Let me go.
The century is dying, while foolishness
seems to be a strong coin.
Maybe because idiots feed the evilness
that takes over the good.
Children born of who sang yesterday.
Are the remake of scapism.
If you don't have enough to pay a lawyer.
You'll end behind the bars of a cell.
And go fuck yourself.
Let me go, let me be human.
With the men of Santa Fe, Mendoza, Tucuman,
Corrientes or of Cordoba.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

as you like

as you like, I will be when your shadow appeared to me
night and night, whatever happens, you're everyone to me
wherever you go, my eyes are on you and my heart is in your hands
protect me from people's eyes, promise me you'll never leave me
not for once I would think about leaving
night and night, whatever happens, you're everyone to me
I forget myself when you're with me and longing is madness
don't confuse my heart and mind and always be with me
even if you want to just stop by
night and night, whatever happens, you're everyone to me
as you like, I will be
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت مكان طالما وضعت الرابط لها



Tripping around the street before with blurry eyes
Wild voices in my ear
Screaming that I had to go home
You were in the middle of all this chaos
You made more and more sense
'Cause you could take me home
There are no words that can promise us
What'll happen tomorrow
No one else does what you do to me
Until the early morning
We're jewels, we shine tonight
In the bright light of the moon,
Are close to one another
Uh, hey
I only quiver when you
Have your hand on me
I'm only getting dizzy with you, and uh
I only quiver when you
Have your hand on me
I'm only getting dizzy with you
Twisted around in my loneliness
Away from time and place
Until the meeting with your honesty
Took place and brought me home
Tangled into twosomeness
You now understand my rootlessness
You're my big love
So I go home with you
We're jewels, we shine tonight
In the bright light of the moon,
Are close to one another
Uh, hey
I only quiver when you
Have your hand on me
I'm only getting dizzy with you, and uh
I only quiver when you
Have your hand on me
I'm only getting dizzy with you
Nah, nah-nah
Nah, nah-nah
We're jewels, we shine tonight
In the bright light of the moon,
Are close to one another
And we share everything tonight
In the bright light of the moon,
Are close to one another
Uh, hey
I only quiver when you
Have your hand on me
I'm only getting dizzy with you, and uh
I only quiver when you
Have your hand on me
I'm only getting dizzy with you
Nah, nah-nah
Nah, nah-nah
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

On The Street Of Oblivion

We only want to see forward
so we storm towards the new day.
Though the way of life on that we go
leads also to yesterday on winding paths
Why not a little bit of past
on the street of oblivion
From proud hymns a final chord
from Charlie Chaplin a muted word
Caracciolas Fame his winner wreath
from Fred Astaire the last dance
The smile from the Captain from Köpenick
Marlene Dietrichs seducer view
The voice of Caruso from Tarzan the yelling
gone with the wind and over and out
From the Zeppelin the ripped rope
from the Reichsparteitag the last 'victory salvation'.
Crowns that you yesterday were proudly
they are now dust disintegrated and smashed
Silent witnesses of the transience
on the street
on the street of oblivion
In fifty years may someone would go
think back to today and search again for departed things
It will see our dreams laying
the big words and the loud songs
What counts today is then the past
on the street of oblivion
Michael Jackson's 'Moonwalk' Naomi's Legs
and there from Mars the first stars
A rest of the wall Berlin greets
Scandal from Windsor a song from Queen
A piece bread for the world in a petrified hand
the dream of Europe that really arises
A thug from Boris Lothars last Shoe
a black account from the CDU
My audience that sang and yelled
'But please with cream'¹, 'Thank you darling'²...
Crowns that you yesterday were proudly
they are now dust disintegrated and smashed
Silent witnesses of the transience
on the street
on the street of oblivion
From Emperor Franz a little Lord
from an old chancellor a word of honor
from Christoph Daum a Tuft of hair
Big Brother Stars living in a container
MBM madness, BSE
'Grand-mud Win' from Babs, Boris Millions goodbye
All these wonderful Scandals to that we pray today
they... they are then dust forgotten and crushe
Silent witnesses of the transience
on the street of oblivion


Do you know Juanita1?
she has two-colored eyes,
her teeth are crooked and she has three...
with her...nails she scratched the floor.
- Those aren't the lyrics!
- there's children present...
Her braids are of wire
her legs are bent,
if I wasn't so ugly
perhaps I'd obtain her love.
- It brings back memories...
  • 1. -ita being a diminutive for 'little', lit. 'little Juana'.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).


Everyone knows Juanita

Everyone knows Juanita
Her made-up frog eyes
Her double chin
And her golden teeth
Her big lemons are a little twisted
Her hair is oily and split
Her hairy legs shiver whenever she dances
If I weren't that ugly
I think she'd give me a chance

This translation is a personal work - unless noted otherwise. You are NOT allowed to post this translation on whatever other site.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Il s'agit d'une traduction personnelle (sauf indication contraire). Vous n'êtes PAS autorisé à publier quelque traduction que ce soit sur un autre site.


Think Of Me

In beaming spring
When you go to hillside to pick flowers
When in the brown sky
lightning flashes
Think of me
When lightning flashes
in the brown sky
Think of me
When cirrus clouds are drifting
When you go to forest in summer
Do long for me
Staying alone
Think of me
Do long for me
Staying alone
Think of me
When brant geese come
When abandoned gardens
are full of fallen leaves
And kurays1 become dry
Think of me
When fallen leaves scattered all around
And kurays become dry
Think of me
When white snow flakes cover the ground
When trees hanged with icicles
In the morning twilight
When you wake up pale faced in January
Think of me
In the morning twilight
When you wake up pale faced in January
Think of me
  • 1. Psoralea drupacea

The Whole World Knows Juanita

The whole world knows Juanita
One eye green and one light blue
The teeth crooked and a double chin
And the ears that hang somewhere
Hey wrong lyrics
There are children here
Her hair stands on end
The legs too bandy for balloons
Oh if only I weren't so ugly
Perhaps she would give me a chance
I don't speak fluent German so feel free to correct
Ich spreche Deutsch nicht fließend, Korrekturen sind willkommen

Open Sky

Open sky, get ready to
Move your body all night long
Until the morning
Open sky, there's love in everyone's eyes
And the sun is alive
And there's so much light and good here
This is love, it's love
Give me your hand, you and I are on a wave
Having escaped the winter, we can
Dance under the moon, relax, be ourselves
The open sky is love
The sky, the sky is love
The sky, the sky is love
Open sky, many stars, many words,
Among them, love
You can be daring and meet people here
Open sky, at last, we'd been waiting
Relax, have fun
In the summer, emotions pour down from the heavens
This is love, it's love.

There Is Still Time

I am drunk of this sweet pain
that reminds me of everything that's good
I have given up fighting against it
It has no point, I know
Maybe, it could be easier
to cry for the time that has been turned into havoc
But my heart sees more clearly than my eyes
This time was not wasted
I don't want to scream anymore
because that won't stop my pain
I also cannot hide from it
I won't feel good one way or the other
Maybe, it could be easier
to cry for the time that has been turned into havoc
But my heart sees more clearly than my eyes
This time was not wasted
(There is still time to change my mind)
(There is still time to wash my hands of it)
There is still time to change my mind
There is still time to wash my hands of it
I am drunk of this sweet pain
that reminds me of everything that's good
I have given up fighting against it
It has no point, I know
Maybe, it could be easier
to cry for the time that has been turned into a havoc
But my heart sees more clearly than my eyes
This time was not wasted
(There is still time to change my mind)
(There is still time to wash my hands of it)
There is still time to change my mind
There is still time to wash my hands of it
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
The same goes for reusing parts of my translations in your own (parallel) translations. Id est: it is forbidden. (If a translation is IYO slightly wrong, I'd be glad if commented or PMed.)
If you want to translate my translation into a third language or use it as a basis, you are welcome. Especially if you do it on this website. Just be so kind and mention it and me. :) You can also notify me (in addition, it would make me recheck my work and maybe find errors that you wouldn't copy then) but you don't have to.
Most of my translations are works in progress. One never knows when a revelation can strike. One word: recheck.


Pearl Haired Girl

Once upon a time, the Sun got tired
Went to sleep on a deep green lake
People suffered from darkness
As she pitied us, she came to us.
Yes, a Pearl Haired Girl came,
Was it true, or was I dreaming
The earth, and the sky became green and blue again
Yes, a Pearl Haired Girl came
Was it true, or was I dreaming?
The Dawn came, and she has left,
Went behind the mountains, and among flowers
A small blue elephant tells a tale
The fact sleeps on her pearl hair
There is a Pearl Haired Girl
Was it true, or was I dreaming?
She lives in the Paradise now
Yes, there is a Pearl Haired Girl,
Was it true, or was I dreaming
La-la-la (twice)
When your very lonely
I small star will fall upon you
Snow white pearls will guide you
As white stones guide wanderers
Yes, a Pearl Haired Girl is calling,
Was it true or was I dreaming?
She waits for us behind her pearls, between the earth and the skies,
Yes, a Pearl Haired Girls is calling,
Was it true, or was I dreaming?
She waits for us behind her pearls, between the earth and the skies,
Yes, a Pearl Haired Girls is calling,
Was it true, or was I dreaming?