Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 18

Találatok száma: 1186


Későre jár

Nem szorított mindig sarokba?
Régebben is már
Nem ütött hátba minket?
Nem az első alkalom, hogy ilyen csapást mérnek
Elestünk igen, de nem álltunk fel?
Nem kérdőjeleztük meg mindig az életet?
Tartsd frissen
Amit nem éltünk át
Késő, késő, természetesen ez is késő
Nézd, tedd ezt a napot a remény napjává
Oh, oh, felrakjuk a harangokat és játszunk akkor
Azok a virágos napok közelednek, higgy nekem
Menj, menj, ahogy jöttél menj el
Mindennek vége, ennek a megpróbáltatásnak is vége
Oh, oh, felrakjuk a harangokat és játszunk akkor
Azok a virágos napok közelednek, higgy nekem
Várj, a legtöbbjük eltűnt, kevés maradt
Ne csináld! Ne a tél ne fulladjon a nyárba
Küszöbön áll a türelem diadala
Elestünk igen, de nem álltunk fel?
Nem kérdőjeleztük meg mindig az életet?
Tartsd frissen
Amit nem éltünk át
Késő, késő, természetesen ez is késő
Nézd, tedd ezt a napot a remény napjává
Oh, oh, felrakjuk a harangokat és játszunk akkor
Azok a virágos napok közelednek, higgy nekem
Menj, menj, ahogy jöttél menj el
Mindennek vége, ennek a megpróbáltatásnak is vége
Oh, oh, felrakjuk a harangokat és játszunk akkor
Azok a virágos napok közelednek, higgy nekem
Túl messzire mentél, elegünk van belőle
Nem álltál meg, nem adtál, oh
Gyerünk, elég volt, nagyon unatkozunk
Álmodj apám, most álmodni fogsz
Van egy nem, minden rosszra ezt mondtuk
Leültünk és sok leckét megtanultunk
De elég már, értjük, rendben
Álmodj apám, most álmodj rólunk
Ha rólam kérdezel
Én sem vagyok jól
A régi örömöm elmúlt
Nincs sok sóm, amit kóstolhatok
Szűk, szűk, szűk lesz
Lelkemnek a testem
Forró, forró elégek
Hamuvá változok hamarosan
Egy áramló vízben vagyok
Visszafelé haladok
Egy barátom reméli
Kutatom a nyitott sorsot
De a türelem vége a béke, várom
Tudom mi van, mielőtt felkel a nap

How bad I am and how little I complain

How bad I am…. And how little I complain
I always rise up with my feet looking at the ground.
The muted voice greets me from afar
It gifts me it’s silence but I pretend to be a fool
Looking at myself in the mirror
And the mirror shows me its reflection without mine,
I accept it and continue, but I dont trust myself.
I selfdiagnose without even a tiny success,
so I depress myself.
My soul is in quarantine and my body broken
What pain, what sorrow and what a torment!
I go out on the pavement and walk feeling blue
The suitcase full of pebbles
The lips of the smile turned downwards from climbing so many ladders
Without arriving anywhere
And history criticises me because I’m always hurting
And I tell it: “Poor is the one who hides his weeping”
A brick doesn’t know how to cry…
But also doesn’t carry the compass well.
And how all of life hurts me
And the doctor has told me he doubts
The truest of truths, that I came late to the nook
And that for every new pain he searches a placebo.
For my fool, for my fool, love hurts him
Because nobody wants him, only I want him.
And pain greets me most when I am laughing,
Of remedies my heart is full (3x)

Wormwood and feather grass

I'm yellow dust, I'm a desert mirage
I weave wormwood and feather grass into stained glass
But in desert whirlwinds, in sandy ripples
Henceforth and forever I see you
You, beautiful-faced

Let's drink

The night that started with you
May it not end with a thousand kinds of troubles
Your crying eyes,
Your words full of sorrow
Let it be ash in your heart,
Your love
My crying eyes,
My words full of sorrow
Let it be ash in your heart,
Your love
Let's drink one more time,
Maybe things change tomorrow
Maybe I'll never see you again, who knows?
Let it be ours tonight.
Let's drink one more time,
Maybe things change tomorrow
Maybe I'll never see you again, who knows?
Let it be ours tonight.
If you look at my smiling eyes and think I don't have a problem
Even if I cry, even if I laugh, even if I die of anger
There is no other choice but to forget
Even if I cry, even if I laugh, even if I die of anger
There is no other choice but to forget
Let's drink one more time,
Maybe things change tomorrow
Maybe I'll never see you again, who knows?
Let it be ours tonight.
Let's drink one more time,
Maybe things change tomorrow
Maybe I'll never see you again, who knows?
Let it be ours tonight.


Ah, wait I moment there's something
I want to tell you -
There's something going on
That bizarrely inversed
dancing veil
is upside down, don't you know?
Kindness is a very alluring
That's why
The only thing
that can come out of
it is nothing other than
(Ai) love
(Love is) just a preference of
Wail and moan, you, alone is at fault
Don't throw it away yet,
It's one, or two different
Destiny (Destinies)
Connect those happy
Shooting stars and
The warped, distorted luminary
I'm gently cuddling up to you in the overlapping shadows
I'm gently cuddling up to you
My field of vision burst
What broke out of my chest is
that heart of mine
Illuminating your
A pride built on hardships
Jumping into the dangerous
Frantically flap your wings
Into the embrace of madness and
Then you can start being a traitor
Please and thank you, give me your tears
Scramble latatatato
Gaiting into the dangerous
Hiding behind the double focus
I finally found it
That mysterious identity behind all of this
For sure
Love is such a reversed
That's why
The only thing
that can come out of
it is nothing other than- aah...
It is the identity of
Wail and moan, you, alone is at fault
Don't throw it away yet,
It's one, or two different
Destiny (Destinies)
Connect those happy
Shooting stars and
The warped, distorted luminary
I'm gently cuddling up to you in the overlapping shadows
I'm gently cuddling up to you
My field of vision burst
What I broke out of your chest is
that heart of yours
Engraving your

Heart on a stretcher

I've remained to lie down for a moment
I'm looking as the clouds disappear too
Why do those birds fly away
Wouldn't it be better if they stayed in place
If I went to sleep early
And left the world to wait
I would let my mind wander
The following morning
When everything is so darn beautiful
I will take care of this and understand
Sometimes you have to stop and daydream for a bit
Heart on a stretcher
I'm not ready yet
There are so many unread books
But I promise one thing
I won't go around the truth anymore
If you have time to listen
I could talk about my feelings
And even if this feels difficult
The following morning
When everything is so darn beautiful
I will take care of this and understand
Sometimes you have to stop and daydream for a bit
Heart on a stretcher
I regret not telling you enough that I miss you
And I never wanted you to doubt me
The following morning
When everything is so darn beautiful
I will take care of this and understand
Sometimes you have to stop and daydream for a bit
In the morning
When everything is so darn beautiful
I will take care of this and understand
Sometimes you have to stop and daydream for a bit
Heart on a stretcher

Don't Go

Ümit Sayın:
Whenever you come to my mind,
a star falls into my heart.
Then I see you in that moment
and rain pours on my palms.
If you go, my sun won't rise,
a painful hurry will embrace my eyes.
If I say don't go, dear, will you stay with me?
If I say don't go, dear, will you love me again?
Don't go, don't go, ah don't go.
Don't go, don't go, ah don't go.
Nights don't follow mornings anymore,
my life has no spring time.
If I'm left without you,
I'm not gonna lie, I will die.
Don't go, don't go, don't go please...
Don't go, don't go, don't go please...
Your wavy hair
is wet when I touch them.
Whenever you come to my mind,
I stop time.
If you go, my sun won't rise again,
a painful hurry will embrace my eyes.
Ümit Sayın:
If I say don't go, dear, will you stay with me?
If I say don't go, dear, will you love me again?
Don't go, don't go, don't go, ah don't go.
Don't go, don't go, don't go, ah don't go.
Nights don't follow mornings anymore,
my life has no spring time.
If I'm left without you,
I'm not gonna lie, I will die.
Don't go, don't go, don't go, ah don't go.
Don't go, don't go, don't go, ah don't go.
Ümit Sayın & Tarkan Together:
Don't go, don't go, don't go please...
Don't go, don't go, don't go please...

A Cold Patient (A Sick Man)

Silent Night
Holy Night
I remembered that day in half awake.
The two of us were on the footbridge,
when we held our hands up to the heavy cloud,
powder snow started to fall.
I'm not going to blame our busy days, but
I don't want you to look sad
when you saw my face.
Even if you tell me
that tonight is Christmas Eve,
I am a cold patient. I can't smile.
Even if I tell you that tonight is Christmas Eve,
I am a cold patient. I can't convey it to you properly.
Silent Night
Holy Night
A cold medicine and a small Christmas cake is
on my cold hand.
It's the sore throat that's keeping me quiet.
I can't even talk to myself.
Warm milk and you.
That's all I really need.
And when the fever hits me,
I'm sure I'll have a dream of you.
Even if you tell me
that tonight is Christmas Eve,
I am a cold patient. I can't smile.
Even if I tell you that tonight is Christmas Eve,
I am a cold patient. I can't convey it to you properly.
Silent Night
Holy Night


There are many girls but the girls of north1 are beautiful
The province Paktia2 has arched eyebrows and moon-like faces
I would die for the big eyes of (the girls of) Badakhshan2 and Hirat2
I would die for the girl Mazrasharif2 and Kabul3 and Hizara4 girl
Take her hand
Get ready, tanpura5 came
Get the instrument, play a happy song
play a happy song
Look what's going on, the girls are in the line
I've chosen one of them
But she doesn't like me
Look what's going on, everybody has a love
I don't want any of them
God bring you for me
Dance in our style Ghataghani6
One neck, one foot, move both shoulders forward
Dance in a way that melt hearts
Dance in a way that melt hearts
Your trace and scent makes people drunk
Wherever I go, your scent is there
You've found my weak point, you exposed your lover
You make an Earthquake when you walk
You make an Earthquake when you walk
Dance in our style Ghataghani6
One neck, one foot, move both shoulders forward
Dance in a way that melt hearts
Dance in a way that melt hearts
Dance in our style Ghataghani6
One neck, one foot, move both shoulders forward
Dance in a way that melt hearts
Dance in a way that melt hearts
Dance in our style Ghataghani6
One neck, one foot, move both shoulders forward
Dance in a way that melt hearts
Dance in a way that melt hearts
  • 1. Of Afghanistan
  • One of the provinces of Afghanistan
  • 3. Capital of Afghanistan
  • 4. An ethnicity of Afghanistan
  • 5. A traditional instrument
  • One of the traditional and famous dances of Afghanistan

You And I

You and I
It's not just love,
I've Got It You And I
What I want from you.
Loneliness, sorrow, and weak feelings,
Just Dream of You
I'll take over all the impurities
you want to keep hidden.
Don't forget, You And I
I didn't
just love your kindness.
The distant dream, You and I
I see it in you.
You And I
I'm not that strong, but
I've Got It You And I
I can still run.
When you stop crying
and show me your smile, Just Close to You
With a sparkle that no one knows
but the two of us.
Forever and ever, You And I
I didn't
just love your kindness.
It shines, You and I
deep in my heart.
Will you keep in your mind,
on the day you feel, Just Dream of You
you hate yourself,
someone you love is with you.
Hold me tight, You And I
I didn't
just love your kindness.
Forever and ever, You And I
I will hold you.
Hold You Tight You And I
I don't mind
if you are not pretty today.
For a night like this,
I want to stay,
For You

Violet Fragrance

Softly, you came to me like a violet light
Your pretty eyes had a young fragrance that I couldn’t forget
Let's create beautiful stories
That will always make us smile
Even if loneliness comes to you, don't be sad my dear
You are the one who gave me love
Softly, you came to me like a violet light
Your pretty eyes had a young fragrance that I couldn’t forget
Let's create beautiful stories
That will always make us smile
Even if loneliness comes to you, don't be sad my dear
Because my frustrated heart will hurt more as well
Among the many people who passed me in the street
You are the one who gave me love
Among the many people who passed me in the street
You are the one who gave me love


Dominant, I will rule you like a ruler
I will make you look away if you see a man on the street
Yes, I'm dominant
You're my piece of sugar
As long as you're with me, you'll walk under my command
I'm arrogant, I'm arrogant
There are things I warned you about
How will your eyes catch it?
You can't stand my revolution
Jealousy runs in my blood
I'm still talking to you
When will you understand me?
From the day I met you, I told you
If you look away, I'll anger you
If you look away, I'll anger you
Dominant, I will rule you like a ruler
I'll make you look away if you see a man on the street
Yes, I'm dominant
You're my piece of sugar
As long as you're with me, you'll walk under my command
I'm arrogant, I'm arrogant
There's nothing in the world that matters to me
Nothing shakes me mentally
But you, my love, changed me
And you'll be mine
On your heart, I will change you
And if you lean, I will straighten you
No one can come close to you
No one can look at you
No one can look at you
Dominant, I will rule you like a ruler
I'll make you look away if you see a man on the street
Yes, I'm dominant
You're my piece of sugar
As long as you're with me, you'll walk under my command
I'm arrogant

Οld Wound

Only a life, only one kiss of yours is not enough.
A new start, fake wish, it's not working.
Come closer, mountains far away can't come close
Sweet eyes of yours, a thousand secrets.
You got through my life, my body that was thirsty for your kiss.
Mother and lover, a slave, in a lie from the beginning.
Let me cry, cry out
for a pointless life
Look me in the eyes, only tears that guilt waters them.
Death and life, they created a celebration in real
Old love, strong pain
in the chest.
You came suddenly, you are like a noose that drοwns me
An old wound, a closed door that opens.
You got through my life, my body that was thirsty for your kiss.
Mother and lover, a slave in a lie from the beginning.
Let me cry, cry out
for a pointless life
Look me in the eyes, only tears that guilt waters them.
Hold me tight, maybe suddenly to get disappeared...




Yet another night
I'm without you
I transferred my memories to the glass that fills with tears
Nothing left me, I'm the embodiment of loneliness
And when she smiled I knew I was drunk on her.
Because everything you left to me
The mistakes you left to me
Because I waited for you darling
For you I had guilt, my heart burns alive
Because the way I looked at you you never looked at me
Even though we don't talk, talk
You left me right when I needed you, needed you
Because everything you left to me (2x)
The mistakes you left to me
There's no reason I should still be thinking about you
It would have been better if we never met each other
I knew I would suffer and here I am, writing again.
Now I'm hanging out with people I've never seen before
Every place I step foot in reminds me of you
And it's telling me, and it's telling me
How much I truly loved you
Because everything you left to me
The mistakes you left to me
Because I waited for you darling
For you I had guilt, my heart burns alive
Because the way I looked at you you never looked at me
Even though we don't talk, talk
You left me right when I needed you, needed you
Because everything you left to me (2x)
The mistakes you left to me
Because everything you left to me
The mistakes you left to me
Because I waited for you darling
For you I had guilt,
my heart burns alive
Because the way I looked at you you never looked at me
Even though we don't talk, talk
You left me right when I needed you, needed you
Because everything you left to me (2x)
The mistakes you left to me

A Child Called Happiness

A child called happiness
Has been missing for some time
Has clear bright eyes
Her tresses as long as our dreams
Please let us know
In case you have news
Our address is:
From Persian Gulf
To the Caspian Sea 1
  • 1. Persian Gulf and the Caspian sea mark the northern and southern borders of Iran. Basically it means all of Iran, and makes the (figurative) parents all Iranians

See You Soon

Let's say, you are caught in the rain one day,
Bless you! It is coming down in sheets,
on the other side sun is minding its own business.
In the end, it is summer rain, summer rain.
The drops are coming down glowing, stainless.
Your clothes would float in the air as you were running.
Now you feel cramped by the porch of next apartment.
In the end, it's summer rain, summer rain.
You'll find me by the door of that apartment.
Let's say one morning you wanted to
go to beach early, your insides are now your outsides.
As you stroke,
the sea is breaking apart like sheets.
This sea, this master sea..
This sea, Aegean Sea...
This sea is not calling out your name.
This sea, Aegean Sea..
Here are flecks of fish hustling around,
You know merlos and pearls.
Recklessly, recklessly, recklessly, recklessly.
You'll find me among the kelp that are waving at you.
Let's say, someone man enough to be a poet showed up
with his light up eyes...
Taksim is the square, how about Taksim square?
Everybody's there, everybody's there, you're there too.
The poet is talking about us, about the children of the country.
''Let's walk friends'', he is saying ''let's walk''.
Towards freedom, towards happiness.
Love, love before everything else, he is saying.
And then your eyes are the green that comes out
after the rain.
And you're turning around,
you suddenly see, I'm next to you.

Run run run run

Versions: #1
Sometimes nothing goes your way
in your life.
You find yourself staring at yourself
in the mirror idly.
In this world where the one who runs gets chased,
did you think being the chaser is easy?
If you're gonna run after love,
you need to be really really fast.
Run,run,run,run till it comes true!
Run,run,run,run till you find her/him!
Run, run,run,run till you catch him/her!
Run,run,run,run after love till you die!
When your life is flying by,
would you deem it okay for yourself to stop?
There's a huge world out there,
start living now!
In this world where the one who runs gets chased after,
did you think being the chaser is easy?
If you're gonna run after love,
you need to be really really fast.
Run,run,run,run till it comes true!
Run,run,run,run till you find her/him!
Run, run,run,run till you catch him/her!
Run,run,run,run after love till you die!
Run,run,run,run till it comes true!
Run,run,run,run till you find her/him!
Run, run,run,run till you catch him/her!
Run,run,run,run after love till you die!
Run, run, run, hey
Run, run, run, hey
Run, run, run, hey
Run, run, run, hey

Giving Up

Believe me, I waited for happiness till the last moment.
Believe me, I gave up on this love right now.
Eyes dont lie,
I know...
You did not want me to leave at all.
Just the sides you heard from about me were wrong.
But you could not, you could not see it in any way.
Life dragged you into the wrong place too.
All your wishes came before me.
Believe me, I waited for happiness till the last moment.
Believe me, I gave up on this love right now.
Eyes dont lie,
I know...
You did not want me to leave at all.
Just the sides you heard from about me were wrong.
But you could not, you could not see it in any way.
Life dragged you into the wrong place too.
All your wishes came before me.
Believe me, I waited for happiness till the last moment.
Believe me, I gave up on this love right now.


Let's [wriggle-squiggle] eat Mozuku!


Turning into Wrathful Beasts
Fiends of the Black Upon
Awakened from the Whispers from Beyond (the Gates)
To hunt down all the must be killed
Within and Without
Hail Lunacy and Madness without End!
Go fourth into the Night and Violate!
Black Wolves
Bringers of the End
Judgment is here: the end has begun

Say hello

Your eyes are questioning the past
Memories are asking for an explanation
Leaving you was a mistake
My crazy heart understands this now
I understand you still haven’t forgotten
I am guilty, whatever you say, you’re right
Like breathing I have longed for it
You can hear the regret in my breath
I can’t tell myself to laugh again
I can’t tell you to embrace me again
For the sake of my love, sweetheart
At least say hello

We Row

When I was a girl, they told me that this was the right way
To behave and speak in front of people
By the time I was older, it took so much out of me to finally realize
That I needed to be like a child again and unlearn it all
How can we silence,
How can we leave behind the things that cling to us?
I'm here to give my all today
We row, knowing well how high the price is
With our fists grasped tight
Not even thinking about stopping
We row, head-first into the wind
With bravery carrying us forward
With an entire village in our hands
We row, through the knots in our chest
Dreaming that on the other side
A new beginning draws near
And I stayed out in the rain even though my voice was strained
Wholeness is the only thing that's left that hasn't been broken
Where pain abounds and light fails, may my throat sing
And may that song release the anchors of my feet
How can we silence,
How can we leave behind the things that cling to us?
I'm here to give my all today
We row, knowing well how high the price is
With our fists grasped tight
Not even thinking about stopping
We row, head-first into the wind
With bravery carrying us forward
With an entire village in our hands
We row, through the knots in our chest
Dreaming that on the other side
A new beginning draws near
How can we silence,
How can we leave behind the things that cling to us?
I'm here to give my all today
We row
We row


bannatiran, a pretty bird with the loveliest plume
please drop your plan to fly away from home
and yet you go, where are you heading to
where to, bannatiran
what kind of tree will you be landing on
what kind of flow'r do you desire bannatiran
if it exists, for you - i'll search for one
you're like a mirror, that someone can reflect on
cause your inner glow can compare to the moon and sun
bannatiran, the tree has bloomed with love
you must leave now
you'll regret it soon, when all is said and done
if it ends in sorrow, then your love is gone
bannatiran, bannatiran
bannatiran, don't leave me all alone
bannatiran, bannatiran
bannatiran, don't leave me all alone


My heart feels cold and lonely,
Sonnets of a Birha1 have now become an old aquintance.2,
On these obscure paths, in my own arms,
I rumple within, burn within...
  • 1. exp. Folk genre of music, endemic to Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand in India, can have various themes, the one referenced here is probably a sad one
  • 2. lit. Birha has sneakly come back as an old friend

When Roses Thorns Fade

A fear of loneliness is the beginning and end of this love
A big and cold, cruel lie numbs every sense
Enthusiastic of endless wars, I'm always the loser
We are where a dream ends, look and see, this is our end
When you pour it, the rose thorns fade, oh you didn't understand
You couldn't put me in your heart and love me without breaking it
I kept silent, I was always afraid of these situations, every word is a poisonous one
I was not one of those who never left because I know separation and death
Come back, we passed the beginning of the roads from cheeky lovers
Wake up from dreams whose mirror is a lie, love is lost for us
A fear of loneliness is the beginning and end of this love
A big and cold cruel lie sleep numbs every sense
Enthusiastic of endless wars, I'm always the loser
We are where a dream ends, look and see, this is our end
When you pour it, the rose thorns fade, oh you didn't understand
You couldn't put me in your heart and love me without breaking it
I kept silent, I was always afraid of these situations, every word is a poisonous one
I was not one of those who never left because I know separation and death
When you pour it, the rose thorns fade, oh you didn't understand
You couldn't put me in your heart and love me without breaking it
I kept silent, I was always afraid of these situations, every word is a poisonous one
I was not one of those who never left because I know separation and death
Come back, we passed the beginning of the roads from cheeky lovers
Wake up from dreams whose mirror is a lie, love is gone for us

I Want Nothing, Not a Thing!

Versions: #1
- You are such a silly girl, troubadour's play thing,
Look, you've lost a lot of weight, got slim like a string.
I shall tend to all your needs, I'm a king!
- I want nothing, not a thing!
- Your hysterical condition is worrying me,
Dear daughter, why don't you eat a fresh egg or three?
Or, perhaps, I'll call a doctor for thee?
- I want nothing, don't you see?
- Ah, my wretched princess girl, it is all too clear,
Very soon some foreign singers will come in here.
Well, pick anyone of them, I shall pay!
- I want nothing, that's my say!

Wait For Me

Versions: #1
I see the seagulls, but where is the sea?
Seagulls circle
I see the seagulls, but where is the sea?
But the horizon is empty
Wait, wait (wait, wait)
Wait, wait
Wait, (wait)
Verse 1
The way is blocked, I don't see the sea anywhere
The horizon is empty
And as long as I don't know how to go on,
I can't set the sails
No ship was built for the harbor
(Where is the blue? Where is the blue? Where is the blue?)
I see the seagulls, but where is the sea?
Seagulls circle (But where is the sea?)
I see the seagulls, but where is the sea?
But the horizon is empty
Wait, wait
Wait, wait
Wait, wait
Wait, (wait)
Wait (wait, wait)
Verse 2
I'm not sure if I can still trust my eyes
I don't see any blue, when will it come back?
With the ebb and flow, the waves at the seaside
What the hell is happening?
What the hell is happening?
Wait for me, I'll come back
When, I don't know
Wait for me
The seagulls are circling, they're circling in the light
But the sea, I don't see the sea
I see the seagulls, but where is the sea?
Seagulls circle (But where is the sea?)
I see the seagulls, but where is the sea?
But the horizon is empty
Wait, wait (wait, wait)
Wait, wait
Wait, (wait)
Wait, (wait)

Man Lacking Skill

I didn't want to die, so I was writing a story.
Though unfit for the era, I used a pen.
It was pretentious of me.
I played out the story till my spirit drifted far.
It truly was enjoyable becoming an adult.
I didn't want to die, so I was writing a story.
What sort of conclusion would you have wished for?
Would this development elicit a laugh from you,
or bring you to tears,
or would you get angry?
I was writing the imaginary, immaterial you.
These unattainable tactile sensations are beautiful.
They're all fiction, aren't they?
Even so, I wrote
and didn't reach an ending.
Is this how it ends?
Can I truly say I finished writing it?
Spring, summer, autumn, winter, writing
because I don't want to die.
In this room that's good as garbage,
I'm giving life to words.
Yes, I'm a man lacking skill.
And I don't want to die, I don't want to die,
I don't want to die, I don't want to die,
I don't want to die.
I wanted to understand humanity,
so I was writing a story.
Because the me who can't speak righteous words
isn't human.
By putting all the words I wanted to say into writing,
a story was born.
Nobody ever read it, but it was somehow very fun.
I wanted to laugh like a human being,
so I was writing a story.
The flesh on my cheeks had long been worn thin.
Each time I was examined, I grew glad,
because I'm terribly unsightly, aren't it?
Each time I felt the desire to be esteemed,
I brought myself shame.
I hadn't met them in a while, so I wrote some trash -
about my old friends, teachers, my family.
Even the you I used to love back then.
Just doing so lent me a sense of superiority.
For the sake of burying the whole of my life,
for the sake of burying the whole of my solitude,
morning, daytime, nighttime, days - I wrote them
to the brink of collapsing.
But nothing
can satisfy me!
Yes, I'm greedy, aren't I?
I want to give life, I want to give life,
I want to give life, I want to give life,
I want to give life.
Music. Romance.
I travelled to the movies.
The things that became material for narrative
I endlessly received.
After throwing up, I again consume.
Consume, shed tears, throw up, shed tears.
I somewhat seem human now.
For the sake of scorching the whole of my life,
earnestly setting the pen into motion.
For years, for decades, for a lifetime, that was all.
Even though this thing is as useful as crap,
and I know that,
I know that -
I can't let it end this way.
I can't say I finished writing it.
Spring, summer, autumn, winter, writing
because I don't want to die.
In this room that's good as garbage,
writing while weeping my eyes out.
Yes, I'm a man lacking skill.
And I don't want to die, I don't want to die,
I don't want to die,
I don't want to die, I don't want to die,
I don't want to die.
I don't want to die, I don't want to die,
I don't want to die,
I don't want to die, I don't want to die!


[Intro: Rick James & James Brown]
Nézz magadra, nézz magadra, nézz magadra, nézz magadra!
Nézz magadra, nézz magadra, nézz magadra, nézz magadra!
Nézz magadra, nézz magadra, nézz magadra, nézz magadra!
Nézz magadra, nézz magadra, nézz magadra, nézz magadra! (Hölgyeim és uraim, hölgyeim, hölgyeim és uraim)
[Elő-kórus: Kanye West]
Mindig találok, mindig találok valami hibát
Túl régóta nyeled már a szarságaimat
Nagyon tehetséges vagyok abban, hogy megtaláljam, hogy mit utálok a legjobban
Úgyhogy azt hiszem, hogy itt az ideje egy pohárköszöntőnek
[Kórus: Kanye West]
Igyünk egyet a szemétládákra!
Igyünk egyet a seggfejekre!
Igyünk egyet a gecikre!
Az összesre, akit ismerek
Igyünk egyet a balfékekre!
Hogy sose vegyenek ki szabadnapot
Bébi, van egy tervem
Szaladj el, amilyen gyorsan csak tudsz!
[1. versszak: Kanye West]
Képeket1talál az emailjeim között
Küldtem egy képet a faszomról egy csajnak
Nem értem mi van a nőkkel
De én nem vagyok ebben a szarságban túl jó
Van, hogy van egy jó barátnőm, vágod?
És mégsem tudom abbahagyni a gettópatkányozást2
És aztán az egészért téged hibáztatlak
Legalább tudod, hogy ebben jó vagyok
[Elő-kórus: Kanye West]
Mindig találok, mindig találok valami hibát
Túl régóta nyeled már a szarságaimat
Nagyon tehetséges vagyok abban, hogy megtaláljam, hogy mit utálok a legjobban
Úgyhogy azt hiszem, hogy itt az ideje egy pohárköszöntőnek
[Kórus: Kanye West]
Igyünk egyet a szemétládákra!
Igyünk egyet a seggfejekre!
Igyünk egyet a gecikre!
Az összesre, akit ismerek
Igyünk egyet a balfékekre!
Hogy sose vegyenek ki szabadnapot
Bébi, van egy tervem
Szaladj el, amilyen gyorsan csak tudsz!
[Híd: Kanye West & Rick James]
Szaladj el tőlem, bébi!
Ah, szaladj el!
Szaladj el tőlem, bébi (Nézz magadra, nézz magadra, nézz magadra!)
Szaladj el!
Mikor kezd megbolondulni a helyzet (Nézz magadra, nézz magadra, nézz magadra!)
Akkor szaladj el!
Bébi, van egy tervem, szaladj el, amilyen gyorsan csak tudsz!
Szaladj el tőlem, bébi!
Szaladj el!
Szaladj el tőlem, bébi!(Nézz magadra, nézz magadra, nézz magadra, nézz magadra, nézz magadra, nézz magadra, nézz magadra!
Szaladj el!
Mikor kezd megbolondulni a helyzet (Nézz magadra, nézz magadra, nézz magadra, nézz magadra!)
Miért nem tud egyszerűen elszaladni?
Bébi, van egy tervem
Szaladj el, amilyen gyorsan csak tudsz (Nézz magadra, nézz magadra, nézz magadra!)
[2. versszak: Pusha T]
24/7-ben, 365 nap az évben, a puncin jár az eszem
Me-me-me-megtettem, oké, oké, bevallom
Most döntsd el, hogy mit lépsz, vagy elmész vagy ezzel együtt élsz
Ichabod Crane3anélkül a kibaszott fedő nélkül4
Szakítsunk és aztán merre? Visszamész hamis márkákat viselni?
Haha, hagyd ezt abba, irány a Neiman5, vezesd le vásárlással!
Beszéljük meg ezt mai tai-ok6mellett, pincér, töltse tele újra!
A ribancok olyanok mint a keselyűk, a Freddy cipődben7akarnak repülni
Nem hibáztathatod őket, még sosem láttak Versace8kanapét
Minden táskának, minden blúznak, minden karkötőnek
Ára van, bébi, nézz szembe ezzel!
Ha az alapvető dolgokat nem tudod elfogadni akkor jobb ha mész
Van elég ribanc a baller-nigger9mátrixban10
Láthatatlan beállítós, számlap nélküli Rolex11
Én egyszerűen csak fiatal, gazdag és ízléstelen vagyok, P
[3. versszak: Kanye West]
Sosem voltam túl romantikus alkat
Nem jól bírom az intimitást
És tudom, hogy kárt okoztam
Mer', ahogy nézel rám az teljesen kikészít
Azt hiszem tisztában voltál ezzel a fölényeddel
Mer' mindenért engem hibáztathattál
És nem tudom, hogy fogom azt feldolgozni
Ha egy nap egyszerűen felállsz és elmész
[Elő-kórus: Kanye West]
Mindig találok, mindig találok valami hibát
Túl régóta nyeled már a szarságaimat
Nagyon tehetséges vagyok abban, hogy megtaláljam, hogy mit utálok a legjobban
Úgyhogy azt hiszem, hogy itt az ideje egy pohárköszöntőnek
[Kórus: Kanye West]
Igyünk egyet a szemétládákra!
Igyünk egyet a seggfejekre!
Igyünk egyet a gecikre!
Az összesre, akit ismerek
Igyünk egyet a balfékekre!
Hogy sose vegyenek ki szabadnapot
Bébi, van egy tervem
Szaladj el, amilyen gyorsan csak tudsz!
[Levezetés: Kanye West]
[Nem szöveg alapú ének]
  • 1. Egy nő talál képeket.
  • 2. Szexuális kapcsolatok létesítését rossz körülmények között élő nőkkel.
  • 3. Egy szereplő 'Az Álmosvölgy legendája' c. Washington Irving novellájában (1820).
  • 4. 'Az Álmosvölgy legendája' c. novellában szerepel egy fejetlen szellemlovas.
    Egy magyarázat szerint ez a rész egy kabrió vezetésére utal.
  • 5. A Neiman Marcus egy amerikai luxuscikk áruház.
  • 6. Egy koktél.
  • 7. Egy cipőfajta.
  • 8. Egy olasz divatcég.
  • 9. A 'baller' jelenthet valamilyen labdajátékost, aki a sportból megggazdagodva kitört a szegénységből vagy bárki mást, aki valahogy meggazdagodott és kitört a szegénységből.
  • 10. A mátrix a matematikában úgy néz ki mint egy számokból álló táblázat, függőleges oszlopokból és vízszintes sorokból áll. Szerintem a 'ballar-nigga' mátrix itt azoknak az embereknek a halmazát jelenti, akik feketék ÉS meggazdagodtak valamiből.
    Egy másik elképzelés szerint a Mátrix (1999) című film névadó szimulációjára vonatkozik ez a rész és akkor egy 'balla-nigga' illúzió világot jelent, amiben csapdába van esve a rapper.
  • 11. Gyémántokkal kirakott Rolex karóra, ami nem mutatja az időt csak dísz, a gazdagség jelképe.


Down in the five rivers, down in the five fountains
there are three beautiful girls, with arched eyebrows.
The first is called Adorou, the second Adorousa
the third and best is called Arodafnousa.
The month when she was born all the trees blossomed,
flowers were falling all over her spreading their scent.
Adorou was like rosewater, a delicacy was Adorousa
but the kiss of the king goes to Rodafnousa.
'Somewhere thunders and lightnings hit the air, somewhere a hailstorm is held
somewhere God has decided to destroy a country'.
'Neither thunders and lightnings hit the air, nor a hailstorm is held, nor God has decided to destroy a country.
Is the queen and she is interrogating angrily hes slaves,
sending an invitation and several messages to Rodafnou to go by'.
'Get going, Rodafnou, the Queen has called you over'.
'Calling me for what? What is her message?
If she wants me to knead, let me take my planches
if she wants me to cook, let me take my spatulas
if she wants me to dance, let me take my scarfs'.
'Get going, Rodafnou, and take whatever you please'.
She got into the house and put on clothes that suited her
neither too short, nor too long but appropriated to her age.
She put firstly the embroidered ones, then she wore the golden and on top of them wears the pearls.
Here she puts a twig of rosemary to protect her from getting sunburned
there she takes an apple and gets going playing with it.
She takes that alley, she takes that path
the path takes her to the Queen's tower.
There she stands thinking about the way should she greet the Queen.
'If i call her a clove, cloves have pointy edges
if i call her a rose, roses have thorns.
Whatever, we'll just greet her in the most proper way'
She took the first step of the ladder, dangling gracefully
she took the second and she charmingly wobbled.
'Rejoice, my Queen, daughter of the King
shining on your throne like a white dove'
The Queen then said loquaciously:
' I 've just seen you and i had to lean against the wall since it was like i was stabbed
and i lost my words that i have prepared to tell you.
If i felt like i was stabbed, how the King could have ever resisted you?
Come with me, the kiln is already set on fire'
' Just give me two hours time, wait for another two hours
to shout once , το shout twice loudly, hopefully the King will hear me and he will come to save me.
'Shout once, shout twice, shout as many times you wish
King is way too far to come and save you'.
While he was eating, while he was drinking, the King hears the shouts.
'Stop playing the violins, stop playing the lutes
that scream i'm now hearing to is Arodafnousa's.
Slaves, go get me my black horse, the stone-breaker
who eats irons and drinks the whole Euphrates river.'
Soon after he said goodbye he had already run a thousand miles
Soon after they fairewell him and he had already run a thousand more.
He marched among with clouds, he run along with sun
by his third spur he arrives to the Tower.
'Open up, my Queen, because i am in a rush'
'Just give me some time', ' How much time' ' An hour'
He kicks the door, enters on horseback
and there he sees Arodafnou, drown in blood
and there he sees the Queen, sitting on the carpets
He grabs Arodafnou, he lays her down on the carpets
In Rodafnou's funeral came priests and abbots
The Queen was eaten alive by wild, hungry dogs.
In Rodafnou's funeral came priests and abbots
The Queen was eaten alive by wild, hungry dogs.

Golden toy

Oh, children
Oh, children are gruesome*
Children need gold
Children need silver
Children need gold
Oh, give us our gold!
Give us gold!
Oh, give us gold!
Oh, give us toys!
Oh, beautiful toys!
Children need gold
Children are gruesome
Children need gold
Children are gruesome
Children need gold
Children are gruesome
Give us our gold!
Oh, give us gold!
Oh, give us toys!
Oh, give us beautiful toys!
Oh, give us golden toys!
Oh, give us beautiful clothes!
Toys of silver, toys of gold
Give us gold!
Give us our gold!
Oh, children are gruesome
Give us gold!
Oh, give us gold!
  • *. possible pun with 'grey'