Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 19

Találatok száma: 1186


All against all

Your clothing is too black
Your boots are too black
At left the red lightning bolt
At right the black star
Our dance is so wild
Our dance is so wild
At right the red lightning bolt
And at left the black star
All against all (x3)
Our colours are too loud
Our screams are too loud
At left the red lightning bolt
At right the black star
A new evil dance (x3)
All against all (x3)
Your clothing is too black
Your boots are so beautiful
Our dance is so wild
Our dance is full of power
At left the lightning bolt
And at right the star
All against all (x3)
Your clothing is too black
Your boots are too black
At left the red lightning bolt
And at right the black star
Our dance is so wild
Hey! Hey!
Our dance is full of power
At left the red lightning bolt
And at right the black star
Our colours are too loud
Our screams are too loud
All against all (x3)
All against all (x3)
All against all (x3)

Tripping Party

Kekkilä1 from Plantagen2, fucking Substral3 and sticks
In the apartment money trees shine in the closet, bushes on the way
Soon we shall microwave buds and it goes to the head
Creamy from Etola's4 pipe, shut your mouths
Own box, weed and shrooms, souvenir Rakı5. as chaser
Soon my tripping party shall start
Seeds has been planted in a whore and closet, wallet is filling
Money gain is endless, money gain is endless
Own box, weed and shrooms, souvenir Rakı as chaser
Soon my tripping party shall start
People run in the stairway and scales whine, psychedelic song pumps and techno beats
Now we wank the bong! DUI-homo6, DUI-homo-homo
Own box, weed and shrooms, souvenir Rakı as chaser
Soon my tripping party shall start
  • 1. Brand of garden soil
  • 2. Garden store chain.
  • 3. Brand of liquid fertilizer
  • 4. Finnish company specializing in industrial and building materials.
  • 5. Turkish anise-flavored alcohol.
  • 6. DUI = Driving under influence of drugs or alcohol

Meg kell szerezni

[Intro: Kanye West]
Tekerd feljebb a fejhallgatómat! Hangosabbra! A-ha, A-ha!
[James Brown bevágás]
Ami neked kell, ami-ami neked kell
Nálam van, ami neked kell, ami-ami neked kell
Ami neked kell, ami-ami neked kell
Nálam van, ami neked kell
[1. vers: Kanye West & Jay-Z]
Helló, helló, helló, Fehér Amerika, elő a rágalomhadjárattal
Pénz, házasság, ja, próbálják a házasságom tönkretenni
Ki fog hamisabban viselkedni? Ki próbál majd kínos helyzetbe hozni?
Kell nekem egy szabadnap, azt hiszem felhívom Ferrist1
Buellernek Muellerje2volt de Miele-re váltottam
'Mer én gazdagabb vagyok és ezelőtt cracket3árultam
Voltam egy megbeszélésen a DJ-kkel (Ja) Puerto Ricoban 3 napig4
Politizáltam a program igazgatókkal, megállás nélkül játszák a cuccunkat
Bocs, hogy pizsamában vagyok de épp most szálltam le a magánrepülőgépemmel
Mikor utoljára partiztunk lezárták a Prive-t5
Nem ott játszik a Heat? (Ja)
A niggerek manapság utálják a menőket6 (Ja)
Nem így megy LeBron James-el?7
Nem így meg D-Wade-el? Várj!
[James Brown bevágás]
Ami neked kell, ami-ami neked kell
Nálam van, ami neked kell
Ami neked kell, ami-ami neked kell
Nálam van, ami neked kell
[2. vers: Jay-Z & Kanye West]
Mivan, mivan, mivan, mivan
Mivan szarházi? Hol a pénzem?
Azt fogod elérni, hogy lemegyek a házadhoz, ahol anyukád lakik
Mumiává kötözöm a gyerekeket, hadd sírjanak az anyjuk után
Amilyen buta az apukád, mondd meg neki, hogy csak a pénzkötegeimet akarom
Kötegek, kötegek, kötegek hátán (Kötegek!)
Maybach-ok8, bachok, bachok, bachok, bachok
Ki az? Ó, a francba csak feketék, csak feketék, csak feketék
Száz köteg, hogy szerezted őket? Úgy, hogy rap dalokat csináltam, nigger!
Bár megadhatnám neked ezt az érzést, hogy milyen egy millión deszkázni9
Mikor keresztülmegyek a városrészeden, garantálom, hogy kabrióban teszem10
Balra kanyarodok a Nostrand sugárúton (Így van), Bed Stuyban vagyunk
Jobbra kanyarodtam a 79. utcán, Lejöttem a South Shore Drive-on
Chicago-ból, Brooklyn-ből vagyok, amíg meg nem halok
[Outro: James Brown]
Vidd haza őket, vidd haza őket
Vidd haza őket, vidd haza őket
Nálam van, ami neked kell, ami-ami neked kell
Vidd haza őket
Ami neked kell, ami-ami neked kell
Nálam van, ami neked kell, ami-ami neked kell
Vidd haza őket, vidd haza őket
Vidd haza őket, vidd haza őket
Ártani akarsz a nevemnek, hm?
  • 1. Utalás a Meglógtam a Ferrarival (1986) c. amerikai filmre, amiben egy Ferris Bueller nevű srác volt a főszereplő.
  • 2. Egy óra márka.
  • 3. A kokain szabad-bázisú formájának utcai neve.
  • 4.
  • 5. Egy klub Miamiban, amit a Miami Heat kosárlabdacsapat játékosai is frekventálnak.
  • 6. Baller = 'A thug that has 'made it' to the big time.'
  • 7. LeBron James és Dwyane Wade amerikai kosárlabdajátékosok, akiket a forrás szerint sokan utálnak mert tehetségesek.
  • 8. Egy német autómárka.
  • 9. A planking egy izomerősítő gyakorlat.
  • 10. Szójáték, vonatkozhat a bankszámlájára is, aminek 'nincsen teteje'.

My Girl

Come to my side
I feel your sudden inspiration
Make a decision
Let's have fun tonight
Come to my side
I want to hear your 'I don't know'
This is a message from God
Don't miss this feeling
Start running from baseline
Run in parallel to avoid loneliness
If you touch the rose
We can hear Major 9
Come to my side
Feel these feelings
Start running from baseline
Run in parallel to avoid loneliness
run, run, run...
The mood of the music spreads
In the cold night sky
You look flawless
Where do you feel this feeling?


I put my ear against your back and hugged you
This body like a boundary is a nuisance, right?
It's like I'm going somewhere
But if I keep silent it'll be torn apart, that's what it feels like
I want to get closer to you
In a world no more than 3 meters in radius
Taking turns on the pedals
Running past bowing sunflowers 1
Steadily taking in the wind, like I'm about to fly
Feeling your warmth for the first time, I want to be stronger than anyone else
Two hearts getting together with a hot rhythm
Lips to lips, eye to eye and hand in hand
God doesn't forbid anything
I love you, I love you, I love you
I still haven't learned my lesson
An adult wouldn't understand 2
It's painful and cruel
I want to show you, I'll about to burst
I'll look the other way and wait
So take your hesitating hand from your pocket and touch me in the cheek
Put a spell on the power of being in love
We always took the long way home on our way back
The sky like falling bitter oranges
Looked kinda happy and sad
What were we born for? We're halves, right?
I try thinking about it by myself
But really, I'm not good at that
I've envied those strong shoulders
That could throw a ball so far that you couldn't see it anymore
And wanted to be a boy
Soft like clear waters
I want to be stronger than anyone else
Like when we were really young
Odd, right? I'm shedding tears
Lips to lips, eye to eye and hand in hand
We're the same and feel the same
I love you, I love you, I love you
I still haven't learned my lesson
An adult wouldn't understand
It won't get through, even though it was said
I want to jump as I am
I'll give you a good-bye kiss
So hold close
The last step's distance
So that the sun never sets
We watched the lone setting sun together
Even though it was so beautiful
Somehow it's hard to say, somehow it's not enough
Like Nostradamus predicted, the day this world explodes
I want to become one with you 3
Two hearts getting together
With a hot rhythm
Lips to lips, eye to eye and hand in hand
God doesn't forbit anything
I love you, I love you, I love you
I still haven't learned my lesson
An adult wouldn't understand
It's painful and cruel
I want to show you, I'll about to burst
I'll look the other way and wait
So take your hesitating hand from your pocket and touch me in the cheek
Put a spell on the power of being in love
So that the sun never sets
  • 1. 'Bowing' as in the greeting
  • 2. I'm unsure about this, but I think this could also be interpreted as 'an adult who hasn't learned their lesson wouldn't understand me'.
  • 3. As you may know, 'becoming one' can also be a romantic union, or a slang for sex.


Tell me, are we strangers,
And who has dashed my hopes?
Tell, why are you leaving me again,
I'll never see your eyes,
And there were no more lucky nights,
But I'll never forget you.
Romana, Romana, a girlfriend,
Romana, Romana, where is your love?
Romana, Romana, long-awaited,
Romana, Romana, be mine forever.
I met you, but you aren't alone,
Someone else hugs your shoulders,
I'll never kiss you on the lips,
Tell me, are we strangers,
And who has dashed my hopes?
Tell, why are you leaving me again?

Hacking to the Gate

Welcome!! Time line travel on The game.
Welcome!! Heroes hacking to The gate.
Even the number of billions of heartbeats is a trivial grade for you.
It's as insignificant as the blink of an eye.
Even if you are trapped in the past and mourn the future,
it is inevitable that you will not be allowed to miscalculate one dust.
'Infinite' dreams and the future we draw are
the rights of vanity that we have been granted.
'Finite' is a cruel execution and selection
indicated by two needles. Hacking to the Gate.
So now I want to cross the world line every second.
I want to protect your smile.
And again, I will be swallowed into a time loop without sadness,
I'm a lonely observer.
Claim of life and meaningless proof.
Those are ridiculous and boring for you.
The ruler-minded stupid race
lined up a self-confessed childish theorem.
Love that I believed to be 'infinite'
and beyond the sky are virtual freedoms shown to us.
'Finite' is a ruthless choice to tick the time
and deny even tomorrow. Hacking to the Gate.
We must not forget the many bright days
and the promises we made to our friends.
We will deceive time all for that. There is no hesitation
in the remaining gimmicks, I'm a lonely observer.
So now I want to cross the world line every second.
I want to protect your smile.
And again, I will be swallowed into a time loop without sadness,
I'm a lonely observer.


You're beautiful again
I'm Lovestruck again
I loved you again
Last night in my dream
Just about to kiss you
I woke up from my sleep
while I was close to the light
suddenly I turned dark
Wait just a little bit, hold my hands
please wait I wanna see this dream
truth pains us my love
it fills again
my tears this dark sea
I traveled around this filthy world
as if you're next to me
I'm such a stranger
as if I turned into an invited human

The Same Thing

I shall see you — good,
I shall not see — too not bad.
I age quietly when I drink.
Without booze — same thing.

Calm Down

Versions: #1
Phew what an anger, what a rage!
Everywhere is flooding with a rush, with a hurry.
Everyone will choke one another!
What will the end of us be if everything goes on like this?
Some are obsessed with nationalism,
some are complaining about the west.
What is there to be mad about?
This is a temporary world, nothing's here to stay.
Sh sh calm down,
sh sh calm down your nerves.
Some are embarassed of traditional dish lahmacun,
others are annoyed by everyone they lay their eyes on.
Either everyone is so distant and cold to one another,
or the relationships are too sticky.
Some are enemy to the intellectuals.
Some are placing a premium on ignorance.
What a meaningless bickering!
Wasn't it that no one could teach anyone anything
Sh sh calm down,
sh sh calm down your nerves.
The world is mortal, human is mortal
even if you were a scholar or a tyrant.
Sh sh calm down,
control your nerves.
Everyone's truth is the most true.
Everyone's words are a wisdom.
Let's talk about ordinary stuff too,
is eating each other up a thing?
Evrything should be faultless.
We dont even have the right to make a mistake.
Everyone's in pain for third personas.
This much is too much.
Sh sh calm down,
control your nerves.
The world is mortal, human is mortal
even if you were a scholar or a tyrant.
Sh sh calm down,
control your nerves.

To the Rainbow City

You and I meet here all the time.
There's a secret between us that only the sun knows.
You are grieving more than usual, the sadness of moving away.
But we know this place where the scent invites us.
We are heading to an undiscovered city on the earth.
You and I am meeting here all the time.
There's a secret between us that only the sun knows.
The time has come when I don't even know what to believe.
But we know, you are the only one who can change you.
Once you realize that there is a universe inside of you, you will be able to.
You and I am meeting here all the time.
There's a secret between us that only the sun knows.
Today is better than yesterday, and the world is rotating.
You and I am meeting here all the time.
There's a secret between us that only the sun knows.
You and I am meeting here all the time.
There's a secret between us that only the sun knows.
You and I am meeting here all the time.
There's a secret between us that even the sun does not know.

Weak Poison

I feel how it is inside of me
How it mixes in my veins
I feel the warmth in my veins
In the muscles, in the tendons
How the waves go through me
I feel it in every one of my cells
It penetrates the darkness of my lungs
Affects the muscles of my tongue
It trickles into the nerve currents
Into the cavity of my forehead
In bones, heart and kidneys
I hear it throbbing and pulsing
A weak poison that works slowly
A pain that quietly feeds doubts
Has crept into the circulatory system
And has silently taken possession of me
It is gradually spreading
Making itself the master of my house
Living in the shadow of my lips
In the chambers of my ribs
Taking possession of the body
A strike that is taking over the factory
I feel how you are inside of me
How you flow in my veins
Feel you when I'm dreaming and when I'm awake
Continually, day and night
In the bones, in the tissue
In every fibre of my skin
In everything I give of myself
In every glance, in every sound

I'm fed up

Be careful not to overdo it
Persevere and walk away from the monastery
Oh, you tortured me
Where did you reach us?
And there is no question
And there is no such thing
And your heart for me, you gave me gifts
It will open and line up in due time
I'm fed up, I'm fed up
Do not say it's over at night, it makes me cold
The tears on the pillow what to my heart you did
You know you were wrong
Oh beloved I'm fed up, I'm fed up
I'm fed up.
Oh beloved I'm fed up, oh how I'm fed up
Let go of my mind
I want to be free of my beloved
I'm fed up, fed up, fed up
Do not start a drama and cry for mama
All the years with you, full of ups and downs
What will our life be with us
I'm not crying from my mother, but it's hard for me with breakups
I'm fed up, I'm fed up
Win and win
And you are the one who left
I'm fed up, I'm fed up
You play around the light bulb
I played in the club
Oh beloved I'm fed up, oh how I'm fed up
I'm fed up
Oh beloved I'm fed up, oh how I'm fed up
Let go of my mind I want to be free
Oh beloved I'm fed up, oh how I'm fed up
I'm fed up
I'm fed up, I'm fed up
Oh sweetheart. Oh beloved I'm fed up, oh how I'm fed up

White Breath

In this freezing season,
do you say such and such about love?
Come on, forget about such things.
Let's blame winter and let's warm each other.
I forgot to turn off the TV, and I forgot I was even alone.
I have a sore throat from all the dry time.
Tomorrow's vision will be unleashed and seen at 12 am,
When it comes to the important part, there will be a mosaic.
Let me put out my devious sadness inside of you.
In this freezing season,
do you say such and such about love?
Come on, forget about such things.
Let's blame winter and let's warm each other.
You pretend to be free, but when you notice, you are already riding on it.
Watch your step on the moving walkway.
I can't believe I had to rent a Tarantino.
I don't even have a good memory of being beaten.
Please give me a strength of nowaday kids ignoring honorifics.
Two of us in a lodge with a snowstorm. Yearning for fantasy.
In that way, we can have association without having to say
what you really think.
What am I supposed to do in this cold era?
I will lick loneliness each other with you who can't say
'I don't care about such things'.
In the night when selfishness seems to disappear, does love call someone out?
Besides, I'm walking around with nothing,
so let me keep you warm.

They say

They say we are not for each other
Because the two of us are the same
This relationship has no destination from the start
Our combination are mismatched they say
This is the statement of those pretending to be holy
those who are truly lacking love
This is the statement of those pretending to be right
whose heart and feelings are numb
Because the two of us are very much loving each other
Our desires for each other are honest
We are going to fight for it and turn down their insults
We are going to change this judgmental world
They said we are not going to be happy
With this 'wrong' affection
That this is not pleasing to the eyes of our Creator
That what we are doing is a sin
This is the statement of those pretending to be noble
Those who are trampling on our dignity
This is the statement of those pretending to be clean
whose thoughts are full of dirt
Because the two of us are very much loving each other
Our desires for each other are honest
We are going to fight for it and turn down their insults
We are going to change this judgmental world (2x)

love you miss you

It's cute” even if you say it
I'm not that glad
cause 'Age difference doesn't matter in love'
It's so unfair to treat me like a child
I don’t know why
Since when I’m a love aholic
How do you like it?
Hey, what kind of woman do you like?
Earlier, I was more mature
it's llike I was born that way...
I love you so deep in my heart
I love you for the first time I showed to you
After all just like everyone you don't show it
Everyday I’m really lovin’ you
I want you to stare me more
I love you all the time
because I want to be by your side
forever yeah
“Just a friend” even if you say it,
I'm having a little doubt on you
cause 'Age difference doesn't matter in love'
to blame, you work is so unfair
I don’t know why
Always You’re a work aholic
How do you like me?
Hey, how much do you really love me?
that super sexy woman is my formidable RIVAL
just like I was reborn...
I miss you I want to be embrace by your arms
I miss you I want to connect my hands with you
After all just like everyone you want to be alone
Everyday I’m really missin’ you
I want not to stare you anymore
I love you all the time
because I want to be by your side
forever yeah
I don’t know why
so completely I’m you aholic
because I'm not used to your first woman you had
at least, this would be the last love I have
I love you so deep in my heart
I love you for the first time I showed to you
After all just like everyone you don't show it
Everyday I’m really lovin’ you
I want you to stare me more
I love you all the time
because I want to be by your side
forever yeah

Song of school leavers (passage)

Since childhood we wanted to become adults sooner,
We looked forward the school years to end,
We will hold childhood dear,
Only when we break up with it for good.
I reсollect the past diligently,
And I'm filled with worrying thought:
Breaking up with childhood finally,
May be, I break up with you too.

To settle down, not to waste energy for revenge...

To settle down, not to waste energy for revenge,
Let the better beginning be revenge,
Not to forget, who you are, where you are from,
What you sought to, what you dreamed of!
Even though the goal is unattainable in any way,
It fades in clouds, as beckoning bird,
My every step is like a little mystery,
Trustingly lying in the hands.
All the cranes are in the high blue sky,
Out of my reach, beyond the visible boundaries,
I’m the happiest in the world
Owner of the caught tits.

Two Partridges

Two partridges are in the same brook, so is my faith, chattering away
Don't chatter away, partridge, for my pest is growing strong, the admiration he has for you is, too
Lady Emine has drunk cognac and is laying on the bedstead
The headwear on her head is pinked, her shoes are dyed, lover, lover, if only you were mine, lover, lover
Nights are long, my tongue spells my lover, lover, lover, if only you were mine, lover, lover
Lady Emine just got out of the public bath, and so is my faith1
The headwear on her head is pinked, her shoes are dyed, lover, lover, if only you were mine, lover, lover
Nights are long, my tongue spells my lover's name, lover, lover, if only you were mine, lover, lover
  • 1. Word play, in Turkish «Dinden imandan çıkmak» is «Go loony»


Your mouth speaks, but your deeds they scream.
My demons are awake while people are asleep.
And if this time it'll be the same as the previous one,
I don't give a fuck - I'll go fight with the Almighty.
Unappreciated, neglected and underestimated,
my zodiac sign is Sagittarius, but I push like a ram.
I love whatever I plant to bear fruit.
In the end others collect them, but maybe that's better.
I asked my wife, 'Are you with me?' and she said, 'I don't know.'
The food tastes like ashes, I eat out of obligation.
'Whoever sets you free will enslave you, Lachi.
No one will give you anything for free.
There are no gods or messiahs, dear.
Life is sour and salty, bring tequila.'
I clench my fists and teeth until the time comes,
when I'll be on my back and life will flash before my eyes.
I know yesterday won't be back.
When tomorrow comes, I'll be calling it 'today'.
My conscience speaks at night...
I know yesterday won't be back.
When tomorrow comes, I'll be calling it 'today'.
And it pours me more tar...
No girl will love you like a mother.
In your home she acts like a landlady.
Good luck finding your piece in that puzzle!
I turn the glass over and the cream becomes sediment.
Pour me some absinthe to help me swallow that lump!
We are like crutches - something's lame between us.
I run away from the comfort, just for the sport of it.
They think they are pious 'cause they lit candles on a cake.
I don't play the predator and I don't play the victim.
You want us to measure them? - Come to my rug first.
I tell you how I feel and you say, 'I understand you'.
What do you understand, huh? Tell me what do you understand?
When I love - I love, and I leave clues everywhere.
Mom, tie me a red string against evil eye.
They win me with attitude and with attitude they lose me
and when I react, they wonder what happened.
I know yesterday won't be back.
When tomorrow comes, I'll be calling it 'today'.
My conscience speaks at night...
I know yesterday won't be back.
When tomorrow comes, I'll be calling it 'today'.
And it pours me more tar...
If for someone you are someone,
you stay without becoming part of the flock.
You play like it's an endless summer
if for someone you are someone...
If for someone you are someone,
you stay without becoming part of the flock.
You play like it's an endless summer
if for someone you are someone...
I know yesterday won't be back.
When tomorrow comes, I'll be calling it 'today'.
My conscience speaks at night...
I know yesterday won't be back.
When tomorrow comes, I'll be calling it 'today'.
And it pours me more tar...

Tell (them) That He Loves

Tell (them) that he loves and he'll ask for my hand
Irritate people who I don't like & who always piss me off
And who throws a flower at you I'll kick his butt
I don't care (what happens to me) I'm the (only) man of your heart
Alone, I wont let you walk I'm the one who'll protect you
And the one who stares at you , I'll make his kids orphans
Give me your love, I'll die for you
And I'll make you my queen, I'm the one who wants your satisfaction
And don't answer your phone unless I'm next to you
And who loves you as much as I do let me know him
Choose your friends well, keep the girls
And leave the guys let them be jealous and sad
Keep in mind that I'll make your dreams come true
My eyes and heart and soul and life are at your command
Drom this day on everywhere
I'll expect murder if they flirt with you
And at night we'll be together alone
Don't tell me it's your brother or his uncle
Tell (them) that he loves and he'll ask for my hand
Irritate people who I don't like & who always piss me off

Csirke csíkok

Láttam valakit aki pont úgy néz ki mint te
A hátsó ülésen, a kezei kint a tetőablakon
Esküszöm az a ruha volt rajta amit neked adtam
És gondolkozom hogy vajon a kék mindig a kedvenc színed-e?
Tele vagy szeretettel és vad vagy és szabad
Kergetsz minden álmot és lehetőséget
Több vagy mint én valaha is lehetnék...
Remélem jobban bánik veled mint én valaha
Mert te megérdemled a világ kétszeresét, és az egyszerű Vasárnak délutánjainkat
Remélem hogy ő az otthonod, még akkor is ha nekem el kellett veszítenem
Te határozod meg hogy ki tölti be a szíved, még akkor is ha nem én vagyok az akit választasz
(Woooaaahh, wooooahh)
Megragadtam egy röpke pillanatot belőlünk
A konyhánkban, ahol a kedvenc ételedet főztem
És ha őszinte vagyok, egy idióta voltam
Szóval mondd ki a szót, és futva jövök vissza hozzád
Tele vagy szeretettel és vad vagy és szabad
Kergetsz minden álmot és lehetőséget
Több vagy mint én valaha is lehetnék...
Remélem jobban bánik veled mint én valaha
Mert te megérdemled a világ kétszeresét, és az egyszerű Vasárnak délutánjainkat
Remélem hogy ő az otthonod, még akkor is ha nekem el kellett veszítenem
Ez érted volt, hogy megtaláld azt aki betölti a szíved, még akkor is ha nem én vagyok az akit választasz
(Ooohhhh, ooohhhh) x4
Remélem jobban bánik veled mint én valaha
Mert te megérdemled a világ kétszeresét, és az egyszerű Vasárnak délutánjainkat
Remélem hogy ő az otthonod, még akkor is ha nekem el kellett veszítenem
Ez érted volt, hogy megtaláld azt aki betölti a szíved, még akkor is ha nem én vagyok az akit választasz
És remélem hogy ő az otthonod
És a Vasárnak délutánjaink

Tehran Tokyo

Are you ready?
Yeah Tehran Tokyo!
Turn it up/let's dance! Sasy is here now
Yoko Yada, let's go bro
Oh (my fans) chase me they chase me, from Tehran to Tokyo
I only love you, baby, who do YOU love?
Do you love me? But of course! I'm crazy for you baby
When you shake it in the middle of the club by yourself,
you're just like Kylie Jenner I swear
(Hun Gun Jun Tai) (Japanese?)
He's saying 'what a body you got, oh'!
And Tehran, their babes are ratchet, so stop fronting bro get lost
You're in Japan, yeah? We're in Velenjak, all wild messed up
Look bro, I'm so high, what about you?
I'm down in every way, so then get in my car let's go
Instead of arguing with me, go prepare the King's celebrations (referring to himself as king)
They chase me they chase me, from Tehran to Tokyo
I only love you, baby, who do YOU love?
Oh (my fans) chase me they chase me, from Tehran to Tokyo
I only love you, baby, who do YOU love?
She keeps melting my heart real quick
The music bumping boom boom boom
If you were Japanese, your name would be Jun Jun Jun ('Ouuuf ' in Farsi). In a way you've killed us baby. May you die as a thug, samurai style, dude, bro
Your body's got a fire, yeah, your two eyes show you're a ghetto girl. ||| Your dance videos win academy awards in the festivals
With that body of yours, you've completely put Valy-Asr in gridlock
You're like Yakuza with that pony-tail hair of yours
They chase me they chase me, from Tehran to Tokyo
I only love you, baby, who do YOU love?
Oh (my fans) chase me they chase me, from Tehran to Tokyo
I only love you, baby, who do YOU love?
Who are you leaving your mom's house for, Summaya, huh?
The days when you're not home, Summaya, baby, we party
Oh no! Don't go Summaya
What a body you have, Summaya
You smoke weed, Summaya?
Hope you don't overdose, Summaya, huh
All ladies in Tehran got that eye-liner
Bro, smoke only a little tonight, alright?
We gotta quit smoking now
Well, starting Saturday hopefully
Ah screw you yo
Your figure's so hot yo
Your body's so perfect yo
(Yo bro!) screw you yo
(Man Brothers Production)
Come on turn it up/let's dance!
Sasy calm down now
Come on turn it up/let's dance
Sayonara, everybody!
Come on turn it up/let's dance
Turn it up/let's dance
Come on turn it up/let's dance
Turn it up/let's dance

street where I kissed you

There is a street where I kissed you ..
You know, you were a trace in me, (but) you were nothing in someone else, you would say so ..
You know it wouldn't end, happy endings wouldn't be hidden ..
You know what started with me
It wouldn't be easy to finish for someone else
You are cursed with my sigh, I wouldn't forgive you even if you come
I exist today, no tomorrow
I did my best
There Is A Street Where I Kissed You
Let them bury me there ..
Let them bury me there ..
Write the Edict, Your Place Is The Same ..
The Pen Is The Same, Fill The Paper Instead Of Me
Take This, My Word is Separate, My Eyes Are Separate
Fill The Glass Instead Of Me ..
This is not the heart of somebody who stutters
Cardiologists Taken Pledge
Drink alone
You know me I'm the only shotgun
God the one who led the world to turn
God cauterized every heart
These Storms Broke Inside Me
Titanic Sank, You pull the shovel
Suffered a lot, saw the miracle in her eyes
The problem is deep, I wrote each line for her
Either accept it or let me go
I say it really
This is not a even a profit, can't say a loss too
Don't come back, because those streets are not the same
You know what started with me
It wouldn't be easy to finish for someone else
You are cursed with my sigh, I wouldn't forgive you even if you come
I exist today, no tomorrow
I did my best
There Is A Street Where I Kissed You
Let them bury me there ..
Let them bury me there ..

Your smiling eyes

Morning light wakes you up, my daughter
You open the beautiful eyes, and happily
Smile at me
Mom takes you in the arms, my daughter
Your eye, like the daylight, smiles
My dear
- Refrain
Day by day, my daughter, you learn a new word
With friends, in the kindergarten
Bright flowers you are, children.
A bouquet of flowers under the shining dew
In the kindergarten you are, children
You boost the joy to life.
At peace I continue the way to the factory
The voices of the little ones just follow me
Like white birds.
And again, as we come back to you, my daughter
The eye of yours smiles,
You’re happy.
Mom takes you in the arms, my daughter
Your eye, like the daylight, smiles
My dear
- Refrain
Day by day my daughter, you learn a new word
With friends, in the kindergarten
Bright flowers you are, children
A bouquet of flowers under the shining dew
In the kindergarten you are, children
You boost the joy to life.
And again, as we come back to you, my daughter
Your beautiful eyes laugh oh my dear,
You’re happy.

I love you

These days i cannot take you out of my head
I don't know why
These days i cannot take you out of my head
I don't know why
Because I didn't take you out of my heart
So I didn't forget you
It is not easy , you have no idea
Living without you is like
Being in the desert with no water
It is not easy , you have no idea
Living without you is like
Being in the desert with no water
I love you
I love you
Till my last breath I will be loving you
and i will die loving you
It is not easy , you have no idea
Being in the desert with no water
I love you
These days i cannot take you out of my head
I don't know why
These days i cannot take you out of my head
I don't know why
Because I didn't take you out of my heart
So I didn't forget you
Because I didn't take you out of my heart
So I didn't forget you
Living without you is like
Being in the desert with no water
It is not easy , you have no idea
Living without you is like
Being in the desert with no water
It is not easy , you have no idea
Living without you is like
Being in the desert with no water
I love you
I love you
Till my last breath I will be loving you
and i will die loving you
It is not easy , you have no idea
Living without you is like
Being in the desert with no water
I love you

Zak Storm Theme Song

I always lead you
Direct you
I am standing beside you
Ready to compete
Short for Dilan
I always lead you
Direct you
I'll save you
Don't you be afraid
If you are near me
Storm Zak
I always lead you
Direct you
Heaven's direction
Don't you be afraid
If you are near me
Storm Zak


La-La, La, La
La-La, La
Days are as dark as the night
It’s getting scary
In my lightless room
It’s becoming routine, one by one
Am I just crazy or dreamin’ awake?
Now I can’t escape
Every day repeats and I become numb
Oh, I no
Cover your eyes
Demons in the night
Don’t you look behind
Oh my, my, my
I want to hide
Don’t ma, ma, mind
So no one can find me
You can run
You can hide
But they always find
Spreading slowly in your heart
They live in the dark
La-La-La (Uh)
La-La, La
In a space without a single light
When the darkness comes
I lay expressionless, again and again
An еndless fear, a terriblе night
Wasn’t with me back then
But they right here now
Nightmares come to see me
Nightmares make me go insane
A dark night
With the monster that lives inside
Alone in the dark
Cover your eyes
Demons in the night
Don’t you look behind
Oh my, my, my
I want to hide
Don’t ma, ma, mind
So, no one can find me
You can run
You can hide
But they always find
Spreading slowly in your heart
They live in the dark!
La-La, La, La La
They live in the dark
La-La, La, La La
Out of breath in a panic
Wake me up, I-I-I-I Wanna
Bad thoughts have already been made
Spreading slowly, I-I-I don’t wanna
Ah, ah, I-I don’t wanna
Ah, ah, I-I don’t wanna
Ah, ah, I-I don’t wanna
Ah, ah
Oh my my my
Like an unawakenable nightmare
Don’t ma, ma, mind
Dig deeper, deeper
You can run
You can hide
But they always find
Spreading slowly in your heart
They live the dark!
La-La, La, La
They live in the dark

There somewhere far away

There, to where my thoughts fly
The most beautiful dawns break
Oh, my dearest mother
Foreign lands are like a cold sea
Oh, my dearest mother
Foreign lands are like a cold sea
There, to where my thoughts fly
Are most beautiful white winters
Oh, my dearest mother
Your son will return from desolate foreign lands
Oh, my dearest mother
Your son will return from desolate foreign lands
There, to where my thoughts fly
Dear eyes await me
Oh, my dearest mother
Your son will return to you from foreign lands
Oh, my dearest mother
Your son will return to you from foreign lands

Convicted of Loneliness

You didn't even ask my problem, for a day.
You didn't even feel what I felt, one day.
Only you are special,
Only you're matter,
Only your feelings, should come first.
Only you are special,
Only you're matter,
Only your feelings, should come first.
You know I was more, precious than anything,
You know your dearest,
I met a unique pearl,
Look what I have become now,
I was convicted of loneliness,
You have no right to ask, for an answer.
You know I was more, precious than anything,
You know your dearest,
I met a unique pearl,
Look what I have become now,
I was convicted of loneliness,
You have no right to ask, for an answer.
You didn't even ask my opinion, one day.
You don't care, you're so selfish.
Only you know,
Only your opinion,
The whole world, would spin on your axis.
Only you know,
Only your opinion,
The whole world, would spin on your axis.
You know I was more, precious than anything,
You know your dearest,
I met a unique pearl,
Look what I have become now,
I was convicted of loneliness,
You have no right to ask, for an answer.


Can you hear me
as I slowly
emerge in the dawn
Can you hear me
in the silence
I gurgle in the sea
Through your depths
I hum your name
Can you hear me?
Journey towards you
As a river
within the reach of the coast
of your world

I want to snap

I want to snap, I want to scatter about
I hate your kind of attitude
But today I have to go home
I need to go home
I want to snap, I want to scatter about
I want to even kiss with cheap alcohol
I can’t betray anyone anymore
I must not betray
At night I go out to town
I unintentionally end up humming
I want to snap, I want to scatter about
With this and that I’m happy
I won’t be sad
I won’t choose to be so
I want to snap, I want to scatter about
I want to be with everyone forever
But today I have to go home
I need to go home
At night I go out to town
I unintentionally end up humming
At night I dream
I unintentionally end up thinking about that girl
I unintentionally end up humming