Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 1

Találatok száma: 50


Büdös ököl

Valaminek változnia kell,
Tagadhatatlan dilemma
Az unalom olyan kín,
amit senkinek nem kéne elviselnie.
Állandó túlstimulálás elzsibbaszt
De nem akarnálak
semmilyen más módon
Nem elég
Több kell
Úgy látszik, semmi nem elégít ki
Azt mondtam
Nem akarom
Csak több kell
Hogy lélegezzek, hogy érezzek, hogy tudjam, hogy élek
Ujjnyi mélyen a határon túl
Mutasd meg, hogy szeretsz és hogy összetartozunk
Engedd el magad, fordulj meg és fogd a kezem.
Segíthetek, átváltoztatni
Fáradt pillanatokat gyönyörré
Csak mond ki a szót
És már indulunk is
Keverjük és egyensúlyozzuk
A fájdalmat a kényelemmel
Mélyen benned
Amíg már nem is kellek máshogy
De nem elég
Több kell
Úgy látszik, semmi nem elégít ki
Azt mondtam
Nem akarom
Csak több kell
Hogy lélegezzek, hogy érezzek, hogy tudjam, hogy élek
Csukló mélyen a határon túl
Talán kicsit fájni fog, de majd hozzászoksz
Engedd el magad, csússz el
Van abban valami szomorú
Amilyen a világ lett
Érzéketlenek mindenre
Mivé lett a finomság?
Hogy jelenthet ez nekem bármit
Ha nem igazán érzek semmit?
Addig fogok ásni
Amíg nem érzek valamit
Könyök mélyen a határon túl
Mutasd meg, hogy szeretsz és hogy összetartozunk
Váll mélyen a határon túl
Engedd el magad, fordulj meg és fogd a kezem.

What's on Your Mind

The wind on the riverbank mixes the sun and your smile
The mistakes I made while practicing on the rooftop play gently
Time, don't go
Counting down to my dreams, memories are imprinted in my heart
When love is beautiful in that there are uncorrected mistakes and a beginning and end
It will be insincere
I want to know what's on your mind
I don't want you to disappear from my life
Not laying bare is my tenderness
Watching you live well is better than having you
I want to know what's on your mind
Saying I'm not sad while meaning the opposite
I can't find the best moment
I'm afraid of losing, so I didn't say my love
The wind that year replaces me in holding you in your arms
The hands closest to your heartbeat play gently
Please don't forget me
Counting down to my dreams, memories are imprinted in my heart
In fact, it would be so painful to say goodbye with someone
Let me start over again
I want to know what's on your mind
Saying I'm not sad while meaning the opposite
I can't find the best moment
I'm afraid of losing, so I didn't say my love
I always have to wait until the minute we part
To realize that I cannot go back as I keep going
I always have to laugh until I cry to understand that loneliness
Is when you won't accompany me anymore
I want to know what's on your mind
I don't want you to disappear from my life
Not laying bare is my tenderness
I've never thought I'd miss it
I want to know what's on your mind
Love is never helping someone achieve their freedom
True love should be said out bravely
If you need me, I'm behind you

Fuck the Clones, Part II

All I see are clones, it started at school
Who do you give your shoulder to to pull you through?
Here, everyone plays a role, dreaming ‘bout millions of euros
And I pushed through like a rose among nettles
[Verse 1]
I promised you one day you would remember our faces
I’m not gonna shut up
Depressed from elementary to high school, I felt like a prisoner
Because teachers always wanted to grade me
But I still liked learning, I was different
From everyone who told me, “Either you fight or you suffer”
I dreamed of adventures, I tagged storefronts
I rebelled against everything that was forbidden
I didn’t care ‘bout all their phony TV shows
I wanted to see the world before being called back before God
I read in my hiding place so no one would make fun of me
While boys my age talked about cars
One of the boys from back in the day used to sell Armani Code
One sunny day he brought a gun to school
I was shocked to see him with a Glock
I don’t give a fuck about your fucking area codes
I told him I was scared, but I had a heart
I’m always there for my fucking boys
Now for him, the sound of gunshots is ingrained in his brain
The people who hung 'round the block pulled him down
Never give in to peer pressure
When you do the wrong thing, you feel it deep down
[Verse 2]
I’m a drifter, don’t tell me we’re supposed to stagnate
Get out! I don’t feel like a homebody
I’m unstable, don’t tell me to settle down
When you’re different, they wanna fight you
It sucks when you have a dream your parents don’t want
Dragging me down, don’t worry, I’m gonna fight
I don’t like when I’m walking and I see
This kid getting hounded for his weight problems
But who do we think we are? Sad puppets
I write my thoughts hoping Jesus can hear me
While it’s the ice age in our hearts
Aymé? He’s more than a character from H
We are not barcodes
You’re popular on social media, then your ratings disappear, nah
We are not barcodes
You’re popular on social media, then your ratings disappear
People’s eyes will lead you to the mirage in the mirror
But my vision of rap is like nothing else, I’ll stay angry
As long as the poor have to sleep out on the subway
While the rats keep warm on the tracks
We’re making carbon copies
Who only care about themselves
I teach my struggle by talking about it
I multiply my senses like a handicapped person
How do you find your path when no one shows you the way?
I feel like Andy Kaufman in Man on the Moon
Fuck the clones
Fuck the clones
Fuck the clones
Fuck the fakes
[Sample: Abbé Pierre] Those who put all the food on their plate
Leaving others' plates empty and who, having everything
Say with a smug face, with a clear conscience, “Us? Us who have everything? We are all for peace!”
Do you know what I have to shout at them?
“The first violent ones, the instigators of all violence are you! And at night in your beautiful mansions, when you go to kiss your children with your clear conscience, in the eyes of God, you probably have more blood on your oblivious hands than you will ever have from the desperate who have taken up arms to try to find a way out of their despair.

With love

let my night grow longer with tenderness
and let me remain busy with affection
write me down as a word, and time will speak of it, with love
with love, this world began
oh! how there is no one remaining
and my own heart become more wary of itself, with love
there is not star that does not desire a moon with it
and there is no night that does not desire energy
and there are no eyes that don't contain of love in them, with love
with love, i will sing
and in my dreams, i will see you
I love you so much, and i long for you, with love
if you were to be in the seventh sky
you'd be the same image that i had imagined
i love for you, so that i can understand the gestures with love