Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 18


Őrültek háza

- Helló
- Nem, nem tudom hol van
- Mit gondolsz, hogy erőszakkal tartam itt?
Bezártalak otthon
Elérhetetlen telefonok
Távolabb a barátoktól, ismerősöktől
Elvettem a fiadat
Megkötöttem a kezeidet
Minden hisztéria kiszállt
Nem értem miért
Minden őrültek házává változott
Szeretem, gyűlölöm
Leszakad a tetőm
Minden azért van mert
Egy őrültek háza van a fejemben
Szeretem, gyűlölöm
Leszakad a tetőm
Minden azért van mert, mert
Őrültek háza miatt
Őrültek háza (fel)
Őrültek háza (őrültek háza)
Őrültek háza (fent vagyunk)
(Együgyü ember vagy)
Feldühít, hogy aranyos vagy
Feldühít, minden aggodalmad
És ezért erőszakkal
Bezárlak otthon
Kísérletezek rajtad
Emlékezni minden pillanatra
És nem lehetünk barátok
Minden őrültek háza lett
Szeretem, gyűlölöm
Leszakad a tetőm
Minden azért van mert
Egy őrültek háza van a fejemben
Szeretem, gyűlölöm
Leszakad a tetőm
Minden azért van mert, mert
Őrültek háza miatt
Őrültek háza (fel)
Őrültek háza (őrültek háza)
Őrültek háza (fent vagyunk)
Őrültek háza (fel)
Őrültek háza (őrültek háza)
Őrültek háza (fent vagyunk)
És szeretlek
Szeretlek, gyűlöllek


Anya, szeretnék mondani valamit
Elment az étvágyam, nem akarok sétálni
Amikor nem hív fel, elveszítem önmagam
Nem tudom, hogyan adjak utalást
Cupodo átszurta az én
És sikítani akarok
Ezek az érzések kopognak bennem
A világom
Annyira elfoglalt veled
Anya, hogyan hívjam fel a figyelmét?
Ez titok (pszt)
A neve E... (pszt)
A neve (yeah)
Anya, szerelmes vagyok
Hisztérikus vagyok, amikor rám néz
Anya, szerelmes vagyok
Mit tehetünk?
Hisztérikus vagyok, amikor rám néz
Amikor a közelében vagyok
Az idő repül (tik tak)
Moszkvában sétált (együtt)
Eljött a hajnal és együtt voltunk
Veled menekülök a sajtótól
Elrejtőzünk mindenki elöl (yeah)
Megtalálnak minket (itt, basszus)
Az ujjával rajzolt
A nevem a homokba (enyém)
Anya, aggódom
Hol van most és kivel? (nem tudom)
Soha nem mondta el, ki a lány a képen
A mackóm (yeah)
A neve Potap (ő az egyetlen egy)
Anya, szerelmes vagyok
Hisztérikus vagyok, amikor rám néz
Anya, szerelmes vagyok
Mit tehetünk?
Hisztérikus vagyok, amikor rám néz
Anya, szerelmes vagyok
Hisztérikus vagyok, amikor rám néz
Anya, szerelmes vagyok
Mit tehetünk?
Hisztérikus vagyok, amikor rám néz
Anya, szerelmes vagyok. Örökre.

Good evening

Good evening to those who are not asleep yet,
Including you gray astronomer
May you dream about grove's rustle
And fields with milk and honey
Let the road run smoothly
For a driver rushing home
Let the night be clear to you
Greetings to all cities
Good evening to you!
Good evening to you!
Good evening to you!
Good evening to you!
Good evening to those who are not asleep yet
And to you who became an angel.
Let it smell to you like a smoky stove,
A stork with a baby will arrive
Let the magic pot boil
And the porridge floats into the houses
Let the beloved don't quarrel any more
The warmth to all, relatives and parents
Good evening to you!
Good evening to you!
Good evening to you!
Good evening to you!

Silly girl

Versions: #1
Silly girl, with every cell
Still believes in love like in a unicorn
Silly girl, hair on a ribbon
Lost her soul over these three words
Nari-nari-na, nari-e
Nari-na, still believes in love
Nari-nari-na, nari-e
Nari-na, because of these three words
I'm picking up the punishment
The new trend is a make-up with tears under the eyes, e
Unfair realities, if a girl, then - a whore
If a guy, then he's polygamous
I'm a fool, but you are an asshole
We stand side by side at the burned bridges
Silly, a mess in my head, I hate again this love-bitch
Silly girl, with every cell
Still believes in love like in a unicorn
Silly girl, hair on a ribbon
Lost her soul over these three words
Nari-nari-na, nari-e
Nari-na, still believes in love
Nari-nari-na, nari-e
Nari-na, because of these three words
I changed places for everything
And now my desires come first for me
Life laid down on the tatami
My Cupid, also wounded, flew over the clouds
I will write to you again
A message on the glass or a song without words
I wear stripes on my arm, so as not to forget what a bitch the love is
Silly girl, with every cell
Still believes in love like in a unicorn
Silly girl, hair on a ribbon
Lost her soul over these three words
Better to be... better to be... better to be alone
Than to believe again in this love-bitch
I don't feel - feel pain anymore
Because of these three words
Better to be... better to be... better to be alone
Than to believe again in this love-bitch
I don't feel - feel pain anymore
Because of these three words
Silly girl, with every cell
Still believes in love like in a unicorn

Fast and carnival war

Unusual assemblage on the midtown market
In the windows, gates and near the well, in church and in the tavern.
Market traders, monks, jugglers and dwarfs
Colorful swarm swarms, swarms around fuss.
Work has become fun and fun has become work.
Dices are rolling on the ground, playing cards are being teared,
Those who don’t play are unimportant, those who play – lose
But among rabble you can’t distinguish who is who.
In the doors of temples, on tray cloths – crosses for three bobs
Absolved are pouring out form the side doors.
Almoners are kneeling in ashes between monks,
You can’t tell who is saint and who is prude.
Whole town has gone insane,
None of graybeards or striplings knows
If the fast is carnival,
Or carnival is fast!
Patron of juggles has backed a hundred-liter barrel
Gut – shield, helmet – guffaw on the fat face.
He speared baked pig’s head on his lance
There will be chow, will be drinking, will be loot to grab
Against him – wooden throne harnessed by priests,
And on the throne sits skinny apostle of fast.
He’s already apologizing God, for his victory,
And instead of lance, he got hold of Peter’s Paddle.
Backers are excelling in slogans and devotions,
Minstrel sings how brother turned against brother.
In overcrowded tavern rabble waits for the outcome,
Child waves a pennant – a great battle is coming.
Whole town has gone insane,
None of graybeards or striplings knows
If the fast is carnival,
Or carnival is fast!
I’m sitting by the window looking from above, I have whole world in my eye
I see who steals what, loses, what for they look for in the jam.
When the dusk comes, I’ll go to church and confess sins,
During night I will go through the market and gather up leftovers.
From them I’ll prepare great carnival-fast feast
To amuse near and dear beggar folks.
So to understand all the truth in your company:
My soul desires fast, my body – carnival!

In the flame of war

The wild beast has felt the smell of blood
He goes and carries the death of love
There's no time for confessions
The streets tell the truth
Don't sleep, don't sleep, we're in the flame of war
Don't sleep, don't sleep, or tomorrow won't come
I embossed the symbol of the sun on my hands
Separating one brother from another
Didn't notice, I missed that shot
Don't cry for me, my Karna
Mirror reflections look distorted in the flame of war
We're knee-deep in blood, wake up, we're new ones
We're beaten, but alive, alive yet

Hutsul Metal

Highland pasture to the right stretching up to the mountaintops,
Highland pasture to the left is my half,
I live here, I spend here every hour.
Happy are the children of the land
Where Hutsul Metal is playing,
Happy are the children of the land
Where Hutsul Metal is blasting.
Happy are the children of the land
Where Hutsul Metal is playing,
Happy are the children of the land
Where Hutsul Metal is beautifully playing!
Highland pasture to the right - snakes and spiderwebs.
Highland pasture to the left - nobody there.
The sun is warming up mushrooms and seeds,
There's no leaving now by the mud-covered roads.
And my soul feels cozy and pleasant,
When Karna is playing from the loydspeakers!
And my soul feels lovely,
When my sweetheart is next to me!

The Billy Goats

The little billy goat
Patters over the troll's bridge
'Now, I'm going to take you!', said the troll
How does the goat respond?
'No, no, no, don't take me
Take the one who is after me
Take the bigger goat
Big and fat and thick'
The bigger billy goat
Tramps over the troll's bridge
'Now, I'm going to take you!', said the troll
How does the goat respond?
'No, no, no, don't take me
Take the the one who is after me
Take the biggest goat
Big and fat and thick'
The biggest billy goat
Stomps over the troll's bridge
'Now, I'm going to take you!', said the troll
How does the goat respond?
'I'm not afraid of you!
Just come up to me'
Said the biggest billy goat
Big and fat and thick
The biggest billy goat
Butted the troll down into the river
And all of the billy goats
Walk safely across the bridge
Now this song has ended
The goats often go out
To graze in the woods
To eat and get fat

Karna theme

Versions: #2
Suto va suta putro vayo ,vakova Bhavamyaham... - [ Though am from suta caste but my valour and bravery has nothing to do with it , i'll prove myself with my supernatural skills and abilities ]
Daiva yettam kule janme bhadyastam - ( one who is Superior among Gods too ,Was abandoned after being born in a royal Caste )
tu-paurusham,paurusham - [ full of positive energy]
Suryaputra karna ,parshurama shishyah karna ( Son of sun god ,disciple of lord parshurama )